Week 01 Text Book - Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING

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1 Advanced Digital Lighting

2 Week 01 Text Book - Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING

3 Week 02 Basic principle of lighting Three points lighting Key light, Fill light, Rim light(back light)

4 Week 02 [ Example ]

5 Week 02 Basic principle of lighting

6 Week 03 Use Depth Map shadows

7 Week 03 Discussion about Lightings in Films

8 Week 04 Algorithms of shadows

9 Week 04 -Length of shadow by Time

10 Week 05 Advanced Materials

11 Week 06 Arnold Rendering Concepts

12 Week 06 Sampling and Ray depth

13 Week 07 Give extra tips and techniques through student s work for midterm

14 Week 09 How to make simple scene setting in Maya

15 Week 10 Discussion 2 about Lightings in Films

16 Week 11 How to create caustic effects with Arnold Lightings

17 Week 12 Creating 3D scenes to use caustic effects with reference images

18 Week 13 Creating Outdoor Lighting (Advanced Techniques)

19 Week 13 Exterior daylight with Physical Sky

20 Week 14 Explaining Rendering Layer and Compositing

21 Week 14 Explaining Rendering Layer and Compositing

22 Week 15 Creating cityscape with reference images

23 Week 16 Texturing and Lighting with Advanced Techniques

24 Week 16 Texturing and Lighting with Advanced Techniques

25 Week 16 Essential Practice Compositing with using After Effects

26 Week 16 Final works which are compositing objects to live action images

27 Week 17 Final works which are compositing objects to live action images

28 ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING 강의지도계획 기본정보 과목명칭 ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING 영문명칭 ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING 학과종류총시수 60 이론시수 30 실험시수실습시수 30 학점 3 예정시수과목 적용대상한중뉴미디어대학 16 학번과목담당자 YOONJEONG 과목설명 HAN This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 二 교육목표및임무 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 교시배치 - Explanation about Essential Techniques of Lighting Setting in Maya - Practice in Class Learning - Discussion about Lightings in Films by e-class to understand Digital Lighting 수업시간배치 주간 수업내용 수업형식및시간안배 이론실험실습 시간합계 1 Introduction of the course 2 Fundamentals of Digital lightings

29 3-4 An overview of Lighting Elements Introduction of Arnold Lightings Studio Lightings Environmental Lightings Final exam 수업내용및수업요구 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 실험. 실천내용 - Explanation about Essential Techniques of Lighting Setting in Maya - Practice in Class Learning - Discussion about Lightings in Films by e-class to understand Digital Lighting 평가방식및요구 - Attendance : 10% - Attitude in Class : 10% - Discussion 01 : 5% - Assignment 01 : 5% - Midterm submission : 30% - Discussion 02 : 5% - Assignment 02 : 5% - Final submission : 30% 2

30 추천교재및참고서적 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING(3 rd Edition) JEREMY BIRN by New Riders 3

31 중남재경정법대학 학사과정수업진도계획표 ( 2018 학년도제 1 학기 ) 학 원 : 한중뉴미디어학원 강연교사 : YOONJEONGHAN 학과명칭 : Advanced Digital Lighting 학과번호 : 과정성질 : 총교시 : 3Hr 교육부작성

32 기본정보 강연교사 YOONJEONGHAN 직위 학위 MFA 학과명칭 Advanced Digital Lighting 수업대상 ( 전공, 학년 ) 학과번호 Junior 학과종류교시 ( 학점 ) 3 총교시 그중교실수업교시 ; 실습수업교시 ; 기타수업 ( 토론, 견학 ) 교시 ; 자습 교시 평가방식시험 시찰 기타 코스웨어유 무 시험형식 open book closed book 기타 수업방식 멀티미디어및실습수업 결합 교재명칭 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) 작가 JEREMY BIRN 출판사 New Riders 출판연도 2013 주요 참고서적 연구실 검토의견 연구실주임 ( 싸인 ) 년월일 학과주임 검토의견학과주임 ( 싸인 ) 년월일 학원 ( 부서 ) 검토의견 교수주관담당자 ( 싸인 ) 학원도장년월일

33 학사일정 주간 수업내용안배 ( 장, 절요점기재 ) 교 시 수업형식및 수단 수업외숙제 또는지도 안배 집행 상황 Lecture with PPT file / Week01 1. Introduction of the class - Maya Criteria of a Grade 3. Level Test for Digital Lighting 3 Practice in Class / Analysis of Lighting in Film scene Lecture with 1. Fundamentals of Digital lighting (Theory) PPT file / 2. Lighting Basics and Practices (Theory) Practice in Week02 3. Understanding of Light Types - Controls and Options 4. Collecting and analyzing Reference images 3 Class / Analysis of Lighting in Film scene Lecture with 1. Use Depth Map shadows 2. Creating Effects Shadows PPT file / Week03 - Shadowing with Light Fog - Shadowing with Paint Effects - Shadowing with Fur and Hair 3. Share Subjects for Discussion 1 3 Practice in Class / Analysis of Discussion 1 Lighting in Film

34 scene Lecture with 1. The visual Functions of Shadows PPT file / Week04 2. Algorithms of shadows 3. Occlusion 4. Lighting a Flickering Fire Pit with Shadows 3 Practice in Class / 5. Faking shadows Analysis of 6. Baking Lighting Lighting in Film scene Lecture with 1. Advanced Materials PPT file / Week05 2. Reviewing Shading Models and Materials 3. Employing Samplers 4. Connecting Multiple Materials in One 3 Practice in Class / Assignment 01 network Analysis of 5. To Inform Assignment 1 Lighting in Film scene Lecture with PPT file / Week06 1. Introducing Arnold 2. Arnold Rendering Concepts 3. Sampling and Ray depth 3 Practice in Class / Analysis of Lighting in Film Week07 Information of Midterm subject 3 1. Submission of Midterm work Week08 2. Critique for Midterm 3 scene Practice in Class / Analysis of Lighting in Film scene Practice in Class Midterm

35 Week09 Week10 Week11 Week12 1. Studio Lighting to use Arnold Area Light 2. Setting a Ai Area Lights Attributes 3. Making a Spot light with Gobo 4. Attenuation with Light Decay Filter 1. ai Surface Standard Material Basics 2. Controlling specular roughness 3. Rendering Refractions with transmissions 4. To inform Discussion 2 1. How to create caustic effects with Arnold Lightings 2. Rendering Glass with Arnold 3. Creating underwater caustics Creating 3D scenes to use caustic effects with reference images Lecture with PPT file / Practice in Class Lecture with PPT file / Practice in Class Lecture with PPT file / Practice in Class Lecture with PPT file / Practice in Class Discussion 2 Week13 1. Environmental Lighting - Image based Lighting with Ai Skydome Light - Exterior daylight with Physical Sky 3 Lecture with PPT file / Practice in Class Assignment02 Week14 1. Know How to use light and object passes with AOV's 2. Compositing the render passes in After Effects 3 Lecture with PPT file / Practice in Class Week15 Creating cityscape with reference images 3 Week16 Information of Final subject 3 Practice Class Practice Class in in Week17 1. Submission of Final work 2. Critique for Final 3 Final


37 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

38 [ Week01 ] 1. Introduction of the class 2. Criteria of a Grade 3. Level Test for Digital Lighting 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


40 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

41 [ Week02 ] 1. Fundamentals of Digital lighting (40min) 2. Lighting Basics and Practices (40min) 3. Understanding of Light Types (50min) - Controls and Options 4. Collecting and analyzing Reference images (20min) 6. Question and Answer (30min) 2. Basic principle of lighting (Lecture - 40min) - Three points lighting Key light, Fill light, Rim light(back light) Key light - Every shot needs a key light, else it would end up with a dark image or, if your characters don t have any key light on them, then they would be perceived as a silhouette. If there are no lights in your scene but one, no matter where that light comes from, it becomes you key light. The key light is the main light source in your scene. Fill light - The fill light is the light that "fills" the areas in shadow. Fill lights serve to control the amount of contrast in your image. Photographers usually use bounce cards and reflectors as fill lights. In computer graphics we can either create virtual bounce cards and use global illumination (usually noisier) or area lights simulating the same effect. In Computer Graphics you may already get some GI bounced/fill light in your characters from the set but there is nothing wrong on cheating extra lights on top of those for artistic purposes. Fill lights in CG usually has little or no specular component associated to them and the quality of those lights tends to be soft. Rim Light - Sometimes also called back light or even hair light, is a light source coming from the back which purpose is to separate the character from the background. Most of the times subtle rim lights are enough. - Share the example images of three points lighting

42 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


44 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

45 [ Week03 ] 1. Use Depth Map shadows (30min) 2. Creating Effects Shadows (70min) - Shadowing with Light Fog - Shadowing with Paint Effects - Shadowing with Fur and Hair 3. Share Subjects for Discussion 1 to e-class (10min) 4. Practice in the Class (40min) 5. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 Discussion 1 about critiques of lightings in film 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


47 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

48 [ Week04 ] 1. The visual Functions of Shadows (20min) 2. Algorithms of shadows (20min) 3. Occlusion (20min) 4. Lighting a Flickering Fire Pit with Shadows (20min) 5. Faking shadows (20min) 6. Baking Lighting (20min) 7. Practice in the Class (40min) 8. Questions and Answers (20min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


50 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

51 [ Week05 ] 1. Advanced Materials (40min) 2. Reviewing Shading Models and Materials (30min) 3. Employing Samplers (20min) 4. Connecting Multiple Materials in One network (20min) 5. To Inform Assignment 1 (10min) 6. Practice in the Class (40min) 7. Questions and Answers (20min) 作业布置과제제출 Assignment 1 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


53 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

54 [ Week06 ] 1. Introducing Arnold (40min) 2. Arnold Rendering Concepts (20min) 3. Sampling and Ray depth (30min) 4. Practice in the Class (60min) 5. Questions and Answers (30min) - Arnold is the new high end rendering engine in Maya. It is a base renderer from Maya Until Maya 2016, Arnold was plug-in renderer, and basic render was mental ray. - The name of Arnold is from a famous bodybuilder and actor Arnold schwarzenegger. - Arnold enables to make photorealism and artificial effects easier than ever. - Arnold light has the additional function compare to standard Maya lights. - - Area light - Mesh light : lighting by mesh - Sky dome light : Image based lighting. HDRI images - Photometric light : use ies files 作业布置과제제출

55 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )

56 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

57 [ Week07 ] 1. Information of Midterm subject (20min) 2. Share examples of Midterm subject (30min) 3. Practice in the Class (100min) 4. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


59 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

60 [ Week08 ] 1. Submission of Midterm work (30min) 2. Critique for Midterm (100min) 3. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 Midterm work 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


62 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

63 [ Week09 ] 1. Studio Lighting to use Arnold Area Light (30min) 2. Setting a Ai Area Lights Attributes (40min) 3. Making a Spot light with Gobo (20min) 4. Attenuation with Light Decay Filter (20min) 4. Practice in the Class (40min) 5. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


65 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

66 [ Week10 ] 1. ai Surface Standard Material Basics (40min) 2. Controlling specular roughness (20min) 3. Rendering Refractions with transmissions (20min) 4. To inform Discussion 2 (20min) 5. Practice in the Class (50min) 6. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


68 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

69 [ Week11 ] 1. How to create caustic effects with Arnold Lightings (30min) 2. Rendering Glass with Arnold (20min) 3. Creating underwater caustics (30min) 4. Practice in the Class (70min) 5. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후기. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


71 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

72 [ Week12 ] 1. Creating 3D scenes to use caustic effects with reference images (60min) 2. Practice in the Class (70min) 3. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


74 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

75 [ Week13 ] 1. Environmental Lighting (80min) - Image based Lighting with Ai Skydome Light - Exterior daylight with Physical Sky 2. Practice in the Class (70min) 3. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 Assignment 02 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


77 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

78 [ Week14 ] 1. Know How to use light and object passes with AOV's (50min) 2. Compositing the render passes in After Effects (30min) 3. Practice in the Class (70min) 4. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


80 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

81 [ Week15 ] 1. Creating cityscape with reference images (60min) 2. Creating Render passes and compositing (30min) 3. Practice in the Class (40min) 4. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


83 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

84 [ Week16 ] 1. Information of Final subject (20min) 2. Share Examples about Final subject (30min) 3. Practice in the Class (40min) 4. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )


86 中韩新媒体学院 (ADVANCED DIGITAL LIGHTING) 课程授课教案 课程号 : 课序号 : 教研室任课教师연구실번호담당자 YOONJEONGHAN 授课 授 课 课题 Advanced Digital Lighting (Maya) 时间长度 180 강의주제 강의시간 教学 目标和要求 This course is to develop digital lighting in Maya for exquisite 3D scenes that is believable. 강의목표 教学重点강의중점 - An overview about Digital Lighting - Essential trainings of lighting setting in Maya - Understanding of Arnold setting in Maya 教学 Each course requires that the student be present at and participate in class. English skills 难点 of students might be problem to take this class. 강의난점 教学方法分析강의방법분석教学手段分析강의자료분석授课类型강의유형参考资料참고자료 Practice in class training by themselves 教学方式수업방식 : 讲授강의 探究탐구 问答문답 V 实验실험 演示시연 练习연습 其他기타 1. Prepare images in film to analyze of lighting 2. PPT file for a class 教学手段교학수단 : 板书출판물 多媒体멀티미디어 模型모형 实物시물 标本표본 挂图괘도 音像음반 其他기타 理论课이론수업 讨论课토론수업 实验课실험수업 练习课연습수업 其他기타 Digital LIGHTING&RENDERING (Third Edition) JEREMY BIRN 教学过程교육과정

87 [ Week17 ] 1. Submission of Final work (30min) 2. Critique for Final (40min) 3. Questions and Answers (30min) 作业布置과제제출 Final work 教学后记수수후후. ( 手写손으로쓰기 )



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