파토스가글쓰기와말하기에미치는영향 박삼열 *...,.......,..,... *
철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York : Oxford University Press, 1991).. 2) W. M. A. Grimaldi, A note on the PISTIS in Aristotle`s Rhetoric 1354~1356,
....,...,,... 3).. (logos), (ethos), (pathos)...,.,. American Journal of Philosophy 78, 1957, pp. 188~192. 3),,,.
철학탐구 2. 파토스의본성 (Pathos),,,...,,......... 4).,,,..., 4), 1356b.
철학탐구,...?......... (Thrasymacus of Chalcedon).,. Appeals to Pity. (Gorgias of Leontini) Encomium of Helen,..
.. 3. 3.,,,,,. 5)..... 1 2 3., 6).. 5), 1419b24~25. 6) Ibid.,, 1370a33~35.
철학탐구,,. 7). 2.. 16. 16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., 16. 7) Ibid.,, 1377b21~30.
.,. 8).,..,...... 3. 파토스가글쓰기에미치는영향 (1) 파토스와글쓰기,.. 8) Ibid.,, 1356a14-16.
철학탐구....,,....,.,.... 1 2,..,,,,,.,..,.
. (endoxa)., 9) (syllogismos).,.,,.,,,. (2) 파토스와서론쓰기 --- 4.,,..,.,..,. 9) Ibid.,, 1354a2~3.
철학탐구 3..... 10).... 11). 1) 2) 3) 5) 6), 8) 9) 10), 10) Ibid.,, 1415a10-15. 11),, ( :, 2006). pp. 190-207.
..?.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 16,..,.. 12),,........ 13) 12),, ( :, 2011). 233-236. 13) Ibid.,, 1404b1.
철학탐구. 14).,. 15).,..,,.. (3) 파토스와결론쓰기. 14) Ibid.,,1405b1~3. 15) Ibid., 1405a1~3.
,,,,.. 16).,,,. 17)... 18),.... 16...., 16) (2006), 220-226. 17) Ibid.,, 1419b10-12. 18) Ibid.,, 1419b14-15.
철학탐구. 19)..... 20). 4. 파토스가말하기에미치는영향,,.,,...,,..... 19) Ibid.,, 1419b30-32. 15) Ibid., 1420b4-5.
...,,,.,...,.. 21). 22)......... 21) Ibid.,, 1355a4~8. 22) Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 1098a 7~8, tr. C. Rowe, & Broadie, Oxford, 2002,1, 7,
철학탐구 persuade. suadere suavis..,,..,,........ 1 2........
. ( ),,. 23)..... 5. 나오는말.,..... 23), 1356a1-4.
참고문헌 Aristotle, Aristotle on Rhetoric, Trans, with Introduction, Note, and Appendixes by George A. Kenndy, Oxford, 1991., Nicomachean Ethics, tr. C. Rowe, & Broadie, Oxford, 2002., Posterior Analystics, tr. by Hugh Tredennick, Cambridge, 1996. W. M. A. Grimaldi, American Journal of Philosophy 78, 1957,,,, :, 1998.,, :, 2011. 3,. :. 2008.,, :, 2008... :. 2009.,,,, 2011. 3,,, 2005... :. 2006... :. 2013... :. 2014. (2006).. :. 2006.,, :, 2008... :. 2009.,, :, 2006.,, :, 2001... :, 2006.
철학탐구 E ffects P athos has on W riting and S peaking Park, Sam-Yel (Soongsil Univ.) This paper is to take a look at effects that pathos has on writing and speaking. Goal of writing and speaking is persuasion. Aristotle says the basis to achieve persuasion as logos, ethos, and pathos. Although we only have the factor of logos, it is perhaps possible to achieve persuasion through an argument. In fact, there are not lots of cases to achieve persuasion only with logos. If logos is the main factor in argument, as there is additive ethos and pathos, it comes to be easy to receive argument. Modern times is when the factor of pathos than that of logos has more effect on people. For they are affected more by emotional factor than by strict argument. A person acts differently when he or she is pleasure and sad. If pathos has an effect on judgment, a person changes his or her mind, judges, and acts according to the tendency of his or her pleasure and sad. I had thus start this paper from a study on nature of pathos. I had investigate what the concept of pathos is, and through what course pathos has an effect on argument. And I ll study effects pathos has on writing and speaking which are the most important methods in person s communication. Consequently I ll reveal how persuasion can be heightened through a study on the understand of pathos and effects pathos has on. Key w ords: Argument, Persuasion, Logos, Ethos, Pathos
E-mail: parksamyel@ssu.ac.kr 2016 01 19 2016 01 28 2016 02 20