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1 KOREAN JOURNAL OF pissn / eissn ORIGINAL ARTICLE Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.34, No.4, pp , 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 우성천 1 ㆍ강준철 1 ㆍ김송이 2 ㆍ박지연 1 1 대전대학교한의과대학, 2 가천대학교한의과대학 Review on the Pharmacopuncture Patent in Korea Seong-Cheon Woo 1, Jun-Chul Kang 1, Song-Yi Kim 2, Ji-Yeun Park 1 1 College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University, 2 College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University Objectives : The purpose of this study was to analyze the trend of pharmacopuncture in Korean patent in order to establish database for patent technology. Methods : Electronic literature searches for Korean patents related to pharmacopuncture were performed in two electronic databases (Korea Intellectual Property Right Information Service and National Digital Science Library) to June Patents that were not Korean ones, did not use medicinal herb, only described method of manufacture, or had nothing to do with pharmacopuncture were excluded in this study. The status and application date of patents, Medicinal herb, target diseases, International Patent Classification (IPC), model of experiment and extracting methods were analyzed. Results : A total of 379 patents were retrieved. Based on our inclusion/exclusion criteria, 297 patents were excluded. Of 82 included patents, 27 patents did not include experiments using pharmacopuncture, and 9 patents were invented for treating animals such as pig or calf. In IPC analysis, Bee Venom, Panax (ginseng), Angelica, and Paeoniaceae were used frequently. Musculoskeletal diseases were the most targeted diseases followed by nervous diseases. For extracting, hot water extraction, distillation extraction, and solvent extraction using alcohol, ethanol, or methanol for solvent were commonly used. Conclusions : These data are useful for inventing new patent and extending range of pharmacopuncture in clinical use, however, more systematically analyzed patent studies and pharmacopuncture-related studies for new application on various diseases are needed in further studies. Key words : Pharmacopuncture, patent, patent analysis, Korean patent 서론 약침요법은경락학설에의거하여질병과관련된혈위, 압통점, 체표등에약물을직접주입함으로써자침과약물의효과를동시에구현하는치료요법으로, 치료에유효한경혈또는체표에침이나뜸으로물리적인자극을가하는기존의침구요법과한약재의효능을결합하여질병을치료하는효과적인치료기술이다 1,2). 약침요법은한약재의효능과더불어자침을통한혈위자극을지속시켜치 료효과를더욱높여줄수있으므로환자가경구로약물을복용하기힘들거나특정부위에약물을직접적으로주입하고자하는경우에는약침이유용한치료방법이될수있다. 약침요법은내과, 외과, 부인과, 소아과, 피부과, 정신과등다양한임상분야에서사용될수있는데, 특히관절염, 추간판탈출증 3,4) 과같은근골격계, 좌골신경통및안면신경질환 5,6) 등의신경계및소화계질환에다양하게활용되고있다 1). 최근국내학회지에게재된약침논문분석 7,8) 에따르면현재까지 Received November 29, 2017, Revised December 10, 2017, Accepted December 10, 2017 Corresponding author: Ji-Yeun Park College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University, 62 Daehak-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon 34520, Korea Tel: , Fax: , jypark@dju.kr This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea(grant number: HI17C0096). CC This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright 2017, SOCIETY FOR MERIDIAN AND ACUPOINT 191
2 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 약침논문수는지속적으로증가하는경향을보이고있으나, 너무다양한종류의약침연구가이루어짐으로써오히려개발에서임상연구및임상적용까지이어지는연구가없음을문제점으로든바있다. 또한이들논문에서는동일한약재를사용하여동일한실험을진행한중복연구가많이이루어진문제또한지적하였다. 늘어나는약침연구정보가효율적으로활용되기위해서는, 임상및실험연구와더불어현재까지축적된약침연구의정보를분석하려는노력이뒷받침되어야한다. 또한기초과학의발달에힘입어새로운특허기술의발전이이루어지고있는현대에는과학기술과더불어치료방법, 의료기기, 약학적제제등의료특허기술의개발이활성화되고있으나한의학관련연구는특허보다논문에치중되어있어특허출원단계까지진행되는연구가많지않은상황이다 9). 지금까지수행된한의학관련특허연구를살펴보면, 황등의침관련특허연구 10) 에서는국내특허개발은많이이루어지는반면해외특허권을얻으려는노력이부족하며특허자산을산업화시키지못하는점을지적하였다. 박등의경혈자극기술에대한특허연구 11) 에서는경혈자극방법에대한특허대부분이비침습적방법이었으며기존의물리적자극이외에전기, 자기, 열, 레이저, 물, 가시광선, 초음파등을사용해경혈을자극하는기술이개발되었음을밝힘과동시에, 새로운경혈자극기술개발의필요성을요구하였다. 한국한의학연구원의한의학특허동향연구 9) 에서는국제특허분류 (International Patent Classification, IPC) 를분석하여대부분의특허가 Section A( 생활필수품 ) 중의약용제제 (A61K) 에해당하는것을확인하였다. 그리고 2010 년이후에특허가급속도로증가하는추세를보이고있으며, 2007 년이후약재중심의특허이외에진단과실험방법에대한특허도출원되고있음을보고하였다. 이러한특허연구는특허개발의동향을파악하고이를분석하는데 유용한자료가될수있다. 그러나침분야의정보활용현황 10) 을살펴보면특허분석에관한연구의부족으로출원된특허에대해활용가능한정보가많이부족한실정이며, 특히약침특허를중심으로분석한연구는전무하다. 따라서약침기술의발전을위해서는지금까지출원된약침특허기술을분석한자료를구축하는것이필요하다. 이에본연구는약침액관련특허정보를검색및분석하고, 특허의최종상태, 약침제조에사용된약재, 치료대상이되는병증등을포함한국내약침특허의현황을파악함으로써약침의임상활용증대및새로운약침개발을위한기초자료를마련하고자한다. 대상및방법 약침에대한특허정보를검색하기위하여한국특허정보원이운영하는특허정보검색서비스키프리스 (Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information Service, 와한국과학기술정보연구원이제공하는 NDSL(National Digital Science Library, 의특허정보데이터베이스를사용하였고, 검색어는 약침, pharmacopuncture, aqua acupuncture, acupoint injection 으로하였다. 해당검색엔진및검색어로 1차스크리닝된특허중 1) 대한민국특허로서 2) 출연연도기준 2017 년 6월이전의 3) 약침관련 ( 약침액포함 ) 특허를분석대상에포함하였다. 이중중복검색된특허, 국내특허가아닌것, 약침액에한약재를사용하지않거나한약재가아닌일반식품등을사용한것, 약침액의제조방법만언급한것, 그리고약침이주된특허내용이아닌것 ( 도입부분또는참고문헌등에서만언급된것포함 ) 은분석에서제외하였다. Fig. 1. Flow diagram for selection of studies
3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 Table 1. Patents Conduct Pharmacopuncture-Related Experiment Application number Status Medicinal herb Target disease Model of experiment Method of extraction ) RG 시호, 진피, 당귀, 창출, 길초근, 감초, 갈 Aging, arthritis H P 근, 복령, 박하, 치자, 사향, 닭흉부연골 ) AP 유황 Inflammation, pain, joint disease R S ) AP 계관 Rheumatoid arthritis H, M W ) WD 자하거 Rheumatoid arthritis R D ) AP 전갈 Rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative arthritis, M, CT A bone disease ) RG 봉독 Angiogenesis disease, lung cancer M, C CC ) RG 봉독, 사향, 녹용 Whitening, wrinkle H, M, G D ) RG 봉독 Gastroduodenal disease B, C C ) RJ 봉독 Renal disease M C ) RG 봉독 Tumor, HPV infection M, C C ) RG 오공 Herniation of intervertebral disk H D ) RG 백복령, 백작약, 창출, 천궁, 조구등 Parkinson s disease R, C D ) WD 마황 Rheumatoid arthritis R D ) RG 상기생, 속단, 독활, 당귀, 천궁, 부자, Arthritis, herniation of intervertebral disk R W 현호색, 우슬, 계지 ) RG 우슬, 오공, 두충, 오가피, 방풍 Osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, herniation H, R W of intervertebral disk ) RG 옻 Fever, Arthritis R D ) WD 오가피 Pain R ME ) RJ 산양산삼 Dementia, diabetes mellitus, presbyopia, osteoporosis, arthritis H, M W, E, WE, SC ) EX 산삼 Degenerative brain disease R D ) EX 산삼 Cancer M, C D ) RJ 산삼 Cardiovascular disease R D ) RG 비상, 석웅황, 망초, 초석 Cancer H H ) RJ 인진쑥, 애엽, 유근피, 적양, 오가피, Hepatitis, Liver cancer R, C W 대두, 백석목, 메밀 ) RG 금은화 Pain R ) RJ 정공등, 계혈등, 희렴, 우슬 Oxidation, Inflammation M, C E ) RG 산수유, 여정실, 석창포, 용안육, 구기자, Visual impairment H D 천문동, 천궁, 숙지황, 구판 ) RG 두충, 방풍, 강활, 구척, 백작약, 우슬, Bone disease H, M E 독활, 오가피 ) RJ 감초, 소자, 전호, 오미자, 천문동, Asthma R W 상백피, 소엽 ) RJ 정향 Obesity M W ) RG 연자육 Pain R ) RG 백작약, 감초, 부자, 강황, 단삼, 모과, Nervous muscle disease, musculoskeletal 원지, 창출, 천마 pain, central pain, visceral abdominal pain R VM ) RJ 초오 Pain H, M W ) RJ 비파엽 Obesity M W ) RJ 조구등 Stroke, cerebral infarction, hypertension, R W alzheimer s disease, angiosis, mixed type of alzheimer s disease and multiinfarct dementia, parkinson s disease, hypothyroidism, alcoholic dementia ) RJ 진피, 적복령, 당귀, 조구등, 석창포, Dementia R W 창출, 백지, 산조인, 숙지황, 산수유, 원지 ) RJ 힐초근, 연자육 Stress, panic disorder H D ) RJ 택사 Hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis R H ) AP 반하, 산조인 Parkinson s disease R H ) RG 산약 Facial nerve palsy H H 193
4 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF Table 1. Continued Application number Status Medicinal herb Target disease Model of experiment Method of extraction ) RG 의이인, 마황, 당귀, 백출, 계지, 작약, 감초 Obesity M, C WE ) RG 의이인, 상백피, 어성초, 길경, 생지황, 금은화, Allergic disease R W 삼백초, 생강, 진피, 백출, 창출, 황기, 감초, 박하, 적작, 파, 대추, 모려 ) WD 의이인, 상백피, 어성초, 길경, 생지황, 금은화, 삼백초, 생강, 진피, 적작, 백출, 창출, 감초, 박하 Allergic rhinitis, Asthma, Atopic dermatitis, Allergic bronchitis R W ) WD 의이인, 상백피, 어성초, 길경, 생지황, 금은화, 삼백초, 생강, 진피, 적작, 백출, 창출, 감초, 박하 Allergic rhinitis, Chronic asthma, Atopic dermatitis ) RG 백작약, 당귀, 우슬, 창출 Joint disease H D ) RG 봉독 Inflammation H, C CCG ) RG 봉독 Joint disease, Inflammation H, C - A : Alcohol extraction, AP : Application, C : Cell, CCG : Column chromatography, CT : Cat, D : Distillation extraction, E : Ethanol extraction, EX : Extinction, G : Guinea pig, H : Human, M : Mouse, ME : Methanol extraction, R : Rat, RG : Registration, RJ : Rejection, S : Solvent extraction, SC : Supercritical extraction, VM : Various methods (no limit to use various methods for extraction), W : Hot water extraction, WD : Withdrawal, WE : Water and ethanol extraction, - : Not described. R W 최종포함된특허를대상으로먼저특허의개괄적특징을살펴보았으며, 세부적으로는 1) 국제특허분류 (IPC, 판기준 ) 에따른약재분석 2) 병증별분석 3) 추출법에따른분석및 4) 특허의최종상태에따른분석으로나누어진행하였다. 포기 6건 (7.3%) 으로등록된특허가전체의 42.7% 로가장높은비중을차지하고있으며, 거절이 26.8% 로등록다음으로많음을알수있었다. 출원연도는 1999년도 6건을시작으로 2002년에 14건으로상승했지만뚜렷한경향을보이지않고증가와감소를반복하는추세를보였다 (Fig. 2). 결과 1. 검색결과총 379건의특허가검색되었고, 이중중복검색된특허 48건을제외한 331건의특허를포함및제외기준에따라선별하여 249건 [ 국내특허가아닌것 (n=3), 한약재를사용하지않거나한약재가아닌일반식품등을사용한특허 (n=173), 제조방법만언급한특허 (n=26), 약침이주된특허내용이아닌것 (n=47)] 을제외하여총 82 건을최종분석대상으로삼았다 (Fig. 1). 포함된약침특허는대부분새로개발한약침액을대상으로한실험을기반으로하였다 (Table 1). 그외에는실험을수행하지않았거나약침액의투여방법이약침또는주사의형태가아닌경구투여또는세포실험을수행한경우였으며 (n=27, Table 2), 동물 ( 돼지, 말, 개등 ) 을대상으로한특허 (n=9, Table 3) 도다수포함되어있었다. 2. 특허최종상태및출원연도포함된특허의최종상태를분석한결과, 등록 35건 (42.7%), 출원 7건 (8.5%), 거절 22건 (26.8%), 취하 8건 (9.8%), 소멸 4건 (4.9%), 3. 국제특허분류 (IPC) 에따른약재분석약침특허에사용된약재를분석하기위해 82건의특허에기재된모든 IPC 를포함하여총 246 개의 IPC 를분석하였다. 약침특허는 IPC 상 1건을제외하고모두 Section A( 생활필수품, 농업 ) 에속하였다. 그중에서도 A61( 위생학 ; 의학또는수의학 ) 의비중이가장높았으며 (96.3%), A61 중에서도 A61K( 의약용, 치과용또는화장용제제 ) 가대부분을차지하고있었다 (70.7%) (Fig. 3). 특허에사용된약재를 IPC 에따라분석한결과, 동물성약재 ( 봉독, 오공등 ) 및식물성약재 ( 감초, 복령, 인삼등 ) 등다양한약재가사용되었다. 사용된약재중봉독 (A61K 35/64; 곤충 ; 예 / 벌, 말벌, 벼룩 ) 이가장자주사용되었고 (n=14), 그다음으로인삼속 (A1K 36/258; 인삼속 (Panax); 예 / 백삼, 홍삼 ) 약재가많이사용되었다 (n=13). 그외에도참당귀속 (Angelica), 작약과 (Paeoniaceae) 등의약재가자주사용되었다. 봉독, 인삼과같이자주사용되는일부약재들과는다르게 1건만확인된약재들이대부분을차지하고있음을알수있었다 (Fig. 3). 그리고복합방으로제조된약침특허중처방명을명시한특허가 3건이있었으며각각황련해독탕, 갈근해주탕, 의이인탕이있었다
5 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 Table 2. Patents did not Conduct Pharmacopuncture-Related Experiment Application number Status Medicinal herb Target disease Model of experiment Method of extraction ) RG 봉독 Oxidation, Inflammation C C, LCG ) RG 오공, 자하거, 봉독 Neurodegenerative disease CA S ) RJ 홍삼, 겨우살이, 안개꽃 Cancer - D ) AP 인삼, 마치현 Breast cancer C W ) RG 홍삼, 당귀, 토사자, 오미자, 울금 Liver cancer R, C E, ME ) RG 홍삼, 당귀, 토사자, 오미자, 울금 Lung cancer R, C E, ME ) RG 홍삼, 당귀, 토사자, 오미자, 울금 Renal cancer R, C E, ME ) AP 산양산삼, 단삼, 백굴채, 목향 Gastrointestinal cancer C W ) RJ 인삼, 천마, 백자인, 오미자, 오수유, Dementia C W 산조인 ) RJ 청호 Liver disease R, C VM ) WD 토사자 Osteoporosis C D ) WD 감초, 소자, 전호, 오미자, 천문동, 상백피, 소엽 Asthma, Dyspnea, Hypersensitivity reaction, Hypersensitivity of respiratory center ) RJ 산삼 - - A ) RG 백작약 Degenerative arthritis C W ) RJ 조구등 Dementia C W ) RG 치자, 황련, 황금, 황백 Oxidation, Inflammation C D ) RJ 진피, 적복령, 당귀, 조구등, 석창포, Dementia C W 창출, 백지, 산조인, 숙지황, 산수유, 원지 ) RG 죽여 Degenerative arthritis C W ) RG 문합 Whitening, Wrinkle C E ) EX 길경 Lung disease B WE ) RG 오공 Nervous muscle disease CA VM ) AP 인삼 - CA A ) RG 연옥 Inflammation C ) RG 오적골, 우슬, 두충, 오가피, 고비, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, R, C D 구판 Herniation of intervertebral disk ) EX 갈근, 갈화, 지구자, 향부자, 양강, Alcohol dependence M W, A 산사, 모과, 백출, 지실, 진피, 봉출, 고삼 ) RJ 산두근 Obesity C ME ) WD 육계 Prostatic carcinoma C - A : Alcohol extraction, AP : Application, C : Cell, CA : Component analysis, CCG : Column chromatography, D : Distillation extraction, E : Ethanol extraction, EX : Extinction, H : Human, LCG : Lipid chromatography, M : Mouse, ME : Methanol extraction, R : Rat, RG : Registration, RJ : Rejection, S : Solvent extraction, VM : Various methods (no limit to use various methods for extraction), W : Hot water extraction, WD : Withdrawal, WE : Water and ethanol extraction, - : Not described. C W Table 3. Patents for Animal Application number Status Medicinal herb Target disease Model of experiment Method of extraction ) RG 인진쑥, 떡갈나무잎 Motility disease if horse, Parvo-virus enteritis of dog H, D F ) RJ 봉독 MMA syndrome P DU ) RJ 봉독 Diarrhea CF DU ) AB 봉독 Mastitis P DU ) AB 봉독 Agalactia P DU ) AB 봉독 Injury P DU ) AB 봉독 Diarrhea P DU ) AB 봉독 Arthritis P DU ) AB 봉독 Immune disease P DU AB : Abandonment, CF : Calf, D : Dog, DU : Directly using bee venom to model, F : Fermentation, H : Horse, MMA : Mastitis, metritis and agalactia, P : Pig, RG : Registration, RJ : Rejection
6 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF Fig. 2. Status and application date of patents. Patent status was analyzed by year and classified as registration, application, rejection, withdrawal, extinction, and abandonment. 4. 병증및모델약침특허에서치료하고자하는병증을분석하였다. 하나의특허에두가지이상질병이제시된경우에는제시된모든질병을포함시켜분석하였다. 82 건의특허중치료대상이사람인 73 건의병증을분석한결과, 근골격계의병증이가장많았으며 (n=29), 구체적으로는관절질환, 골질환, 근육질환등이포함되어있었다. 근골격계다음으로는신경계의병증이많았으며 (n=22), 치매, 파킨슨병등퇴행성신경질환이큰비중을차지하고있었다. 그외에도호흡기, 소화기, 피부등다양한계통의질병을치료대상으로특허기술이개발됨을알수있었다 (Table 5). 동물을치료대상으로한경우, 치료면역성질환, 설사, 관절염, 무유증, 유방염, MMA 증후군 (mastitis, metritis and agalactia syndrome), 운동계질환, 외상, 장염, Parvo 바이러스감염치료를 목적으로개발되었다. 특허의치료효과를입증하기위해실시된실험에서사용된모델을분석한결과, rat, mouse, human 이모델의대부분을차지하고있었으며, 그외에암세포, 연골세포, 대식세포등의세포실험도수행되었다. 5. 추출법약침제조를위해특허에제시된추출법을정리한결과, 열수추출 (W, hot water extraction), 증류추출 (D, distillation extraction), 용매추출 (A, alcohol extraction; E, ethanol extraction; ME, methanol extraction; S, solvent extraction) 이가장많이사용된것으로확인되었다. 열수추출은 23건, 증류추출은 16건, 용매추출은 16건, 추출없이직접사용 8건, 2가지이상의다양한방법으로추출가능한특허 4건, 추출법이명시되지않은특허 5건, 그외 196
7 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 Fig. 3. Frequency analysis based on International Patent Classification(IPC). The IPCs used more than once were shown as histogram and the IPCs used once were described separately below. 발효, 원심분리등기타추출법 15건으로확인되었다. 용매추출에서는에탄올, 메탄올, 알코올등이용매로사용되었으며, 봉독은별도의추출과정없이직접사용하는경우도있었다 (Table 1). 고찰 약침요법은기존의침구요법의물리적인체표자극과약물의화학적인효과를결합한효과적인치료법이다. 약침요법은자침위치와침의자극, 그리고주입약물이세가지가조합되어치료효과를높일수있으며, 혈위를오랜시간자극할수있다는장점이있다 1). 또한환자가경구로약물을복용하기힘들거나특정부위에약물을직접적으로주입하고자하는경우에는약침이유용한치료방법이될수있다. 침치료는혈위의선택에따라치료효과가달라질수있으며, 약침요법은기존침치료방식에다양한약재를활용하여치료효과를증대시킬수있으므로, 향후다양한치료법 개발이가능하다. 이러한약침요법을더욱발전시키고보다효과가우수한약침요법을개발하기위해서는우선현재까지선행된약침연구를전반적으로분석해야할필요가있다. 현재까지수행된약침연구는대부분약침의효능성검증을위한실험논문및임상논문이대부분을차지하고있으며 7,8), 체계적문헌고찰을이용한연구도다양하게시행되고있다 12,13). 그러나약침의구성약재및대상질환에대한특허를분석하는연구는전무하다. 본연구는현재까지국내에서출원및등록된약침특허의현황을파악하고, 각특허마다사용된약재와병증등을분석함으로써새로운약침연구와특허개발에토대가될기초자료를마련하기위한목적으로진행되었다. 특허의최종상태분석에서는등록 35건 (42.7%), 출원 7건 (8.5%), 거절 22건 (26.8%), 취하 8건 (9.8%), 소멸 4건 (4.9%), 포기 6건 (7.3%) 으로등록상태가가장큰비중을차지하였으며거절이다음으로많았다. 그외의출원, 취하, 소멸, 포기상태의특허는서로큰차이없이전부적은비중을차지하고있었다. 연도별특허 197
8 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF Table 4. IPC Contents IPC number Contents IPC number Contents A23L 1/30 Using additives A61K 36/14 Cupressaceae(cypress family), e.g. juniper or cypress A23L 1/308 Addition of substantially indigestible substances,e.g. dietary A61K 36/17 Gnetophyta, e.g. ephedraceae(mormon-tea family) fibres A23L 19/00 Products from fruits or vegetables; Preparation or treatment A61K 36/185 Magnoliopsida(dicotyledons) thereof A23L 21/20 Products from apiculture, e.g. royal jelly or pollen; Substitutes therefor A61K36/21 Amaranthaceae(amaranthfamily), e.g. pigweed, rockwort or globe amaranth A61H 39/08 Devices for applying needles to such points, i.e. for acupuncture A61K 36/22 Anacardiaceae(sumacfamily), e.g. smoketree, sumac or poison oak A61K 8/97 From algae, fungi, lichens or plants; from derivatives thereof A61K 36/23 Apiaceae or umbelliferae(carrot family), e.g. dill, chervil, coriander or cumin A61K 8/98 Of animal origin A61K 36/232 Angelica A61K 9/00 Medicinal preparations characterised by special physical form A61K 36/233 Bupleurum A61K 9/06 Ointments; Bases therefor A61K 36/234 Cnidium(snowparsley) A61K9/08 Solutions A61K 36/237 Notopterygium A61K 9/14 Particulate form, e.g. powders A61K 36/238 Saposhnikovia A61K 9/16 Agglomerates; Granulates; Microbeadlets A61K 36/254 Acanthopanax or eleutherococcus A61K 9/20 Pills, lozenges or tablets A61K 36/258 Panax(ginseng) A61K 9/48 Preparations in capsules, e.g. of gelatin, of chocolate A61K 36/28 Asteraceae or compositae(aster or sunflower family), e.g. chamomile, feverfew, yarrow or echinacea A61K 31/70 Carbohydrates; Sugars; Derivatives thereof A61K 36/282 Artemisia, e.g. wormwood or sagebrush A61K 31/704 Attached to a condensed carbocyclicring system, e.g. sennosides, thiocolchicosides, escin, daunorubicin, digitoxin A61K 36/284 Atractylodes A61K 31/728 Hyaluronic acid A61K 36/35 Caprifoliaceae(honeysuckle family) A61K 33/00 Medicinal preparations containing inorganic active ingredients A61K 36/39 Convolvulaceae(morning-glory family), e.g. bindweed A61K 33/04 Sulfur, selenium or tellurium; compounds thereof A61K 36/40 Cornaceae(dogwood family) A61K 35/12 Materials from mammals; compositions comprising non-specified A61K 36/43 Cuscutaceae(dodder family), e.g. cuscutae pithymum or greater dodder tissues or cells; compositions comprising non-embryonic stem cells; genetically modified cells A61K 35/32 Bones; osteocytes; osteoblasts; tendons; tenocytes; teeth; odontoblasts; cartilage; chondrocytes; synovial membrane A61K 36/46 Eucommiaceae(eucommia family), e.g. hardy rubber tree A61K 35/48 Reproductive organs A61K 36/48 Fabaceae or leguminosae(pea or legume family); caesalpiniaceae; mimosaceae; papilionaceae A61K 35/50 Placenta; placental stem cells; amniotic fluid; amnion; amniotic stem cells A61K 36/484 Glycyrrhiza(licorice) A61K 35/56 Materials from animals other than mammals A61K 36/488 Pueraria(kudzu) A61K 35/60 Fish,e.g. sea horses; fish eggs A61K 36/489 Sophora, e.g. necklacepod or mamani A61K 35/64 Insects,e.g. bees, wasps or fleas A61K 36/53 Lamiaceae or labiatae(mint family), e.g. thyme, rosemary or lavender A61K 35/648 Myriapods, e.g. centipedes or millipedes A61K 36/535 Perilla(beefsteak plant) A61K 35/644 Beeswax; propolis; royal jelly; honey A61K 36/537 Salvia(sage) A61K 36/076 Poria A61K 36/539 Scutellaria(skullcap) A61K 36/54 Lauraceae(laurel family), e.g. cinnamon or sassafras A61K 47/26 Carbohydrates, e.g. sugaralcohols, aminosugars, nucleicacids, mono-, di-oroligo-saccharides; derivatives thereof,e.g. polysorbates, sorbitan fatty acid esters or glycyrrhizin 198
9 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 Table 4. Continued IPC number Contents IPC number Contents A61K 36/605 Morus(mulberry) A61M 5/158 Needles A61K 36/61 Myrtaceae(myrtle family), e.g. teatree or eucalyptus A61M 37/00 Other apparatus for introducing media in to the body; percutany, i.e. introducing medicines in to the body by diffusion through the skin A61K 36/62 Nymphaeaceae(water-lily family) A61P 1/00 Drugs for disorders of the alimentary tract or the digestive system A61K 36/63 Oleaceae(olive family), e.g. jasmine, lilac or ash tree A61P 1/06 Anti-spasmodics, e.g. drugs for colics, esophagic dyskinesia A61K 36/65 Paeoniaceae(peony family), e.g. chinese peony A61P 1/16 For liver or gallbladder disorders, e.g. hepatoprotective agents, cholagogues, litholytics A61K 36/71 Ranunculaceae(buttercup family), e.g. larkspur, hepatica, hydrastis, columbine or goldenseal A61P 3/00 Drugs for disorders of the metabolism A61K 36/714 Aconitum(monkshood) A61P3/10 For hyperglycaemia, e.g. antidiabetics A61K 36/718 Coptis(goldthread) A61P 3/04 Anorexiants; antiobesity agents A61K 36/72 Rhamnaceae(buckthorn family), e.g. buckthorn, chewstick or umbrella-tree A61P 3/06 Antihyperlipidemics A61K 36/725 Ziziphus, e.g. jujube A61P 9/00 Drugs for disorders of the cardiovascular system A61K36/73 Rosaceae(rosefamily), e.g. strawberry, chokeberry, blackberry, A61P 11/00 Drugs for disorders of the respiratory system pear or firethorn A61K 36/74 Rubiaceae(madder family) A61P 11/06 Antiasthmatics A61K 36/744 Gardenia A61P 13/12 Drugs for disorders of the urinary system of the kidneys A61K 36/752 Citrus, e.g. lime, orange or lemon A61P 19/02 For joint disorders, e.g.arthritis, arthrosis A61K 36/756 Phellodendron, e.g. corktree A61P 19/00 Drugs for skeletal disorders A61K 36/77 Sapindaceae(soapberry family), e.g. lychee or soapberry A61P 19/10 For osteoporosis A61K 36/78 Saururaceae(lizard s-tail family) A61P 25/00 Drugs for disorders of the nervous system A61K 36/79 Schisandraceae(schisandra family) A61P 25/02 For peripheral neuropathies A61K 36/804 Rehmannia A61P 25/16 Anti-Parkinson drugs A61K 36/815 Lycium(desert-thorn) A61P 25/28 For treating neurodegenerative disorders of the central nervous system, e.g. nootropic agents, cognition enhancers, drugs for treating alzheimer s disease or other forms of dementia A61K 36/84 Valerianaceae(valerian family), e.g. valerian A61P 25/32 Alcohol-abuse A61K 36/882 Acoraceae(calamus family), e.g. sweetflag or acorus calamus A61P 27/12 For cataracts A61K 36/884 Alismataceae(water-plantain family) A61P 29/00 Non-central analgesic, antipyretic or antiinflammatory agents, e.g. antirheumatic agents; Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs(nsaids) A61K 36/8888 Pinellia A61P 31/12 Antivirals A61K 36/8905 Cyperus(flatsedge) A61P 35/00 Antineoplastic agents A61K 36/8945 Dioscorea, e.g. yam, Chinese yam or water yam A61P 37/00 Drugs for immunological or allergic disorders A61K 36/8965 Asparagus, e.g. garden asparagus or asparagus fern A61P 37/08 Antiallergic agents A61K 36/8988 Gastrodia A61Q 19/02 For chemically bleaching or whitening the skin A61K 36/8994 Coix(Job s tears) A61Q 19/08 Anti-ageing preparations A61K 36/9066 Curcuma, e.g. common turmeric, east indian arrowroot or mango ginger B01D 15/08 Selective adsorption, e.g. chromatography 199
10 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF Table 5. Classification by Target Disease Disease Number Disease Number Musculoskeletal 29 Skin 6 system Atopic dermatitis 2 Arthritis 7 Wrinkle 2 Rheumatoid arthritis 6 Whitening 2 Herniation of intervertebral disk 4 Psychiatry 3 Stress 1 Osteoporosis 4 Panic disorder 1 Joint disease 3 Alcohol dependence 1 Muscle disease 3 Urinary system 1 Bone disease 2 Renal disease 1 Nervous system 22 Cancer and Tumor 13 Dementia 6 Cancer 3 Pain 5 Liver cancer 2 Neurodegenerative 4 Lung cancer 2 disease Gastrointestinal 1 Parkinson s disease 3 cancer Central disease 1 Renal cancer 1 Cerebral infarction 1 Prostatic carcinoma 1 Stroke 1 Breast cancer 1 Facial nerve palsy 1 Tumor 1 Respiratory system 9 Angiogenesis 1 Asthma 4 disease Allergic respiratory 3 Others 24 disease Inflammation 7 Dyspnea 1 Obesity 4 Lung disease 1 Oxidation 3 Digestive system 4 Hypersensitivity 3 Liver disease 1 reaction Hepatitis 1 Visual impairment 2 Abdominal pain 1 Aging 1 Gastroduodenal 1 Fever 1 disease Diabetes mellitus 1 Cardiovascular system 5 Hypothyroidism 1 Cardiovascular 2 HPV(human 1 disease papilloma virus) Hyperlipidemia 1 Arteriosclerosis 1 Hypertension 1 수는증가와감소가반복적으로나타나특허수에일정한변화를보이지않았으므로, 연도에따른일정한경향을찾아볼수는없었다 (Fig. 2). 약침특허에사용된한약재의분류를파악하기위하여국제특허분류 (IPC) 를분석하였다. IPC는대부분 Section A( 생활필수품, 농업 ) 에포함되어있었으며, A61K( 의약용, 치과용또는화장용제제 ) 가큰비중을차지하고있었다. IPC 분석을통해약재의활용빈도를확인해본결과봉독 (A61K 35/64; 곤충 ; 예 / 벌, 말벌, 벼룩 ) 이 247 건의 IPC 중 14건으로가장많이확인되었으며, 인삼 (A1K 36/258; 인삼속 (Panax); 예 / 백삼, 홍삼 ) 이 13건, 당귀 (A61K 36/232: 참당귀속 (Angelica)) 가 10번, 작약과 (A61K 36/65: 작약과 (Paeoniaceae), 예 / 작약 ) 5번순으로사용되었다. 봉독은특허뿐만이아니라약침논문의주제로가장많이연구되고있는약재이다 7,8,14). 봉독 ( 蜂毒 ) 이란꿀벌의봉낭 ( 蜂囊 ) 에들어있는물질로, 염증또는알레르기반응을유발하나, 한편으로는진통, 해열, 소염등면역력증가에도움을주며 15), 성미 ( 性味 ) 가고 ( 苦 ), 신 ( 辛 ), 유독 ( 有毒 ) 하고, 거풍 ( 祛風 ), 제습 ( 除濕 ), 지동통 ( 止疼痛 ), 해경평천 ( 解痙平喘 ) 의효능이있다. 봉독의성분을화학적으로분석해보면 Enzymes, Peptide components, Non Peptide components 로구성되어있는데, Enzymes 은세포막용해, 봉독의확산을촉진하며, Peptide components 는신경계에운동항진을유도하고, Non Peptide components 는알레르기를유발ㆍ부교감신경자극등의작용을한다 16). 봉독의효능에대한연구를살펴보면관절염ㆍ디스크와같은골격계통질환에효능을보이고있음을알수있다 17-19). 본연구에서선별된특허에서는염증, 폐암, 소화기질환, 종양치료를목적으로봉독이사용되었으며, 특히동물대상의특허에서는대부분봉독이사용되었을만큼높은활용빈도를보였다 (Table 3). 인삼은신경기능조절, 신진대사기능조절, 강심, 항이뇨, 항암, 면역증강및소화촉진등다양한효능을가지고있는약재로, 인삼류약재의약침연구에서항산화, 항염증, 지질감소등의효과가있음이보고되었다 20-22). 본연구에서는인삼, 홍삼, 산삼이모두사용되었으며각종암, 퇴행성신경질환, 심혈관계질환등에사용되었다. 당귀는 coumarin 계의 decursin 과 decursinol angelate 등이함유되어있다. 당귀는항염증, 진통, 면역력증강및항암효능이있음이여러연구를통해확인되었으며 23), 본연구에포함된특허에서는암, 관절염, 치매치료를위해사용되었다. 작약과에서다용된백작약은두통, 복통, 사지의경련및통증등에효능이있다. 또한연구에의해백작약이파골세포의분화와생성을억제한다는결과가보고되었으며 24), 작약약침에대한연구에서는작약이세포의산성화를억제하여세포보호작용이있음이밝혀졌다 25). 선별된특허중관절질환, 퇴행성신경질환, 근육통증, 비만등에작약과약재가사용되었다. 상기언급된약재를제외한나머지약재들은사용된빈도가높지않았으며, 대부분 1건씩존재하였다 (Fig. 3). 이는약침논문분석자료 7,8,14) 에서보고된바와같이봉독등일부약재에사용이편중되고있는것을알수있었다. 그외복합방으로제조된약침특허중처방명이명시된특허가 3건있었으며각각황련해독탕, 갈근해주탕, 의이인탕이었다. 황련해독탕약침의경우항산화및항염증에, 갈근해주탕약침은알코올의존증치료에, 의이인탕약침은비 200
11 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 만치료를위해개발되었다. 약침요법의장점은다양한약재를질병에따라적절히선택하여치료에사용할수있다는점임에도불구하고국내특허는아직일부약재에치중되어있다. 약침요법의장점을극대화시키기위해서는봉독이나인삼처럼연구와임상보고를통해효과가입증된것뿐만아니라아직개발되지않은약재를보다폭넓게연구하여그임상적효능및적응증을밝히는과정이필요하다. 이를통해약침요법의응용범위가더확장될수있으며, 치료법향상으로인한환자만족도또한증대될것으로기대된다. 특허 82건중사람을대상으로개발된약침특허 73건에서치료대상이되는병증을분석한결과, 근골격계질병이가장많았다. 그다음은신경계질병으로, 퇴행성신경질환, 치매, 파킨슨병, 중풍등이있었다. 근골격계와신경계질병이가장큰비중을차지하고있지만, 그외에도소화계, 호흡계, 비뇨기계. 순환계, 정신질환등여러계통의질병에대한특허가출원됨을알수있었다. 이를통해비중의차이는있지만다양한계통의질병에대한약침이개발되고있다는사실을알수있었다. 가장많은비율을차지한근골격계질환중에서관절질환이가장많았으며, 관절질환중 6건이류마티스관절염이었다. 류마티스관절염은관절조직에대한자가면역반응으로인해발생하는만성관절질환으로치료제는소염제, 면역억제제, 세포독성제등의약물이존재하지만, 장기간사용할경우소화계질환, 신장병, 우울증등의부작용이발생할우려가있다. 따라서부작용이적은대체치료요법에대한관심이증가하고있으며, 이에약침요법을적용하게될경우임상적효용성을유지하면서도기존화학적약물치료에서발생되는부작용의위험성을줄일수있을것으로기대된다. 류마티스관절염의치료는신체의진통, 염증과더불어면역기능조절이치료의핵심타겟이되고있다. 기존침치료는 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate(esr), C-Reactive Protein(CRP), cytokine 등염증및면역반응물질을조절하는효과가있었다 26). 기존침치료에한약의효과가배가된약침치료의경우, 봉독약침치료군이대조군에비해압통관절수, ESR 및 CRP 평가등여러항목에서유의한효과가있음이보고되었으며 27), 계지 ( 桂枝 ), 우슬 ( 牛膝 ), 적작약 ( 赤芍藥 ), 택란 ( 澤蘭 ) 등의약침치료또한면역반응조절을통하여류마티스관절염을치료하는효과가있음이보고되어있다 28). 이를통해다양한약침치료를이용하여면역반응및염증과관련된질환치료에적용할수있는가능성을엿볼수있었다. 신경계질환에서는치매의비중이높았는데, 치매란기억장애및지적장애를야기하는질병으로발병원인은뇌혈관장애, 뇌의염증, 외상, 내분비질환등으로다양하다. 신경손상을유발한 Rat 을대상으로한약침연구를살펴보면, 약침치료는신경세포보호와동시에단기및장기기억에대해유의한효능이있음을알수있었다 29,30). 그러나약침으로실행된치매연구는그수가적었으며, 사람을대상으로한임상연구는더욱부족함을알수있었다 31). 따라서향후보다활발한임상연구가필요하다고생각된다. 그외에암에대한특허도다수포함되어있었는데, 특정한암종류를언급하지않은특허를포함하여소화기암, 폐암, 간암, 신장암, 유방암등암에대한약침특허가확인되었다. 동물을치료대상으로개발된특허는돼지, 말, 개, 소등을대상으로하였으며, 면역성질환, 설사, 관절염, 무유증, 유방염, MMA 증후군, 운동계질환, 외상, 장염, Parvo 바이러스감염이대상질환이었다. 이를통해약침요법의치료범위가사람에한정되지않고동물에도적용가능하다는가능성을엿볼수있었으며, 향후가축에대한약침치료는축산업에서널리활용될가능성이있다고생각된다. 특허에서실시된실험의모델을분석한결과 rat, mouse, human 이실험대상으로많이사용되었으며, 암세포, 연골세포, 대식세포등다양한세포주를활용한세포실험또한빈번하게수행되었다. 전체특허중동물및사람을대상으로약침을직접주입하는실험방법을사용한특허는전체 82건중 46건으로 56% 를차지하고있었다. 약침의경우세포실험을대상으로약침액의유효성을확인할수있는실험도필요하지만, 세포실험을임상으로직접연계하기에는어려움이있으므로, 동물이나사람을대상으로한결과를바탕으로임상적효능을입증해가는것이더필요하다고사료된다. 그외에성분분석실험을수행한경우가있었으며, 반면실험이전혀수행되지않은특허도있었다. 약침제조를위한약재추출법을정리한결과, 열수추출, 증류추출, 용매추출이가장많이사용되었다. 열수추출은 23건, 증류추출은 16건, 용매추출은 16건, 추출없이직접사용 8건, 2가지이상의다양한방법으로추출할수있는특허 4건, 추출법이명시되지않은특허 5건, 그외발효, 원심분리등기타추출법 15건으로확인되었다. 용매추출의경우에탄올, 메탄올, 알코올등이사용되었으며, 봉독은별도의추출없이직접사용하는경우도있었다. 본연구를통해국내약침특허현황을분석해본결과, 다음과같은한계및개선점을확인할수있었다. 첫째, 특허에서수행되는실험에대한문제이다. 본연구에서선별된 82건의특허중 27건의특허가실험을수행하지않거나, 약침및주사의형태가아닌세포대상이나경구투여등의방법으로실험을한경우였다. 이러한특허들의경우, 특허의주제가단순히 조성물 또는 약학적제제 와같이표현이되어있는경우가대부분이었으며, 약침을주활용목적 201
12 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 으로하지않거나, 임상활용방법을명확하게제시하지않은것이대부분이었다. 특허의내용에는조성물또는제제에대한활용예시 ( 경구투여제제, 주사용제제등 ) 가제시되어있었으나, 성분분석및세포실험에그치거나경구투여실험만수행한경우도많았다. 이를해결하기위해서는임상에서적용되는바와같이약침및국소주입방법등을수행함으로써, 약침의임상활용가능성을명확하게보여줌과동시에임상에서기대되는치료효과를명확하게보여주는것이바람직하다고생각된다. 둘째, 약침특허에서사용된약재의학명이명확히제시되지않은점이다. 일부특허에서는일부또는모든약재에약재명만언급하고학명을제시하지않았다. 여러종으로세분화될수있는약재를통칭하여하나의약재명으로부르는경우가있기때문에, 학명을명시하지않으면약침제조시잘못된약재를사용하는문제가발생할수있다. 또한단미제가아닌두가지이상의약재를사용하는특허의경우, 약재표기의통일성이없는특허가몇몇존재했다. 예를들어사용된약재의일부는학명으로, 나머지약재는라틴명으로표기하여학명과라틴명이혼용되고있었다. 특허기술의정확성을위해서는국내약명에구체적인학명을명시하고학명과라틴명의혼용을피하는것이바람직하고생각된다. 최근과학기술의발전과더불어의료산업은전문화, 세분화가진행되고있어새로운병의기전, 치료방법, 치료제등에관한의료기술개발이활발하게이루어지고있다. 정보사회로발전하면서정보의가치가점차높아지고있는현대사회에서기술정보는과거와현재의상황을파악하게해주는동시에미래의기술을예측하는것에의의가있다. 한국한의학연구원의 3P 분석연구 32) 에서는논문, 시장과더불어특허를동시에분석하여연구의성숙도, 특허기술의개발, 시장에서의생산성에대해다양한시각으로분석할수있는방법을제시하였다. 이분석법에서특허분석이미래의연구방향및국가의과제선택에있어중요한자료가될수있음을확인할수있었다. 따라서약침을포함한한의학관련기술을주제로하는특허분석연구가꾸준히이루어진다면한의치료기술의발전및국가의료기술의경쟁력향상이도움이될수있으며, 나아가기술개발및연구방향설정에유용한정보로활용될수있을것이다. 따라서특허기술정보를효과적으로활용하기위해서는출원된특허를체계적으로분석한자료가필수적이다. 특히의약분야특허의경우과학의발전과함께건강에대한관심증대로활발한기술개발이이루어지고있으며, 타분야에비해서높은혁신성을가지고있다 33). 따라서의약기술정보의체계적인분석자료가더욱요구된다고볼수있다. 본연구는국내약침특허를최종상태, 약재, 병증, 추출법등 다양한관점에서분석한연구로, 미래의약침연구및개발에토대가될기초자료로활용될수있으며, 특허발명자및이를임상에활용하고자하는의료인들에게특허기술의동향을제시할수있는근거자료로서활용될수있다. 향후약침유효성분분석동향등다양한특허분석연구가수행된다면, 새로운약침기술개발및임상활용성증대를통한국민보건의료향상에기여할수있을것으로기대된다. 결론 국내약침특허분석연구를실행하여다음의결과가확인되었다. 1. 설정된포함및제외기준에따라국내약침특허를선별한결과총 82건이선별되었으며, 그중약침과관련된실험이없는것이 27건, 치료대상이동물인것이 9건으로확인되었다. 2. 특허의최종상태를분석한결과등록 35건 (42.7%) 과거절 22 건 (26.8%) 이큰비중을차지하였으며출원연도에따른특허개수변화에는뚜렷한경향을나타내지않았다. 3. 국제특허분류 (IPC) 에따라분석한결과 A61K( 의약용, 치과용또는화장용제제 ) 가대부분을차지하고있음을알수있었다. 약침제조에사용된약재는봉독, 인삼속, 참당귀속, 작약과순으로많이사용되었으며앞에제시된일부약재를제외하면대부분의약재는 1, 2건밖에사용되지않았다. 4. 특허에서제시된병증을분석한결과관절질환, 골질환등의근골격계질환이가장많았으며, 치매, 퇴행성신경질환과같은신경질환이다음으로많이확인되었다, 그외에도호흡기, 소화기, 피부등다양한계통의질환이확인되었다. 또한실험에 rat, mouse, human 및각종세포를모델로실행된실험이대부분을차지하고있었다. 5. 추출법은열수추출 증류추출 용매추출이가장많이사용된것으로확인되었다. 용매추출에서는알코올, 에탄올, 메탄올등이사용되었으며발효, 원심분리등다양한추출법이사용되었다. 본연구를통해국내약침특허의동향을파악할수있었으며, 새로운약침기술의개발및임상활용성증대를위한기초자료로활용될수있을것으로기대된다. 감사의글 This research was supported by a grant of the Korea 202
13 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea(grant number: HI17C0096). References 1. Lee MH, Son IC. Introduction to the Aqua-Acupuncture Therapy and problems. Journal of pharmacopuncture ; 15 : Jang MK, Yoon EH, Jung CY, Kim EJ, Lee SD, Hwang MS et al. Review of Randomized Controlled Trials on Pharmacopuneture Treatment for Musculoskeletal Diseases. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 26 : Jung IT, Baek YH, Park DS, Choi DY. The Analgesic Effect and its Mechanism of Bee Venom Acupuncture in the Collagen-induced Arthritis Rats. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 22 : Song HG, Choi JY, Kang JH, Lee H. The Effect of the Acupuncture Therapy in Combination with Soyeom Pharmacopuncture Therapy on the Improvement of the Symptoms of the Patients with Herniate. Journal of Korean Institute of Pharmacopuncture ; 12 : Lee DR, Kim YS. The Effect of Ramulus Mori Aqua-Acupuncture on the Regeneration at the crush-induced Sciatic Nerve of the Rat. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 15 : Shin HW, Kang JH, Lee H. Efficacy of Soyeom Pharmacopuncture on Postauricular Pain Accompanied with Peripheral Facial Paralysis. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 26 : Lee JY, Han YJ, Kim JH, Kwon KR. Type analysis of Pharmacopuncture papers published in the Journal of Korean Institute of Pharmacopuncture. Journal of Korean Institute of Pharmacopuncture ; 9 : Baik SI, Ahn JC, Kim YJ, Kim HS, Kwon KR. Type Analysis of Pharmacopuncture Papers Published in the Journal of Korean Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society ; 23 : Jin HJ, Lee SW. Patent Trend Report about Oriental Medicine: The Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine-oriented. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association ; 12 : Hwang HS, Han KJ, Kim YS, Lee JE, Jeong SY, Ryu YH et al. Analysis on the recent trends of acupuncture related patents. Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine ; 13 : Park CS, Hwang YS, Koo ST. Review on the Stimulating Technologies of Acupuncture Points in the Patents. Korean Journal of Acupuncture ; 28 : Cheon S, Zhang X, Lee IS, Cho SH, Chae Y, Lee H. Pharmacopuncture for cancer care: a systematic review. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : ecam ; 2014 : Park J, Lee H, Shin BC, Lee MS, Kim B, Kim JI. Pharmacopuncture in Korea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : ecam ; 2016 : Lim CS, Park SK, Sun SH, Lee KH. Research on Korean Pharmacopuncture in South Korea since Journal of pharmacopuncture ; 17 : Park CY, Soe JC, Choi DY. Molecular Biological Study of Anti-cancer Effects of Bee Venom Aqua-acupuncture. Journal of Korean Institute of Herbal-Acupuncture ; 3 : Lee JD. Bee-Venom theraphy -Method of Clinical Approach-. The Journal of Korean Medicine ; 3 : Wang WH, Ahn KB, Lim JK, Jang HS. Clinical Investigation Compared with the Effects of the Bee Venom-Acupuncture on Knee Joint with Osteoarthritis. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 18 : Seo DM, Park DS, Kang SK. The Analgesic Effect of Bee Venom Aqua-acupuncture and Its Mechanism in the Rat Model with adjuvant-induced Arthritis. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 20 : Kim JH, Lee JD. Assesment of Bee-venom Acupuncture Effect on Herniated Disc Patients by Rating Scale. The Journal of Korean Medicine. The Journal of Korean Medicine ; 20 : Choi EJ, Lee JM, Won SH, Kwon KR. Effects of cultivated wild ginseng pharmacopuncture on lowering lipid and oxidative 203
14 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF capacity in biochemical and molecular biological study in obese rats. Journal of Korean Institute of Pharmacopuncture ; 9 : Kim YJ, Lee JM, Lee E. Immunomodulatory activity of cultivated wild ginseng pharmacopuncture. Journal of Meridian & Acupoint ; 27 : Lee JH, Kwon KR, Cha BC. Component Analysis of Cultivated Ginseng, Red Ginseng, Cultivated Wild Ginseng, and Red Wild Ginseng Using HPLC Method. Journal of Korean Institute of Pharmacopuncture ; 11 : Kil HY, Seong ES, Sim JM, Choi SK, Heo K, Yu CY. Characterization of Inorganic Components, Free Sugars, Amino Acids, and Fatty Acids in Angelica gigas Nakai. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 2015; 23: Park BR, Park GH, Gu DR, Ko WM, Kim YC, Lee SH. Inhibitory Effect of Paeoniae Radix Alba Ethanol Extract on Osteoclast Differentiation and Formation. Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine ; 29 : Moon JY. Effects of Paeoniae Radix Aqua-Acupuncture Solution on Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide Induced Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidative Enzymes in Cultured Rat_Liver. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 17 : Kim ST, Kim YJ, Lee HS, Choi SM, Yin CS, Lee JY et al. The effect of acupuncture for changing the levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein and cytokines in the sera of rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Meridian & Acupoint ; 26 : Lee SH, Hong SJ, Kim SY, Yang HI, Lee JD, Choi DY et al. Randomized Controlled Double Blind Study of Bee Venom Therapy on Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 20 : Choi DY, Lee JD, Back YH, Lee SS, Yoo MC, Han CS et al. Recent Trends of Immunologic Studies of Herbal Medicine on Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 21 : Lee JH, Yang TJ, Jeong SJ, Wei TS. Effects of Ukgansan Pharmacopuncture at GB20 on Cognitive Impariment Induced by Focal Brain Injury in Rats. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 33 : Hyun MK, Mo MJ, Hwang DR, Yang TJ, Lee JH, Lee EJ et al. The Effects of Jodeungsan Pharmacopuncture at GB20 on Cognitive Impariment Induced by Focal Brain Injury in Rats. The Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society ; 33 : Kim TY, Kum CJ, Oh JW. The Current Status about Alzheimer's Dementia in the Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry for Evidence Based Medicine. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry ; 25 : Kang YM. The Status of Research about Korean Herbal Medicines using 3P(Paper, Patent, and Product) Analysis. Korean Herbal Medicine Informatics ; 2 : Yun IS, Kim SJ, Jeong ES. Evaluation of Technology Activity, Innovation and Productivity using Korean Patent Information. Journal of Information Management ; 42 : Lee KH, Jo SH, Kim YM, Hwang DS. Microneedle coated by oriental medicine compositions and method for manufacturing thereof Kim SC, Lee MJ, Jo HG, Kim TH. A method for the detoxicated sulfur pharmacopuncture and the sulfur pharmacopuncture by the method Shin JS, Lee JH. Pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating arthritis comprising chicken comb extract Ham DH, Yeom MJ, Lee HC, Sim IS, Lee HJ. Hominis Placenta extracts showing a good therapeuticeffect on rheumatoid arthritis and pharmaceuticalcompositions containing the same Shin JS, Lee JH. Manufacturing method for scorpion extract, scorpion extract by the same, and pharmacopuncture composition comprising the same Lee JD, Park DS, Choi DY, Baek YH, Heo JE. Compositions comprising extracts of Bee Venom as an active ingredient for the angiogenesis-related diseases,lung cancer or pain Jang DH, Byeon IM, Kim JY. Pharmaceuticals Comprising Extracts of Natural Materials and Uses Thereof Han SM, Hong IP, Woo SO, Kim SG, Jang HR. A antibiotic composition for Helicobacter pylori containing the purified bee 204
15 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 venom Han SM, Yeo JH, Hong IP, Woo SO, Park GG, Kim GH et al. Pharmaceutical composition comprising bee venom, melittin or apamin for prevention or treatment of kidney disease Han SM, Lee MR, Woo SO, Sim HS, Kim JM, Lee YG. Antivirus or antitumor composition containing purified bee venom Kim SC, Ko GH, Park SY, Choi HG, So KS, Lee KY et al. Composition for treating lumbar intervertebral discherniation comprising a centipede Park BJ. a natural extraction hepad X2 composition of both the protection and the treatment of the parkinson's disease Ham DH, Yeom MJ, Lee HC, Sim IS, Lee HJ, Kim SO. Ephedra sinica Stapf extracts showing a goodtherapeutic effect on rheumatoid arthritis and itspharmaceutical compositions containing the same Jang HS, Kim ST. A pharmaceutical composition comprising herbal extracts for prevention and treatment of arthritis and herniation of intervertebral discs Shin JS, Kim ST. Pharmaceutical composition comprising Achyranthisbidentatae Radix, Scolopendra, Eucommiae Cortex, Acanthopanacis Cortex and Ledebouriellae Radix as mainingredients and pharmaceutical preparations containingthem Kim YS, Baek YM, Jeong TG, Seo JW, Park HJ, Kim WY et al. Method for producing Rhus verniciflua extract with urushiol removed and use as herbal acupuncture of Rhus verniciflua extract produced by the same method Hwang HJ, Lee BH, Ham DH, Lee HJ, Lim SBN, Han SM et al. Acanthopanacis Cortex Mun CH, Kim CT, Choi HJ, Kim DH. Pharmaceutical composition for injection into blood vessel comprising Sanyang wild Jinseng extracts Park YJ, Sim IS, Song GY. A composition comprising purified extract of wildginseng having neuronal cell-protecting activity Park YJ, Sim IS, Song GY. The method for preparing purified extract showing anti-cancer activity from wild ginseng and the composition comprising the same Shin HM. A pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating cardiovascular diseases comprising ginseng extracts as effective components Park SC. Herbal medicine for enhancing anticancer activity and manufacturing method thereof Kim ST, Kim JD, Kim OK. Phamaceutical composition for hepatitis and hepatocaricinoma as pharmaceutical preparations ARTMISIA CAPILLARIS, ARTEMISIAE ASIATICAE HERBA, ULMUS DAVIDIANA VAR, HOVENIA DULCIS THUNB, ALNUS JAPONICA, LPH peptide isloated SOYBEAN DEBRIS-WATER EXTRACT, KOREA RAISIN and FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM containing them Sim IS, Ham DH, Lee HJ, Hwang HJ, Lee BH, Lim SBN. Lonicera japonica Thunb Kim DH, Choi HJ, Jeon JA, Park JW, Sim BY. Jeonggongdun Complex Herbal Acupuncture for anti-inflammatory Ha MG. Pharmacopuncture Composition for Eye SIGHT and Manufacturing Method using the Same Shin JS, Kim ST. Crude drugs composition for preventing, treating inflammatory bone disease, and for nerve regeneration Baek IS, Kim ST. Phamaceutical composition for treating asthma comprising as main ingredients, GlycyrrhizaeRadix, Perillae Semen, Peucedani Radix, SchizandraeFructus, Asparagi Radix, Mori Cortex Radicis and Perillae Folium as main ingredients Kim SJ, Kim JS, Noh SS, Shin YO. Pharmaceutical composition for pharmacopuncture medicine having anti-obesity effect Sim IS, Hwang HJ, Ham DH, Lim SBN, Lee HJ, Lee BH et al. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn Kim SC, Lee MJ. Method of manufacturing a Shin Myeong injection for relieving pain and the injection made by the same Kang HB. Method for preparing acupuncture containing Aconitum jaluense extract Kim JS, Lim SC, Noh SS, Lee HJ. Pharmaceutical composition for pharmacopuncture medicine having anti-obesity effect
16 우성천ㆍ강준철ㆍ김송이ㆍ박지연 KOREAN JOURNAL OF Yoo YS, Kang HW, Kim JJ. Phamaceutical use for neuroprotective effect comprising as main ingredients on the Cultured Spinal Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Damaged by Oxygen Free Radicals from Ramulus et Uncus Uncariae pharmaceutical preparations containing them Baek IS, kim ST. Phamaceutical composition for treating Alzheimercomprising, as main ingredients, Aurantii Nobilis- Pericarpium, Hoelen, Ligusticum acutilobum, UncariaeRamulus et Uncus, Acorus gramineus, AtractyodisRhizoma, Angelica dahurica, Zizyphi Spinosi Semen,Rehmanniae Radix Preparata, Cornus officinalis andpolygala tenuifolia Kim KU. Composition for protection and treatment of stress and panic disorder Park HH, Lee EK, Park YN, Kim SG. Composition comprising an extract of Alisma canaliculatum for preventing and treating hyperlipidemia or artherosclerosis Park BJ, Kim DH, Kim IS, Choi HJ, Kim JS, Lee JS. a natural extraction hepad X5 composition of both the protection and the treatment of the parkinson s disease Hong GU. Dioscoreae Rhizoma comprising the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of facial nerve paralysis, and the extract beongbeop Joe HG, Song YK, Park GM. A composition for the treatment of obesity comprising the Coicis Semen complex Kim KR, Kim ST, Kang HW. Oriental herb composition for allergy disease treatment Kim KR. Phamaceutical composition comprising Cocicis Semen, Mori Cortex Radicis, Houttuynia Cordata, Platycodi Radix, Rehmanniae Radix, Lonicerae Flos, Saururus chinesis Lour Bail, Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Paeoniae Radix Rubra as main ingredients Kim KR. Phamaceutical use for treating allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis comprising as main ingredients COCICIS SEMEN, MORI COTEX RADICIS, HOUTTUYNIA CORDATA, PLATYCODI RADIX, REHMANNIAE RADIX, LONICERAE FLOS pharmaceutical preparations containing them Park NS. Method for preparing injectable pharmaceutical agent for treatment of joints and method for treating arthritis using the same Shin JS, Lee JH. A pharmaceutical composition for preventing and treating inflammatory disease containing the purified bee venom which was reduced allergen, as a active ingredient Shin JS, Lee JH. Composition comprising the purified fraction isolated from bee venom for preventing and treating a joint disease comprising a cervical and lumbar disc or inflammatory disease and manufacturing method thereof Han SM, Yeo JH, Hong IP, Woo SO, Kim CG, Shin JC et al. Method for seperating bee venom containing active amines and food composition thereof Kim SC, Kang KS. A method of making injection liquid comprising Scolopendra subspinipes for neurodegenerative disease, and the injection liquid made by the method Yun DW. Method of making pharmacopuncture solution composite for anticancer and immunity improvement Lee DH, Park MW, Jang SA, Woo CR, Yu HJ. A composition for preventing or treating breast cancer comprising herbal ingredients Hwang SY, Ahn SH, Seo GY. Pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating liver cancer comprising herbal extracts Hwang SY, Ahn SH, Seo GY. Pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating lung cancer comprising herbal extracts Hwang SY, Ahn SH, Seo GY. Pharmaceutical composition for preventing or treating renal cell carcinoma comprising herbal extracts Yang IC, Park JA, Woo CR, Yu HJ. A composition for preventing or treating gastrointestinal cancer comprising herbal ingredients Park CK, Kim ST. Pharmaceutical composition for treating Alzheimer disease comprising as main ingredients Panax ginseng, Gastrodia elata, Biotae semen, Schizandra chinensis, 206
17 KOREAN JOURNAL OF 국내약침특허현황에대한분석연구 Evodia rutaecarpa, Zizyphi spinosi semen pharmaceutical preparations containing them Kim SC, Choi HS, Son HY, Jo IJ, Park SM, Jeong JY et al. Composition Comprising Artemisiae apiaceae Herba extracts for preventing or treating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Kim BD, Park MK, Lee YB, Kim SY, Park IS, Park YS et al. Pharmaceutical composition comprising extract of Cuscuta japonica Chois showing an anti-osteoporosis activity Baek IS, Kim ST. Phamaceutical composition comprising GlycyrrhizaeRadix, Perillae Semen, Peucedani Radix, SchizandraeFructus, Asparagi Radix, Mori Cortex Radicis and Perillae Folium as main ingredients Kang JS, Kim SH, Kwon CN. The manufacturing method of Pharmacopuncture containing of Compound K Choi KD, Lim HK. Paeonia japonica extracts showing a good therapeutic effect on osteoarthritis and its pharmaceutical compositions containing the same Yu YS, Kang HW, Kim SH, Lee KM. Phamaceutical composition for treating Alzheimer disease comprising as main ingredients UNCARIAE RAMULUS ET UNCUS pharmaceutical preparations containing them Shin JS, Lee JH. A method for preparation of the Hwangnyeonhaedok-tang pharmacopuncture and a Hwangnyeonhaedok-tang pharmacopuncture prepared by the method Baek IS, Kim ST. Phamaceutical use for treating Alzheimer ofcomposition comprising, as main ingredients, AurantiiNobilis Pericarpium, Hoelen, Ligusticum acutilobum,uncariae Ramulus et Uncus, Acorus gramineus,atractyodis Rhizoma, Angelica dahurica, ZizyphiSpinosi Semen, Rehmanniae Radix Preparata, Cornusofficinalis, Polygala tenuifolia pharmaceuticalpreparations containing them Choi KD, Lim HK, Lee JS. Bambusae Caulis extracts showing a good therapeuticeffect on osteoarthritis and its pharmaceuticalcompositions containing the same Lim KH, Kim IH. Composition for anti-wrinkling and whitening, comprising an extract of Meretrix as an effective component Lee SH, Lee YC, Jung YC, Noh SH, Seo JG, Jung HG et al. Method for preparing injection using the extract of old platycodon grandiflorum and Injection using the same Kim SC, Lee MJ. A method for making gel of Scolopendra subspinipes, the gel, a method for making medicine acupuncture liquid comprising the gel, and the medicine acupuncture liquid Kang JS, Kwon CN, Kang JH, Lee SH, Kim BS. Acupuncture Comprising Heated Saponin And Process For The Acupuncture Lee HJ, Ham DH, Choi BH, Yeom MJ, Han DO, Sim IS. inhibition of inflammation by nephrite Shin JS, Kim ST. Phamaceutical composition comprising Sepiae Os, Eucommiae Cortex, Acanthopanacis Cortex, Testudins Plastrum, Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix and Cibotium barometz L as main ingredients and pharmaceutical preparations containing them Hwang UW, Jo SH. Composition comprising herbal mixture extract as an active ingredient for prevention and treatment of alcohol dependence Kim BW, Kwon HJ, Jung HY. Composition comprising extract from Sophora tonkinesis Gapnep. for prevention or treating obesity Hwang SY, Jung KC. Composition comprising cinamon for treatment of prostate cancer Jeong S, Joo CK, Choi JS. Composition comprising fermented liquid of Artemisia caillaries and the process therefor and health stuff, remedies for disease related to horse exercise and supplementary feed, remedies for cataract of animal and for parvo-virus enteritis of dog using the same and the treatment therefore Choi SH, Joe SG, Kwon YB. Therapeutic effects of bee venom (Apis mellifera) insows with mastitis, metritis and agalactia syndrome Choi SH, Joe SG, Kwon YB. Therapeutic effect of bee venom in calves withbacterial diarrhea Choi SH, Joe SG, Kwon YB. Acupuncture therapy of sow mastitis by honeybee venom
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