Microsoft Word - TIP005KOR+ENG Uni-edit Writing Tip - Verbs-Consists of comprises composed of constitutes made up of includes r

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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관


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20, 41..,..,.,.,....,.,, (relevant).,.,..??.,

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泰 東 古 典 硏 究 第 24 輯 이상적인 정치 사회의 구현 이라는 의미를 가지므로, 따라서 천인 합일론은 가장 적극적인 경세의 이론이 된다고 할 수 있다. 권근은 경서의 내용 중에서 현실 정치의 귀감으로 삼을 만한 천인합일의 원칙과 사례들을 발견하고, 이를 연구하여


2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.


Uni-edit 영작팁 : 동사 : Consists of / comprises / composed of / constitutes / make up / includes 난이도 : 중급 Contain, consist, compose, constitute, comprise... 이동사들의공통점은 " 함께둔다 " 라는의미의라틴어어근 "com-" 을포함하고있다는것입니다. 이동사들은부분과전체또는전체와부분의관계를설명합니다. 이동사들은서로바꾸어써도괜찮은경우도있지만, 서로바꾸어쓰면안되는경우도있습니다. 능동태와수동태를중심으로각단어의사용법을살펴보겠습니다. 배타적목록이란무엇인가? 포괄적목록이란무엇인가? 이들동사를바르게사용하려면, 모든것을포함하는목록과모든것을포함하지는않는 목록의차이를이해하는것이매우중요합니다. 모든것을포함하는목록 - 모든항목을보고함 모든것을포함하지는않는목록 - 일부는보고하지만모든항목을보고하는것은아님 모든것을포함하는목록 : " My siblings consist of three brothers ( 나의동기는 3 명의남자형제로이루어져있다 )." 이경우는동기중에자매는없다는뜻입니다. 모든것을포함하지는않는목록 : " My siblings include three brothers ( 나의동기는 3 명의남자형제를포함한다 )." 이경우는자매가적어도한명있다는뜻입니다. 올바른동사선택하기 어떤동사들은모든것을포함하는목록에대해사용되고어떤동사들은모든것을 포함하지는않는목록에대해사용됩니다. 상황에따라올바른동사를선택해야합니다. 모든것을포함하지는않는동사 : include / contain 포함하다 (include) 이두동사의뜻은거의같습니다. 전체는부분을포함한다 (include); 부분은전체에포함된다 (included). 전체는부분을포함한다 (contain); 부분은전체에포함된다 (contained). 옳은예 : Asia includes the countries of China, Japan, and Korea. ( 아시아는중국, 일본, 한국을 포함한다.) ( 아시아에는다른국가들도있다.) Copyright Uni-edit 1 of 6 Not for distribution

잘못된예 : North America includes the countries of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. ( 북미는미국, 캐나다와멕시코를포함한다.) ( 북미에다른나라는없다 ) 포함하다 (contain) 전체는부분을포함하고 (contain), 부분은전체에포함됩니다 (contained). 옳은예 : The report contains statistics about the labor market from 2008 2014. ( 보고서는 2008 년-2014 년까지의노동시장에대한통계를포함한다 ). ( 보고서에는다른통계도들어있다.) 모든것을포함하는동사 : consist of / compose / comprise / constitute / make up 구성되다 (consist of) ' 구성되다 (consist of)' 를사용할때는, 목록전체를작성해야합니다. 전체는부분으로 구성되어있습니다 (consist of). 옳은예 : North America consists of three countries: the USA, Canada, and Mexico. ( 북미는 3 개국가들로구성되어있다 : 미국, 캐나다, 멕시코.) 잘못된예 : Asia consists of China, Japan, and Korea. ( 아시아는중국, 일본, 한국으로구성되어있다 ) ( 아시아에는이 3 개국가외에다른국가들도있다.) 참고로 "is consisted of" 는잘못된영어표현입니다. 구성하다 (Compose) ' 구성하다 (compose)' 를사용할때는, 목록전체를작성해야합니다. 전체는부분으로 구성되어있습니다 (composed of). 옳은예 : The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is composed of five subunits: the muscle-type one is composed of two alpha1, one beta1, one delta, and one eta subunits. ( 니코틴아세틸콜린수용체는다음과같은 5 개의하위단위로구성되어있다. 근육유형 1 은 2 개의알파 1, 1 개의베타 1, 1 개의델타, 1 개의에타하위단위로구성되어있다.) 참고로, compose 를이런의미로사용할때는능동태로는잘쓰지않는데, 그이유는아마도 'compose' 가능동태로쓰이면 "( 예술작품을 ) 창작하다 " 는뜻으로사용되기때문일것입니다. 예 : Mozart composed his first symphony at the age of eight. ( 모차르트는 8 살때첫번째교향곡을작곡했다.) Copyright Uni-edit 2 of 6 Not for distribution

구성되다 (comprise) ' 구성되다 (comprise)' 를사용할때는, 목록전체를작성해야합니다. 표준적인용법은 the whole comprises the parts ( 전체는부분으로구성되어있다 ) 입니다. 요즘은 " the whole is comprised of the parts" 이라고흔히씁니다. 그러나영어표기법의권위자들중에는이렇게쓰면틀린것이라고생각하는사람도많기때문에조심하셔야합니다. "consist of" 로바꾸어쓰면안전합니다. 옳은예 : A simple circuit comprises a source of voltage (e.g. a battery), a conductive path (e.g. a wire), and a resistor (e.g. a lightbulb). ( 단순회로는전원 ( 예 : 배터리 ), 전도 ( 예 : 전기선 ), 저항기 ( 예 : 전구 ) 로구성되어있다 ). 옳은대체예 : A simple circuit is comprised of consists of a source of voltage (e.g. a battery), a conductive path (e.g. a wire), and a resistor (e.g. a lightbulb). (... 로 ) 구성되다 (Make up) ' 구성되다 (make up)' 를사용할때는, 목록전체를작성해야합니다. 부분은전체를구성합니다 (make up); 전체는부분으로구성되어있습니다 (is made up of). 능동태와수동태모두흔히사용됩니다. 옳은예 : Seeds and fern spores make up the finch s diet. ( 씨와고사리포자가되새류의 먹이이다.) 옳은예 : The finch s diet is made up of seeds and fern spores. 구성하다 (Constitute) ' 구성하다 (constitute)' 를사용할때는, 목록전체를작성해야합니다. 부분은전체를구성합니다 (constitute); 전체는부분으로구성되어있습니다 (is constituted of). 능동태가수동태보다자주사용됩니다. 옳은예 : Automobile exhaust constitutes a large proportion of total greenhouse gas emissions. ( 자동차배기가스는총온실가스배출량중큰비중을차지한다.) 설명 : 이예에서문법적으로 ' 전체 ' 는 ' 총온실가스배출량 ' 이아닌, ' 총온실가스배출량중큰비중 ' 입니다. Copyright Uni-edit 3 of 6 Not for distribution

Uni-edit English Writing Tip: Verbs: Consists of / comprises / composed of / constitutes / make up / includes Difficulty: Medium Contain, consist, compose, constitute, comprise what these verbs have in common is the Latin root com-, which means to put together. They describe the relationship of parts to the whole, or whole to parts. They can be used interchangeably in some cases, but cannot in others. Let s look at the usages of each word, with attention to active and passive voice. What s an Exhaustive List? What s a Non-Exhaustive List? The idea of an exhaustive vs. non-exhaustive list is crucial to using the verbs correctly. Exhaustive list - report all the items Non-exhaustive list - report some but not all of the items Exhaustive list: My siblings consist of three brothers. This means I have no sisters. Non-exhaustive list: My siblings include three brothers. This means I have one or more sisters. Choose the right verb Some verbs are used for exhaustive lists. Some verbs are used for non-exhaustive lists. You must choose the right verb for the situation. Non-exhaustive verbs: include / contain Include The meanings are essentially equivalent. The whole includes the parts; the parts are included in the whole. The whole contains the parts; the parts are contained in the whole. Correct: Asia includes the countries of China, Japan, and Korea. (It also includes other countries.) Incorrect: North America includes the countries of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. (It does not include other countries.) Contain The whole contains the parts; the parts are contained in the whole. Copyright Uni-edit 4 of 6 Not for distribution

Correct: The report contains statistics about the labor market from 2008 2014. (It also includes other statistics.) Exhaustive verbs: consist of / compose / comprise / constitute / make up Consist of When you write 'consist of', you must write the entire list. The whole consists of the parts. Correct: North America consists of three countries: the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Incorrect: Asia consists of China, Japan, and Korea. (There are more than these three countries in Asia.) By the way, is consisted of is incorrect English. Compose When you write 'compose', you must write the entire list. The whole is composed of the parts. Correct: The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is composed of five subunits: the muscle-type one is composed of two alpha1, one beta1, one delta, and one epsilon subunits. By the way, when using 'compose' with this meaning, the active voice is less common, perhaps because active-voice compose has another meaning, which is to write (an artistic work) : e.g., Mozart composed his first symphony at the age of eight. Comprise When you write 'comprises', you must write the entire list. Standard usage is the whole comprises the parts. In modern times, the usage the whole is comprised of the parts is common. However, since some English style authorities think the latter usage is mistaken, use it at your own risk. An alternative like consists of is uncontroversial. Correct: A simple circuit comprises a source of voltage (e.g. a battery), a conductive path (e.g. a wire), and a resistor (e.g. a lightbulb). Alternative correct: A simple circuit is comprised of consists of a source of voltage (e.g. a battery), a conductive path (e.g. a wire), and a resistor (e.g. a lightbulb). Make up When you write 'make up' or made up of, you must write the entire list. The parts make up the whole; the whole is made up of the parts. Active voice and passive voice are equally common. Copyright Uni-edit 5 of 6 Not for distribution

Correct: Seeds and fern spores make up the finch s diet. Correct: The finch s diet is made up of seeds and fern spores. Constitute When you write 'constitute', you must write the entire list. The parts constitute the whole; the whole is constituted of the parts. The active voice is more common than the passive voice. Correct: Automobile exhaust constitutes a large proportion of total greenhouse gas emissions. Explanation: Here, in grammatical terms, the 'whole' is the 'large proportion of total greenhouse gas emissions', not total greenhouse gas emissions. END OF TIP Copyright Uni-edit 6 of 6 Not for distribution