2)., Isaac Watts' Re interpretation of the Psalter for Worship, 15 (2008), ) Mark Noll, The Defining Role of Hymns in Early Evangelicalism, Rich

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5),, 68 (2010 4 15 ), 89. Harry Stout 1 George Whitefield (Celebrity) (pulpit). Harry Stout, Divine Dramatist: George Whitefield and the Rise of Modern Evangelicalism (Grand Rapids: Eerdman, 1991). 6) CCM Billboard Chart Grammy Award New Age.. ( ) New Age.

7) (Roy Shuker)/,, ( :, 1999), 308. 8) CCM., CCM ( :, 2000). 9) Heather Hendershot, Shaking the World for Jesus (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004), 79.

10), R. Garofalo, Rocking Out: Popular Music in the USA (Needham Heights, MA, Allyn & Bacon, 1997), ( :, 2006). Thomas Dorsey 1916., Precious Lord, Take My Hand ( ),. 11) Shuker,, 33 34.

12) (Simon Frith),,,, /, ( :, 2005), 69.

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15) D. Hebdige, Subculture: The Meaning of Style (London: Methuen, 1979), 132. 16),, ( :, 2003), 7 8.,,. 17), ( :, 2006), 39.

18) Tom Beaudoin, Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1998), 27. 19) Tim Celekk and Dieter Zander, Inside the Soul of a New Generation (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996), 31; Andrew Careaga, eministry (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2001), 60. 1990, (pragmatic), P., P ( :, 2006). 20) R. Middleton, Studying Popular Music (Milton Keynes: Open University Press,

1990), 161. 21),, ( : ), 17. 22), CCM, 603 608.

23) Theodore Adorno W., On the fetish character in music and the regression of listing, J. M. Bernstein (ed.), The Cultural Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture (New York: Routldege, 1991); Theodore Adorno W., On Popular Music, Simon Frith and Andrew Goodwin (eds.) On Record (New York: Routldege, 1990). 24),, 18.

25) 1990. Christian Smith Randall Balmer,. (behavioral standards).,, 50 (2009 5 25 ): 35 36. Randall Balmer, Blessed Assurance: A History of Evangelicalism in America (Boston: Beacon Press, 1999), 69; Christian Smith, American Evangelicalism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 118.

2. CCM 26) S. Thornton, Club Cultures: Music, Media, and Subcultural Capital (London: Polity Press, 1995), 3.

27) (Paul Theberge), :,, 63. 28), 33 65.

29),, : ( :, 2003), 168. 1980 4. 30) CCM.,,,,,,,..

31) William Romanowski, Evangelicals and Popular Music, Bruce Forbes and Jeffrey Mahan (eds.), Religion and Popular Culture in America (Berkely, CA: University of Califoria Press, 2000), 105. 32) 1980 Michael W. Smith Amy Grant, Stryper, (Sandi Patty, Michael Card, Steve Green ) (Maranatha Hosanna Integrity) CCM. 33), 1970,

, 160 163. 34), CCM, 582 595.

III. CCM 1. (1980 1990) 35), CCM,, ( :, 2010), 201.. 36).

37),,. CCM. 1 1986. 1.,,, (Singer and Songwriter) (Producer), 1990 (,,, ). CCM.,.,..

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40) 1990,, 6 7. 41),, 184 186.

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51) Delirious, Sonic Flood, Darlene Zschech, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, Tim Hugues.

IV. : CCM 52).,,, 227 256. 53), CCMer.com. CCM.

첫째 운동은게토화를극복하고보다탁월하고신선한음악적역량을키워가야한다 54) Heather Hendershot, Shaking the World for Jesus, 3 8.

55),,, vol. 212 (2007. 02): 60 67. 56) 2004 CCM U2. U2,.,, U2 ( : IVP, 2011). 57),,, 45.

둘째 운동은이시대에깊고다양한기독교세계관을담은메시지의통로여야한다 58), 54. 59), CCM, 215 216. 60) /, ( :, 2006), 43.

61) /,,, ( : IVP, 2004), 115 116. 62) /, ( :, 2005), 31. 63),,, 252.

셋째 운동은상업주의를경계하고 청년들이주도하는문화적대안이되어야한다 64), 250 251. 65). CCM 7080.,,. CCM.

66),, 264 265. 67).,.,,,,,,., : ( :, 2005), 8, 89. 68), : 10 ( :, 2006), 10 16.

주제어,,,, CCM (Contemporary Christian Music), Youth generation, Subculture, Popular Music, Evangelicalism.

.,. :, 2006... :, 2006... :, 2003.. : 10. :, 2006... :, 1994.. CCM. :, 2000... 18 (2007. 12)... :, 2010,.. 50 (2009. 5).. :. :, 2005.,. :. :, 2003..,. :, 2003.. P. :, 2006..,. 212 (2007. 2).. Isaac Watts' Re interpretation of the Psalter for Worship. 15 (2008)... :, 2006. Balmer, Randall. Blessed Assurance: A History of Evangelicalism in America.

Boston: Beacon Press, 1999. Beaudoin, Tom. Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1998. Bernstein, J. M. (ed.). The Cultural Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture. New York: Routldege, 1991. Dayton, Donald and Robert Johnston (eds.), The Variety of American Evangelicalism. Downers Grove: IVP, 1991. Forbes, Bruce and Marhan, Jeffrey (eds.), Religion and Popular Culture in America. Berkely, CA: University of California Press, 2000 Frith, Simon, Will Straw, John Street (eds.)/.. :, 2005. Frith, Simon and Andrew Goodwin (eds.). On Record. New York: Routldege, 1990. Garofalo, R. Rocking Out: Popular Music in the USA. Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon, 1997. Hebdige, D. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London: Methuen, 1979. Hendershot, Heather. Shaking the World for Jesus: Media and Conservative Evangelical Culture. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004) Hughes, Tim/.. :, 2005. Longhurst, Brian/.. :, 1999. Middleton, R. Studying Popular Music. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1990. Mouw, Richard and Noll, Mark (eds.), Wonderful Words of Life: Hymns in American Protestant History and Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004. Powel, Mark A. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2002. Romanowski, William/.,,. :

IVP, 2004. Redman, Matt/.. :, 2006. Schultze, Quentin. American Evangelicals and Mass Media. Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1990. Shuker, Roy/,.. :, 1999. Thornton, S. Club Cultures: Music, Media, and Subcultural Capital. London: Polity Press, 1995. Washburn, Kim/, U2. : IVP, 2011.

Abstract CCM movement and Evangelical Youth Subculture in Korea (1980 2010) Young Hoon Yoon Myongji University (Seoul, Korea) In the context of Korea, CCM(Contemporary Christian Music) was born as a evangelical youth subculture, which has been distinguished their own music style and culture from that of the older generation. Also, CCM has been aimed for a renewal of worship and Christian mission. Although the evangelical youngsters made a tension with the adults in the church, mainly for its secular style, CCM culture has been accepted by the most church during the last two decades. It was possible for a effective ministerial purpose rather than a theological acceptance. At the same time, CCM ministers began to concern deeply about what the true worship is in our days. In this sense, CCM was both revival and renewal movement led by younger generation. The future direction of CCM should be developed from the past footsteps, with emphasizing both aesthetical excellence and matured worldview in the contemporary society and culture.
