Bible Quiz: 1 Corinthians 1-8

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아니라 일본 지리지, 수로지 5, 지도 6 등을 함께 검토해야 하지만 여기서는 근대기 일본이 편찬한 조선 지리지와 부속지도만으로 연구대상을 한정하 기로 한다. Ⅱ. 1876~1905년 울릉도 독도 서술의 추이 1. 울릉도 독도 호칭의 혼란과 지도상의 불일치 일본이 조선



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2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는




55호 1면


Bible Quiz: 1 Corinthians 1-8 (6~11 페이지, 한글성경퀴즈 ) True or False 1. Paul extends a greeting not only from himself but also from Apollos. 2. Paul learned the contentions in the Corinthian church from the household of Chloe. 3. Paul baptized the household of Chloe and Cephas in the Corinthian church. 4. Until Paul is able to go himself to Corinth, he sends his own "beloved and faithful son in the Lord" in his place. This man is Silas. 5. Paul addresses divisions in the Corinthian church. 6. Paul addresses the problem of eating food that has been sacrificed to idols and causing offense. 7. Paul addresses the problem of Christian brothers suing each other before the elders in the church. 8. Paul addresses the problem of divorcing a non-christian spouse who is willing to remain. 9. To the Christian, the message of the cross is the power of God. However, to Jews it is foolishness. 10. According to Paul, Christ sent him to baptize. 11. It is Paul s business to judge those outside the church. 12. When there is a dispute among believers, it needs to be taken to the saints for judgment. 13. No one can lay a foundation other than Christ. 14. A married man is concerned about the Lord s affairs-how he can please the Lord. 15. Paul believes that marriage is necessary for everyone. 16. Paul was a vegetarian. 17. Love puffs up and knowledge builds up. 18. Paul encourages believers to eat food sacrificed to idols as long as their conscience is clear. 19. Paul quotes, Let him who boats boast in the Lord from the book of Jeremiah. 20. God uses the foolish things of the world to do His will. 21. The Christians at Corinth lacked many spiritual gifts. 22. Peter authored the book of 1 Corinthians. 23. 1 Corinthians is located before Romans and after 2 Corinthians in the New Testament. 24. Because we are all different there should be different sects within the church. 25. The Holy Spirit reveals the mysteries of God to everyone. 26. Pastors cause their churches to grow. 27. Sexual immorality is a sin against one's own body. 28. God owns our bodies. 29. Paul taught that a man and wife should not deprive themselves of normal sexual relations. 30. Knowledge is required of a steward. 31. People in the church with some legal experience should judge among believers when there is a dispute. 1

32. Paul commands everyone to be circumcised. 33. In Paul s personal opinion, a widow is happier if she remains as single. 34. Paul considers the Christians at Corinth as his children. 35. Servants of Christ are those entrusted with the amazing things of God. Name the verse 36. Don t you know that you yourselves are God s temple and that God s Spirit lives in you? 37. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 38. Therefore, as it is written: Let him who boasts boast in the Lord. 39. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 40. Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 41. For the kingdom of God is not matter of talk but of power. 42. Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. 43. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 44. Each one should remain in the situation in which he was called. 45. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. Multiple choice 46. Why was Paul glad that he had not personally baptized many Christians? A. He wanted to share the ministerial duties with his team B. He only had one change of clothing C. Lest any should say that he baptized in his own name 47. Why didn t Paul proclaim the testimony about God with eloquence and superior wisdom to the Corinthians? A. Because they would not have understood otherwise B. He did not want to appear arrogant C. That their faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God 48. What is meant by the various kinds of materials (gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay)? A. Man s thoughts B. Man s philosophies C. Man s work 49. What other alternatives are there besides going to law when there is a dispute among believers? A. Go to another church 2

B. Have a fight C. Rather take the wrong and suffering 50. What would you say is the main point that Paul is trying to convey to the Corinthians at the beginning of his letter? A. The Corinthians were divided, and Paul was encouraging them to be unified B. That Jesus didn t send Paul to baptize them C. Don t be lazy 51. Why should a person not withhold marital relations from their spouse for long periods of time? A. Satan could tempt the other partner B. It is physically harmful C. None of above 52. If a wife departs from her husband she should either remain unmarried or else do what? A. Get a divorce B. Be reconciled to her husband C. God home to live with her parents 53. What guidelines does Paul give for the remarriage of a widow? A. She must wait at least one year B. She is at liberty to be married to anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord C. She should counsel with her married children 54. What could our liberty become to those who are weak in faith? A. A cause of division B. A source of confusion C. A stumbling block 55. If you cause a weak brother to perish what have you committed? A. Insensitivity B. Sin against Christ C. Disrespect of persons 56. Who is the foundation of church? A. Paul 3

B. Cephas C. Christ 57. Why have we no right to glory in our appearance, abilities, knowledge, etc? A. It is a sign of pride B. We have received these C. These are temporal 58. To whom were the apostles made a spectacle? A. To angel B. To men C. To the whole universe 59. What were some of the sacrifices that the apostles made? A. Considered foolish B. Were hungry and thirsty C. Brutally treated 60. What was the extent that Paul encouraged to do concerning a man in their fellowship involved in sexual immorality? A. Ask the congregation to fervently pray for him B. Re-baptize him C. Expel him from the congregation in hope that the conviction will turn his heart back to God Short answer 61. To the Christian, the message of the cross is the power of God. What is it to Gentiles, then? 62. Name two out of three people whom Paul baptized in the Corinthian church. 63. Name at least two problems Paul addressed in the letter to church in Corinth. 64. Name the other Christian brother whom Paul includes in the greeting of the letter. 65. To bring home his point of worldly wisdom being foolishness to God, Paul quotes the following words: "He catches the wise in their own craftiness." In which book are these words recorded? 66. Who did Paul send to the church in Corinth to remind people of his way of life in Christ Jesus? 4

67. What teaches us to know the things that freely given us of God? 68. What is required of those who have been given a trust? 69. What illustration is used to show that sin can spread if not dealt with? 70. Did Paul write this letter to shame the Corinthians or to warn them? Fill in the blank 71. I planted the seed, watered it, but God made it grow. 72. Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many, for in Christ Jesus I became your through the gospel. 73. For the kingdom of god is not a matter of but of. 74. For we are God s fellow workers; you re God s field, God s. 75. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove. 76. Everything is permissible for me but not everything is. 77. Do you not know that your body is a, who is in you, whom you have received from God? 78. puffs up but builds up. 79. Be careful that the exercise of your freedom does not become a to the weak. 80. When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against. 5

성경퀴즈 ( 고린도전서 1-8) 1-30 번문제 --- True or False 1. 바울은아볼로와함께인사글을시작합니다. 2. 바울은고린도교회의분쟁을글로에의집으로부터들었습니다. 3. 바울은글로에의집과게바에게세례를주었습니다, 4. 바울은자신이고린도에가기전에주안에서사랑하는신실한아들을보내는데그의이름은실라입니다. 5. 바울은고린도교회의분쟁에대해다루고있습니다. 6. 바울은우상에게바쳐진제물을먹는것에대해다루고있습니다. 7. 바울은믿는성도끼리교회장로앞에서송사하는것에대해다루고있습니다. 8. 바울은믿지않지만같이살고자하는배우자와이혼하는문제에대해다루고있습니다. 9. 그리스도인에게십자가의도는하나님의능력이지만유대인에게는어리석은것입니다. 10. 바울에따르면그리스도는바울을세례를베풀라고보내셨습니다. 11. 바울의큰임무가운데하나는교회밖에있는이들을판단하는것이었습니다. 12. 믿는자들사이에다툼이있을때는교회의성도앞에서판단해야합니다. 13. 그리스도외에능히기초를놓을자가없습니다. 14. 결혼한사람은주의일을염려하여어찌하여야주를기쁘시게할까합니다. 15. 바울은모든사람이결혼할필요가있다고생각합니다. 16. 바울은채식가였습니다. 17. 사랑은교만하게하고지식은덕을세웁니다. 18. 바울은양심이허락하는한우상에게바쳐친제물을먹으라권합니다. 19. 바울은 " 자랑하는자는주안에서자랑하라 " 는말씀을예레미야서에서인용합니다. 20. 하나님은세상의어리석은것을들어그의일을하십니다. 21. 고린도성도들은모든은사에부족함이많았습니다. 22. 사도베드로가고린도전서를썼습니다. 23. 고린도전서는신약로마서앞에, 그리고고린도후서뒤에있습니다. 24. 우리는모두다르기때문에교회안에다른지파를가져야합니다. 25. 성령님은하나님의비밀을모든이에게나타내십니다. 26. 목사님이교회를성장시키십니다. 27. 음행은자기몸에죄를범하는것입니다. 28. 우리몸은하나님의것입니다. 29. 바울은아내와남편이서로분방하지말라고권하고있습니다. 30. 맡은자에게구할것은지식입니다. 31. 교회안에분쟁이생겼을때는법적이해가있는성도가믿는사람을판단해야합니다. 6

32. 바울은모든사람이할례받기를명합니다. 33. 바울은개인적으로과부는재혼하지말고그대로지내는것이더행복할것이라생각했습니다. 34. 바울은고린도성도들을자신의자녀라생각합니다. 35. 그리스도의일군은하나님의놀라운일을맡은자입니다. 36-45 번문제 --- 성경장, 절맞추기 36. 너희가하나님의성전인것과하나님의성령이너희안에거하시는것을알지못하느뇨. ( 고전 3:16) 37. 그러나하나님께서세상의미련한것들을택하사지혜있는자들을부끄럽게하려하시고세상의약한것들을택하사강한것들을부끄럽게하려하시며. ( 고전 1:27) 38. 기록된바자랑하는자는주안에서자랑하라함과같게하려함이니라. ( 고전 1:31) 39. 그리고맡은자들에게구할것은충성이니라. ( 고전 4:2) 40. 그리스도안에서일만스승이있으되아비는많지아니하니그리스도예수안에서복음으로써내가너희를낳았음이라. ( 고전 4:15) 41. 하나님의나라는말에있지아니하고오직능력에있음이라. ( 고전 4:20) 42. 모든것이내게가하나다유익한것이아니요모든것이내게가하나내가아무에게든지제재를받지아니하리라. ( 고전 6:12) 43. 값으로산것이되었으니그런즉너희몸으로하나님께영광을돌리라. ( 고전 6:20) 44. 각사람이부르심을받은그부르심그대로지내라. ( 고전 7:20) 45. 지식은교만하게하며사랑은덕을세우나니. ( 고전 8:1 후반 ) 46-60 번문제 --- 객관식문제 46. 바울은왜자신이직접세례를준성도가많지않음에다행이라고했습니까? 1. 그의동역자들과사역을같이나누고싶었기에 2. 바꾸어입을옷이다한벌이라서 7

3. 누구라도그의이름으로세레받았다는말을못하게하려고 47. 왜바울은하나님의증거를전할때에말과지혜의아름다운것으로하지않았습니까? 1. 그렇지않으면사람들이이해하지못할것이기에 2. 교만하게보이기싫었기에 3. 사람의믿음이사람의지혜가아닌다만하나님의능력에있게하기위해 48. 금이나은, 보석, 나무, 풀과같은비유는무엇을뜻하나요? 1. 사람의생각 2. 사람의철학 3. 사람의공적 49. 성도간에분쟁이생겼을때고발하는것외에어떤방법이있나요? 1. 다른교회로간다. 2. 싸운다. 3. 차라리손해를본다. 50. 고린도전서처음부분에서바울이말하고자한것은무엇인가? 1. 고린도교회가분쟁이없이하나가되는것 2. 예수님은바울을세례베풀라고보내신것이아니라는것. 3. 게으르지말라는것 51. 왜부부가분방하지말아야하나요? 1. 사탄이시험할수있어서 2. 육체적으로위험해서 3. 답이없음 52. 만일여자가남편에게서갈리면그대로지내든지아니면다른무엇을할수있나요? 1. 이혼한다. 2. 다시그남편과화합한다. 3. 부모님과함께산다. 53. 과부에대한바울의가르침은무엇인가? 1. 적어도 1 년은기다려야한다. 2. 자유로이자기뜻대로시집가도좋으나주안에서만해야한다. 3. 결혼한자녀와상의해야한다. 54. 우리의자유가믿음이약한자에게무엇이될수있나요? 1. 분열의이유 8

2. 혼돈의발단 3. 걸림돌 55. 만일믿음이약한형제를실족케하면무엇을한것인가요? 1. 감정을상하게한것 2. 그리스도에게죄를지은것 3. 사람에대한무례함 56. 누가교회의기초 (foundation) 인가요? 1. 바울 2. 게바 3. 그리스도 57. 왜우리는우리의외모, 능력, 지식등에대해자랑할권리가없나요? 1. 교만의증거이기때문에 2. 이런것들은다받은것이기때문에 3. 모두순간적인것이기에 58. 사도들이구경거리가된것은누구에게인가요? 1. 천사에게 2. 사람에게 3. 모든세계에게 59. 사도들이한희생은어떤것들인가요? 1. 바보취급받음 2. 주리고목마름 3. 매맞음 60. 교회의음행한자에대한바울의처방은무엇인가? 1. 성도들이그를위해간절히기도하기 2. 다시세례를주기 3. 깨달음을통해다시하나님께로돌아오도록회중가운데서내어쫒는다. 61-70 번문제 --- 단답형문제 61. 그리스도에게십자가의도는하나님의능력입니다. 이방인에게는어떻습니까? 62. 고린도교회에서바울에게세례를받은사람들가운데두사람의이름을적으십시오. 9

63. 바울이고린도교회에대해언급한문제중두가지만적으십시오. 64. 바울의인사말에같이등장하는형제는누구입니까? 65. 세상의지혜가하나님께미련함이된다는것을이야기하고자바울은 " 하나님은지혜있는자로자기꾀에빠지게한다 " 라는말씀을어디에서인용합니까? 답 : 욥기 66. 예수그리스도안에서사는삶을생각나게하려고바울이고린도교회에보낸사람은누구입니까? 67. 무엇이우리로하여금하나님께서우리에게은혜로주신것들을알게합니까? 68. 맡은자에게구할것은무엇입니까? 69. 죄가다뤄지지않으면퍼지는것을어떻게비유했나요? 70. 바울은이서신을고린도성도들을부끄럽게하려고썼나요? 아니면권면하기위하여썼습니까? 71-80 번문제 --- 빈칸채우기 71. 나는심었고 ( ) 는물을주었으되오직하나님은자라게하셨나니.( 고전 3:6) 72. 그리스도안에서일만스승이있으되 ( ) 는많지아니하니그리스도예수안에서복음으로써내가너희를낳았음이라 ( 고전 5:15) 73. 하나님나라는 ( ) 에있지아니하고오직 ( ) 에있느니라. ( 고전 4:20) 74. 우리는하나님의동역자들이요, 너희는하나님의밭이요, 하나님의 ( ) 이니라. ( 고전 3:9) 75. 그리고맡은자들에게구할것은 ( ) 이니라. ( 고전 4:2) 76. 모든것이가하나, 다 ( ) 한것이아니요. ( 고전 6:12) 77. 너희가하나님의 ( ) 인것과하나님의성령이너희안에거하시는것을 10

알지못하느뇨. ( 고전 3:16) 78. ( ) 은교만하게하고 ( ) 은덕을세우나니 ( 고전 8:1 후반부 ) 79. 그런즉너희자유함이약한자들에게 ( ) 이되지않도록조심하라 ( 고전 8:9) 80. 이같이너희가형제에게죄를지어그약한양심을상하게하는것이곧 ( ) 에게죄를짓는것이니라 ( 고전 8:12) 11