난면 Nanmyeon Modern Tradition : Noodles by 스와니예 SOIGNÉ 보자기비빔밥세트 ( 점심 ) Bojagi Bibimbap Set(lunch) Bibimbap Set Wrapped by Omelet(lunch) by 꽃, 밥에피다 Flow

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목원 한국화- 북경전을 준비하며 지난해부터 시작 된 한국의 목원대학교 한국화 전공의 해외미술체험은 제자와 스승의 동행 속에서 미술가로 성장하는 학생들의 지식에 샘을 채워주는 장학사업으로 진행되고 있으며, 한국의 우수한 창작인력 양성을 위해, 배움을 서로 나누는 스승들의

274 한국문화 73


step 1-1

한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구



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난면 Nanmyeon Modern Tradition : Noodles by 스와니예 SOIGNÉ 보자기비빔밥세트 ( 점심 ) Bojagi Bibimbap Set(lunch) Bibimbap Set Wrapped by Omelet(lunch) by 꽃, 밥에피다 Flowers blooms on Rice

한식진흥원 Korean Food Promotion Institute 한식진흥원은한식및한식산업의진흥과관련산업의경쟁력강화를통하여국민의삶의질향상과국가경제발전에기여함을목적으로설립된농림축산식품부산하의공공기관으로, 정부의한식정책을총괄집행하고있는국내유일의한식전문공공기관이다. 목차 CONTENTS The Korean Food Promotion Institute, affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, was established to contribute to the improvement of people s quality of life and the nation s economic development through the promotion of hansik(korean food) and the reinforcement of the competence of its related industries. It is Korea s only public organization dedicated to hansik, in charge of the implementation of the government s hansik policy. 종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 용산구 Yongsan-gu 06 23 마포구 서대문구 Mapo-gu Seodaemun-gu 31 본책자는 2016~2017 월드한식페스티벌 (World Hansik Festival) 일환으로진행된코리아고메 (Korea Gourmet) 참여한식당및 2017~2018 미쉐린가이드 (Michelin Guide) 서울편에포함된한식당을중심으로구성하였으며, 2018 평창동계올림픽계기방한하는외국인을위하여제작되었습니다. Our recommendations within this guide bring you a selection of the best 100 Korean restaurants across Seoul, which have participated in 2016~2017 Korea Gourmet as a part of World Hansik Festival or have been selected on 2017~2018 Michelin Guide Seoul. We hope this guide to help all visitors coming to Korea with 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games enjoy the Korean food to the fullest. 강남구 Gangnam-gu 기타지역 OTHER AREAS 전통시장 KOREAN TRADITIONAL MARKET 인덱스및지도 INDEX & MAP 39 53 60 62 2018 평창동계올림픽계기개발한세계인을위한한식메뉴 10선 KOREAN FOOD FOR 2018 PYEONGCHANG WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES 64

6 청국장어회 Cheonggukjangeohoe Seasonal Raw Fish with Caviar by 두레유 DOOREYOO

종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 01. CASUAL 02. PREMIUM 03. Premium 04. Premium 개성만두궁 Gaeseongmandu Goong 고상 GOSANG 꽃, 밥에피다 Flowers blooms on Rice 두레유 DOOREYOO 1970 년개성출신의할머니가시작하여현재손녀가운영중인개성만두전문점. 단아한한옥에서건강한음식의맛을즐길수있다. This Gaeseong-style dumpling house was opened in 1970 by an elderly lady who came from Gaeseong and is now run by her granddaughter. It offers hearty and healthy dumpling dishes. 고려시대에서기원한사찰음식을현대인의입맛에맞게재해석한요리를선보인다. This restaurant offers dishes that have their roots in the temple cuisine of the Goryeo Dynasty but with a modern twist to satiate the palate of today s epicures. 친환경재료와전통장류로지은건강한밥상을낸다. 텃밭에서수확한재료로구성한코스, 단품, 술안주를즐길수있다. A healthy meal made with eco-friendly ingredients and traditional fermented condiments can be enjoyed here. The menu includes course meals, a la carte items, and dishes to pair with liquors. 북촌한옥마을에위치한유현수오너셰프의한식파인다이닝. 전통발효장과제철재료를활용해셰프의이름을내건한식을선보인다. Chef Yoo Hyeon Soo s fine dining A delicately curated course is offered using jang and seasonal ingredients. 개성만두국 Gaeseong Mandutguk Gaeseong Dumpling Soup 연잎우엉잡채와오색연꽃 Yeonnip Ueongjapchae Burdock Root Noodles and Vegetables, Lotus 보자기비빔밥세트 ( 점심 ) Bojagi Bibimbap Set(lunch) Bibimbap Set Wrapped by Omelet(lunch) 청국장어회 Cheonggukjangeohoe Seasonal Raw Fish with Caviar A 종로구인사동 10 길 11-3 / 11-3, Insadong 10-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-733-9240 H 11:30-21:30 A 중구을지로 5 길센터원지하 2 층 / B2, CENTER1, 26, Eulji-ro 5-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-6030-8955 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 토 일 공휴일 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:00, 예약필수 / Sun Holiday 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:00, Reservations required A 종로구인사동 16 길 3-6 / 3-6, Insadong 16-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-732-0276 H 12:00-15:00 (L.O. 14:00), 18:00-22:00 (L.O. 14:00), 일요일휴무 / A 종로구북촌로 65 / 65, Bukchon-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-743-2468 H 11:30-15:00, 18:30-22:30

종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 05. PREMIUM 06. CASUAL 07. PREMIUM 08. PREMIUM 라연 Ra Yeon 명동교자 MYEONGDONG KYOJA 무궁화 MUGUNGHWA 발우공양 Balwoo Gongyang 품격있는한식정찬을소개하는라연은전통한식을현대적인조리법으로세련되게표현해낸메뉴에와인을조합하여즐길수있다. La Yeon offers elegant full-course meals of traditional Korean cuisine reinterpreted in a sophisticated fashion with contemporary touches. It also boasts an extensive wine list. 1966년에개점한명동교자는전통조리법을존중하는칼국수전문점이다. 대표메뉴인만두와칼국수를합리적인가격에제공한다. Myeongdong Kyoja first opened in 1966 and specializes in Korean noodle prepared following its timehonored recipe. Its signature dishes of kalguksu and dumplings are offered at affordable prices. 전통과현대가공존하는우아한한식다이닝으로조선시대반가요리에서영감을받아현대적으로풀어낸한식요리를선보인다. This fine-dining Korean restaurant serves elegant dishes inspired by the culinary traditions of the nobility of the Joseon Dynasty and accentuated with a contemporary twist. 대한불교조계종에서운영하고있는사찰음식전문레스토랑으로전통사찰음식문화를함께경험할수있다. This restaurant operated by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, is dedicated to temple cuisine and offers the opportunity to expe rience traditional Buddhist culinary culture. 문어냉채 Muneonaengchae Chilled Octopus Salad 만두 Mandu Dumplings 구절판 Gujeolpan Platter of Nine Delicacies 연과채와연잎삼색찜 Yeongwachae and Yeonnipsamsaekjjim Pickled Lotus and Steamed Lotus Root A 중구동호로 249 신라호텔 23 층 / 249, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-2230-3367 H 12:00-14:30 (L.O. 14:00), 18:00-22:00 (L.O. 21:30) A 중구명동 10 길 29 / 29, Myeongdong 10-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-776-5348 H 10:30-21:30 A 중구을지로 30, 롯데호텔 38 층 / 38th floor on Lotte Hotel, 30, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-317-7061 H 11:30-14:30 (L.O. 14:00), 18:00-22:00 (L.O. 21:30) A 종로구세종대로 175 세종문화회관지하 1 층 / B1, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, 175, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-733-3276 H 11:30-14:30, 17:30-22:00

종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 09. CASUAL 11. PREMIUM 12. Modern 13. PREMIUM 부촌육회 Buchon Yukhoe 산내리한정식 sanneri restaurant 서울다이닝 SEOUL DINING 석파랑 seokparang 광장시장육회골목에 1965 년부터자리잡고있다. 매일공급되는신선한국내산육우를사용한다. This Korean-style beef tartare specialist has continued to serve yukhoe enthusiasts on the Gwangjang Market. It only uses fresh beef procured everyday from local stock farms to ensure the savory flavor. A 종로구종로 200-12 / 200-12, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-2267-1831 10. CASUAL 북막골 bukmakgol 1백년된고즈넉한한옥에서직접담근발효장과소스로맛을낸정갈한한정식을코스로즐긴다. Hanjeongsik(Korean haute cuisine), perfected with jang made in house, is offered in courses in a 100-yearold, atmospheric hanok(traditional Korean house). 김진래셰프가 서울스타일 의요리를만들어가는곳. 새롭고도편안한서울의맛을담아낸다. Chef Kim Jin-rae presents dishes reminiscent of longstanding favorites of Seoul cuisine, such as Iberico pork steak seasoned with soy sauce inspired by Mapo grilled spare ribs. 유형문화재 23호로지정된별당과함께한국문화유산의아름다운기품을보여주는공간으로궁중한정식을전문으로하는레스토랑이다. This fine-dining restaurant specializing in the royal court cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty is seated in front of Seokpajeong s Byeoldang(Seoul City Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 23). 구석기갈비 라는이름처럼큼지막한뼈에두툼한고기가붙어있는소갈비와돼지고기보쌈을전문으로한다. In line with its identity as a specialist in rib dishes a la the Stone Age, this restaurant serves large chops of chunky bone-in beef ribs as well as bossam (boiled pork slices). A 종로구삼청로 124-6 / 124-6, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-730-0980 신선로 Sinseollo Royal Hot Pot A 종로구인사동 6 길 13 / 13, Insadong 6-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-736-2233 H 12:00-13:30, 17:30-20:00 전복리소토 Jeonbok Risotto Abalone Risotto A 중구동호로 272 웰콤시티 2 층 / 2nd floor of Welcome City, 272, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-6325-6321 H 11:30-16:00, 18:00-23:00, 일 월요일휴무 / Closed on Mon Sundays 구절판 Gujeolpan Platter of Nine Delicacies A 종로구자하문로 309 / 309, Jahamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-395-2500 H 12:00-22:00

종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 14. Premium 15. Premium 16. PREMIUM 17. PREMIUM 설가온 SEOULGAON 소선재 sosonjae 시 화 담 SI WHA DAM 아리랑 ARIRANG 한국의전통미를살린공간에서한국적인맛과멋을낸전통한식을정갈하게즐길수있다. Diners can enjoy traditional Korean cuisine highlighted by different fermented foods and artfully arranged in courses in an atmospheric space appointed with wood and traditional patterns. 한옥에서가정식과한식코스를즐길수있는곳. 직접담은효소와된장을사용해소박하면서도특별한맛을낸다. Simple but healthy meals and lavish courses are offered in a cozy hanok. House-cured fruit and vegetable extracts and doenjang are the keys to Sosonjae s distinctive flavors. 시 ( 詩 ) 와그림 ( 畵 ), 이야기 ( 談 ) 의감동이흐르는모던한식레스토랑. A Modern Korean restaurant that offers foods inspired by poems and artworks and designed to communicate stories of their own. 참숯을이용해구워내는불고기, 갈비, 안창살, 살치살, 차돌박이, 안심등다양한부위의한우와한우요리를제공하는곳이다. Arirang is celebrated for its char-grilled Korean beef, such as bulgogi, galbi(ribs), anchangsal (thin skirt), salchisal(chuck flap tail), chadolbagi(brisket), and ansim(tenderloin). 신선로와연잎밥 Sinseollo and Yeonnipbap Royal Hot Pot and Rice with Lotus Leaves 장아찌보쌈 Jangajjibossam Napa Wraps with Pork and Pickled Vegetables 염전에흩날리는바람, 꽃소금을그릇에담다 Plate of Blowing Wind from Salt Ponds, and The Kosher Salt 아리랑숯불왕생갈비 Arirang Sutbul Wangsaenggalbi Charcoal-grilled Beef Ribs A 종로구세종대로 175 지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor, 175, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-733-3276 H 11:00-14:30, 17:00-22:00 A 종로구삼청로 113-1 / 113-1, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-730-7002 H 11:30-15:00, 17:20-21:00 A 종로구인사동길 13 / 13, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-738-8855 H 11:30-15:00, 18:00-22:00 A 중구남대문로 7 길 23 / 23, Namdaemun-ro 7-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-752-1342 H 11:30-23:30 (L.O. 23:00)

종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 18. Premium 19. CASUAL 20. PREMIUM 21. PREMIUM 안뜨레 Entree 용금옥 yongkeumok 용수산 YONGSUSAN 우래옥 Woo Lae Oak 그랜드앰배서더서울풀만의첫한식당금수장의명성을이어올해 20년만에새롭게오픈한컨템퍼러리코리안다이닝레스토랑. Grand Ambassador Seoul-associated Pullman Hotel opened the new contemporary Korean dining restaurant 20 years after the closure of its first Korean restaurant Geumsujang to restore its heritage. 84년전통의추어탕전문점으로서울식통추어탕과삶은미꾸라지를갈아넣은남도식추어탕두종류를제공한다. Yongkeumok is a longstanding chueotang specialist that first opened 84 years ago. This restaurant serves both the Seoul version made with whole loaches and the Jeolla-do version made with loaches boiled and sieved. 서울시내에서쉽게느낄수없는조용한분위기와아름다운경관을자랑하며구절판과개성나물, 개성식보쌈김치가대표메뉴이다. Yongsusan is one of the most atmospheric restaurants in Seoul where visitors can enjoy picturesque scenery in a tranquil space. Its signature dishes include gujeolpan with namul. 서울시내최고의평양식냉면전문점중하나로손꼽히는우래옥은 1946년개업한이래로꾸준히전통의맛을이어오고있다. Uraeok is touted by many as one of the best Pyeongyang naengmyeon (buckwheat noodles served in cold meaty broth) makers in Seoul and has unwaveringly adhered to its original recipes since its inception in 1946. 금수장비빔밥 Geumsujang Bibimbap Beef Tartare Bibimbap 추어탕 Chueotang Loach Soup 한우등심구이 Hanwoo Deungsimgui Grilled Korean Beef Sirloin 냉면 Naengmyeon Buckwheat Noodles A 중구동호로 287 / 287, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-2270-3131 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 A 종로구자하문로 41-2 / 41-2, Jahamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-777-4749 H 11:00-22:00, 주말 공휴일 11:00-20:00 / Weekends Holidays 11:00-20:00 A 종로구창덕궁 1 길 2 / 2, Changdeokgung 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-743-5999 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 A 중구창경궁로 62-29 / 62-29, Changgyeonggung-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-2265-0151 H 11:30-21:30, 월요일휴무 / Closed on Mondays

종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 22. Modern 23. PREMIUM 24. CASUAL 25. Casual 월향 Wolhyang 윤가명가 YUNGA MYUNGGA 이문설농탕 imun-seolnongtang 이식당 Leesikdang 호텔28 명동에자리한현대식주점. 전통한식부터재해석한한식까지흥미로운요리를술과즐길수있다. Wolhyang is now housed in Hotel 28 in Myeong-dong. It serves up traditional Korean dishes as well as interesting reinterpretations of hansik and offers an extensive selection of Korean liquors. 양 한방협진병원등병의원운영경력을지닌윤경숙셰프가운영하는곳으로한방재료를폭넓게사용한전통한식을선보인다. A restaurant operated by Chef Yun Kyung-sook who managed a western & oriental medicine hospital and known for its use of diverse Oriental herbs. 한국첫음식점으로공식등록되어 100 년이넘는역사를자랑한다. 지금도개업당시의이름으로운영중이다. Imun Seollongtang was the nation s first establishment to be officially registered as a restaurant and boasts over 100 years of tradition. 우둔살, 양지, 내장까지소의다양한부위로만든요리를즐길수있다. 직접달인간장으로맛을낸다. Dishes utilizing a variety of beef cuts from rump to brisket and tripe are available here. 궁중잣즙무침 Gungjung Jatjeup Muchim Shrimp Salad with Pine Nut Juice 전유화 Jeonyuhwa Pan-fried Korean Delicacies 설농탕 Seollongtang Ox Bone Soup 한우육전 Hanwoo Yukjeon Pan-fried Battered Korean Beef A 중구명동 7 길 13 호텔 28 6 층 / 6th floor of Hotel 28, 13, Myeongdong 7-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-318-9765. H 11:30-15:00, 17:00-24:00 A 중구남대문로 73 에비뉴엘 9 층 / 9F, 73, Namdaemun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-2118-6227 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 백화점정기휴점일휴무, 예약필수 / Closed on the department store holidays, Reservations required A 종로구우정국로 38-13 / 38-13, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-733-6526 H 08:00-21:00, 일요일 08:00-20:00 / Sun 08:00-20:00 A 종로구평창동평창문화로 94 1 층 / 1st floor, 94, Pyeongchangmunhwa-ro, Pyeongchang-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-379-3551 H 12:00-16:00,16:00-24:00, 월요일휴무 / Closed on Mondays

종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 26. Casual 27. CASUAL 28. PREMIUM 29. Casual 익선반주 iksun banjoo 자하손만두 jaha-sonmandu 지화자 JIHWAJA 7017 서울화반 7017 Seoul Bibimbap 아늑한한옥에서반주하기좋은곳. 인덕션내장테이블로식사마지막까지온기있는음식을즐길수있다. A variety of hansik dishes, which pair well with liquors, are offered in an atmospheric hanok(traditional Korean house). Each table has a built-in induction range so that dishes stay warm throughout the meal. 직접만든조선간장으로간을한슴슴한국물이특징인손만두전문점. 인왕산을한눈에담을수있는부암동에위치해있다. The dumpling soup, one of its signature dishes, is famous for the broth mildly seasoned with ganjang also made from scratch. 국가중요무형문화재 38호제2대조선왕조궁중음식기능보유자로부터전수받은한국전통음식과식문화를계승하고있다. The chef is the purveyor of traditional Korean culinary techniques and art handed down by the 2nd generation artisan of Joseon Wangjo Gungjung Eumsik. 서울 7017 만리동광장에위치한비빔밥전문점. 서울시명예셰프 10 명이릴레이로선보이는특별한비빔밥도만나볼수있다. A bibimbap specialist located at Seoullo 7017. Ten honorary chefs of the of Seoul take turns presenting a specially designed bibimbap here. 황태구이정식 Hwangtaegui Jeongsik Grilled Dried Pollack Table d hote 만두국 Mandutguk Dumpling Soup 신선로 Sinseollo Royal Hot Pot 산채나물비빔밥 Sanchaenamul Bibimbap Wild Vegetable Bibimbap A 종로구돈화문로11다길 31 / 31, Donhwamun-ro 11da-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-529-3979 H 12:00-15:00, 17:00-22:00, 월요일휴무 / Closed on Mondays A 종로구백석동길 12 / 12, Baekseokdong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-379-2648 H 11:00-21:30 A 종로구자하문로 125 / 125, Jahamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-2269-5834 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:30, 화요일휴무 / Closed on Tuesdays A 중구만리동 1 가 15-3 / 15-3, Malli-dong 1-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-312-1697 H 11:30-22:00 (L.O. 21:00)

종로구 중구 30. Premium 31. CASUAL 페스타다이닝 Festa Dining 필동면옥 pildong myeonok 서울에서손꼽히는평양냉면전문점중하나로오랜세월많은애호가들에게사랑받아왔다. 은은한육수의감칠맛이일품이다. 반얀트리클럽앤스파서울의강레오셰프가철학을담은한식을선보인다. A contemporary Korean restaurant located within Banyan Tree Club & Spa Seoul. Chef Kang Leo presents creative Korean cuisine modernized yet true to tradition using fresh ingredients sourced from different corners of the country and mirroring the spirit of culinary artisans. Pildongmyeonok is one of Seoul s leading Pyeongyang naengmyeon makers, which has been adored by many naengmyeong enthusiasts. A 중구서애로 26 / 26, Seoae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-2266-2611 32. CAUSAL 황생가칼국수 hwangsanga kalguksoo 남산한우갈비찜과송화버섯 Hanwoo Galbijjim and Songhwa Braised Short Ribs and Songhwa Mushroom A 중구장충단로 60 / 60, Jangchundan-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul T 02-2250-8170 H 11:30-15:00, 18:00-22:00 부드러운칼국수면과깊은사골육수의맛이일품인칼국수전문점. 옛날식수육과여름한철제공되는콩국수도별미이다. This kalguksu specialist is much celebrated for its tender hand-kneaded noodles and savory broth long-boiled with beef leg bones. A 종로구북촌로 5 길 78 / 78, Bukchon-ro 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul T 02-739-6334 1

용산구 Yongsan-gu 33. CASUAL 34. Premium 35. Modern 36. Modern 916 솜씨 916SOMSI 모이 moi 미쉬매쉬 Mishmash 빠르크 Parc 합리적인가격으로다양한주류와장으로맛을낸한식을함께즐길수있는아지트같은공간. A restaurant tucked away in a speakeasy-like space, which offers a wide range of Korean dishes spiced up with quality jang and an impressive list of reasonably-priced drinks. 정갈한일품향토요리와반찬을유기그릇에담아내한국의단아한스타일을살린한식요리주점이다. Elaborately crafted a la carte items and small dishes are featured here. All dishes are served in traditional brass vessels, delivering the pub s focus on the elegance of Korean culinary culture. 한국계덴마크인윈드민지김셰프가전통한식에유러피안스타일을접목시킨새로운모습의모던한식레스토랑이다. Korean-Danish chef Wind Min Ji Kim presents creative dishes inspired by traditional Korean cuisine with exhilarating twists. 엄마가차려주는정갈한한식밥상을모토로하는곳. 신선한채소를건강하게조리한반상차림을맛볼수있다. Each dish, as well as the rice, is made with utmost care and neatly presented to deliver the warmth of a homecooked meal. The menu changes each season to showcase seasonal ingredients. 오다리볶음밥 Odari Bokkeumbap Fried Rice with Squid 간장게장 Ganjanggejang Soy Sauce Marinated Crab 삼계요리 Samgye Yori Ginseng Chicken Soup 7 나물반상 7 Namul Bansang 7 Arrays of Side Dishes Served with Rice A 용산구독서당로 116 / 116, Dokseodang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-790-1142 H 11:30-23:00 A 용산구한남대로 18 길 34 2 층 / 34, Hannam-daero 18-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-790-7784 H 11:30-14:30, 17:00-01:00 A 용산구이태원로 55 가길 21 / 21, Itaewon-ro 55ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-6465-2211 H 11:30-15:00, 18:00-22:00 A 용산구이태원로 55 가길 26-5 / 26-5, Itaewon-ro 55ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-792-2022 H 11:30-15:30, 17:30-22:00, 금 토 11:30-15:30, 17:30-23:00, 월요일휴무 / Fri Sat -23:00, Closed on Mondays

용산구 Yongsan-gu 37. Casual 38. Modern 39. Modern 40. MODERN 솜씨 SOMMSI 수퍼판 SUPER PAN 아미월 amimoon 안씨막걸리 Mr.Ahn's Makgeolli 세련된담음새로한식을모던하게풀어내는레스토랑이다. 매일공급받는신선한식재료로조리한다. This sophisticated spot boasts tempting presentation and a unique mix of different ingredients. Fresh ingredients are supplied every morning. 쿠킹클래스강사로요리솜씨를알린우정욱셰프의가정식레스토랑. 제철식재료의건강한맛을올린다. This restaurant serves homely and healthy foods. Chef s creations perfected with seasonal ingredients pleasantly stimulte the taste buds and provide comfort to the body. 한식문화도서 고명 을집필한유종하셰프가모던하게풀어낸전통한식코스요리를맛볼수있다. Chef Yu Jong-ha, who penned a book about gomyeong(garnish placed on top of food), presents a course meal that is an enchanting mix of traditions and trends. 21세기서울의세련된사람들이찾는한국술전문점이다. A specialist of Korean liquors visited by Seoul s 21st-century trendsetters. 명란마전 Myeongnanmajeon Grated and Pan-fried Yam with Spawn of a Pollack 육전과무나물생채 Yukjeon and Munamul Pan-fried Battered Beef and Radish Salad 우엉밀쌈 Ueongmilssam Burdock Spring Roll 강된장비빔밥 Gangdoenjang Bibimbap Soybean Paste Bibimbap A 용산구이촌로 65 가길 78 / 78, Ichon-ro 65ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-793-3888 H 11:30-15:00, 17:00-23:00 A 용산구이촌로 64 길 61 / 61, Ichon-ro 64-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-798-3848 H 11:15-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 일요일휴무 / A 용산구이촌로 54 길 17 지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor, 17, Ichon-ro 54-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-790-9001 H 11:30-15:00, 18:00-21:00, 월요일휴무 / Closed on Mondays A 용산구회나무로 13 가길 61 / 61, Hoenamu-ro 13ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 010-9965-5112 H 18:00-01:00, 금 토 18:00-02:00 / Fri Sat 18:00-02:00

용산구 Yongsan-gu 41. CASUAL 42. Casual 43. CASUAL 44. Casual 오근내닭갈비 ogeunnae-dakgalbi 은밀한밥상 Secret Table 일호식 Ilhochic 장꼬마 jangkkoma 춘천의옛이름인 오근내 를상호로사용하는서부이촌동의춘천식닭갈비전문점. 부드러우면서도탄력있는고기의식감이일품이다. Ogeunnae is the ancient name of the city of Chuncheon. As implied by its name, this restaurant located in Seobuichon-dong specializes in dakgalbi(spicy stir-fried chicken) a la Chuncheon. 제철식재료로모던한 1인반상차림을내는곳. 계절마다새로운메뉴를개발해선보인다. A set meal of rice and dishes made with seasonal ingredients is individually set out for each diner. The menu changes each season. 다양한제철식재료를활용한한식소반차림을선보인다. 화려하지않지만신선한기본재료로정갈하게차린메뉴를맛볼수있다. This casual restaurant offers different set meals of Korean cuisine, each served neatly in a tray. All meals are made with the freshest seasonal ingredients and presented in a simple. 옛궁중에서장을담당하는상궁을부르던말인 장꼬마마 에서따온상호명으로, 직접담근장으로만든요리를선보인다. The restaurant s name comes from jangkkomama, a title given to the court lady in charge of jang in the ancient royal court. It offers a variety of dishes cooked with house-made jang. 닭갈비 Dakgalbi Spicy Stir-fried Chicken 꽁치밥 Ggongchibap Rice with Saury 명란계란말이 Myeongnan Gyeranmari Rolled Omelet with Spawn of a Pollack 소불고기장아찌덮밥 Bulgogi Jangajji Deopbap Beef Bulgogi and Pickled Vegetables with Steamed Rice A 용산구이촌로 29 길 15 / 15, Ichon-ro 29-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-797-0131 H 12:00-01:00 A 용산구녹사평대로 32 길 9 / 9, Noksapyeong-daero 32-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-2254-0505 H 11:30-15:00, 17:00-22:00, 일요일휴무 / A 용산구한남대로 20 길 21-18 / 21-18, Hannam-daero 20-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-794-2648 H 11:00-22:00 A 용산구소월로 40 길 53 / 53, Sowol-ro 40-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 070-4153-6517 H 12:00-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 월요일휴무 / Closed on Mondays

용산구 45. Modern 초록바구니 chorokbaguni 46. MODERN 품 POOM SEOUL 마포구 서대문구 Mapo-gu Seodaemun-gu 자연이숨쉬는한정식이모토인레스토랑으로, 한정식코스중분자요리테크닉을적용한이색요리도맛볼수있다. The restaurant s creed is to serve Korean cuisine that exudes the breath of nature. Its hanjeongsik courses include innovative dishes that explore molecular gastronomy. 품격있는반가음식을현대식으로재해석한제철요리를메뉴로구성한다. 한국전통의맛을세련된담음새로표현하는곳. This restaurant specializes in the refined cuisine of the nobility of the Joseon Dynasty reinterpreted in a contemporary fashion and made with the freshest seasonal ingredients. 맛보기 5 가지 5 Matbogi 5 Assorted Appetizers 초선탕 Choseontang Shrimp Salad with Pine Nut Juice A 용산구이촌로 84 길 9-18 / 9-18, Ichon-ro 84-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-790-3421 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 일요일휴무 / A 용산구두텁바위로 60 길 49 3 층 / 3rd floor, 49, Duteopbawi-ro 60-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul T 02-777-9007 H 12:00-22:00, 일요일휴무 / 31

마포구 서대문구 Mapo-gu Seodaemun-gu 47. Modern 48. CASUAL 49. Casual 50. CASUAL 더담 Thedam 류지 ryuji 복덕방막걸리집 Makgeolli house BDB 빈의왈츠 bean s waltz 모던한실내에별실과테라스까지갖추고있어모임장소로제격인한식레스토랑. 현대적으로재해석한퓨전한식을선보인다. Thedam s cheery main hall, private rooms, and spacious terrace are perfect for meetings and gatherings. It offers enticing fusion hansik dishes that are a clever mix of culinary traditions and modern touches. 푸드스타일리스트출신의오너셰프류지현이갓지은솥밥을메인으로매일달라지는구성의정갈한반상을선보인다. This place is owned by food stylistturned-chef Ryu Ji-hyeon and offers an unpretentious yet smart meal comprising rice freshly cooked in a hot pot with accompaniments that change every day. 대부분의식재료를텃밭에서수확하며화학조미료를일절사용하지않은정갈한한식과엄선한막걸리를선보인다. Most ingredients are sourced from the restaurant s small garden and no artificial seasonings are used. It also offers a long list of makgeolli (unrefined rice wine) carefully selected by the owner. 뒤웅박고을 의전통장을활용해맛을낸구수한한식밥상을선보이는곳이다. This restaurant offers a hearty table of hansik spiced up with jang supplied by Dweeungbak Village, which is known for preserving and keeping true to traditional recipes. 등심떡말이 Deungsimtteokmali Pan-fired Short Rib Patties Roll with Grilled Rice Cake 차돌된장찌개 Chadoldoenjangjjigae Beef Brisket Soybean Paste Stew 복덕방인생육회 BokDeokBang s Yukhoe Beef Tartare 순두부찌개 Sundubujjigae Soft Bean Curd Stew A 마포구와우산로 29 길 44, 302 호 / #302, 44, Wausan-ro 29-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-335-0066 H 11:30-15:00, 17:00-22:00 A 마포구포은로 11 / MF, 317, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-338-9759 H 12:00-16:00, 17:00-21:00, 월요일휴무 / Closed on Mondays A 마포구포은로 8 길 5, 1 층 / 1st floor, 5, Poeun-ro 8-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 070-8864-1414 H 18:00-02:00, 금. 토 17:00-02:00, 일요일휴무 / Fri-Sat 17:00-02:00, A 마포구독막로 14 길 11 / 11, Dongmak-ro 14-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-324-0047 H 11:30-14:30, 18:00-24:00, 일요일휴무 /

마포구 서대문구 Mapo-gu Seodaemun-gu 51. Casual 52. Casual 53. Casual 54. Modern 산울림 1992 sanullim1992 수작반상 SUJAKBANSANG 숨은골목 Hiddenalley 썰 SSEOL 반상콘셉트의퓨전한식주점이다. 반상에소량의요리를 3-5가지씩구성해제공하며전통주도맛볼수있다. A pub serving fusion Korean cuisine set meals. Three to five dishes in small portions are presented on a traditional portable table as a set. It also offered traditional liquors. 직접담근장위주로음식의간을해식재료자체의맛을끌어내는가정식집. 식사메뉴뿐만아니라안주와주류도즐길수있다. The dishes are seasoned mainly with jang (traditional fermented condiments) and cooked to accentuate each ingredient s original flavors. There is long list of alcoholic beverages and plates to pair with them as well as hearty meals. 매일새벽노량진에서들여오는신선한제철식재료를사용한안주와지역양조장을찾아다니며엄선한한국술을제공한다. Seafood delivered from Seoul s largest fish market every morning are carefully selected and prepared to make exquisite dishes that pair well with Korean liquors sourced from acclaimed local mak ers across the country. 트렌디한레스토랑을연상시키는모던한요리주점이다. 한식을베이스로한독창적인요리에다채로운술을곁들일수있다. This modern gastronomic pub is closer to a trendy restaurant. Creative dishes based on Korean cuisine are offered with an extensive list of liquors. 수삼떡갈비 Susam Tteokgalbi Grilled Short Rib Patties with Fresh Ginseng 떡갈비 Tteokgalbi Grilled Short Rib Patties 수구레족편 Sugure Jokpyeon Cold Slices of Beef 산상 Sansang Korean Table d hote A 마포구서강로 9 길 60 / 60, Seogang-ro 9-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-334-0118 H 17:00-02:00, 일요일휴무 / A 마포구월드컵로 8 길 19 / 19, World Cup-ro 8-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-332-4069 H 11:30-15:30, 16:30-22:30, 일요일휴무 / A 마포구동교로 34 길 12 / 12, Donggyo-ro 34-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-323-4633 H 17:00-01:00, 일요일휴무 / A 마포구월드컵북로 6 길 81, 2 층 / 2nd floor, 81, World Cup buk-ro 6-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-6398-2064 H 18:00-24:00, 일요일휴무 /

마포구 서대문구 Mapo-gu Seodaemun-gu 55. Casual 56. CASUAL 57. Casual 58. CASUAL 얼쑤 earsu 역전회관 Yukjeon Hoegwan 오우 OU 옥동식 Okdongsik 40여종에이르는한국술과그에어울리는요리를내는한식주점이다. 고정메뉴와함께제철식재료로매달신메뉴를선보인다. Over 40 Korean liquors and dishes that pair well with them are offered at this pub. The menu changes every month reflecting seasonal ingredients, with some fixed popular dishes. 1962 년에문을연, 국물없이바삭하게먹는 바싹불고기 의원조식당이다. 달지않은양념과부드러운식감이인기있다. This restaurant, opened in 1962, is said to be the originator of bassak bulgogi (grilled bulgogi, unlike standard bulgogi which is pan-cooked in an abundance of marinade and broth). 아늑한분위기에서한국가정식을즐길수있다. 직접담근장과청정농산물만을사용하며 2-3일마다메뉴를변경한다. OU offers a diversity of Korean comfort foods perfected with house-made jang and fresh seasonal ingredients in a low-key, cozy space. The menu changes every two or three days. 돼지곰탕한가지메뉴를하루에 100 그릇만판매하는곰탕전문점으로, 방짜유기에밥과얇게썬고기를담고진한육수를부어낸다. Okdongsik only offers dwaeji gomtang (soup from pork meat and bones) and sells no more than 100 servings per day. The thoroughly boiled broth is poured over steamed white rice and thin pork slices daintily set in a large brass bowl. 명이보쌈 Myeongi Bossam Napa Wraps with Pork and Victory Onion 바싹불고기 Bassak Bulgogi Grilled Bulgogi 가을반상 : 박대구이와더덕초무침 Gaeul Bansang Korean Table d hote in Autumn 돼지곰탕 Dwaeji Gomtang Pork Soup A 마포구어울마당로 136-3, 2 층 / 2nd floor, 136-3, Eoulmadang-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-333-8897 H 18:00-01:00, 금. 토 18:00-02:00, 일요일휴무 / Fri.Sat 18:00-02:00, A 마포구토정로 37 길 47 / 47, Tojeong-ro 37-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-703-0019 H 11:00-15:00, 17:00-22:00, 토 일 11:00-15:00, 17:00-21:30 / Sat Sun 11:00-15:00, 17:00-21:30 A 마포구월드컵북로 6 길 26, 1 층 / 1st floor, 26, World Cup buk-ro 6-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-322-9605 H 11:30-15:30, 17:30-21:30 A 마포구양화로 7 길 44-10 / 44-10, Yanghwa-ro 7-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 010-5571-9915 H 11:00-14:00/17:00-20:00 (L.O 19:30),

마포구 서대문구 59. Casual 60. Casual 이파리 IPARI 춘삼월 CHOONSAMWOL 직접만든장과산지에서수급한제철재료를활용한전통한식을선보인다. 다양한한국술도요리와함께즐길수있다. IPARI is celebrated for traditional Korean dishes made with seasonal ingredients sourced directly from producers and house-made condiments. It also offers an expansive selection of traditional liquors that pair well with the dishes. 제철식재료로정성껏요리한한상차림을내는집밥식당이다. 메뉴는매주변동되며주인장이선별한한국술을곁들일수있다. The menu made with the freshest seasaonal ingredients changes each week and features dishes that pair well with Korean liquors carefully selected by the owner. 새끼문어통찜 Muneo-tongjjim Braised Octopus 한상차림 Hansangcharim Korean Table d hote A 서대문구연희맛로 4 2 층 / 2nd floor, 4, Yeonhimat-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul T 02-336-5188 H 12:00-00:00, 일요일휴무 / A 마포구와우산로 29, 2 층 / 2nd floor, 29, Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul T 02-323-2125 H 11:30-15:00, 17:00-22:00 36

강남구 Gangnam-gu 61. PREMIUM 62. Modern 63. PREMIUM 64. CASUAL 가온 GAON 개화옥 GAEWHAOK 권숙수 KWON SOOK SOO 능라도 NEUNG RA DO 가온은왕의수라상에담긴하루를산천과바다에서얻은최고의재료로풀어내한식이지닌깊은향과숨은맛을전한다. GAON unfolds the nutritious flow of the King contained within the royal table with the ingredients, delivering the concealed taste and profound aroma of Korean cuisine. 유기방짜불판에서빠르게굽는불고기가유명한곳. 된장육수에두툼한칼국수면을넣은된장국수도이색적이다. Bulgogi rapidly roasted on a handcrafted brass grill is the signature dish. Doenjang noodles - linguini-like hand-kneaded kalguksu in light and clear doenjang stock - is also a must-try specialty. 권우중셰프가직접담근장과초그리고진귀한제철식재료로풀어낸코리안다이닝레스토랑. Korean fine-dining restaurant showcasing sophisticated dishes based on jang and vinegar made in house by Chef Kwon woo joong and rare seasonal ingredients. 냉면과만두를기본으로하는평양식요리를선보인다. 최상급한우와몽골산메밀을사용하는등재료와음식의품질을엄격하게관리한다. Neungrado specializes in Pyeongyang cuisine centered on naengmyeon and mandu. It stringently controls the quality of all ingredients and uses premium hanu and buckwheat sourced from Mongolia. 전복찜 Jeonbokjjim Steamed Abalone 불고기 Bulgogi Bulgogi 숙성한우등심구이와흑임자두부장 Hanwoo Deungsimgui and Dubujang Grilled Korean Beef Sirloin and Bean Curd Jang with Black sesame 평양냉면 PyeongYang Naengmyeon Pyeongyang-style Cold Noodles A 강남구도산대로 317 M 층 / MF, 317, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-545-9885 H 18:30-02:00, 일요일휴무 / A 강남구압구정로 50 길 7 정동상가 107 호 / #107 of Jeongdongsangga Market, 7, Apgujeong-ro 50-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-549-1459 H 11:30-23:30 A 강남구언주로 170 길 27 2 층 / 2nd floor, 27, Eonju-ro 170-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-542-6268 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00, 예약필수 / Reservations required A 강남구언주로 107 길 7 / 7, Eonju-ro 107-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-569-8939 H 11:30-21:30 (L.O. 20:50)

강남구 Gangnam-gu 65. Premium 66. Modern 67. Premium 68. MODERN 다담 DADAM 달식탁 Dalsiktak 더라운지 The Lounge 도사 by 백승욱 DOSA 정재덕셰프가사계절흐름에맞춘제철요리와다양한장을사용한전통한식을선보인다. Chef Jeong Jae-deok s creations stay true to traditional Korean cuisine, using seasonal ingredients and variety of jang. The menu also features delicacies made with the rarest ingredients. 순창고추장장인의딸이운영하는한식당. 전통의맛을고수한다. CEO Yu Ji-yeong, daughter of a Sunchang gochujang master, operates this chic, gallery-like venue. For gochujang-seasoned dishes, she strictly uses her mother s creations to deliver the profound, multi-layered flavors of traditional gochujang. 서울도심전경을감상할수있는파크하얏트서울최고층에위치한모던한식레스토랑이자코리안티하우스. The Lounge is a modern Korean restaurant cum Korean teahouse located on the highest floor of Park Hyatt Seoul. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding neighborhoods. 아키라백으로이름을알린백승욱셰프가한국제철식재료에셰프의스토리를담아모던코리안퀴진을선보인다. Chef Baek Seung-wuk, who built his reputation with the name Akira Back in the US, showcases modern dishes made with locally sourced, seasonal ingredients, each of which delivers the chef s distinct message. 연꽃구절판 Yeonggot Gujeolpan Lotus Platter with Nine Delicacies 순창고추장삼겹살구이 Sunchang Gochujang Samgyeopsalgui Grilled Sliced Pork Marinated in Sunchang Red Chili Paste 해물구이 Haemulgui Grilled Seafood 보쌈 Bossam Napa Wraps with Pork A 강남구도산대로 445 엠빌딩지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor of M Building, 445, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-518-6161 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 A 강남구도산대로 15 길 11 지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor, 11, Dosan-daro 15-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-511-9440 H 11:30-21:30 A 강남구테헤란로 606 24 층 / 24th floor, 606, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-2016-1205 H 11:00-24:00 A 강남구도산대로 67 길 7 지하 1 층 / B1, 7, Dosan-daero 67-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-516-3672 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00, 일요일휴무, 예약필수 /, Reservations required

강남구 Gangnam-gu 69. Modern 70. MODERN 71. Premium 72. Modern 민스키친 Min s Kitchen 밍글스 mingles 바랗 Ba Lat 박경자식당 ParkKyoungJa restaurant 평범한한식에서벗어나와인과도잘어울리는새로운한식을추구하는김민지셰프의요리를맛볼수있다. Chef Kim Min-ji is evaluated to have pushed the boundaries of familiar everday hansik. Her creations boast the perfect marriage with wine. 한국의장과발효초, 장아찌등한국의채식발효를적극적으로사용하는강민구오너셰프의레스토랑. A restaurant owned by Chef Kang Min-goo, which offers dining experience with dishes highlighted by the use of an abundance of jang, vinegar, and jangajji. 경북과동해안의해산물을주로활용한바다밥상을낸다. 죽변항에서공수하는잡어회와숙성회도준비되어있다. Ba Lat offers meals focused on seafood sourced mainly from Gyeongsangbukdo and the East Sea. Its signature dishes include fresh raw fish slices made with assorted small fish delivered directly from Jukbyeon Port. 다양한전통주가있는한국술집. 유호현셰프가어머니의이름을걸고어렸을때부터먹던어머니의맛을재현한다. Chef Yu Ho-hyeon restores and reproduces his mother s flairs at this restaurant named after her. The impressive liquor list has a diversity of traditional liquors pairing well with dishes. 여러가지나물을곁들인청포묵무침 Cheongpomukmuchim Mung Bean Jelly Salad with Vegetables 장누들 Jang Noodle Jang Noodle 해산물모듬 Haemulmodum Assorted Seafood 박경자된장 ParkKyoungJa Doenjang Seafood and Soybean Paste Stew A 강남구도산대로 45 길 10-4 / 10-4, Dosandaero 45-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-544-1007 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 일요일휴무 / A 강남구선릉로 757 / 757, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-515-7306 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00, 일요일휴무, 예약필수 /, Reservations required A 강남구도산대로 309 삼공빌딩지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor of Samgong Building, 309, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-542-8892 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 A 서초구신반포로 47 길 9-15 영창빌딩 1 층 / 1st floor of Yeongchang Building, 9-15, Sinbanpo-ro 47-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul T 02-6104-4005 H 18:00-01:00, 일요일휴무 / Closed on Sundays

강남구 Gangnam-gu 73. Casual 74. Casual 75. PREMIUM 76. CASUAL 백곰막걸리 & 양조장 WHITE BEAR MAKGEOLLI BAR & BREWERY 산호 sanho 애류헌 Erewhon 오가네족발 oganejokbal 전국곳곳양조장에서공수한 2백여종이넘는우리술과제철재료를이용한한식안주를맛볼수있는곳. The liquor list boasts over 200 Korean liquors sourced from local makers across the country. These are married perfectly to dishes made with seasonal ingredients. 지방색이담긴향토음식을서울식으로풀어낸한식주점. 재료본연의맛을최대한살려요리한다. The freshest ingredients are sourced directly from producers across the country and cooked in a fashion that keeps their origi nal flavors as intact as possible. Unique local dishes were reborn with Seoul-style twists. 전통과모던함이조화롭게공존하는한식전문점이다. 건강하면서도깊이있는한식전통의맛을살리면서세련된담음새를선보인다. This restaurant elegantly maintains the balance between tradition and modernity. It serves Korean cuisine reinterpreted to improve health-enhancing effects and still retain the original flavors. The presentation is immaculate. 쫄깃하면서도부드러운식감의족발이대표메뉴로, 보쌈과막국수도많은사랑을받고있다. 족발전문점답게포장주문이가능하다. This establishment s signature dish is chewy, tender jokbal(long-boiled pig s trotter). Bossam(boiled pork slices served with kimchi) and makguksu (buckwheat noodles) are also noted offerings. Take-away is possible. 태안생물간재미 ( 가오리 ) 찜 Taean Ganjaemijjim Steamed Taean Ray 육회낙지탕탕이 Yukhoe Nakji Tangtangi Beef Tartare with Octopus 바닷가재꼬리요리 Badatgajae Kkoriyori Special Dish with Robster Tail 정승족발 Jeongseungjokbal Braised Pig's Feet A 강남구압구정로 48 길 39 / 39, Apgujeongro 48-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-540-7644 H 17:30-24:00, 금 토 17:30-01:30, 일요일휴무 / Fri Sat 17:30-01:30, A 강남구논현로 175 길 111 / 111, Nonhyeon-ro 175-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Seocho-gu, Seoul T 02-517-0035 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-23:50, 일요일휴무 / A 강남구도산대로 75 길 19 / 19, Dosan-daero 75-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-3446-0005 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 A 강남구논현로 36 길 21 / 21, Nonhyeon-ro 36-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-575-6608 H 10:00-22:00

강남구 Gangnam-gu 77. Modern 78. Modern 79. MODERN 80. MODERN 오통영 OTONGYOUNG 옳음 OLH EUM 이십사절기 24seasons 정식당 JUNGSIK 청정해산물로유명한통영을비롯해전국의해산물을공급받아사용한다. 주인장부부가소박한요리를담아내는곳. The seafood is sourced mainly from Tongyeong - a region noted for its pristine seas, and other reliable producers across the coun try. The owner couple presents simple, hearty meals. 서양음식을보다편안하게즐길수있도록현대한식을결합해한국인의입맛에맞게재해석한모던코리안다이닝을선보이는곳. Elements of Korean cuisine are accentuated with French touches to create modern Korean dishes reinterpreted to appeal to today s discerning diners. 24절기로부터영감을받아계절성이강조된한식을선보이는모던한레스토랑이다. This restaurant s menu is inspired by the 24 seasonal divisions. Creative dishes borne of traditional recipes and made with fresh seasonal ingredients can be enjoyed in a modern setting dedicated to fine dining. 뉴코리안퀴진을정립한곳으로미쉐린스타셰프가재해석한아이디어가돋보이는한식을경험할수있다. This restaurant provides a memorable dining experience through innovative dishes made by a Michelin-starred chef who is said to have defined a new Korean cuisine. 전복무쇠솥밥 Jeonbok Musoesotbap Hot Pot Rice with Abalone 새우성게장과육젓으로맛을낸비빔면 Bibimmyeon Spicy Noodle with Prawn and Sea Urchin Sauce 양배추당근죽 Yangbaechu-Dangguenjuk Cabbage and Carrot Porridge 오감만족돼지보쌈 Ogammanjok Dwaeji Bossam Napa Wraps with Pork A 강남구선릉로 158 길 10 한나빌딩지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor of Hanna Building, 10, Seolleung-ro158-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-544-2377 H 11:30-15:00,17:00-23:00 (L.O.22:30) A 강남구압구정로 46 길 51 2 층 / 2nd floor, 51, Apgujeong-ro 46-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-549-2016 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00, 일요일휴무 / A 강남구도산대로 37 길 13 / 13, Dosan-daero 37-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-518-4818 H 11:30-15:00, 18:00-22:00 A 강남구선릉로 158 길 11 2 층 / 2F, 11, Seolleung-ro 158-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-517-4654 H 12:00-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 예약필수 / Reservations required

강남구 Gangnam-gu 81. Modern 82. PREMIUM 83. PREMIUM 84. Premium 주옥 JOO OK 채근담 CHAEGEUNDAAM 필경재 PHILKYUNGJAE 하모 hamo 천연발효식초, 들기름, 장아찌등신창호셰프가직접만든식재료로풀어낸한식이있는곳. Chef Sin Chang-ho makes his own naturally fermented vinegar, perilla oil, and pickled vegetables, which are added to his dishes to create new depths to their flavors. 유기농식재료를사용한채식을중심으로구성된맛깔스럽고정갈한한국전통의반찬과요리를제공하는한정식레스토랑이다. Chaegeundaam serves full-course meals consisting of the main course. The meals center on healthy vegetarian dishes made with organic ingredients and presented in a sophisticated manner. 반드시웃어른을공경하며살라 는의미를지닌이름으로조선왕가의후손이건립해역사적인가치를담고있는한식레스토랑이다. This restaurant of historic importance was established by a descendant of the Joseon royal family, and its name means to respect elders without exception. 교방음식이발달한진주를포함해경남지방의음식을현대식으로재해석했다. Hamo rec reates foods unique to Jinju and other regions in Gyeongsang namdo with a modern touch. All types of jang used are made in-house with soy beans grown by the restaurant. 생선연잎찜 Saengseon Yeonnipjjim Steamed Fish in Lotus Leaf 토마토낫또 Tomato Natto Tomato Natto 궁중신선로 Gungjung Sinseollo Royal Hot Pot 진주비빔밥 Jinju Bibimbap Jinju Bibimbap A 강남구선릉로 148 길 52-7 1 층 / 1st floor, 52-7, Seolleung-ro 148-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-518-9393 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00, 일요일휴무 / A 강남구역삼로 98 길 23 지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor, 23, Yeoksam-ro 98-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-555-9173 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 A 강남구광평로 205 / 205, Gwangpyeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-445-2115 H 12:00-22:00 A 강남구언주로 819 2 층 / 2nd floor, 819, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-515-4266 H 11:30-15:00, 17:00-22:00

강남구 85. CASUAL 86. PREMIUM 한일관 HANILKWAN 한정식칠량 CHILRYANG 각종구이류를비롯하여구절판, 탕평채, 신선로등전통궁중음식에기반을둔전형적인서울음식의맛을계승하고있다. Hanilkwan is the purveyor of traditional Seoul cuisine that evolved from royal court cuisine. It offers a variety of grilled dishes, gujeolpan, tangpyeongchae, sinseollo and other upscale dishes. 국악공연이있는한정식칠량은우리전통문화를보고듣고맛볼수있는한국음식문화공간을지향한다. A restaurant aiming to become recognized as a rich cultural space that stimulates all five senses by presenting performances of traditional Korean music. 골동반 Goldongban Bibimbap 대하찜 Daehajjim Steamed Prawn A 강남구압구정로 38 길 14 / 14, Apgujeongro 38-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-732-3735 H 11:30-21:30 A 강남구영동대로 731 SYC 밀레니엄타워지하 2 층 / B2, SYC Millennium Tower, 731, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul T 02-516-7095 H 12:00-14:00, 17:30-22:00, 예약필수 / Reservations required 53

기타지역 OTHER AREAS 87. Premium 88. Modern 89. CASUAL 90. CASUAL 곳간 by 이종국 The Koggan 나루 NAROO 백년옥 baegnyeonok 봉피양 bongpiyang 한식의아름다움을음식안과밖에서매계절새롭게풀어내는 코리아아트퀴진 을선보인다. The Koggan s dishes are a product of traditional culinary culture. This fine-dining venue focuses on keeping the flavors and fragrances of the season intact and creating artfully arranged dishes. 수제천연조미료로맛을내는핸드픽트호텔서울의컨템포러리코리안레스토랑. A contemporary Korean Restaurant within Handpicked Hotel in Seoul. It serves up a set meal of rice, soup, a main dish, and a course meal using fresh ingredients and house-made natural seasonings. 25년의세월이고스란히묻어나는두부전문점으로콩비지, 되비지, 신선한순두부등다양한수제두부요리를맛볼수있다. This tofu specialist with 25 years of history offers a wide range of dishes made with housemade tofu, biji(ground soybean with soy milk removed), doebiji(soybean thickly ground without removing soy milk), and sundubu (freshly curdled soft tofu). 평양냉면과돼지갈비가대표메뉴로진한냉면육수의깊은육향과은은한향이매력적인순도높은메밀면의조화가이름난곳이다. Bongpiyang s signature dishes are Pyeongyang naengmyeon and pork ribs. The harmony of the thoroughly boiled broth infused with a strong meaty flavor and buckwheat noodles boasting a subtle fragrance is acclaimed by many. 9 가지전식 9 Jeonsik 9 Assorted Appetizers 나루교자상요리 4 종 4 Naroo-Gyojasang 4 Dishes of Naroo Korean Table d hote 들깨순두부 Deulkkae Sundubu Soft Bean Curd with Perilla Seed 봉피양평양냉면 Bongpiyang Pyeongyang-naengmyeon Pyeongyang-style Cold Noodles A 영등포구여의대로 24 전경련회관 50 층 / 50th floor of FKI Tower, 24, Yeoui-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul T 02-2055-4445 H 11:00-15:00, 17:30-22:00, 예약필수 / Reservation required A 동작구상도로 120 핸드픽트호텔 9 층 / 9th floor of Handpicked Hotel, 120, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul T 02-2229-5491 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:30 A 서초구남부순환로 2407 / 2407, Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul T 02-523-2860 H 10:00-22:00 A 송파구양재대로 71 길 1-4 / 1-4, Yangjaedaero 71-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul T 02-415-5527 H 11:00-22:00 (L.O. 21:15)

기타지역 OTHER AREAS 91. PREMIUM 92. Premium 93. CASUAL 94. CASUAL 비채나 BICENA 사대부집곳간 Sadebukoggan 사발 SABAL 서래식당 SEORAE SIKDANG 광주요그룹이운영하는모던레스토랑으로전통한식의재해석과세련된광주요도자기의조화가돋보인다. This modern Korean restaurant, operated by ceramic ware maker Kwangjuyo, boasts dishes borne of a creative reinterpretation of traditional Korean cuisine and presented in the finest Kwangjuyo polished ceramic ware. 손님이찾아오면귀한것을대접했던사대부집반가의정신을담아신선한재철식재료로정갈한반상을차려낸다. Sadebukoggan serves up bansang (a set meal of rice, soup, and small dishes served individually) made with the freshest seasonal ingredients. 한국의전통음식인국수를고급스럽게재해석해선보이는퓨전한식누들레스토랑이다. A fusion Korean restaurant showcasing a wide range of traditional noodles reinterpreted to satiate the palate of today s discerning customers. 제철식재료를통으로갈아반죽한면등다양한조리법으로만든면요리가있는한식당. The noodles are kneaded in-house using ground seasonal ingredients and are served in mouth-watering ways following a diversity of interesting recipes. 금태 Geumtae Jeju Seaperch 마떡갈비반상 Matteokgalbi Bansang Korean Table d hote with Grilled Short Rib Patties 멍게비빔밥 Meonggebibimbap Sea Squirt Bibimbap 고기파전 Gogipajeon Beef and Green Onion Pancake A 송파구올림픽로 300 롯데월드타워 81 층 / 81th floor, Lotte World Tower, 300, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul T 02-3213-1260 H 11:30-14:30, 18:00-22:00 A 영등포구여의대로 24 전경련회관 50 층 / 50th floor of FKI Tower, 24, Yeoui-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul T 02-2055-4441 H 11:00-15:00, 17:30-22:00 A 송파구충민로 66 / 66, Chungmin-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul T 02-2673-2026 H 11:30-15:00, 17:00-20:00 A 서초구사평대로 26 길 24 1 층 / 1st floor, 24, Sapyeong-daero 26-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul T 02-532-1021 H 11:00-14:30, 17:00-22:30, 일요일휴무 /

기타지역 95. Casual 96. Modern 수불 SOOBUL 스와니예 SOIGNÉ 특색있는한식일품요리에국내 8도에서공수한막걸리뿐아니라맥주, 와인까지즐길수있는한식주점. Creative a la carte can be paired with makgeolli sourced from acclaimed makers across the country, beer, and wine at this pub. 이야기가있는요리에피소드를시리즈로선보이는곳. 이준셰프가창의적으로풀어낸 서울요리 를맛볼수있다. Chef Lee Jun presents a course meal entitled Episode. Diners can enjoy dishes inspired by Lee s experiences at major restaurants across the globe this season. 반가의사대부음식을기반으로전통한국의조리법을구현하는한식당으로, 놋그릇에담겨나오는음식이단아하면서멋스러운곳이다. The foundation of this fine-dining Korean restaurant is the cuisine of the nobility of the Joseon Dynasty reproduced based on traditional recipes. All meals are elegantly served in traditional brass vessels. 전통한식을추구하며코스메뉴와다양한궁중요리를선보이는레스토랑. 합리적인가격으로즐길수있다. Woonsan pursues traditional Korean cuisine and offers a wide range of course meals and royal court dishes at reasonable prices. Vegetarian dishes are also available. 모듬해초전 Modum Haechojeon Assorted Seaweed Pancake 난면 Nanmyeon Modern Tradition : Noodles 해신탕 Haesintang Chicken and Seafood Soup 구절판 Gujeolpan Platter of Nine Delicacies A 서초구서래로 4 영창빌딩 1 층 / 1st floor of Yeongchang BD, 4, Seorae-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul T 02-3478-0886 H 11:30-15:00, 18:00-01:00, 일 17:00-24:00 / Sun 17:00-24:00 A 서초구반포대로 39 길 46 지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor, 46, Banpo-daero 39-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul T 02-3477-9386 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:30 A 광진구워커힐로 177, 쉐라톤그랜드워커힐호텔 2 층 / 2nd floor, 177, Walkerhill-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul T 02-450-4518 H 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 A 영등포구여의공원로 101 지하 1 층 / 1st basement floor, CCMM Building, 101, Yeouigongwon-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul T 02-780-6333 H 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00


Jongno-gu 25 CASUAL Premium 종로구 중구 Jongno-gu Jung-gu 삼청 종로 인사 명동 충무로 Samcheong Jong-no Insa, Myeong-dong Chungmu-ro 01 개성만두궁 Gaeseongmandu Goong 8P 02 고상 GOSANG 8P 03 꽃, 밥에피다 Flowers blooms on Rice 9P 04 두레유 DOOREYOO 9P 05 라연 Ra Yeon 10P 06 명동교자 MYEONGDONG KYOJA 10P 07 무궁화 MUGUNGHWA 11P 08 발우공양 Balwoo Gongyang 11P 09 부촌육회 Buchon Yukhoe 12P 10 북막골 bukmakgol 12P 11 산내리한정식 sanneri restaurant 12P 12 서울다이닝 SEOUL DINING 13P 13 석파랑 seokparang 13P 14 설가온 SEOULGAON 14P 15 소선재 sosonjae 14P 16 시 화 담 SI WHA DAM 15P 17 아리랑 ARIRANG 15P 18 안뜨레 Entree 16P 19 용금옥 yongkeumok 16P 20 용수산 YONGSUSAN 17P 21 우래옥 Woo Lae Oak 17P Modern Traditional Markets 22 월향 Wolhyang 18P 23 윤가명가 YOONGA MYUNGGA 18P 24 이문설농탕 imun-seolnongtang 19P 25 이식당 Leeshokudo 19P 26 익선반주 iksun banjoo 20P 27 자하손만두 jaha-sonmandu 20P 28 지화자 JIHWAJA 21P 29 7017 서울화반 7017 Seoul Bibimbap 21P 30 페스타다이닝 Festa Dining 22P 31 필동면옥 pildong myeonok 22P 32 황생가칼국수 hwangsanga kalguksoo 22P 용산구 Yongsan-gu 동부이촌동 이태원 한남 Dongbuichon Itaewon Hannam 33 916 솜씨 916SOMSI 24P 34 모이 moi 24P 35 미쉬매쉬 Mishmash 25P 36 빠르크 Parc 25P 37 솜씨 SOMMSI 26P 38 수퍼판 SUPER PAN 26P 39 아미월 amimoon 27P 40 안씨막걸리 Mr.Ahn's Makgeolli 27P 41 오근내닭갈비 ogeunnae-dakgalbi 28P 42 은밀한밥상 Secret Table 28P 43 일호식 Ilhochic 29P 44 장꼬마 jangkkoma 29P 45 초록바구니 chorokbaguni 30P 46 품 POOM SEOUL 30P 마포구 서대문구 Mapo-gu Seodaemun-gu 홍대 합정 상수 연희 연남 망원 Hongda Hapjeong Sangsu Yeonhui Yeonnam Mangwon 47 더담 Thedam 32P 48 류지 ryuji 32P 49 복덕방막걸리집 Makgeolli house BDB 33P 50 빈의왈츠 bean s waltz 33P 51 산울림1992 sanullim1992 34P 52 수작반상 SUJAKBANSANG 34P 53 숨은골목 Hiddenalley 35P 54 썰 SSEOL 35P 55 얼쑤 earsu 36P 56 역전회관 Yukjeon Hoegwan 36P 57 오우 OU 37P 58 옥동식 Okdongsik 37P 59 이파리 IPARI 38P 60 춘삼월 CHOONSAMWOL 38P 강남구 Gangnam-gu 신사 압구정 청담 삼성 Sinsa Apgujeong Cheongdam Samseong Mapo-gu 49 57 54 53 55 52 58 48 59 50 60 98 47 51 56 13 Seodaemun-gu 27 10 28 15 04 99 32 20 14 종로구 03 08 01 11 26 24 16 100 09 17 19 02 21 07 18 22 23 06 31 12 29 05 46 44 40 42 39 87 95 38 45 88 41 DONGJAK-gu Yongsan-gu 61 가온 GAON 40P 62 개화옥 GAEWHAOK 40P 63 권숙수 KWON SOOK SOO 41P 64 능라도 NEUNG RA DO 41P 65 다담 DADAM 42P 66 달식탁 Dalsiktak 42P 67 더라운지 The Lounge 43P 68 도사 by 백승욱 DOSA 43P 69 민스키친 Min s Kitchen 44P 70 밍글스 mingles 44P 71 바랗 Ba Lat 45P 72 박경자식당 ParkKyoungJa restaurant 45P 73 백곰막걸리 & 양조장 WHITE BEAR MAKGEOLLI BAR & BREWERY 46P 74 산호 Sanho 46P 75 애류헌 Erewhon 47P Jung-gu 30 36 35 33 43 94 96 85 63 62 79 84 78 73 74 75 807768 69 65 86 66 71 70 61 81 67 72 64 82 89 SEOCHO-gu 76 오가네족발 oganejokbal 47P 77 오통영 OTONGYOUNG 48P 78 옳음 OLH EUM 48P 79 이십사절기 24seasons 49P 80 정식당 JUNGSIK 49P 81 주옥 JOO OK 50P 82 채근담 CHAEGEUNDAAM 50P 83 필경재 PHILKYUNGJAE 51P 84 하모 hamo 51P 85 한일관 HANILKWAN 52P 86 한정식칠량 CHILRYANG 52P 기타지역 OTHER AREAS 서초 영등포 송파 Seoraemaeul Yeoui-do Dongbuichon 87 곳간 by 이종국 The Koggan 54P 88 나루 NAROO 54P Gangnam-gu 76 GWANGJIN-GU 83 91 97 SONGPA-gu 89 백년옥 baengnyeonok 55P 90 봉피양 bonpiyang 55P 91 비채나 BICENA 56P 92 사대부집곳간 Sadaebukoggan 56P 93 사발 SABAL 57P 94 서래식당 SEORAE SIKDANG 57P 95 수불 SOOBUL 58P 96 스와니예 SOIGNÉ 58P 97 온달 ONDAL 59P 98 운산 woonsan 59P 93 전통시장 KOREAN TRADITIONAL MARKET 광장시장 통인시장 Gwangjang Market Tongin Market 99 광장시장 Gwangjang Market 60P 100 통인시장 Tongin Market 60P 90

2018 평창동계올림픽계기개발한세계인을위한한식메뉴 10 선 10 KOREAN FOOD FOR 2018 PYEONGCHANG WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES 이번한식메뉴 10선은한식진흥원이 2018 평창동계올림픽대회계기로세계인들에게한식을널리알리기위해선정했습니다. These 10 dishes of Korean food are presented to promote Hansik, Korean food to the world with 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games by the Korean Food Promotion Institute. 식당명 NAME 주소 ADDRESS 판매메뉴 MENU 수도권 Seoul Metropolitan Region 한식문화관 Korean Cuisine Cultural Center 서울시중구청계천로 40, CKL 기업지원센터 4층 4th floor, 40, Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 모던불고기 Morden Bulgogi 롤삼계탕 Rolled Samgyetang(Chicken Soup) 종화네돌솥추어탕 경기도고양시덕양구통일로 1126 Jonghwane Dolsot Chueotang 1126, Tongil-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 옥돌집 서울시관악구관악로 208 Okdoljip 208, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 포시즌한정식 경기도용인시처인구모현면 328-1 FOUR SEASONS 82, Neungwon-ro, Mohyeon-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 막불감동 서울시관악구남부순환로 1599 Makbulgamdong 1599, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 강릉심해두부장수 서울시강동구상일로 43 Gangleungsimhaedubujangsu 43, Sangil-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 단군신화전 Dangunshinhwajeon(Beef Garlic Rolled with Kimchi) 간편잡채 Simple Japchae(Glass Noodle) with Sauteed Vegetables 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 트리플백김치 Triple White Kimchi 모던불고기 Morden Bulgogi 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 간편잡채 Simple Japchae(Glass Noodle) with Sauteed Vegetables 평창군 Pyeongchang-gun 황태회관 강원도평창군대관령면눈마을길 19 Hwangtaehoegwan 19, Nunmaeul-gil, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do 일송정 강원도평창군봉평면태기로 393 Ilsongjeong 393, Taegi-ro, Bongpyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do 평창한우타운 강원도평창군평창읍하리 283-2 Pyeongchang Hanutown 283-2, Ha-ri, Pyeongchang-eup, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do 산채랑황태랑 강원도평창군봉평면태기로 320 Sanchaelang Hwangtaelang 320, Taegi-ro, Bongpyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do 큰우리 강원도평창군대관령면대관령로 192 Keunuli 192, Daegwallyeong-ro, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 단군신화전 Dangunshinhwajeon(Beef Garlic Rolled with Kimchi) 간편잡채 Simple Japchae(Glass Noodle) with Sauteed Vegetables 영양한우떡갈비탕 Nutritious Korean Beef Short Rib Pettie with Soup 간편잡채 Simple Japchae(Glass Noodle) with Sauteed Vegetables 단군신화전 Dangunshinhwajeon(Beef Garlic Rolled with Kimchi) 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 간편잡채 Simple Japchae(Glass Noodle) with Sauteed Vegetables 강릉시 Gangneung-si 하슬라아트월드호텔 강원도강릉시강동면율곡로 1441 Haslla Art World 1441, Yulgok-ro, Gangdong-myeon, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do 황태구이덮밥 Grilled Dried Pollack with Steamed Rice 간편잡채 SIMPLE JAPCHAE (GLASS NOODLE) WITH SAUTEED VEGETABLES 구슬떡 MARBLE RICE CAKE 단군신화전 DANGUN SHINHWAJEON (BEEF GARLIC ROLLED WITH KIMCHI 롤삼계탕 ROLLED SAMGYETANG (CHICKEN SOUP) 메밀감자비빔밥 POTATO BIBIMBAP IN BUCKWHEAT WRAPS 모던불고기 MODERN BULGOGI 버섯옥수수죽 MUSHROOM AND CORN PORRIDGE 영양한우떡갈비탕 NUTRITIOUS KOREAN BEEF SHORT RIB PETTIE 트리플백김치 TRIPLE WHITE KIMCHI 황태구이덮밥 GRILLED DRIED POLLACK WITH STEAMED RICE

발행일 2017 년 11 월 20 일발행처한식진흥원홍보사업부서울특별시서초구강남대로 27 at 센터 601 호전화 02-6300-2051/2054, www.hansik.or.kr 제작워크컴퍼니 ( 월간바앤다이닝 ) Published in November 20th 2017 Published by Korean Food Promotion Institute, Promotion & Communication Division #601 at Center, 27 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel. 02-6300-2051/2054, www.hansik.or.kr Produced by Walk Company 이책에실린모든글과사진, 그림등은저작권자와사전협의없이무단으로복사, 복제될수없습니다. All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted.