끊어읽기 Unit 2. My old Desk 1. I have / an old desk / in my room. 2. It s brown. // It s not big. 3. It has / two small drawers. 4. I study / at my desk

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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

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새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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어법성 판단 문제



3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적





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1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper


끊어읽기 Unit 1. Frogs vs. Toads 1. Frogs and toads / look alike. 2. Both / grow / from tadpoles. 3. But / they are / different animals. 4. Frogs need / to live near water. 5. But / toads don t need / to live near water. 6. Frogs have / smooth and moist skin. 7. But / toads have / rough and dry skin. 8. Frogs have / long hind legs / for jumping. 9. But / toads have / short hind legs / for walking.

끊어읽기 Unit 2. My old Desk 1. I have / an old desk / in my room. 2. It s brown. // It s not big. 3. It has / two small drawers. 4. I study / at my desk / every day. 5. One day, / I found / an old picture / under my desk. 6. It was / a picture / of my old friend Betty and me. 7. I remember / Betty. 8. She was / my preschool friend. 9. I don t see / Betty / anymore. 10. I miss / my old friend Betty.

끊어읽기 Unit 3. Earthworm 1. This animal / has / no arms, legs, or bones. 2. This animal / has / a soft body. 3. Its body / is covered / with tiny hairs. 4. The hairs / help / it move. 5. This animal / breathes / through its skin. 6. It / must keep moist / all the time. 7. This animal / can wriggle. // This animal / eats / its poop. 8. Its poop / makes / soil rich. // Its poop / makes / the best soil. 9. This animal / is called / an earthworm.

끊어읽기 Unit 4. Gulliver s Travels 1. When Gulliver wakes up, / he can t move. 2. He only sees / tiny people / around him. 3. He sees / tiny people / on his body. 4. They are / about six inches high. // They are / really tiny people. 5. The people / tied / Gulliver s body and his hair / to the ground. 6. Gulliver / stands up. // The people / are scared. 7. Gulliver is / hungry and thirsty. // He wants / food and drink. 8. The people / bring / him / three big baskets of meat, / ten loaves of bread, / and two barrels of water.

끊어읽기 Unit 5. Snowflakes 1. We can see / snow / when the weather is cold. 2. Snowflakes / are made up / of ice. 3. A snowflake / starts out / very small / and / it grows / bigger. 4. What shape / is a snowflake? 5. Is it a circle? // Is it a rectangle? 6. No. // A snowflake is / a hexagon. // It has / six sides. 7. But / snowflakes / don t look / the same. // They all / look different. 8. Next time / you see a snowflake, / feel / how cold it is / and see / if it is a hexagon.

끊어읽기 Unit 6. My Little Brother 1. I have / a little brother, Ben. 2. He is / 7 years old. // He follows / me / everywhere. 3. He makes / a mess / all the time. 4. He bothers / me / all the time. 5. I / really don t like / my little brother. 6. One day, / Ben brings / a picture / from school. 7. He gives / me / the picture. // It is a picture / of me smiling. 8. It says, / The Best Person / in the World. 9. I hug / my brother. // You are / the best brother / in the world.

끊어읽기 Unit 7. Bees and Honey 1. Bees fly / from flower to flower. 2. Bees / can visit / about 5,000 flowers / in a day. 3. Bees drink / nectar / from the flowers. 4. They store / it / in their stomachs. 5. They fly / to their hive / and pass it / to other bees. 6. The nectar / gradually / turns into honey. 7. Bees fly / around the flowers / and move / pollen / to other flowers. 8. Bees carry / pollen / with their legs. 9. This is called / pollination. // Pollination makes / more flowers.

끊어읽기 Unit 8. A Bear and Two Friends 1. Ian and Evan are / friends. 2. They see a bear / in the woods. 3. Ian quickly climbs / a tree / and hides. 4. But / Evan cannot climb / the tree. 5. He plays dead / on the ground. 6. The bear whispers / something / to Evan / and walks away. 7. Ian comes down / from the tree. 8. What did the bear say? 9. He told me / not to trust / a person / who leaves a friend / in danger.

끊어읽기 Unit 9. Mozart 1. Mozart was / a genius musician. 2. He began / playing the piano / and composing music / at five. 3. He could play / the violin, / too. 4. Mozart was / a famous composer. 5. He composed / over 600 pieces of music. 6. Today / people like / Mozart s music / very much. 7. Do you know / the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star? 8. Mozart composed / this song. // This is / a very famous song / for children. 9. Almost every child / knows / this song.

끊어읽기 Unit 10. Don t Give up 1. Mike is worried / about the baseball game / next Sunday. 2. I don t think / we can play / our next game. 3. Mike says / to his coach. 4. Luke hurt / his knee, / and Andy is in bed / with a bad cold. 5. They re / the best players / on the team. 6. Our team / will lose / without them. 7. Don t give up. // We practiced / hard / for this game. 8. I m sure / we will win! // answers his coach.

끊어읽기 Unit 11. How Birds Drink Water 1. Birds need / water / to live. // They drink / water / every day. 2. Most small birds / need to drink water / at least / twice a day. 3. Do you know / how birds drink water? 4. Do they drink water / like us? // No, they don t. 5. First, / a bird dips / its bill / into the water. 6. Next, / the bird fills / its bill / with water. 7. Then, / the bird throws / its head / back. 8. Last, / the water / goes / into its throat. 9. This is / how a bird drinks water.

끊어읽기 Unit 12. The Wizard of Oz 1. Dorothy wants / to go home. 2. The Wizard of Oz / can help / her. 3. The Wizard of Oz / lives / in the Emerald City. 4. Dorothy and her dog, Toto, / follow / the yellow brick road. 5. On the way / to the Emerald City, / Dorothy meets / three characters. 6. A scarecrow / who needs a brain, / a tin man / who needs a heart, / and lion / who needs courage. 7. They all want / to meet / the Wizard of Oz. // The Wizard of Oz / can help / them.

끊어읽기 Unit 13. Heart and Brain 1. How do you remember / your address? 2. How can you solve / math problems? 3. Your brain / does / these things. // The brain / controls / your body. 4. The right brain / helps you / with music, shapes, and colors. 5. The left brain / helps you / with math, logic, and speech. 6. Your heart / is located / in the left side / of your chest. 7. It sends / blood / around your body. 8. The blood / carries / oxygen and nutrients. 9. It also / takes away / waste.

끊어읽기 Unit 14. A New Skateboard 1. Mom, / I want / a new skateboard. 2. How about this? // If you do house chores / for me, / I will give you / a sticker. 3. When you get twenty stickers, / I ll buy you / a skateboard. 4. Henry did / some house chores / every day. 5. He did the dishes / and cleaned / the house. 6. A week later, / he had / twenty stickers. 7. Well done, Henry. // This skateboard is yours. 8. Henry worked / hard / to get / what he wanted.

끊어읽기 Unit 15. Facts About Stars 1. Do you know / how many stars are / in our galaxy? 2. There are / about 200~400 billion stars / in our galaxy. 3. Do you know / how old stars are? 4. They are / usually / about 1~10 billion years old. 5. They are / very, very old. // A star is / a giant ball of gas. 6. Dust and gas / mix together, / and this mixture / gets bigger and bigger. 7. When it gets big and hot, / it becomes / a star. 8. This is why / a star is a giant ball / of gas.

끊어읽기 Unit 16. The Dog and the Shadow 1. A dog / was crossing / a bridge. 2. He had a bone / in his mouth. // He looked down / into the river. 3. He saw / a dog / carrying a bone / in its mouth. 4. I want / that bone / too! 5. So / he barked / at the dog / in the water. 6. Splash! 7. His bone / fell into the river. 8. Oh, my bone! / he cried / sadly. 9. He didn t know / that / the other dog / in the water / was a shadow / of himself.

끊어읽기 Unit 17. The First Mobile Phone 1. In the 1950s, / people couldn t carry / mobile phones / in their hands. 2. Mobile phones / were first built / into cars. 3. They were connected / to cars. // They were / large and heavy. 4. The first portable mobile phone / was made / in 1973. 5. It weighed / more than 800 grams. 6. The battery / lasted / about eighteen minutes. 7. It was / about twenty-five centimeters high. 8. The mobile phone was / very expensive. 9. In the USA / in 1984, / it cost / $3,995.

끊어읽기 Unit 18. Being Honest 1. Jason s mom / found / a broken window / in the living room. 2. Oh no! // The window is broken! // What happened? // Who broke / the window? 3. I don t know, Mom. // I was playing / a computer game / in my room. 4. Jason / kept playing / the game. 5. But / he didn t feel good. // Finally / he told / the truth. 6. I am sorry, Mom. // I told a lie. // I broke / the window. 7. His mom / wasn t angry / at all. // She just gave / Jason / a hug. 8. Being honest / makes you / a better person, / Jason.

끊어읽기 Unit 19. Thomas Edison 1. On February 11, 1847, / young Thomas Edison / was born. 2. He was / a very curious boy. 3. One day, / he sat / on an egg. 4. He waited / for a chick / to come out from the egg. 5. Edison invented / many things. 6. He invented / more than 1,300 things. 7. There are / many famous inventions. 8. The light bulb, phonograph, car battery, and film projector / are his most famous inventions. 9. Edison made / many useful things.

끊어읽기 Unit 20. Jack and the Beanstalk 1. Jack reached / the top of the beanstalk. 2. There / he saw / a beautiful giant castle. 3. Jack / went in the castle. // There / he saw / a giant having breakfast. 4. On the table, / there were / a golden hen / and a golden harp. 5. Lay! / said the giant. 6. The golden hen / laid / golden eggs. 7. Sing! / said the giant. 8. The golden harp / started / making beautiful sounds / by itself. 9. After the giant fell asleep, / Jack took / both the hen and the harp.