조명분야 OLED 기술의발전은특히건축용조명산업을통해시장을촉진하고있다. ElectroniCast는이러한이유로 OLED 기기제조업체와건축업계사이의완전한협력및파트너쉽이무엇보다도중요하다고분석했다. OLED는넓은지역을비출수있기때문에건물조명이나다른적용분야에있어서실질적으로형광등을대

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- APAC ( 아시아-태평양 ) 1. 중국 2. 일본 3. 한국 4. 기타아시아-태평양국가 이보고서는아래와같은방식의전망을제공한다 : - 소비량 : US 달러, 백만단위 - 수량 : 평방미터수, 백만단위 - 평균판매가격 : ASP US달러, 평방미터당 ElectroniCast는연구대상분야의 OLED 조명에대한전세계적인소비가 2015년에 144만불정도가될것이며, 이는 2020년까지 74.8% 의연평균성장률로성장하여 23.6억불에달할것으로내다보았다. OLED 조명의전체가치는 2023년에는 67억불에달했다가 2025년 55.44억불로내려갈것으로보이는데, 이는수량은계속적으로증가하지만평균판매가격의저하로인해전체적인시장가치는떨어질것으로예상되기떄문이다. 이보고서의모든가치와가격은공장출하수준이며, 예측기간동안 5퍼센트의물가상승률을적용하여달러가치로계산하였다. ElectroniCast에의하면, 실질적인제조능력을갖추고있고기술발전을적용하고있는주요조명업체들이대량생산을위해 OLED에대한관심과활동을충분히보이고있다. 또한업체들은필요한전략적공급업체를찾고 IP 협정을맺는등매우활발한움직임을보이고있으며판매 / 유통경로 ( 계획 ) 전략을수립하고있다. 따라서시장전략은 "Build-it and They Will Come" 단계에접어들었다고볼수있다. 문제는얼마나많은고객이올것이며, 언제올것인지에대한것이다. 또한, 이미상당한고객기반과판매 / 유통경로를갖춘다른 ( 경쟁 ) 조명솔루션이손님들을끌어모으고있다는점이다. 그렇기때문에 OLED는상식적으로접근할수있는 OLED만의스타일과디자인을필요로하며, 다른기술로대체할수없는조명솔루션을제공할필요가있다. ElectroniCast는 OLED 패널일반조명시장이앞으로생겨날여러적용분야로인해 ' 전구 ' 방식이상으로성장할것이라고예상하고있다. 업계에서언급된적용분야는아래와같은분야의 OLED 회사를포함한다 ( 이것에국한되지는않는다 ): - 창문 / 천창 (Skylights) - 벽패널

- 천장패널 - 조명기능이있는거울 - 바닥 / 계단 - 가구내장 - 구조적인조명 - 기타 ( 거의무한한가능성 ) ElectroniCast의방법론시장분석및기술전망은복잡한작업이다. 미래의기술과경제의움직임의형태와추이에대한예측은미래에중요하게여겨질일들이지금우리가처한환경에서부터일어나고있다는생각에서부터출발한다. 현재의전통적인믿음에서시작된가정들을예측기반으로사용한다면이는기존에형성된개념들과다를바없으며결과적으로심각한실수를초래할수있다. 그대신에 ElectoroniCast는기본적인원동력을찾아보았다. 연구대상분야에서의미래 OLED 시장은여러요인들로결정된다. 예를들어특정한응용프로그램이나에너지효율성요건, 정부규제, 법, 의무, 저탄소발생, 경제및투자상황, 새로운건물혹은재개발, 제품수명, 경쟁기술 / 솔루션, 비용-편익비율, 지능형 / 디지털건물조명컨트롤의요구사항등사용자의장비수요에따른여러가지요인이있다. 이연구는지난수년동안지속적으로축적된정보를분석한것에기반을두고있지만, 2015년 8 월말까지업데이트가되어있다. 이기간동안, ElectroniCast의분석가들은 OLED 및 LED 제조 ( 재료, 칩, 포장, 기기, 연관부품, 기구 / 비품 ) 와건물 / 시설관리, 지역 / 주및연방정부정책및관리, LED 드라이버 IC 및마이크로-컨트롤러, 제품유통, 소매점관리, 수출입, 기타관련내용에있어서권위있고대표적인인물들과인터뷰를진행했다. 인터뷰는아래와같은직종의사람들과진행되었다. - 기술자, OLED 제조 ( 재료, OLED 패키지, 램프, 기구, 컨트롤, 시스템 ) 및기타기술제조업체의마케팅인사과및관리자 - 디자인그룹의대표, 기술자, 마케팅인사과및 OLED 주요고객과잠재고객에대한시장플래너 - 기타표준작업및무역단체, 투자관련산업전문가 인터뷰는기술, R&D 지원, 가격책정, 계약규모, 신뢰성, 문서화, 설치 / 보수, 표준, 제공업체경쟁 및다른주제들을다루었다. 고객들과유통업자들도인터뷰함으로서그들의예상수량과평균 지불가격에대해알아보았다. 과거와가까운미래에있어서고객들의적용분야또한알아보았

으며, 새로운기술제품에대한그들의시각도알아보았다. 분석가들은가까운미래의적용분야에대한고객들의예상과더불어경제적투자회수전망, 기술동향, 미정부규제의변화등을고려하였다. 이는각적용분야별로수량및가격의성장률을예상하기위함이다. 이러한성장률전망은각제품과적용분야의광범위한장기전망을위해추정기준자료와함께통합되었다. 인터뷰를통해수집한정보를보충하기위해서이미발표된정보를전체적으로검토하였다. 아래와같은출처가검토되었다. - 기술전문저널및문서 - 무역언론기사 - 기술적컨퍼런스행사 - 제품관련문서 - 업체프로필및재정정보 - 이전의 ElectroniCast 시장연구를기반으로한추가정보 - 시장연구팀의정보 미국및기타지역의발광다이오드제품시장의복잡성을예측분석하는데있어서, 시장연구팀 은기술과산업에대한깊고도충분한이해를필요로했다. 이보고서에참여한 ElectroniCast 멤 버들은자격이있었다. 하의상달식 (Bottom-up) 방법론 ElectroniCast 의예측은예측데이터구조에서볼수있듯이광범위한수준에서시작하여연속적 으로더자세한수준에다다른다. 배경시장연구의초점은기준년 (2013년) 의각제품유형별수량및제조업체로부터처음거래될때지불되는가격에맞춰져있다. 이것이기준년데이터를구성한다. ElectroniCast의분석가들은각적용분야에따라부품수량의증가율, 가격동향등을예측하였으며, 이는경쟁적인경제및기술동향전망을바탕으로이루어진것이다. 이러한내용들은광범위한수준에서장기적으로전망을내놓는데에사용되었다. 이용량의증가율전망은장비사용및경제적인회수에대한전반적인최종사용자동향에달려있다. 그림 3은이연구에서의연구방법론을보여주고있다. 계산및분석데이터스프레드시트기술은합리적인양적결론을도출하기위해, 모든레벨에서 의소비량과각적용분야별상품가격및가치에영향을주는투입산출분석에기반을두고있다.

이러한상호적인분석개념은 1950 년대중반미국상무부의레온티예프 (Leonteff) 에의해처음으 로광범위하게적용되었으며, Quantum Science, Gnostic Concepts, ElectroniCast 와같은분석 / 전망 업체가성공적으로응용하였다. 목차 1. 핵심요약 1.1 개요 1.2 SSL(Solid-State Lighting) 조명 & 일반조명에사용되는조명기구 2. OLED - 기술 3. OLED 조명시장전망 3.1 개요 3.2 아메리카시장전망 3.3 유럽, 중동, 아프리카시장전망 3.4 아시아태평양시장전망 4. OLED 경쟁업체 & 관련독립체 Acuity Brands, Inc. AIXTRON Applied Materials, Inc. Arkena AU Optronics Corporation BASF / BASF Future Business GmbH Beneq Blackbody (Astron FIAMM) Cambrios Technologies Corporation Chi Mei Group Corning Incorporated DELO Doosan Corporation Electro-Materials Dow Electronic Materials (Dow Chemical Company) Duksan Hi-Metal DuPont / DuPont Teijin Films e-ray Optoelectronics Technology Company E2M Technology Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) COMEDD (Dresden)

General Electric Company Heraeus Precious Metals Hodogaya Chemical Group Idemitsu Kosan Company, Limited Intrinsiq Materials, Inc. (IM) Jusung Engineering Company, Limited Kaneka Corporation Kintec Company Konica Minolta Holdings, Incorporated LG Electronics / LE Chem LOMOX Limited Lumiotec Incorporated Merck KgaA - EMD Chemicals Group MC Pioneer OLED Lighting Corporation (Mitsubishi Chemical and Pioneer) Mitsui Chemicals Moser Baer NEC Lighting, Limited Nippon Electric Glass Company, Limited (NEG) Nippon Steel and Sumikin Chemical Company Ltd. Novaled GmbH ntact OLEDWorks LLC OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH (Siemens AG) OTI Lumionics Inc. / aerelight Panasonic Idemitsu OLED Lighting (PIOL) Philips (Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.) Pixelligent PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG (Leonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co. KG) Polyphotonix PPG Industries Inc. RITEK Corporation ROHM Company Limited SAES Getters (SAES Group) Samsung Group / Cheil Industries / Novaled Sanyo Chemical Industries

Schott AG Seiko Epson Corporation Showa Denko K.K. Solvay Group / Plextronics Sumitomo Chemical Sun Fine Chem (SFC) Sunic Systems, Ltd. Sung An Machinery Company Ltd. (SAM) TCZ TechnoCorp Energy, LLC Thorn Lighting Limited Tianma Micro-electronics Company Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) Tohoku Pioneer Corporation (Pioneer) Toppan Printing Toray Group / Toray Engineering Company, Ltd. Toshiba Corporation Tridonic Dresden GmbH & Co KG (LEDON OLED Lighting GmbH & Co KG) ULVAC Inc. / ULVAC Technologies, Inc. Universal Display Corporation Veeco Instruments Inc. Verbatim (Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation Group) Visionox Company WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. XENON Corporation 5. ElectroniCast 시장조사방법론 6. 용어정의및표준 6.1 두문자어, 약어, 일반용어 6.2 조명표준및규약 7. ElectroniCast 시장전망데이터베이스 - 개요및엑셀워크시트설명 7.1 개요 7.2 엑셀워크시트설명


OLED Lighting Global Market Forecast 2015-2025 Publisher: ElectroniCast / Date: 2015-09-04 / Page: 425 / Price: Single User PDF; $5,100 Summary Note: Market forecast data in this study report refers to consumption (use) for a particular calendar year; therefore, this data is not cumulative data. Market forecast data are provided in United States Dollars. ElectroniCast Consultants, a leading market & technology forecast consultancy, today announced their market forecast of the worldwide consumption of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) in lighting applications. OLED Description An organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is a light-emitting diode (LED) in which the emissive electroluminescent layer is a film of organic compounds, which emit light in response to an electric current. This layer of organic semiconductor material is situated between two electrodes. Generally, at least one of these electrodes is transparent. Lighting Applications The definition for lighting in this study includes general lighting, which is used to provide the main illumination of an area. The lighting category also includes specialized lighting, such as directional, supplementary, and architectural lighting, as well as OLED panels/tiles used in vehicles for the main

purpose of lighting. However, OLEDs used in signage, TVs, displays, and signals are not included in the market forecast data for this study. The increasing development of OLED technology in lighting is indeed encouraging, driven by the architectural lighting industry; therefore, full cooperation and partnerships with between the OLED device manufacturers and the architectural industry is of paramount importance, based on analysis by ElectroniCast Consultants. Since OLEDs can be fashioned onto large surfaces, they are a viable alternative to fluorescent tubes for building lighting or other applications. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that lighting for buildings accounts for more than 20 percent of U.S. energy use. Over the next 20 years, the agency estimates that widespread adoption of LED and OLED lighting could reduce electricity demands 60 percent and prevent almost 260 metric tons of carbon emission. OLED Level Quantified in the Electroni Cast Study Below in particular, are three levels (or food chain ) pertaining to the OLED marketplace. For the purposes of this ElectroniCast study, we quantify and provide a market forecast for Level 2 Level 1 Organic Materials, anode and cathode Level 2 OLED Lighting panel or tile with initial integrated frames (Without electronics and driver) Level 3 OLED Module, one or more panels (tiles) with control circuits, other value added components OLED devices will actually use a value-added OLED product, complete with the electronics (plugs and wires), driver integrated circuits, and possible structural packaging (cap, metallic/plastic panel frames). Also, even further, these packaged/equipped panels/tiles (also known as OLED modules) will typically be available as part of other value-added product, such as lamp-holders/fixtures. Therefore, it is important to note that this market forecast data only quantifies the OLED device (sometimes referred to as a tile, light source, panel or sub-panel) and not the complete module, lamp/fixtures or other value-added product(s). This report provides the market data by the following regional segments: - Global (Total) - America 1. United States and Canada 2. Latin America - EMEA 1. Northern Europe 2. Southern Europe 3. Western Europe

4. Eastern Europe 5. Middle East and Africa - APAC 1. People s Republic of China (PRC) 2. Japan 3. Republic of Korea (ROK) 4. Rest of APAC This report provides the forecast by the following functions: - Consumption Value: US$, Million - Quantity: Number of square meter (m²) in Millions - Average Selling Prices: ASP US$, per square meter Market Forecast ElectroniCast projects that the worldwide consumption value of selected lighting OLEDs will reach $144 million in 2015; consumption value is forecast to increase at an average annual growth rate of 74.8 percent to nearly $2.36 billion in 2020. The total value of OLED lighting is forecast an increase to $6.7 billion in the year 2023, before slipping to $5.544 billion in 2025. Quantity/unit volume is forecast to continue to climb through 2025; however, sharp decreases in average selling prices will eventually cause the overall market value to decrease. All values and prices in this report are at factory as-shipped levels, and are in current dollars, which include the effect of a forecasted 5 percent annual inflation rate over the forecast period. According to ElectroniCast, there is enough overall OLED interest and activity in 2015 by substantial leading lighting competitors with existing capable manufacturing capabilities, working with evolving technology, to pushing for mass-production. Also, industry players have been very active in establishing the required strategic supplier and IP agreements, as well as progressing in sales/distribution channel (planning) strategy. Therefore, the stage is set for a Build-it and They Will Come marketing strategy. The question is, how many customers will come and when. At the same time, other (competing) lighting solutions already work, have substantial customer base and established sales/distribution channels, occupying store footprint; therefore, OLED will need to find unique style/designs to provide a common-sense approach to providing lighting solutions that the other technologies do not currently provide. Beyond the light-bulb Mentality The ElectroniCast market opportunity analysis (MOA) shows the OLED panel market should not be limited to (only) lamps and typical (conventional) lamp fixtures for general lighting (table lamps, wall/ceiling fixtures). ElectroniCast assumes that the OLED panel general-lighting market will grow beyond the light-bulb mentality to a broad base of applications, which currently may not even be in

the idea-stage. Applications that have been mentioned by industry participants include (but not limited to) OLED incorporated into the following applications: - Windows/Skylights - Wall panels - Ceiling panels - Mirrors with light function - Flooring/Steps-stairs - Embedded into furniture - Structural lighting - Other (almost endless possibilities) Electroni Cast Methodology Market analysis and technology forecasting are complex tasks. Any predictions of the shape and trends of technology and economic movement start from the notion that the germ of what will be important tomorrow is present, although smaller or larger or in a different form, in our environment today. However, taking as a basis for a prediction the assumptions of current, conventional belief creates a set of preconceived notions that can lead to serious mistakes. ElectroniCast, instead, looks to the basic driving forces. The future market for an OLED consumed in selected applications depends on a number of factors, including: User equipment demand, for example specific applications, energy efficiency requirements and government regulations/ laws/mandates/low carbon footprint, future-proofing (design and in technology), economy and investment community: new housing/building and/or renovation cycles, product life cycles, competing technologies/solutions, cost/benefit ratios, requirements driven by intelligent/digital building lighting controls, and others. This study is based on analysis of information obtained continually over the past several years, but updated through the end of August 2015. During this period, ElectroniCast analysts performed interviews with authoritative and representative individuals in the OLED and LED manufacturing (materials, chips, packaging, devices, associated parts/pieces, fittings/fixtures) and building/facility management, local/state and federal government policy and management, LED driver IC and microcontrollers, product distributors, retail store management, import/export, and other. The interviews were conducted principally with: - Engineers, marketing personnel and management at manufacturers of OLEDs (materials, packaged OLEDs, lamps, fixtures, controls, systems) as well as other technologies. - Design group leaders, engineers, marketing personnel and market planners at major users and potential users of OLEDs. - Other industry experts, including those focused on standards activities, trade associations, and investments.

The interviews covered issues of technology, R&D support, pricing, contract size, reliability, documentation, installation/maintenance crafts, standards, supplier competition and other topics. Customers and distributors also were interviewed, to obtain their estimates of quantities received and average prices paid. Customer estimates of historical and expected near term future growth of their application are obtained. Their views of use of new technology products were obtained. The analyst then considered customer expectations of near term growth in their application, plus forecasted economic payback of investment, technology trends and changes in government regulations in the United Sates, to derive estimated growth rates of quantity and price of each product subset in each application. These forecasted growth rates are combined with the estimated baseline data to obtain the long-range forecasts at the lowest detailed level of each product and application. A full review of published information was also performed to supplement information obtained through interviews. The following sources were reviewed: - Professional technical journals and papers - Trade press articles - Technical conference proceedings - Product literature - Company profile and financial information - Additional information based on previous ElectroniCast market studies - Personal knowledge of the research team. In analyzing and forecasting the complexities of the American and other world region markets for light emitting diode products, it is essential that the market research team have a good and a deep understanding of the technology and of the industry. ElectroniCast members who participated in this report were qualified. Bottom-up Methodology ElectroniCast forecasts, as illustrated in the forecast data structure, are developed initially at the lowest detail level, then summed to successively higher levels. The background market research focuses on the amount of each type of product used in each application in the base year (2013), and the prices paid at the first transaction from the manufacturer. This forms the base year data. ElectroniCast analysts then forecast the growth rates in component quantity use in each application, along with price trends, based on competitive, economic and technology forecast trends, and apply these to derive long term forecasts at the lowest application levels. The usage growth rate forecasts depend heavily on analysis of overall end user trends toward equipment usage and economic payback. Figure 3 further illustrates the research methodology regarding this study.

The calculation and analysis data spreadsheet technique is based upon input/output analysis, leveraging the quantitative consumption quantity, price and value of each item in each application at all levels to achieve reasonable quantitative conclusions; this interactive analysis concept, first applied on a major scale by Leonteff, of the US Department of Commerce, in the mid 1950s, was then adopted successfully by analyst/forecasting firms Quantum Science, Gnostic Concepts and (in 1981) by ElectroniCast. Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Overview 1.2 Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Lamps & Light Fixtures Used in General Lighting 2. OLED Technology 3. OLED Lighting Market Forecast 3.1 Overview 3.2 America Market Forecast 3.3 EMEA Market Forecast 3.4 APAC Market Forecast 4. OLED Competitors & Related Entities Acuity Brands, Inc. AIXTRON Applied Materials, Inc. Arkena AU Optronics Corporation BASF / BASF Future Business GmbH Beneq Blackbody (Astron FIAMM) Cambrios Technologies Corporation Chi Mei Group Corning Incorporated DELO Doosan Corporation Electro-Materials Dow Electronic Materials (Dow Chemical Company) Duksan Hi-Metal DuPont / DuPont Teijin Films e-ray Optoelectronics Technology Company E2M Technology Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) COMEDD (Dresden) General Electric Company Heraeus Precious Metals Hodogaya Chemical Group

Idemitsu Kosan Company, Limited Intrinsiq Materials, Inc. (IM) Jusung Engineering Company, Limited Kaneka Corporation Kintec Company Konica Minolta Holdings, Incorporated LG Electronics / LE Chem LOMOX Limited Lumiotec Incorporated Merck KgaA - EMD Chemicals Group MC Pioneer OLED Lighting Corporation (Mitsubishi Chemical and Pioneer) Mitsui Chemicals Moser Baer NEC Lighting, Limited Nippon Electric Glass Company, Limited (NEG) Nippon Steel and Sumikin Chemical Company Ltd. Novaled GmbH ntact OLEDWorks LLC OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH (Siemens AG) OTI Lumionics Inc. / aerelight Panasonic Idemitsu OLED Lighting (PIOL) Philips (Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.) Pixelligent PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG (Leonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co. KG) Polyphotonix PPG Industries Inc. RITEK Corporation ROHM Company Limited SAES Getters (SAES Group) Samsung Group / Cheil Industries / Novaled Sanyo Chemical Industries Schott AG Seiko Epson Corporation Showa Denko K.K. Solvay Group / Plextronics Sumitomo Chemical Sun Fine Chem (SFC) Sunic Systems, Ltd. Sung An Machinery Company Ltd. (SAM) TCZ

TechnoCorp Energy, LLC Thorn Lighting Limited Tianma Micro-electronics Company Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) Tohoku Pioneer Corporation (Pioneer) Toppan Printing Toray Group / Toray Engineering Company, Ltd. Toshiba Corporation Tridonic Dresden GmbH & Co KG (LEDON OLED Lighting GmbH & Co KG) ULVAC Inc. / ULVAC Technologies, Inc. Universal Display Corporation Veeco Instruments Inc. Verbatim (Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation Group) Visionox Company WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. XENON Corporation 5.ElectroniCast Market Research Methodology 6. Definitions and Standards 6.1 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and General Terms 6.2 Lighting Standards and Protocols 7. ElectroniCast Market Forecast Data Base Introduction/Explanation of Excel Worksheets 7.1 Overview 7.2 Tutorial of the Excel Worksheets List of Tables 1.1.1 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, By Region ($ Million) 1.1.1 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, By End-User Group ($ Million) 2.1 Comparison of Light Emission Efficiency and Light Emission Life 3.1.1 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.1.2 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, by End-User Group (Million Square Meters) 3.1.3 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, by End-User Group (ASP per Square Meter) 3.1.4.a Members - CERC Building Energy Efficiency Consortium 3.1.4.b Members - CERC Building Energy Efficiency Consortium 3.1.5 General Characteristics of OLEDs 3.1.5 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, by Region ($ Million) 3.1.6 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, by Region (Million Square Meters) 3.1.7 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, by Region (ASP per Square Meter) 3.2.1OLEDs Used in Lighting American Forecast, by Sub-Region ($ Million) 3.2.2 OLEDs Used in Lighting American Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.2.3 OLEDs Used in Lighting USA/Canada Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million)

3.2.4 OLEDs Used in Lighting Latin American Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.2.5 Selling to a Government Entity 3.2.6 Members of Next Generation Lighting Industry Alliance (NGLIA) 3.2.7 Latin American Demographic Trends 3.3.1 European Sub-Regions as identified by the United Nations Geo-scheme 3.3.2 Population in Northern Europe, by Country 3.3.3 Population in Southern Europe, by Country 3.3.4 Population in Western Europe, by Country 3.3.5 Population in Eastern Europe, by Country 3.3.6 OLEDs Used in Lighting EMEA Forecast, by Sub-Region ($ Million) 3.3.7 OLEDs Used in Lighting EMEA Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.3.8 OLEDs Used in Lighting Northern Europe Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.3.9 OLEDs Used in Lighting Southern Europe Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.3.10 OLEDs Used in Lighting Western Europe Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.3.11 OLEDs Used in Lighting Eastern Europe Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.3.12 OLEDs Used in Lighting Middle East/Africa Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.4.1 OLEDs Used in Lighting APAC Forecast, by Sub-Region ($ Million) 3.4.2 OLEDs Used in Lighting APAC Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.4.3 OLEDs Used in Lighting People s Republic of China Forecast, End-User Group ($ Million) 3.4.4 OLEDs Used in Lighting Japan Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.4.5 OLEDs Used in Lighting Republic of Korea Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.4.6 OLEDs Used in Lighting Rest of APAC Forecast, by End-User Group ($ Million) 3.4.7 List of ELCOMA Members List of Figures 1.1.1 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Market Forecast (Value Basis, $ Million) 1.1.2 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Market Forecast (Quantity Basis, Million/Units) 1.1.3 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Market Forecast (ASP per Square Meter) 1.1.4 OLEDs Used in Lighting Global Forecast, By End-User Group ($ Million) 1.1.5.a OLED Lighting Panel 1.1.5.b OLED Lighting Control Circuit 1.1.5c OLED Lighting Module 1.1.6 Transparent OLED on Foil 1.2.1 Samples of Lighting Fixture Types, using LEDs 1.2.1 Samples of Lighting Fixture Types, using OLEDs 2.1 OLED Layer Diagram with Glass Substrate 2.2.a OLED Layer Diagram: as anode 2.2.b OLED Layer Diagram: as HIL-layer 2.3 Illustration of a Device to Stabilize 2D Materials 2.4 PIN Doping Technology

2.5 Blue OLED 2.6 Fully Stretchable OLED 2.7 High-Efficient Flexible OLED on Plastic 2.8 Fabrication of Large-Area OLED Lighting Module 2.9 Color-Tunable and Framed OLED Panel Modules 2.10 OLED Modules 2.11 Evolution of Research Emphasis during Technology Life Cycle 3.1.1 Product Life Cycle (PLC) 3.1.2 Kitchen Under-Cabinet OLED-Based Lighting System 3.1.3 Phosphorescent OLED (PHOLED) Lamp 3.1.4 OLED caster light for Broadcasting Studios 3.1.5 OLED Inkjet-Printing System 4.1 Concept OLED luminaire 4.2 Electron Beam Array Test (EBT) system 4.3 Thin Film Encapsulation for OLED Research and Manufacturing 4.4 OLED Desk/Table Lamp 4.5 OLED Desk/Table Lamp 4.6 Flexible Glass 4.7 OLED Liquid Printing Process Technology: Cost Savings 4.8 Fabrication of Large-Area OLED Lighting Module 4.9 OLED Desk Lighting 4.10 OLED Lighting Fixture 4.11 OLED Lighting Fixture 4.12.a OLED Layer Diagram: as anode 4.12.b OLED Layer Diagram: as HIL-layer 4.13 OLED Lighting Tiles with Initial Integrated Frames 4.14OLED Panels in Colors 4.15 OLED Lighting Panel 4.16 LED Panel Example versus an OLED Panel Example 4.17 OLED Panel Units with External Power Unit 4.18OLED Lighting Examples 4.19 Detail of the OLED Panel 4.20 Display OLED Panel 4.21 OLED Lighting 4.22 Ultra-Thin Glass Sheet, Rolled into a cylinder 4.23 OLED Lighting Panel 4.24Organic EL Display (OELD) Materials 4.25 OLED- Automobile Tail Lights 4.26 Fabrication of Large-Area OLED Lighting Module 4.27 OLED-Based Desk/Table Lamp

4.28 OLED Processing 4.29 OLED Screen 4.30 Packaging: Conventional LED and Flexible OLED 4.31 OLED-Based Desk Lamp featuring Carbon Fabric Materials 4.32 Transparent OLEDs 4.33Organic Solutions Applied to Substrate 4.34 Comparison of PLEDs and SMOLEDs 4.35 Quality & Environment Management System 4.36 OLED evaporation process Equipment 4.37 Polymer OLED Test Cells 4.38 Schematic illustration of printing method applied to glass substrate 4.39 Device structure and luminous efficiency 4.40 OLED Modules 4.41 Flexible OLED Modules 4.42 Demonstrator of an OLED Panel 4.43 OLED-Based Loop Lamp Design 4.44 Corporation Structural Chart 4.45 OLED Panel Light 5.1 ElectroniCast Market Research & Forecasting Methodology 6.1.1 MacAdam Ellipses Chart 보고서문의