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1 1 Pau/loj dou/loj VIhsou/ Cristou/ klhto.j avpo,stoloj avfwrisme,noj eivj euvagge,lion qeou/ Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God-- 예수그리스도의종바울은사도( 使徒 ) 로부르심을받아하나님의복음( 福音 ) 을위( 爲 ) 하여택정( 擇定 ) 함을입었으니 2 o] proephggei,lato dia. tw/n profhtw/n auvtou/ evn grafai/j a`gi,aij the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures 이복음( 福音 ) 은하나님이선지자( 先知者 ) 들로말미암아그의아들에관( 關 ) 하여 성경( 聖經 ) 에미리약속( 約束 ) 하신것이라 3 peri. tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ tou/ genome,nou evk spe,rmatoj Dabi.d kata. sa,rka regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, 이아들로말하면육신( 肉身 ) 으로는다윗의혈통( 血統 ) 에서나셨고 4 tou/ o`risqe,ntoj ui`ou/ qeou/ evn duna,mei kata. pneu/ma a`giwsu,nhj evx avnasta,sewj nekrw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. 성결( 聖潔 ) 의영( 靈 ) 으로는죽은가운데서부활( 復活 ) 하여능력( 能力 ) 으로하나님의 아들로인정( 認定 ) 되셨으니곧우리주( 主 ) 예수그리스도시니라 5 di ou- evla,bomen ca,rin kai. avpostolh.n eivj u`pakoh.n pi,stewj evn pa/sin toi/j e;qnesin u`pe.r tou/ ovno,matoj auvtou/ Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. 그로말미암아우리가은혜( 恩惠 ) 와사도( 使徒 ) 의직분( 職分 ) 을받아그이름을 위( 爲 ) 하여모든이방인( 異邦人 ) 중( 中 ) 에서믿어순종( 順從 ) 케하나니 6 evn oi-j evste kai. u`mei/j klhtoi. VIhsou/ Cristou/ And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. 너희도그들중( 中 ) 에있어예수그리스도의것으로부르심을입은자( 者 ) 니라 7 pa/sin toi/j ou=sin evn ~Rw,mh avgaphtoi/j qeou/ klhtoi/j a`gi,oij ca,rij u`mi/n kai.

2 eivrh,nh avpo. qeou/ patro.j h`mw/n kai. kuri,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/ To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 로마에있어하나님의사랑하심을입고성도( 聖徒 ) 로부르심을입은모든 자( 者 ) 에게하나님우리아버지와주( 主 ) 예수그리스도로좇아은혜( 恩惠 ) 와 평강( 平康 ) 이있기를원( 願 ) 하노라 8 Prw/ton me.n euvcaristw/ tw/ qew/ mou dia. VIhsou/ Cristou/ u`pe.r pa,ntwn u`mw/n o[ti h` pi,stij u`mw/n katagge,lletai evn o[lw tw/ ko,smw First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. 첫째는내가예수그리스도로말미암아너희모든사람을인( 因 ) 하여내하나님께 감사( 感謝 ) 함은너희믿음이온세상( 世上 ) 에전파( 傳播 ) 됨이로다 9 ma,rtuj ga,r mou, evstin o` qeo,j w- latreu,w evn tw/ pneu,mati, mou evn tw/ euvaggeli,w tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ w`j avdialei,ptwj mnei,an u`mw/n poiou/mai God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you 내가그의아들의복음( 福音 ) 안에서내심령( 心靈 ) 으로섬기는하나님이나의 증인( 證人 ) 이되시거니와항상( 恒常 ) 내기도( 祈禱 ) 에쉬지않고너희를말하며 10 pa,ntote evpi. tw/n proseucw/n mou deo,menoj ei;pwj h;dh pote. euvodwqh,somai evn tw/ qelh,mati tou/ qeou/ evlqei/n pro.j u`ma/j in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God's will the way may be opened for me to come to you. 어떠하든지이제하나님의뜻안에서너희에게로나아갈좋은길얻기를구( 求 ) 하노라 11 evpipoqw/ ga.r ivdei/n u`ma/j i[na ti metadw/ ca,risma u`mi/n pneumatiko.n eivj to. sthricqh/nai u`ma/j strong-- I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you 내가너희보기를심( 甚 ) 히원( 願 ) 하는것은무슨신령( 神靈 ) 한은사( 恩賜 ) 를 너희에게나눠주어너희를견고( 堅固 ) 케하려함이니 12 tou/to de, evstin sumparaklhqh/nai evn u`mi/n dia. th/j evn avllh,loij pi,stewj u`mw/n te kai. evmou/ that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

3 이는곧내가너희가운데서너희와나의믿음을인( 因 ) 하여피차( 彼此 ) 안위( 安慰 ) 함을얻으려함이라 13 ouv qe,lw de. u`ma/j avgnoei/n avdelfoi, o[ti polla,kij proeqe,mhn evlqei/n pro.j u`ma/j kai. evkwlu,qhn a;cri tou/ deu/ro i[na karpo.n tina. scw/ kai. evn u`mi/n kaqw.j kai. evn toi/j loipoi/j e;qnesin I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I planned many times to come to you (but have been prevented from doing so until now) in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among the other Gentiles. 형제( 兄弟 ) 들아내가여러번너희에게가고자한것을너희가모르기를원( 願 ) 치 아니하노니이는너희중( 中 ) 에서도다른이방인( 異邦人 ) 중( 中 ) 에서와같이열매를맺게 하려함이로되지금까지길이막혔도다 14 {Ellhsi,n te kai. barba,roij sofoi/j te kai. avnoh,toij ovfeile,thj eivmi, foolish. I am obligated both to Greeks and non-greeks, both to the wise and the 헬라인( 人 ) 이나야만( 野蠻 ) 이나지혜( 智慧 ) 있는자( 者 ) 나어리석은자( 者 ) 에게다 내가빚진자( 者 ) 라 15 ou[twj to. kat evme. pro,qumon kai. u`mi/n toi/j evn ~Rw,mh euvaggeli,sasqai That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome. 그러므로나는할수있는대로로마에있는너희에게도복음( 福音 ) 전( 傳 ) 하기를원( 願 ) 하노라 16 Ouv ga.r evpaiscu,nomai to. euvagge,lion tou/ Cristou/\( du,namij ga.r qeou/ evstin eivj swthri,an panti. tw/ pisteu,onti VIoudai,w te prw/ton kai. {Ellhni I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 내가복음( 福音 ) 을부끄러워하지아니하노니이복음( 福音 ) 은모든믿는자( 者 ) 에게 구원( 救援 ) 을주시는하나님의능력( 能力 ) 이됨이라첫째는유대인( 人 ) 에게요또한 헬라인( 人 ) 에게로다 17 dikaiosu,nh ga.r qeou/ evn auvtw/ avpokalu,ptetai evk pi,stewj eivj pi,stin kaqw.j ge,graptai ~O de. di,kaioj evk pi,stewj zh,setai For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." 복음( 福音 ) 에는하나님의의( 義 ) 가나타나서믿음으로믿음에이르게하나니

4 기록( 記錄 ) 된바오직의인( 義人 ) 은믿음으로말미암아살리라함과같으니라 18 VApokalu,ptetai ga.r ovrgh. qeou/ avp ouvranou/ evpi. pa/san avse,beian kai. avdiki,an avnqrw,pwn tw/n th.n avlh,qeian evn avdiki,a kateco,ntwn The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 하나님의진노( 震怒 ) 가불의( 不義 ) 로진리( 眞理 ) 를막는사람들의모든경건( 敬虔 ) 치 않음과불의( 不義 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여하늘로좇아나타나나니 19 dio,ti to. gnwsto.n tou/ qeou/ fanero,n evstin evn auvtoi/j\ o` ga.r qeo.j auvtoi/j evfane,rwsen since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 이는하나님을알만한것이저희속에보임이라하나님께서이를저희에게보이셨느니라 20 ta. ga.r avo,rata auvtou/ avpo. kti,sewj ko,smou toi/j poih,masin noou,mena kaqora/tai h[ te avi<dioj auvtou/ du,namij kai. qeio,thj eivj to. ei=nai auvtou.j avnapologh,touj For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 창세( 創世 ) 로부터그의보이지아니하는것들곧그의영원( 永遠 ) 하신능력( 能力 ) 과 신성( 神性 ) 이그만드신만물( 萬物 ) 에분명( 分明 ) 히보여알게되나니그러므로저희가 핑계치못할지니라 21 dio,ti gno,ntej to.n qeo.n ouvc w`j qeo.n evdo,xasan h' euvcari,sthsan avll evmataiw,qhsan evn toi/j dialogismoi/j auvtw/n kai. evskoti,sqh h` avsu,netoj auvtw/n kardi,a For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 하나님을알되하나님으로영화( 榮華 ) 롭게도아니하며감사( 感謝 ) 치도아니하고오히려그생각이허망( 虛妄 ) 하여지며미련한마음이어두워졌나니 22 fa,skontej ei=nai sofoi. evmwra,nqhsan Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 스스로지혜( 智慧 ) 있다하나우준( 愚蠢 ) 하게되어

5 23 kai. h;llaxan th.n do,xan tou/ avfqa,rtou qeou/ evn o`moiw,mati eivko,noj fqartou/ avnqrw,pou kai. peteinw/n kai. tetrapo,dwn kai. e`rpetw/n and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 썩어지지아니하는하나님의영광( 榮光 ) 을썩어질사람과금수( 禽獸 ) 와버러지형상( 形像 ) 의우상( 偶像 ) 으로바꾸었느니라 24 Dio. kai. pare,dwken auvtou.j o` qeo.j evn tai/j evpiqumi,aij tw/n kardiw/n auvtw/n eivj avkaqarsi,an tou/ avtima,zesqai ta. sw,mata auvtw/n evn e`autoi/j Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 그러므로하나님께서저희를마음의정욕( 情欲 ) 대로더러움에내어버려두사저희몸을서로욕( 辱 ) 되게하셨으니 25 oi[tinej meth,llaxan th.n avlh,qeian tou/ qeou/ evn tw/ yeu,dei kai. evseba,sqhsan kai. evla,treusan th/ kti,sei para. to.n kti,santa o[j evstin euvloghto.j eivj tou.j aivw/naj avmh,n They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. 이는저희가하나님의진리( 眞理 ) 를거짓것으로바꾸어피조물( 被造物 ) 을 조물주( 造物主 ) 보다더경배( 敬拜 ) 하고섬김이라주( 主 ) 는곧영원( 永遠 ) 히찬송( 讚頌 ) 할 이시로다아멘 26 dia. tou/to pare,dwken auvtou.j o` qeo.j eivj pa,qh avtimi,aj ai[ te ga.r qh,leiai auvtw/n meth,llaxan th.n fusikh.n crh/sin eivj th.n para. fu,sin Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 이를인( 因 ) 하여하나님께서저희를부끄러운욕심( 慾心 ) 에내어버려두셨으니곧 저희여인( 女人 ) 들도순리( 順理 ) 대로쓸것을바꾸어역리( 逆理 ) 로쓰며 27 o`moi,wj te kai. oi` a;rrenej avfe,ntej th.n fusikh.n crh/sin th/j qhlei,aj evxekau,qhsan evn th/ ovre,xei auvtw/n eivj avllh,louj a;rsenej evn a;rsesin th.n avschmosu,nhn katergazo,menoi kai. th.n avntimisqi,an h]n e;dei th/j pla,nhj auvtw/n evn e`autoi/j avpolamba,nontej In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other

6 men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 이와같이남자( 男子 ) 들도순리( 順理 ) 대로여인( 女人 ) 쓰기를버리고서로 향( 向 ) 하여음욕( 淫慾 ) 이불일듯하매남자( 男子 ) 가남자( 男子 ) 로더불어부끄러운일을 행( 行 ) 하여저희의그릇됨에상당( 相當 ) 한보응( 報應 ) 을그자신( 自身 ) 에받았느니라 28 kai. kaqw.j ouvk evdoki,masan to.n qeo.n e;cein evn evpignw,sei pare,dwken auvtou.j o` qeo.j eivj avdo,kimon nou/n poiei/n ta. mh. kaqh,konta Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 또한저희가마음에하나님두기를싫어하매하나님께서저희를그상실( 喪失 ) 한마음대로내어버려두사합당( 合當 ) 치못한일을하게하셨으니 29 peplhrwme,nouj pa,sh avdiki,a pornei,a ( ponhri,a pleonexi,a kaki,a mestou.j fqo,nou fo,nou e;ridoj do,lou kakohqei,aj yiqurista,j They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 곧모든불의( 不義 ), 추악( 醜惡 ), 탐욕( 貪慾 ), 악의( 惡意 ) 가가득한자( 者 ) 요 시기( 猜忌 ), 살인( 殺人 ), 분쟁( 紛爭 ), 사기( 詐欺 ), 악독( 惡毒 ) 이가득한자( 者 ) 요, 수군수군 하는자( 者 ) 요 30 katala,louj qeostugei/j u`brista,j u`perhfa,nouj avlazo,naj evfeureta.j kakw/n goneu/sin avpeiqei/j slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 비방( 誹謗 ) 하는자( 者 ) 요, 하나님의미워하시는자( 者 ) 요, 능욕( 凌辱 ) 하는자( 者 ) 요, 교만( 驕慢 ) 한자( 者 ) 요, 자랑하는자( 者 ) 요, 악( 惡 ) 을도모( 圖謀 ) 하는자( 者 ) 요, 부모( 父母 ) 를거역( 拒逆 ) 하는자( 者 ) 요 31 avsune,touj avsunqe,touj avsto,rgouj avspo,ndouj( avneleh,monaj\ they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 우매( 愚昧 ) 한자( 者 ) 요, 배약( 背約 ) 하는자( 者 ) 요, 무정( 無情 ) 한자( 者 ) 요, 무자비( 無慈悲 ) 한자( 者 ) 라 32 oi[tinej to. dikai,wma tou/ qeou/ evpigno,ntej o[ti oi` ta. toiau/ta pra,ssontej a;xioi qana,tou eivsi,n ouv mo,non auvta. poiou/sin avlla. kai. suneudokou/sin toi/j pra,ssousin Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things

7 deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. 저희가이같은일을행( 行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 는사형( 死刑 ) 에해당( 該當 ) 하다고하나님의 정( 定 ) 하심을알고도자기( 自己 ) 들만행( 行 ) 할뿐아니라또한그일을행( 行 ) 하는 자( 者 ) 를옳다하느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자롬1:1~32)

8 1 Dio. avnapolo,ghtoj ei= w= a;nqrwpe pa/j o` kri,nwn\ evn w- ga.r kri,neij to.n e[teron seauto.n katakri,neij ta. ga.r auvta. pra,sseij o` kri,nwn You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 그러므로남을판단( 判斷 ) 하는사람아무론누구든지네가핑계치못할것은남을 판단( 判斷 ) 하는것으로네가너를정죄( 定罪 ) 함이니판단( 判斷 ) 하는네가같은일을 행( 行 ) 함이니라 2 oi;damen de. o[ti to. kri,ma tou/ qeou/ evstin kata. avlh,qeian evpi. tou.j ta. toiau/ta pra,ssontaj Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 이런일을행( 行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 에게하나님의판단( 判斷 ) 이진리( 眞理 ) 대로되는줄 우리가아노라 3 logi,zh de. tou/to w= a;nqrwpe o` kri,nwn tou.j ta. toiau/ta pra,ssontaj kai. poiw/n auvta, o[ti su. evkfeu,xh to. kri,ma tou/ qeou/ So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 이런일을행( 行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 를판단( 判斷 ) 하고도같은일을행( 行 ) 하는사람아네가 하나님의판단( 判斷 ) 을피( 避 ) 할줄로생각하느냐 4 h' tou/ plou,tou th/j crhsto,thtoj auvtou/ kai. th/j avnoch/j kai. th/j makroqumi,aj katafronei/j avgnow/n o[ti to. crhsto.n tou/ qeou/ eivj meta,noia,n se a;gei Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? 혹( 或 ) 네가하나님의인자( 仁慈 ) 하심이너를인도( 引導 ) 하여회개( 悔改 ) 케하심을 알지못하여그의인자( 仁慈 ) 하심과용납( 容納 ) 하심과길이참으심의풍성( 豊盛 ) 함을 멸시( 蔑視 ) 하느뇨 5 kata. de. th.n sklhro,thta, sou kai. avmetano,hton kardi,an qhsauri,zeij seautw/ ovrgh.n evn h`me,ra ovrgh/j kai. avpokalu,yewj dikaiokrisi,aj tou/ qeou/ But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous

9 judgment will be revealed. 다만네고집( 固執 ) 과회개( 悔改 ) 치아니한마음을따라진노( 震怒 ) 의날곧 하나님의의( 義 ) 로우신판단( 判斷 ) 이나타나는그날에임( 臨 ) 할진노( 震怒 ) 를네게 쌓는도다 6 o]j avpodw,sei e`ka,stw kata. ta. e;rga auvtou/\ God "will give to each person according to what he has done." 하나님께서각( 各 ) 사람에게그행( 行 ) 한대로보응( 報應 ) 하시되 7 toi/j me.n kaq u`pomonh.n e;rgou avgaqou/ do,xan kai. timh.n kai. avfqarsi,an zhtou/sin zwh.n aivw,nion To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 참고선( 善 ) 을행( 行 ) 하여영광( 榮光 ) 과존귀( 尊貴 ) 와썩지아니함을구( 求 ) 하는 자( 者 ) 에게는영생( 永生 ) 으로하시고 8 toi/j de. evx evriqei,aj kai. avpeiqou/sin me.n th/ avlhqei,a peiqome,noij de. th/ avdiki,a qumo,j kai. ovrgh. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 오직당( 黨 ) 을지어진리( 眞理 ) 를좇지아니하고불의( 不義 ) 를좇는자( 者 ) 에게는 노( 怒 ) 와분( 憤 ) 으로하시리라 9 qli/yij kai. stenocwri,a evpi. pa/san yuch.n avnqrw,pou tou/ katergazome,nou to. kako,n VIoudai,ou te prw/ton kai. {Ellhnoj\ There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 악( 惡 ) 을행( 行 ) 하는각( 各 ) 사람의영( 靈 ) 에게환난( 患難 ) 과곤고( 困苦 ) 가있으리니 첫째는유대인( 人 ) 에게요또한헬라인( 人 ) 에게며 10 do,xa de. kai. timh. kai. eivrh,nh panti. tw/ evrgazome,nw to. avgaqo,n VIoudai,w te prw/ton kai. {Ellhni\ but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 선( 善 ) 을행( 行 ) 하는각( 各 ) 사람에게는영광( 榮光 ) 과존귀( 尊貴 ) 와평강( 平康 ) 이 있으리니첫째는유대인( 人 ) 에게요또한헬라인( 人 ) 에게라 11 ouv ga,r evstin proswpolhyi,a para. tw/ qew/

10 For God does not show favoritism. 이는하나님께서외모( 外貌 ) 로사람을취( 取 ) 하지아니하심이니라 12 o[soi ga.r avno,mwj h[marton avno,mwj kai. avpolou/ntai kai. o[soi evn no,mw h[marton dia. no,mou kriqh,sontai\ All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 무릇율법( 律法 ) 없이범죄( 犯罪 ) 한자( 者 ) 는또한율법( 律法 ) 없이망( 亡 ) 하고무릇 율법( 律法 ) 이있고범죄( 犯罪 ) 한자( 者 ) 는율법( 律法 ) 으로말미암아심판( 審判 ) 을 받으리라 13 ouv ga.r oi` avkroatai. tou/ no,mou di,kaioi para. tw/ qew/ avll oi` poihtai. tou/ no,mou dikaiwqh,sontai For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 하나님앞에서는율법( 律法 ) 을듣는자( 者 ) 가의인( 義人 ) 이아니요오직 율법( 律法 ) 을행( 行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 라야의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻으리니 14 o[tan ga.r e;qnh ta. mh. no,mon e;conta fu,sei ta. tou/ no,mou poih/ ( ou-toi no,mon mh. e;contej e`autoi/j eivsin no,moj\ (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, ( 율법( 律法 ) 없는이방인( 異邦人 ) 이본성( 本性 ) 으로율법( 律法 ) 의일을행( 行 ) 할 때는이사람은율법( 律法 ) 이없어도자기( 自己 ) 가자기( 自己 ) 에게율법( 律法 ) 이되나니 15 oi[tinej evndei,knuntai to. e;rgon tou/ no,mou grapto.n evn tai/j kardi,aij auvtw/n summarturou,shj auvtw/n th/j suneidh,sewj kai. metaxu. avllh,lwn tw/n logismw/n kathgorou,ntwn h' kai. avpologoume,nwn since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 이런이들은그양심( 良心 ) 이증거( 證據 ) 가되어그생각들이서로혹( 或 ) 은 송사( 訟事 ) 하며혹( 或 ) 은변명( 辨明 ) 하여그마음에새긴율법( 律法 ) 의행위( 行爲 ) 를 나타내느니라 ) 16 evn h`me,ra o[te kri,nei o` qeo.j ta. krupta. tw/n avnqrw,pwn kata. to. euvagge,lio,n mou dia. VIhsou/ Cristou/

11 This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares. 곧내복음( 福音 ) 에이른바와같이하나님이예수그리스도로말미암아사람들의은밀( 隱密 ) 한것을심판( 審判 ) 하시는그날이라 17 :Ide su. VIoudai/oj evponoma,zh kai. evpanapau,h tw/ no,mw kai. kauca/sai evn qew/ Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God; 유대인( 人 ) 이라칭( 稱 ) 하는네가율법( 律法 ) 을의지( 依支 ) 하며하나님을자랑하며 18 kai. ginw,skeij to. qe,lhma kai. dokima,zeij ta. diafe,ronta kathcou,menoj evk tou/ no,mou if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law; 율법( 律法 ) 의교훈( 敎訓 ) 을받아하나님의뜻을알고지극( 至極 ) 히선( 善 ) 한것을 좋게여기며 19 pe,poiqa,j te seauto.n o`dhgo.n ei=nai tuflw/n fw/j tw/n evn sko,tei if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, 네가율법( 律法 ) 에있는지식( 知識 ) 과진리( 眞理 ) 의규모( 規模 ) 를가진자( 者 ) 로서 소경의길을인도( 引導 ) 하는자( 者 ) 요어두움에있는자( 者 ) 의빛이요 20 paideuth.n avfro,nwn dida,skalon nhpi,wn e;conta th.n mo,rfwsin th/j gnw,sewj kai. th/j avlhqei,aj evn tw/ no,mw \ an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth-- 어리석은자( 者 ) 의훈도( 訓導 ) 요어린아이의선생( 先生 ) 이라고스스로믿으니 21 o` ou=n dida,skwn e[teron seauto.n ouv dida,skeij o` khru,sswn mh. kle,ptein kle,pteij you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? 그러면다른사람을가르치는네가네자신( 自身 ) 을가르치지아니하느냐 도적( 盜賊 ) 질말라반포( 頒布 ) 하는네가도적( 盜賊 ) 질하느냐 22 o` le,gwn mh. moiceu,ein moiceu,eij o` bdelusso,menoj ta. ei;dwla i`erosulei/j

12 You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? 간음( 姦淫 ) 하지말라말하는네가간음( 姦淫 ) 하느냐우상( 偶像 ) 을가증( 可憎 ) 히 여기는네가신사( 神社 ) 물건( 物件 ) 을도적( 盜賊 ) 질하느냐 23 o]j evn no,mw kauca/sai dia. th/j paraba,sewj tou/ no,mou to.n qeo.n avtima,zeij\ You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? 율법( 律法 ) 을자랑하는네가율법( 律法 ) 을범( 犯 ) 함으로하나님을욕( 辱 ) 되게하느냐 24 to. ga.r o;noma tou/ qeou/ di u`ma/j blasfhmei/tai evn toi/j e;qnesin kaqw.j ge,graptai you." As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of 기록( 記錄 ) 된바와같이하나님의이름이너희로인( 因 ) 하여이방인( 異邦人 ) 중( 中 ) 에서모독( 冒瀆 ) 을받는도다 25 peritomh. me.n ga.r wvfelei/ eva.n no,mon pra,ssh j\ eva.n de. paraba,thj no,mou h= j h` peritomh, sou avkrobusti,a ge,gonen Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised. 네가율법( 律法 ) 을행( 行 ) 한즉할례( 割禮 ) 가유익( 有益 ) 하나만일( 萬一 ) 율법( 律法 ) 을 범( 犯 ) 한즉네할례( 割禮 ) 가무할례( 無割禮 ) 가되었느니라 26 eva.n ou=n h` avkrobusti,a ta. dikaiw,mata tou/ no,mou fula,ssh ouvci, h` avkrobusti,a auvtou/ eivj peritomh.n logisqh,setai If those who are not circumcised keep the law's requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised? 그런즉무할례자( 無割禮者 ) 가율법( 律法 ) 의제도( 制度 ) 를지키면그 무할례( 無割禮 ) 를할례( 割禮 ) 와같이여길것이아니냐 27 kai. krinei/ h` evk fu,sewj avkrobusti,a to.n no,mon telou/sa se. to.n dia. gra,mmatoj kai. peritomh/j paraba,thn no,mou The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker. 또한본래( 本來 ) 무할례자( 無割禮者 ) 가율법( 律法 ) 을온전( 穩全 ) 히지키면 의문( 儀文 ) 과할례( 割禮 ) 를가지고율법( 律法 ) 을범( 犯 ) 하는너를판단( 判斷 ) 치 아니하겠느냐

13 28 ouv ga.r o` evn tw/ fanerw/ VIoudai/o,j evstin ouvde. h` evn tw/ fanerw/ evn sarki. peritomh, A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. 대저( 大抵 ) 표면적( 表面的 ) 유대인( 人 ) 이유대인( 人 ) 이아니요표면적( 表面的 ) 육신( 肉身 ) 의할례( 割禮 ) 가할례( 割禮 ) 가아니라 29 avll o` evn tw/ kruptw/ VIoudai/oj kai. peritomh. kardi,aj evn pneu,mati ouv gra,mmati ou- o` e;painoj ouvk evx avnqrw,pwn avll evk tou/ qeou/ No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God. 오직이면적( 裏面的 ) 유대인( 人 ) 이유대인( 人 ) 이며할례( 割禮 ) 는마음에할지니 신령( 神靈 ) 에있고의문( 儀文 ) 에있지아니한것이라그칭찬( 稱讚 ) 이사람에게서가 아니요다만하나님에게서니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자롬2:1~29)

14 1 Ti, ou=n to. perisso.n tou/ VIoudai,ou h' ti,j h` wvfe,leia th/j peritomh/j What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 그런즉유대인( 人 ) 의나음이무엇이며할례( 割禮 ) 의유익( 有益 ) 이무엇이뇨 2 polu. kata. pa,nta tro,pon prw/ton me.n ga.r o[ti evpisteu,qhsan ta. lo,gia tou/ qeou/ Much in every way! First of all, they have been entrusted with the very words of God. 범사( 凡事 ) 에많으니첫째는저희가하나님의말씀을맡았음이니라 3 ti, ga.r eiv hvpi,sthsa,n tinej mh. h` avpisti,a auvtw/n th.n pi,stin tou/ qeou/ katargh,sei What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? 어떤자( 者 ) 들이믿지아니하였으면어찌하리요그믿지아니함이하나님의미쁘심을폐( 廢 ) 하겠느뇨 4 mh. ge,noito\ gine,sqw de. o` qeo.j avlhqh,j pa/j de. a;nqrwpoj yeu,sthj kaqw.j ge,graptai {Opwj a'n dikaiwqh/ j evn toi/j lo,goij sou kai. nikh,sh j evn tw/ kri,nesqai, se Not at all! Let God be true, and every man a liar. As it is written: "So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge." 그럴수없느니라사람은다거짓되되오직하나님은참되시다할지어다 기록( 記錄 ) 된바주( 主 ) 께서주( 主 ) 의말씀에의( 義 ) 롭다함을얻으시고판단( 判斷 ) 받으실때에이기려하심이라함과같으니라 5 eiv de. h` avdiki,a h`mw/n qeou/ dikaiosu,nhn suni,sthsin ti, evrou/men mh. a;dikoj o` qeo.j o` evpife,rwn th.n ovrgh,n kata. a;nqrwpon le,gw But if our unrighteousness brings out God's righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? (I am using a human argument.) 그러나우리불의( 不義 ) 가하나님의의( 義 ) 를드러나게하면무슨말하리요내가사람의말하는대로말하노니진노( 震怒 ) 를내리시는하나님이불의( 不義 ) 하시냐 6 mh. ge,noito\ evpei. pw/j krinei/ o` qeo.j to.n ko,smon

15 Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world? 결( 決 ) 코그렇지아니하니라만일( 萬一 ) 그러하면하나님께서어찌세상( 世上 ) 을 심판( 審判 ) 하시리요 7 eiv ga.r h` avlh,qeia tou/ qeou/ evn tw/ evmw/ yeu,smati evperi,sseusen eivj th.n do,xan auvtou/ ti, e;ti kavgw. w`j a`martwlo.j kri,nomai Someone might argue, "If my falsehood enhances God's truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?" 그러나나의거짓말로하나님의참되심이더풍성( 豊盛 ) 하여그의영광( 榮光 ) 이되었으면어찌나도죄인( 罪人 ) 처럼심판( 審判 ) 을받으리요 8 kai. mh. kaqw.j blasfhmou,meqa kai. kaqw,j fasi,n tinej h`ma/j le,gein o[ti Poih,swmen ta. kaka. i[na e;lqh ta. avgaqa, w-n to. kri,ma e;ndiko,n evstin Why not say--as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say--"let us do evil that good may result"? Their condemnation is deserved. 또는그러면선( 善 ) 을이루기위( 爲 ) 하여악( 惡 ) 을행( 行 ) 하자하지않겠느냐 어떤 이들이이렇게비방( 誹謗 ) 하여우리가이런말을한다고하니 저희가정죄( 定罪 ) 받는 것이옳으니라 9 Ti, ou=n proeco,meqa ouv pa,ntwj\ proh tiasa,meqa ga.r VIoudai,ouj te kai. {Ellhnaj pa,ntaj u`f a`marti,an ei=nai What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. 그러면어떠하뇨우리는나으뇨결( 決 ) 코아니라유대인( 人 ) 이나헬라인( 人 ) 이나다 죄( 罪 ) 아래있다고우리가이미선언( 宣言 ) 하였느니라 10 kaqw.j ge,graptai o[ti Ouvk e;stin di,kaioj ouvde. ei-j As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one; 기록( 記錄 ) 한바의인( 義人 ) 은없나니하나도없으며 11 ouvk e;stin o` suni,wn ouvk e;stin o` evkzhtw/n to.n qeo,n there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. 깨닫는자( 者 ) 도없고하나님을찾는자( 者 ) 도없고 12 pa,ntej evxe,klinan a[ma hvcreiw,qhsan\ ouvk e;stin poiw/n crhsto,thta ouvk e;stin e[wj e`no,j All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one

16 who does good, not even one." 다치우쳐한가지로무익( 無益 ) 하게되고선( 善 ) 을행( 行 ) 하는자( 者 ) 는없나니 하나도없도다 13 ta,foj avnew gme,noj o` la,rugx auvtw/n tai/j glw,ssaij auvtw/n evdoliou/san ivo.j avspi,dwn u`po. ta. cei,lh auvtw/n\ "Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit." "The poison of vipers is on their lips." 저희목구멍은열린무덤이요그혀로는속임을베풀며그입술에는독사( 毒蛇 ) 의독( 毒 ) 이있고 14 w-n to. sto,ma avra/j kai. pikri,aj ge,mei "Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness." 그입에는저주( 詛呪 ) 와악독( 惡毒 ) 이가득하고 15 ovxei/j oi` po,dej auvtw/n evkce,ai ai-ma "Their feet are swift to shed blood; 그발은피흘리는데빠른지라 16 su,ntrimma kai. talaipwri,a evn tai/j o`doi/j auvtw/n ruin and misery mark their ways, 파멸( 破滅 ) 과고생( 苦生 ) 이그길에있어 17 kai. o`do.n eivrh,nhj ouvk e;gnwsan and the way of peace they do not know." 평강( 平康 ) 의길을알지못하였고 18 ouvk e;stin fo,boj qeou/ avpe,nanti tw/n ovfqalmw/n auvtw/n "There is no fear of God before their eyes." 저희눈앞에하나님을두려워함이없느니라함과같으니라 19 Oi;damen de. o[ti o[sa o` no,moj le,gei toi/j evn tw/ no,mw lalei/ i[na pa/n sto,ma fragh/ kai. u`po,dikoj ge,nhtai pa/j o` ko,smoj tw/ qew/ \ Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. 우리가알거니와무릇율법( 律法 ) 이말하는바는율법( 律法 ) 아래있는자( 者 ) 들에게말하는것이니이는모든입을막고온세상( 世上 ) 으로하나님의

17 심판( 審判 ) 아래있게하려함이니라 20 dio,ti evx e;rgwn no,mou ouv dikaiwqh,setai pa/sa sa.rx evnw,pion auvtou/ dia. ga.r no,mou evpi,gnwsij a`marti,aj Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. 그러므로율법( 律法 ) 의행위( 行爲 ) 로그의앞에의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻을 육체( 肉體 ) 가없나니율법( 律法 ) 으로는죄( 罪 ) 를깨달음이니라 21 Nuni. de. cwri.j no,mou dikaiosu,nh qeou/ pefane,rwtai marturoume,nh u`po. tou/ no,mou kai. tw/n profhtw/n But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 이제는율법( 律法 ) 외( 外 ) 에하나님의한의( 義 ) 가나타났으니율법( 律法 ) 과 선지자( 先知者 ) 들에게증거( 證據 ) 를받은것이라 22 dikaiosu,nh de. qeou/ dia. pi,stewj VIhsou/ Cristou/ eivj pa,ntaj kai. evpi. pa,ntaj tou.j pisteu,ontaj ouv ga,r evstin diastolh, This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 곧예수그리스도를믿음으로말미암아모든믿는자( 者 ) 에게미치는하나님의의( 義 ) 니차별( 差別 ) 이없느니라 23 pa,ntej ga.r h[marton kai. u`sterou/ntai th/j do,xhj tou/ qeou/ for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 모든사람이죄( 罪 ) 를범( 犯 ) 하였으매하나님의영광( 榮光 ) 에이르지못하더니 24 dikaiou,menoi dwrea.n th/ auvtou/ ca,riti dia. th/j avpolutrw,sewj th/j evn Cristw/ VIhsou/\ and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 그리스도예수안에있는구속( 救贖 ) 으로말미암아하나님의은혜( 恩惠 ) 로값없이의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻은자( 者 ) 되었느니라 25 o]n proe,qeto o` qeo.j i`lasth,rion dia. th/j pi,stewj evn tw/ auvtou/ ai[mati eivj e;ndeixin th/j dikaiosu,nhj auvtou/ dia. th.n pa,resin tw/n progegono,twn a`marthma,twn

18 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished-- 이예수를하나님이그의피로인( 因 ) 하여믿음으로말미암는화목( 和睦 ) 제물( 祭物 ) 로세우셨으니이는하나님께서길이참으시는중( 中 ) 에전( 前 ) 에지은 죄( 罪 ) 를간과( 看過 ) 하심으로자기( 自己 ) 의의( 義 ) 로우심을나타내려하심이니 26 evn th/ avnoch/ tou/ qeou/ pro.j e;ndeixin th/j dikaiosu,nhj auvtou/ evn tw/ nu/n kairw/ eivj to. ei=nai auvto.n di,kaion kai. dikaiou/nta to.n evk pi,stewj VIhsou/ he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. 곧이때에자기( 自己 ) 의의( 義 ) 로우심을나타내사자기( 自己 ) 도의( 義 ) 로우시며 또한예수믿는자( 者 ) 를의( 義 ) 롭다하려하심이니라 27 Pou/ ou=n h` kau,chsij evxeklei,sqh dia. poi,ou no,mou tw/n e;rgwn ouvci, avlla. dia. no,mou pi,stewj Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. 그런즉자랑할데가어디뇨있을수가없느니라무슨법( 法 ) 으로냐행위( 行爲 ) 로냐아니라오직믿음의법( 法 ) 으로니라 28 logizo,meqa ou=n pi,stei dikaiou/sqai a;nqrwpon cwri.j e;rgwn no,mou For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. 그러므로사람이의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻는것은율법( 律法 ) 의행위( 行爲 ) 에있지 않고믿음으로되는줄우리가인정( 認定 ) 하노라 29 h' VIoudai,wn o` qeo.j mo,non ouvci. de. kai. evqnw/n nai. kai. evqnw/n Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, 하나님은홀로유대인( 人 ) 의하나님뿐이시뇨또이방인( 異邦人 ) 의하나님은아니시뇨진실( 眞實 ) 로이방인( 異邦人 ) 의하나님도되시느니라 30 evpei,per ei-j o` qeo,j o]j dikaiw,sei peritomh.n evk pi,stewj kai. avkrobusti,an dia. th/j pi,stewj since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. 할례자( 割禮者 ) 도믿음으로말미암아또는무할례자( 無割禮者 ) 도믿음으로말미암아의( 義 ) 롭다하실하나님은한분이시니라

19 31 no,mon ou=n katargou/men dia. th/j pi,stewj mh. ge,noito\ avlla. no,mon i`stw/men law. Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the 그런즉우리가믿음으로말미암아율법( 律法 ) 을폐( 廢 ) 하느뇨그럴수없느니라 도리어율법( 律法 ) 을굳게세우느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자롬3:1~31)

20 1 Ti, ou=n evrou/men VAbraa.m to.n pate,ra h`mw/n eu`rhke,nai kata. sa,rka What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, discovered in this matter? 그런즉육신( 肉身 ) 으로우리조상( 祖上 ) 된아브라함이무엇을얻었다하리요 2 eiv ga.r VAbraa.m evx e;rgwn evdikaiw,qh e;cei kau,chma avll ouv pro.j to.n qeo,n If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about--but not before God. 만일( 萬一 ) 아브라함이행위( 行爲 ) 로써의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻었으면자랑할것이 있으려니와하나님앞에서는없느니라 3 ti, ga.r h` grafh. le,gei VEpi,steusen de. VAbraa.m tw/ qew/ kai. evlogi,sqh auvtw/ eivj dikaiosu,nhn What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." 성경( 聖經 ) 이무엇을말하느뇨아브라함이하나님을믿으매이것이저에게의( 義 ) 로여기신바되었느니라 4 tw/ de. evrgazome,nw o` misqo.j ouv logi,zetai kata. ca,rin avlla. kata. to, ovfei,lhma Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. 일하는자( 者 ) 에게는그삯을은혜( 恩惠 ) 로여기지아니하고빚으로여기거니와 5 tw/ de. mh. evrgazome,nw pisteu,onti de. evpi. to.n dikaiou/nta to.n avsebh/ logi,zetai h` pi,stij auvtou/ eivj dikaiosu,nhn\ However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. 일을아니할지라도경건( 敬虔 ) 치아니한자( 者 ) 를의( 義 ) 롭다하시는이를믿는 자( 者 ) 에게는그의믿음을의( 義 ) 로여기시나니 6 kaqa,per kai. Dabi.d le,gei to.n makarismo.n tou/ avnqrw,pou w- o` qeo.j logi,zetai dikaiosu,nhn cwri.j e;rgwn David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works: 일한것이없이하나님께의( 義 ) 로여기심을받는사람의행복( 幸福 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여 다윗의말한바

21 7 Maka,rioi w-n avfe,qhsan ai` avnomi,ai kai. w-n evpekalu,fqhsan ai` a`marti,ai\ 있고 "Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. 그불법( 不法 ) 을사( 赦 ) 하심을받고그죄( 罪 ) 를가리우심을받는자( 者 ) 는복( 福 ) 이 8 maka,rioj avnh.r w- ou- mh. logi,shtai ku,rioj a`marti,an 같으니라 Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him." 주( 主 ) 께서그죄( 罪 ) 를인정( 認定 ) 치아니하실사람은복( 福 ) 이있도다함과 9 o` makarismo.j ou=n ou-toj evpi. th.n peritomh.n h' kai. evpi. th.n avkrobusti,an le,gomen ga,r o[ti VElogi,sqh tw/ VAbraa.m h` pi,stij eivj dikaiosu,nhn Is this blessedness only for the circumcised, or also for the uncircumcised? We have been saying that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness. 그런즉이행복( 幸福 ) 이할례자( 割禮者 ) 에게뇨혹( 或 ) 무할례자( 無割禮者 ) 에게도뇨 대저( 大抵 ) 우리가말하기를아브라함에게는그믿음을의( 義 ) 로여기셨다하노라 10 pw/j ou=n evlogi,sqh evn peritomh/ o;nti h' evn avkrobusti,a ouvk evn peritomh/ avll evn avkrobusti,a \ Under what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised, or before? It was not after, but before! 그런즉이를어떻게여기셨느뇨할례시( 割禮時 ) 냐무할례시( 無割禮時 ) 냐할례시( 割禮時 ) 가아니라무할례시( 無割禮時 ) 니라 11 kai. shmei/on e;laben peritomh/j sfragi/da th/j dikaiosu,nhj th/j pi,stewj th/j evn th/ avkrobusti,a eivj to. ei=nai auvto.n pate,ra pa,ntwn tw/n pisteuo,ntwn di avkrobusti,aj eivj to. logisqh/nai kai. auvtoi/j th.n dikaiosu,nhn And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them. 저가할례( 割禮 ) 의표( 標 ) 를받은것은무할례시( 無割禮時 ) 에믿음으로된의( 義 ) 를 인( 印 ) 친것이니이는무할례자( 無割禮者 ) 로서믿는모든자( 者 ) 의조상( 祖上 ) 이되어 저희로의( 義 ) 로여기심을얻게하려하심이라 12 kai. pate,ra peritomh/j toi/j ouvk evk peritomh/j mo,non avlla. kai. toi/j stoicou/sin toi/j i;cnesin th/j evn th/ avkrobusti,a pi,stewj tou/ patro.j h`mw/n

22 VAbraa,m And he is also the father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised. 또한할례자( 割禮者 ) 의조상( 祖上 ) 이되었나니곧할례( 割禮 ) 받을자( 者 ) 에게뿐 아니라우리조상( 祖上 ) 아브라함의무할례시( 無割禮時 ) 에가졌던믿음의자취를좇는 자( 者 ) 들에게도니라 13 Ouv ga.r dia. no,mou h` evpaggeli,a tw/ VAbraa.m h' tw/ spe,rmati auvtou/ to. klhrono,mon auvto.n ei=nai tou/ ko,smou avlla. dia. dikaiosu,nhj pi,stewj It was not through law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. 아브라함이나그후손( 後孫 ) 에게세상( 世上 ) 의후사( 後嗣 ) 가되리라고하신 언약( 言約 ) 은율법( 律法 ) 으로말미암은것이아니요오직믿음의의( 義 ) 로말미암은 것이니라 14 eiv ga.r oi` evk no,mou klhrono,moi keke,nwtai h` pi,stij kai. kath,rghtai h` evpaggeli,a\ For if those who live by law are heirs, faith has no value and the promise is worthless, 만일( 萬一 ) 율법( 律法 ) 에속( 屬 ) 한자( 者 ) 들이후사( 後嗣 ) 이면믿음은헛것이되고 약속( 約束 ) 은폐( 廢 ) 하여졌느니라 15 o` ga.r no,moj ovrgh.n katerga,zetai\ ou- ga.r ouvk e;stin no,moj ouvde. para,basij because law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression. 없느니라 율법( 律法 ) 은진노( 震怒 ) 를이루게하나니율법( 律法 ) 이없는곳에는범( 犯 ) 함도 16 dia. tou/to evk pi,stewj i[na kata. ca,rin eivj to. ei=nai bebai,an th.n evpaggeli,an panti. tw/ spe,rmati ouv tw/ evk tou/ no,mou mo,non avlla. kai. tw/ evk pi,stewj VAbraa,m o[j evstin path.r pa,ntwn h`mw/n Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham's offspring--not only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all. 그러므로후사( 後嗣 ) 가되는이것이은혜( 恩惠 ) 에속( 屬 ) 하기위( 爲 ) 하여믿음으로 되나니이는그약속( 約束 ) 을그모든후손( 後孫 ) 에게굳게하려하심이라율법( 律法 ) 에

23 속( 屬 ) 한자( 者 ) 에게뿐아니라아브라함의믿음에속( 屬 ) 한자( 者 ) 에게도니아브라함은 하나님앞에서우리모든사람의조상( 祖上 ) 이라 17 kaqw.j ge,graptai o[ti Pate,ra pollw/n evqnw/n te,qeika, se kate,nanti ouevpi,steusen qeou/ tou/ zw opoiou/ntoj tou.j nekrou.j kai. kalou/ntoj ta. mh. o;nta w`j o;nta\ As it is written: "I have made you a father of many nations." He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed--the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were. 기록( 記錄 ) 된바내가너를많은민족( 民族 ) 의조상( 祖上 ) 으로세웠다하심과같으니 그의믿은바하나님은죽은자( 者 ) 를살리시며없는것을있는것같이부르시는 이시니라 18 o]j par evlpi,da evp evlpi,di evpi,steusen eivj to. gene,sqai auvto.n pate,ra pollw/n evqnw/n kata. to. eivrhme,non\ Ou[twj e;stai to. spe,rma sou Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be." 아브라함이바랄수없는중( 中 ) 에바라고믿었으니이는네후손( 後孫 ) 이이같으리라하신말씀대로많은민족( 民族 ) 의조상( 祖上 ) 이되게하려하심을인( 因 ) 함이라 19 kai. mh. avsqenh,saj th/ pi,stei ouv kateno,hsen to. e`autou/ sw/ma h;dh nenekrwme,non e`katontaeth,j pou u`pa,rcwn kai. th.n ne,krwsin th/j mh,traj Sa,rraj\ Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead. 그가백세( 百歲 ) 나되어자기( 自己 ) 몸의죽은것같음과사라의태( 胎 ) 의죽은것 같음을알고도믿음이약( 弱 ) 하여지지아니하고 20 eivj de. th.n evpaggeli,an tou/ qeou/ ouv diekri,qh th/ avpisti,a avll evnedunamw,qh th/ pi,stei dou.j do,xan tw/ qew/ Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 믿음이없어하나님의약속( 約束 ) 을의심( 疑心 ) 치않고믿음에견고( 堅固 ) 하여져서 하나님께영광( 榮光 ) 을돌리며 21 kai. plhroforhqei.j o[ti o] evph,ggeltai dunato,j evstin kai. poih/sai

24 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 약속( 約束 ) 하신그것을또한능( 能 ) 히이루실줄을확신( 確信 ) 하였으니 22 dio. kai. evlogi,sqh auvtw/ eivj dikaiosu,nhn This is why "it was credited to him as righteousness." 그러므로이것을저에게의( 義 ) 로여기셨느니라 23 Ouvk evgra,fh de. di auvto.n mo,non o[ti evlogi,sqh auvtw/ The words "it was credited to him" were written not for him alone, 저에게의( 義 ) 로여기셨다기록( 記錄 ) 된것은아브라함만위( 爲 ) 한것이아니요 24 avlla. kai. di h`ma/j oi-j me,llei logi,zesqai toi/j pisteu,ousin evpi. to.n evgei,ranta VIhsou/n to.n ku,rion h`mw/n evk nekrw/n but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness--for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. 의( 義 ) 로여기심을받을우리도위( 爲 ) 함이니곧예수우리주( 主 ) 를죽은자( 者 ) 가운데서살리신이를믿는자( 者 ) 니라 25 o]j paredo,qh dia. ta. paraptw,mata h`mw/n kai. hvge,rqh dia. th.n dikai,wsin h`mw/n He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. 예수는우리범죄( 犯罪 ) 함을위( 爲 ) 하여내어줌이되고또한우리를의( 義 ) 롭다 하심을위( 爲 ) 하여살아나셨느니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자롬4:1~25)

25 1 Dikaiwqe,ntej ou=n evk pi,stewj eivrh,nhn e;comen pro.j to.n qeo.n dia. tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 그러므로우리가믿음으로의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻었은즉우리주( 主 ) 예수그리스도로말미암아하나님으로더불어화평( 和平 ) 을누리자 2 di ou- kai. th.n prosagwgh.n evsch,kamen th/ pi,stei eivj th.n ca,rin tau,thn evn h- e`sth,kamen kai. kaucw,meqa evp evlpi,di th/j do,xhj tou/ qeou/ through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 또한그로말미암아우리가믿음으로서있는이은혜( 恩惠 ) 에들어감을얻었으며하나님의영광( 榮光 ) 을바라고즐거워하느니라 3 ouv mo,non de, avlla. kai. kaucw,meqa evn tai/j qli,yesin eivdo,tej o[ti h` qli/yij u`pomonh.n katerga,zetai Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 다만이뿐아니라우리가환난중( 患難中 ) 에도즐거워하나니이는환난( 患難 ) 은인내( 忍耐 ) 를 4 h` de. u`pomonh. dokimh,n h` de. dokimh. evlpi,da perseverance, character; and character, hope. 인내( 忍耐 ) 는연단( 鍊鍛 ) 을연단( 鍊鍛 ) 은소망( 所望 ) 을이루는줄앎이로다 5 h` de. evlpi.j ouv kataiscu,nei o[ti h` avga,ph tou/ qeou/ evkke,cutai evn tai/j kardi,aij h`mw/n dia. pneu,matoj a`gi,ou tou/ doqe,ntoj h`mi/n And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. 소망( 所望 ) 이부끄럽게아니함은우리에게주신성령( 聖靈 ) 으로말미암아하나님의사랑이우리마음에부은바됨이니 6 e;ti ga.r Cristo.j o;ntwn h`mw/n avsqenw/n kata. kairo.n u`pe.r avsebw/n avpe,qanen You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

26 우리가아직연약( 軟弱 ) 할때에기약( 期約 ) 대로그리스도께서경건( 敬虔 ) 치않은 자( 者 ) 를위( 爲 ) 하여죽으셨도다 7 mo,lij ga.r u`pe.r dikai,ou tij avpoqanei/tai\ u`pe.r ga.r tou/ avgaqou/ ta,ca tij kai. tolma/ avpoqanei/n\ Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 의인( 義人 ) 을위( 爲 ) 하여죽는자( 者 ) 가쉽지않고선인( 善人 ) 을위( 爲 ) 하여 용감( 勇敢 ) 히죽는자( 者 ) 가혹( 或 ) 있거니와 8 suni,sthsin de. th.n e`autou/ avga,phn eivj h`ma/j o` qeo.j o[ti e;ti a`martwlw/n o;ntwn h`mw/n Cristo.j u`pe.r h`mw/n avpe,qanen But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 우리가아직죄인( 罪人 ) 되었을때에그리스도께서우리를위( 爲 ) 하여죽으심으로 하나님께서우리에게대( 對 ) 한자기( 自己 ) 의사랑을확증( 確證 ) 하셨느니라 9 pollw/ ou=n ma/llon dikaiwqe,ntej nu/n evn tw/ ai[mati auvtou/ swqhso,meqa di auvtou/ avpo. th/j ovrgh/j Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! 그러면이제우리가그피를인( 因 ) 하여의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻었은즉더욱그로말미암아진노( 震怒 ) 하심에서구원( 救援 ) 을얻을것이니 10 eiv ga.r evcqroi. o;ntej kathlla,ghmen tw/ qew/ dia. tou/ qana,tou tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ pollw/ ma/llon katallage,ntej swqhso,meqa evn th/ zwh/ auvtou/\ For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 곧우리가원수( 怨讐 ) 되었을때에그아들의죽으심으로말미암아하나님으로 더불어화목( 和睦 ) 되었은즉화목( 和睦 ) 된자( 者 ) 로서는더욱그의살으심을인( 因 ) 하여 구원( 救援 ) 을얻을것이니라 11 ouv mo,non de, avlla. kai. kaucw,menoi evn tw/ qew/ dia. tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/ di ou- nu/n th.n katallagh.n evla,bomen Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. 이뿐아니라이제우리로화목( 和睦 ) 을얻게하신우리주( 主 ) 예수그리스도로

27 말미암아하나님안에서또한즐거워하느니라 12 Dia. tou/to w[sper di e`no.j avnqrw,pou h` a`marti,a eivj to.n ko,smon eivsh/lqen kai. dia. th/j a`marti,aj o` qa,natoj kai. ou[twj eivj pa,ntaj avnqrw,pouj o` qa,natoj dih/lqen evf w- pa,ntej h[marton\ Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned-- 이러므로한사람으로말미암아죄( 罪 ) 가세상( 世上 ) 에들어오고죄( 罪 ) 로말미암아 사망( 死亡 ) 이왔나니이와같이모든사람이죄( 罪 ) 를지었으므로사망( 死亡 ) 이모든 사람에게이르렀느니라 13 a;cri ga.r no,mou a`marti,a h=n evn ko,smw a`marti,a de. ouvk evllogei/tai mh. o;ntoj no,mou for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law. 죄( 罪 ) 가율법( 律法 ) 있기전( 前 ) 에도세상( 世上 ) 에있었으나율법( 律法 ) 이없을 때에는죄( 罪 ) 를죄( 罪 ) 로여기지아니하느니라 14 avllv evbasi,leusen o` qa,natoj avpo. VAda.m me,cri Mwse,wj kai. evpi. tou.j mh. a`marth,santaj evpi. tw/ o`moiw,mati th/j paraba,sewj VAda,m o[j evstin tu,poj tou/ me,llontoj Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come. 그러나아담으로부터모세까지아담의범죄( 犯罪 ) 와같은죄( 罪 ) 를짓지아니한 자( 者 ) 들위에도사망( 死亡 ) 이왕( 王 ) 노릇하였나니아담은오실자( 者 ) 의표상( 表象 ) 이라 15 VAll ouvc w`j to. para,ptwma ou[twj kai. to. ca,risma\ eiv ga.r tw/ tou/ e`no.j paraptw,mati oi` polloi. avpe,qanon pollw/ ma/llon h` ca,rij tou/ qeou/ kai. h` dwrea. evn ca,riti th/ tou/ e`no.j avnqrw,pou VIhsou/ Cristou/ eivj tou.j pollou.j evperi,sseusen But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 그러나이은사( 恩賜 ) 는그범죄( 犯罪 ) 와같지아니하니곧한사람의범죄( 犯罪 ) 를 인( 因 ) 하여많은사람이죽었은즉더욱하나님의은혜( 恩惠 ) 와또는한사람예수 그리스도의은혜( 恩惠 ) 로말미암은선물( 膳物 ) 이많은사람에게넘쳤으리라

28 16 kai. ouvc w`j di e`no.j a`marth,santoj to. dw,rhma\ to. me.n ga.r kri,ma evx e`no.j eivj kata,krima to. de. ca,risma evk pollw/n paraptwma,twn eivj dikai,wma Again, the gift of God is not like the result of the one man's sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 또이선물( 膳物 ) 은범죄( 犯罪 ) 한한사람으로말미암은것과같지아니하니 심판( 審判 ) 은한사람을인( 因 ) 하여정죄( 定罪 ) 에이르렀으나은사( 恩賜 ) 는많은 범죄( 犯罪 ) 를인( 因 ) 하여의( 義 ) 롭다하심에이름이니라 17 eiv ga.r tw/ tou/ e`no.j paraptw,mati o` qa,natoj evbasi,leusen dia. tou/ e`no,j pollw/ ma/llon oi` th.n perissei,an th/j ca,ritoj kai. th/j dwrea/j th/j dikaiosu,nhj lamba,nontej evn zwh/ basileu,sousin dia. tou/ e`no.j VIhsou/ Cristou/ For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. 한사람의범죄( 犯罪 ) 를인( 因 ) 하여사망( 死亡 ) 이그한사람으로말미암아 왕( 王 ) 노릇하였은즉더욱은혜( 恩惠 ) 와의( 義 ) 의선물( 膳物 ) 을넘치게받는자( 者 ) 들이 한분예수그리스도로말미암아생명( 生命 ) 안에서왕( 王 ) 노릇하리로다 18 :Ara ou=n w`j di e`no.j paraptw,matoj eivj pa,ntaj avnqrw,pouj eivj kata,krima ou[twj kai. di e`no.j dikaiw,matoj eivj pa,ntaj avnqrw,pouj eivj dikai,wsin zwh/j\ Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. 그런즉한범죄( 犯罪 ) 로많은사람이정죄( 定罪 ) 에이른것같이의( 義 ) 의한 행동( 行動 ) 으로말미암아많은사람이의( 義 ) 롭다하심을받아생명( 生命 ) 에 이르렀느니라 19 w[sper ga.r dia. th/j parakoh/j tou/ e`no.j avnqrw,pou a`martwloi. katesta,qhsan oi` polloi, ou[twj kai. dia. th/j u`pakoh/j tou/ e`no.j di,kaioi katastaqh,sontai oi` polloi, For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous. 한사람의순종( 順從 ) 치아니함으로많은사람이죄인( 罪人 ) 된것같이한사람의순종( 順從 ) 하심으로많은사람이의인( 義人 ) 이되리라

29 20 no,moj de. pareish/lqen i[na pleona,sh to. para,ptwma\ ou- de. evpleo,nasen h` a`marti,a u`pereperi,sseusen h` ca,rij The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, 율법( 律法 ) 이가입( 加入 ) 한것은범죄( 犯罪 ) 를더하게하려함이라그러나죄( 罪 ) 가 더한곳에은혜( 恩惠 ) 가더욱넘쳤나니 21 i[na w[sper evbasi,leusen h` a`marti,a evn tw/ qana,tw ou[twj kai. h` ca,rij basileu,sh dia. dikaiosu,nhj eivj zwh.n aivw,nion dia. VIhsou/ Cristou/ tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 이는죄( 罪 ) 가사망( 死亡 ) 안에서왕( 王 ) 노릇한것같이은혜( 恩惠 ) 도또한의( 義 ) 로 말미암아왕( 王 ) 노릇하여우리주( 主 ) 예수그리스도로말미암아영생( 永生 ) 에이르게 하려함이니라 (TR Stephanus/NIV/ 개역한자롬5:1~21)

30 1 Ti, ou=n evrou/men evpimenou/men th/ a`marti,a i[na h` ca,rij pleona,sh What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 그런즉우리가무슨말하리요은혜( 恩惠 ) 를더하게하려고죄( 罪 ) 에거( 居 ) 하겠느뇨 2 mh. ge,noito oi[tinej avpeqa,nomen th/ a`marti,a pw/j e;ti zh,somen evn auvth/ By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 그럴수없느니라죄( 罪 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여죽은우리가어찌그가운데더살리요 3 h' avgnoei/te o[ti o[soi evbapti,sqhmen eivj Cristo.n VIhsou/n eivj to.n qa,naton auvtou/ evbapti,sqhmen Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 무릇그리스도예수와합( 合 ) 하여세례( 洗禮 ) 를받은우리는그의죽으심과합( 合 ) 하여세례( 洗禮 ) 받은줄을알지못하느뇨 4 suneta,fhmen ou=n auvtw/ dia. tou/ bapti,smatoj eivj to.n qa,naton i[na w[sper hvge,rqh Cristo.j evk nekrw/n dia. th/j do,xhj tou/ patro,j ou[twj kai. h`mei/j evn kaino,thti zwh/j peripath,swmen We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. 그러므로우리가그의죽으심과합( 合 ) 하여세례( 洗禮 ) 를받음으로그와함께 장사( 葬事 ) 되었나니이는아버지의영광( 榮光 ) 으로말미암아그리스도를죽은자( 者 ) 가운데서살리심과같이우리로또한새생명( 生命 ) 가운데서행( 行 ) 하게하려함이니라 5 eiv ga.r su,mfutoi gego,namen tw/ o`moiw,mati tou/ qana,tou auvtou/ avlla. kai. th/j avnasta,sewj evso,meqa\ If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. 만일( 萬一 ) 우리가그의죽으심을본받아연합( 聯合 ) 한자( 者 ) 가되었으면또한 그의부활( 復活 ) 을본( 本 ) 받아연합( 聯合 ) 한자( 者 ) 가되리라 6 tou/to ginw,skontej o[ti o` palaio.j h`mw/n a;nqrwpoj sunestaurw,qh i[na katarghqh/ to. sw/ma th/j a`marti,aj tou/ mhke,ti douleu,ein h`ma/j th/ a`marti,a \ For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin

31 might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin-- 우리가알거니와우리옛사람이예수와함께십자가( 十字架 ) 에못박힌것은 죄( 罪 ) 의몸이멸( 滅 ) 하여다시는우리가죄( 罪 ) 에게종노릇하지아니하려함이니 7 o` ga.r avpoqanw.n dedikai,wtai avpo. th/j a`marti,aj because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. 이는죽은자( 者 ) 가죄( 罪 ) 에서벗어나의( 義 ) 롭다하심을얻었음이니라 8 eiv de. avpeqa,nomen su.n Cristw/ pisteu,omen o[ti kai. suzh,somen auvtw/ Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 만일( 萬一 ) 우리가그리스도와함께죽었으면또한그와함께살줄을믿노니 9 eivdo,tej o[ti Cristo.j evgerqei.j evk nekrw/n ouvke,ti avpoqnh, skei qa,natoj auvtou/ ouvke,ti kurieu,ei For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 이는그리스도께서죽은자( 者 ) 가운데서사셨으매다시죽지아니하시고사망( 死亡 ) 이다시그를주장( 主掌 ) 하지못할줄을앎이로라 10 o] ga.r avpe,qanen th/ a`marti,a avpe,qanen evfa,pax\ o] de. zh/ zh/ tw/ qew/ to God. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives 그의죽으심은죄( 罪 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여단번( 單番 ) 에죽으심이요그의살으심은 하나님께대( 對 ) 하여살으심이니 11 ou[twj kai. u`mei/j logi,zesqe e`autou.j nekrou.j me.n ei=nai th/ a`marti,a zw/ntaj de. tw/ qew/ evn Cristw/ VIhsou/ tw/ Kuri,w h`mw/n) Jesus. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ 이와같이너희도너희자신( 自身 ) 을죄( 罪 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여는죽은자( 者 ) 요그리스도 예수안에서하나님을대( 對 ) 하여는산자( 者 ) 로여길지어다 12 Mh. ou=n basileue,tw h` a`marti,a evn tw/ qnhtw/ u`mw/n sw,mati eivj to. u`pakou,ein au[th evn tai/j evpiqumi,aij auvtou/ Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 그러므로너희는죄( 罪 ) 로너희죽을몸에왕( 王 ) 노릇하지못하게하여몸의사욕( 私慾 ) 을순종( 順從 ) 치말고

32 13 mhde. parista,nete ta. me,lh u`mw/n o[pla avdiki,aj th/ a`marti,a avlla. parasth,sate e`autou.j tw/ qew/ w`j evk nekrw/n zw/ntaj kai. ta. me,lh u`mw/n o[pla dikaiosu,nhj tw/ qew/ Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. 또한너희지체( 肢體 ) 를불의( 不義 ) 의병기( 兵器 ) 로죄( 罪 ) 에게드리지말고오직 너희자신( 自身 ) 을죽은자( 者 ) 가운데서다시산자( 者 ) 같이하나님께드리며너희 지체( 肢體 ) 를의( 義 ) 의병기( 兵器 ) 로하나님께드리라 14 a`marti,a ga.r u`mw/n ouv kurieu,sei\ ouv ga,r evste u`po. no,mon avllv u`po. ca,rin grace. For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under 죄( 罪 ) 가너희를주관( 主管 ) 치못하리니이는너희가법( 法 ) 아래있지아니하고 은혜( 恩惠 ) 아래있음이니라 15 Ti, ou=n a`marth,somen( o[ti ouvk evsme.n u`po. no,mon avllv u`po. ca,rin mh. ge,noito What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 그런즉어찌하리요우리가법( 法 ) 아래있지아니하고은혜( 恩惠 ) 아래있으니 죄( 罪 ) 를지으리요그럴수없느니라 16 ouvk oi;date o[ti w- parista,nete e`autou.j dou,louj eivj u`pakoh,n dou/loi, evste w- u`pakou,ete h;toi a`marti,aj eivj qa,naton h' u`pakoh/j eivj dikaiosu,nhn Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? 너희자신( 自身 ) 을종으로드려누구에게순종( 順從 ) 하든지그순종( 順從 ) 함을받는 자( 者 ) 의종이되는줄을너희가알지못하느냐혹( 或 ) 은죄( 罪 ) 의종으로사망( 死亡 ) 에 이르고혹은순종( 順從 ) 의종으로의( 義 ) 에이르느니라 17 ca,rij de. tw/ qew/ o[ti h=te dou/loi th/j a`marti,aj u`phkou,sate de. evk kardi,aj eivj o]n paredo,qhte tu,pon didach/j But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. 하나님께감사( 感謝 ) 하리로다너희가본래( 本來 ) 죄( 罪 ) 의종이더니너희에게

33 전( 傳 ) 하여준바교훈( 敎訓 ) 의본( 本 ) 을마음으로순종( 順從 ) 하여 18 evleuqerwqe,ntej de. avpo. th/j a`marti,aj evdoulw,qhte th/ dikaiosu,nh You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. 죄( 罪 ) 에게서해방( 解放 ) 되어의( 義 ) 에게종이되었느니라 19 avnqrw,pinon le,gw dia. th.n avsqe,neian th/j sarko.j u`mw/n w[sper ga.r paresth,sate ta. me,lh u`mw/n dou/la th/ avkaqarsi,a kai. th/ avnomi,a eivj th.n avnomi,an ou[twj nu/n parasth,sate ta. me,lh u`mw/n dou/la th/ dikaiosu,nh eivj a`giasmo,n I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. 너희육신( 肉身 ) 이연약( 軟弱 ) 하므로내가사람의예( 例 ) 대로말하노니전( 前 ) 에 너희가너희지체( 肢體 ) 를부정( 不淨 ) 과불법( 不法 ) 에드려불법( 不法 ) 에이른것같이 이제는너희지체( 肢體 ) 를의( 義 ) 에게종으로드려거룩함에이르라 20 o[te ga.r dou/loi h=te th/j a`marti,aj evleu,qeroi h=te th/ dikaiosu,nh When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 너희가죄( 罪 ) 의종이되었을때에는의( 義 ) 에대( 對 ) 하여자유( 自由 ) 하였느니라 21 ti,na ou=n karpo.n ei;cete to,te evf oi-j nu/n evpaiscu,nesqe to. ga.r te,loj evkei,nwn qa,natoj What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! 너희가그때에무슨열매를얻었느뇨이제는너희가그일을부끄러워하나니이는그마지막이사망( 死亡 ) 임이니라 22 nuni. de, evleuqerwqe,ntej avpo. th/j a`marti,aj doulwqe,ntej de. tw/ qew/ e;cete to.n karpo.n u`mw/n eivj a`giasmo,n to. de. te,loj zwh.n aivw,nion But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 그러나이제는너희가죄( 罪 ) 에게서해방( 解放 ) 되고하나님께종이되어거룩함에이르는열매를얻었으니이마지막은영생( 永生 ) 이라 23 ta. ga.r ovyw,nia th/j a`marti,aj qa,natoj to. de. ca,risma tou/ qeou/ zwh.


<BDC5BEE0B3EDB4DC2E687770> -요한일서 1:8과 3:6, 9를 중심으로- 정창욱 eva.n ei;pwmen o[ti a`marti,an ouvk e;comen( eàutou.j planw/men kai. h` avlh,qeia ouvk e;stin evn h`mi/nå pa/j o` evn auvtw/ me,nwn ouvc a`marta,nei\ pa/j o` a`marta,nwn ouvc

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