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사회학영문강독 제 7 강 전광희교수 jkh96@cnu.ac.kr

강독내용 사회학자, 정치학자 Andre Gunder Frank, Immanuel Wallerstein, Paul Kennedy 글로벌리제이션 Globalization 세계체제이론 World System Theory 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 2

Andre Gunder Frank (1929-2005) 독일출생의경제사학자, 사회학자, 1960 년대종속이론 (dependency theory) 의아버지로인정되고있음 1940 년대나치박해로미국으로이주, 시카고대학경제학과에서 Milton Freedman 의자유방임주의 Monetarist Economics 를배우고, 우크라이나농업성장에관한경제학박사학위를취득 1960 년에는종속이론, 1980 년대는세계체제이론 (world system theory) 에관한논문과저술을발표함 Frank 는마르크스주의정치경제학개념을사용하지만, 마르크스의역사단계나경제사를거부하는경향이있음 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 3

Frank s Major Book 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 4

Andre G. Frank 와종속이론 프랑크는 Samir Amin 과함께네오마르크스경제학, 이른바종속이론의창시자로, Immanuel Wallerstein 을필두로하는세계체제론의선구자로인정되고잇다. 이들주장의내용은자본주의는번영을구가하는중심 (center) 과그에종속되어값싼노동과자원의공급, 시장의제공을감당해야하는주변 (periphery) 의존재로구성되며, 주변부는중심부에영원히종속적입장을감수하지않으면안되는것이다. 이들의주장은 1960 년부터 1970 년대에걸쳐남북문제가만성화되는시대는어느정도의설득력을얻었다. 특히라틴아메리카국가에서보이는노골적수탈구조는그들의눈에도분명했다. 이때문에, 이들의논의나용어는특히라틴아메리카사회주의정권으로부터대환영을받았으나, 사회주의의쇠퇴와붕괴로일반성과설득력을상실했다. 특히, 이들의주장은 1980 년대부터 1990 년까지동아시아 ( 네마리의용 )_ 의약진으로, 설득력을잃었다. 이들국가는글로벌자본주의안에서적극적으로편입되어, 발전도상국을벗어나서중진국의지위를획득하는데성공하였다. 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 5

Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-) 미국의사회학자, 역사적사회과학의체계를확립 미국 New York 의유대인가정에서출생하여, Columbia University 에서학사, 석사, 박사학위를모두취득하였음 세계를하나의시스템으로하는거시적관점에의한정치경제학과사회학을포괄하여세계시스템 (world system) 이론을제창하여확립함 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 6

Wallerstein on the World System Capitalist World-System This definition of Wallerstein follows Dependency Theory, which intended to combine the developments of the different societies since the 16th century in different regions into one collective development. The main characteristic of Wallerstein's definition is the development of a global division of labor, including the existence of independent political units (in this case, states) at the same time. There is no political center, compared to global empires like the Roman Empire; instead the capitalist world system is identified with the global market economy. It is divided into core, semi-periphery and periphery, and is ruled by the capitalist method of production 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 7

Wallerstein on the World System Core/Periphery Defines the difference between developed countries and developing countries, characterized e.g. by power or wealth. The core refers to developed countries, and the periphery is a synonym for the dependent developing countries. The main reason for the position of the developed countries is economic power. Semi-periphery Defines states that are located between core and periphery, they benefit from the periphery through unequal exchange relations. At the same time, the core benefits from the semi-periphery through unequal exchange relations 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 8

Wallerstein on the World System Quasi-monopolies Defines a kind of monopoly where there is more than one service provider for a particular good/service. Wallerstein claims that quasi-monopolies are self-liquidating because new sellers go into the market by exerting political pressure to open markets to competition Kondratiev Waves Defines a cyclical tendency in the world's economy. It is also known as a supercycle. Wallerstein argues that global wars are tied to Kondratiev waves. According to him, global conflicts occur as the summer phase of a wave begins, this is when production of goods and services all around the world are on an upswing 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 9

Globalization Globalization refers to the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities The term globalization has been increasingly used since the mid- 1980s and especially since the mid-1990s. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people, and the dissemination of knowledge. 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 10

Globalization in Different Languages 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 11

Examples of Globalization 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 12

Multilateral Corporations and Globalization 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 13

Global Competitiveness Index Map 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 14

참고문헌 Martin Albrow (1997), The Global Age: State and Society Beyond Modernity. Stanford, CA: Stanford University. David Held, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt, and Jonathan Perraton (1999), Global Transformations. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Jan Aart Scholte (2000), Globalization: A Critical Introduction. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave. 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 15

참고문헌 Immanuel Wallerstein (1974 1989), The Modern World-System, 3 vols. San Diego, CA: Academic Press Kennedy, Paul (1987). The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict From 1500 to 2000. New York: Random House. 사회학영문강독제7강 2014/12/22 16