12. [ 출제의도 ] 이유파악 W: Brian, are you busy this morning? M: Well, what s up? W: I m having a meeting with the designers. Can you attend the meeting with

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Microsoft Word Hanwha Daily_New.doc

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Hello, Frank. Are you busy this weekend? M: No, I m free. W: Why don t you go to the concert with me? M: 2

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27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability


영어영역 영어 B 형정답 1 4 2 1 3 3 4 2 5 4 6 1 7 4 8 3 9 4 10 1 11 5 12 2 13 2 14 3 15 3 16 3 17 5 18 5 19 1 20 4 21 5 22 2 23 1 24 4 25 4 26 3 27 2 28 3 29 1 30 3 31 5 32 1 33 1 34 1 35 5 36 5 37 3 38 2 39 4 40 2 41 2 42 4 43 2 44 1 45 5 해설 1. [ 출제의도 ] 그림보고찾기 M: It s wonderful to visit the National Folk Museum together. W: Yes. This seal exhibition is very interesting. M: Wow! All of the seals over there seem to be made of precious stones. W: Right. Look! I like that seal best! M: You mean the round shaped one? W: No. I mean the cube shaped one. M: Let s go closer and look. Which one are you talking about? W: It has a dragon on the stone. M: Oh, do you mean the seal with strings? W: That s the one! It looks very extraordinary. M: Yeah. The dragon is full of life. seal 도장, 옥새 cube-shaped 정육면체의 2. [ 출제의도 ] 심정파악 W: Guess what? M: What is it? W: Do you remember Shirley? She was the girl next door. She was my best friend. M: Shirley... Ah, Shirley Miller! I remember her. W: She moved to New York when she was in elementary school. And I haven t heard from her since then. M: Well, what s up with her? W: You know, we met on the web last night. I mean, on the Photobook, the social networking site. M: Oh, really? How is she doing? W: She works as a web designer in New York. She said she would be here this weekend on business. M: Are you going to meet her? W: Sure. She s going to stay at my house. We ll talk about many things all night long. M: That s great! on business 사업차 3. [ 출제의도 ] 주제파악 M: In your own bathroom, germs can build up over a short time. If you want to keep bathroom germs from spreading, you should know the basics. First, keep your different bathroom items separated. Keep your razors away from your toothbrushes. You don t want to be cleaning your teeth with toothpaste stained with shaving cream. Second, use proper bathroom cleansers for each area of your bathroom. These cleansers can kill bathroom germs effectively. Above all, the key to a clean bathroom is cleaning your bathroom on a regular basis. Regular cleaning will give you an overall sanitary environment. germ 세균 razor 면도기 stain 오염시키다 sanitary 위생의 4. [ 출제의도 ] 할일파악 W: Oh, Lewis. Why didn t you come to the book club meeting last Saturday? M: I m so sorry. My neck hurt, so I couldn t go out. W: Your neck? What s wrong with your neck? M: When I woke up, I could hardly turn my neck. It really hurt! W: That s because you have never exercised. You re always sitting in front of your computer. M: Yeah. Now, I d like to take care of myself. W: You need to exercise regularly. Why don t you play tennis with me? M: That sounds good. But I ve never played tennis before. W: I would be glad to teach you how to play. M: Sounds good. I ll go and buy a racket right now. W: There is a store I know well. Let s go together. M: Thank you, Annie. I m so happy to have a friend like you. 5. [ 출제의도 ] 수치정보파악 W: Honey! What are you doing on the computer? M: I m searching for some shirts. W: Oh, wait a moment. Let s search for them together. You always choose poor ones. M: Okay. Look at this. This shirt with yellow vertical stripes seems to suit me. W: Yeah, I think so. And I think that white plain shirt will also look good on you. M: Then I d like to buy both of them. W: Let me see the prices... 30 dollars for the striped shirt and 20 dollars for the white one. M: Umm... Not so expensive. And I have a 10% discount coupon. W: Did you check the delivery charge? M: Yes. It s free. I m going to pay for them now. vertical stripe 세로줄무늬 delivery charge 배송료 6. [ 출제의도 ] 목적추론 W: Hello, everyone. This is Cameron Hill from Student Development. We are seeking volunteers for Move In Day on Saturday, August 21st. Traditionally, the faculty and staff members assist new students with their move in as a way to welcome them to our school. There are two shifts available: 8 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 4 p.m. If you are not able to help with the actual moving, you can also volunteer to be a move in team leader. To volunteer, please contact us by Wednesday, August 11th with your preferred shift time. faculty 교직원 shift 교대 ( 시간 ) available 이용가능한 7. [ 출제의도 ] 부탁한일파악 M: Susan, how about going to the lake after lunch? W: Sure, it looks like it s going to be a beautiful day. M: We could go canoeing, kayaking, or water skiing. W: I went canoeing last time, so I d like to try water skiing this time. M: Okay, I ll just get all the equipment ready and I ll pick you up at your place. W: When do you think you ll come? M: At about two. W: All right. Is there anything you want me to bring? M: I ve got food and drinks, but could you bring a picnic mat? We need it when we sit in the shade. W: Sure. And don t forget the sunscreen. M: Thank you for reminding me. I ll see you at two o clock. W: Okay. equipment 장비 shade 그늘 8. [ 출제의도 ] 장소추론 W: This place looks strange to me. M: Don t worry. This is a right place to treat your injury. W: Umm... What are all those cabinets with little drawers for? M: They re for medicinal herbs. W: What do all those Chinese characters on the drawers mean? M: They re the names of the herbs. W: Steve, I have a sprained ankle. I don t need any herbs. M: Take it easy. Last month, while practicing taekwondo, I sprained my ankle, but after one week s treatment here, I found my ankle completely healed. W: Really? What treatment did you get? M: I was treated with acupuncture. You ll have the same treatment. W: I hope it will work. M: I bet you ll be able to return to your team soon. injury 부상 herb 약초 sprain ( 발목을 ) 삐다 acupuncture 침 ( 술 ) 9. [ 출제의도 ] 관계추론 M: Hello, Ms. Gordon. How s Joan been today? W: Oh, Mr. Thomson. You ve come to pick up Joan. She s been good. She is playing with other kids. M: That s good. I'll be waiting here. W: Okay. Well, I have a favor to ask of you, Mr. Thomson. M: Yeah. What is it? W: We need parents to give out Christmas presents to the kids during this Friday s event. M: You mean you need Santa, right? W: Exactly! Kindergarten kids love Santa so much, you know. M: Okay. That s not a big deal. W: Thank you so much. We ll prepare the costume for you. M: Well, I m afraid my daughter will recognize me. W: Don t worry about that. You ll go to the Sun Class. Joan is in the Flower Class. M: I see. I ll do my best for the kids. costume 복장 [10~11] [ 출제의도 ] 긴담화듣기 ( 주제파악 / 세부 내용파악 ) M: Attention, students! This is your president speaking. Our school bag donation project will start next Monday, and last until the end of June. During this period, your old school bags will be accepted in the library. This project is to help less fortunate students in Vietnam. The school year begins during the rainy season there. Kids who can t afford bags either just hold their books in their hands or place them in plastic bags. On their way to school, the students and their books easily get soaked. Old school bags you don t use any more are all they need. The collected bags will be sent to UNICEF, and they will hand them to the students in Vietnam. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. donation 기부 afford ~ 를살돈이있다 soaked 젖은 cooperation 협조

12. [ 출제의도 ] 이유파악 W: Brian, are you busy this morning? M: Well, what s up? W: I m having a meeting with the designers. Can you attend the meeting with me? M: When does the meeting start? W: At 11 o clock. M: Oh, I m sorry. I m supposed to meet Mr. Carter at 11 a.m. He wants to place a new order for our jeans and we ll discuss it. W: I really need you this time. Can you reschedule it for the afternoon? M: I m afraid not. Mr. Carter said he would have an interview with a local newspaper in the afternoon. W: Oh, dear! M: Why don t you ask Paul instead? W: He said he would be busy working on a sales report in the morning. reschedule 시간을재조정하다 13. [ 출제의도 ] 도표의이해 M: Let s reserve the tickets for the musical Billy Elliot now. W: Okay. Which seats do you prefer? M: I want to sit all together and get seats as close to the stage as possible. W: The seats in Orchestra are closest to the stage. But there aren t enough seats available in Front or Rear Orchestra. We need 6 tickets. M: That s a pity. What about Dress Circle? I heard it has a wonderful view and plenty of leg room. W: But tickets in this section go over our budget. It should not go over 150 dollars per person. M: Then we can get seats in Grand Tier or Family Circle but I don t like the seats too far from the stage. W: Now we have only one choice left. M: Okay. It s closer to the stage than Family Circle and the price is reasonable. reserve 예약하다 leg room 다리를뻗을수있는공간 reasonable 합당한 [14~15] [ 출제의도 ] 긴대화듣기 ( 주제파악 / 세부 내용파악 ) M: Claire, I heard from Jason you re a scientist. W: Yeah, I work for a government organization in Washington, DC. M: What are you working on now? W: We re doing some research on the effects of space travel on the human body. M: That sounds interesting. So you re working with many astronauts? W: Not really. Mostly, we just work with animals. M: Oh, do you do tests on animals? W: Yes. It s much safer than doing the same tests on people. Are you against it? M: I, myself, have never supported it. I have four dogs, three cats and two birds as pets. W: You really love animals! I hope I haven t offended you. M: Not actually, but I have a friend who is an animal trainer at a zoo. He told me that animals feel pain as much as humans do. W: I think he is right. So we try to make the animals feel as comfortable as we can when we re running the tests. M: Good to hear that. But I think there should be more efforts to find alternatives to animal testing. organization 조직 astronaut 우주비행사 offend 감정을해치다 alternative 대안 ( 책 ) 16. [ 출제의도 ] 그림에적절한대화찾기 1 W: I don t see any stars in the sky. M: It s because of the bad weather. Maybe, next time. 2 W: You can use this telescope to see stars more clearly. M: That s great. You look like an astronomer. 3 W: Look! There are so many stars in the sky! M: Yeah. We re so lucky to see this beautiful scene tonight. 4 W: Dad, have you put up the tent yet? M: Not yet. Please give me a hand. 5 W: I like this tent better. How much is it? M: It s a little expensive. But it is popular and of good quality. astronomer 천문학자 quality ( 품 ) 질 17. [ 출제의도 ] 적절한응답찾기 M: What are you going to do this weekend? W: Nothing in particular. I m going to stay home and read books. Why? M: I d like to go to the air show this weekend. Will you come with me? W: Why not? Wait! You haven t handed in your report yet, have you? M: No, but I don t want to ruin my weekend in the library. W: I don t think that s a good idea. If you don t submit it in time, you may not pass the course. M: I think I can do it on Monday. W: The report is due on Tuesday. I m afraid you won t be able to finish it in one day. M: How long did it take you to finish the report? W: Six hours per day for three days. M: submit 제출하다 due 마감시한인 18. [ 출제의도 ] 적절한응답찾기 W: Kevin, it s your turn. Are you ready? M: I m sorry. I don t think I can sing. W: You can t sing? What are you talking about? M: I don t feel good. W: What s wrong? M: Well, am I good enough to sing in front of people? W: Oh, Kevin. You ve got a lot of musical talent. You have an incredible voice. M: But what if I make a mistake while singing? W: Don t worry. Just sing as you always do. Kevin, don t forget this is the moment you ve been waiting for. M: Ah... You re right! This audition is very important to me. W: talent 재능 incredible 믿을수없는 19. [ 출제의도 ] 적절한응답찾기 W: Hi, Tony. You look quite tanned. M: Do I? In fact, we have been practicing everyday for an important game. W: You mean the game with Greenville High School? It s on Friday, isn t it? M: Yes. Do you remember last year s game? W: Of course. Greenville High School defeated our team. M: You re right. It was a very close game. I desperately want to win this time. W: I am sure we will. M: Thank you. Are you coming to the game? W: Sure, I will cheer for you. Some of my classmates will come to the game to support our team as well. M: tanned 햇볕에그을린 defeat 패배시키다 desperately 절박하게 20. [ 출제의도 ] 적절한응답찾기 W: Mike, you don t look good. What s wrong? M: I have been having sleeping problems recently. W: Sleeping problems? What do you mean? M: I can t sleep well at night even though I m very tired and I don t get to sleep easily. W: I m sorry to hear that. When did it start? M: A couple of weeks ago. I feel very tired all day. Worst of all, I lose my temper so often. W: Have you tried anything to sleep well? M: I ve tried reading, listening to relaxing music, and even drinking warm milk before going to bed. But nothing has helped. W: Do you still drink a lot of coffee? I remember you really love coffee. M: After tossing and turning all night, I really need strong coffee to stay awake during the day. W: lose one s temper 화를내다 toss and turn 뒤척이다 21. [ 출제의도 ] 듣기담화요약 W: Newspaper and television reports show Africa as a continent with many problems. They focus on the wars, the starving children, the terrible diseases, and the natural disasters. More positive aspects of life in Africa are rarely shown. There are, indeed, serious problems in many parts of Africa. However, in spite of these problems, many Africans are hopeful about their future. Ordinary people are helping each other to change and improve their lives. Young and talented Africans are looking for new ways to solve their problems. They are using the Internet and new technology to improve their economy. starve 굶주리다 aspect 측면 ordinary 보통의 22. [ 출제의도 ] 상황에맞는표현찾기 M: Insu is visiting England for the first time. He is staying in London and enjoying many interesting things. Today he wants to see a market in London and decides to go to Camden Market by himself. He gets the information about the way to Camden Market from his friend. He gets on the bus but after a while he feels worried. He can t find Camden Market on the bus route map. He knows he should get off soon but he isn t sure how far it is. So, he decides to ask the driver how many more stops to go. In this situation, what would Insu most likely say to the driver? bus route map 버스노선도 23. [ 출제의도 ] 목적파악 여기귀방송국이충족시켜줄수있는한가지요청이있습니다. 집과사무실에서컴퓨터나텔레비전보다더널리발견되고있는것이무엇인가? 라고자신에게질문해보십시오. 답변은바로화분입니다. 하지만이화분의식물이건강하게자라고있습니까? 많은경우에는그렇지않습니다. 저는기본적인실내화분관리에관해매주방송되는저녁프로그램이생긴다면시청자들사이에서큰성공작이될것이라고생각합니다. 농업정보를제공하여시청자들에게부담을주기보다는그주제에대해가볍게접근하십시오. 식물과식물관리에대해서설명하는데흥미요소를가미하십시오. 그프로그램에서는식물에대한사무실음악이나전자기장의영향과같은잘알려지지않은화제를다룰수도있을것입니다. 사람들이질문을하고자신의경험을공유할수있는청취자전화참여코너를마련할수도있을것입니다. 큰성공작이될것처럼들리지않으시나요? 저는그렇게생각합니다. potted plant 화분 overwhelm 압도하다 agricultural 농업의

electromagnetic field 전자기장 call in 청취자전화참여코너 24. [ 출제의도 ] 어법성판단 필라델피아에서, ( 도시 ) 설계자들은운전자들의차량운행속도를낮출수있는새로운방법을실험해오고있는데, 그것은과속방지턱처럼생겼지만 ( 실제로는 ) 도로에입체적으로그려진삼각형이다. 실제과속방지턱을설치하는데드는비용의 4 분의 1 의비용으로, 그장치는또한긴급차량이그삼각형위를속도를내며지나갈때차축에손상을입히지않는이점을지니고있다. 0.5 마일구간의도로상에서한달간의조사를통해 ( 도시설계자들은 ) 운전자의운전속도가시속평균 38 마일에서 23 마일로떨어진다는것을발견했다. 이러한감속이인상적이긴하지만, 운전자들특히정기적으로그도로위를운행하는운전자들이어떤과속방지턱이가짜인지를알고있을때그과속방지턱의효과는일시적일수있다. 그러나관광객들의운행속도를낮추는것만으로도설치에들어간비용과맞먹는충분한이익을제공하게될것이다. speed bump 과속방지턱 vehicle 차량 investigation 조사 stretch 구간 temporary 일시적인 25. [ 출제의도 ] 무관한문장판단 두명이상의사람들사이에서어떤사업에자금을조달하고그사업을경영하기위한계약을의미하는동업에는여러가지이점이있다. 소유주가한명이상이라면, 자금을모으는능력이커질수있는데, 그것은두명이상의동업자들이더많은자금을공급할수있고, 그들의대출능력이더커질수있기때문이다. 동업을하면두명이상의사람들의상호보완적인기술의조합으로부터이익을얻을수있기때문에, 지식, 그리고기술과인맥의더폭넓은공동재산이생긴다. 동업은각각의동업자가그들사업의특정분야를특화시키기때문에비용면에서효과적이다. ( 게다가, 동업은수명이한정적일수있는데, 한동업자가동업을철회하거나사망하면서동업이끝날수있기때문이다.) 동업을통해정신적지지를확보할수있고더창의적인브레인스토밍이가능해진다. partnership 동업 capacity 능력 complementary 상호보완적인 withdrawal 철회 brainstorming 아이디어회의 26. [ 출제의도 ] 심경변화추론 저멀리아래에, 좁은계곡으로물길이난 Fontana 호수가있었다. 그호수의서쪽끝에미시시피주의동쪽미국에서가장큰수력발전용댐이위치하고있다. 우리는거기에가면관광객센터가있을것이라고기대하면서등산로를따라서둘러그곳을향해내려갔다. 이것은식당과문명세계가주는다른만족스러운것들을만날수있는가능성을의미했다. 우리는적어도자동판매기나화장실이있어서씻고마실수있는물을얻을수있을것이라고생각했다. 관광객센터가정말로있긴있었지만, 그곳은닫혀있었다. 자동판매기는비어있었고전원은꺼져있었으며, 심지어화장실은잠겨있었다. 외부벽에달린수도꼭지를발견하고는그것을돌려보았지만, 물이끊겨있었다. hydroelectric dam 수력발전용댐 trail 등산로 gratifying 만족을주는 vending machine 자동판매기 tap 수도꼭지 27. [ 출제의도 ] 시사하는바추론 Flip Video 캠코더는시장에출시된지 1 년후에 13% 의시장점유율을기록했다. 그것은경쟁제품과비교해서거의내세울것이없는제품으로그러한시장점유율을기록했다. 그것은겨우 2 배 (2x) 줌만될뿐이었다. 녹화를시작하고멈추게하는버튼, 영상을보여주는버튼, 영상을삭제하는버튼, 이렇게세개의버튼만있을뿐이었다. 그당시에는고화질 (HD) 기능도없었다. 그것으로사진을찍을수도없었다. 그런데무엇이그것을그렇게성공적이게했을까? Flip 제품은단순했다. 거의즉시 ( 조작법에 ) 숙달되어사람들의자신 감과만족감도즉각적이었다. 그것이간단한솔루션을갖고있다고해서근본적인기술이단순하다거나기본사업모델이단순하다는것을의미하지는않았다. 그것은고객들이경험하는것이단순하다는것을의미할뿐이었다. 그리고사람들은그점을좋아했다. trash 지워버리다 mastery 숙달 immediate 즉각적인 underlying 근본적인 28. [ 출제의도 ] 빈칸추론 현장연구가들에따르면, 침팬지는약용으로어떤식물을먹는다고한다. 침팬지는이따금씩 Aspilia 를먹는데, 그것은먹기에잎사귀가거칠고날카롭고매우역겹기때문에침팬지의일상식단의일부는아니다. 침팬지는아침에제일먼저그잎을먹는데, 보통의음식과는아주다르게먹는다. 잎사귀를씹지않고, 삼키기에앞서입안에서굴린다. 그모습은마치구식의약을먹는듯이보인다. 어떤아프리카인들은복통을줄이거나장의기생충을제거하기위해 Aspilia 를이용한다. 그것은항생효과도있다. 침팬지도동일한목적으로 Aspilia 를이용하는것으로여겨진다. occasionally 가끔 nasty 역겨운 swallow 삼키다 antibiotic 항생의 property 특성 29. [ 출제의도 ] 빈칸추론 혈액이차가운근육을통과할때, 혈액내의산소는헤모글로빈과원활하게분리될수없다. 그것은마치산소가 거기는너무추워. 내헤모글로빈친구들과여기혈액에머무를거야. 라고말하는것과같다. 근육의온도가올라가면서, 산소는헤모글로빈과더빨리그리고더완전하게분리된다. 만약사람들이준비운동없이운동에돌입하게되면, 차가운 근육에는처음몇분간은사실상산소가부족하다. 이해하지는못했을지라도사람들은이런것을아마경험해보았을것이다. 사람들은준비운동을할시간이없어서처음 10 분간의조깅으로도숨이찼던날이있었을것이다. 근본적으로그것은근육에산소가부족했기때문이다. detach 분리하다 temperature 온도 rapidly 빠르게 plunge 돌입하다 out of breath 숨이차서 30. [ 출제의도 ] 빈칸추론 남성과여성은지도자위치에오른다거나자신들의능력에대해만족감을느끼기위한것과같은많은동일한이유로경쟁한다. 게다가남성과여성모두개별적으로경기하는것에비해팀으로경기할때이기고자하는동기를부여받는경향이있다. 하지만한가지차이점이있다. 한실험에서대학생들은컴퓨터미로퍼즐을풀도록요구받았다. 처음에그들은결과에대한어떤비교도없이혼자서퍼즐을풀었다. 그다음에학생들은토너먼트로서로경쟁하도록요구받았다. 남자들의수행력은경쟁할때상당히향상되었지만, 여자들의수행력은혼자서경기할때와다르지않았다. 연구원들이내린결론은일반적으로여자들은남자만큼경쟁에의해동기를부여받지않는다는것이었다. motivate 동기를주다 maze 미로 performance 수행력 substantially 상당히 31. [ 출제의도 ] 빈칸추론 미국은대량의아시아공산품을소비하는데, 그것은소비자들에게값싼상품을공급함으로써전반적으로미국에이득이된다. 동시에, 이러한무역방식은국내산업을해치게되어미국의특정한경제분야와지역을황폐화시킨다. 소비자에게이득이되는것이동시에실업을증가시키고, 임금을감소시킬수있어서, 미국내에서복잡한정치적인문제를야기한다. 미국의특징중하나는미국이국내정치문제에지나치게민감한경향이있다는것이다. 그러므로아시아와의무역이주는전반적인이득에도불구하고, 미국은국내의정치적고려사항이아시아수입품에대한정책을변화시키도록강제하는상황에처할수있다. 그가능성은아시아의이익에심각한위협을의미한다. undermine 손상시키다 simultaneously 동시에 domestic 국내의 consideration 고려 ( 사항 ) 32. [ 출제의도 ] 연결사추론 전세계적으로, 공익광고는에너지절약을홍보하거나안전벨트의사용을장려함으로써교통사고를감소시키는효율적인방법으로증명되었다. 사실, 많은정부가가장큰광고주들중에속해있다. 지난몇년동안, 영국정부는영국에있는두개를제외한모든기업보다광고에일관되게더많은돈을사용하고있다. 기업들또한브랜드나아이디어를파는것이상으로사회적도전과제를다루기위해광고를사용하고있다. 예를들어, 영국의한기업은캠페인을통해서소비자들이에너지사용을 41% 줄이도록도와주는데, 그캠페인은소비자들이세탁효과의손실없이 30 에서세탁하도록권장한다. promote 장려하다 consistently 일관되게 address ( 문제를 ) 역점을두고다루다 societal 사회의 33. [ 출제의도 ] 어휘파악 모든인간은먹을것과살곳을필요로하지만당신은자신의모든식량을사냥하거나재배하고자신의집도짓는사람을몇명이나알고있는가? 한사람이이모든일을혼자서할수는없다. 대신에, 각개인은채소를재배하거나, 건물을디자인하거나, 음악을작곡하는것과같은매우특화된일을수행한다. 이러한분업의이익은모든사람이하나의일을잘수행하도록배울수있다는것이다. 그러므로각일은전문가에의해수행될수있고, 그래서모든일은더잘이루어진다. 만약당신이자신의집을짓거나식량을재배한다면, 당신의집과식량은아마도노동의분화가이루어진사회에서당신이보통향유하는것에미치지못할것이다. shelter 거처 ( 살곳 ) compose 작곡하다 division of labor 노동의분화 expert 전문가 34. [ 출제의도 ] 주제파악 New Orleans 를방문해보면우리는사람들이가격신호에얼마나지대하게반응할수있는지를알게된다. New Orleans 에서는세금을회피하는것에기초한독특한건축스타일인 낙타등 모양주택을볼수있다. 19 세기후반에주택은정면에있는층수에근거하여세금이부과되었다. 그래서낙타등디자인은앞쪽에는 1 개층을, 뒤쪽에는더많은층수를가지고있었다. 그것은매력적으로보이지만, 주택으로서는실용적인디자인이아니어서다른곳에서는인기를끌지못했다. 영국에도비슷한이야기가있는데, 영국은 1696 년부터 1851 년까지시행된, 주택의창문수에근거한세금부과정책에대한반응으로 ( 지어진 ) 어두컴컴한주택이아주많다. profoundly 지대하게, 깊게 practical 실용적인 catch on 인기를끌다 35. [ 출제의도 ] 도표의이해 위그래프는부모로서또는일과가정의균형을유지하는데있어서 아주잘 하고있다고대답한부모들의비율을보여주고있다. 여성들이남성들보다부모로서그리고일과가정의균형을유지하는데있어아주잘하고있다고대답하는경향이더크다. 더어린자녀를둔엄마들열명중여덟은자신들이부모로서아주잘하고있다고평가하는반면에, 더어린자녀를둔아빠들은 63% 만이그렇다고평가하고있다. 더나이든자녀를둔아빠들의약 2/3 는부모로서아주잘하고있다고대답하고있다. 더나이든자녀를둔엄마들의 3/4 이상이자신들이일과가정의균형을유지하는데있어아주잘하고있다고대답하고있다. 더나이든자녀를둔아버지들은일과가정의균형을이루는데있어더어린자녀를둔아버지들보다스스로에게높은점수를주지않는 ( 주는 ) 경향이있다. balance 균형을잡다 rate 평가하다 mark 점수 36. [ 출제의도 ] 내용일치

whistling thorn 은동아프리카사바나지역에서흔히보이는아카시아나무이다. 이나무옆에서면, 아마도그것이소리내는것을들을수도있다. 이소리는바람이가시아래부분의부푼곳에있는구멍을통과할때나는데, 이것은마치작은플루트와같은역할을한다. 이런음악적능력때문에이아카시아나무는 whistling thorn 으로불린다. 부푼가시는특히공격적인유형의개미인아카시아개미에게서식처를제공한다. 게다가, 이나무는개미를먹이는달콤한분비액을만들어낸다. 그에대한보답으로개미는그나무를동물들로부터보호한다. 사실, 이특별한아카시아는다른종류의아카시아나무들이가지고있는것처럼곤충이나동물들을쫓는독성화학물질을가지고있지않다. 그래서기린이혀로한입가득잎을뜯어먹으려고할때, 개미는자신이있던가시에서떼를지어나와매서운침으로공격한다. swelling 부푼것 ( 융기 ) aggressive 공격적인 toxic 독성의 swarm 떼를짓다 vicious 매서운 37. [ 출제의도 ] 요지파악 비타민이나미네랄또는아미노산과같은건강보조식품의사용이이후의건강과관련된행동에영향을미치는지알아보기위해다양한행동척도세트를이용한한가지실험이실시되었다. 그룹 A 의참가자들은종합비타민을복용하도록지시받았고통제군의참가자들은위약을복용하도록배정되었다. 그러나사실모든참가자들은위약을복용했다. 이실험의결과는건강보조식품을복용했다고믿은참가자들은여러건강문제로부터안전하다고느꼈고그래서그것이그들로하여금건강에위험한행동에관여하도록이끌었다는점을보여주고있다. 간단히말하자면, 건강보조식품을복용하는사람들은건강과관련해서건강에좋은유기농식단보다는패스트푸드를선택하는것과같은잘못된결정을내릴수도있다는것이다. supplement 보조제 subsequent 뒤이은 assign 배정하다 demonstrate 증명하다 38. [ 출제의도 ] 제목파악 남프랑스에있는 Pech Merle 와같은동굴은검은색점박이무늬가있는흰색말그림으로장식되어있다. 고대유전자에대한과거의연구는그당시의갈색말과검은색말의증거만을밝혀냈다. 그것이과학자들로하여금그점박이말들이실제있었던것인지아니면가상의존재였는지의문을갖도록만들었다. 한국제연구진이 31 마리의선사시대말에서모은화석화된뼈와이빨로부터나온유전자를분석하였다. 시베리아, 유럽, 그리고이베리아반도의십여곳의고고학적유적지로부터샘플이수집되었다. 그중여섯마리의말이유전적돌연변이를거쳐서점박이무늬가있는가죽이생긴것으로밝혀졌는데, 그것은고대화가들이자신들이실제로본것을그렸다는사실을시사한다. 고고학자 John Shea 는동굴화가들이자신들이사냥하기위해사냥감에관해모든것을알아야할필요가있었으므로자신의주변환경을있는그대로그려냈다고말했다. adorn 장식하다 spot 점 fossilize 화석화하다 archaeological 고고학의 39. [ 출제의도 ] 문장위치파악 상징적도구사용이란사람들이지폐나동전으로물건값을지불할때마다하는행동이다. 갇혀있는몇몇원숭이와유인원은다양한음식을교환하기위해상징물을사용하는것을배웠다. 그러나 Orangutans 의저자인 Robert W. Shumaker 는감정에영향을줄수있는상징적도구에더관심이있다. 아이들은흔히장난감이상의의미를지닌특별한봉제동물인형과담요를가지고있는데, 그물건은그들에게위안과안심을의미하고그래서그들은기분이좋아지기위해그것을사용한다. 아이들의이러한행동은과학자들이한때인간에게만고유한것으로여겼던것이다. 그러나몇몇동물들이상징적도구를매우흡사한방식으로사용한다는증거가점점더많이드러나고있다. Shumaker 는 새끼가죽은암컷과같은덩치큰유인원이엄청난스트레스와슬픔속에있는것을보곤했다. 그암컷은연구자들이인형이라고부르는어떤것을만든후에최근에죽은새끼를다루었던것과똑같이그것을다루곤했다. 고그는말한다. ape 유인원 in captivity 갇혀있는 token 상징물 stuffed animal 봉제동물인형 40. [ 출제의도 ] 요약문완성 사람들의행동방식에영향을미치는요소에관한일련의실험이있었다. 첫번째실험에서통근자들은에스컬레이터의아래쪽에있는자선단체모금원보다는위쪽에있는모금원에게돈을더많이주었다. 또다른실험에서 60 명의지원자들은그들이듣기에매운음식을싫어하는낯선사람이먹도록매운칠리소스를나누어주라고요청받았다. 무대위로안내된사람들은오케스트라석아래로안내된사람들보다절반도안되는적은양을나누어주었다. 그리고세번째에서는사람들은층계를올라간후다른사람에게벌을덜주는경향이있었고계단을내려간후더잔인했다. 우리가어디에있는지와어떻게행동하는지사이에는연관성이있을것같아보이지않는다. 하지만심리학자들은실제삶속에서그두가지를연결하는많은단서가있다고말한다. 위의실험에따르면, 사람들의관대함은그들이위치해있는장소의높이에의해서영향을받는경향이있다. commuter 통근자 dish out 나누어주다 inflict ( 상처 고통따위를 ) 주다, 가하다 ascend 올라가다 clue 단서 generosity 관대, 아량 [41~42] [ 출제의도 ] 장문의이해 ( 제목파악 / 빈칸추론 ) 대학교 1 학년생인 Daniel 은대중연설강의에등록했다. 그수업에는 Rick 이라는이름의 4 학년생이있었는데그는권위있게말했다. Daniel 은그의목소리에매료되어앉아있곤했다. Rick 은요점을강조하기위해단지손목을살짝비틀거나머리를미묘하게기울이면서거의움직이지않고연단에서있곤했다. 정말자신감이넘쳤다! Daniel 은이제연설을위한역할모델이생겼다. Daniel 은연설을연습할때 Rick 의깊고울리는음악적음성을흉내내려고애쓰면서말그대로여러시간을보냈다. 그가연습할때, 그의몸은크게움직이고싶었다. 그러나 Daniel 은자신의움직임을제한했다. 그래서그는 Rick 의미묘한손짓과자세를흉내낼수있었다. 그의연습은결과가보이기시작했다. 그는 Rick 처럼말하고움직이고있었다. 어느날아침수업에서 Daniel 은일어나연설을했다. 그의목소리는 Rick 처럼깊었다. 그의몸짓은 Rick 이보였던어떤몸짓만큼이나미묘했다. 사실, Daniel 은자신이 Rick 인것처럼느꼈다. 그러나무엇인가잘못되었다. 수업후에야다른학생들중하나인 Lucy 가 Daniel 에게다가와말했다. 나는상냥한 Daniel 이더좋았어. 그녀가할말은그것이전부였다. 그녀는 Rick 을흉내낸모습이아니라과거의 Daniel 이더좋았다. Daniel 은그녀의의견을마음속에새겼다. 그리고 2 주일후에그는자신의다음연설을더편안하고대화하는어조로했다. 그는자연스럽게말하고움직였다. 그는다른사람처럼행동하지않았다. 그리고그것이옳다고느껴졌다. subtle 미묘한 tilt 기울이다 literally 말그대로 resonant 공명하는, 울리는 note 음성, 어조 restrict 제한하다 deliver a speech 연설하다 [43~45] [ 출제의도 ] 장문의이해 ( 글의순서파악 / 지칭 추론 / 내용일치 ) (A) 어느날, 집집마다돌아다니며물건을팔아학비를버는가난한소년이었던 Howard Kelly 는수중에겨우 10 센트짜리동전한닢이남았다는것을알았고배가고팠다. 그는다음집에가서식사한끼를부탁해보기로했다. 그러나사랑스러운젊은여인인 Grace 가 문을열자그만용기를잃었다. 식사대신그는물한잔을부탁했다. (C) 그녀는그가배고파보인다는것을알아차리고그에게커다란우유한컵을가져다주었다. 그는그것을천천히마셨다. 그리고는 얼마를드려야할까요? 라고물었다. 낼필요가없어요. 우리어머니께서는어떤경우에도친절한행동에대해어떤대가도받지말라고우리에게가르치셨어요. 라고그녀가대답했다. 그렇다면진심으로감사드립니다. 라고그가말했다. 그집을떠나면서 Howard Kelly 는육체적으로더강해졌음을느꼈을뿐만아니라, 인간에대한믿음도더강해졌다. (B) 몇년이흐른후, Grace 는심각한병에걸렸다. 그녀의의사는당황했다. 그는결국은그녀를대도시로보냈으며, 그곳에서의사들은그녀의희귀한질병을연구하기위해전문의들을소집했다. Dr. Howard Kelly 는그자문을위해소집되었다. 그가그녀의고향이름을들었을때범상치않은빛이그의눈에감돌았다. 즉시그는일어나병원의복도를따라그녀의방으로갔다. 의사가운을입은채로그는그녀를보기위해들어갔다. 그는그녀를곧장알아보았다. 그는그녀의생명을구하기위해최선을다할것을결심하며진찰실로다시돌아왔다. 그날이후로그는그치료에특별한관심을기울였다. (D) 오랜투병끝에 ( 병과의 ) 싸움을이겨냈다. Dr. Howard Kelly 는원무과에 Grace 의최종치료비청구서를승인하기위해 ( 그것을 ) 자신에게보내줄것을요청했다. 그는그것을들여다보았고, 무엇인가를가장자리에써서그청구서를그녀의병실로보냈다. 그녀는그것을열어보기가두려웠다. 치료비를모두지불하려면자신의남은생애전체가다걸릴것이라고확신했기때문이었다. 마침내그녀는그청구서를들여다보았는데청구서가장자리의무언가가그녀의관심을끌었다. 그녀는다음과같은글을읽기시작했다 : 우유한잔으로모두지불되었음. Dr. Howard Kelly. dime 10 센트동전 nerve 용기 owe 빚지다 critically 치명적으로 rare 드문, 희박한 consultation 진찰, 자문 struggle 싸움, 분투 bill 청구서 approval 승인 영어 A 형정답 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 5 5 3 6 4 7 4 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 5 12 2 13 2 14 4 15 1 16 3 17 5 18 3 19 3 20 4 21 5 22 2 23 1 24 3 25 4 26 3 27 2 28 3 29 1 30 4 31 4 32 1 33 4 34 3 35 5 36 5 37 2 38 1 39 5 40 2 41 2 42 4 43 5 44 5 45 2 해설 1. [ 출제의도 ] 그림보고찾기 M: Honey, have you decided which plant stand to buy? W: Not yet. But I ve found a good website. Let s choose one here. M: Okay. Hmm... How about this heart-shaped one? W: It s beautiful, but it costs 120 dollars. M: Oh, that s too expensive. Then take a look at this bicycle-shaped one. W: I don t think this style matches our living room well. M: That s right. Then what do you think of this one with four shelves? W: The corners are so sharp that our children might get hurt. This one with three round shelves looks safer. M: I agree. Wait a minute! We can buy this one with six round shelves at the same price now.

W: Oh, that looks perfect for us. Let s order it right now. plant 식물 cost 비용이 ~ 이다 shelf 선반, 받침대 match 어울리다 perfect 완벽한 order 주문하다 2. B 형과같음 3. B 형과같음 4. [ 출제의도 ] 할일파악 M: Jane, what are you doing? W: I m checking if everything s prepared for our son s first birthday party tomorrow. M: Okay. Let s see... We sent out invitations last week. W: Yes. And I remember we bought balloons and ribbons. Where are they? M: I ve already put them in the car. W: Thanks, Paul. Hmm... I ve called the restaurant and confirmed our reservation. M: Good. By the way, has our son s photo album arrived? We have to show it to the guests. W: Not yet. Would you call the photo studio and ask them to send it? M: I m afraid it ll arrive too late. I d rather go and get it now. W: That will be much better. Thank you so much. prepare 준비하다 invitation 초대장 confirm 확인하다 reservation 예약 5. [ 출제의도 ] 수치정보파악 M: How may I help you? W: I d like to buy tickets for the Mozart Concert tonight. M: We have two types of tickets: without dinner and with a three-course dinner. Which one do you want? W: Could you tell me the price of each ticket? M: Without dinner, the ticket costs 30 dollars. With a three-course dinner, it costs 50 dollars. W: I see. I ll take two tickets including dinner then. M: Two tickets with a three-course dinner? W: Right. And I have a membership card. M: Then you can get a 20 percent discount. W: Great. Here are my credit card and membership card. cost 비용이들다 discount 할인 6. [ 출제의도 ] 목적추론 W: Hi, students! May I have your attention, please? Maybe you have noticed some changes in your classrooms. You have new touchscreen TVs, projectors, and computers. They will offer you a better learning environment. You can study in more interesting ways by using them. But if they are broken, you cannot use them in class until they are repaired. Moreover, it sometimes costs a lot to fix them. So, when you use them, please be extra careful. Remember that they are for all of us. Thank you. notice 알아차리다 repair 수리하다 fix 고치다 extra 특별히 7. [ 출제의도 ] 부탁한일파악 W: Wow, what a nice computer! When did you buy it? M: About a week ago. I thought it was time to get a new one. W: Good for you. I remember you often complained about your old computer. M: Yes. It was too slow and often stopped working. W: Now everything is new. A new monitor, a new keyboard, a new mouse and... Oh, you are still using your old speakers. M: Yes. I love them. They were a birthday present from my father. W: Oh, they mean a lot to you. Then, you aren t going to use your new speakers, are you? M: No. They re still in the box. W: May I borrow them for a while? Actually, my speakers are broken now. M: Sure. Be my guest. I ll go and get them for you. W: Thank you so much. You re so kind. complain 불평하다 borrow 빌리다 8. [ 출제의도 ] 장소추론 W: Hello, Mr. Brown. Nice to see you again. Has your back pain gotten better? M: Yes. I ve felt much better since I used the bed I bought here. W: Good for you. What brought you here today? M: I need a chair. I m working on the computer a lot these days. But my chair is uncomfortable. W: What kind of chair do you want? M: I want a nicely cushioned chair. W: I m afraid too much cushioning can be bad for your back. M: Really? Can you recommend one for me? W: Sure. Here is a good one for you. This is specially designed to support the back. M: Oh, it s very comfortable. I ll take it. W: Good choice. But don t forget to exercise and stretch from time to time. uncomfortable 불편한 recommend 추천하다 support 지탱하다 comfortable 편안한 choice 선택 stretch 몸을펴다 9. [ 출제의도 ] 관계추론 W: Mr. Ford. I ve heard that one of the professors here has been your customer for the last 25 years. M: Right. When she first came here, she was a freshman. Now her daughter s a freshman here. W: Wow, that s really interesting. So, what s your business philosophy? M: I don t have one, but I never wear an apron while I m working. W: Oh, really? But shoes are dirty! M: Maybe, but if you re not close enough to shoes, you cannot understand their interesting stories. W: What do you mean? M: They tell me many things about their owners. W: You mean you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes? M: Exactly. Like a hairdresser who can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their hair style. W: I see. Well, thank you for your time. Your story will be in the summer issue of our magazine. I promise to give you a copy of it. M: Thanks. It s nice talking to you. philosophy 철학 apron 앞치마 [10~11] B 형과같음 12. B 형과같음 13. B 형과같음 [14~15] [ 출제의도 ] 긴대화듣기 ( 주제파악 / 세부 내용파악 ) W: Mr. Morrison. Kate said you re looking for me. M: Right. I want to talk about the program for July 15th. W: July 15th? Is it a special day? M: Yes, it s the Volunteers Day. We have to submit the activity plan of our class by this Friday. W: I see. Do you have any special plan? M: Some classes chose the disability experience program. How about joining them? W: Umm... We have to visit the disability experience center for that, don t we? M: That s right. Or, if you want to do something at school, you can knit caps for the newborn babies in Africa, or make dolls for the poor children. W: I m not sure how many of us can knit or sew. M: Then how about this? Baking cookies. The cookies will be sent to the homeless. W: That would be nice. But other students might have different ideas. M: Then why don t you ask your classmates to vote? W: That s a good idea. I ll do it right away and let you know the result. volunteer 자원봉사자 submit 제출하다 disability 장애 vote 투표하다 16. B 형과같음 17. B 형과같음 18. [ 출제의도 ] 적절한응답 M: Hi, Alice. What are you listening to?

W: A song I m going to sing at the audition next month. M: An audition? What is it for? W: For a new TV show that turns some ordinary people into singers. Hey, you sang beautifully at the school festival, didn t you? M: Well, yes. W: Why don t you audition for the show? M: Well, I m not quite sure I have a musical talent for a singer. W: You know what? That s what makes the show more interesting. M: What do you mean? W: Just imagine an ordinary person becomes a real singer. Doesn t it sound amazing? M: I know what you mean. But I haven t practiced singing for an audition. Do you really think I can do it? W: ordinary 평범한 festival 축제 amazing 놀라운 19. [ 출제의도 ] 적절한응답 M: Good afternoon. Your customer number, please? W: It s 2314. M: All right, Ms. Russel. What clothes are you dropping off today? W: Two pairs of pants and three shirts. This shirt has a coffee stain on it. M: Let me see... I m afraid it won t come out easily. W: Do whatever you can, please. I can t wear it like this anyway. M: We ll certainly do our best. W: How much do I owe you? M: 10 dollars all together. W: Okay. When should I pick them up? M: stain 얼룩 20. B 형과같음 21. B 형과같음 22. B 형과같음 23. B 형과같음 24. [ 출제의도 ] 어법성판단 우리가해야하는어떤일들은지겹고짜증나기도한다. 우리는우리가그일들에대해어떻게느끼는지와는상관없이이런많은일들을해야만한다. 날마다설거지를하는것은지루한일일수있지만, 우리가그일을아무리매우싫어한다고할지라도, 그일은조만간에는행해져야만한다. 그러나이런허드렛일이실제로는즐거운것이될수도있다. 설거지를하는시간은음악을듣거나노래를하는시간일수있다. 또한우리가서로도와가며, 가족간에대화를하는시간이될수도있다. 만약우리가지루하고짜증나는일속에서숨겨진보물이나기회를찾으려노력한다면, 그것들은항상우리에게보답할것이다. annoying 짜증나는 sooner or later 조만간 reward 보답하다 25. B 형과같음 26. B 형과같음 27. B 형과같음 28. B 형과같음 29. B 형과같음 30. [ 출제의도 ] 빈칸추론 타인에대한긍정적인감정은불쾌한경험을공유함으로써생겨나기도한다. 예를들어, 신약테스트를위해고통스러운실험을함께경험한사람들은, 그들이애초에서로잘모르고공통의유대감이전혀없었음에도불구하고, 결국서로를더좋아하게된다. 참전용사 들을대상으로한연구에서도비슷한결론이나타난다. 전투를겪는다는것은친구의죽음과자기자신의생존에대한불확실성으로특징지워지는, 아주스트레스가많고, 위험하며, 끔찍한경험이다. 그러나전투를겪는군인집단은그경험으로인해서로에대한유대감이생겨나는것같다. 이것의한가지증거가전투를겪은집단이전장의경험을공유하지않는집단보다퇴역군인모임에더잘참석한다는것이다. participant 참가자 end up -ing 결국 ~ 하게되다 combat 전투 reunion 재회, 다시모임 31. [ 출제의도 ] 빈칸추론 우리는다른사람을비판하는습관에쉽게빠져드는데, 심지어우리가가장사랑하는사람들에게도그렇다. 우리는어떤사람이식사를하는방법이나그들이말하는방식에대해비판한다. 우리는작은일에초점을맞추고우리의습관과다른사소한습관에서흠을잡는다. 그러나우리가집중하는것은커지기마련이다. 만약우리가작은차이에계속집중하다보면, 우리가그것을큰문제로인식할때까지그것은우리마음속에서계속커질것이다. 정말로당신은모든사람들이당신과똑같이보이고, 행동하고, 생각하는세상에서살고싶은가? 그런세상은참으로지루한곳일것이다. 더행복하고, 더평화로운삶을살기위해서는우리사회의풍요로움이그것의다양성에서온다는것을이해하려고노력하라. 당신의주변에있는사람들에게서비판할것을찾기보다는그들의차이점들을존중하는것이어떠한가? find fault with ~ 의흠을잡다 tend to ~ 하는경향이있다 richness 풍요로움 32. B 형과같음 33. [ 출제의도 ] 어휘파악 우리의유전자는우리가아침형인간인지저녁형인간인지결정하며, 우리의하루일과는우리내부의시계에맞추어질필요가있다. 만약우리가그것에저항하면우리는비싼대가를치르게된다. 우리의사회는아침형인간의리듬에더적합하게되어있으며, 그것이바로어떤학자가 사회적시차증 ( 時差症 ) 이라고부르는것으로인해전형적으로늦게일어나는사람 ( 저녁형인간 ) 이더자주고통을받는이유이다. 일부고등학생들은그들의몸이한밤중이라고인식하는시각에학교에가야한다. 일반적으로저녁에능률이절정에달해늦게일어나는사람들은아침에일을하는데어려움을겪는다. 그들모두는그들이이룰수있는것보다적은것을성취하는데, 왜냐하면부적합한시간에많은활동들을완수하는데훨씬더긴시간이걸리기때문이다. gene 유전자 internal 내부의 dearly 막대하게, 비싼가격으로 late riser 늦게일어나는사람 ( 저녁형인간 ) peak 절정에달하다 efficiency 능률 34. [ 출제의도 ] 주제파악 당신의사업에서부정적인경험을한대부분의고객들은굳이당신에게그것에대해말해주려고하지않는다. 그들은그저나가버리고는다시돌아오지않을뿐이다. 그래서부정적인평가는얻기가힘들다. 하지만당신이일단그것을얻게되면, 그것들은고객들이기대한것과그들이경험한것을당신이알수있게해준다. 이정보를가지고당신은무슨일이일어났는지, 그리고당신이어떻게반응해야할지알아낼수있다. 물론, 부정적인평가를받는것은씁쓸한경험일수있다. 하지만, 만약당신이부정적인의견이주는고통을견뎌내고, 그것들이가지고있는정보를진정으로검토할수있다면, 당신은당신고객들이더나은경험을할수있게하고, 그것은고객충성도를높이고당신에게새로운고객들을불러온다. bother to 일부러 ~ 하다 sting 고통 respond 반응하다 endure 견디다 examine 검토하다 contain 포함하다 35. B 형과같음 36. B 형과같음 37. [ 출제의도 ] 요지파악 전세계사람들은시간을공간적인어떤것으로생각한다는연구들이있다. 우리는과거는우리뒤쪽에있고, 미래는우리앞쪽에있다고말한다. 우리는마치우리가실제로저쪽에위치한과거로부터멀어지고반대편에있는미래를향해가고있는것처럼생각하고말한다. 시간을표현하는선을그릴때영어를하는사람들은과거를왼쪽에두고, 아랍어를하는사람들은과거를오른쪽에두고, 중국어를하는사람들은과거를아래쪽에둔다. 하지만우리의모국어에상관없이우리모두는과거를어떤곳에두고미래를다른어떤곳에둔다. spatial 공간적인 be located 위치하다 regardless of ~ 에상관없이 38. [ 출제의도 ] 제목파악 우리대부분은이미우리가우리의친구와가족에게미치는직접적인영향을알고있다. 즉, 우리의행동은그들을행복하거나슬프게, 건강하거나아프게, 심지어부유하거나가난하게만들수있다. 하지만우리는우리가생각하거나느끼거나행동하거나말하는모든것이우리의친구들과가족을통해우리가아는사람들너머로멀리퍼질수있다는것은거의생각하지않는다. 그들은우리가수백또는심지어수천명의다른사람들에의해영향을받는통로의역할도한다. 일종의사회적연쇄반응속에서우리는우리가모르는사람에게일어나는사건에의해깊이영향을받을수있다. 그것은마치우리가우리주변에있는사회세계의맥박을느끼고그것의지속적인리듬에반응할수있는것과같다. 사회적네트워크의일부로서우리는우리자신을넘어서훨씬더큰어떤것의한부분이된다. be aware of ~ 을알고있다 pathway 통로 chain reaction 연쇄반응 39. [ 출제의도 ] 문장위치파악 갓구운빵냄새가나는방으로걸어들어간다면, 당신은꽤기분좋은향기를재빨리감지하게된다. 그러나몇분동안그방에머물러있으면그냄새가사라지는것같을것이다. 사실그것을다시일깨우는유일한방법은그방에서걸어나갔다가다시들어오는것이다. 정확히동일한개념이, 행복을포함하여우리삶의많은영역에적용된다. 모든사람들은사랑하는배우자, 좋은건강, 멋진아이들, 만족스러운직업혹은충분히먹을음식과같이행복해할만한어떤것을가지고있다. 그러나시간이지나면서사람들은자신들이가지고있는것에익숙해지고, 갓구운빵냄새와꼭마찬가지로이러한멋진것들은그들의의식에서사라진다. 옛날속담에도있듯이, 당신은자신이가지고있는것을그것이없어질때까지알지못한다. consciousness 의식 detect 탐지하다, 발견하다 concept 개념 40. B 형과같음 41. B 형과같음 42. B 형과같음 [43~45] [ 출제의도 ] 장문의이해 ( 글의순서파악 / 지칭 추론 / 내용일치 ) (A) Sarah 와그녀의사촌언니 Ann 은 Binalong Bay 에파도타기를하러갔다. 오늘은파도타기를하기에이상적인날이야. 라고 Sarah 가말했다. 그녀는자기가가장좋아하는사촌과함께파도타기를하러가게되어몹시기뻤다. Ann 은그녀가어렸을때그녀에게파도타는법을가르쳐주었던바로그사람이었다. 그들은해변에도착하자마자물에들어가서완벽한파도를타기위해기다렸다. (D) 두어번파도를타고나서 Sarah 와 Ann 은잠시쉬기위해서프보드에앉았다. 그때 5 미터짜리상어가 Sarah 의오른쪽다리를물었다. Ann 은 7 미터정도떨어져있었다. 그녀는손으로열심히물을저어서자신

의사촌동생에게로갔다. 그상어는물밑에서 Sarah 를세번공격했다. 그리고그것은그녀의다리를두번물었고그녀의서프보드를크게한번물어뜯었다. (C) 그상어가수면으로올라왔을때, Ann 은주먹으로그것을반복해서때렸다. 상어는 Sarah 를놓아주었다. Sarah 를서프보드에올려놓고난뒤에 Ann 은그녀를도와해안으로향했다. 상어는그들을계속쫓아왔지만, 다행히도큰파도가그들을해안쪽으로밀어주었다. 그들은해변에무사히도착해서도움을요청했다. 그녀의상처로인한혈액손실을막기위해 Ann 은상어에게물어뜯긴 Sarah 의서프보드에있던다리묶는끈을사용했다. (B) 그리고나서 Sarah 는치료를위해병원으로급히후송되었다. 상어의이빨은그녀의오른편아래쪽다리를뼈까지물었다. 물린상처를꿰매는데 200 바늘이상이필요했다. 하지만그부상당한십대소녀는자신은그상어를추적해서잡아죽이는것을원하지않는다고말했다. 그녀는 그상어에게는다른어떤동물과마찬가지로살권리가있어요. 제가그것의영역에있었죠. 그것은상어의잘못이아니에요. 라고말했다. thrilled 몹시기쁜 treatment 치료 stitch ( 상처를꿰매는 ) 한바늘 wounded 부상당한 territory 영역, 세력권 surface 표면 repeatedly 되풀이하여