Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.5, 2012, pp.521~529 http://dx.doi.org/10.7780/kjrs.2012.28.5.5 Spatial Estimation of Priestley-Taylor Based Potential Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Imageries: the Nak-dong river basin Chanyang Sur*, Jongjin Lee**, Jaeyoung Park** and Minha Choi* *Department of Civil engineering, Hanyang University, **Water Resources Investigation and Planning Department, K-water Abstract : The evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the most important factor in the hydrological cycle. In this study, remote sensing based ET algorithm using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) was considered. Then, Priestley-Taylor algorithm was used for estimation of potential evapotranspiration in South Korea, and its spatial distribution was analyzed. Overall applicability between estimated potential evapotranspiration and weather station pan evaporation in Nakdong river basin was represented. The results using small pan showed that correlation coefficient in Pohang and Moonkyung Station was 0.70 and 0.55, respectively. However, the results using large pan showed correlation coefficient in Pohang and Moonkyung Station was 0.62 and 0.52, respectively. Key Words : Potential Evapotranspiration, Pan Evaporation, MODIS, Priestley-Taylor algorithm, Remote Sensing 521
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.5, 2012 522
Spatial Estimation of Priestley-Taylor Based Potential Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Imageries: the Nak-dong river basin Fig. 1. The measurement status of evapotranspiration at Nakdong river. ET o = a D (R _ N G) (1) D + g D kp a C g kp a C _1 R N Mjm _ 2 day _1 Mjm _ 2 day _1 a a 523
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.5, 2012 Fig. 2. Sinusoidal model (Bisht et al., 2005). 524
Spatial Estimation of Priestley-Taylor Based Potential Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Imageries: the Nak-dong river basin 2010. 01 2010. 02 2010. 03 2010. 04 2010. 05 2010. 06 Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of Priestley-Taylor based potential evapotranspiration. 525
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.5, 2012 2010. 07 2010. 08 2010. 09 2010. 10 Fig. 3. Continued 2010. 11 2010. 12 526
Spatial Estimation of Priestley-Taylor Based Potential Evapotranspiration Using MODIS Imageries: the Nak-dong river basin Small pan Large pan Fig. 4. Validation between MODIS based PET and Evaporation Pan at Pohang Weather Station. Small pan Large pan Fig. 5. Validation between MODIS based PET and Evaporation Pan at Moonkyung Weather Station. Table 1. Statistics comparing pan evaporation and Priestley- Taylor based PET Evapotranspiration Site R Regression Equation Small Pan 0.70 y = 0.71 x + 1.86 Pohang Large Pan 0.55 y = 0.50 x + 4.44 Moonkyung Small Pan 0.62 y = 0.60 x + 2.24 Large pan 0.52 y = 0.70 x + 4.21 a a 527
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