지이다영어교실 동격 what 1My sister, Minkyung is very diligent. 삽입구동격 1 what do you want? 의문대명사 ( 무엇 ) (= Minkyu

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3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활



♡BASIC1 1강-8강♡

` UNIT 01 What Is Your Dream? 당신의꿈은무엇입니까? Three Idiots 세얼간이 About the Film 영화제목단수취급 are 관계대명사주격 + be동사생략가능 c santabanta 1 <Three Idiots> is an Indian

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When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no


바르게 읽는 성경


야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운




잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

Microsoft Word Hanwha Daily_New.doc

_KF_Bulletin webcopy

Microsoft PowerPoint - Grammar(Tense)

Microsoft PowerPoint - Grammar(Passive Voice)

<C0CEBBEA2032BFF92D DB4DCC7C72E706466>

어법성 판단 문제

Unit 1 reading.hwp


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step 1-1


328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and




FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No

Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.

71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

<C7D1B9CEC1B7BEEEB9AEC7D C3D6C1BE295F31392EB9E8C8A3B3B22E687770>


See, Believe and Become 보세요, 믿으세요그리고되세요. c Mari Paz Molina Intro 1 imagination 전치사 ~ 하는 현재분사 1 Imagination is everything. 2 It is the preview to life s coming attractions. - Albert Einstein 1 상상력이모든것입니다. 2 그것은삶의다가올매력적인것들에대한예고편입니다. - 앨버트아인슈타인 Paragraph 1 분사구문만들기 1When he saw me, he ran away. 접속사를지운다. ( 정확한의미전달을위해그대로두어도된다.) 2When he saw me, he ran away. 주절과주어가같으면지운다. ( 주절과주어가다르면그대로둔다.) 3When he saw me, he ran away. 주절의시제와같으면동사원형 +ing, 다르면 having pp 4 Seeing me, he ran away. 날보자마자, 그는달아났다. (being, having been 은생략가능 ) As they were watching / As they watched (Being) Watching 시제일치 접속사 1 Watching birds fly in the sky, the Wright brothers believed that someday they would fly, too. 1 하늘에새들이날아다니는것을보면서, 라이트형제는언젠가그들도날게될것이라고믿었습니다. 여러가지 that 1 That is my bag. 지시대명사 ( 저것 ) 2 That bag is mine. 지시형용사 ( 저 ) 3 I think that you re right. 접속사 ( 절을이끔 ) 4 I heard the news that he will come back. 동격 ( 접속사 ) 5 It doesn t take that long. 부사 ( 그렇게 ) 6 It was true that Tom broke the window. 가주어, 진주어 ( 접 ) 7 It was Tom that broke the window. 강조구문 ( 관계대명사 ) 8 The boy that is singing is my cousin. 관계대명사 9 I wonder the way that he solved it. 관계부사 시제일치 1 주절의시제가현재면종속절은과거 / 현재 / 미래모두가능 He says that he will go abroad. 미래 He says that he goes to school. 현재 He says that he went on a picnic. 과거 2 주절의시제가과거면종속절은과거 / 과거완료 ( 대과거 ) 만가능 He said that he would go abroad. He said that he had finished his homework. them 전치사의목적어 : 동명사 after they tried 2 They visualized themselves in a device for flying, and eventually, after trying many different ideas, they built the first airplane and flew. 분사구문에서접속사를생략하지 2 그들은그들이비행을위한장치에탑승한그들자신을 시각화했고, 많은다른발상들을시도한후에, 그들은첫번째비행기를만들었고날았습니다. eventually = finally = at last = after all = in the end = in the long run 결국은 재귀대명사 1 1,2 인칭소유격 + self 3 인칭목적격 + self 복수형 + selves myself / yourself / himself herself itself ourselves / yourselves / themselves 2 강조용법 ( 생략가능 ) I myself did it. = I did it myself. 주어나목적어뒤 I meet Mr. Hwang himself. 맨뒤에혼자위치 4 재귀용법 ( 생략불가 ) She looked at herself in the mirror. 전치사의목적어 He killed himself. 동사의목적어 재귀대명사 5관용적용법 by oneself 홀로 = alone beside oneself 제정신이아닌 for oneself 스스로 = without any help of itself 저절로 in itself 본질적으로 between ourselves 우리끼리이야긴데 help yourself to 음식마음껏드세요 enjoy oneself 즐겁게보내다 = have fun = have a good time make oneself at home 편안히하다 = make oneself comfortable say to oneself 혼잣말을하다 3 Some of the greatest leaders and inventors in history visualized great things before they actually saw them become a reality. come true 지각동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 실이되는것을실제로보기전에위대한것들을시각화했습니다. 지각동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 / ~ing (see, look at, watch, behold 보다, observe 관찰하다, hear, listen to, feel, notice 알아차리다 ) 1 I heard someone call my name. 2 I heard my name called (by someone). 당하면 -ed 3 I saw a girl singing songs. actually = in fact = in reality = as a matter of fact 사실은 3 역사상가장위대한지도자들과발명가중몇몇은그들이그것들이현 사역동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 / 과거분사 1 He let me go home. 2 He had his brother clean the room. 3 He made the room cleaned (by his brother). 당하면 ed 4 He helped his brother (to) clean the room. 준사역동사 5 He got his brother to clean the room. 1 실용영어 I 능률 ( 이찬승 )

지이다영어교실 moruhaka@naver.com http://moruhaka.tistory.com 동격 what 1My sister, Minkyung is very diligent. 삽입구동격 1 what do you want? 의문대명사 ( 무엇 ) (= Minkyung, my sister, is very diligent.) 2 what color do you want? 의문형용사 ( 무슨 ) 2I heard the rumor that he stole her wallet. 동격 that 3 what a cute boy he is! 감탄문 3The news of his moving to another city made us sad. 5 What he said is not true. 선행사포함관계대명사 동격 of = The thing which 동격 전치사의목적어 : 동명사 the things which = 4 That is the power of visualization, the act of creating vivid pictures in your mind of what you want in order to make it happen. vivid pictures in your mind of the things. + You want them 부사적용법 ( 목적 ): ~ 위하여 사역동사 + 목 + 동사원형 vivid pictures in your mind of the things (which) you want vivid pictures in your mind of the things (that) you want 4 그것이시각화 당신이원하는것을실현시키기위해서 당신의마음속에생생한사진을창조하는행위 의힘입니다. 부사적용법 ( 목적 ) : ~ 하기위하여 He studied hard to pass the exam. in order to pass the exam. so as to pass the exam. in order that he could pass the exam. so that he might pass the exam. for the purpose of passing the exam. with a view to passing the exam. Paragraph 2 they ve already completed 1 When you imagine your goals as though they ve already been completed, = as if you ve already completed them the feeling of success and the vivid images send powerful messages to your brain. 1 당신이당신의목표들을마치그것들이이미완료된것처럼상상할때, 성공의느낌과생생한영상들은당신의두뇌에강력한메시지들을보냅니다. be worth (of) ~ing = be worthy of ing = be worthwhile to ~ / ~ing : ~, 할가치가있다 사역동사 + 목 + 동사원형 2 The messages make your brain believe that you are worthy of success and that you are ready to be successful. you are worthwhile to succeed = you are ready for success = 2 그메시지들이당신의두뇌가당신이성공할가치가있다고당신이성공할준비가되어있다고믿도록만듭니다. the 비교급 + the 비교급 The higher we go up, the colder it becomes. 우리가높이올라가면올라갈수록, 날씨는점점더낮아진다. As we go up higher, it becomes colder. 우리가더높이올라감에따라, 날씨는더추워진다. the 비교급 you 당신이원하는것을명확히시각화하세요. imagine + somebody + doing something... 가 ~ing하는것을상상하다 imagine 상상하다 / visualize 시각화하다 / picture 그리다 / envision, envisage 마음에그리다 the 비교급형용사적용법 3 The more you visualize yourself achieving your goals, the more your mind will search for ways to make it happen. = As you visualize yourself achieving your goals more, your mind will search for ways to make it happen more. 3 당신이당신자신이당신의목표들을성취하는것을더많이시각화하면할수록, 당신의마음은그것을실현시킬방법들 을더많이찾을것입니다. 형용사적용법 (~ 할, ~ 해야할 ) 1 I have a lot of homework to do. 2 I want to drink something cold. 명사적용법 (~ 하는것 ) 3 I want something cold to drink. 형용사적용법 4 He has no friends to play with. 함께놀친구 Clearly Visualize What You Want Paragraph 3 부사적용법 ( 목적 ) : ~ 하지않기위하여 He got up early not to miss the train. in order not to miss the train. so as not to miss the train. lest he should miss the train. for fear of missing the train. for fear that he should miss the train. be ready to 동사원형 = be ready for 명사 : ~ 할준비가되어있다 5 He has no paper to write on. 위에쓸종이 6 He has no pen to write with. 가지고쓸펜 7 He has nothing to write about. 대해쓸내용 8 He has no chair to sit on. 앉은의자 9 He has no house to live in. 들어가살집 실용영어 I 능률 ( 이찬승 ) 2

imagining = as many details as you can. 1 When you visualize a goal, try to imagine as many details as possible. 1 당신이하나의목표를시각화할때, 가능한많은세부사항들을상상하는것을노력하세요. a명사 b명사 c명사 병렬구조 2 Be specific: include sounds, smells and emotions. places. + you want to go to the places. 2 구체적이되세요 : 소리, 냄새, 그리고감정들을포함시키세요. places (which) you want to go to. 목적격생략가능 places (that) you want to go to. places to which you want to go. 전치사 + 목적격생략 a vision board. + It is containg images... places to that you want to go. 전치사 + that 불가 a vision board (which is) containg images... 관계대명사주격 + be 동사 places. + you want to go there. a vision board (that is) containg images... 생략가능 places where you want to go. 관계부사 (= that) 3 You can create a vision board (which is) containing images of places (where) you want to go, people (whom) you want to meet, things (which) you d like to have and quotes that inspire you. people. + YOu want to meet them. things. + You d like to have them. inspires people (that) you want to meet. things (that) you d like to have. quotes. + They inspire you. people (who) you want to meet. quotes which inspire you. `3 당신은당신이가고싶은장소들, 당신이만나고싶은사람들, 당신이가지고싶은것들, 그리고당신에게영감을주는 인용구들을포함하고있는비전게시판을만들수있습니다. 4 A vision board can be an extremely powerful tool. 4 비전게시판은매우강력한도구가될수있습니다. 접속사 (~ 할때 ) 전치사 + 동명사 ( 목적어 ) 5 When NASA staff members were working on putting a man on the moon, they covered the entire wall at their research center with a large picture of the moon. 여러가지 when 1 의문부사 ( 언제 ): When did you get up? \ Do you know when she will come? 2 접속사 (~ 할때 ): When he saw me, he ran away. We will leave here when they come back. 3 관계부사 (~ 할 ): June 19 is the day when I made this document. (= on which = that) 5 미항공우주국직원들이달에사람을착륙시키기위해노력하고있었을때, 그들은그들의연구센터의전체벽을달의 거대한사진으로뒤덮었습니다. 6 The goal was clear to everyone. 6 목표는모두에게명확했습니다. The image motivated them to get to the moon as possible. = As they looked at the image more, they were more motivated to get to the moon as soon as possible. (by the image) 7 The more they looked at the image, the more motivated they were to get to the moon as soon as possible. 7 그들이그이미지를더많이보면볼수록, 그들은가능한빨리달에닿도록더동기를부여받았습니다. as 원급 as possible = as 원급 as 주어 can 1 Run as fast as possible. = Run as fast as you can. 2 He ran as fast as possible. 가주어 진주어 reached at = He ran as fast as he could. 8 (It is) No wonder (that) NASA reached its goal two years ahead of schedule! 8 미항공우주국이그것의목표에예정보다 2 년앞서서도달했다는것은놀라운일도아닙니다! 목적어로 to부정사만취하는동사 Paragraph 3 Nari, 16 나리, 16세 want 원하다, wish 바라다, hope 희망하다, would like 하고싶다, decide 결정하다, plan 계획하다, expect 기대하다, learn 배우다, 명사적용법 promise 약속하다, need 필요하다, fail 실패하다, refuse 거절하다, 1 I always wanted to be an opera singer, 형용사적용법 agree 동의하다, attempt 시도하다, mean 의도하다, care 애쓰다 but I needed some motivation to make it happen. 사역동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 1 저는항상오페라가수가되기를원했습니다, 그러나저는그것을실현하기위해서약간의동기부여가필요했습니다. put up it quotes and pictures. + They inspired me. 2 So I put up a board in my room with quotes and pictures that inspired me. 2 그래서저는제방에저에게영감을주는인용구와사진들이담긴게시판을세웠습니다. 3 실용영어 I 능률 ( 이찬승 )

지이다영어교실 동사 + 목적어 + 전치사 + 명사 1 공급 : provide, supply, fill, furnish, present, endow They supplied us with food. = They supplied food to / for us. 2 분리, 제거, 박탈 : deprive, rid, rob, absolve, clear, cure, relieve, strip She robbed me of my wallet. 3 확신, 통지 : convince, inform, remind, accuse, advise, assure, notify, tell They informed us of his death. moruhaka@naver.com http://moruhaka.tistory.com 동사 + 목적어 + 전치사 + 명사 4 비난, 감사, 칭찬 : blame, criticize, thank, praise, punish, reprimand, scold, upbraid She blamed him for the rudeness. 5 방해, 금지, 보호 : keep, prevent, prohibit, protect, save, stop, hinder, deter, disable The heavy rain kept us from going out. the exciting future. + I could have it. the exciting future (that) I could have. remind a of b : a에게 b를상기시키다 가정법과거 ( 현재사실의반대를가정 ) 3 It constantly reminded me of the exciting future (which) I could have if I stuck to my goal. 3 그것은끊임없이제게만약에제가제목표를고수한다면제가가질수있을흥분된미래에대해상기시켰습니다. 가정법 1 가정법과거 : 현재사실의반대를가정 ( Were I rich, I could buy the car.) If I were rich, I could buy the car. = As I am not rich, I can t buy the car. 2 가정법과거완료 : 과거사실의반대를가정 ( Had I studied hard, I could have passed the exam.) If I had studied hard, I could have passed the exam. = As I didn t study hard, I couldn t pass the exam. 3I wish 가정법 : I wish I were rich. = I m sorry I am not rich. 4as if / as though 가정법 : He talks as if he were rich. = In fact, he is not rich. 5If it were not for air, nothing could live. = Were it not for air, nothing could live. = If there were no air, nothing could live. = But for air, nothing could live. = Without air, nothing could live. 6If it had not been for your help, I couldn t have succeed. = Had it not been for your help, I couldn t have succeed. = But for your help, I couldn t have succeed. = without your help, I couldn t have succeed. 4 I practiced hard every day, and before I knew it, I was singing in a student choir at the Sydney Opera House! 4 저는매일열심히연습했습니다, 그리고제가그것을알기전에, 저는시드니오페라하우스에서학생성가대에서노래를 부르고있었습니다. was Intro 1 마치 ~ 인것처럼 = as though 명사적용법 (it 가주어 to부정사진주어 ) / 부사적용법 ( 형용사수식, 상황의 it) 1 Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. - Charles F. Kettering 1 믿으세요그리고행동하세요마치실패하는것이불가능하다는것처럼. - 찰스. F. 케터링 반대말접두사 1 abnormal 비정상의 / 2 antichrist 반기독교의 antipathy 반감 3 disadvantage 불이익 disagree 동의하지않다 disappear 사라지다 disclose 드러내놓다 discontent 불만족한 discourage 낙담시키다 dishonest 부정직한 dishonor 불명예 dislike 싫어하다 disobey 복종하지않다 disorder 무질서 4 illegal 불법의 illegible 읽기어려운 illiterate 문맹의 illogical 비논리적인 5 immature 미숙한 immoral 부도덕한 impartial 공평한 imperfect 불완전한 impolite 무례한 impossible 불가능한 improper 부적당한 6 inaccurate 부정확한 inappropriate 부적절한 incorrect 부정확한 independent 독립적인 indirect 간접적인 inexpensive 값싼 infinite 무한의 informal 비형식의 injustice 부정 invisible 눈에보이지않는 insufficient 불충분한 7 irrational 비이성적인 irregular 비정규적인 irrelevant 관계없는 irresponsible 무책임한 irresistible 저항할수없는 irresolute 우유부단한 8 nonfiction 논픽션 ( 실화소설 ) nonsense 무의미 nonsmoking 금연 nonstop 직행 9 unable ~ 할수없는 unbelievable 믿을수없는 uncertain 불확실한 uncomfortable 불편한 uneasy 불안한 unfair 불공평한 unfamiliar 생소한 unfortunate 불행한 unhappy 불행한 unkind 불친절한 unknown 알려지지않은 unlikely ~ 할것같지않은 unlock 자물쇠를열다 unlucky 불행한 unusual 유별난 Act As If You Already Achieved Your Dream 당신이당신의꿈을이미성취한것처럼행동하세요. Paragraph 3 마치 ~ 인것처럼 = as though 1 If you want to maximize your chances of success, you must act as if you were already successful. 명사적용법가정법과거 ( 현재사실의반대를가정 ) 실용영어 I 능률 ( 이찬승 ) 4

1 만약당신이당신의성공의기회들을최대화하길원한다면, 당신은마치당신이이미성공한것처럼행동해야만합니다. 여러가지 if 1 조건부사절 ( 만약 ~ 한다면 ) : 조건절에서현재형이미래를대신한다. If it is fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. 문두의 if 는무조건 만약 if you don t study hard, you will fail. = Unless you study hard, you will fail. = Study hard, or you will fail. = Study hard. Otherwise, you will fail. a 동명사 b 동명사 병렬구조 2 This does not mean acting fake or showing off. 2 이것은날조하거나뽐내는것을의미하지는않습니다. 동명사 1Playing games is my hobby. (~ 하는것 단수취급 ) 2My hobby is playing games. ( 사물주어 : 물주구문 동명사 ) 3He enjoys playing games. ( 동사의목적어 동명사 ) 4He is good at playing games. ( 전치사의목적어 동명사 ) 5a sleeping bag. = a bag for sleeping ( 용도 동명사 ) a 동명사 b 동명사 c 동명사 병렬구조 3 It means believing in yourself and thinking and feeling like (that) you have already achieved your goal. 여러가지 if 2명사절 (~ 인지아닌지 ) : 문장에서주어, 목적어, 보어의역할을한다. I wonder if he will come or not. = I wonder if or not he will come. = I wonder whether he will come or not. = I wonder whether or not he will come. 참고 ) Whether he will come or not does not matter. if로바꿔쓸수없다. 문장맨앞의 if는무조건 만약 현재분사 1playing games, he was watching TV. ( 하나의문장이아니라, 로연결되어있으면현재분사 분사구문 ) 2He is playing games. ( 사람주어 ~ 하는중 : 현재분사 진행형 ) 3He sat playing games. (~ 하는중 : 현재분사 분사구문 ) 4a sleeping boy = a boy who is sleeping. ( 자는중 현재분사 ) 3 그것은당신자신을믿고당신이이미당신의목표를성취한것처럼생각하고믿는것을의미합니다. 현재완료 : have pp 1 경험 : ever( 유경험 ), never( 무경험 ), once(1 번 ), twice(2 번 ), ~ times(~ 번 ), before( 전에 ), been to, seen 2 계속 : for 3 years( 동안 ), since 3 years ago( 이래로 ), have been ~ing(~ 하는중 ), how long, how many years, lived, studied 현재완료 : have pp 3 완료 : just( 막 ), already( 이미 ), yet?( 벌써?), not ~ yet( 아직 ), finished, done, completed 4 결과 : have lost( 지금도없음 ), have gone( 지금여기없음, 3 인칭만 ) 5 현재완료 : asince 가없는명백한과거 bjust now, right now cwhen( 언제 ) 4 Think clearly about who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have in 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 the future. 4 미래에당신이어떤사람이되기를원하는지, 당신이무엇을하길원하는지, 그리고무엇을갖기를원하는지에대하여명 확하게생각하세요. 간접의문문어순 1I don t know. + Does he like comics? 의문사없으면 의문사 (= 주어 )+ 동사 3I wonder. + Who will win the game? I don t know if he likes comics. if/whether + 주 + 동 문장부호조심 2Do you know? + Where did he go? 의문사있으면 Do you know where he went? 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 시제조심 I wonder who will win the game. 생각동사 (think, guess, suppose, imagine, believe) 4Do you think? + How many books do you have? How many books do you think you have? 의문사가어디까지인지확인하라! 마치 ~ 인것처럼 = as though 5 Then, act as if you were this future self. 5 그러고나서, 마치당신이이미래의자신인것처럼행동하세요. one thing. + You can easily do it. in order to practice : ~ 위하여 one thing (that) you can easily do. so as to practice 부사적용법 ( 목적 ) 6 Here is one thing (which) you can easily do in your daily life to practice this: 6 여기에당신이이것을연습하기위해서당신의일상생활에서쉽게할수있는한가지것이있습니다. 5 실용영어 I 능률 ( 이찬승 )

지이다영어교실 moruhaka@naver.com http://moruhaka.tistory.com 여러가지 as 1They are dressed as angels. 처럼 2Treat her as a friend. 로서 3Jane is as tall as Tom. 만큼 4As always, she said little. 듯이 5He came up as I was speaking. 동안 여러가지 as 6Do as Romans do. 대로 7As you know, He is leaving. 듯이 왜냐하면 8As I don t have her phone number, I can t call her. 9Young as he was, he was wise. 비록 10As we go up higher, it becomes colder. ~ 함에따라 목적격보어로 to부정사를취하는동사 7 Throw a party for your friends and tell them to come as the person (who) they want to be in 10 years. 7 당신의친구들을위해파티를여세요, ~ 로서 the person. + They want to be the person. the person that they want to be. 그리고그들에게 10 년후에그들이되고싶은사람으로서오라고말하세요. 8 What are their jobs? 8 그들의직업은무엇입니까? 9 What have they achieved? 9 그들은무엇을성취해왔나요? 1명령문 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 2명령문 병렬구조 10 Think about who you want to be and stay in character throughout the party. 10 당신이어떤사람이되고싶은가에대해생각하세요그리고파티내내그인물인채로있으세요. the + 비교급 to play 전치사의목적어 : 동명사 the + 비교급 11 The more you commit to playing your role, the more vivid your experience will be. = As you commit to playing your role more, your experience will be more vivid. 11 당신이당신의역할을연기하는데전념하면할수록, 당신의경험은더욱선명해질것입니다. The positive emotions. + You ll feel them. The positive emotions (that) you ll feel. ( 특정기간 ) ~ 동안에 / for 숫자적기간 / while + 주어 + 동사 12 The positive emotions (which) you ll feel during the evening should improve your self-esteem and the way you view yourself. 12 당신이그저녁시간동안느낄긍정적인감정들은 당신의자존감과당신이당신자신을보는방식을 향상시킬것입니다. Paragraph 3 Jamie, 18 제이미, 18 세 1 When my friend decided to hold a Come As You Will Be party, I wasn t sure who I wanted to be. 명사적용법 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 1 제친구가 당신이될사람으로오기 파티를열기로결정했을때, 저는제가어떤사람이되길원하는지확신이없었습 니다. the way how get + 목적어 + 목적격보어 ( 현재분사 ) 2 But the party s idea got me thinking. 2 그러나그파티의발상이저를계속생각하도록만들었습니다. remind a of b : a에게 b를상기시키다 3 It reminded me of a TV show about lawyers that I like. 3 그것은제게제가좋아하는변호사에대한 TV 쇼를상기시켰습니다. attended at ~ 하면서 ( 주격보어 ) / as I was playing (Being) playing 4 So, I attended the party playing the role of a lawyer. 4 그래서, 저는변호사의역할을연기하며그파티에참석했습니다. the way. + You view your self in the way. the way (which) you view your self in. 관계대명사목적격생략가능 the way (that) you view your self in. the way in which you view your self. 전치사 + 목적격생략불가 the way in that you view your self. 전치사 + that 불가 the way / how / the way how 관계부사 (= that) a TV show about lawyers. + I like it. a TV show about lawyers (which) I like. 실용영어 I 능률 ( 이찬승 ) 6

자동사로착각하기쉬운타동사 ( 전치사가붙지않는다 ) enter into (~ 에들어가다 enter into 사업에착수하다 ), discuss about (~ 대해논하다 ), marry with (~ 와결혼하다 be married to), resemble with (~ 와닮다 ), reach at (~ 에닿다 ), approach to (~ 에접근하다 ), mention about (~ 대해언급하다 ), obey to (~ 에복종하다 ), survive from (~ 에서살아남다 ), answer to (~ 에대답하다 ), address to (~ 에말걸다 ), face with (~ 에직면하다 be faced with), attend to (~ 에참석하다 attend to ~ 를시중들다 ), follow to (~ 를따르다 ), greet with (~ 와인사하다 greet him with cheers), inhabit in (~ 안에살다 ), mention about (~ 를언급하다 ), accompany with (~ 를동반하다 ) 5 After the party, I slowly developed more confidence and self-esteem. 5 파티후에, 저는서서히더많은자신감과자존감을발달시켰습니다. 6 Today, I have chosen my university major and my future job. 6 오늘, 저는제대학전공과제미래의직업을선택하였습니다. Paragraph 3 부사적용법 ( 형용사수식 ): ~ 하기에 1 Of course, one party alone is not going to be enough to decide your entire future. 1 물론, 하나의파티가당신의전체미래를결정할정도로충분하지는않을것입니다. the dream. + You want to achieve it. = bear in mind, have in mind the dream (that) you want to achieve. 2 You should keep in mind the dream (which) you want to achieve and constantly imagine yourself realizing it in as much detail as possible. imagine + 목적어 + ~ing = as much detail as you can. 2 당신은당신이성취하길원하는꿈을명심하고끊임없이가능한매우자세히그것을실현시키고있는당신자신을상상해야합니다. (Being) Combined... 분사구문 lead a to b : a를 b로이끌다 3 (If it is) Combined with lots of practice and hard work, this will lead you to success. 3 많은연습과노력과조합되어, 이것은당신을성공으로인도할것입니다. 4 Always remember: 4 항상기억하십시오 : 형용사적용법 형용사적용법 5 Visualization is an easy, powerful way to help you realize your goals! 준사역동사 + 목적어 + (to) 동사원형 6 시각화는당신이당신의목표들을실현시키도록돕는쉽고강력한도구입니다! 교과서본문은출판사및공동저자에게저작권이있습니다. Copyright 2015. Minkyu Hwang. All right reserved 7 실용영어 I 능률 ( 이찬승 )