3710 3720 Fisher 3710 3720 3722... 2... 2... 2... 5... 6... 6 3722... 6 3722... 7... 8... 8 25 50 585 585R 3710 3720... 13... 15... 16... 17... 17,,... 17... 19 3720... 19... 20... 22... 22... 23... 24... 25 -/-... 26 -/... 26... 27 ( )... 27 ( )... 29... 30 1. W6144 1052 3720 W6058 1 1066 3710 www.fisher.com
3710 3720 ()... 31... 31... 31 3722... 32... 32... 33... 34 ( )... 34,,... 34... 35... 36... 37,,... 38 ( )... 39... 39 3722... 39 O-... 39 3722... 40 3722... 40 3722... 41... 41... 41... 41... 42... 45 3722... 46... 47 585 585R... 50... 50 Fisher 3710 3720,,,. Fisher 3722.,,.,,, 3710, 3720 3722,.,,.. 3710 3720 1 ( ) ( )... 3710. 3720 (ma), (DC),. 1. 3710.. 3. 3720 (ma), (DC),.. 3. 2
3710 3720 1. Fisher 3700. 3710: - 3720: - (3722 3710 ) 3722: 4-20 DC 0.2 ~ 1.0bar(3 ~ 15psig) 3710: : 0.2 ~ 1.0bar(3 ~ 15psig) 0.4 ~ 2.0bar(6 ~ 30psig) - : 0.2 ~ 0.6bar(3 ~ 9psig) 0.6 ~ 1.0bar(9 ~ 15psig) 0.4 ~ 1.2bar(6 ~ 18psig) 1.2 ~ 2.0bar(18 ~ 30psig) 3720: : 30VDC 4 ~ 20mA DC -: 4 ~ 12mA DC 12 ~ 20mA DC 3720: 120ohms(3 5.6V ) 15. (1) : (2) : 0.3bar(5psig) : 10.3bar(150psig) 3710: 3720:. ISA 7.0.01 40. 5. 1ppm (w/w) (v/v).. ISO 8573-1 : 7 : 3 : 3 10 C 3720. (3) 3710: 6mm :4.1bar(60psig) 0.82 normal m 3 /hr(29scfh) 3720: 6mm :4.1bar(60psig) 1.0 normal m 3 /hr(36scfh) (3) ( ) 6mm :4.1bar(60psig) 20 normal m 3 /hr(700scfh) (4) 3710: : ±0.5% : 0.5% : 0.3% 3720: : ±1.0% : 0.6% : 0.35% 3722 EN 61326 1:2013 - EN 61326-1 2. 2. - A ISM : 1, A : (EMI) 3720. : 10% (%). 3710: 4.1bar(60psig) 1.0% 3720: 4.1bar(60psig) 1.5% - - 3
3710 3720 1. () (2) -40 ~ 80 C(-40 ~ 180 F), -50 ~ 107 C(-58 ~ 225 F) 3710 3710 ATEX II 2. 3722 CSA -,, Type n, FM -,, Type n,, ATEX -,, Type n IECEx -,, Type n( ) : 3720. 3722 CSA - Type 3 FM - NEMA 3, IP54 ATEX - IP64 IECEx - IP54. : 3720. 3722 / CUTR - Customs Union Technical Regulations( )(,,, ) INMETRO - National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology( ) KGS - () /. 1/4 NPT(F) 3720 1/2-14 NPT 90 () 60 () 3710: 2.04 kg(4.5 ) 3720: 2.72 kg(6.0 ) SEP Fisher Controls International LLC PED 2014/68/EU 4 3. (SEP), PED CE. CE. : ANSI/ISA 51.1 -. 1... 2.,. 3. ( 0 C 1.01325bar). Scfh - (60 F 14.7psia). 4. 4.1bar(60psig) 1061 30.. 2. Fisher 3722 (1) EMC - (2) (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2 4kV 8kV A 10V/m 80 ~ 1000MHz(80% 1kHz AM) IEC 61000-4-3 3V/m 14000 ~ 2000MHz(80% 1kHz AM) A 1V/m 2000 ~ 2700MHz(80% 1kHz AM) IEC 61000-4-8 50Hz 60A/m A ( ) IEC 61000-4-4 1kV A I/O / IEC 61000-4-5 1kV(, ) B RF IEC 61000-4-6 3Vrms 150kHz ~ 80MHz A = ±1% 1. 3720. 2. A =. B =. 4
3710 3720 3. 3710 3 ~ 15psig ( ) 3710 6 ~ 30psig ( ) 0.2 ~ 1.0bar(3 ~ 15psig) 0.2 ~ 0.6bar(3 ~ 9psig) 0.6 ~ 1.0bar(9 ~ 15psig), 0.4 ~ 2.0bar(6 ~ 30psig) 0.4 ~ 1.2bar(6 ~ 18psig) 1.2 ~ 2.0bar(18 ~ 30psig), --- --- 3720 --- 4 ~ 20mA DC 4 ~ 12mA DC 12 ~ 20mA DC, Fisher 1051, 1052, 1061. 4. 2. ( 43) Fisher 1051, 1052, 1061, 1066, 2052. 4. Fisher 585 585R 25 50. ( 43). 2. W6059-1 ( 44) ( 43) 5
3710 3720 4. 1051, 30 (2), 40, 60 1052, 30 (2), 40, 60, 70 1061, 30, 40, 60, 68 (1) 1051, 33 1052, 20, 33 1061, 80, 100 1066, 20, 27, 75 2052, 1, 2, 3 NAMUR 1.. 2. 30. 3710 3720 30. 1. 3710 3720,. Emerson Automation Solutions Educational Services, Registration : +1-641-754-3771 +1-800-338-8158 : education@emerson.com emerson.com/fishervalvetraining 3722 3.. 3720 3722 :,,..,,......,, O-. 6
3710 3720........ 3722. CSA - Fisher 3722 (D104315X012) FM - Fisher 3722 (D104316X012) ATEX - Fisher 3722 (D104317X012) IECEx - Fisher 3722 (D104318X012) www.fisher.com. /. 7
3710 3720 3710 3720 3722 ( 3). 3722 3710. 3. Fisher 3722 W6145 1/2 NPT 1.. 3710. 2. O- ( 85, 32) ( 82). O-. O-. 3. ( 84).. O-. 4.......,. 4. 8
3710 3720,... 3720 3722 :,,..,,.......,, O-.... Fisher. 4. Fisher 5/8.. 4 33. Fisher 3610 3610.. 9
3710 3720 4. / 42B8466-A 1061 30 3710 42B8466-A 1061 30 3720 : 33 /. 1 3610 10
3710 3720 1. 5.,,.. 2.. a.. b. (e-). c. /.. 1052.... 3. /.. 4. ( 42). ( 43) ( 4 33)... 5. ( 43) ( 45). 6. ( 7). 7. 6. ( 37) ( 38).. 8... () ( 46). 9. (, )... 11
3710 3720 5. (Fisher 1061) W6147-1 W6146-1,,, 6. W5916 12
3710 3720 25 50 585 585R 3710 3720 7, 8, 9. 7. 585 Fisher 3710 ( 99) ( 100) ( 96) ( 61) ( 92) ( 43) ( 98) ( 93) ( 97) ( 46) 45 1... a. 8. ( 95) ( 101) E- ( 102). b. 9. 1/4 ( 96), ( 100), ( 103) ( 98) ( ).. 9. ( ).. c. 2 ( 99), 2 ( 100), 2 ( 96) ( ).. 2.. 3 ~ 6. 3. 8 ( 18, 20). 4. ( 15) 2. ( 12). 13
3710 3720 8. 9. ( 98) ( 95) ( 101) E- ( 102) ( 1103) ( 100) ( 96)...,. 5. ( 14). ( 13). 6. ( ).. 68N m(50lbf ft).,.. 7. 3 ( 93) ( 97) ( 43). 8... 9. 4 ( 61), 4 ( 45), ( 92) 10. 10.. 11. ( 37, 31). 12. 3 ( 46). ( 38, 31),. 13. 2 ( 93) ( 94).. ( 101)... 14. 2 ~ 8. 14
3710 3720 15. ( 37, 31) /... 16. 11.. 17... 18.,,,.. 19... 10. 11. ( 94) W8461......,,,,. 12. 1/4 NPT(F). 3/8 1/4 NPT. 15
3710 3720 12. () M20 3720 34B0693-A B2386-1 3710 1/2-14NPT..,,.,,. 40,,,. 3720 3722 3.. 12.,,. 3/8 1/4NPT.., 1. 16
3710 3720. 10.3bar(150psig)... 12. 3/8. ( ) : OUTPUT() A. OUTPUT() B. ( ) : OUTPUT() A, OUTPUT() B. OUTPUT() A, OUTPUT() B. 12. 3/8 INSTRUMENT()..,,.. 3710 /..... 3720 3722 3.. 13. 17
3710 3720 13. ( 58) O- ( 59) W6073. (, 12)... ( 58, 13) Fisher. O- ( 59). O-....... Fisher.. 1051, 1052, 1061..., 1/4 NPT. 18
3710 3720 1/4 NPT,. / /.. /. 1051, 1052, 1061. 4. O- 2 ( 59) ( 58)... 1... 2. O-. ( 41).. 3. O-.. O-. 4. () ( 46). 5.. 3720. I, 1 457mm(18).. (CSA, D104315X012 FM, D104316X012). (,, ) /. /.,.. 19
3710 3720 1/2-14 NPT. 14, 15. +, -.. 0.45 (0.45N m) 4 (4lbf ). 14. 15. 4 ~ 20mA 1 2 5.6V 5.6V 5.6V 60OHMS 60OHMS : 1 250OHM. 2 3722. 16. (,,, ). 1/8 NPT 3/4 NPT. 1/8 NPT., 1/8.. 1.,,,, ( 64). 2..,. 3720: 3722 1/8 NPT ( 86). 1/8 NPT ( 83). 3710, 3720:,,,,. 20
3710 3720 16. A B 3710 3722 1 : 1 13B8743-A B2414 3720 A B 3710 12B8055-A B2385 3710 21
3710 3720 3710. 3720, 3722.... ( 36). 1. ( 8) ( 7). 2. 17. ( 36) ( 37). 3.. 4.... 5. 18., 0 ~ 100%. 0.80mm(0.031). 3.8 ~ 9.1 N m(30 ~ 75lbf ). 6.. 17. 18. 0.8mm (0.031) W5916 A6045 22
3710 3720 19. 19. 1 2 ( ) W5947 : 1, ( ),. 2 (0.4~2.0BAR 6~30PSIG). 1., ( 8) ( 7). 2.. 3... : 3710 0.2 ~ 1.0bar(3 ~ 15psig) 0.2bar(3psig). 3720 4 ~ 20mA 3722 4mA., 35. 4. ( 35) ( 35).. 23
3710 3720 5. 5... /. 6. /. 5 / ( 35) /. 5 / ( 35) /. 7. 4, 5. ( ). 8.. /. 3 ~ 8. 9.., ( 14), (e-)( 12) ( 15), ( 13). O- ( 15A). ( 12) ( 10) ( 11). 20. 1. / ( 11 15). / ( 36). 2. / ( 7). ( 15) ( 14). Phillips. 24
3710 3720 20. 2 ( )( 38) 1 ( 15) ( 14) : 1 2 (E-)( 12). ( 15) ( )( 38). W6061 3.,,..... 4. 4 ( 3)... 5., ( 14) 4 ( 8).. ( 15) ( 13)...,. 6. ( 10) 4.... :,,..,.... 25
3710 3720... -/- 21. 23. 21. A6056 3/8. OUTPUT() A. OUTPUT() B. OUTPUT() B. Fisher,. ( ), OUTPUT() A B. OUTPUT() A. OUTPUT() B. Fisher OUTPUT() A OUTPUT() B. -/... 26
3710 3720 21. 1.. (OUTPUT A OUTPUT B). OUTPUT B. OUTPUT A. OUTPUT B.. OUTPUT A OUTPUT B. OUTPUT B OUTPUT A.. 2. ( 7) ( 36). ( 37).,. 3... 4... 5.. / /.. 0.2 ~ 0.6bar(3 ~ 9psig) 0.6 ~ 1.0bar(9 ~ 15psig) 0.4 ~ 1.2bar(6 ~ 18psig) 1.2 ~ 2.0bar(18 ~ 30psig) 1.. ( 7). 2. ( 37).. 0 ~ 50% 50 ~100% 3.. 4... 2. 5... :,,..,.... 27
3710 3720... 1... ( 7)... 2. ( 1) ( 28) ( 3).. 3. O- ( 2). O-... 4... 22.. 5. 22... ( 3). 6..... 7.. 28
3710 3720 22. A6044 ( ) ( 4), ( ),.,. 0.4 ~ 2.0bar(6 ~ 30psig). 1. ( 37) ( 36)., 35. 2. ( 35). ( 21).. 3. ( 21) (e-)( 27).. 4. ( ). 5... 29
3710 3720 6. ( 32)... ( 21) ( 23). 7. ( ).. 8.... 9... 10.. 23. 23. Fisher 3710 B A5944-1 A 3710 3720 (ma), (DC),. 3720 3722 (3710)......,. 30
3710 3720... B. A.....,...... :,..,....... 1. ( 7). 2. ( 14) ( 8). ( 13)., (e-)( 12)... 31
3710 3720 (e-)( 12)... 3. /. /. 4. /.. 3722 24. 24. W6149 2 W6148 1.. 3722. 2. ( 84). O- ( 85).. 3.. ( 64).. 1. 3720 3722...,,. 2. ( 8) ( 7). 3. ( 46). 32
3710 3720 4. ( 42). ( 47). 1. ( 37) ( 36)., 35. 2. ( 35). 25. ( 21).. 25., W6062 3. ( 21) (E-)( 27).. 4. ( 22).,. 33
3710 3720, 35. 0.4 ~ 2.0bar(6 ~ 30psig). 1. ( 22). ( 35) ( 21) ( ) ( 4). 2... 3... (e-)( 34), ( 33), ( 32). 4.,, ( 25).. ( 21). 5.,,. 6. ( 23). ( 24). ( ) 1. ( 37) ( 36). 2. ( 38) (e-)( 40) ( 39). 3... 4. ( 69). ( 17)..,,.,, 26... 34
3710 3720 26. W5917 1. ( 1) ( 28) ( 3).. 2. O- ( 2). O-. O- ( 63). 3. ( 3). ( 29).. 4.... 1. ( 30) ( 3)... 2. O- ( 31).. ( 30E) ( 30B).. 3. ( 30E).. 35
3710 3720 4. 27. ( 20). 27. W5913 28. 1. ( 20).. ( 30B). ().... (,, ). 2. ( 30F).. 3. 29. ( 30C) ( 30B).. ( 30F) ( 30D). 4.. ( 20). 36
3710 3720 28. 29. A6043 W5915 1.... ( 20). ( 30E) ( 30B).. 2. ( 30B) ( 30E).. 3. O- ( 31).. O- ( 63). 30... 37
3710 3720 4. 30.. ( 1).. 30. A6044-1 0.381 ~ 0.762mm 0.015 ~ 0.030 5. ( 3).,, 1. ( 29). ( 28) ( 3). 2. ( 1) O- ( 2). O-. 26... 3... 30.. 4. 30... ( 3). 38
3710 3720 5..... 6.. ( ) 1. ( 38).. ( 17) ( 69).. 2..... 3. ( 39) (e-)( 40). 4. ( 36) ( 37). 5.., 35. 0.4 ~ 2.0bar(6 ~ 30psig). 1. ( 35) ( )... 2. ( 23) ( 24).. 3. ( 22). ( 26) (e-) ( 27). 4. ( 36) ( 37). 5.. 3722 O- 32. 1. ( 75). 2. O- ( 76, 77),. O- ( 82). 3. ( 88),. 39
3710 3720 3722 31. 1... 2. ( 72)., ( 81). ( 81). 3. ( 80). O- ( 77). 4, 5.,... 4.,,. 5. ( 84) ( 16, 31). O- ( 85). O- ( 82). 3722 32.. 1. O- ( 85). O- O- ( 82) ( 16, 31). O-. 2. ( 86) ( 64 83).. O-.. 3. ( 64 83) ( 68), ( 56), ( 53, 54 55), ( 57 86), ( 62),. 4. O- ( 77) ( 82). 5. ( 80). 6.,,. 7.., ( 81). ( 81). 8. ( 72) O- ( 79).. O- ( 82). 9. ( 87). 10.,... 40
3710 3720 3722. 1. ( 86, 32). 4 ~ 20mA DC. 2. 1.4bar(20psig). 4mA DC 0.16 ~ 0.24bar(2.3 ~ 3.5psig). 20mA DC 0.97 ~ 1.07bar(14.0 ~ 15.5psig). 3...... Fisher. Emerson Automation Solutions Fisher.. Pneumatic Positioner Elastomers Kit Contains keys 2, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30B, 31, 36, 59 nitrile EPDM Electro Pneumatic Converter Kit Contains keys 76, 77, 79, 85, 88 nitrile EPDM R3710X00012 R3710X00022 R3722X00012 R3722X00022. 41
3710 3720 ( 31 ) 1* Spool Valve Ass'y, 6 mm 13, 15,. 13, 15 15. 2* 3 (1) O ring, used between spool valve and action block (3 req'd) Screw (metric), slot head/cross recessed, For attaching action block to positioner base plate (4 req'd) For attaching spool valve to action block (2 req'd) For attaching input module to positioner base plate (4 req'd) 13 Pointer 14 Indicator scale 15,. 15 Indicator w/molded screwdriver slot w/o ring (key 15A) 0.4 ~ 2.0bar (6 ~ 30psig). 16, 38, 17, (2 ). 16 18,, 19, O-, 70, (2 ). 4 5 6 7 7B* Span adjuster ass'y 0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig) (no color coding) 0.4 to 2.0 bar (6 to 30 psig) (color coded red) Nameplate, positioner Screw, self tapping, pan head, slotted, for positioner nameplate (2 req'd) Cover ass'y, includes screws (key 8) and O rings (key 7B) O ring, used to hold positioner cover screws (4 req'd) 8 (1) Screw (metric), slot head/cross recessed, For indicator cover (4 req'd) For positioner cover (captive) (4 req'd) 9 Hex nut (4 req'd) For indicator cover screws (key 8) 10 Beacon indicator 11 Extension feedback shaft, for use with beacon indicator 12 (1) Retaining ring (E clip) (metric) Used to secure the indicator. For standard indicator, use inside the positioner cover For beacon indicator, use outside the positioner cover 16 Base assy 17* Flanged bearing For feedback shaft (key 38) (2 req'd) 18 Supply cover 19 O ring, used under the supply cover (key 18) 21 Feedback arm assy Includes needle bearing (key 25) pressed into the feedback arm 22* Flanged bearing For feedback pivot 23* Cam roller (ball bearing, metric) The bearing is used as the cam roller, attached to the feedback arm ass'y (key 21) by the shoulder screw (key 24) 24 (1) Shoulder screw (metric) ( 25) ( 21)... 25 Needle bearing 26 (1) Washer (metric) 27 (1) Retaining ring (e clip) (metric) 42 * 1..
3710 3720 31. Fisher 3710 42B7272 SHT 1 OF 3 A - A C - C 3710 42B7272 SHT 2 OF 3 D-D 42B7272 SHT 2 OF 3 B - B 43
3710 3720 31. Fisher 3710 () 3710 3710 42B7272 SHT 3 OF 3 3710 28 Action block 29* Action block gasket 30* Input module assy Includes summing beam assy and flexure 31* O ring For use between input module assy and positioner base plate 32 Zero adjustment pivot 33 (1) Washer (metric) For zero adjustment pivot 34 (1) Retaining ring (E clip) (metric) For zero adjustment pivot ( 35).. 35 Zero adjuster (2 req'd) 36* Cam Rotary Valves, std 90 deg rotation Sliding Stem Valves 37 (1) Cam locknut (hex/metric) 44 * 1..
3710 3720 38 Feedback shaft (cam shaft) 39 (1) Washer (metric) For feedback shaft (cam shaft) (key 38) 40 (1) Retaining ring (e clip) (metric) for feedback shaft (cam shaft) (key 38) 41 Vent screen ( 68) ( 56). 68 Pipe bushing, qty 1, required to attach each pipe tee (key 56) to positioner connection 69 Spacer, installed between the feedback shaft (key 38) and the positioner base plate 70 (1) Screw (metric), slot head/cross recessed Used to secure key 18, supply cover, to key 16, base ass'y (2 req'd) ( 16 ) FlowScanner valve diagnostics system hook-up 53* Supply gauge, plastic case, W/chrome plated brass connection (requires street tee, key 56) 0 to 30 psig/0 to 0.2 MPa/0 to 2 bar 0 to 60 psig/0 to 0.4 MPa/0 to 4 bar 0 to 160 psig/0 to 1.1 MPa/0 to 11 bar 54* Instrument gauge, plastic case, W/chrome plated brass connection (requires street tee, key 56) 0 to 30 psig/0 to 0.2 MPa/0 to 2 bar 0 to 60 psig/0 to 0.4 MPa/0 to 4 bar 11B4040X012 11B4040X022 11B4040X032 11B4040X012 11B4040X022,,,,.. For 3710 Positioner Single acting units For units w/gauges For units w/o gauges Double acting units For units w/gauges For units w/o gauges 55* Output gauge, plastic case w/chrome plated brass connection (requires street tee, key 56) 0 to 30 psig/0 to 0.2 MPa/0 to 2 bar 11B4040X012 0 to 60 psig/0 to 0.4 MPa/0 to 4 bar 11B4040X022 0 to 160 psig/0 to 1.1 MPa/0 to 11 bar (single or double action) 11B4040X032 56 Street tee, qty 1, required to attach each gauge or tire valve to pipe bushing (key 68) For 3720 Positioner Single acting units For units w/gauges For units w/o gauges Double acting units For units w/gauges For units w/o gauges 57 Pipe plug, for single acting positioners only 62 Tire valve Single action (1 req'd) or Double action (2 req'd) 63 Lubricant, silicone sealant, (not furnished with positioner) 64 Anti seize sealant (not furnished with positioner) 65 Lubricant, 20W/50 Motor Oil or equivalent (not furnished with positioner) 66 PTFE Petroleum based lubricant (not furnished with positioner) * 1.. 45
3710 3720 3722 ( 32 ) 71 Housing 1/2 14 NPT conduit connection 72 Cap 73 Screw (not shown) used to secure explosion proof cap 75 Nozzle restriction 76 O ring Used w/nozzle restriction, key 75 77* O ring For use w/nozzle restriction, key 75 For use w/converter module, key 89 78 Vent 79* O ring Used with converter cap, key 72 80 Machine screw (2 req'd) 81 Wire retaining screw Used as a grounding screw for both internal and external locations includes square washer (2 req'd) 32. Fisher 3722 3720 / 34B0694-A A - A 46 *
3710 3720 82 Lithium Grease (not furnished with positioner) 83 Anti seize Sealant (not furnished with positioner) 84 Cap screw, hex socket For attaching the converter to the positioner base plate (2 req'd) 85* O ring (2 req'd) Used between positioner base plate and converter 86 Pipe plug, hex head 87 Anti seize Lubricant (not furnished with positioner) 88* Filter 89 I/P converter module 33B7073X032 90 Nameplate, converter module 91 Screw, self tapping, pan head, slotted, for positioner nameplate (2 req'd) ( 33 ) 3710 3720 5/8.. 42 Tie bar For 1051/1052 size 33 and 1066 size 20, use tie bar extension (key 44) instead of the tie bar (key 42) For 1051/1052 sizes 30 (2), 40, 60 For 1052 size 20, size 70 For 1061 sizes 30, 40, 60, 68, sizes 80, 100 For 1066 size 27, size 75 43 Mounting plate For 1052 size 20 For 1051/1052 size 33 For 1061 sizes 80, 100 For 1066 size 20, 27, size 75 For 2052 size 1, 2, 3 44 Tie bar extension For 1051/1052 size 33 For 1066 size 20 For 2052 size 1, 2, 3 45 Cap screw, hex head For attaching the mounting plate to the actuator cover plate For 1052 size 20 (4 req'd) For 1051/1052 size 33 (2 req'd) For 1066 size 20, size 27, size 75 (2 req'd) For 2052 size 1, 2, 3 46 Cap screw, hex socket For attaching the positioner base plate to the mounting plate or actuator cover plate Actuator cover plate For 1051/1052 size 30 (2), 40 and 1061 size 30 For 1051 size 60, 1052 size 60, 70, and 1061 size 30, 40, 60 For 1051/1052 sizes 30 (2), 40, 60; 1052 size 70; 1061 sizes 30, 40, 60, 68 (3 req'd) For 1051/1052 size 33; 1052 size 20; 1061 sizes 80, 100; and 1066 sizes 20, 75 (3 req'd) For 1066 size 27 (3 req'd) For 1066 size 75 (3 req'd) For 2052 size 1, 2, 3 * 2. 30. 3710 30. 47
3710 3720 33. 42B8478-A 1051/1052 33 3710 47 Machine screw, self tapping For attaching the tie bar or tie bar extension to the actuator hub For 1051/1052 sizes 30 (2), 40, 60; 1052 size 70; 1061 sizes 30, 40, 60, 68 (2 req'd) For 1052 size 20 (2 req'd) For 1051/1052 size 33 (2 req'd) For 1061, sizes 80, 100 (2 req'd) For 1066 sizes 20, 27 (2 req'd) For 1066 size 75 (2 req'd) For 2052 size 1, 2, 3 (2 req'd) 59* O ring, purge tube (2 req'd) 60 Coupling For 1061 sizes 80, 100 For 1066 size 27 61 Spacer For 1066 size 27 (3 req'd) For 2052 size 1, 2, 3 (3 req'd) 58 Purge tube For 1051/1052 sizes 30 (2), 40, 60; 1052 size 70; 1061 sizes 30, 40, 60, 68 48 * 2. 30. 3710 30.
3710 3720 33. () 42B8466-A 1051/1052 30 ~ 70 1061 3710 42B8484-A 1066 75 3710 49
3710 3720 585 585R ( 7, 8, 9 ) 38 Feedback Shaft (see figure 31) 43 Mounting Plate 45 Cap Screw 46 Cap Screw 61 Spacer 92 Lock washer 93 Cap Screw 94 Feedback Lever 95 Drive Stud 96 Hex Nut 97 Mounting Bearing 98 Drive Stud Bracket 99 Cap Screw 100 Lock washer 101 Roller Bearing 102 E Ring 103 Washer Pipe Nipple, for mounting the 67 Filter Regulator.. 50 Elbow 51 Connector 52 Swivel 50
3710 3720 51
3710 3720 Emerson, Emerson Automation Solutions,,.,. Fisher FlowScanner Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Automation Solutions. Emerson Automation Solutions, Emerson, Emerson Emerson Electric Co...,,.,.. Emerson Automation Solutions Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA Sorocaba, 18087 Brazil Cernay, 68700 France Dubai, United Arab Emirates Singapore 128461 Singapore www.fisher.com 52 1987, 2018 Fisher Controls International LLC.