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Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 라이프스타일은 개인 생활에 있어 심리적 문화적 사회적 모든 측면의 생활방식과 차이 전체를 말한다. 이러한 라이프스 타일은 사람의 내재된 가치관이나 욕구, 행동 변화를 파악하여 소비행동과 심리를 추측할 수 있고, 개인의

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,,,.,,,, (, 2013).,.,, (,, 2011). (, 2007;, 2008), (, 2005;,, 2007).,, (,, 2010;, 2010), (2012),,,.. (, 2011:,, 2012). (2007) 26%., (,,, 2011;, 2006;

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?? 1990년대 중반부터 일부 지방에서 자체적인 정책 혁신 을 통해 시도된 대학생촌관 정책은 그 효과에 비자발적 확산 + 대한 긍정적 평가에 힘입어 조금씩 다른 지역으로 수평적 확산이 이루어졌다. 이? + 지방 A 지방 B 비자발적 확산 중앙 중앙정부 정부 비자발적


,.,..,....,, Abstract The importance of integrated design which tries to i






., (, 2000;, 1993;,,, 1994), () 65, 4 51, (,, ). 33, 4 30, 23 3 (, ) () () 25, (),,,, (,,, 2015b). 1 5,


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#1 Framework of Urban form and urban structure Theory of Urban Structure Kwon, Young Sang Seoul National University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Urban Design Major

#1. Urban Form and Urban Structure

Urban Form City Outline Urban Tissue Block Plot Architectural Typology 3

Urban Structure Network Axis Linkage 공간구문론 (Space Syntax) 으로구상한공간배치 csbs 스페셜방송캡처 Landprice Central District https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fc/85/66/fc856699923da47cad4c856a774cafc6.jpg Michael Voltersen et at. 2014, Object-based land cover mapping and comprehensive feature calculation for an automated derivation of urban structure types at block level, Remote Sensing of Envirionment Fig. 5. The derived urban structure type classification for the city of Berlin. 4

Theory of Urban Structure Why study urban spatial structure? 1) To make good urban planning and urban design 2) To conduct research into urban space Planning & Design Research 5

Planning and Design Ring shaped http://opusteno.rs/zanimljivosti-f19/italija-palmanova-grad-tvrdjava-u-obliku-zvezdet29033.html Irregular Toledo, Spain Linear City https://madridusp.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/soria_- arturo_-ciudad-lineal-de-madrid.jpg

Planning and Design Structure https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/space_sy ntax_-_global_integration_-_brasilia.svg/1200px-space_syntax_- _Global_Integration_-_Brasilia.svg.png

Research 정인하, 2003. 현대도시이론과언어담론의상관관계에관한연구 - 근대도시이론과현대도시이론의비교를통해서

Research 김영욱, 2000. 공간형태와공간인식의상호관련성연구, 건축학회논문집

Research 오성훈, 차주영, 2011. 한국도시설계에적용된서구도시건축이론의재고, 건축도시공간연구소 (AURI)

Research 오성훈, 차주영, 2011. 한국도시설계에적용된서구도시건축이론의재고, 건축도시공간연구소 (AURI)

Urban Structure Research Practice Design, Planning, Urban Aesthetics Social Science Statistical Analysis, Survey Science, Engineering Simulation, Experiment, Programming Urban Form & Structure Humanities History Theory, Urban Criticism, Human Behavior Policy Studies Legal system research, Policy making research

Urban Structure Research Social Science 1. Human Ecology, Urban Ecology, Social Ecology Chicago School (Park, McKenzie, Burgess, Wirth) Understanding and explaining the structure and change of cities in response to the principles of ecosystem 2. Urban economics Alonso (Monocentric model), Von Thunen(Rent, Der Isoiete Staat in Berziehung auf Landwirtscaft und Nationalokonomie) The argument that the structure of the city can be explained by economics theory and analysis method In addition to the macro-urban structure, interest in analysis such as industrial location, housing, environment, and similar ecological approaches 3. Political Economy David Harvey, Castell, Walker Understand the urban structure through political, social, and economic structures 13

Urban Structure Research Practice Focus on urban forms and types of urban spatial structures Analyze the phenomenon that is caused by morphological similarity, difference, and form Scenery, value of image, Landscape https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/citadel_of_erbil 14

Urban Structure Research Science, Engineering Analyze the effect of city type and city structure Traffic volume, movement amount, energy usage, environmental effect 15

Urban Structure Research Humanities, Sociology, Psychology, Behaviorism, Positivism Cultural ecology(firey, Sjoberg), Social area anlysis(shevky, Bell, Williams), Population movement Model/OD(Wolpert), Housing Choice Model How human beings perceive the environment and make decisions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/citadel_of_erbil 16

Urban Structure Research Policy Studies Establishment of system for urban form and urban structure management https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/citadel_of_erbil 17

#2. Representative Theories

Kevin Lynch A Theory of Good City Form Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1981. 5 factors of Good City Form Vitality, Sense, Fit, Access, Control, Efficiency 19

Kevin Lynch A Theory of Good City Form Three Normative Theories Cosmic, Practical, Organic Form 20

Kevin Lynch A Theory of Good City Form Cosmic Form 21

Kevin Lynch Practical Form 22

Kevin Lynch Organic Form 23

Kevin Lynch The image of the City 24

Kevin Lynch The image of the City https://image.slidesharecdn.com/imageofthecitykevinlynchcasestudy-141218100900- conversion-gate02/95/image-of-the-city-kevin-lynch-case-study-13-638.jpg?cb=1418898598 25

Kevin Lynch The image of the City 26

Kevin Lynch 허재석, 선세나, 이제승, 2017. 케빈린치의개념이생활만족도에미치는영향분석 - 좋은도시형태론 5 가지실행척도를중심으로, 국토계획. Good City Form 에제안된좋은도시를위한도시계획의 5 가지방향을이론적배경 Vitality, Sense, Fit, Access, Control 이방향별로서울에대해실제만족도 ( 설문 ) 을리커트연속변수로조사하여주성분분석

Kevin Lynch 김세용 ( 고려대 ), 최강림, 2009. 도시이미지전략의유형별사례연구, 국토계획 Image of the City 의용어를사용, 용, 이론적토대로활용 유형별사례도시 30 개를선정하여도시브랜드, 이미지조성전략을도출

4. Christopher Alexander A Pattern Language 29

Christoper Alexander 우신구 ( 부산대 ), 조연경, 강혜원, 2010. 상업가로활성화요인으로서가로시설물과알렉산더패턴언어에관한연구 - 부산의상업가로광복로를중심으로, 건축학회

Spiro Kostof The City Shaped 유기적패턴과격자, 계획된도시와자연발생도시의도시구조 33

Spiro Kostof Transformation of Urban fabric

Spiro Kostof Organic pattern Italy, Sienna Illinois, Riverside

Spiro Kostof Grid Source: http://www.wikiwand.com/it/urbanistica_greca Miletus < 시몬스테빈이계획한이상적인항구도시계획 > 이탈리아의베로나 < 로스앤젤레스도시계획 >

Spiro Kostof Diagram < 비트루비우스적인간 > 일본, 에도 <19C 한양지도 > 장안, 당나라 팔마노바 칼스루헤

Spiro Kostof The Grand Manner

Spiro Kostof The Urban Skyline 미국뉴욕의스카이라인 310 왼쪽르코르뷔지에의 300 만명의도시, 주요도로에서본도시의모습

Central Place Theory Water Christaller 한지역의중심지기능의수행정도는그지역의인구규모에비례 중심지역을둘러싼배후지역에대해다양한상품과서비스를제공하고교환의편의를제공 41

Concentric Zone / Sector / Multiple Nuclei model The City / Burgess, Park, McKenzie

Morphology Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter Collage City 43

Morphology Quantum City

Morphology Aldo Rossi / The Architecture of the City 45

Morphology Aldo Rossi / The Architecture of the City Aldo Rossi, Citta Analoga, 1976 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/citadel_of_erbil 46

Morphology 강창우, 양승우 ( 서울시립대 ), 2013. 일제강점기경성동북부도시조직변화과정연구 - 서울특별시종로구혜화동을중심으로, 서울학연구

Edmund Bacon Design of Cities 48

Edmund Bacon

Edmund Bacon

Edmund Bacon

Edmund Bacon

Edmund Bacon 중세시대 르네상스도시디자인이후, Michelangelo

Edmund Bacon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/citadel_of_erbil 54

Geoffrey Broadbent Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design 55

Geoffrey Broadbent Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design

Geoffrey Broadbent Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design The Rationalists Rationalism, France Rene Descartes The Empiricists Empiricism, England Francis Bacon Philosophy, music, literature, art, aesthetics, architecture 57

Geoffrey Broadbent Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design The Rationalists 합리주의자들 Laugier 로지에 - Architectural theorist, chaplain of the French Church - Methodology of Natural Science and Isaac Newton Isaac Newton's - Claiming to borrow ideas to build the true principles of architecture 58

Geoffrey Broadbent Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design The Rationalists 합리주의자들 Laugier 로지에 - It was concluded that the temple of the Greek Doric style was the closest to the essential architecture in terms of form. Parthenon source: https://namu.wiki/ 59

Geoffrey Broadbent Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design Periodic patterns of rationalism and empiricism From the ancient times, we can see a continuous, periodic pattern of rationalism and empiricism. 고대 합리주의전통 - 고전적성격 - 정형적형태 경험주의전통 - 낭만적성격 - 유기적형태 중세 르네상스 18 세기 근대 탈근대 60

Modernism 모더니즘 61

Modernism 모더니즘 Plan Voisin, 1925 (paris, paper, not realized)

The Rationalism 합리주의, 프랑스 The Empiricism 경험주의, 영국 Versailles Gardens 출처 : Penelope Hobhouse, 2015. 서양정원사 Stourhead Gardens 출처 : www.britainexpress.com 63

The Rationalism 합리주의, 프랑스 The Empiricism 경험주의, 영국 Versailles Gardens 주소 : Place d'armes, 78000 Versailles( 파리에서부터 16km) 출처 : www.google.co.kr/maps Stourhead Gardens 주소 : 영국 BA12 6QF 워민스터스터틴 ( 런던에서부터 160km) 출처 : www.google.co.kr/maps 64

Neo Rationalist Robert Krier Urban Space Robert Krier, Stadtsraum in Theories und Praxis (Theory and Practice of Urban Space), 1975 Urban space is defined as 'covering all types of space between buildings and buildings in the city and its area' Planar analysis of major urban spaces in Europe Rob Krier, 1979, Urban Space. http://robkrier.de/ Robert Krier http://architectureandurbanism.blog spot.kr/2011/03/rob-krier-urbanspace-1979.html 65

Neo Rationalist Robert Krier Urban Space A city consists essentially of a city space shaped like a landscape, a square, or other open space. Essentially, it is divided into main, rectangular, circular, and triangular shapes. 사각형의도시공간원형의도시공간삼각형의도시공간 Krier, R., 1975, Stadtraum in Theories und Praxis 66

Neo Rationalist Robert Krier Urban Space The three main forms are either compromised Each is twisted or split, added to or penetrated into other forms, overlapped or excluded Earth, roads, walls, arcades, colonnade, compromise on the environment 도시공간의유형 Krier, R., 1975, Stadtraum in Theories und 67

Neo Rationalist Robert Krier Urban Space The streets and squares of the city are determined by the buildings, ie the façade The facades take the form of various elevations and sections. Analyze the physical form of a city by the concept of plane, elevation, and section type for urban space 단면의유형 Krier, R., 1975, Stadtraum in Theories und Praxis 입면의유형 68

Neo Rationalist La Tendenza: Architectures Italiennes 1965-85 La Tendenza: architectures italiennes 1965-1985-Frédéric Migayrou https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/architecture/case-studies/2012/jun/la-tendenzaarchitectures-italiennes-1965-1985-fr%c3%a9d%c3%a9ric-migayrou

Neo Rationalist 18 세기합리주의 ( 계몽주의 ) http://m.blog.naver.com/justinceo/220091867358 근대적합리주의 ( 과학적, 기능적 ) http://www.wikitree.co.kr/main/news_view.php?id=115131 신합리주의 https://archiobjects.org/aldorossi-theoretical-architecture/ 70

Neo Empiricist Gorden Cullen "It is the contrast and juxtaposition that adds new joy and excitement to the experience in a series of changing scenes of cityscapes. It is not only the present scene that has already been revealed in every moment, There is. " The Concise Townscape (1971)


CNU Congress for New Urbanism Charter for New Urbanism

CNU Congress for New Urbanism https://www.mparchitects.com/site/sites/default/files/styles/news_recognitio n/public/images/river-north-07_0.jpg?itok=zmt7snc5

CNU Congress for New Urbanism Neighborhood Unit

an interpretation of the neighborhood unit created by Farr Associates, Architecture and Urban Design.

CNU Congress for New Urbanism Washington

CNU Congress for New Urbanism

CNU Congress for New Urbanism TOD / Peter Calthorpe

Neiborhood Unit 황희돈, 김찬호 ( 중앙대 ), 2008. 신도시근린생활권계획기준에관한연구, 국토계획.

Neiborhood Unit Honorable mention for international idea competiition for Sejong city, Undurraga Cristian_Chile Honorable mention for international idea competiition for Sejong city, Sumiya Mamoru_Japan - Each circle shows each independent neighborhood

TOD 이정형 ( 중앙대 ), 김혜련, 황두영, 2013. 미국포틀랜드시도심부재생에있어 TOD 전략에의한도시설계수법에관한연구

Charles Waldheim Landscape as Urbanism

Charles Waldheim Landscape as Urbanism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/citadel_of_erbil 85

Landscape Urbanism 김영민, 2014. 랜드스케이프어바니즘의도시설계안에서나타나는개념과전략, 도시설계