숙명여자대학교 2010년 3월 17일 한국어는어떤언어인가 이익섭 ( 서울대학교명예교수 ) 1. 한국어는세계 12 위의언어다 2007년을기준으로한국인구는남한이 4,800만명, 북한이 2,400백만명으로도합 7,200만명. 이들은거의모두타고나면서부터평생한국어를모어 ( 母語, mother tongue) 로사용하므로한국어사용자는 7,200만명 (72 million) 이라할수있다. David Crystal의 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 에서는 1992년의통계에근거하여사용자수를 6,600만명으로잡고한국어의순위를 13위로매겼다. Daniel Nettle and Suzanne Romaine의 Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World's Languages (Oxford University Press, 2000) 에는 Ethnologue: Languages of the World (1996년판) 에서사용자수를 7,500만명으로한국어를 12위로매긴것을소개하고있다.. 12위나 13위는프랑스나이탈리아와맞먹는수준이며, 5,000개가넘는세계언어중에서보면최상위에속하는수준이다. 더욱이재외교포도미국 (210만), 중국 (230만), 일본 (91만), 러시아 (22만), 캐나다 (22만) 등지에널리퍼져있고, 또외국어로서의한국어를배우는숫자도근래중국, 일본, 동남아시아, 중앙아시아등지에서급격히팽창하고있다. 한마디로한국은언어면으로는세계열강 ( 列强 ) 에속한다고할수있다. 2. 한국어는알타이어족에속한다 한국어가계통적으로어느어족 ( 語族, language family) 에속하는가에대해선얼마간의회의적 ( 懷疑的 ) 인견해가있으나대체로는알타이어족 (Altaic family) 에속한다고믿는다. 알타이어족에는한국어외에터키어, 몽고어및퉁구스어 ( 만주어 ) 가속한다. 일본어를여기에추가하기도한다. Korean is spoken by about 75 million people. Many scholars regard Korean and Japanese as related members of the Altaic family, but this hypothesis remains unproven. (Edward Finegan, Language: Its Structure and Use, Hartcourt Brace, 1999:486) Altaic Proper (= Turkic, Mongolian, Tungus) is now widely accepted as a valid genetic group. The affiliation of Korean with this complex has also gained - 1 -
considerable support, and Japanese appears to be gaining in popularity as a member of Altaic, though still in a minority position. (Merritt Ruhlen, A Guide to the World's Languages Volume 1: Classification, Stanford University Press, 1991:130) The possibility of an Altaic family, comprising Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic, is rather widely accepted, and some scholars would advocate increasing the size of this family by adding some or all of Uralic, Korean and Japanese. (Bernard Comrie 의 The World's Major Languages (Oxford University Press, 1990: 7) In East Asia there are also two language isolates, Korean and Japanese, whose genetic affiliations to each other or to other languages (such as Altaic) remain the subject of at times heated debate. (Bernard Comrie의 The World's Major Languages (Oxford University Press, 1990:16) 앞에서보듯이한국어는게통적으로일본어와는가까운편이나중국어와는관계가없다. 중국어는 Sino-Tibetan family라는전혀다른어족다 fami그러나한국어는중국어로부터어휘는많이차용해쓰고있ami이들을한자어 ( 漢字語 ) 라하는데, 형 ( 兄 ), 강 ( 江 ), 산 ( 山 ), 금 ( 金 ), 학교 ( 學校 ), 교육 ( 敎育 ), 외국인 ( 外國人 ) 등한국어에는한자어가매우많다. 3. 한국어는첨가어다 언어를굴절 (inflection) 의양식에따라분류하면한국어는첨가어 (agglutinative language) 에속한다. 읽다 를예로보면다음처럼어미변화 ( 語尾變化 ) 가활발하고그러면서도그문법요소가분명하게분석된다. (1) 읽-는다 / 읽-느냐 / 읽-어라 / 읽-자 / 읽-으면 / 읽-으니 / 읽-어도 / 읽-지만 / 읽-을수록 / 읽-고 / 읽-어서 / 읽-고자 / 읽-도록 / 읽-는 / 읽-을 / 읽-었-다 / 읽-더-니 / 읽-겠-다 / 읽-으시-지-요 조사 ( 助詞 ) 도발달되어있다. 조사는몇개겹쳐서쓰이기도한다. (2) ㄱ. 책-이, 책을, 책-의, 책-에, 책-에서, 책-으로, 책-은, 책-과, 책-도, 책-만, 책-부터, 책-조차ㄴ. 책-만-을, 책-에-도, 책-과-의, -책-에서-조차 한국어의이러한특징은어미변화가없는, 그래서한단어가대부분한형태소로이루어져있는중국어나베트남어등의고립어 (isolating language) 와구별된다. 또어미변화가있더라도한형태에여러종류의문법요소가엉겨있는굴절어 (inflecting language) 와도구별된다. 라티어의 amo의 o는 1인칭단수, 능동, 평서법의세기능을동시에나타내주는데한국어는 읽-으시-겠-지-요 의 -으시- -겠- -지 -요 의각요소들이하나씩명확하 - 2 -
게분석된다. 조사와어미가워낙세분되어있기때문에이들중에는외국어로는번역하기어려운미묘한의미들을나타내는것들이많다. (3) ㄱ. 다혜가민요를불렀어요. ㄴ. 다혜는민요를불렀어요. (4) ㄱ. 올겨울은왜이리춥니? ㄴ. 올겨울은왜이리춥지? ㄷ. 올겨울은왜이리추울까? (5) ㄱ. 빨리읽어! ㄴ. 빨리읽지! ㄷ. 빨리읽으라니까! ㄹ. 빨리읽으라고! 4. 한국어는 SOV 언어다 언어를어순 ( 語順, word order) 을기준으로유형론적인분류 (typological classification) 를하면한국어는 SOV 언어에속한다. 즉 주어 (subject)-목적어(object)-서술어(verb) 의어순을취한다. SVO 언어인영어와비교하면서술어가문장끝에온다는것이큰특징이다. (6) ㄱ. 한국어를공부한다ㄴ. 한국어를공부하니? ㄷ. 한국어를공부해라. ㄹ. 한국어를공부하자. SOV 언어로서부수되는몇가지특징이더있다. 첫째, 조사나어미등의문법적요소들은뒤에덧붙는다. 영어등의전치사 ( 前置詞 ) 와같은용어와관련시켜이름을붙인다면이들은후치사 ( 後置詞 ) 라고할만하다. 둘째앞의예문 (6) 에서보듯이중요한문법현상이문장끝에서이루어진다. 셋째, 부정문도문장끝쪽에서만들어지는일이많다. (7) ㄱ. 그때는한국어를열심히공부했어요. ㄴ. 그때는한국어를열심히공부하지않았어요. (8) ㄱ. 용돈이넉넉하니? ㄴ. 용돈이넉넉하지못하니? 넷째, 꾸미는말이앞에오고그꾸밈을받는머리 (head) 요소가뒤에온다. (9) ㄱ. 좁은골목 - 3 -
ㄴ. 우리가가장자주부른노래 다섯째, 공간적으로나시간적으로범위가큰것일수록앞에놓인다. 인명에서성 ( 姓 ) 이앞에놓이는것도같은원리다. (10) ㄱ. 경기도용인시수지구신봉동 219번지송파아파트 218동 501호ㄴ. 숙명여자대학교국문학과 3학년 1반윤정혜ㄷ. 2010년 3월 17일오후 2시 20분 30초 5. 한국어는어순이비교적자유롭다 기본적으로는 주어-목적어-서술어 의순서를지키지만한국어의어순은유연성이있다. 이는어순이바뀌어도조사가각단어의문장성분 ( 文章成分 ) 을알게해주기때문이다. (11) ㄱ. 누가정혜를기다리고있니? ㄴ. 정혜를누가기다리고있니? (12) ㄱ. 총장이학생들에게이소식을직접전달하였다. ㄴ. 총장이이소식을학생들에게직접전달하였다. ㄷ. 이소식을총장이학생들에게직접전달하였다. 6. 한국어는주어가잘생략되는특징이있다 주어는문장에서가장중요한요소이지만한국어에서는그것이표면에드러나지않을때가많다. 의미전달에혼란이없을때는주어를생략하는것이다. (13) ㄱ. 그영화봤니? ㄴ. 아직못봤어. ㄷ. 나보기역겨워가실때에는죽어도눈물아니흘리오리다. 따라서한국어를외국어로번역할때는숨어있는주어를찾아내어번역해야하고, 반대로외국어를한국어로번역할때그쪽주어를그대로다번역해놓으면자연스럽지못한한국어가되어버리는경우가생긴다. 7. 한국어에는의성어와의태어가많다. 소리를흉내내는의성어 ( 擬聲語, onomatopoeia) 나모양을흉내내는의태어 ( 擬態語 ) 는어느나라말에나많이있지만한국어는모음이나자음을조금씩바꾸어어감 ( 語感 ) 을달라하는것들이많아유난히이들단어가풍부하게발달되어있다. - 4 -
(14) ㄱ. 뻐꾹뻐꾹, 꾀꼴꾀꼴, 삐악삐악, 멍멍, 꿀꿀, 따르릉따르릉, 부릉부릉ㄴ. 퐁당퐁당 / 풍덩풍덩, 찰싹찰싹 / 철썩철썩, 소곤소곤 / 수근수근, 깔깔 / 껄껄달그락달그락 / 덜그럭덜그럭ㄷ. 종알종알 / 중얼중얼 / 쫑알쫑알 / 쭝얼쭝얼 / 찡얼찡얼 (15) ㄱ. 반짝반짝 / 번쩍번쩍, 꼬불꼬불 / 꾸불꾸불, 방글방글 / 벙글벙글, 아장아장 / 어정어정, 촐랑촐랑 / 출렁출렁, 보슬보슬 / 부슬부슬ㄴ. 강중강중 / 겅중겅중 / 깡충깡충 / 껑충껑충, 깜박깝박 / 깜빡깝빡 / 껌벅껌벅 / 껌뻑껌뻑 / 끔벅끔벅 / 끔뻑끔뻑ㄷ. 하하 / 허허 / 호호 / 후후 / 해해 / 헤헤 / 히히 (8) 한국어는경어법이발달되어있다. 한국어는세계언어중에서경어법 (honorific system) 이가장복잡하게발달되어있는언어다. 외국인들이한국어를배우기어렵다고하는경향이있는데대개이복잡한경어법이그중요한이유라고할수있다. 한국어경어법은크게세가지종류로나뉜다. 첫째주어를높이는경어법이다. 이때는주어에딸린것도높이는경우가많다. 서술어에 -시- 를넣을뿐아니라단어도달리써야하기도하며명사에 -님 이나 -분 을붙여야하는등지켜야할규칙들이많다. (16) ㄱ. 너는말을참빨리하는구나. ㄴ. 너희선생님은말씀을참빨리하시는구나. (17) ㄱ. 나이가적은저아이는집이어디니? ㄴ. 연세가많으신저분은댁이어디시니? (18) ㄱ. 창호가오늘은밥을먹고곧바로자는구나. ㄴ. 할아버지께서오늘은진지를잡수시고곧바로주무시는구나. 경어법의다른한종류는말을듣는사람을높이는경어법이다. 앞의주어경어법은두단계로만나뉘는데여기는여러단계의등급이있다. (19) ㄱ. 고맙다 / 지금몇시니? / 거누구니? ( 해라체 ) ㄴ. 고마워 / 지금몇시야? / 거누구야? ( 해체 / 반말체 ) ㄷ. 고맙네 / 지금몇시인가? / 거누군가? ( 하게체 ) ㄹ. 고맙소 / 지금몇시오? / 거누구요? ( 하오체 ) ㅁ. 고마워요 / 지금몇시예요? / 거누구예요? ( 해요체 ) ㅂ. 고맙습니다 / 지금몇시입니까? / 거누구십니까? ( 합쇼체 ) (20) ㄱ. 네가먼저앉아라. ㄴ. 네가먼저앉아. ㄷ. 자네가먼저앉게. ㄹ. 당신이 ( 김과장이 ) 먼저앉아요. - 5 -
ㅁ. 어르신께서 ( 과장님께서 ) 먼저앉으십시오. 경어법의마지막종류는목적어등을높이는종류로서오늘날은아주한정된용법으로만쓰이고있다. (21) ㄱ. 너는정미한테크리스마스선물로뭘주었니? ㄴ. 너는부모님께크리스마스선물로뭘드렸니? (22) ㄱ. 저는동생을데리고왔어요. ㄴ. 저는할머니모시고왔어요. (23) ㄱ. 친구만나고오는길이야. 언제또볼수있을지모르겠어. ㄴ. 선생님뵙고오는길이야. 언제또뵈올수있을지모르겠어. 9. 한국어의문법현상은어미에의해결정되는것이많다 앞의예문 (6) 에서서술문, 의문문, 명령문등의문장형 (sentence type) 이어미에의해결정되는것을이미보았다. 또예문 (4) 와 (5) 에서문장형을나누는그이상의기능도하는것을보았고경어법에서도어미가결정적인일을담당하는것을볼수있었다. 어미는이외에도시제 (tense) 를비롯해복문 (complex sentence) 을만드는일등여러가지문법적기능에관여한다. (24) ㄱ. 구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃었다. ㄴ. 구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃겠다. ㄷ. 구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃더라. (25) ㄱ. 구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃는연극이야. ㄴ. 구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃을연극이야. ㄷ. 구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃던연극이야. (26) ㄱ. 우리는구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃기를바랐다. ㄴ. 구경꾼들이다즐겁게웃었음이밝혀졌다. (27) ㄱ. 구경꾼들도웃고우리도웃었어. ㄴ. 구경꾼들이즐겁게웃으니마음이놓인다. ㄷ. 구경꾼들이즐겁게웃으면배우들은점점더신을냈다. ㄹ. 구경꾼들은웃었지만우리는웃을수없었다. 이상의내용에대해좀더상세한것은다음문헌들을참고하기바람. 이익섭 이상억 채완 (1997) 한국의언어. 신구문화사. 이이섭 (2005). 한국어문법. 서울대학교출판부. Iksop Lee and S. Robert Ramsey (2000). The Korean Language. State University of Nwe York Press. - 6 -
부록 The Korean Writing System : Hangul ( 한글 ) Iksop Lee ( 이익섭 ) We Koreans have a special holiday known as Hangul-nal( 한글날 ), that is, Korean Alphabet Day, which is celebrated each year on October 9th. This holiday is an indication of how proud we Koreans are of this writing system, which is uniquely our own. We believe it is, as the Englishman Geoffrey Sampson (1985: 120) has pointed out, the world's best alphabet. Hangul is, in fact, very scientific, very systematic, and extremely functional. Furthermore, it has a unique history. Let us go into the wonderland of 한글. 1. The Korean alphabet is unusual in that there is historical documention of its invention. In Volume 102 of the Annals of King Sejong 1) ( 세종실록世宗實錄 ), the entry for the 12th month of Sejong's 25th year (1443 AD) reads as follows: 是月上親制諺文二十八字... 2) 是謂訓民正音 (This month, His Highness personally created the twenty-eight letters of the Vernacular Script.... These are called the Hunmin chongum ( 훈민정음 ), that is, the Correct Sounds for the Instruction of the People.) There is another document called Hunmin chongum ( 訓民正音 ) 3) published in the first part of the 9th lunar month, AD 1446, which gives us the same information in its postface. 1). King Sejong, the fourth monarch of the Choson dynasty, is today the most respected figure in Korean history. He is usually referred to as 세종대왕 ( 世宗大王 ), that is, Sejong the Great. His name is revered and remembered in countless ways in modern Korea. We see it memorialized in Sejong Street, Sejong Center, Sejong University, Sejong Research Institute, and so on. You can see his portrait on the highest denomination bill in Korea. 2). (... 分爲初中終聲合而然後乃成字凡于文字及本國俚語皆可得書字雖簡要轉煥無窮 ) (Its letters) are divided into initial, medial, and terminal sounds. Once one combines them they form a syllable (sound). All [sounds] in both Chinese characters and in the native language of this country may be written. Although they are simple and essential, they shift and change [in function] without end. 3. This document, which carried as its title the name of the new writing system itself, was written by some scholars from the Academy of Worthies ( 집현전集賢殿 ) commissioned by Sejong. Detailed information about the alphabet was first revealed here. It presented a scholarly treatise on the principles and theories that underlay the new writing system. We believe that it was with the publication of this < 훈민정음 > that the new script was made known to the world. - 7 -
癸亥冬我殿下創制正音二十八字... 名曰訓民正音 (In winter of Kehay, our monarch originated and designed the 28 letters of Correct Sounds, and... he named them "The Correct Sounds for the Instruction of the People.") Most of the writing systems of the world were developed over long periods of time, and even were it true that they were invented by someone at some particular point in time, the circumstances usually can no longer be known. That is the situation to which Coulmas(1989:3) was referring in the following passage: Of course it (writing) was not invented in the sense that one day someone decided that writing was what was needed, and sat down at a desk to invent it. However, that is exactly what did happen in the case of the Korean alphabet. 한글 is a unique writing system in the sense that there are exact records of its invention. It is also for this reason that the users of the system memorialize the invention with a holiday. 2. The invention of the Korean alphabet was based on a unique design principle for the letter shapes. The 28 letters of the Korean alphabet were not created by designing each letter separately. Rather, the letters were produced in a two-stage process, in which a number of basic letters were designed first, then the remaining letters were derived from these basic shapes. Of the 17 consonant letters, five were created as the basic letters. Each of these five basic letters stood for a consonant pronounced at one of the five basic places of articulation. The 12 remaining consonant letters were derived from these basic shapes by adding strokes. ㄱ ㅋㄴ ㄷ ㅌ ( ㄷ ㄹ ) ㅁ ㅂ ㅍㅅ ㅈ ㅊ ( ㅅ ) ㅇ ᅙ ㅎ ( ㅇ ) The authors of < 훈민정음 > explained that each time a stroke was added the sound became more severe, while the type of consonant remained the same. This addition of a stroke increased what they called the "severity of sound." The 11 vowel lettters were produced according to a similar process. Three were the basic symbols; ㆍ, ㅡ, ㅣ. The eight remaning vowel symbols were devised by combining ㆍ with ㅡ or ㅣ. ㆍ + ㅡ ㅗ ㆍ + ㅗ ㅛ ㆍ + ㅣ ㅏ ㆍ + ㅏ ㅑ - 8 -
ㆍ + ㅡ ㅜ ㆍ + ㅜ ㅠ ㆍ + ㅣ ㅓ ㆍ + ㅓ ㅕ As a result, the Korean alphabet became a writing system in which parts of unit symbols represent what can be analyzed as features of sounds. In other words, one part of a letter has the function of representing certain phonological information. For example, ㅋ is a single letter, but one of the strokes that compose it is an element representing the phonological feature of aspiration. Similarily, vowels such as ㅛ, ㅑ are also single letters, but one of their strokes represents the semivowel [y]. No other system of writing in the world does that. In his classfication of the writing systems of the world, Sampson (1985) sets up a completely new and separate category, called featural writing, solely to classify 한글 as illustrated in the following figure. (DeFransis 1989: 6) 3. The design principle of the basic letters is unique among the writing systems of the world. First, the shapes of the five consonant letters were based upon the organs of articulation pronouncing the consonants. The explanations given in the - 9 -
Chaejahae( 制字解 ) section of < 訓民正音 > are as follows: 牙音ㄱ象舌根閉喉之形舌音ㄴ象舌附上顎之形脣音ㅁ象口形齒音ㅅ象齒形喉音ㅇ象喉形 ( The molar (velar) sound ㄱ [k] depicts the outline of the root of the tongue blocking the throat. The lingual (alveolar) sound ㄴ [n] depicts the outline of the tongue touching the upper alveolar ridge. The labial sound ㅁ [m] depicts the outline of the mouth. The dental sound ㅅ [s] depicts the outline of the tooth. The laryngeal sound ㅇ [ ] depicts the outline of the throat.) The concept of patterning the shapes of letters on the speech organs is extraordinary. The Korean alphabet is often said to be a scientific writing system, and it is. The descriptions of the articulatory gestures used in the pronunciation of ㄱ and ㄴ are particularly worth notice in this regard. (Jones 1957: 171) (Jones 1957: 169) The shapes of the three basic vowel letters were based upon rather philosophical concepts instead of linguistic principles. They were constructed to symbolize the natural pattern of the three great powers ( 三才 ) of the Confucian universe: Heaven, Earth, and Man ( 天地人 ). The explanations are as follows:... ㅡ... ㅣ... 形之圓象乎天也形之平象乎地也形之立象乎人也 - 10 -
(... The roundness of the outline is a depiction of Heaven. ㅡ... The flatness of the outline is a depiction of Earth. ㅣ... The uprightness of the outline is a depiction of Man. ) 4. Next, as another of Hangul's distinguishing featutures, let us take another look at the clustering of symbols. Hangul orthography is unlike that of any other alphabet. The letters are not written one after the other in a line; rather, they are grouped together into syllables as follows. ㄴㅏㅁㅜ 나무ㅎㅏㄴㄱㅡㄹ 한글 This method of writing Hangul is one that has been used ever since the invention of the alphabet. The letters were certainly phonemic (that is, alphabetic), but they were also designed to fit into syllables. First of all, the forms of the vowel were made completely different from the consonants, and the shapes of all were designed with syllabic writing as a pre-condition. King Sejong and his assistants took great pains to explain these conventions carefully and in detail because of the special way the symbols had to be used. One of these explanations reads as follows. 初中終三聲合而成字... 中聲卽圓者橫字在初聲之下 ㅡㅗㅜㅛㅠ是也縱者在初聲之右ㅣㅏㅑㅓㅕ是也... 終聲在初中之下 ( The three sounds, initial, medial, and terminal, combine to complete the letter (syllable).... Among the medial sounds (letters), the round one and horizontal ones stand below the initial sounds (letters); these are, ㅡ, ㅗ, ㅜ, ㅛ, and ㅠ.... The vertical ones stand at the right of the initial sound(letter); these are ㅣ, ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, and ㅕ.... The terminal sounds (letters) stand below the initial and the medial. ) The influence of Chinese characters in this syllabic design was apparent, and indeed, it could hardly have been otherwise. Practical considerations might also have reinforced the conformity of the Korean writing system to the Chinese character. In texts of the time, Chinese characters and alphabetic writing were customarily mixed together. In any event, this combining of alphabet with syllable cluster ( 모아쓰기 ) has resulted in an extremely unusual kind of writing. When making typeface the word 한글 requires that two type keys be made, one for 한 and one for 글. In making the computer code for 한글, too, a controversy has arisen over whether to conduct the code around composites of the letters or around complete syllables. If coding is done for complete syllables, the units of input would be shapes like 한, 글 and 값. This kind of controversy, which probably exists only in Korea, arises completely out of the two-level, double-unit orthography found in 한글. In a word, - 11 -
the clustering of symbols into syllables is the most salient feature of 한글, and the factor most important in determining its use. This method of clustering ( 모아쓰기 ) is one that has sometimes come under criticism. Most negative views take as their basis the point that it is a hindrance to mechanization. If the letters of 한글 were arranged linearly ( 풀어쓰기 ) the way Roman letters are, only 40 letters would have to be kept in printer's fonts. However, in Korean print shops today the number of print keys -- that is, movable letters representing syllables -- that have to be prepared for printing can reach as many as 2,500. The method of clustering has also proved inconvenient in the construction of the computer code as pointed out above. Still, in attempting to evaluate a writing system, one very important factor must be taken into consideration first. Most critics, either Eastern or Western, have assumed the point of view of the writer when evaluating writing and orthography. However, this is a mistake. It is not from the point of view of the writer, but of the reader, that a writing system must be judged. A work is written by one, or at most, three or four people; but when printed, that same work can be read by many thousands. For this reason, I think the syllabic system ( 모아쓰기 ) used in 한글 orthography is marvelously well adapted to the Korean language. Because Korean is an agglutinative language in which particles and suffixes are added one after the other to a stem, there are a very large number of inflected forms, and in on-line writing ( 풀어쓰기 ) it can often be difficult even to distinguish where one inflectional form ends and another begins. Grouping the letters into syllables is an effective solution to this problem. Let us compare the following examples: (a). ㄴㅡㄹㄱㄴㅡㄴㄷㅏ, ㄴㅡㄹㄱㅡㅁㅕㄴ, ㄴㅡㄹㄱㅓㅆㄷㅏ (b). 늙는다, 늘그면, 늘겄다 (c). 늙는다, 늙으면, 늙었다 In (c), the stem of the verb 늙- has a consistent visual form. In this case, the word (morpheme) is more easily recognized by the reader than when it has a changing shape, as in (b)-- and far more quickly perceived as a unit than in the on-line writing of (a). 4. To summarize, King Sejong the Great, a monarch who richly deserves the title "Great," designed a simple and efficient writing system for the Korean people that was like no other, and that is still unique. Whatever else is said or claimed about it, the invention of the Korean alphabet will always be counted among the most remarkable events in the long history of writing on this planet. - 12 -
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