IV. Systems Planning System Acquisition Process and Milestones Acquisition process in Korea Systems Engineering Management Plan(SEMP) Statement of Work, Workscope, Products Planning and Control, SEMS and SEDS Planning for the Next Phase Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 1
Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 2
1. System Acquisition Process and Milestones Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 3
Acquisition Milestones and Phases Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 4
V Model: Decomposition and Integration Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 5
System Life Cycle - Hierarchical Model Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 6
Major Steps of System Design and Development Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 7
Software Development Overview Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 8
Phases of the Acquisition Process - Commitment and Expenditure of Funds Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 9
(Because Most of life-cycle Cost Is Rendered Unchangeable After Decisions Made During Phase 1) Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 10
Avionics Involvement during the Acquisition Process Engineering Areas Avionics Other Subsystems Structures PROGRAM PHASE Conceptual Design Preliminary Design Full scale Development Assess technology Define Suite(s) @ functional/box level define ROM unit costs, NRE inputs, and RM&S parameters Select Avionics Function & Define Stage II requirements Survey Vendors/Assess Technology Define Subsystem option to support Configuration Trade Studies Define subsystem Functional Requirements for Preferred Baseline Aircraft & Baseline Subsystems Architecture as Stage II Start point Integrate Baseline Subsystems into Configuration(Significant Items) Refine Conceptual Design Solution Prepare Preliminary specifications Solicit Vendor Input through use of RFIs Prepare Detailed FSD Planning Tailor Existing Vendor Specs for KTX-2 Initiate Final Specification Preparation for Long Lead Items Conduct Trade Studies to Optimize System and Component Definition Integrate Components & Routing into configuration at greater level of detail Use RFIs & Preliminary Specifications to prepare Phase II procurement planning and cost estimates Initiate Final Specification Preparation for Long Lead items Prepare Engineering Mockups Compete Vendors(use RFPs & Sys. Specs) Procure Systems Develop Software Validate Component Hardware Validate Component Software Integrate & Validate Component HW / SW Integrate & Validate Avionics System Integrate & Validate Aircraft & Avionics Make Vendor Downselects Release Interface Control Documents(ICDs) Release Final Specifications Prepare Assembly Drawings Validate Component Performance Validate System Performance Validate Aircraft Performance Structural Arrangement Drawings More Detailed Structural Arrangement Release Layout Drawings - Define Load Paths Drawings Release Detailed Part Drawings Release Assembly Drawings - Wing attachment Concepts Preliminary Loads Analysis Complete FEM Analysis - Manufacturing splice Concepts Preliminary Flutter Analysis Complete Loads Analysis Preliminary FEM Studies Complete Flutter Analysis Begin Structural Criteria Documents Complete Structural Testing Define Material Allowables Complete Structural Integrity Plan(ASIP) Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 11
Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 12
2. Acquisition Process in Korea Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 13
Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 14
한국의획득과정 무기체계획득단계 체계개념형성단계 : 시장분석, 운용개념, 획득방안 탐색개발단계 : 체계개념및기본설계, 모형제작 선행개발단계 : 상세설계, 개발시험, Spec. 작성 실용개발단계 : 체계개발완성, 운용시험, 지원품목개발 생산및배치단계 : 생산수락시험, 지원품목개발완성 무기체계획득방법 연구개발 : 독자개발, 공동개발, 모방개발 기술도입생산 : 공동생산, 면허생산, 조립생산 해외구매 : FMS 구매, 상용구매 Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 15
한국의무기체계획득절차 획득과정 ROC 작성항목 소요제기 / 결정 ( 각군 / 합참 ) ROC( 장기소요 ) ROC( 중기소요 ) 작성부서 1. 무기명 전력기획부 무기체계선정 ( 합참, 무기쳬계심의회 ) 2. 핊요성 위협 : 정보본부 필요성 : 전력기획부 ( 장 ) 전력기획부 ( 중 ) 획득방법결정 ( 국방부, 획득심의회 ) 3. 전력화시기 전력기획부 ( 장 ) 전력기획부 ( 중 ) 4. 편성및운용성능 전력기획부 5. 주요작전운용성능 전력기획부 연구개발 기술도입생산 해외구매 6. 전력화지원요소 군수팜모부 7. 기술검토사항 7. 기술검토사항 ADD 기종결정 ( 국방부, 획득심의회 ) 8. 비용대효과분선 지원본부 KIDA 무기체계채택 ( 합참, 무기체계심의회 ) 9. 대상장비에대한검토결과 8. 기타 10. 기타 합참운영분석실 전력기획부 Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 16
Defense System Acquisition Procedure : Budgeting(Development) Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 17
Defense System Acquisition Procedure : Budgeting(Development) Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 18
3. Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 19
Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) Objective Make application of SE more efficient and effective in each acquisition phase. Intent Winning contractor will have negotiated SEMP as part of contract. With SEMP on contract, MIL-STD-499B will not be implemented as a contractual requirement. Sections 1. Overview of SE approach for contract. 2. Contractors planned systems analysis and control including system analyses, cost-effectiveness analyses, risk methods, technical performance measurement tasks, and technical review plans. 3. Technology transition plans. 4. Integration of technical specialties and employment of multi-disciplinary teams. Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 20
SEMP 의구성 Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 21
Typical SEMP Format Title page Introduction Part 1 Technical Program Planning and control 1.0 Responsibilities and Authority 1.1 Standards, Procedures, and Training 1.2 Program Risk Analysis 1.3 Work Breakdown Structures 1.4 Program Reviews 1.5 Technical Reviews 1.6 Technical Performance Measurements 1.7 change Control procedures 1.8 Engineering program Integration 1.9 Interface control 1.10 Milestones / schedule 1.11 Other Plans and controls Part 2 System engineering process 2.0 Mission and Requirements Analysis 2.1 Functional Analysis 2.2 Requirements Allocation 2.3 Trade studies 2.4 Design Optimization / Effectiveness Compatibility 2.5 Synthesis 2.6 Technical Interface Compatibility 2.7 Logistic Support Analysis 2.8 Producibility Analysis 2.9 Specification Tree / Specifications 2.10 Documentation 2.11 Systems Engineering Tools Part3 Engineering Specialty / Integration Requirements 3.1 Integration Design /^plans 3.1.1 Reliability 3.1.2 Maintainability 3.1.3 Human Engineering 3.1.4 Safety 3.1.5 Standardization 3.1.6 Survivability / vulnerability 3.1.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility / Interference 3.1.8 Electromagnetic Pulse Hardening 3.1.9 Integrated Logistics Support 3.1.10 Computer Resources life Cycle Management Plan 3.1.11 Producibility 3.1.12 Other Engineering Specialty Requirements / plans 3.2 Integration System test Plans 3.3 Compatibility with Supporting Activities 3.3.1 System Cost Effectiveness 3.3.2 Value Engineering 3.3.3 TQM/ Quality Assurance 3.3.4 Materials and Processes Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 22
SEMP Relations Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 23
Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 24
4. Statement of Work, Workscope, Products Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 25
Statement of Work Subtask 1.5.5 Design Analysis : The data released in Subtask will form the basis of aerodynamics, propulsion, and mass properties analysis. Subtask Aeroanalysis : Based on the data released in Subtask, aerodynamic characteristics of each configuration will be developed. Data will include aircraft minimum drag, trimmed dragdue-to-lift, and calibration data for the Conceptual Design Synthesis Program(CDSP). Subtask Mass Properties Analysis : Based on the released in Subtask, mass properties characteristics of each configuration will be developed. Data will include empty weight build-up, useful load build-up, weight and center of gravity summary, fuel plots, and calibration data for the CDSP. Subtask Propulsion Analysis :Based on the data released in Subtask, propulsion system characteristics of each configuration will be developed. Data will include inlet performance, nozzle performance, installed Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 26
Manloading for Typical Fighter Program Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 27
Task Description by Discipline Discipline : SYSTEMS ENGINNERING SOW TASK : Matrix-Aircraft Design and Analysis Detailed Task Description for the above Discipline 1.5 1.5.1 1. Coordinate and communicate unified requirement sets for both Trainer and both trainer and combat aircraft versions. 2. Establish a configuration review and control process 3. Coordinate analysis and design iterations as requirements sets are refined and trade studies are performed. 4. Track requirements and design decisions. 5. Revise TOR to incorporate requirements. 1.5.2 1. support aircraft sizing efforts and design iterations. 2. Reuse TOR to incorporate requirement changes. 1.5.3 1. Support top-level configuration for feasibility and merit of options. 2. Revise TOR to incorporate requirements changes. 3. Support screening of design parameters to produce potential aircraft configuration concepts. 1.5.4 1. Support aircraft conceptual layout by resolving requirements issues and providing option. 1.5.5 1. Support iterations of aerodynamics, mass properties and propulsion design and analysis. 1.5.6 1. Support the evaluation of mission and maneuver performance and aircraft sizing assessments. 1.5.7 1. Coordinate economic analysis efforts to assure consistency with other functional areas and with requirements and design analyses 1.5.8 1. Support design iterations by evaluating impact of changes to operational requirements and mission objectives. 2. Offer alternative suggestions for balancing design options and operational requirements Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 28
Workscopes (Conceptual Design Example) Requirements studies Configuration Design Studies Configuration Trade Studies Wind/Water Tunnel Test Configuration Downselection Training System Development Point performance Requirement Mission Performance Requirement Market Assessment 100 Family Aircraft(Conventional Wing Tail) 200 Family Aircraft(Delta Wing) 300 Family Aircraft(Canard-Delta Wing) Vertical Tail(Single vs. Twin) Wing Position(High, Mid, Low) Number of Engines(Single vs. Twin) Inlet Location(Chin vs. Bifurcated) etc. Small Scale Wind Tunnel Test Water Tunnel Flow Visualization Selection of Baseline Aircraft(100 Family) Conceptual Training Media Definition Syllabus Definition Advanced Training System study Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 29
Products/Accomplishments Have to identify the design results or products of each discipline Plans Technical Reports Design Documents Ground/ Engineering Drawings Specifications Program Flight Test Results Mock ups Prototypes, etc. Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 30
Products to be Delivered during Phase I Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 31
Products/Accomplishments (Example) Plans Area Number Program plans Title Author % Comp Due Data WBS 1100 1 ASIP Structures P 1100 FDS Airframe Structural Integrity Plan Dr. C.S. Kim 2 FMP Structures P 1101 Fleet Management Plan Dr. C.S Kim WBS 1400 1 SDP Avionics P 1425 Avionics Software Development Plan S.W.Kim 0 12 / 31 / 9 WBS 4000 1 TEP T & E P 4000 Systems test Plan T & E 100 Proposal 2 GTP T & E P 4100 Ground Test Plan T & E 100 Proposal 3 FTP T & E P 4200 Flight Test Plan T & E 100 Proposal 4 WTP T & E P 42xx Wind Tunnel Test Plan T & E 5 FTIP Flight Test P 4xxx Flight Test Instrumentation Plan T & E 6 DPP Flight test P 4xxx Data Processing plan T & E WBS 5000 1 BMP Program Office P 5000 1 LSA RM&S P 5130 Business Management Plan Business Office 2 ILSP RM&S P 5zxx LSA Plan RM & S 1 PP Procurement P 51b0 ILS Plan RM & S 1 MP Manufacturing P 5200 Manufacturing Plan Procurement 2 IPP Manufacturing P 5201 Initial Production Plan Operations Operations WBS 6000 1 SEMP Sys Engr P 6000 Systems Engineering Management 2 CMP Sys Engr P 6001 Configuration Management Plan JW Lee 70 Proposal 3 RMP Sys Engr P 6002 Risk Management Plan JW Lee 70 Proposal 4 EDMP Sys Engr P 6003 Engineering Draw JW Lee 70 Proposal 5 DMP Sys Engr P 6004 Data Management plan JW Lee 70 Proposal 6 QMP Sys Engr P - 6005 Quality Assurance plan JW Lee 70 Proposal KM Je 70 19 TOTAL PROGRAM PLANS Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 32
Products to be Delivered during Phase I Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 33
Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 34
5. Planning and Control, SEMS and SEDS Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 35
사업기획 (Program Planning and Control) SOW 작성 각분야별세부설계업무, 예상설계결과등규정 Workscope, Design Milestones SOW 를근간으로개발목표및범위설정, 전체계획수립 Design Schedule SEMS : 전체설계윤곽, 단계별업무, 연계사항규정 SEDS : 기능별일정, 사업진행현황점검 Design Schedule : 설계현황파악및업무조정을위한 각설계분야별, 업무별설계일정 Planning for the Next Phase 다음단계계획서작성주관 Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 36
Planning and Control Procedures Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 37
Process for PC Program Planning Model Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 38
Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS) Purpose : Contractual agreement between contractor and customer on critical tasks required for completing each major program milestone and defining the criteria for successful completion of those tasks The SEMS outlines the integration of all major tasks necessary to design, develop, test, produce, deploy and support the system Prime Elements : Milestones, Events Key tasks for each milestones or events Significant accomplishments for each task Success accomplishments criteria for each task Usually implemented in the EMD phase of the program Supported by SEDS Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 39
Design Milestones Example SRR1(Apr. 199) SRR2(Oct.199) LOA(Nov.199) RFP(Dec.199) 4 th ITRT(Apr.199) FDS proposal(apr. 9) SDR(Sep.199) OML Freeze(Dec. 9) Long Lead Item System Requirement / Conceptual Design Review Finalize System Requirement Document Preliminary Configuration and System Design Requirement Freeze Agreement on the Development Finalize System Spec. Review Draft FSD Proposal System and Configuration Design Review PIDS and CIDS Review System Design Description Review Procurement at the Early Stage of FSD First Flight(Dec. 9) Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 40
WBS - SOW - SEMS - SEDS 상호관계 요구도 체계사양항공기세부계통착륙장치 WBS 요소.. 1600 세부계통 1610 착륙장치.. SOW 3.1. 항공기세부계통 (1600) 항공기의세부계통은...... 3.1.1. 착륙장치 (1610) 항공기의착륙장치의설계는... SEDS MIL-STD-499-B SEMS 세부업무 예비설계 199x 199y 199z PDR 주요성취사항 Events 목표 1. 예비설계완료 PDR 1. 착륙장치도면완료 Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 41
Sample SEMS Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 42
Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule (SEDS) Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 43
Planning for the Next Phase (1) 체계개발제안서의구성 ( 예 ) 제 1 권. 체계개발계획서본문제 1 책. 체계개발계획서요약제 2 책. 개발개요및기술현황분석 (1 장, 2 장 ) 제 3 책. 체계개발계획 (3 장 ) 제 4 책. 체계개발계획 (4 장, 5 장, 6 장 ) 제 5 책. 년도별집행계획 I ( 96 년, 97 년 ) 년도별집행계획 II ( 98 년, 99 년 ) 년도별집행계획 III( 00 년, 01 년 ) 년도별집행계획 IV ( 02 년, 03 년 ) 제 2 권. 체계시술서제 1 책. 항공기기술서 I 제 2 책. 항공기기술서 II 제 3 책. 훈련체계기술서제 4 책. 지원체계기술서 제 3 권. 개발규격서제 1 책. 체계규격서제 2 책. 항공기규격서제 3 책. 각부계통규격서, 기체규격서, 추진계통규격서, 세부계통규격서, 조종계통규격서, 조종실규격서, 항공전자계통규격서제 4 책. 훈련체계규격서제 5 책. 지원체계규격서 제 4 권. 체계개발계획서부록 부록 1. 기술업무규정서 부록 2. 체계기술관리계획 부록 3. 업무분해구조 부록 4. 형상관리계획 부록 5. 시험평가계획 부록 6. 품질보증계획 부록 7. 종합군수지원계획 부록 8. 초도생산계획 부록 9. 훈련체계계발계획 부록 10. 기체건전성계획 부록 11. 도면관리계획 부록 12. 위험도관리계획 부록 13. 자료관리계획 부록 14. 풍동시험계획 부록 15. 개발기간단축시의소요자원비교 부록 16. 국내관련업체제안서평가 부록 17. 해외부품공급대상업체자료분석및평가 Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 44
Planning for the Next Phase (2) 체계개발제안서요약서의구성 ( 예 ) 1. 개요 1.1 개발목적 1.2 개발의의의 1.3 개발의필요성 1.4 체계개발계획서구성및개요 2. 사업근거및경위 3. 개발개념 3.1 설계개념및역할 3.2 공군소요분석및국제시장분석 3.3 경제성분석 4. 탐색개발결과 4.1 체계공학과정및체계기술관리 4.2 요구도정립 4.3 개념및기본설계과정 4.4 항공기기본형상 4.5 지원체계 (Support System) 및종합군수계획 4.6 훈련체계 (Training System) 4.7 주요핵심구성품개발결과 4.8 위탁연구수행결과 5. 체계개발의범위 5.1 주요설계시점및체계개발천체일정 (SEMS) 5.2 체계개발업무수행내용및설계결과 5.3 분야별주요수행내용및설계결과 5.4. 체계개발사업관리계획 5.5 비용대효과분석 5.6 체계개발계획서작성기본방침 5.7 소요자원종합 5.8. 체게개발기준변화비교 Aerospace Design Integration Research Center, Konkuk University 45