능률영어독해와작문빈칸연습 LESSON 06 Lesson 06. A New Perspective Art that Questions Reality 현실에의문을제기하는미술 Teacher: Good morning, everyone. 선생님 : 안녕하세요, 여러분. Today we re 1) about René Magritte, a Belgian surrealist painter. 오늘우리는벨기에출신의초현실주의화가인르네마그리트에관해서이야기하려합니다. He 2) in 1898 and died in 1967. 그는 1898 년에태어나 1967 년에사망했습니다. 3) was started in France in the f 4) of the twentieth century. 초현실주의는 20 세기전반에프랑스에서시작되었어요. Sur means over or beyond in French, so surrealism means b r 5). Sur 는프랑스어로 넘어또는초월한 이라는뜻으로, 초현실주의는 현실을초월하여 라는뜻입니다. Like its name, surrealist artists tried [to present / presenting] 6) ideas (take) 7) from their dreams and imaginations, 8) simply (paint) 9) images from the real world. 그이름처럼, 초현실주의화가들은현실세계의이미지들을단순히그리는대신, 그들의꿈과상상에서비롯된생각들을표현하려했습니다. René Magritte was one of the most famous and i 10) of this movement and [aspired / inspired] 11) the works of many other artists. 르네마그리트는이러한사조의가장유명하고영향력있는화가들가운데한명이었고, 다른많은화가들의작품들에영감을주었어요. Let s l 12) three of his p 13) works. 그의가장인기있는작품가운데세가지를살펴보도록합시다. The first painting we re going to look at (call) 14) The Empire of Lights. 우리가보게될첫번째그림은 빛의제국 이라불리는것입니다. What do you see in it? 여러분은이작품에서무엇이보이나요? 7 1
Student A: It s n 15). 학생 A: 밤이요. There is a dark house t 16) around it. 나무로둘러싸인어두운집이한채있어요. The lights are on inside the house and there is a lamp (light) 17) up the sidewalk. 집안에는불이켜져있고, 길을밝혀주는등이있어요. Teacher: Is it? 선생님 : 그런가요? Look at the sky. 하늘을보세요. What does it 18)? 무엇처럼보이나요? Student A: Oh, it is d 19)! 학생 A: 아, 낮이네요! There is a beautiful blue sky with pretty white clouds. 아름답고푸른하늘에예쁘고하얀구름들이있네요. But it is 20) in real life to have night and day 21). 하지만밤과낮이동시에존재하는것은현실에서불가능해요. Teacher: E 22). 선생님 : 바로그렇습니다. That s 23) this painting 24). 그것이바로이그림을초현실적으로만드는점이지요. Many people do not see this p 25) the first time they look at this painting because both [part / parts] 26) of it [is / are] 27) so realistically painted. 많은사람들은처음이그림을볼때이러한역설을보지못하는데, 왜냐하면밤과낮두부분이모두대단히사실적으로그려져있기때문이죠. This painting makes us 28) what we see and 29) it is real 30) just an image from a dream. 이그림은우리로하여금우리가보는것과, 그것이실제인지아니면그저꿈에서나온하나의이미지일뿐인지에대하여생각하게합니다. 2
[so / is / what / René Magritte s / this / interesting / makes / paintings] 31). 이것이르네마그리트의그림들을매우흥미롭게만드는점입니다. 32), Magritte c 33) our t 34) to [accept / refuse] 35) our everyday experiences 36) true and clear. 이러한방식으로, 마그리트는우리의일상경험들을진실하고확실한것으로받아들이는우리의경향에도전장을던졌습니다. Magritte s work The Treachery of Images, 37) he painted between 1928 and 1929, (focus) 38) exactly on this idea. 마그리트의작품, 이미지의배반 은그가 1928년과 1929년사이에그린것으로, 바로이러한생각에초점을두고있습니다. It is one of his most w 39). 이것은그의가장잘알려진작품가운데하나입니다. What do you 40) it? 이것에대해어떻게생각하나요? Student B: It doesn t look like [special anything / anything special] 41) to me. 학생 B: 그다지특별한점은보이지않는데요. It s 42) a picture of a pipe. 단순히하나의파이프그림이잖아요. There 43) to be anything surreal about it. 그것에초현실적인것은아무것도없어보이는데요. Teacher: [the pipe / the French writing / you / what / means / do / below / know] 44)? 선생님 : 그파이프아래에프랑스어로써진것이무엇을의미하는지알고있나요? Student B: No, I don t speak French. 학생 B: 아니오, 저는프랑스어를할줄몰라요. 45)? 그것이중요한가요? Teacher: Yes. 46), it s p 47) the 48) of the painting. 선생님 : 네. 사실, 아마도이그림의가장중요한부분일것입니다. It says, This is not a pipe. 그것은 이것은파이프가아니다. 라는말입니다. It is 49) makes this painting surreal. 그게바로이그림을초현실적으로만드는것이에요. 7 3
When people first saw the painting and 50) this s 51), Magritte would tell them that if it (be) 52) a pipe, they should try (fill) 53) it with tobacco. 사람들이처음에그림을보고이진술에의문을가질때, 마그리트는만약그것이파이프라면, 그것에담배를채워넣어봐야한다고말하곤했습니다. 54) this is impossible because it is only an image of a pipe, not a real pipe. 물론이것은불가능하죠. 왜냐하면그것은단지파이프의이미지일뿐이지실제파이프는아니니까요. Student C: I see. 학생 C: 알겠어요. I guess he wanted people (think) 55) about the 56) between images and 57). 그는사람들이이미지와사물사이의관계에대해생각하기를원했던것같아요. Teacher: Exactly. 선생님 : 바로그거예요. These relationships aren t 58) we may think. 이런관계들은우리가생각하는것만큼강하지않습니다. The relationships 59) words and objects aren t strong, e 60). 언어와사물사이의관계역시강하지않죠. A 61) we [have / had] 62) agreed to call the object a Pipe, it _ 63) an apple just as [easy / easily] 64). 비록우리가그사물을 파이프 라고부르기로합의했지만, 그것은그저쉽게 사과 라고불릴수도있었을겁니다. The pipe in the painting is not the same pipe a person uses to [smoke/ smoking] 65). 이그림속의파이프는사람들이담배를피우려고사용하는파이프와똑같은것이아닙니다. It s 66) an image of it. 그것은그저실제파이프의한이미지일뿐이죠. 67), the relationships between words, objects, and images (be) 68) not [binding / bound] 69). 다시말해서, 언어, 사물, 그리고이미지사이의관계는강제적인것이아닙니다. The painting 70) challenges the c 71) way we view art, 72) it even makes us [question / to question] 73) 74) we view things g 75). 그그림은우리가미술을보는일반적인방식에도전할뿐아니라, 심지어우리가일반적으로사물을바라보는방식에대한의문도갖게합니다. 4
Teacher: The last painting we re going to look at (be) 76) more [clear / clearly] 77) surreal and c 78). 선생님 : 우리가살펴볼마지막그림은더욱명확하게초현실적이고복잡합니다. It s [calling / called] 79) Golconda and Magritte c 80) it in 1953. 골콘다 라는작품으로, 마그리트는이것을 1953 년에완성했습니다. What is the first thing you n 81) 82) you look at this painting? 여러분이이그림을볼때가장먼저주목하게되는것은무엇인가요? Student A: My 83) goes to the men in the sky. 학생 A: 하늘에있는사람들에게관심이가요. They make it 84) a dream. 그사람들이그림을꿈처럼보이게해요. Teacher: That s 85) most people notice first. 선생님 : 그점이대부분의사람들이가장먼저주목하는것이죠. Some people view them 86) (fall) 87) to the ground like rain, w 88) others imagine them floating. 어떤사람들은그들이비처럼땅으로떨어지는것으로보지만, 다른이들은그들이떠다니고있는것으로생각합니다. Since Magritte didn t [conclude / include] 89) any sign of movement, he left it to the viewer (decid e) 90). 마그리트가어떤움직임의기미도포함하지않았기때문에, 그는결정을보는이들에게맡겼습니다. Either [way / ways] 91), what makes the painting surreal is 92) men cannot be in the sky g 93) like this. 어느쪽이든, 이그림을초현실적으로만드는것은바로사람은이처럼중력을거슬러공중에있을수없다는것입니다. However, these aren t real men. 그러나이들은진짜사람들은아닙니다. They are only the images of men, so Magritte wanted to show that images don t h 94) follow any 95) of the real world. 그들은단지사람들의이미지들일뿐이고, 그래서마그리트는이미지들이현실세계의어떠한규칙도따를필요가없다는것을보여주고싶었던것입니다. Student C: It also seems [unrealistic / unrealistically] 96) that all the men l s 97). 학생 C: 모든사람이똑같아보이는것또한비현실적으로보여요. 7 5
They are all d 98) in dark overcoats and hats. 그들은모두어두운외투와모자를착용하고있어요. [all / why / did / that / paint / like / Magritte / them] 99)? 마그리트는왜사람들을모두저렇게그린걸까요? Teacher: Some people believe Magritte did this (show) 100) 101) people in 102) (lose) 103) their 104). 선생님 : 어떤이들은마그리트가현대사회의사람들이어떻게개성을잃고있는지를보여주기위해이렇게했다고생각합니다. He believed people like businessmen and bankers (be) 105) getting 106) in the 107) of people all (live) 108) the same kind of life. 그는사업가와은행원같은사람들이모두같은종류의인생을살아가는군중속에서길을잃어버리고있다고믿었습니다. In this and other works, René Magritte tried to 109) this kind of society. 이것과더불어다른작품들속에서, 르네마그리트는이런종류의사회를조소하려했습니다. Teacher: Through his works of art and these kinds of ideas behind them, René Magritte 110) a great i 111) not only on the art of other artists, 112) on graphic design, movies, magazines, and even TV c 113). 선생님 : 그의작품들과그이면에숨은이런생각들을통해서, 르네마그리트는다른화가들의작품뿐만아니라그래픽디자인, 영화, 잡지, 그리고심지어 TV 광고에이르기까지커다란영향을끼쳤습니다. He challenged the c 114) of what s real and unreal by (present) 115) regular things in an u 116). 그는평범한사물들을특이한방식으로표현함으로써무엇이현실이고비현실인지에관한일반적인견해에도전장을던졌습니다. He wanted people to question 117) they see and think about art and the world around them d p 118). 그는사람들스스로자신이보는것을의심해보고, 예술과주변의세상을다른관점에서생각해보기를원했습니다. Therefore, there is no s c 119) to 120) his paintings. 그러므로그의그림을해석하는단하나의옳은방법이란없습니다. It s 121) (decide) 122) what you see. 여러분이무엇을볼지결정하는것은여러분에게달려있습니다. 6
1) going to talk 2) was born 3) Surrealism 4) first half 5) beyond reality 6) to present 7) taken 8) instead of 9) painting 10) influential artists 11) inspired 12) take a look at 13) most popular 14) is called 15) nighttime 16) with trees 17) lighting 18) look like 19) daytime 20) impossible 21) at the same time 22) Exactly 23) what makes 24) surreal 25) paradox 26) parts 27) are 28) think about 29) whether 30) or 31) This is what makes René Magritte s paintings so interesting 32) In this way 33) challenged 34) tendency 35) accept 36) as 37) which 38) focuses 39) well-known works 40) think of 41) anything special 42) simply 43) doesn t seem 44) Do you know what the French writing below the pipe means 45) Is it important? 46) Is it important? 47) probably 48) most important part 49) what 50) questioned 51) statement 52) were 53) to fill 54) Of course 55) to think 56) relationships 57) objects 58) as strong as 59) between 60) either 61) Although 62) had 63) could have been called 64) easily 65) smoke 66) merely 67) That is to say 68) are 69) binding 70) not only 71) common 72) but 73) question 74) how 75) in general 76) is 77) clearly 78) complicated 79) called 80) completed 81) notice 82) when 83) attention 84) look like 85) what 86) as 87) falling 88) while 89) include 90) to decide 91) way 92) that 93) against gravity 94) have to 95) rules 96) unrealistic 97) look the same 98) dressed 99) Why did Magritte paint them all like that 100) to show 101) how 102) modern society 103) are losing 104) individuality 105) were 106) lost 107) crowds 108) living 109) make fun of 110) had 111) influence 112) but also 113) commercials 114) common views 115) presenting 116) unusual way 117) what 118) from different points of view 119) single correct way 120) interpret 121) up to you 122) to decide 7 7