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1 Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 159~168, April, 211 GGGGG DOI /JKCI » ü w» q w ³ 1) *Á½ y 1) Á½ z 1) Á y 2) 1) w w 2) w w Direct Punching Shear Strength Model for Interior Slab-Column Connections and Column Footings with Shear Reinforcement Kyoung-Kyu Choi, 1) * Sug-Hwan Kim, 1) Dong-Hoon Kim, 1)G and Hong-Gun Park 2) 2) 1) School of Architecture, Soongsil University, Seoul , Korea Dept. of Architecture, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea ABSTRACT In the present study, an improved design method was developed for the punching shear strength of interior slabcolumn connections and column footings with and without shear reinforcement. In the evaluation of the punching shear strength, the possible failure mechanisms of the connections and column footings were considered. The considered failures modes were inclined tensile cracking of concrete, yielding of shear re-bars, and concrete crushing of compression zone/strut. The punching shear applied to the concrete critical section was assumed to be resisted mainly by the compression zone. The punching shear strength of the concrete compression zone was evaluated based on the material failure criteria of the concrete subjected to the compressive normal stress and shear stress. For verification of the proposed design method, its prediction was compared with the existing test results. The result showed that the proposed method predicted the strengths of the test specimens better than the current design methods of the KCI code for both the shear reinforced and unreinforced cases. Keywords : slab-column connections, concrete slabs, column footings, direct punching shear, shear reinforcement 1. q» e œ» œ ƒ š, ü w œ k l. ù q r e w -» w w w. 1) -» w x w j» w w w œ (Fig. 1). ù -» w w ƒw w w q f w š. Ruiz 3) Muttoni w q eƒ p w» w gj p p q (Fig. 2). *Corresponding author kkchoi@ssu.ac.kr Received August 27, 21, Revised November 11, 21, Accepted November 22, 21 21X by Korea Concrete Institute -» w q f w» w w x w. Beutel 4) Hegger x k œ w 5) w. Pralong and Nielsen k wwe we w, Johansen 6) w f ³ w š w w w w. w -» w q f w. ù w w w š w». 7) KCI ACI 318, 8,9) Euro code2 xw 1)»» x k w x wš (Fig. 3). ù xw» x s j» w š, Fig. 4 ùkù KCI( ACI 318)» -» w w» x y w w x w d. 11,12) wr, KCI ACI 318 xw»» 8,9)» q w, -» w w s 159
2 Fig. 1 Various shear reinforcement methods used in slabcolumn connections 2) x w j» w š 13) (Fig. 3). Hegger et al.»» q w» x, ACI 318»» q ƒ ƒw sƒw» q ̃ É sƒw š šw. w w» w w š. p, ³ 14) gj p q» w { w š w -» w w. w w 14) k, w -» w Fig. 2 Possible failure modes at slab-column connections with shear reinforcement 3) Fig. 3 Existing design methods for direct punching shear Fig. 4 Strength predictions for existing test specimens by KCI code 16 w gj pwz 23«2y (211)
3 yw sƒw t w. w w w ³ q, gj p / l q w q f š w. w -» w» q,» x m w z w. 2. gj p -» w q w { x w w x j { ³ 17) w. Kotsovos, 15) Zararis, 16) Jelic w, j { z gj p ù z ƒ j w gj p ƒ w {w (Tureyen et al., 18) Kotsovos 15) ). w ƒ k ³, 19,2) ³ 14) w š y, 21) w x» w. gj p yw w» w, gj p w w š w. w w gj p q» Rankine(Chen ) q 22)» w. q» gj p w q ƒ w ƒ w. ƒ w f ck w q ƒ w, f' t w q ƒ w (Fig. 5). q» l ( x ) w ) v nc ( z) f ck ( f ck ( z) ) v nt + ( z) f t ( f t ( z) ) (1a) (1b)» f t w w 12). (1) gj p s s xk w. Fig. 5 Principal stress failure criteria of concrete subjected to shear-compression x, gj p ¾, z l. gj p x (αε o ) w (1) { š ( { x) yw. q { w w, w d w w. ³ w {w. w x ¼ z w s³ w ( (1)) mw w. v c v nc ( z)dz/ w r w» w, ³ w z w s³ ( ) w (1), (3) w ³ s³ w. for α 1 for α > 1 d or v nt ( z)dz/d v cc v nc ( z)dz/d f ck ( f ck ) /d (3) (4a) ( z) f ck αz αz » αε o gj p x, ε o (.2) gj p w w x, α gj p x w w (2) /α v cc v nc ( z)dz/d f ck ( f ck ) /d/α for α 1 v ct v nt ( z)dz/d f t ( f t ) /d + (4b) (4c) -» ü w» q w 161
4 for α > 1 /α v ct v nt ( z)dz/d f t ( f t + ) /d/α (4d) (4), gj p ƒ d x gj p w w x j (α >1), ƒ w w {w w. α >1 (4b) (d) y ( z / α) { š ƒ w. (2) w s³ w. for α 1 for α >1 3. (5a) (5b) -» w» w q. -» w { x w { ƒ š q x ¼ ƒ ƒ š ƒ». xw»» l ³ (q ) w š ƒ wš» d /2 j e x w. ù -» w e w q f w w ƒ q. 11) ( z)dz/ ( α α 2 /3)f ck /α ( z)dz/ ( 2/3)f ck Fig. 2(a) -» gj p ³ z w w ƒ q. -» w x gj p wì w {w. wr e Á ( ) gj p q, gj p w w { (Fig. 2(b), Fig. 6). -» w gj p p q (Fig. 2(c)). q f -» w ƒƒ w. 3.1 e -» w ƒ ü q (Fig. 6(a)), w gj p (V c )» (V s ) w. 8,9,1,23) V n V c + V s V s A v f yt gj p ƒ w q w. gj p ( (4c)) š w (8). V c v ct d f t f t + ( ) x ¼, w q ƒ w 45 ³ š w» s z Ì w x s c 1 + d( c 2 + d) w (Fig. 3, KCI 9) ). ü w w x ¼ 2c 1 + 2c 2 +4d. (4) ùkù, gj p { x ƒw yw. w 14) r w» w, ³ w q w x αε o.196(α 1, Kinnunen (6) (7) (8) Fig. 6 Failure modes and the critical shear sections inside/outside shear reinforced zone around slab-column connections 162 w gj pwz 23«2y (211)
5 and Nylander ) w 24) (2/3)f ck w. w w š w g j p z f (1 / 3)f t w. 14) t wr» š j» z 25) š w» 4 w, j» z λ s [ 2/d ] w. w x 26) x z (ACI ) š w» 8) w, Manterola x w x x λ bo [ 3/ /d w.,, j» z x 1] f t w w (V c ) (9) w. V c λ s λ bo f t f t 2/3 ( + ( )f ck ) Á q ƒ w gj p w -» w. ù q x s x w. Fig. 6(b) e, Á req x. 9) d 4 2 d max c 1 2c 2 (9) (1)» d max» ƒ ¾, (6) V s. 3.2 w 27) Beutel w ƒ -» w gj p p q. xw KCI ACI 318-8» 8) w q š w V max.5 f ck d ( l.67 f ck d ) wš. gj p q f w (4b) w gj p q w. V max v cc d (11) v cc (4a) 28) (4b) w w. Shehata w x αε o.35(α 1.75) w -» w ƒ gj p w q. (11) v cc αε o.35 ƒ w. Table 1 Specimen properties of slab-column connections without shear reinforcement, and strength predictions Investigators 11) No. of specimens c 1 (c 2 ) (1) f ck (2) (MPa) d ρ t (%) Hallgren and Kinnunen Tomaszewicz Ramdane, Regan et al Marzouk and Hussein Lovrovich and McLean Tolf Regan Swamy and Ali Marti et al. Pralong et al Schaefers Ladner et al. Schaeidt et al., Ladner Corley and Hawkins Moe Kinnunen and Nylander Elstner and Hognestad Park and Choi Teng et al Bernaert and Puech Manterola Yitzhaki Mean COV (1) Specimen 4 of Park and Choi, and OC13, OC13-1.6, OC13-.63, and OC 15 of Teng et al., had rectangular column-sections. The others had square or circular column-sections. For the circular column-sections, c 1 c 2 ( π /2)D was used, where D diameter of circular column-section. (2) f ck concrete compressive cylinder strength (.8 f c,cube ). (3) Strength-predictions by KCI (or ACI 318-8) V pred V ACI. (3) -» ü w» q w 163
6 (6) -» w V n V max w. 4. w w w -» w»» q w» 11) x w. CEB-FIP» š» x13,29-38) -» w w 27 x -» w w 187 x,»» q w 81 x ƒ. Tables 1, 2, 3 ƒƒ -» w, Table 2 Specimen properties of slab-column connections with shear reinforcement, and strength predictions Investigators 11,29-36) No. of specimens c 1 (c 2 ) f' ck (MPa) d ρ t (%) ρ v (%) or A v f vy (MN) (1) Failure mode (2) Graf O Keefe C Elstner and Hognestad O Moe O Andersson I/O/C Franz I/O/C Narasiham O Petcu and Stanculescu O Marti et al I Sunquist O/C Seible et al O Swamy and Ali O Pral et al., Muller et al O Hallgren and Kinnunen O Broms O/C Lovrovich and Mc Lean O Regan O Kinnunen et al O Tolf et al O/C Chana and Desai I/O Yamada et al I/O Chana O Marzouk and Jiang O Beutel and Hegger I/O Lee et al I/O Olivera et al I/O Sherif and Dilger ) I Mokhtar et al ) I Pilakoutas and Li ) C Adetta and Polak ) I/O/C Langohr et al ) O Seible et al ) O Van der Voet et al ) I/O Broms ) C Mean COV (1) (2) (3) Strength-predictions by KCI (or ACI 318-8) Predicted failure mode by proposed method: I - punching failure inside shear reinforced zone ; O - punching failure outside shear reinforced zone; and C - concrete compression crushing Contribution of shear reinforcement, A v f vy (MPa) V pred V ACI. 164 w gj pwz 23«2y (211)
7 Table 3 Specimen properties of column footings, and strength predictions Investigators No. of specimens c 1 (c 2 ) l 1 (l 2 ) d f ' c (MPa) f ' y (MPa) ρ t (%) Support condition ( 1 ) V pred. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) V pred. (1) (2) Hegger et al. 37) Sand Hegger Sand /Car ,2-1, et al. 13) spring Richart 38) Car spring Mean COV Soil pressure applied inside the area of critical section(a ) was neglected (Hegger et al. 37) ) Strength-predictions by ACI ) q, 13.9 f ck 38.1 MPa, 2.98 L 1 /d 1.51, 25 d 47 mm,.2 ρ 1.25(percent). Figs. 4 7 xw KCI» w -» w x ƒ. KCI, s³ 1.34, COV 23.2%,, s³ 1.32, COV 31.1% r ƒ j p 2% w j sƒw., s³ 1.27, COV 15.2%,, s³ 1.2, COV 23.8%, xw ACI» x y Fig. 7 Strength predictions by proposed method for existing test specimens (slab-column connections) -» w,»» q x p, x e, š x x ƒ. x» x11,13,29-38),. -» w, 9.8 f ck 119. MPa,.46 c 1 / d 8.33, 1. c 1 / c 2 5., 64 d 275 mm,.3 ρ 8.5(percent), -» w, 13.8 f ck 92.4 MPa,.24 c 1 / d 2.52, 8.25 d 669 mm,.34 ρ 3.2(percent), ΣA v.118(m 2 ) ( x ü). w»» Fig. 8 Strength predictions for existing test specimens by KCI (or ACI 318-8) and proposed model (column footings) -» ü w» q w 165
8 w. ùkù w yw wš. wr x w gj p ƒ ƒw ù ƒ ƒw ƒ ƒw. ( (9)) ƒ g j p ¾ ƒ j w ƒ ƒw. 5. Fig. 9 Strength predictions by proposed method for various types of shear reinforcements w wš. w Fig. 8»» q w x d ƒ. KCI( ACI 318-8)» x d ƒ s³ 1.47, COV 19.6%., x d ƒ s³ 1.62, COV 12.8% d r ùkü. x,, l, p, w w x ƒ sw. Fig. 9 -» w š, l wš x w x d š yw w ùkû. Table 2 w w q f w d wì. Table 2 w» x š ƒ, -» w ü w w ù(i), gj pƒ ³ w q ù(o), g j p ƒ q (C) w xk q d. Fig. 1 w,,, y -» w»» q yw sƒw r w. w k, gj p { x w w y š w» w gj p q» w, x w g j p w. -» w ³ w q gj p / p q w q, w q f š w w w. w w w sww 394 -» w 81»» q w» x w.,»» -» w»» q ywš d dw. 21 ( w» ) w w» (No ). Fig. 1 Variation of punching shear strength according to design parameters 166 w gj pwz 23«2y (211)
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