영어의저주어에관한고찰 趙炳泰 1 영미인이일상회화에서흔히구사하는誼맨語 (swear-words) 의 현상을 고찰하고그특정 과변천과청을본논문에서살펴보고자한다. 20세기전반의영 미국사회에서는盟활誼땐語 ( oaths ) 의공공연한사용은禁료로여겨졌 었다. G.K. Chesterton의 All things Coπsidered에서 His drawer was always jammed and in consequence it was something else that rhymes to it." 의구절을보게되는데, something... it는 damned를뜻하고금기어안탓으로완곡한암시적표현을사용한것이다. Kingsley s struggles with the fourth letter of the alphabet의 이태릭체부분은 with a damn 또는 with a damnation의 간접적표현어구일것이다. 한변 영국에 귀화한 Hungary 출신의 작가 George Mikes의 How to be an Alieπ에서다음구절을우리는읽게되는데, 이는 1940년대 의 영국인의생활태도를생생하게요사한대목이다. Chesterton과는달리 Mikes는 damn을 거렴낌없이사용한점에유념하기바란다. It has been discovered that ordinary men occasionally use unparliamentary expressions in the course of their every.day conversation. It has been decided that the more often the adjective referring to the sanguinary character of certain things or persons is used and the exclamation Damn! is uttered, the more realistic and more convincing the film becomes, as able seamen and flight-sergeants sometimes go so far as to say Damn! when they are carried away by passion... (Mikes, 1966; 64) unparliamentary expressions는 oaths 또는 abuse의간접표현이며, the adjective referring to the sanguinary character of certain things or persons는 bloody를지칭한점 로판단하건 데 damn보다 bloody표현이더 금기적성질의저주어로, Mikes에게여겨진듯하다. 한연 1977년출판된영국인 Alan Booth의 A Book of English Oaths, Insults aηd Obscenities 의서문에서 Now then, fucking Alan, take that fucking pot of fucking paint and fuckiπgwell wash that fucking brush and fuck off and fucking-αell paint that fuckiηg piss-hquse. 라는문장을보게되는데誼맨語의난발현상에놀렐뿐이다. 영미인의 일상발화에서 I don t swear, 1 don t smoke, 1 don drin~... Damη it! 1 left my pipe behind in the pub." 등의표현을흔히접하게된다. 영미인에게는盟촬誼 q 兄표현은무의식적으로뛰쳐나온다. 영어의 swear-words의 종류를대충 3종으로분류할수있다. 즉 damned, bloody 등의盟활 誼 q 兄語 (religious oaths), fucking, screw 등의性的誼 q 兄語 (sexual oaths) 및 shit, up Shit Creek, piss 등의排뻐誼 q 兄語 (scatological oaths) 등이다. 영어의저주어 (swear-words) 는시초에는 sex 나排뼈物에서 비릇된것이아니고, 대부분 21
22 語學 @ 규究第 18 卷第 1 號 성서에유래한것이다. oath의주요한기능은맹세또는진실의진술을 더욱강조하는것 이었다. oath의 청의는 an expression of strong feeling using religious or sexual words improperly인데, swearing은 improper language와밀접한관련이있다. 왜 swearing 이 저주 어현상의나쁜의미를가지게되었는지살펴볼필요가 있겠다.O.E.D. 에의거하여 통사 swear의語義를史的으로고찰한다. OJ to make a solemn declaration or statement with an appeal to God or a superhuman being: 1 faithfully promist in presence of the almighty god and swear that 1 shall demean myself faithfully. (1589) [2J to affirm emphatically or confidently: His men came back in a fright, swearing that they had seen a swimming house. (Swift, 1726) [3J to utter a form of oath lightly or irreverently, as a mere intensive, or an expression of anger, vexation, or strong feeling: to use the Divine or other sacred name, profanely in affirmation or imprecation; to utter a profane oath: Oft have 1 seene the haughty Cardinall... Sψear like a Ruffian. (Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI. i.i. 188, 1593) 위의 CIJ 에서 [2J 으로의語義변화는쉽게납득이되지마는 [3J 으로의語義변화에는설명이필요하다. 이에관해서는 Robert" Graves 0929: 6-7 ) 의다음설명이아주적절하다. 좀긴강은있지마는인용하는것이독자의이해에도움이된다고믿는다. The chief strength of the oath in Christian countries, and indeed everywhere, is that it (=swearing) is forbidden by authority, and the Mosaic injunction against taking the name of Jehovah in vain must mark the beginning of our research. This commandmen t seems to have had a double force, recording in the first place a taboo aga inst the mention, except on.solemn occasions, of the tribal god s holy name (for so among certain savage tribes it is sti1l considered unlucky to use a man s real name, often only known to himself and the priest), and in the second. place a taboo against the misuse of even a decent periphrasis of the god s name: for the act of calling him to witness any feat or condition, or the summons to curse or destroy an enemy, must involve elaborate purifications or penalties. Any vain appeal to God to witness or punish a triviality was therefore forbidden as lessening not only the prestige of religion but also the legal dues of the priestly commissioners of oaths. Now however that the economic interest has dwindled, and priesthood has been shorn of temporal p 아 li' e rs, with the stake-it is regarded merely as a breach of the peace. tbe vain oatb is no longer punishable 부질없이신의이름을들추어함부로맹세함은신성모독으로간주되었다. 이런부질없는맹세를삼가하는갱도여하로종교신앙심의다과를판단할수있었다. swear가 신올두고맹세하다 에서 신의이름을남용한다j 로, 이옥고후자에서 허튼나쁜말을쓴다 또는 욕설을퍼붓다1 의뭇으로되었고, swear-words는저주어나외설어와같은어휘로변하게
영어의저주어에관한고찰 23 - 된것이다. Swear 의두가지의미로 Thomas Hardy 의 Far from the Madding Crowd 의한구절에서 접하게된다. Now, Cain Ball, can you swear in the most awful form that the woman you saw was Miss Everdene?" Please no, Mister Oak! 1 don't mind saying it s true, but 1 don t like to say tls damn true if that s what you mean." 이처럼신의이름을내세움은엄숙한맹세에그l치지않고 1 for God s sake, by God, 0 God! Good God!, God bless me! 등의표현이일생회화에남용되어, 명따한 fuck, sod, shit, screw 등처럼 듣는이에게 충격을주기도하고, 자기발언의진부에관계없이 자기말을 강조하고자이런표현을마구사용하게된것이다. 옛날에는종교에 대한신앙이 인생에 가장중요한것으로, 협박하거나, 진숭및 약속을강조할경우, 자기신앙에 의존하는것 이 당연한추세였다. 종교의 세력이 약해진 요치음에이르러서는맹세저주어의 금기가 완화되어맹세저주어가본래의신에게의 맹세와관계없이일상생활에서자주 사용하게 된것이다. 사랑이격한분통 화절감을느겼을때, 속이후련해지도록금기어인맹셰어를사용하고 자함은당연하다 다만사용하는이의교양과사용하는환경 시기 등에제약을받게되 지마는현대에올수록종교적인맹세어보다性적맹셰어의사용이현저해진다. (1 ) Oho! that s it? 1 thought it was the Election.>> Election be-hem-beg pardon, my lady.>> (= be damned) Swear, Tom, if it relieves you. 1 think it bad to check an oath or a sneeze.>> -Meredith Evaη Harriπgton (2) What do you want from me, for God s sake? (3) If you want to pass the fucking exam, then for fuck s sake get down and do some fucking work. 바로윗문장 ( 3 ) 에서 fucking은생략해도본질적의미에는영향이없으며, 또한 for fuck s sake의成句에서 fuck s 대신 Christ s, God s, heaven s, goodness s, mercy s, pity s, pete s 를보충해도무방하다. 다만완곡표현인지아닌지에따라서, 놀램 격분 분통동의강도에 는차이가있을뿐이다. 영국에서는 fuck (i ng ) 등의표현이인쇄물에허용된것은 1961년이후이며, 일반인용의 영어 사전에수록된것은 R. W. Burchfield 펀찬의 A S:μ:pplemeπ t to the Oxford English Dictionary 1 볍정에서證 A 이證言하커전에오른손을聖書에얹고, 다음과같은선서를함이관례이다. 1 swear that the evidence that 1 shall give shall be truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. 2 cf. S. Maugham, The Circle. Elizabeth: Damn! Arnold: (Good.humouredly) 1 wish you wouldn t say that. Elizabeth: If you re not going to say Damn when a thing s damnable when are you going to say Damn? Arnold: 1 should have thought you could say, Oh, bother! or something like "that. Elizabeth: But that wouldn t express my sentiments.
24 語學 ~ 究第 18 卷第 l 號 의제 1 권에서이며, 이 사전은 19 72년에출간된것이다. 여키서 지적하고자 하는사실은 fuck에서 copulate with의 原義와 doom to hell, curse의뜻인比 rr 兪的意 味의 저주어가공존 한다. 후솔하겠지만는통어론상의차이가 들어나므로본래字義의의미인 fuck를 fuck 1 로 후자의비유적의미인 fuck를 fuck 2로구분하는것이 타당하다. 다음대화의 문장을살펴 본다. (4) A: The doctor says you shouldn t fuck so much every night. B: Fuck him. A의 발언중의 fuck는 fuck 1 이며 E의 fuck는 fuck 2 임이 분명하다. 물론 fuck 2의基層은 fuck 1 에 있음을말할나위도없다. 이런현상은동사 screw에도적용된다. 다음구절을검토하기바란디. Mr. Brown and Mr. Green were partners in a thriving business They had a private plane, which Mr. Brown would pilot, and when they went on a business trip, each one took his secretary along with him. On one such trip, Mr. Brown suddenly yelled to his partner, Jack, quick, the plane s on fire, put on your parachute, we gotta jump." What about the girls?" Green demanded. Screw the girls," came the quick retort, to which Green replied You think we got time?" CSagarin, 1962: 86) Jack Brown의 발언중 Screw the girls는분명히저주어에 속한 골치 썩이게됐군, 망할 놈의계집애들 정도의뜻으로 screw가 fuck 2에 속하는반면 Mr. Green은이 screw를 fuck 1 으로간주하여 you think. we got time (to screw the girls )? 란 발언을하게되어 Broψn과 Green 간에의사소통이충분치옷한하나의우스개거리가된것이다. fuck you 나 screw you 를두고 H. Wentworth & S.B. Flexner Cl 967:X IV ) 는다음과같이다른설명을하고있다. To curse someone we can say /uck you or screw you, 'which expresses a wish to deprive him of his good luck, his success, perhaps even his potency as a man. 3 fuck 2 에서派生된영사형인 fucker 는성행위와는관련이없고, 다만말하는이의발언내 용을생동하는감정을섞어가며, 돋보이게하기위해서거친표현을이용한것에불과하다. (5) 'a. You're a messy fucker, aren t y.ou? b. Why don t you look sharp, you stupid fucker? c. What, half past nine and still in bed, you lazy fucker? fucker 는 a foolish, stupid person 의뜻이며, yo u 에뒤따르는동격명사로보통 messy, 3 Wentworth H. & S.B. Flexner, 0967: Preface). 이런폼義의애매성올이용한우스개소리홀하나더열거한다. Clerk: Ah, boss, what a perfectly splendid tie you re wearing! Boss: Lick myarse! Clerk: Certainly, boss. Let me help you off with your trousers. Lick my arre!" 의벼유젝의마여부에따라 clerk.2j- boss의의사소퉁이막힌생이띈다.
영어의저주어에관한고찰 25 dirty, lazy, stupid, peculiar 등의형용사에의하여수식되는것이통례이다. 더러다음과같 은명사만의문장도있다. (5) d. The new foreman may be a fucker, but he s a fuck sight better than the fucker we had before. 悔 4좋語중가장격렬한어휘는 motherfucker이다. 이는正常的행위가아닌상상치도옷할이상한性짧l 錯행위를상기시키는어휘로原義대로는사용되는일은절대로없다. 꿈에서도입에담을수없는禁료語이기때문에그만큼反社會的인행위자를모독하는데쓰인다이런어휘가悔휩語이지마는, 막되먹은하층의사람들에게는별뭇없는流行語로간주될수도있다. 특히허물없는동료사이에서는일단친밀감과일체감을지니연, 무의식적으로입밖으로뒤져나오기도한다. 이런어휘의글자그대로의意 味와비유적意味가확연히구분된점에유의할필요가있다. 다음 Edward Sagarine ( 1962 :69 ) 의구절을참조하기바란다. How completely apart are the literal and figurative meanings might be seen by the common experience of a man, in anger, calling his brother a son-of-a-bitch; or, even- more ironical, a mother calling her son by that appellation. 필자가여기서강조하고자함은이런어휘의사용이비유적의미에의한것이라해도基 層에는글자그대로의原義가깔려있다는점이다. 性 = 수치감 이란심리가무의식심적상 태에서니마밑에깔려內在하고있는것이다. fucking 이란형용사에는字義적의미는없고저주어구실을할뿐, fucking 다음에영사가 뒤따름을예고하는機能을한다 (6) a. Get out the f;μ cking way! b. 1 hate sweeping the floors: it s a fucking grind. c. 1 got my fucking foot fucking caught in the fucking chair, didn t I? Booth (1977) 에서그가지적한 Richard Hoggart 의 the Preface to Lady Chatterley s Loνer by D.H. Lawrence 의다음인용은홍미롭다. 어떤병사가휴가차자기집에돌아왔을때의 묘사이다. (6) d. 1 came home after three fucking years in fuckiπg Africa 6 and what do 1 f;ι ck- 4 cf. Son of a bitch and bastard both shift the onus on to women, the fì.rst completely, the second at least. The newer expletive motherfucker is to many people among the most obscene of the current terms used to insult men because it exploits the deepest of sexual taboos. (C. Miller & K. Swift, 1976 : 132). 5 Get out the fucking way 가 *Get out the way which fucks 가될수없 며 you fucking fool 가 you fool who fucksj is fucking 이아님은 fucking 이정상적인형용사가아니다는증거가된다. 6 cf. When an American in New Guinea asked an Australian soldier near the end of the Second W orld War how long he had been there, and the answer was Oh, nineteen-forty fuckin -two fuckin -three, the tone was not one of anger; just great weariness. (c. Miller & K. Swift, 1976 ~ 136).
26 語學 JiFf 究第 1 8 卷第 1 號 ingwell fìnd?-my wife in bed engaging in i1licit cohabitation with a male! 이벙사는명사앞에 fucking, 동사앞에부사 fucking-well 를쓰고있으나, 문제어휘의원 풋으로사용되어야할부분에는진작사용치않고있다 이이병사에게는익숙해졌던것이다. fuck j 보다저주어의 fuck 2 의용볍 윗문장에서 fucking -we ll 는 certainly 의돗이며동사나부사앞에위치한저주어로 변한,expletive 에불과하다. (7) a. Shut the door and fucking well do it quick. b. Shut the door and do it fuckiπg well quick. fuck 2, 즉性的의미가함축되지않는어휘인 fuck 의間投詞용법은주목할만하다. (8) a. You ve stepped on my toe, fuck it! b. A: 1 don t feel liking going for a drink tonight. B: Well, fuck you, then. fu ck you, fuck it, fuck me 등은간투사역할을하며, damn you/ me, damn it, to hell with yo u / me 와同義이며, 결정적거부표시의표현이다. Wentworth, et al. (1 967 : 2 0 4 ) 에 fuck you! ( taboo ) 의서술이아래와같이되어있다. Complete rejection of and contempt or disgust for a person, implying that henceforth the speaker will for the person bear malice... Both words are given a long pronuncíation. 그런데 fuck you/ me/ him, etc 및 fuck it 등의표현외에 Oh, fu ck 등이 있는점으로봐서 單륨節의 fuck 만의간투사보다는二륨節로된간투사어구표현으로쓰는경향이더많다. 그이유는아마 fuck 만으로간투사로쓰이변동사 f uck j 의의미로쓰인영령문으로잘옷인 식될우려가있겠고다른이유는후솔하게된다. 깐투사 fuck yo u! 가존재함은 fuck j 의명 령문인 *Fuck yourself, won t you? 가존재할수없음과대조되며, fuck 2 가유사동사임이 들어난다. Oh, fuck! 는 intonation 을달리하여여러상황에서적절한감정표현에쓰이게 된다. Alan Booth (1 977) 의예를인용한다. 쇠망치가발가락에떨어지거나, 돌부리에발 부리가부디쳐서, 아픔에옷이저표현할때는 Oh, fucx! ( ~! ) 도음조가이워진다마누라등의결혼기념일이나, 생일날에카드나선물을 준바하는것을잊고서 ( 낙심하거니. 허탈한상태에서 ) Oh, fuck! ( ~ 늦! ) 로, \ 걸거리에서濟入디의뚜껑에말을헛딛여 ( 재 수사납다면서분한검에 ) Oh, ffffuckk! ( ---.../! ) 로, 또는마누다가맏넷을낳았다는 소식을전해듣고서 믿어지지않는상태에서 ) Oh, fuuuuuuuck ( 기 -ιι! ) 의음조로발 옴이된다. 이렇게 Oh, fuck/ fuck you/ him, etc 등의간투사의의미와 inton ati on 과는밀진 한연관성이있다. 저주어 fuck 2 가포함된慣用語句를차례로다뤄본다. 1. What /ψho / where / when / why / how the fuck X operator X subject...?
영어의저주어에관한고창 27 (9) a. What the fuck has it got to do with me? b. Who the fuck do you think 1 am? c. Where the fuck are the children playing now? c. Why the fuck should 1 take care of that old guy? 2. like fuck의成句 (10) a. Like fuck he paid for the drink! 1 had to pay for it! (=not at all so) b. They worked like fuck to get the factory run within a month. (=vigorously) 3. η ot care jgive a fuck의成句 (11) a. 1 don't care a f,μck for what people think: 1 just do what 1 like. b. 1 don't give a fuck what she thinks about me. c. His promise isn t worth a fuck. 4. a fuck sightx 비교급표현의成句 (12) a. This car is costing me a fιck sight more to run than 1 expected. b. You d be a fμ ck sight better off if you worked like mad. 5. for fuck s sake의成句 (13) a. A: Do you want me to tell your father? B: No, for fuck s sake don't do that. b. Where did 1 meet him, for fuck s sake? 저주어 fuck 2 에속한어휘의 ñct: 會的受容度에관하여고찰할차례가되었다. 앞서지적했 듯이 1960 1 건대에와서영국사회의 j 自由化의일환으로 fuck등의 swear-words가 일상어의 일부로통용하게되었다. 일종의외설어혁명 (four-letter word revolution) 이라일결을상태 가도래한것이다. 물론男女同席의자리나사회지도층의공식모임에는이런어휘의사용 은절대로禁 J 료되어야할것이다. 아직도 fuck 등이禁 J 람語에서완전히벗어난것이아니고 이의사용은오히려사회규법에대한도전으로간주될청도이다. Vladimir Pirkacek 가 X-Rated Expletives 에서아래와같이서숭한적이있다. The taboo. words of a language signal areas of psychic tension in the culture of its speakers. The prevalence of a particular genre of profanity is therefore thought by some experts to indicate either subconscious or unconscious anger or rebellion against an oppressive institution such as a dominating religion, a rigid standard of cleanliness or a prudish code of sexual behavior. 7 또다음 Edward Sagarine (1962: 88) 의서술도아울러참조하기바란다... a study of the nonsexual usages of the word fuck and expressions and phrases in which it is found would display hostile attitudes toward people, places, things, situations, and processes. This is indeed the case. Like balls and shit, the word fuck by itself, usually followed by an exclamation point if proper grammatical usage is to be upheld, is an expletive. 1t expresses dismay, 7 Dr. Vladimir Piskacek, X-Rated Expletives, Time magazine, 20 May 1974, CC. Miller & K. Swìft, 1976: 137, 192)
28 語學맑究第 18 卷第 l 號 but the situation in which it is uttered is not necessarily more distressing than an analogous one in which a slightly weaker dirty word is called into play. 2 1960년대의 fuck등의性的誼 q 兄語가등장하기전에는어떠한저주어가널리사용되었는지살펴보고 fuck 2둥의저주어와어떤연관성이있는지여부를탐색하고자한다. fuck등의저주어는세계 2차대전이전에도 -공적으로금지되었을뿐, 기존사회질서에반기를든젊은이나, 노동자등의사회하충의사람들사이에서는일상어로통용될정도였다. 그래도세계 2차대전이전에는기독교국가인영미국에선기독교신앙과성서에서관련된어휘가저주어의大宗을이루웠다. 우릇기존사회질서에대한적대적태도가禁료語의사용을초래하고이禁료語를사용함으로써적대태도가더욱더강화되며, 이를한충뒷받침하게된다. 왜종교적盟홉 5 且 q 兄語가세계 2차대전이후에, 性的및排 rlli 등且땐語로대부분대치되었을까하는의문이생긴다. 다음 E. Sagarine (1 962; 80) 의서솔을참조하기바란다. " to say the Lord 5 name in an unholy manner was profane; hence, profanity included such phrases as go to hell or Jumping Jesus! But the words change their meanings as language evolves, and as religious institutions no longer play the role in the life of modern man that they once did, profanity encompasses a wide, a more secular field, taking in the entire scope of forbidden words, and particularly those that are associated with the biological functions of excretion and sex, and the organs that perform them. 세계 2차대전이전인 20세기전반기에자주사용된盟휩- 저주어로는 what / tι ho / hotν the devil/ hell, etc X operator X subject...? 문형, God bless me, by God, a hell ofrv, like hell, bloody-hell 등의강조된감정표현어휘가있다한펀종교적저주어표현인 damn, damned, darn (ed), devil, deuce 등은 F. Wood & R. Hill의 Dictionary 01 English Colloquial Idioms ( 1979:77 ) 에의하면 mild swear words로분류되고있으며, I II be damned ifrv; Well, I II be damned!; Well, I m damned 등의문형을두고 All these expressions are a bit dated. 로기술하고있는점에주목할펼요가있다. F. Wood et a l. 의주장을받아드린다면 1960 1 건후반에와서, 영미인들에게종교적盟휩저주어는한물기-고, 대신性및排뼈저주어가새로운돌파구를찾는듯여겨진다. 교회, 성서의십계명퉁이옛날의위력을잃게되어, 젊은이나사회하충계충인에계는종교적맹세저주어가하둥실강이나지않았기때문일것이다. 여기서저주어가시대유행에빈강한 { 용語 ( slang ) 적성격을지니고있음을알게된다. 어휘는개인이나시대에따라변하되, 기본적문법구조동의사항은변함이없음에유의할펼요가있다. 어떤종류의저주어를한참오래사용하다보연진부해져서그야휘의생동감을상실하게되어, 보다실감있고박진 8 cf. Monica Baldwin... stresses how this poin t struck her on returning to English society after spending the period 1914"""1941 in a convent Perhaps what startled me most was the constant recurrence of words which not even a man would have used before girls when 1 left school. Lousy", for instance, and muchy", guts", blasted", bloody" and what the hell" CBrian Forster, 1968: 147)
영어의저주어에관한고찰 29 강이넘치는저주어의어휘를찾는현상은당연하다. 이런현상은세계 2차대전을전후한 20세기에만해당되지 않는다. 저주어의유행에 빈강한점을두고 Jonathan Swift (1667"-' 1745) 가 A Complete Collectioη of Genteel aη d I:πgenious Conν ersatioη에서 다음과같이 서 술한적이었다. For, nowadays, Men change their Oaths, As often as they change their Cloaths. (Partridge, 1963: 30) 사람이의복을바꾸어갚아업을수있으나, 본체는불변함을비유한것에유념하기바란다. 19세기의 Victoria 여왕시대부터 20세기전반까지는비교적종교적맹세저주어의사용이억제되었 A 냐, 더러는기독교信때에관한저주어가그래도盛行하였다. 신앙의중심은神과 Christ 임으로종교적맹세저주어로는 God, Christ, Our Lady ( =Maria) 등에관련된것이으뜸가고, 그다음으로는 God s blood, God s wounds, bloody, bloody.well, ruddy, blooming, bleeding, bleeder, blinking, hell, like hell, a hell of a"-', what/ who/ where/ how the hell, flaming, damn (it), blasted, darn, dash, to hell with you, what in heaven s name, what the devil; Well, 1 m blowed/ stoned/ damned/ hanged, etc. 둥이있다. 이외에도이런어휘를조금씩변형시킨저주어가있겠는데이를일일히치적할수없을만큼다양하게많다. 1978년출판된 Loπgman Dictionary of Coπ temporary Eπglish의 fucking과 blood y 9의항목에, 각각 1 got my fucking foot fuckiηg caught in the fucking chair, didn t I? 와 1 got my bloody foot bloody caught in the bloody chair, didn t I? 라는예문이수록되어있다. 저주어로서 fucking과 bloody가同義인듯하다. 다만어휘의由來로봐서전자는性的저주어인반면후자는종교적맹세저주어인차이가있을뿐이다. For God s sake, shut up! 와 For fuck s sake, shut up! 이同義로명령 요구의강조형으로흔히쓰인정도맥락을같이한다. 앞의문장 (2), (3), (4 ) 를다음처럼변형해도의미및강청전달에는아무런지장이없는듯하다. (2') a. What the fuck do you want ftom me? b. What do you want from me, for fuck s sake? (3' ) If you want to pass the bloody / damπed exam., then for Gawd s sake, get down and do some bloody/ damn(ed) work. (4') A: The doctor says you shouldn t fuck so much every night. B: Damπ him. 또한문장 (5) 에나오는 fucker 대신 da Ill fool 를잡입해도여전히同義의문장이된다. Siegfried L. Sassoon 의 Memoir s (930) 에서우리는다음의문장을읽게된다. 9 cf. Bloody is an overworked adjective, not confined by any means to the lower classes. The objection to it is not that it is an especially ugly word nor that its ancestry is. dubious (in fact it is generally believed that it is derived from by our lady'... but that it is substituted on far too many occasions for almost every adjective... In fact, the word has in these days practically no meaning whatever. It is colourless and impotent... and euphemistic variations are used for i t: ruddy, blinking or b... CBall, 1954:86)
30 語學 ~ 究第 18 卷第 l 짧 (14) Turning in my direction he howled out in an angry voice, What the bloody h'ell do you think you re here for?" What the hell",,? 만으로는직성이풀리지 않는듯, 저주어를하나더 첨가한 What the bloody hell",,? 문형이 사용된것이다. 앞서논술한저주어 fuck 2가들어있는慣用語句와 종교맹세저주어가사용된 慣用語句의 어법을 비교 검토하면 흥미로운 현상을 알게 된다. 본논문의문장 ( 9 ) 의문형의 what /who /where/wheπ /ψhy /how the fuck... 에서 fuck대신 으로 hell, blazes, deuce, devil, dickens, heck, bloody hell 등과 on earth, in the wo r1d를삽 입해도문장의의미는크게달라지지 않는다. on earth 1.f in the world는 hell동의 완곡어 법의표현어구일것이다. What the uηmentionable to ears polite, do you think 1 want with rouge?-dickens, Davit:l Copper field의문장에서도변형된완곡표현어구를보게된다. (9') a. What the hell has it got to do with me? b. Who the devil/ deuce do you think 1 am? like f,μ ck의成句에서 fuck 대신 O Ob ) 의의미인 furiously / energetically 인경우 hell, blazes, heck, ( 완곡어법표현으로 anything, crazy, mad ) 동을삽업할수있다. ( lo a ) 의 like fuck의의미인 of course not 이면 fuck대신 hell, heck, blazes, buggery, the devil, the deuce 둥이쓰일수있겠다. Partridge (1977: 139) 에 like hell 1 will1 An intensive refusal. 1 certainly sha n t! since the middle 1940s. (A.B. Petch. 31 October 1974. says: Heand on and off. ) " 로해설되고있다. 0 0') a. Like hell he paid for the drink! 1 had to pay fo,r it! b. They worked like hell to get the factory run within a month. not care/ give a fuck의成句에서 fuck대신 curse, damn/ darn, shit, (tinker's) fart를 ( 완곡어법표현에선 a fig, a (brass) farthing, a hoot, a rap를 ) 삽입해도의미전달에하자가없다. 이표현은否定專用語句로 a hell/ devil등의대치가不可함은 give a hell to someone 이나 give the devil his due둥의成句가있기때문얄것이다. (ll') a. 1 don't care a damn for what people think. b. 1 don t give a darn what she thinks about me. a fuck sight x 비교급표현의成句에서 fuck 대신 damn / darn 의전용역시가능하다 (12') a. This car is costing me a darn sight more to run than. b. You d be a damn sight better off if...
영어의저주어에관한고찰 31 (13') a. A: Do you want rne to tell your father? B: No, for Christ s sake don t do that. b. Where the bloody hell did 1 rneet hirn? 이외에도 (15) The new doctor is daηln all use. nothing darnn all의의미인 darnn all대신 fuck all/ bugger all퉁의性的저주어의사용이최근두드러지게많아졌다. 후자의표현인 bugger all는영국영어에한한다. (1 6) Damn it! you re late for work, again! 에서이태릭체부분을 bugger it, blow it, darn it, fuck ìt, hang it, sod it로대치할수있는바, bugger it, 및 sod it, fuck it를주로영국영어에서사용되는 irn poli te slang과 taboo slang으로 Loηgmaπ Dictionary of English Idiom (1 979: 72) 에서분류하고있다. 이로써종교적맹세저주어보다는성적저주어쪽이한결보다강렬한禁 J량의성격을지난듯생각된다 Zounds, gadzook ( < God s hooks ) 와더불어 bloody는종교적맹세저주어에소속되나아직도저주어중가장강렬한위력을지니고있다. 보통영미안에게는 bloody의종교적기원은거의인식되지않고어떤性的저주어에못지않게자주사용된다. (1 7) a. Shut the bloody door, for fuck s sake! Where were you born, in a bloody barn? b. Will you lend rne.f, 10?" Not bloody likely!"io c. Y ou knew bloody w ell/ damn ψ ell what was going to happen when you behaved like that. 문장 (1 7. a ) 의 bloody 는 darnn (ed ) 보다격한표현이며, fucking 과同義이다. (1 7, b, c) 의이래릭체부분을각각 not fucking-well, fucking-well 로대치될수있겠다. (18) a. 1 arn bloψed/ damned/ hanged if 1 will! 문장 (18, a ) 의 다더禁 J 콩表現方式이다. 이태릭부분을 fucked 로대치한 (18, b) 문형이앞서언급한바처럼, 보 (18) b. A: 1 m fiμcked if 1 will blody-well lend hirn $ 100. B: 1 should bloody-well think not. 10 not bloody likely (=not at all likely, 천만의말씀!) cf. Liza: Walk! η ot bloody likely. 1 am going on a taxi. -B. Show, Pygmalioπ Act 3. George Bernard Shaw in his play Pygmalion.. shocked London audiences of 1930 when his flower-girl suddenly said in polite company Not bloody likely! It would not shock audiences of, say, the Shaw Theatre off London s Euston Road_ today. (P. Wright 1981: 123)
32 語學 Iiff 究第 18 卷第 l 號 이상으로판단하건대, 종교적맹세저주어에서성적저주어로어휘가변해가는경향이 1960 년후반부터현저해진다. 그러나 blood y만은여전히위세가대단하며 ruddy, blooming, bleeding, bleeding-well 동의완곡표현의어구기이따금대용될정도이다. 예를하나만제시한다. (18) c. Go and bleediπg-well mind your own bleeding business. 종교적맹세저주아가들어있는慣用語句중 by God!, by Gawd, by Gawk, by Christ 등이있다. 이런어구의완곡표현으로 by George, by Heaven, by Jove, by thunder 등이있는데, 禁 j콤의저주어인 God 및 Christ등을직접언급하는것을회피하려는의도에서비릇된다. (1 9) a. By God! 1 ve forgotten his name! b. You re quite right, by thunder. 대부분의慣用語句의표현에서종교적맹세저주어는性的저주어로대치될수있으나, by God형만은 God 대신에여하한性的저주어 (fuck 2 등 ) 도사용될수없는특정이있다. 이는이成句중의 b y의語義인 (in oaths) : as surely as 1 believe in, in expressions of strong feeling and solemn promises에성적저주어의어휘가성질상결합할수없기때문이다. 禁핀語의생성과정및저주어의대치현상이무분별하게행하여지지않고統語論및意妹論상의고려를바탕으로이루어집을감지할수있다. 3 본논문에제시된예문중저주어표현어구는이탤릭체로표시되어있다. 이부분을삭제하 드라도화자의미묘한감정표시의파악에는상당한지장은있겠으나문장의기본의미터득 에는하등영향이없는것으로안다. 저주어 표현은 God forbid!, Goodness me! hang it! 등 처럼원래間授詞에서유래된것으로아는데이 주장의률否는본논문영역밖의일이다. 다만여기서지척하고자함은저주어의표현방식은接間解 (i nfìx ) 척 특정이있다는점인데, 이를통어론및음운론입장에서구명하겠다. Ball (1 953 :87"-'88 ) 에 수록된저주어가포함 띈예문을이용하여統語論的업장에서먼저이를증명하려고한디. (20) a. 1 wish to goodη ess ll he d come soon. b. What iη heaven s name are we to do now? c. 1 m damned if 1 know what the answer is. d. What on earth do you mean? e. Do you know τvhere Susan is? God only k기 ows! f. For goodη ess sake, hurry up. g. Life is just one damned thing after another. 11 wísh/ hope to goodness/ heaven/god/hell/ Christ 또는 surely to (high) goodη ess, etc 형태로쓰 이며, 주로동사 wish 와 hope 에걸려는부사구형태이다.
영어의저주어에관한고창 33 문장 (2 0 ) 중소위單文으로성립된平寂文인 a, b, d, g만을우선고찰한다. 이탤릭체로인쇄된저주어어구는문장중간에위치하고이부분이탈락되어도문장의본질적의미에는無關하다. 單文이며命令文인 (20. f ) 를살펴볼경우이문장의심충에 1 order/ ask you (to) 의부분이밑깔려있으며, 또다른주장으로주어진 you가內在히나실제발언시에는생략된것 로간주하면, (20. f) 저주어어구표현역시문장의중간에위치하는것으로인정된다. (20. f ) 에서저주어표현구가문장의後尾에위치할경우는 (20. f ) 의문창구초가 Hurry up for goodness' sake, 1 order/ ask you로인정되고, 저주어표현구가여전히문장중간에삽입되는것으로간주된다. 이를두고 W.]. Ball Cl 953 :87 ) 는다음과같은흥미로운서술을하고있다. All these Cswearing) phrases are used in the middle of a sentence or remark for no apparent reason except that of adding, so it is supposed, some degree of emphasís to what is being said. 한편, 문장 ( 20. e ) 의제 2 문장인 God only k nows! 에서 God대신, goodness/ heaven/ Lord/ Christ/hell 등도사용될수있으니, 이런어휘는종교적맹세저주어표현이1 속한다. knows 의목적어로 what동의의문사절과 if / whether절이심충에밑깔려있는데, (20. e ) 의경우는 where Susan is가內在목적어가되겠다. Longmaπ Dictionary of English Idiom Cl 979: 134 ) 의설영은 Only someone more powerful than man can possibly know or realize (usu. used to express the speaker s inability to understand or foresee something ) 로되어있다. (20. e) 의표충문장은형태상으로는두개의문장으로구성되어있 나, 의미상으로는제 1 문장 ( Do y ou ' ι is?) 과제 2 문장 (God only knows where Susan is! ) 이서로밀접한연관성이있는단일문장 ξ로간주된다. 즉 (20'. e) Do you know where Susan is? God only knows where Susan is! 에서이탤릭채부분인저주어표현이문장중간에위치하고있다고주장할수있다. 자연스런대화에서아무런文服의도움없이불쑥문장의첫머리부터 God only knows! 등의표현이거의없는것은이어구표현의의미상당연하다. 이제는문장 ( 20. c ) 를검토할차례이다 1 know what... 를 A 로 1 m damned부분을 B 로표기한후이문형을記號化하면 If A is, B is 의소위複文이되고, 이경C 型의의미구조는 That A without B is, is false. 이다. 1 m damned 란 B 는정상적상태에셔는발언당시사실이아넘이확실하다. 즉 without B는자명한사실임으로, 즉零으로탈락되어 That A is, is false.' 의公式이성립된다. I m damned/ I II be damned ifrv 란저주어표현을사용하여, 후속하는 if절의의미내용을강력히否定租否하는문체상의技巧양식이다 12 여기서주목할점은 (20. c ) 의문장의어순이 If 1 know what..., 1 m damned로는결코되치않는다. 이는 if절의부정을강조하는것이. 목적이고, 강조할강세의표현어구가문장끝부분에위치해야하기때문이다. 이저주어구표현의新情報부분인 if 節은절대로文頭, 文中間에위치할수없으려, 만일그럴경우는문장의원의미내용과어긋나게된다. 12 1 m damned if~ 형이 Damn me if~ 나 I 11 be damned if~ 형보다분노 격분 경악동을더강력하게표현항은동사의시제가현재형임과有關하다. F. Wood, et al. (1 979:77) 에 I II be damned if: followed by a positive statement, to express a strong negative asseveration or vice versa. 1 11 be damned if 1 II do it. / if it isn snowing 로적절하게설명하고있다.
34 語學 1iIf 究第 18 卷第 l 號 또한 I m damned if,,-, 표현앞에 well등이자주사용되는이런서솔로, 저주어인 damned등의표현방식이문장구성면에서볼때, 문장중간에위치하는接間解적특정이있음을알게된다. 다음문장 (2 1) 을통하여저주어의이런接間解현상을더갚이고찰한다. (21) a. Sit the fuck down. cf. Sit down. b. Shut the fuck up. cf. Shut up. c. Sit the baby down. d. Shut the baby up. (21. a, b) 에서 sit / shut는자동사이며 the fuck는목적어가아니라, 분노 좌절등의감정표시를위한 expletives의삽입에지나지않다 13 한펀 (21. c, d) 에서의 the baby는 sit / sh ut의목적어로 (21. a. b) 의 the fuck와문법적기능이다르므로문정. ( 2 1. a, b ) 와 (21. c, d ) 는기능에있어서同一한문장이아니다. 이런현상은정상적인언어구조분석에큰부담을준다. 다음 Sagarine (1 962: 96 ) 의서슐에주목하기바란다... it would seem that the most accurate method of describing the intrusion of one or two words into a tight phrase or idiomatic expression would be to call this schizophrasis, a phenomenon, pro. bably more widespread when obscenities are used than at any other time. For example, one can insert the fuck into the middle of a sentence or phrase, splitting the sequence into two separated personalities, when they would ordinarily be expected to follow one another without interruption. The insertion of these words. that takes place almost invariably in an atmosphere of hostility, seems to emphasize this quality. 이런현상은문장내의저주어의接間廳적특징은語句및단어에서도일어난다. 일종의 接間解의작용결과의 schizoverbia 즉 sandwich words 현상이다. 아래문장을살펴보며이 를음운론적입장에서고찰하겠다. (22) a. Did the ball fall inside or ou tside the line of the playing-fi.eld? Outside mister... Out bloody side! b. Is it likely that you 11 propose to her?,,-,not bloody likely! c. Was it difficult to get that job?,,-,no bleeding trouble at all! 문장 (22. a ) 에서 outsìde의강세가제 2 음절에있음어l 유의하기바란다 ins id e 냐 outside 를두고, 후자인경우 outside 사이에저주어 bloody를잡입하여 out bloody side, 즉 3개의단어로확대시켜확신 주장의감정을명확히표현하는技法이라하겠다. (22. b, c ) 의 not likely! 및 no trouble"-' 사이에저주어 bloody, bleeding 퉁이접간사가아니고어휘로끼어든형태이다. out bloody síde, not bloody líkely, no bleeding tróuble"-' 에서저주어바로뒤의어휘첫째음절에제 l 강세가있다. 즉제 1 강세가놓인어휘직전에저주어가첨가됨이음 운적규칙인듯하다. 다음문장인 13 가령 John says that his landlord is a fucking sco utm aste r. 의발언에서 scoutmaster 에대한평 가는 John 의입장에서가아니라, 발언자의입장에서유래된다.
영어의저주어에관한고찰 35 (23) She squealed out: Christ All-bleedìπ -mìghty! Somebody got me that one! 이에서 원래 almighty의어휘에 bleeding 이제 1 강세를지닌 mighty 앞에삽입되어 3 어휘로 된저주복합명사인 :: all- bleedin -mighty가 생성되었고제 1 요소인접두사 al-가어휘 all로 변한것이다. 이제는저주어가 infix로서한어휘안에삽입되어도여전히 동일한기능을지닌 어휘안 경우를고찰한다. (24) a. That s in-fucking-crédible. cf. incrédible. a'.?that s fucking íncredible. b. The gear is auto-fucking-mátic. cf. automátic b'. 용 1 ate lunch at the áuto-fucking-mat. cf. áutomat c. He s a snob because he s diplo-bloody-mátic. c'_ *He s a snob because he s a díplo-bloody-mat. d. He doesn t get to live in the fucking Whíte House. d'. *He doesn t get to live in the Whíte fucking House. e. *Gó with fucking him. e'. Gó with the fucking bàstardj blìghter. 문장 (24) 를음성의강세연에서고찰하면앞서지적한저주어가제 1 강세가놓인어휘직전 에첨가됩을확인하게되며, 이는통어론상의接間解적특성과함치한다. (25) a. Y ou are too indegoddampéndent. cf. indepéndent b. He was under no obligoddamπátíon to do me a favor. cf. obligátion c. Turn off the propafuckengánda radio! cf. propagánder d. It s absobloodylútely imbloodypóssible to finísh it off within an hour. cl absolútely j impóssible e. Y ou absobleediηglútely have got left them in the bus. cf. àbsolútely 문장 (25) 의저주어어구를검토하면接間廳적특정과강세음절어휘직전에弱한음조로발음되는현상이있음을알수있다. 어구및어휘사이에저주어를삽입하는이런 schizophrasis 및 schizoverbia 14 적용에쓰이는저주어는 fucking, fuckin, the fuck, goddam (n),15 bloody, bleeding 등이다. 그요건은첫째로 2음절로된어휘에한청된다. 소위四文字語 (four-letter words) 인단음절어 damn, Goçl, hel1, Christ, shit, piss, cock, shag, screw, stuff, sod, bang, balls, lay, cunt 등이사용되지 않음은接間解인삽업저주어가 2 음절이어야複 1 cf. Frederick Packard, in 1946, coined the word schizoverbia, which is a phenomenon occurring when one takes a multiple word and splits it in two, juggling it around or trimming it up a bit to turn it into a descriptive phrase." -E. Sagarine (1962:95). (Ex. rigmarole 양 rigged -ufr marole) 15 God 및 damn 이단음절때문에단목으로저주어接間짧로는不可하나, 짧合語인 goddam (n) 01 가능함은 2 음절어가된데다가 damn 보다더彈度있는종교적맹세저주어인때운일것이다.
36 語學맑究第 18 卷第 l 짧 合語의음운조직에조화를주기때문이다. God, hell 둥처럼단음절저주어는상대방에게접간사인저주어의표현을제대로알리지뭇하는난점에있다. 3음절이상의접간사를사용하면, 複合語의음절이너무걸어져서발음하는데분노 초조 당황등의상황에서발언자의부담감을주기때문일것이다. 정간사로서의저주어의두벤째의요건은비록 2음절어일지라도저주어의완곡한표현인 blasted, blazes, blimey, dasheà, drated, flaming, blinking, blooming, Crikey 등은不可하고 1960~ 대이후많이쓰이는직접적인性저주어에限한다. 語句인 the door, not lik e.ly, no trouble at all 등처럼中心語가단음절과 2응절어의어휘일때, 저주어는接間解로서기능하지않고中心語의앞에 ;m 加語가된다. 즉 the fucking door, not bloody likely, no bleeding trouble at a11 등이된다 16 한연 (23), (24) 및 (25) 에서알수있듯이 Latin, Greek 등의외래어요소로된 3음절이상의中心語에는 2음절로된接間蘇인저주어가삽입된다. 이경우, 접간사의위치는중심어의제 1 강세를받는음절직전이다. 이는接間解인저주어가약한강세로발음된다는증거가된다. 이와관련하여 저주어동사 ( fu ck 2등 )+ 부사 ( off, aboutj around, up 등 ) 로된이런成句에서강세가부사인 off등에위치함도이와맥락을같이한다. 동사가 fuck z에限定치않고여러종류의性저주어동사가同義표현에쓰이는것은이런동사는 expletives 이고중점은 off등의부사적小解에있다는근거가된다. (26) a. He fucked off sharp at fìve 0 cock. ( = departed) b. Fuck 011 out of it, will you? c..bugger off out of it, you dirty old bugger! d. Sod off out of this, you silly little sodl e. Stop pis ~ ing about or else piss 011. (27) a. ve just painted that fence: be careful you don t fuck it up with fìngermarks. (= ruin, spoil) b. They 11 fuck you up right" left and centre, if you give em half a chance. c. Be careful you don t bugger it up. d. Things are screψed up! Now, it s time to tidy them up. e. Don t let him stick his nose in; he 11 ball it up. (28) a. They fuked aboutj around till they fucked it up and they fucked off. ( = loitered) b. He got no job and had to sod around all day long on the street. c. A: What do you genera1ly do on Sundays? B: Nothing much: just bugger about. d. Stop pissing about or else piss off. e. Stop arsing j farting j frigging about and get down and do some work! 이런成句의표현에서동사는性 排뼈저주어의比 R 兪的의비를가진 fuck 2 에소속된다. 16 cf... it (==swearíng) should be done effectively. To insert a swear word into the middle of t o others reveals a certaîn limitation of vocabulary. (P. Wright, 1981:54).
영어의저주어에관한고찰 37 現代英語의 動詞 副詞적小解 (a dverbial particle )' 의動詞句표현의활발한사용과도일맥상통한동사구의표현이다. 이 fuck 2 x around/ up/ off 등의成句에서의미및음성의중요한성분은副詞인 around, about / up /o ff 임에유념하기바란다. 性 排뼈저주어에서유래된동사 fuck 2와有關動詞인 bugger, sod, piss, cock, ba11, arse, fart 동은어휘는다양하면서도의미는모두比 I 澈적인同義이고언제나약하게발음되는사실은이런 fuck2 動詞類는 around, about / up /off 앞에위치하는接間蘇의一種인疑似動詞로인정할근거가된다. 4 영미인이 자주구사하는 fuck등의海황語와그 派生關聯語句 용법을검토한결과다음 과같은결론을얻을수있다. 1. 性行寫에서유래되는 swear-words는悔홈語로또는격렬한 감정표시를위한어휘로 쓰인다. 이 경우, 동사 fuck 1의原義를잃게되고, 比輸的의미를가진 fuck 2로사용된다. 따라서 fuck j과 fuck 2의구분은펼수적이다. 2. 주로間授詞적으로사용되는 swear-words는기존사회질서에적대적 태도를 심층에 간직한채, 분노 경악 절망 증오 불신 소외감 비틀어진우월감등을전달하는매개체 구실을한다. 3. 모든 swear-words는局外者에겐敵對感의표현이기도하나, 同類 A 土간엔 - 體感 에서 우러나는友情의표현도되는바, 상황과륨調그리고말을돋는청자에따라, 顧對感 同 志感이區分된다. 4. 1960년대부터의 swear-words의 대종은性 排뼈저주어이지마는, 세계 2차대전중또 는그이전까지는 God-damn, By God, Good heavens! for Christ s sake, Gorblimey (<God blind me), bloody,. Go to he11, Damn it!, 1 11 be damned 등등의宗敎的맹세저주어가압도 적으로많이쓰여졌다. 세계 2차대전이후부터기독교위 교리및성서등이위력을잃게됨 에 따라, 종교적맹세저주어는悔탈語로서의위세를상질하게되었고, 性 排뼈에관련되 는저주어가영미인에게보다속후련한悔탤語로동장했 - 것이다. 저주어의어휘는倚語적 특성을가져서, 어떤저주어를상당기간오래사용하다보연진부해져서, 새 어휘를찾게 된다. 그러나저주어가정유하는文法적구문형식과成句결합방식은거의 변함이없음은 주목할사실이다. 5. 誼 q 兄語의統語論상의특정은문장의中間位置를차지하려는接間解적경향이며, 誼 q 兄 表現語句바로뒤에강조하고자하는중심어의존재를據告하는역할을한다. 複合語형성 과청에서도저주어는單륨節또는 2륨節로된어휘와의결합에는後者바로 앞에놓이고, 3륨節이상의中心語어휘와의결합은저주어가 접간사구실을하여, 그中心語어휘의제 1 강세음절직전에저주어가삽입된다. 6. 음운론적관점에서볼경우, 저주어는언제나弱륨으로발음되며, 1.2 륨節語에先行 하거나, 多즙節中心語어휘에잡입될경우, 저주어표현구는반드시 2음절어이어야한다. 그위치는앞서지적했듯이제 1 강세음절을가진어구 음절직전에놓이는특성이있다. 이는저주어가接間廳적기능을수행함을증명한다. 7. fuck 2 arouη d, about / upfoff등의成句가최근많이 活用되고 있는데 fuck 2동사류는 原義를앓고비유척의미를지닌정간사적 疑似動詞에不過하고, 의미 및음성의중요한
38 語學 ~ 究第 18 卷第 l 嚴 요소는 about, around / up / off등의副詞적 Jj 解 (adverbial particles) 에있다. 영어의悔룡語의 3대요소인 sacrilege, sex, scatology에서유래되는저주어표현을정확히파악하여그본질을밝히는것이영어사용국민의언어표현방식을보다잘이해할수있는지름길이라믿으며, E. Sagarine (1 962: 28 ) 을인용하며본논문을마무리지으련다. Shocking and tabooed, these words are nevertheless employed with the greatest of frequency. If one can focuses attention particularly on the nonbiological uses of these words and phrases, perhaps one can utilize this aspect of our language (and hence of our culture) to demonstrate how language powerfully conditions all our thinking about social problerns and processes. 참고문헌 Ball, W.]. (1 954) Conversational Eπglish, Longmans, London. Booth, A. (1977) A Book 0/ English Oaths, lnsults and Obscenities, Eichosha, Tokyo. Foster, B. (1 968) The Changing Eη glish Language, Macmillan, London. Graves, R. (1929) Lars Porsena, or the Future 0/ Swearing and lmproper Language, Kegan Paul, London. Long, T.H. (1979) Longman Dictionary 0/ Eπglish Mikes, G. (1966) How to be aπ ldiom, Longman, Harlow and London. Alien, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, England. Mil1er, C. and K. Swift (1 976) Words and Women, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, England. Partridge, E (1963) Swi/t s Polite Coπversation, André Deutch, London. (1 977 ) A Dictionary 0/ Catch Phrases. Kegan Paul, London. Procter, P. (1978) Loηgman Dictionary 0/ Contemporary Eπglish, Longman, Harlow and London. Sagarine, E. (1 969) The Anatomy 0/ Dirty Words, Paperbook Library Edition, New York. Wright, P. (1 981) Cockney Dialect and Slang, Batsford, London. Wentworth, H. and S.B. Flexner (1 967) Dic tioπary 0/ American Slaηg, with Supplemeπ t, Crowell, New Y ork. Wood, F.T. and R. Hill (1979) London. Dictionary 0/ English Colloquial ldioms, Macmillan, ABSTRACT On Swear-words in English Byung Tae Cho This paper aims (1 ) to capture some properties of swear-words in contemporary English and (2) to find out reasons why English-speaking people have been making predominant
영어의저주어에관한고찰 39 -;use of sexual and scatological oaths, especially since the 1960 s, instead of the oaths -<lerived mainly from religious swear-words, which were persistently uttered previous to W or1d War 11. The following are what 1 have found out in this paper. With a drastic decline in authority of Christianity and of the Bible, English-speaking people, who take no longer religious oath seriously, turn to sexual and scatalogical oaths for swearing so that they may relieve their feelings with a frightful curse or may display hostile and contemptuous attitudes to the established society. Swear-words have the same quality as slang, because once over-used for a considerable period of time, they come to lose their vivid novelty, tending to be replaced by another new expression concerned. What is a remarkable fact about swear-words, from a grammatical viewpoint is that although the vocabulary items vary from age to age or from person to person, the grammatical constructions and collocational patterns, where swear-words perform their exclamatory function and combine with other words, always remain scarcely unchanged. Swear-words have such a syntactic property as they tend to place in the medial position of the sentence (or of the word), functioning as an infix to the main word (or to the :main syllable), foretelling the strong-stressed key element in the sentence(or the word). Some swear-words, which consist of weakly-stressed two words, usually either precede the primary stressed syllable of monosyllabic or disyllabic Anglo-Saxon words, or are inserted right before the primary stressed syllable of polysyllabic Latin, French, or Greek loan words. This phonological property gives another piece of evidence that swear-words are a kind of infix in English. Thanks to the frequent use of English phrasal verb expressions, one encounters profuse examples of such verb-phrase patterns as fuck 2 + aroundj upj ojf, whose verb meaning has nothing to do with the original meaning of the verb fuck 1 1n this verb-phrase pattern, fuck 2, which is weak-stressedly pronounced, takes on the figurative meaning, functioning as a pseudo-verb, and acts as an infix to the following adverbial particles (ojf, 갱, around), which play more essential roles in pronunciation as well as in meaning of the verb.adverbial particle construction. 151 관악구신림동서울대학교인문대학영문학과 접수 1982. 3. 16)