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2010. 21.,... 4 4 7,709 65 216 World monograph 2, 1,313 25.,...

1 3 5 7 9 1. Cylindrocystis brebissonii (Ralfs) de Bary 10 2. Netrium digitus (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Itzigsohn et Rothe 12 3. Netrium digitus var. lamellosum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Grönblad 13 4. Netrium interruptum (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Lütkemüller 15 5. Netrium naegelii (Brébisson ex W. Archer) West 16 6. Spirotaenia condensata Brebisson in Ralfs 18 7. Spirotaenia endospira (Kützing) W. Archer 20 8. Spirotaenia minuta Thuret 22 9. Tortitaenia obscura (Ralfs) A.J. Brook 23 10. Gonatozygon aculeatum W.N. Hastings 26 11. Gonatozygon brebissonii de Bary 27 12. Gonatozygon kinahanii (W. Archer) Rabenhorst 28 13. Gonatozygon monotaenium de Bary 30 14. Gonatozygon pilosum Wolle 31 15. Penium margaritaceum Brébisson in Ralfs 33 16. Penium spirostriolatum J. Barker 36 17. Closterium baillyanum (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Brébisson 41 18. Closterium cynthia De Notaris 43 19. Closterium dianae Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 44 20. Closterium ehrenbergii Meneghini ex Ralfs 46 21. Closterium gracile Brébisson ex Ralfs 48 22. Closterium incurvum Brébisson 49 23. Closterium jenneri Ralfs 50 24. Closterium kuetzingii Brébisson 52 25. Closterium moniliferum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 53 26. Closterium parvulum Nägeli 56 27. Closterium praelongum Brébisson 57 28. Closterium ralfsii var. hybridum Rabenhorst 58

2 (Algae) ( I) 29. Closterium rostratum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 61 30. Closterium setaceum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 61 31. Closterium strigosum var. elegans (G.S. West) Willi Krieger 63 32. Closterium tumidulum F. Gay 64 33. Closterium turgidum var. borgei Deflandre 64 34. Closterium venus Kützing ex Ralfs 66 35. Docidium baculum Brébisson ex Ralfs 69 36. Haplotaenium minutum (Ralfs) Bando 71 37. Haplotaenium minutum var. crassum (West) Cambra 72 38. Haplotaenium minutum var. gracile (Willi) Bando 74 39. Pleurotaenium baculoides (J. Roy et Bisset) Playfair 76 40. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Delponte 78 41. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. elongatum (West) West 80 42. Pleurotaenium eugeneum var. undulatum (Borge) Krieger 82 43. Pleurotaenium nodosum (J.W. Bailey ex Ralfs) P. Lundell 82 44. Pleurotaenium nodosum var. latum Irénée-Marie 84 45. Pleurotaenium ovatum (Nordstedt) Nordstedt 85 46. Pleurotaenium trabecula Nägeli 87 47. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. crassum Wittrock 87 48. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. elongatum Cedergren 90 49. Pleurotaenium verrucosum (Ralfs) H.C. Wood 91 93 98 99

3 Phylum Charophyta Class Conjugatophyceae Order Zygnematales Family Mesotaeniaceae Genus Cylindrocystis Meneghini ex de Bary 1858 Cylindrocystis brebissonii (Ralfs) de Bary 1958 Genus Netrium (Nägeli) Itzigsohn et Rothe in Rabenhorst 1856 Netrium digitus (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Itzigsohn et Rothe 1856 Netrium digitus var. lamellosum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Grönblad 1920 Netrium interruptum (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Lütkemüller 1902 Netrium naegelii (Brébisson ex W. Archer) West 1904 Genus Spirotaenia Brébisson in Ralfs 1848 Spirotaenia condensata Brébisson in Ralfs 1848 Spirotaenia endospira W. Archer 1864 Spirotaenia minuta Thuret 1856 Genus Tortitaenia A.J. Brook 1998 Tortitaenia obscura (Ralfs) A.J. Brook 1998 Order Desmidiales Family Gonatozygaceae Genus Gonatozygon de Bary 1856 Gonatozygon aculeatum W.N. Hastings 1892 Gonatozygon brebissonii de Bary 1858 Gonatozygon kinahanii (W. Archer) Rabenhorst 1868 Gonatozygon monotaenium de Bary 1856 Gonatozygon pilosum Wolle 1882 Family Peniaceae Genus Penium Brébisson ex Ralfs in Ralfs 1848 Penium margaritaceum Brébisson in Ralfs 1848 Penium spirostriolatum J. Barker 1869 Family Closteriaceae Genus Closterium Nitzsch ex Ralfs 1848 Closterium baillyanum (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Brébisson 1856 Closterium cynthia De Notaris 1867

4 (Algae) ( I) Closterium dianae Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848 Closterium ehrenbergii Meneghini ex Ralfs 1848 Closterium gracile Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848 Closterium incurvum Brébisson 1856 Closterium jenneri Ralfs 1848 Closterium kuetzingii Brébisson 1856 Closterium moniliferum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848 Closterium parvulum Nägeli 1849 Closterium praelongum Brébisson 1856 Closterium ralfsii var. hybridum Rabenhorst 1863 Closterium rostratum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848 Closterium setaceum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848 Closterium strigosum var. elegans (G.S. West) Willi Krieger 1937 Closterium tumidulum F. Gay 1884 Closterium turgidum var. borgei Deflandre 1925 Closterium venus Kützing ex Ralfs 1845 Family Desmidiaceae Genus Docidium Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848 Docidium baculum Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848 Genus Haplotaenium Bando 1988 Haplotaenium minutum (Ralfs) Bando 1988 Haplotaenium minutum var. crassum (West) Cambra 1998 Haplotaenium minutum var. gracile (Willi) Bando 1998 Genus Pleurotaenium Nägeli 1849 Pleurotaenium baculoides (J. Roy et Bisset) Playfair 1907 Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Delponte 1877 Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. elongatum (West) West 1892 Pleurotaenium eugeneum var. undulatum (Borge) Krieger 1937 Pleurotaenium nodosum (J.W. Bailey ex Ralfs) P. Lundell 1871 Pleurotaenium nodosum var. latum Irénée-Marie 1954 Pleurotaenium ovatum (Nordstedt) Nordstedt 1877 Pleurotaenium trabecula Nägeli 1849 Pleurotaenium trabecula var. crassum Wittrock 1872 Pleurotaenium trabecula var. elongatum Cedergren 1913 Pleurotaenium verrucosum (Ralfs) H.C. Wood 1873

5 (Desmids), 6,000.,, (Brook 1981). (Chlorophyta),. ( ; Spirogyra, ; Mougeotia, ; Zygnema) (, desmids). (Chlorophyta) (Conjugatophyceae; Round 1963, Bourrelly 1966) (Zygnematophyceae) (Round 1971, van den Hoek et al. 1995, Kenrick and Crane 1997). Round (1971) (Zygnematophyceae) (Silva 1984). (Desmids) (Zygnematales) (Saccoderm desmids) (Mesotaeniaceae) (Placoderm desmids) (Desmidiales). (Zygnematalean algae),.. W. Krieger (1937 1939) (Zygnematales) (Desmidiales) 2, (Mesotaeniaceae), (Gonatozygaceae), (Desmidiaceae) 3 (Desmidiales). Fritsch (1945) (Conjugatophyceae) Euconjugatae Desmidioideae 2, (Mesotaeniaceae), (Zygnemaceae), (Mougeotiaceae), (Gonatozygaceae) 4, (Desmidiaceae) 1.,. (Desmids), Mix (1972) Růžička (1977). Phylum: Charophyta ( ) Class: Conjugatophyceae ( ) Order: Zygnematales ( ) Family: Zygnemataceae ( ) Family: Mesotaeniaceae (Saccoderm desmids) (, )

6 (Algae) ( I) Order: Desmidiales (Placoderm desmids) (, ) Suborder: Closteriineae ( ) Family: Gonatozygaceae ( ) Family: Peniaceae ( ) Family: Closteriaceae ( ) Suborder: Desmidiineae ( ) Family: Desmidiaceae ( )

7.,,,,,, (, ), ( ),,,,,,. (Zeiss Axioscope 2). Glycerol gellatine. West and West (1904), Krieger (1933), Prescott et al. (1975), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982), Růžička (1977), Yamagishi (1984 1998), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010), (1968), (1991), (2010). AlgaeBase (Guiry and Guiry 2012).

9 Family Mesotaeniaceae Oltmanns 1904: 52. (Saccoderm desmids) (Placoderm desmids).,,... : 10, (Cylindrocystis), (Mesotaenium), (Netrium), (Roya) (Spirotaenia) 5. :. : West and West (1904), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982), Brook (1981), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010). (Mesotaeniaceae) 1. 2 3 2. Tortitaenia, Spirotaenia 3. ( 80 μm), Cylindrocystis ( 100 μm), cigar Netrium Genus Cylindrocystis Meneghini ex de Bary 1858: 35, 74., 2 3,,,. 2,,,. : Cylindrocystis brebissonii (Ralfs) de Bary 1858.

10 (Algae) ( I) : 16 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 5. :,,. : West and G.S. West (1904), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982), Coesel and Meesters (2007). 1. Cylindrocystis brebissonii (Ralfs) de Bary 1858: 35, 74 ( 1, 2). de Bary 1858: 74. pl. 7. f. E, 1 22. Krieger 1937: 207. pl. 6. f. 4 7. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: p. 32. pl. 1. f. 1 4. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 22. pl. 2. f. 11, 12. Brook and Williamson 2010: 29. pl. 2. f. 1 23. : Penium brebissonii Ralfs 1848: 153. pl. 25. f. 6. : Cylindrocystis brebissonii var. curvata Rabanus 1923: 228. pl. 2. f. 3. Cylindrocystis brebissonii f. curvata (Rabanus) Kossinskaja 1952: 75. pl. 8. f. 14. Cylindrocystis brebissonii var. minor West et G.S. West 1902: 59. pl. 5. f. 11.,, 2 3,. 2, 1. Cylindrocystis brebissonii. 0 10 20 A B C D E 2. Cylindrocystis brebissonii.

: : 11.. 43 55 μm, 15 18 μm. : -, Falaise, Normandy, New Jersey, Princeton. :,.. : (Yamaguchi 1941),,, (Chung 1970), (Chung et al. 1972), (Chung 1981), (Kim and Chung 1982), (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,. : ( ; 28.viii.2011, ; 19.v.2011) Genus Netrium (Nägeli) Itzigsohn et Rothe in Rabenhorst 1856: 107.,,,.,,,. 1 2,,,,,. : Netrium digitus (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Itzigsohn et Rothe 1856. : 63, 22 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 7. :,,. : West and West (1904), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982). (Netrium) 1., 4,, 34.5 63 μm N. interruptum, 2 2., 25 36 μm N. naegelii, 40 84 μm 3 3., N. digitus N. digitus var. lamellosum

12 (Algae) ( I) 2. Netrium digitus (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Itzigsohn et Rothe 1856: No 508 ( 3, 4). West and G.S. West 1904: 64. pl. 6. f. 14 16. Huber- Pestalozzi 1982: 34. pl. 1. f. 7. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 22. pl. 3. f. 1, 2. Brook and Williamson 2010: 53. pl. 18. f. 1. : Penium digitus Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848: 150. pl. 25. f. 1 4., 3 6,,, 2, 5 6,. 140 400 μm, 30 80 μm, 18 20 μm. : -,,,. 3. Netrium digitus. 0 10 20 A B C 4. Netrium digitus.

: : 13 :.. : (Yamaguchi 1941), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1981), (Chung 1982), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,,,. : ( ; 04.viii.2011). 3. Netrium digitus var. lamellosum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Grönblad 1920: 13 ( 5, 6). Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 35. pl. 1. f. 8. Yamagishi and Akiyama 1985: 3. 61. Brook and Williamson 2010: 54. pl. 18. f. 2. : Penium lamellosum Brebisson ex Kützing 1849: 168. : Penium digitus var. constrictum West 1892: 58. Netrium digitus var. constrictum West et G.S. West 1904: 65. pl. 6 f. 17., 5 8,,,. 140 416 μm, 32 60 μm, 18 20 μm. : - Falaise, Normandy. :,. : (Kim and Chung 1982), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Chung 1990),,, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,. : ( ; 04.viii.2011, ; 04.vii.2012). 5. Netrium digitus var. lamellosum.

14 (Algae) ( I) A B C D E F A G H J 0 50 0 10 20 G H I J 6. Netrium digitus var. lamellosum.

: : 15 4. Netrum interruptum (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Lütkemüller 1902: 407 ( 7, 8). Lütkemüller 1902: 395, 397, 404, 407. West and G.S. West 1904: 68. pl. 7. f. 1, 2. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 22. pl. 4. f. 5. Brook and Williamson 2010: 54. pl. 18. f. 2. : Penium interruptum Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848: pl. 25. f. 4a, b., 4 7,,,. 2 4,,,, 8. 130 320 μm, 32 64 μm. 7. Netrium interruptum. A B D 0 50 0 10 20 A B C D 8. Netrium interruptum.

16 (Algae) ( I) : -, Falaise, Normandy. :.. :,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :, 4. 5. Netrium naegelii (Brébisson ex W. Archer) West 1904: 66 ( 9, 10). West and G.S. West 1904: 66. pl. 7. f. 4, 5. Brook and Williamson 2010: 55. pl. 20. f. 1 8. : Penium naegelii Brébisson ex W. Archer in Pritchard 1861: 751. : Netrium digitus var. naegelii (Brébisson ex W. Archer) W. Krieger 1933: 218. pl. 8. f. 1 2.,, 4 5,,,,. 4 6,. 100 200 μm, 25 36 μm. : - Falaise, Normandy. :..,,. :, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1968), (Chung et al. 1972), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1982), (Chung and Kim 1987), (Chung 1990), (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : N. digitus N. digitus,, 1 2 5 6 N. digitus. 9. Netrium naegelii.

: : 17 A B C D E 0 10 20 F G H I J 10. Netrium naegelii.

18 (Algae) ( I) Genus Spirotaenia Brébisson in Ralfs 1848: 178.,,.,,,.. : Spirotaenia condensata Brébisson in Ralfs 1848. : 40 23 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 3. :,. : West and West (1904), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982). Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010). : (Spirotaenia),,,. (Spirotaenia) 1., 2,, S. minuta 2., 1, 7 12 S. condensata,,, 1 1.5 S. endospira 6. Spirotaenia condensata Brébisson in Ralfs 1848: 179 ( 11, 12). Ralfs 1848: 179. pl. 34. f. 1. West and G.S. West 1904: 38. pl. 2. f. 7 10. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 39. pl. 1. f. 15 17. Brook and Williamson 2010: 70. pl. 24. f. 1 5.,, 5 10,., 7 12. 150 270 μm, 18 27 μm. : -, Falaise, Normandy. :,. : (Chung and Park 1992),,, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,,,, 600 m.

: : 19 A B C D E F A, B C K 0 50 0 10 20 G H I J K 11. Spirotaenia condensata.

20 (Algae) ( I) : ( ; 18.viii.2010, ; 26.v. 2011). :, 7 12. 12. Spirotaenia condensata. 7. Spirotaenia endospira W. Archer 1864: 39 ( 13, 14). West and G.S. West 1904: 39. pl. 2. f. 20 23. Brook and Williamson 2010: 73. pl. 29. f. 3. : Spirotaenia bryophila (Brébisson) Rabenhorst 1868: 146. 0 10 20 A B C 13. Spirotaenia endospira.

: : 21, 1.5 2,,,., 1 1.5. 12 21 μm, 6 7.4 μm. : -. :,. : 1100 600 m.. : ( ; 18.viii.2010). :. 14. Spirotaenia endospira. 0 10 20 A B C D 15. Spirotaenia minuta.

22 (Algae) ( I) 8. Spirotaenia minuta Thuret 1856: 157 ( 15, 16). West and G.S. West 1904: 41. pl. 3. f. 1 3. Brook and Williamson 2010: 73. pl. 29. f. 5. : Spirotaenia erythrocephala Archer in Pritchard 1861: 751.,, 5 6,,., 2 5. 15 40 μm, 3 7 μm. : -. :.. : 1100,, 600 m.. : ( ; 18.viii.2010, ; 04.vii.2011) : S. beijerinkii S. kirchneri S. beijerinkii, S. kirchneri. 16. Spirotaenia minuta. Genus Tortitaenia A.J. Brook 1998: 146.,.. Spirotaenia 1998 Brook Spirotaenia. : Tortitaenia obscura Brook 1998. : 9 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 1. :,.

: : 23 : Brook (1998), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010). :,, (Brook 1992).,. 9. Tortitaenia obscura (Ralfs) A.J. Brook 1998: 146 ( 17, 18). West and G.S. West 1904: 44. pl. 3. f. 7 12. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 26. pl. 1. f. 13, 14. Brook and Williamson 2010: 111. pl. 50. f. 1 11. : Spirotaenia obscura Ralfs 1848: 179. pl. 34. f. 2a e. : Spirotaenia bispiralis West and G.S. West 1904: 45. pl. 3. f. 13. Polytaenia obscura (Ralfs) Brook 1997: 7. pl. 3. f. 1 10., 3 8,,,. 2 6 9, 0 10 20 A B C D E 17. Tortitaenia obscura.

24 (Algae) ( I). 107 110 μm, 18 20 μm. : - Dolgelley, Penzanee, Fisher s Castle, Tunbridge Wells. :,. : 1100,,,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011, ; 26.v.2011). : (2 ) (6 9 ). 18. Tortitaenia obscura. Family Gonatozygaceae Mix 1972. Mix (1972) (Gonatozygon) (Gonatozygon) Genicularia (Mesotaeniaceae) (Saccoderm desmids).,. Mix (1972), (Gonatozygon). Bourrelly (1966) (Penium), (Closterium) (Closteriaceae), Mix (1972) (Gonatozygaceae). Mix (1972).,,. : (Gonatozygon) Genicularia 2 (Gonatozygon).

: : 25 :,. : Mix (1972), Brook (1981), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010). (Gonatozygaceae) 1., Gonatozygon, Genicularia Genus Gonatozygon de Bary 1856: 105., 10 20 ( 40),,.,,. 2,.,, 4 16. :. : 30, 20 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 5. :,. : Mix (1972), Brook (1981), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010). (Gonatozygon) 1., G. kinahanii 2 2., G. brebissonii, 3 3.,, G. pilosum 4 4.,. G. monotaenium, G. aculeatum

26 (Algae) ( I) 10. Gonatozygon aculeatum W.N. Hastings 1892: 29 ( 19, 20). West and G.S. West 1904: 34. pl. I. f. 19, 20. Růžička 1977: 48. pl. 1. f. 9 11. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 43. pl. 2. f. 1 4. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 27. pl. 5. f. 3. Brook and Williamson 2010: 125. pl. 52. f. 1 5., 10 40,,,,, 5 15. 84 380 μm, 5 20 μm, 2 5 μm. 19. Gonatozygon aculeatum. 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H 20. Gonatozygon aculeatum.

: : 27 : - New Hampshire Missouri. :,.. :.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :,. 11. Gonatozygon brebissonii de Bary 1858: 28, 77 ( 21, 22). West and G.S. West 1904: 31. pl. 1. f. 8 11. Růžička 1977: 50. pl. 2. f. 1 7. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 44. pl. 2. f. 1 2. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 27. pl. 5. f. 4 6. Brook and Williamson 2010: 125. pl. 53. f. 1 4, 7. pl. 54. f. 1, 10. 0 10 20 A B C D E F G 21. Gonatozygon brebissonii.

28 (Algae) ( I) : Gonatozygon brebissonii var. laeve (Hilse) West et G.S. West 1904: 32. pl. 1. f. 12 14.,, 10 16,,,,,. 2, 5 16. 100 200 μm, 5.8 10.8 μm, 4.2 7.5 μm. : - Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg. :,.. : (Chung and Park 1992), (Jeon and Chang 1995),,. : ( ; 18.iv.2011, ; 26.v.2011). 22. Gonatozygon brebissonii. 12. Gonatozygon kinahanii (W. Archer) Rabenhorst 1868: 156 ( 23, 24). West and G.S. West 1904: 34. pl. 2. f. 1 3. Růžička 1977: 45. pl. 1. f. 1 4. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 45. pl. 2. f. 10. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 28. pl. 5. f. 1, 2. Brook and Williamson 2010: 126. pl. 53. f. 1 4, 7. pl. 55. f. 1 5. : Leptocystinema kinahanii W. Archer 1858: 243, 250. pl. 21. f. 1 4., 12 25,,,., 4 10. 150 500 μm, 10 18 μm. : - Dublin. :, -,.

: : 29 : (Chung 1968), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Chung and Kim 1987),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :, Mougeotia. 23. Gonatozygon kinahanii. A D E, F 0 50 0 10 20 A B C D E F 24. Gonatozygon kinahanii.

30 (Algae) ( I) 13. Gonatozygon monotaenium de Bary 1856: 105 ( 25, 26). West and G.S. West 1904: 30. pl. I. f. 1 7. Růžička 1977: 46. pl. 1. f. 5 7. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 46. pl. 2. f. 5, 6. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 28. pl. 6. f. 1 3. Brook and Williamson 2010: 127. pl. 53. f. 1 4. : Gonatozygon ralfsii de Bary 1858, p76, pl. 9, f. 23 25. Gonatozygon asperum (Brébisson) Rabenhorst 1863: 181.,, 25. Gonatozygon monotaenium. 0 10 20 A B C D E F G 26. Gonatozygon monotaenium.

: : 31 10 25,,,,., 2, 6 9. 83 284 μm, 7.5 11.5 μm, 8.6 12.5 μm. : - Walldorf near Darmstad. : ph 4.5 8.4,,. : (Yamaguchi 1941),, (Chung 1970), (Kim and Chung 1993),,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). 14. Gonatozygon pilosum Wolle 1882: 27 ( 27, 28). West and G.S. West 1904: 34. pl. I. f. 19, 20. Brook and Williamson 2010: 127. pl. 58. f. 1, 1a. A C 0 50 D F 0 10 20 A B C D E F 27. Gonatozygon pilosum.

32 (Algae) ( I), 12 20,,,, 2.5 5 μm. 6. 177 300 μm, 10.5 15 μm. : - New Jersey. :,.. :, (Chung 1970),. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :, G. monotaenium,. 28. Gonatozygon pilosum. Family Peniaceae Haeckel 1894: 97, 112.,. (girdle band) 2.,,. 2,. (Penium) 1. : 1, 50. :. : Brook (1981), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010).

: : 33 Genus Penium Brebisson ex Ralfs in Ralfs 1848: 148.,.. (girdle bands), 2,,..,,,.. (girdle bands),. :. : 130, 24 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 7. :,,. : Brook (1981), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010). (Penium) 1., P. margaritaceum, P. spirostriolatum 15. Penium margaritaceum Brébisson in Ralfs 1848: 149 ( 29, 30). West and G.S. West 1904: 83. pl. 8. f. 32 35. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 52. pl. 2. f. 14. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 30. pl. 7. f. 10 12. Brook and Williamson 2010: 140. pl. 63. f. 1 6., 4 10,,,,,,. ( ) 2, 10. 70 200 μm, 15 28 μm, 7.5 18 μm. : -, Berlin, Falaise, Normandy.

34 (Algae) ( I) A B C D E F 0 10 20 G H I J K L 29. Penium margaritaceum.

: : 35 :,. : (Chung 1968),,, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1979), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Chung 1987), (Kim and Chung 1993),,,. : ( ; 18.vi.2011, ; 18.viii.2011). 30. Penium margaritaceum. 0 10 20 A B C D E F G 31. Penium spirostriolatum.

36 (Algae) ( I) 16. Penium spirostriolatum J. Barker 1869: 194 ( 31, 32). West and G.S. West 1904: 88. pl. 9. f. 1 8. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 30. pl. 7. f. 1, 2. Brook and Williamson 2010: 141. pl. 65. f. 1 6., 5 11,,,,,,, 10 μm 4 6.,. 2,. 77 400 μm, 15 38 μm, 13.5 16 μm. : - Connemara, Co. Galway. :,. :, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1981),,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : P. margaritaceum. 32. Penium spirostriolatum. Family Closteriaceae Bessey 1907: 283.,,,.,..,..,,. (Closterium) Spinoclosterium 2.

: : 37 : 2, 280. 1. :. : Silva (1980), Brook (1981), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982), Brook and Williamson (2002), Hall et al. (2008). Genus Closterium Nitzsch ex Ralfs 1848: 159.,,,,,,,.,.,.,.,.. 6 (Brook and Williamson (2010). 1),,. 2),. 3) (striae) (costae). 4) (girdle band). 5), (end pore). 6).,. 2..,., ( 33).

38 (Algae) ( I) A EP CE CE TS SC 3 4 5 DS VS TGB DS VS CB CB 6 7 8 SC TS CE CE 1 2 9 10 11 33. (Closterium) : 1, 2:. 1= (girdle band), 2=, A=, CB=, CE=, DS= ( ), EP= (end pore), SC= (semicell), TGB=, TS=, VS= ( ), 3 11:. 3=, 4=, 5=, 6=, 7=, 8=, 9=, 10=, 11=.., (Brook et al. 1993), (Brook 1995).,.. Heimans (1946) Closterio-curvimeter. Closteriocurvimeter ( ) 1 cm 0.5 cm, 10 30 0 180 ( 34)., Closteriocurvimeter ( 34). 0.

: : 39 0 180 30 150 60 120 90 34. Heimans (1946) Closterio-curvimeter (Closterium) 2. 105, 65... (girdle band) (West and G.S. West 1904), (Bourrelly 1966, Růžička 1977). West and G.S. West, (Brook et al. 1993),,.. 100 400. ( 33). 33,,,.,,, 100. : Closterium lunula Ehrenberg et Hemprich ex Ralfs 1848.

40 (Algae) ( I) : 1230, 280 (Guiry and Guiry 2012),. 60. :,. : West and G.S. West (1904), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982), Coesel and Meesters (2007), Brook and Williamson (2010). (Closterium) 1., C. cynthia 2 2. ( 60 ) 3 10 3., 30 μm, 5 μm 4, 30 μm, 5 μm 5 4. C. moniliferum, 450 μm, 80 μm C. ehrenbergii 5. C. jenneri 6 6.,, 15 μm, C. dianae, 7 7., C. incurvum, 170 8 8., 150 μm C. tumidulum 9 9. 90 μm, (150 160 ) C. venus 90 μm, (110 130 ) C. parvulum 10.,, 11 13 11. 15 μm, C. setaceum 15 μm 12 12., C. kuetzingii, C. rostratum

: : 41 13., 25 μm 14 25 μm 16 14.,,, C. praelongum 15 15., 5 μm,, C. gracile,, 12 μm C. strigosum var. elegans 16., C. baillyanum 17 17. 45 μm, C. turgidum var. borgei 45 μm,, (7 13 /10 μm) C. ralfsii var. hybridum 17. Closterium baillyanum (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Brébisson 1856: 151 ( 35, 36). Prescott et al. 1975: 36. pl. 17. f. 20. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 69. pl. 5. f. 12. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 40. pl. 24. f. 2. Brook and Williamson 2010: 207. pl. 88. f. 1. pl. 89. f. 1. : Closterium didymotocum var. baillyanum Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848: 169. pl. 28. f. 7c d., 6 10,,,,,.,,,. 300 500 μm, 30 50 μm. : -,,. 35. Closterium baillyanum.

42 (Algae) ( I) 50 A B C D E F 36. Closterium baillyanum. :.. :, (Chung and Lee 1986),,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : C. didymotocum. C. didymotocum,,.

: : 43 18. Closterium cynthia De Notaris 1867: 65 ( 37, 38). Prescott et al. 1975: 44. pl. 35. f. 3, 4, 12. Růžička 1977: 232. pl. 28. f. 18 22. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 74. pl. 9. f. 3 6. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 42. pl. 16. f. 3. West and West. 1904: 113. pl. 11. f. 1 3.,, 5 12,,,,, (6 12 /10 μm). 65 180 μm, 9 22 μm. : -. :,. 37. Closterium cynthia. 0 10 20 A B C D E 38. Closterium cynthia.

44 (Algae) ( I) : (Yamaguchi 1941),,,,,,. : ( ; 18.viii. 2011) : C. jenneri. 19. Closterium dianae Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848: 168 ( 39, 40). West and G.S. West 1904: 130. pl. 15. f. 1 6. Prescott et al. 1975: 46. pl. 23. f. 16-16a, 17. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 75. pl. 9. f. 7 9. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 42. pl. 14. f. 1, 3. Brook and Williamson 2010: 283. pl. 132. f. 1 3, 5., 9 16,,, 112 130,.,,.. 160 380 μm, 14 40 μm, 1.5 5 μm. : -,,. :,. :, (Chung 1968), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1982), (Kim and Chung 1982), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Chung and Kim 1987), (Chung 1990), (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). 39. Closterium dianae.

: : 45 A B C D A C D, E 0 50 0 10 20 E 40. Closterium dianae.

46 (Algae) ( I) 20. Closterium ehrenbergii Meneghini ex Ralfs 1848: 166 ( 41, 42). West and G.S. West 1904: 143. pl. 17. f. 1 4. Prescott et al. 1975: 49. pl. 21. f. 8, 9. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 78. pl. 11. f. 5, 6. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 43. pl. 16. f. 1, 2. Brook and Williamson 2010: 288. pl. 136. f. 1 5. : Closterium robustum Hastings 1892: 154. pl. 1. f. 4., 4 7,,,,, 110 120., (14 17 /10 μm).. 210 880 μm, 40 172 μm, 7 19 μm. : -,,. :,. :,,, (Chung 1970), (Chung et al. 1972), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1981), (Chung 1982), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,. : ( ; 30.vi.2011). : C. moniliferum. C. moniliferum C. moniliferum. 41. Closterium ehrenbergii.

: : 47 A B C D A C 100 D, E 0 50 F, G 0 10 20 E F G 42. Closterium ehrenbergii.

48 (Algae) ( I) 21. Closterium gracile Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848: 221 ( 43, 44A G). West and G.S. West 1904: 166. pl. 21. f. 8 12. Prescott et al. 1975: 52. pl. 16. f. 2, 15, 16. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: p. 80. pl. 5. f. 1 3. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 44. pl. 9. f. 6. Brook and Williamson 2010: 185. pl. 75. f. 1 13., 20 50,,,.,,,,. 100 300 μm, 4 6 μm, 2 4 μm. 43. Closterium gracile. A E, H F, G 0 50 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H 44. A G. Closterium gracile, H. C. strigosum var. elegans.

: : 49 : - Falaise, Normandy. :,. :,,,, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1981),,, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,,,,. : ( ; 17.vii.2011). 22. Closterium incurvum Brébisson 1856: 150 ( 45, 46). West and G.S. West 1904: 136. pl. 15. f. 28 30. Prescott et al. 1975: 53. pl. 36. f. 5, 6. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 81. pl. 8. f. 11, 12. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 45. pl. 13. f. 3, 4. Brook and Williamson 2010: 309. pl. 147. f. 1 7. : Closterium venus var. incurvum (Brébisson) Krieger 1937: 273. pl. 16. f. 6, 7. A B C D E F 0 10 20 G H I J K L 45. A L. Closterium incurvum.

50 (Algae) ( I), 4.5 8,,,, 175 200.,. 30 105 μm, 4 15 μm. : - Falaise, Normandy. :,. :,,, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1979), (Kim and Chung 1982), (Chung and Lee 1986), (Kim and Chung 1986),, (Kim and Chung 1993),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,. : ( ; 16.vii.2011). 46. Closterium incurvum. 23. Closterium jenneri Ralfs 1848: 167 ( 47, 48). West and G.S. West 1904: 134. pl. 15. f. 23 25. Prescott et al. 1975: 55. pl. 23. f. 4, 10. Růžička 1977: 198. pl. 28. f. 9 13. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 82. pl. 9. f. 2. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 45. pl. 13. f. 1. Brook and Williamson 2010: 311. pl. 148. f. 1 8. : Closterium cynthia var. jenneri (Ralfs) Krieger 1935: 366. pl. 36. f. 2. Closterium cynthia var. latum (Schmidle) Krieger 1935: 368. pl. 36. f. 3, 4., 5.5 10,,, 3 7 μm.,,. 40 130 μm, 5 16 μm. : -. :,. :, (Chung 1970),,,. : ( ; 16.iv.2011).

: : 51 : C. cynthia. C. cynthia. 47. Closterium jenneri. 0 10 20 A B C D E 48. Closterium jenneri.

52 (Algae) ( I) 24. Closterium kuetzingii Brébisson 1856: 156 ( 49, 50). Prescott et al. 1975: 57. pl. 31. f. 6, 7, 15. Růžička 1977: 207. pl. 30. f. 9 14. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 46. pl. 17. f. 3, 4. Brook and Williamson 2010: 172. pl. 68. f. 1 3., 15 40,,.,,,,.,, (8 12 /10 μm),. 200 700 μm, 13 28 μm. : - Falaise, Normandy. : ph (ph 4.5),,. A H I, J 50 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H I J 49. Closterium kuetzingii.

: : 53. : (Chung 1968), (Chung 1970), (Chung and Kim 1987), (Kim and Chung 1993),,,. : ( ; 16.iv.2011). : C. setaceum C. rostratum. C. setaceum, C. rostratum,. 50. Closterium kuetzingii. 25. Closterium moniliferum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848: 166 ( 51, 52). West and G.S. West 1904: 142. pl. 16. f. 15, 16. Prescott et al. 1975: 70. pl. 21. f. 3. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 91. pl. 11. f. 4. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 48. pl. 26. f. 1. Brook and Williamson 2010: 296. pl. 140. f. 1 7. : Closterium moniliferum var. submoniliferum (Woronichin) W. Krieger 1935: 292. pl. 18. f. 10., 4 8,,,,, 100 133.,, (14 20 /10 μm),. 170 450 μm, 28 70 μm. : -,,,. :,,.. :, (Chung 1968),,,,, (Chung 1970), (Lee 1978),

54 (Algae) ( I) A B C D E F G 50 51. Closterium moniliferum.

: : 55 (Chung 1982), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Chung 1990),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,,. : ( ; 16.vii.2011). 52. Closterium moniliferum. 0 10 20 A B C D E F 53. Closterium parvulum.

56 (Algae) ( I) 26. Closterium parvulum Nägeli 1849: 106 ( 53, 54). West and G.S. West 1904: 133. pl. 15. f. 9 12. Prescott et al. 1975: 73. pl. 24. f. 18 20. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 95. pl. 8. f. 15 17. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 49. pl. 13. f. 9, 10. Brook and Williamson 2010: 318. pl. 153. f. 1 13, pl. 154. f. 1, 4, 5. : Closterium venus f. major Ström 1926: 194. pl. 2. f. 13., 6.6 15, 110 130,,,,,. 60 175 μm, 7 19.5 μm, 1.5 5 μm. : - Zurich. : (ph 4 7),,.. :,,, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1972), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1979), (Chung 1982),, (Kim and Chung 1993),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,,,,,. : ( ; 17.vii.2011). : C. venus, C. calosporum. C. venus, C. calosporum,. 54. Closterium parvulum.

: : 57 27. Closterium praelongum Brébisson 1856: 152 ( 55, 56). West and G.S. West 1904: 164. pl. 21. f. 1, 2. Prescott et al. 1975: 76. pl. 28. f. 3-3a. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 97. pl. 7. f. 7. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 49. pl. 10. f. 1, 2. Brook and Williamson 2010: 267. pl. 125. f. 1, 2. A B C D E F G H I G I 0 10 20 C F, J M 50 J K L A, B 100 M 55. Closterium praelongum.

58 (Algae) ( I),, 25 40,,,.,,.,,,. 380 700 μm, 14 21 μm. : - Falaise, Normandy. : (ph 6 7.5)... : (Chung 1972), (Kim and Chung 1986), (Chung 1990),,,,. : ( ; 16.vii.2011). 56. Closterium praelongum. 28. Closterium ralfsii var. hybridum Rabenhorst 1863: 174 ( 57, 58). Wets and G.S. West 1904: 182. pl. 24. f. 6, 7. Prescott et al. 1975: 81. pl. 30. f. 7, 7b, 9, 13, 16. Růžička 1977: 189. pl. 25. f. 6 8. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 51. pl. 21. f. 3, 4. Brook and Williamson 2010: 298. pl. 141. f. 1., 15 20,,,. (girdle bands),, (9 13 /10 μm). 450 510 μm, 34 36 μm. : -, Sachsen. :,. :,,. : ( ; 18.vi.2011).

: : 59 A B C D E F G A C 100 D G 50 H L 0 10 20 H I J K L 57. Closterium ralfsii var. hybridum.

60 (Algae) ( I) : C. ralfsii,, (9 13 /10 μm). 58. Closterium ralfsii var. hybridum. A F 50 G, H 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H 59. Closterium rostratum.

: : 61 29. Closterium rostratum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848: 175 ( 59, 60). West and West 1904: 188. pl. 26. f. 1 5. Prescott et al. 1975: 83. pl. 31. f. 3, 12. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 101. pl. 12. f. 1 4. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 51. pl. 18. f. 1 3. Brook and Williamson 2010: 172. pl. 69. f. 1 6., 8.5 20,,,.,,,.,, (8 15 /10 μm),. 240 550 μm. 17 37 μm. : -, Falaise, Normandy. :,,. : (Chung 1979), (Chung 1990),,,,,,. : ( ; 16.iv.2011) : C. kuetzingii C. setaceum,. 60. Closterium rostratum. 30. Closterium setaceum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs 1848: 176 ( 61, 62). West and G.S. West 1904: 190. pl. 26. f. 9 13. Prescott et al. 1975: 84. pl. 31. f. 1, 11. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 102. pl. 12. f. 9 11. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 52. pl. 17. f. 1, 3. Brook and Williamson 2010: 172. pl. 69. f. 1 6., 20 45,,.

62 (Algae) ( I),,,.,, (7 13 /10 μm). 150 350 μm. 6 13 μm. : -,, Falaise, Normandy, New York. :,. :,, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1979),,,,. : ( ; 16.iv.2011). 61. Closterium setaceum. A D 50 E H 0 10 20 5 I A B C D E F G H I 62. Closterium setaceum.

: : 63 31. Closterium strigosum var. elegans (G.S. West) Willi Krieger 1935: 300 ( 43H, 63). Prescott et al. 1975: 86. pl. 15. f. 1, 2, 9-9a. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 104. pl. 10. f. 15. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 52. pl. 10. f. 5, 6. Brook and Williamson 2010: 274. pl. 128. f. 4 8. : Closterium peracerosum var. elegans West 1899b: 111. pl. 396. f. 1, 2., 11 18,,,,,. 150 200 μm, 12 18 μm. : -. :,. :, (Chung and Lee 1986),,. : ( ; 16.vii.2011). :,,. 63. Closterium strigosum var. elegans.

64 (Algae) ( I) 32. Closterium tumidulum F. Gay 1884: 339 ( 64, 65). Prescott et al. 1975: 92. pl. 36. f. 1, 10. Růžička 1977: 124. pl. 12. f. 1 10. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 54. pl. 13. f. 14 16. Brook and Williamson 2010: 300. pl. 143. f. 1 9, 12., 5 13,,,,, 1.5 3 μm, 130 150.,, 3 5. 120 150 μm, 8 21 μm. : - Montpellier, Languedoc- Roussillon. : (ph 6.5 8) (Růžička 1977),. : (Chung 1977), (Kim and Chung 1993),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,. : ( ; 16.vii.2011). : C. leibleinii. C. leibleinii,. C. tumidulum 4 C. leibleinii,. 64. Closterium tumidulum. 33. Closterium turgidum var. borgei Deflandre 1925: 915 ( 66, 67). Prescott et al. 1975: 94. pl. 25. f. 11. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 109. pl. 8. f. 7 9. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 54. pl. 23. f. 4., 14 20,,,.,,,.,

: : 65 0 10 20 A B C D 65. Closterium tumidulum., (8 10 /10 μm),. 640 900 μm, 40 60 μm. : - Paris. :,. :,.. : ( ; 16.iv.2011). :,. 66. Closterium turgidum var. borgei.

66 (Algae) ( I) A, B C F 100 0 10 20 A B C D E F 67. Closterium turgidum var. borgei. 34. Closterium venus Kützing ex Ralfs 1848: 220 ( 68, 69). West and G.S. West 1904: 137. pl. 15. f. 15 20. Prescott et al. 1975: 96. pl. 24. f. 5, 12. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 110. pl. 8. f. 10. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 54. pl. 13. f. 5 8. Brook and Williamson 2010: 325. pl. 156. f. 1 12. pl. 157. f. 1 4., 6 9, ( 150 160 ),,,,,.,,. 55 105 μm, 6 14 μm, 1.2 3 μm. : - :,. : (Lee 1979), (Chung 1982), (Chung 1990), (Kim 1992), (Kim and Chung 1993),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,.

: : 67 0 10 20 A B C D E 68. Closterium venus ( 400). : ( ; 16.vii.2011). : C. parvulum C. calosporum. C. calosporum, C. parvulum. 69. Closterium venus.

68 (Algae) ( I) Family Desmidiaceae Ralfs 1848: 30. (isthmus),..,...,,. : 30 2,000 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 18 600. :,,,. : West and G.S. West (1904), Brook (1981), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982), Coesel and Meesters (2007). (Desmidiaceae) 1.,, 4, ( ) Docidium ( ) 2 2.,, Haplotaenium,, Pleurotaenium Genus Docidium Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848: 155., 2., ( ).., 2 6 8.,. : Docidium baculum Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848. : 26 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), Docidium baculum 1.

: : 69 :,. : West and G.S. West (1904), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982). 35. Docidium baculum Brébisson ex Ralfs 1848: 158 ( 70, 71). West and G.S. West 1904: 198. pl. 27. f. 1 6. Prescott et al. 1975: 102. pl. 37. f. 1 4. Růžička 1977: 246. pl. 35. f. 1 6. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 65. pl. 32. f. 3, 4., 15 23,, 10 12,,,.,. 150 290 μm, 9.5 20 μm. : -, Falaise, Normandy.,. :,. : (Yamaguchi 1941),,.. A C D H 50 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H 70. Docidium baculum.

70 (Algae) ( I) : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : Pleurotaenium Docidium., 400.. 71. Docidium baculum. Genus Haplotaenium Bando 1988: 176.,,,,,.,.,,.. : Haplotaenium minutum (Ralfs) Bando 1988. : 11 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 1, 2. :,,. : Bando (1988), Coesel and Meesters (2007).

: : 71 36. Haplotaenium minutum (Ralfs) Bando 1988: 176 ( 72, 73). West and G.S. West 1904: 101. pl. 10. f. 1, 2. Prescott et al. 1975: 121. pl. 38. f. 9 12. Růžička 1977: 256. pl. 36. f. 1 8. Yamagishi and Akiyama 1984: 1. 73. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 65. pl. 32. f. 5 8. : Docidium minutum Ralfs 1848: 158. pl. 26. f. 5. : Pleurotaenium minutum (Ralfs) Delpont 1877: 131. pl. 20. f. 17 21., 6.6 11,,,,.,, 2 5.. 80 160 μm, 10 16 μm, 8 9 μm. : -,. :,. : (Chung 1970),,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : Chung (1972) Pleurotaenium minutum.,. 72. Haplotaenium minutum. (Haplotaenium minutum) 1., 4 5 H. minutum var. crassum,, 6 15 μm, 14 20 H. minutum var. gracile

72 (Algae) ( I) 0 10 20 A B C D E F 73. Haplotaenium minutum. 37. Haplotaenium minutum var. crassum (West) Cambra 1998: 423 ( 74, 75). West and G.S. West 1904: 105. pl. 10. f. 11 13. Prescott et al. 1975: 122. pl. 39. f. 1 3. Růžička 1977: 259. pl. 36. f. 15 19. Yamagishi and Akiyama 1985: 3. 74. : Penium minutum var. crassum West 1892: 130. pl. 20. f. 1. : Pleurotaenium minutum (Ralfs) Delpont var. crassum (West) Krieger 1932: 167. pl. 6. f. 8., 3 5,,,,,.

: : 73 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H 74. Haplotaenium minutum var. crassum ( 400). 4 6, 2 4. 40 102 μm, 11 25 μm. 9.5 17 μm. : -. :,. :,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : 5. 75. Haplotaenium minutum var. crassum.

74 (Algae) ( I) 38. Haplotaenium minutum var. gracile (Wille) Bando 1988: 25 ( 76, 77). West and G.S. West 1904: 103. pl. 10. f. 6. Prescott et al. 1975: 123. pl. 39. f. 9, 10. Růžička 1977: 259. pl. 36. f. 9 13. Yamagishi and Akiyama 1986: 5. 73. Bando 1988: 25. pl. 14. f. 1 3, 7 9. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 66. pl. 32. f. 9. : Penium minutum (Ralfs) Cleve var. gracile Wille 1881: 51. pl. 2. f. 33 : Pleurotaenium minutum var. gracile (Wille) Krieger 1932: 167. pl. 6. f. 7., 13 18,.,,,,., 6 12 A, B 50 C G 0 10 20 A B C D E F G 76. Haplotaenium minutum var. gracile.

: : 75. 150 250 μm, 10 15 μm. : - Haabøl. :,. :,.. : ( ; 18. viii. 2011). : crassum. 77. Haplotaenium minutum var. gracile. Genus Pleurotaenium Nägeli 1849: 104., 10 20 ( 40 ),,.,,. 2,.,, 4 16. : Pleurotaenium trabecula Nägeli 1849. : Pleurotaenium 88 (Guiry and Guiry 2012), 10. :,. : West and G.S. West (1904), Prescott et al. (1975), Huber-Pestalozzi (1982). (Pleurotaenium) 1. 2, P. ovatum

76 (Algae) ( I) 2. 4 3 3., P. nodosum, P. nodosum var. latum 4. 5 P. verrucosum 5.,, 8 20 6 9 6., 20 40, 12 23 μm P. baculoides, 10 20, 23 65 μm 7 7., 11 18, 24 45 μm P. trabecular 10 20 8 8., 6 10 P. trabecular var. crassum, 20 28 P. trabecular var. elongatum 9.,, 10 P. eugeneum var. undulatum 10.. 11 20, P. ehrenbergii, 20 25 P. ehrenbergii var. elongatum 39. Pleurotaenium baculoides (J. Roy et Bisset) Playfair 1907: 162 ( 78, 79) Prescott et al. 1975: 109. pl. 39. f. 17, 18. Růžička 1977: 264. pl. 37. f. 12. Huber-Pestalozzi 1982: 115. pl. 13. f. 8. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 67. pl. 36. f. 4. : Docidium baculoides Roy et Bisset 1886: 241. pl. 268. f. 18., 20 40,, 1 3,,. 3 4,. 300 450 μm, 13 21 μm. : - Yesso Junsai. :,,. : (Chung 1972),,.

: : 77 : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : Docidium baculum (plication),, ( 25 μm, 18 ). 78. Pleurotaenium baculoides. A F 50 G, H 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H 79. Pleurotaenium baculoides.

78 (Algae) ( I) 40. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii (Brébisson ex Ralfs) Delponte 1877: 132 ( 80, 81). West and G.S. West 1904: 205. pl. 29. f. 9. pl. 30. f. 1. Prescott et al. 1975: 114. pl. 45. f. 1 5. Růžička 1977: 274. pl. 40. f. 1 10. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 68. pl. 33. f. 2 5. : Docidium ehrenbergii Ralfs 1848: 157. pl. 26. f. 4. : Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. granulatum Whelden 1941: 268, pl. 5: f. 6., 11 20,., 1 2,,,, 7 10,. 220 750 μm, 15 45 μm. : -,,,. :,,. :,,,, (Chung 1970), (Lee 1978), (Lee 1979), (Kim and Chung 1986),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :. P. ehrenbergii P. trabecula, P. trabecula. 80. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii.

: : 79 A B C D E F G H I A C 100 D I 50 J N 0 10 20 J K L M N 81. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii.

80 (Algae) ( I) 41. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. elongatum (West) West 1892: 119 ( 82, 83). West and G.S. West 1904: 207. pl. 30. f. 3. Prescott et al. 1975: 117. pl. 46. f. 1 3. Růžička 1977: 276. pl. 40. f. 16. : Docidium ehrenbergii var. elongatum West 1890: 284. No fig. A F 50 G J 0 10 20 A B C D E F G H I J 82. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. elongatum.

: : 81, 20 26,, 2 3,., 3 6,. 390 500 μm, 17 22 μm, 13 15 μm, 14 16 μm. : - Capel Curig. :,,,, : (Chung and Park 1992),,,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :, 20 20. P. ehrenbergii var. elongatum. 83. Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. elongatum. A 50 10 B A B 84. Pleurotaenium eugeneum var. undulatum.

82 (Algae) ( I) 42. Pleurotaenium eugeneum var. undulatum (Borge) Krieger 1937: 34 ( 84, 85). Prescott et al. 1975: p. 118. pl. 47. f. 13. : Pleurotaenium parallelum var. undulatum Borge 1903: 82. pl. 2. f. 2., 16 22, 18 23, 12 15. 950 1060 μm, 60 62 μm. : - Matto Grosso, Corumb. :,,. :.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). : 1/3 1/2. 85. Pleurotaenium eugeneum var. undulatum. 43. Pleurotaenium nodosum (J.W. Bailey ex Ralfs) P. Lundell 1871: 90 ( 86, 87). Krieger 1937: 436. pl. 47. f. 1. West and G.S. West 1904: 214. pl. 31. f. 3 6. Prescott et al. 1975: 125. pl. 44. f. 1 3. Růžička 1977: 285. pl. 44. f. 1 5. : Docidium nodosum F. M. Bailey ex Ralfs 1848: 218. pl. 35. f. 8., 6 8,,,, 6 10, 4 5, 6 10 4.. 230 300 μm, 45 50 μm, 23 33 μm.

: : 83 A C 50 D, E 0 10 20 A B C D E 86. Pleurotaenium nodosum. : -. :,,,. :,, (Chung 1970), (Chung 1979),,,,,,. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). 87. Pleurotaenium nodosum.

84 (Algae) ( I) 44. Pleurotaenium nodosum var. latum Irénée-Marie 1954: 81 ( 88, 89). Prescott et al. 1975: 126. pl. 44. f. 11, 4 4.5,,, 8 10, 11 14 4,. 250 270 μm, 55 60 μm, 29 30 μm. : - Québec. 88. Pleurotaenium nodosum var. latum. A D 50 E 0 10 20 A B C D E 89. A E. Pleurotaenium nodosum var. latum.

: : 85 :,. :,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011) :, (11 14 ),. 45. Pleurotaenium ovatum (Nordstedt) Nordstedt 1877: 18 ( 90, 91). Prescott et al. 1975: 127. pl. 48. f. 16, 17. Yamagishi and Akiyama 1985: 4. 69. : Docidium ovatum Nordstedt 1870: 205. pl. 48. f. 16., 2.5 4,,,, 5 6,. 102 135 μm, 51 67 μm. 28 29 μm, 30 33 μm. : - Lagoa Santa. :,.. :,,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :, Pleurotaenium, (Cosmarium). 90. Pleurotaenium ovatum.

86 (Algae) ( I) A B C D A D 50 E, F 0 10 20 E F 91. Pleurotaenium ovatum.

: : 87 46. Pleurotaenium trabecula Nägeli 1849: 104 ( 92, 93). West and G.S. West 1904: 209. pl. 30. f. 11 13. Prescott et al. 1975: 133. pl. 40. f. 1 5. Růžička 1977: 265. pl. 38. f. 1 5. Yamagishi and Akiyama 1985: 3. 76. Coesel and Meesters 2007: 69. pl. 32. f. 11 13. John et al. 2011: 696. pl. 155. f. F., 10 18,,, 1 3,,.,,. 283 700 μm, 24 48 μm. : - Berlin, Tobolsk, Siberia. :,. : (Chung 1972), (Kim and Chung 1982),, (Kim and Chung 1993),, (Kim and Chung 1993),,,,,,,,,. : ( ; 18.v.2011). : P. ehrenbergii,. 92. Pleurotaenium trabecula. 47. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. crassum Wittrock 1872: 62 ( 94, 95). Prescott et al. 1975: 134. pl. 40. f. 13, 14. Růžička 1977: 268. pl. 38. f. 6, 7., 6 10,,,,,,,. 285 300 μm, 31 33 μm. : - Gotland.

88 (Algae) ( I) A B C D E F G H I A G 100 H L 50 M N 0 10 20 J K L M N O 93. Pleurotaenium trabecula.

: : 89 :,. :,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :, 10. 94. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. crassum. 50 A B 0 10 20 A B 95. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. crassum.

90 (Algae) ( I) 48. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. elongatum Cedergren 1913: 12 ( 96, 97). Krieger 1937: 399. pl. 40. f. 5. Prescott et al. 1975: 138. pl. 40. f. 13 16. Růžička 1977: 269. pl. 38. f. 9.,, 19 28,, 1 2,,. 600 830 μm, 25 42 μm. : - Uppsala Norbyskogen. :, 96. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. elongatum. A C 100 D H 50 A B C D E F G H 97. Pleurotaenium trabecula var. elongatum.

: : 91,. :,,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :, 20. 49. Pleurotaenium verrucosum (Ralfs) H.C. Wood 1873: 121 ( 98, 99). Krieger 1937: 438. pl. 51. f. 3. Prescott et al. 1975: 138. pl. L. f. 13 16. Yamagishi and Akiyama 1986. 5. 75. : Docidium verrucosum (Bailey) Ralfs 1848: 218. : Closterium verrucosum J.W. Bailey 1846: 127. f. 4., 8 15,, 8 9,,,,, 4 6.,. 300 360 μm, 37 40 μm, 20 25 μm. : - Rhode Island. :,. :,,.. : ( ; 18.viii.2011). :., P. trochiscum,. 98. Pleurotaenium verrucosum.

92 (Algae) ( I) A B C D E F G A G 50 H K 0 10 20 H I J K 99. Pleurotaenium verrucosum.

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