표 2 광고 73 초록편집.indd 오전 10:48

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이숲에들어선당신, 생명이일어선다, 쉰다, 달린다 행사프로그램 최고의치료를위해최고의줄기세포치료제를연구하는기업, 휴림바이오셀 서울시강서구허준로 217 가양테크노타운 403 호 / Tel : 02-2658-2371 / Fax: 02-2658-2372 / www.hurimbiocell.com 73 초록편집.indd 3 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

Cell Culture Systems Pluripotent Stem Cell Supports - Feeder cell : MEF, HDF - hes/ips Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culture system - Bone marrow derived MSC - Umbilical cord derived MSC - Adipose tissue derived MSC Skin and Hair Cell Culture System - HDF, HEK, HEM - HDP Human Dental Cell Culture System - DPSC, PDL Animal Cell Culture System - Mouse, Canine, equine Primary Cells Human Cell Therapy & CEFO R&D Stem cell therapy for bone defect Drilling Transplantation D a y 1 Smart Cell D a y 2 1 Animal Cell Therapy 동물조직확보및간엽줄기세포 Banking - 최적화된배양시스템개발및상용화 - Banking 3D stem cell expansion and differentiation - 3D gel-based culture system for pluripotent stem cells Feeder Cells hpsc Clump Feeder Free hpsc Medium Synthetic Bio-gel Coating - 3D gel-based differentiation / Efficacy & Toxicity test Angiogenesis Osteogenesis 3D Skin 지지체 조직채취 / 세포분리 대량배양 / 세포자원확보 세포 재생의학 3 요소 신호전달 Aminal Cell therapy 분화유도 Research Material Supplies 간엽줄기세포를이용한치료제개발 - 3차원골분화방식을통한경제성향상 - 골세포치료제 - 연골세포치료제 투여 전분화능줄기세포특성분석및저장 일차배양및줄기세포주구축및 in vitro assay 종양, 일차배양, 줄기세포연구 피부모델 / 피부세포를이용한효력 / 독성시험 혈관형성능시험 줄기세포배양교육 Contact US 세포바이오 : 서울시종로구우정국로 45-13 4 층 CEFO Co., Ltd 4th Floor 45-13 Ujeongguk-ro Jongno-gu Seoul Korea Tel. +82-2-723-3450 Fax. 02-723-3451 http://www.cefobio.com 73 초록편집.indd 4 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

73 초록편집.indd 5 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48 행사프로그램

73 초록편집.indd 6 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제 73 회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 [ 프로그램및발표논문초록 ] The 73 KAOBS Annual Meeting rd The 73 KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 행사프로그램 2018 International Conference [Programs and Abstracts] 평창알펜시아리조트 2018년 8월 22일 ( 수 ) ~ 24일 ( 금 ) PYEONGCHANG ALPENSIA, KOREA August 22~24, 2018 한국생태학회 / 한국생물교육학회 / 한국동물분류학회 / 한국유전학회 / 한국환경생물학회 / 한국식물분류학회 The Korean Association of Biological Sciences 73 초록편집.indd 7 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

73 초록편집.indd 8 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

2018 년도한국생물과학협회회장단및위원회명단 회장단 협회장 김철근 ( 한양대 ) 차기협회장 김세재 ( 제주대 ) 협회부회장 박중기 ( 이화여대 ) 김희백 ( 서울대 ) 협회감사 전상학 ( 서울대 ) 기획위원장 김재근 ( 서울대 ) 총무위원장 김현희 ( 삼육대 ) 홍보위원장 계명찬 ( 한양대 ) 정책위원장 권희석 ( 한국기초과학지원연구원 ) 총무간사 최제민 ( 한양대 ) 총무위원 문정환 ( 명지대 ) 총무위원 이도희 ( 서울여대 ) 학술간사 이혁제 ( 상지대 ) 기획간사 김태원 ( 인하대 ) 홍보간사 안치용 ( 한국생명공학연구원 ) 2018 년도한국생물과학협회행사프로그램회장단및위원회명단 학술위원회 위원장 박중기 ( 협회부회장, 이화여대 ) 간사 이혁제 ( 상지대 ) 위원 (4) 남기정 ( 생태, 경상대 ) 심규철 ( 생물교육, 공주대 ) 정종우 ( 동물분류, 이화여대 ) 김성조 ( 유전, 호서대 ) 간행위원회 위원장 김재근 ( 서울대 ) 간사 김태원 ( 인하대 ) 위원 (4) 김태원 ( 생태, 인하대 ) 소금현 ( 생물교육, 부산교대 ) 김영효 ( 동물분류, 단국대 ) 송경섭 ( 유전, 고신대 ) 홍보위원회 위원장 계명찬 ( 한양대 ) 간사 안치용 ( 생명공학연구원 ) 위원 (4) 양금철 ( 생태, 공주대 ) 조수원 ( 동물분류, 충북대 ) 송견지 ( 유전, 가톨릭관동대 ) 정책위원회 위원장 권희석 ( 기초과학지원연구원 ) 위원 (3) 박찬호 ( 생태, 국립생물자원관 ) 민기식 ( 동물분류, 인하대 ) 김민정 ( 유전, 숙명여대 ) 생물학용어제정심의위원회 위원장 방재욱 ( 충남대 ) 위원 (3) 김영환 ( 충북대 ) 이주헌 ( 연세대 ) 권혁빈 ( 삼육대 ) 박은호 ( 한양대 ) 김재근 ( 서울대 ) 신숙 ( 삼육대 ) 001 73 초록편집.indd 1 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 이사 (33 명 ) 2018 한국생물과학협회행사프로그램이사및대의원명단 한국생태학회 김재근 ( 회장, 서울대 ) 이재석 ( 건국대 ) 이훈복 ( 서울여대 ) 장이권 ( 이화여대 ) 김흥태 ( 서원대 ) 오능환 ( 서울대 ) 한국유전학회 강성만 ( 회장, 고려대 ) 김남근 ( 차의과학대 ) 김희수 ( 부산대 ) 정기화 ( 공주대 ) 황병준 ( 강원대 ) 조경상 ( 건국대 ) 한국생물교육학회 신영준 ( 경인교대 ) 김성하 ( 한국교원대 ) 한국환경생물학회 계명찬 ( 회장, 한양대 ) 오홍식 ( 제주대 ) 기장서 ( 상명대 ) 한국동물분류학회 신만균 ( 회장, 울산대 ) 윤성명 ( 조선대 ) 조수원 ( 충북대 ) 민기식 ( 인하대 ) 협회당연직 김철근 ( 회장, 한양대 ) 김세재 ( 차기회장, 제주대 ) 박중기 ( 부회장, 이화여대 ) 김희백 ( 부회장, 서울대 ) 전상학 ( 감사, 서울대 ) 방재욱 ( 용어심의위원장, 충남대 ) 김재근 ( 기획위원장, 서울대 ) 김현희 ( 총무위원장, 삼육대 ) 계명찬 ( 홍보위원장, 한양대 ) 권희석 ( 정책위원장, 기초과학지원연구원 ) 신숙 ( 전전회장, 삼육대 ) 우제창 ( 전회장, 서일대 ) 대의원 (47 명 ) 당연직대의원 ( 이사 33 명 ) 추천대의원 (14 명 ) 한국생태학회 이은주 ( 서울대 ) 이규송 ( 강릉원주대 ) 박상규 ( 아주대 ) 임신재 ( 중앙대 ) 한국생물교육학회 심규철 ( 공주대 ) 이선경 ( 청주교대 ) 한국환경생물학회 김영효 ( 단국대 ) 정종우 ( 이화여대 ) 한국유전학회 곽규범 ( 차의과학대 ) 차희재 ( 고신대 ) 정희경 ( 한양대 ) 이임순 ( 건국대 ) 한국환경생물학회 이혁제 ( 상지대 ) 안치용 ( 생명공학연구원 ) 002 73 초록편집.indd 2 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

목차 rd The 73 KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 행사프로그램 / 005 국문프로그램 / 005 영문프로그램 / 006 세부프로그램 / 007 / 022 기조강연 / 023 학술심포지엄 / 029 생명과학교육포럼 / 063 신진연구자포럼 / 070 구두발표 / 083 정책포럼 / 102 과학대중화강연 / 131 워크숍 / 138 일반학술발표 ( 포스터 ) 목록 / 147 일반학술발표 ( 포스터 ) 초록 / 177 저자색인 / 277 협력업체광고 / 288 행사프로그램목차 003 73 초록편집.indd 3 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 행사프로그램 004 73 초록편집.indd 4 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

행사프로그램 사 그 사 사 사 그 로 사 005 73 초록편집.indd 5 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 73 3 행사프로그램 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 006 73 초록편집.indd 6 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

세부일정 P. Plenary lectures 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제좌장 P1 8 월 22 일 14:00~14:40 박상대 ( 대한민국학술원 ) 한국생물과학의태동과위상 김철근 ( 협회장 ) P2 P3 8 월 22 일 14:40~15:25 8 월 23 일 9:00~9:50 Bikram Singh Gill (Kansas State University, USA) Bernard Degnan (University of Queensland, Australia) Dynamic sporophytic genomes, inheritance of acquired soma genetic variation into germ line, and rapid adaptive evolution in higher organisms Origin and early evolution of animals: genomic and cellular insights 방재욱 ( 전임협회장 ) 박중기 ( 부협회장 ) 행사프로그램 P4 8 월 23 일 17:30~18:50 박상철 ( 전남대학교 ) Life 3.0 시대와노화혁명 김세재 ( 차기협회장 ) P5 8 월 24 일 11:30~12:15 Nori Satoh(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan) Genomes of marine organisms: what do they tell us for our future studies? 박중기 ( 부협회장 ) 007 73 초록편집.indd 7 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 심포지엄 S1. Molecular Genetics in Model Systems 8월 22일 15:30~18:00 (Pyungchang I) Chair: 이영석 ( 국민대학교교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~16:00 Sunghoi Hong (Korea University) Reprogrammed cells for understanding and therapy of neurological diseases 행사프로그램 16:00~16:30 16:30~17:00 Seung-Jae V. Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology) Sangyun Jeong (Chonbuk National University) Longevity regulation by RNA quality control through Nonsense-mediated mrna decay in Caenorhabditis elegans Semaphorin-1a-mediated Forward and Reverse Signaling in Motor Axon Guidance 17:00~17:30 Ji-Hong Lim (Konkuk University) Functional role of PPARGC1A (PGC1a) in Lung cancer metastasis 17:30~18:00 Ho Chul Kang (Ajou University School of Medicine) USP39, a new poly (ADP-ribose)-binding deubiquitinase, drives non-homologous end-joining repair by liquid demixing S2, Molecular Ecology & molecular biodiversity (Language: English) 8 월 22 일 15:30~18:00 (Pyungchang II) Chair: Soowon Cho (Prof., Chungbuk National University) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~15:55 Gang Ni (Ewha Womans University) Comparative phylogeography in the northwestern Pacific: achievement and challenges 15:55~16:20 16:20~16:45 Jae-Cheon Sohn (Mokpo National University) Myounghai Kwak (National Institute of Biological Resources) More genes or more species? Insights for cost-effective molecular studies on biodiversity evolution in moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera) Effect of past and current gene flow within and among species on metapopulation structure and high genetic diversity of Abies koreana (Pinaceae) 16:45~17:10 Yong-Jin Won (Ewha Womans University) Diversification and Natural and Anthropogenic Intergradation of the Fish Family Cobitidae Along the Korean Peninsula 17:10~17:35 Sang-Gyu Kim (KAIST) 17:35~18:00 Qi Li (Ocean University of China, China) Plant natural history meets molecular biology and analytical chemistry Cryptic genetic diversity of marine gastropod Monodonta labio and Neverita didyma in the coast of China revealed by phylogeographic analysis 008 73 초록편집.indd 8 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

S3. Advanced Microscopy 8월 22일 15:30~18:00 (Daekwanryung II) Chair: 권희석 ( 기초과학지원연구원환경 소재분석본부전자현미경연구부부장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~16:00 Doory Kim (Hanyang University) Ultrastructural Studies by Correlative Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) and Electron Microscopy 16:00~16:30 16:30~17:00 Keehoon Jung (Seoul National University College of Medicine) Sung-Hoon Jun (Korea Basic Science Institute, Yonsei University, University Park) Characterization of the Immune Microenvironment in Cancers by Real-Time Intravital Multi-Photon Microscopy Cryo-EM structure of RNA polymerase-tfe complex reveals TFE binding opens clamp and stalk domains 행사프로그램 17:00~17:30 Yang Hoon Huh (Korea Basic Science Institute) 3D Ultrastructural Visualization of Bio-Nano Materials by Bio-High Voltage Electron Microscope with 3D Tilting Electron Tomography 17:30~18:00 Kyung Eun Lee (Korea Institute of Sciences and Technology) Large volume 3D reconstruction using scanning electron microscopy S4. Functional Genomics (Language: English) 8 월 23 일 10:00~12:30 (Forest) Chair: Nam-Soo Kim (Prof., Kangwon National University) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 10:00~10:30 Cynthia P. Palmes-Saloma (University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippine) The Philippine Coconut Reference Genome Project 10:30~11:00 Yi Qiu (University of Florida, USA) GATA-1 deacetylation and interaction with HDAC1 is critical for GATA-1 mediated gene transcription 11:00~11:30 11:30~12:00 Thanh Hoa Le (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam) Nam Gyun Kim (University of Washington College of Medicine, USA) From Genomics to Functional Application for Viruses and Zoonotic Parasitic Pathogens Implemented in Vietnam The role of the Hippo pathway in mammary tumorigenesis 12:00~12:30 Masanori Imamura (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University) Evolutional Developmental Biology and Medicine with Primate Stem Cells 009 73 초록편집.indd 9 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference S5. Evolutionary Genomics (Language: English) 8월 23일 10:00~12:30 (Auditorium) Chair: Joong-Ki Park (Prof., Ewha Womans University, Vice President of KAOBS), Bernard Degnan (Prof., The University of Queensland, Australia) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 행사프로그램 10:00~10:30 Joong-Ki Park (Ewha Womans University) 10:30~11:00 Ik-Young Choi (Kangwon National University) Population genomic analysis reveals contrasting demographic changes of two closely related dolphin species in the last glacial The application and trend of DNA mutation from abiotic stress using NGS data 11:00~11:30 Shikai Liu (Ocean University of China, China) Whole-genome based biological studies in catfish 11:30~12:00 Seungshic Yum (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology) The end of "symbiotic prosperity" - The coral story 12:00~12:30 Jae-Seong Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) Genome-wide molecular ecotoxicological studies with four rotifer Brachionus spp. S6. Statistical Genetics in Big data 8월 24일 9:00~11:30 (Forest) Chair: 정순천 ( 한국생명과학연구원책임연구원 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 09:00~09:30 Jeong-Hwan Mun (Myongji University) 09:30~10:00 Hokeun Sun (Pusan National University) 10:00~10:30 Yi Lee (Chungbuk National University) 10:30~11:00 Yeisoo Yu (DNACARE Co. Ltd.) The draft genome of wild Prunus yedoensys, a natural hybrid flowering cherry Incorporating Genetic Networks into Case-control Association Studies with High-dimensional DNA Methylation Data Genome Analysis and Finding of Saponin Biosynthesis Genes from Platycodon grandiflorum, a Traditional Medicinal Plant Development of Open Source Platform for Genomics-Based Crop Improvement 11:00~11:30 Soon-Chun Jeong (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology) Genetic Diversity Patterns and Domestication Origin of Soybean 010 73 초록편집.indd 10 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

S7. Current Issues in Plant Taxonomy 8 월 24 일 9:00~11:30 (Luge) Chair: 이웅빈 ( 용인대학교교수, 한국식물분류학회회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 09:00~09:30 Byoung Yoon Lee (National Institute of Biological Resources) Target-enrichment NGS sequencing data provided full resolution for identifying medicinally important Korean Artemisia taxa 09:30~10:00 현진오 ( 동북아생물다양성연구소 ) 국가지정주요관리대상생물종의국명및영명부여 10:00~10:30 Joo-Hwan Kim (Gachon University) Out-of-North America through the Bering Land Bridge: A case of intercontinential dispersal of Melanthiaceae 행사프로그램 011 73 초록편집.indd 11 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 생명과학교육포럼 SEF1. 유전자및유전체학연구의성과와생명과학교육 8월 22일 15:30~17:30 (Pyungchang Ⅲ) Chair: 심규철 ( 공주대학교교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~16:10 전상학 ( 서울대학교, 전한국유전학회회장 ) 유전자의발현조절관련연구의현황과성과 행사프로그램 16:10~16:50 강성만 ( 고려대학교, 현한국유전학회회장 ) 질환유전자의동정과유전체연구의성과와쟁점 16:50~17:30 Kil-Jae Lee (Emeritus Professor, Korea National University of Education) Application of Human Genomic Informations in Biology Education Research SEF2. 인문학과생태학의교감 8 월 22 일 19:00~21:00 (Auditoium III) Chair: 이임순 ( 건국대학교교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 19:00~19:30 신동흔 ( 건국대학교 ) 구전설화가말하는자연과인간의생태적관계 - 산또는숲의생명성과양면적작용을중심으로 - 19:30~20:00 Kyungho Lee (Konkuk University) γ-terpinene induces apoptosis through the PERK-eIF2α signaling pathway of the unfolded protein response in HeLa cells 20:00~20:30 Jaeseok Lee (Konkuk University) Ecosystem and its services 20:30~21:00 Sun-Jin Yun (Seoul National University) Residents Participatory Forest Management: Past and Present 012 73 초록편집.indd 12 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

신진연구자포럼 YSF1. 신진연구자포럼 I 8월 23일 10:00~12:30 (Daekwanryung II) Chair: 강성만 ( 고려대학교교수, 한국유전학회회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 10:00~10:15 Youngha Lee (Seoul National University) Consecutive genetic analysis by whole exome sequencing in 352 Korean pediatric patients with unknown neurogenetic diseases 10:15~10:30 Wonseok Shin (Dankook University) 10:30~10:45 Suman Rimal (Kookmin University) Novel discovery of LINE-1 in a Korean individual by a target enrichment method Molecular Basis of Nicotine Taste in Drosophila melanogaster 행사프로그램 10:45~11:00 Byeonghyeon Lee (Kyungpook National University) Evaluating Protective and Therapeutic Effects for Ototoxicity caused by Cisplatin using Alpha-lipoic Acid 11:00~11:15 Coffee Break 11:15~11:30 Won-Ju Kim (Hanyang University) Therapeutic T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP) in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis 11:30~11:50 Min Young Kim (Hanyang University) Mbd2-CP2c loop drives adult-type globin gene expression and definitive erythropoiesis 11:50~12:10 Beomsue Kim (Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore) Development of fluorescent chemical probes for brain cells 12:10~12:30 Junghyun Jo (Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR, Singapore) Lab grown mini-midbrain: Modeling Parkinson s disease YSF2. 신진연구자포럼 II 8월 23일 10:00~11:40 (Luge) Chair: 신만균 ( 울산대학교교수, 한국동물분류학회회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 10:00~10:15 Taeho Kim (Korea University) 10:15~10:30 Yu Cheol Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Ruizia karukerae and Acrobeloides varius (Rhabditida: Nematoda): Phylogenetic implications for chromadorean nematodes Mitochondrial genome phylogeny of Mytilidae (Bivalvia) and phylogeography of Mytilisepta virgata in the northwestern Pacific 10:30~10:45 Shahed Uddin Ahmed Shazib (University of Ulsan) Molecular phylogeny and species delimitation of the heterotrichean ciliate assessed by molecular markers and multifaceted analysis strategy 10:45~11:00 Coffee Break 11:00~11:20 정수종 ( 서울대학교 ) 북반구식생의생장기간변화그리고지구시스템모델링 11:20~11:40 Chi Hong Lim (National Institute of Ecology) Monitoring for changes in phenology at both temporal and spatial scales based on meteorological indicators 013 73 초록편집.indd 13 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 구두발표 O1. 구두발표 I 8월 22일 19:00~21:00 (Pyungchang I) Chair: 석호영 ( 영남대학교교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 19:00~19:20 Jihyun Yoon (National Institute of Ecology, Seoul National University) Analysis of regional gaps in Ramsar CEPA implementation 행사프로그램 19:20~19:40 Sungjun Bae (Sahmyook University) 19:40~20:00 Seo Yeon Byeon (Sangji University) Succession patterns in Communities of Marine Benthic Invertebrates on Different Artificial Substrates The Sargassum horneri golden tide seaweeds in Korean waters: do floating populations genetically differ from benthic populations? 20:00~20:20 Daseul Ham (Korea University) Taxonomy of the mycophagous gall midge subfamilies Winnertziinae and Porricondylinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Korea 20:20~20:40 Ji Eun Jang (Sangji University) Rapid Evolution of Snout and Body Shape in the Manchurian Trout 20:40~21:00 Ji-Hun Song (Inha University) Systematic study on the Korean Isopoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca) O2. 구두발표 II 8 월 22 일 19:00~21:00 (Pyungchang II) Chair: 조용찬 ( 국립수목원산림자원보존과연구원 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 19:00~19:20 Hakbong Lee (Sungshin University) Structure of Plant-Pollinator Networks of Invaded Coastal Sand Dunes in Korea 19:20~19:40 Ki Hwan Cho (Chonbuk National University) Survival analysis in modeling environmental change using multitemporal satellite imagery 19:40~20:00 조용찬 ( 국립수목원 ) 한국고산침엽수생육지의식생유형과구조, 그리고발달 20:00~20:20 김태경 ( 서울대학교 ) 기계학습을이용한식물계절정보수집자동관측시스템개발 20:20~20:40 이민수 ( 서울대학교 ) 지속적인가뭄이우리나라주요온대수종의직경생장에미치는영향 20:40~21:00 김수경 ( 서울대학교 ) 식물계절모형을이용한아까시나무의만개일예측 014 73 초록편집.indd 14 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

O3. 구두발표 III 8 월 22 일 19:00~21:20 (Pyungchang III) Chair: 공삼근 ( 공주대학교교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 19:00~19:20 Daehyun Kim (Seoul National University) Recolonization of native and invasive plants after large-scale clearance of a temperate coastal dunefield 19:20~19:40 Han Sung Park (CHA University) The association of HOX transcript antisense intergenic RNA (HOTAIR) polymorphism and risk of colorectal cancer in Koreans 19:40~20:00 김정은 ( 상지대학교 ) 충주댐하류유역의계절적수질변동과유역환경의영향 행사프로그램 20:00~20:20 Geon Kim (KAIST) 20:20~20:40 Eun-Ji Kim (Hanyang University) 20:40~21:00 변시연 ( 서울대학교 ) 21:00~21:20 Serret Hortense(Ewha Womans University) Label-free 3D Characterization of Live Frog Erythrocytes using Optical Diffraction Tomography Degradation of the Brassionsteroid-responsive transcription factor in Arabidopsis Roots 상부개방형온실을이용한점진적질소제한가설검증 - 고농도의이산화탄소하에서의우리나라수종들의생리적변화 - Recoding Nature : Recording Methods and Metadata in the Constraction of Sound Library in Korea 015 73 초록편집.indd 15 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 정책포럼 PF1. 생명과학학술비전로드맵포럼 8월 22일 15:30~18:00 (Daekwanryung I) Chair: 김남일 ( 춘천교육대학교교수, 한국생물과학협회전임부협회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~16:00 이승규 (KISTEP 사회혁신전략센터 ) 4 차산업혁명의흐름속바이오 메디컬 헬스케어기술변화 행사프로그램 16:00~16:30 김흥열 (KRIBB 생명공학정책연구센터 ) 바이오육성정책 - 이슈와과제 - 16:30~17:00 김응국 ( 충북대학교 ) 생명과학학술로드맵구축 17:00~17:30 김재근 ( 서울대학교 ) 한국생명과학협회 ( 가칭 ) 의발전방향 17:30~18:00 종합토론 PF2. 생명과학차세대교육 / 대중화포럼 8 월 22 일 15:30~18:00 (Bobsleigh) Chair: 우제창 ( 서일대학교총장, 한국생물과학협회전임회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~15:55 조향숙 ( 한국창의재단 ) 미래세대과학교육표준과과학교육정책 15:55~16:20 최정훈 ( 한양대학교청소년과학진흥센터 ) 생명과학관련분야와의예시를통한 STEAM 교육과대중화활동 16:20~16:45 김항배 ( 한양대학교 ) 물리학대중화의길 16:45~17:10 정태희 ( 인천과학고등학교 ) 2015 개정교육과정으로바라본생명과학교육의현재와미래 17:10~17:35 최문용한국여성과학기술인지원센터 ) 한국정부의여성과학기술인육성및활용제고를위한지원정책 WISET 사업중심으로 17:35~18:00 종합토론 016 73 초록편집.indd 16 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

정책포럼 PF3. 생명과학연구정책포럼 8월 23일 10:00~12:30 (Pyungchang I) Chair: 강신성 ( 경북대학교명예교수, 한국시니어과학기술인협회부회장, 한국생물과학협회전임회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 10:00~10:25 박병철 ( 한국연구재단 ) 바이오원천기술개발사업현황및프로세스 10:25~10:50 김필주 ( 평양과학기술대학 ) Biodiversity preservation in North Korea for the Agricultural Improvement and Environmental Sustainability of Koran Peninsula 10:50~11:15 이명철 ( 기초연구연합 ) 기초연구연합의설립배경및역할 행사프로그램 11:15~11:40 Ki Wha Chung (Kongju national University) Genomic Cohort Study of Rare Inherited Peripheral Neuropaties for Precision Medicine 11:40~12:05 김병훈 ( 환경부 ) 기후변화대응을위한환경부 R&D 발전방향 12:05~12:30 종합토론 PF4. 생명과학인프라포럼 8 월 23 일 10:00~12:30 (Pyungchang II) Chair: 김재근 ( 서울대학교교수, 한국생태학회회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 10:00~10:30 Jaeyoung Song (DGMIF) Structure-Based Lead Discovery (SBLD) at NDDC 10:30~11:00 이제욱 ( 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 ) 바이오의약품개발효율향상을위한오송첨단의료산업진흥재단신약개발지원센터의역할 11:00~11:30 이욱재 ( 국립낙동강생물자원관 ) 국가담수생물자원의관리중요성과미래가치 - 국립낙동강생물자원관기능과주요사업 - 11:30~12:00 Hak Cheol Kwon(KIST Gangneung Institute of Natural Products) KIST Natural Product Research Institute: Research Strategy for Plant Metabolites Identification 12:00~12:30 종합토론 017 73 초록편집.indd 17 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 정책포럼 SSF1. 성공사례포럼 ( 제약 / 대기업 ) 8월 22일 15:30~18:00 (Forest) Chair: 신숙 ( 삼육대학교교수, 한국생물과학협회전임회장 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~15:55 Soo Young Lee (CELLTRION Inc.) Global View of Biosimilar & Remsima TM Success Story 행사프로그램 15:55~16:20 Yonghwan Jin (Samsung BioLogics) Better CDMO by Samsung BioLogics 16:20~16:45 이용재 ( 종근당효종연구소 ) Duvie(Lobeglitazone) A Novel PPARg Agonist with balanced efficacy and safety 16:45~17:10 17:10~17:35 Senyon Teddy Choe (Mogam Institute for Biomedical Research, UCSD) Nackmoon Sung (Seegene Medical Foundation) Global Opportunities of Biopharmaceutics Drug Discovery Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Bacterial Pneumonia Pathogens on Sputum DNA samples of Tuberculosis Suspects 17:35~18:00 종합토론 정책포럼 SSF2. 성공사례포럼 ( 생명과학사업화전략 ) 8월 23일 10:00~12:30 (Pyungchang III) Chair: 김창주 (Search & Tran 대표이사 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 10:00~10:25 정경욱 ( 특허법인태백 ) 바이오제약분야지식재산권이해및특허전략 10:25~10:50 Chang Ju Kim (Search & Tran) A Research and Development Strategy for Successful Technology Commercialization 10:50~11:15 김훈주 ( 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 ) 의약생산센터인프라를이용한신약개발 11:15~11:40 김준 ( 대웅제약 ) NABOTA Global Project 11:40~12:05 Jin-San Yoo (President and Founder of PharmAbcine, Inc) PharmAbcine story and its Clinical Development 12:05~12:30 종합토론 018 73 초록편집.indd 18 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

과학대중화강연 SP1. 과학대중화 ( 나의연구이야기 ) 8월 24일 9:00~11:30 (Auditorium) Chair: 박재근 ( 한양대학교석좌교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 9:00~09:40 심원목 ( 성균관대학교 ) 뇌가보여주는세계 9:40~10:20 장인권 ( 쿠웨이트국립과학연구원, 한국국제협력단 ) 10:20~11:00 Jea-Gun Park (Hanyang University) 북아프리카에부는수산한류 : 사하라사막에서바다새우를양식하다 Development and Application of Novel Quantum-dot Ultraviolet Camera 행사프로그램 11:00~11:30 종합토론 정책포럼 SP2. 과학대중화 ( 생명과학의미래와도전 ) 8월 24일 9:00~11:30 (Pyungchang I) Chair: 한인석 ( 한양대학교특임교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 9:00-9:30 문병석 (CJ 헬스케어 ) 바이오의미래비젼 9:30-10:00 이지연 ( 고려대학교 ) 10:00-10:30 권승해 ( 한국기초과학지원연구원 ) Scientific Communication and Networking ( 의생명과학분야전공과학자 ( 대학원생중심 ) 의열린토론워크숍 ) 생명과학분야대학 ( 원 ) 생영상장비실습교육계획및기대효과 10:30-11:00 한인석 ( 유타대학교아시아캠퍼스창립명예총장 ) 도전과창조 11:00-11:30 종합토론 019 73 초록편집.indd 19 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 워크숍 SW1. 유망신약개발현황 ( 한양대학교자연과학연구소공동주관 ) 8월 22일 15:30~18:00 (Luge) Chair: 계명찬 ( 한양대학교교수, 한국환경생물학회회장 ), 오홍식 ( 제주대학교교수 ) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 15:30~16:00 임환섭 (SCL) SCL 서울의과학연구소, ' 창립 35 주년 ' 글로벌의료기관도약 행사프로그램 16:00~16:30 Sunray Lee (CEFO Co. Ltd.) 16:30~17:00 Daewoong Jo (Cellivery Therapeutics, Inc.) Development of bone cell therapy based on 3-D osteogenic differentiation Intracellular Protein Therapy with Parkin Suppresses Parkinson Disease Phenotypes by Penetrating Blood-Brain Barrier 17:00~17:30 우동훈 ( 주식회사넥셀 ) 인간줄기세포를활용한약물스크리닝및신약개발 17:30~18:00 종합토론 워크숍 SW2. Biochemical Mechanisms of Colorectal Cancer (Language: English) 8월 23일 10:00~12:30 (Daekwanryung I) Chair: Mihi Yang (Prof., Sookmyung Women's University), Aeson Om (Prof., Hanyang University) 일정성명 ( 소속 ) 연제 10:00~10:30 Mihi Yang (Sookmyung Women's University) Biomarkers for association between diet and colorectal cancer 10:30~11:00 Aeson Om (Hanyang University) Gender differences in colorectal cancer and diet 11:00~11:30 Sungjoon Lee (Korea University) Novel molecular biomarkers of colon cancer : A short review 11:30~12:00 Myungah Lee (The Catholic University of Korea) Clinical biomarkers for colorectal cancer 12:00~12:30 Jeongseon Kim (NCC) Inflammatory Dietary Pattern, IL-17F Genetic Variant, and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer 020 73 초록편집.indd 20 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

2018 한국생물과학협회국제학술대회고등학생 session Workshop 부스 일시 : 2018 년 8 월 23 일 09:00 ~17:30 장소 : 알펜시아리조트컨벤션센터 2 층부스및포스터전시실 Session 1 Maker 교육과생명과학의연계 (Maker Education with Life Science) 행사프로그램 1. 유전자발현과정이해를위한학생참여중심수업용 SW 융합학습교구 ( 일산대진고등학교, SW 중점학급자율동아리 ) 박진서, 오재빈, 김준모, 양재훈지도교사 : 최현주 3D 프린팅및 SW 기술을이용하여유전자발현과정중번역과정을이해하기용이한모의실험용모델을제작하였다. 직접학습자가조작가능한블록형학습교구로서, 학생차여중심수업에적합한교구이다. 또한오픈소스를통한 DIY식창의적학습교구이다. NFC를이용하여상호피드백이가능한학습환경을구현하고자한다. 2. 3D 프린팅으로구현해보는관절구조탐구 ( 전자의수 ) ( 상문고등학교, 메이커아카데미 ) 박세원, 이용혁, 최민서지도교사 : 류민우이번창작물의목적은실제손처럼움직이는설치형의수를만드는것으로손가락의마디를탄소섬유실로연결한후서브모터를당기는방식으로사람의관절과매우비슷하게작동한다. 입력방식은플렉스센서를사용하여특수장갑을차고있는사람의손모양을인식하여따라하게된다. 모든것은의수안쪽에있는아두이노에의하여조정된다. 물체를잡기편하게하기위해서의수의전반적인모델링이물건을잡기편하게설계되었다. 이창작물은여타의창작물과다르게팔꿈치와팔목도구동된다는차별점이있다 3. 3D 바이오프린팅관련자료포스터 ( 한국기계연구원이준희박사제공자료 ) Session 2 STEAM 교육과생명과학의연계 (STEAM Education with Life Science) 1. 효소로그리는그림 ( 일산대진고등학교 ) 신서현, 황수빈, 황지현지도교사 : 최현주 Amylase 에의해아이오딘반응색변화를유도하여그림으로그려보는 STEAM 탐구활동이다. 아밀로스, 아밀로펙틴의함량창이로색을다르게하거나, 교과서제시되는콩즙 (urase) 등으로다양하게응용가능 하다. 021 73 초록편집.indd 21 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

기조강연 / 023 학술심포지엄 / 029 생명과학교육포럼 / 063 신진연구자포럼 / 070 구두발표 / 083 정책포럼 / 102 과학대중화강연 / 131 워크숍 / 138 022 73 초록편집.indd 22 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

P1 한국생물과학의태동과위상 박상대서울대명예교수, 제37대한국생물과학협회장 한국생물과학협회는금년으로창립 73 주년을맞이하였다. 1945 년조국광복과더불어우리생물학자들은일인들이결성한조선박람회를인수하여 조선생물학회 로개칭, 초대회장에도봉섭선생을모시고학술활동을개시하였던것이 한국생물과학협회 학술활동의시작이된다. 그후 1946 년부터 1590 년까지정태현교수가 2~5 대회장으로재임중에 1948 년조선생물학회를한국생물학회로개칭하였다가 1951 년대한생물학회로재개칭하였다.1950 년 6.25 동란이발발하여학회활동이일시중단되었고, 1951 년우장춘선생이 6 대회장으로계실때조선생물학회는 대한생물학회 로개칭하였다. 그후 1951~1956 년까지 7~11 대회장으로재임한김호직선생은 1956 년 생물학회보 를창간하였다. 그러나 한국생물과학협회 라는명칭이사용된것은 1957 년 11 월 30 일에대한생물학회가한국생물과학협회로개편되고그이듬해 1 월, 한국식물학회와한국동물학회가협회에가입하여 2 개의회원학회를한국생물과학협회산하에두게된때부터이다. 1. 광복이전의우리나라생물학관련학회 1900 년 6 월 1 일, 영국황실아주학회조선지부 (The Korean Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society) 가설립되어조선에관한연구가본격적으로착수되었다. 1918 년황실아주학회조선지부회보 (Translations; The Korean Branch, The Royal Asiatic Society) 9 권에는한국식물상과부록으로한국의관목 50 종의예비목록이실리게되었는데, 이것이한국에서생물학을취급한최초의학회기록이다. 1923 년 10 월 21 일경성공립제일고등학교에서일인주동으로 70 여명이참석하여 조선박물학회 가창립되었는데, 그다음해 11 월현재, 보통회원수는 125 명, 이중한국인은 16 명 ( 조복성, 원홍구, 윤병섭, 맹원영, 정두현등 ) 에불과했다. 그후해방때까지조선박물학회보통회원의한국인은 56 명으로증가하였으며, 해방후김호직, 남태경, 맹원영, 박만규, 백갑용, 석주명, 이덕봉, 이덕상, 이휘재, 조복성등이주력으로활동하였다. 또한일정시대조선박물학회지에논문을실은분은조복성, 석주명, 박만규, 백갑용, 도봉섭, 김헌규등극소수에불과하였다. 2. 광복후한국생물과학협회설립때까지 1). 조선생물학회결성조선생물학회는 조선박물학회 와 조선박물연구회 가발전적으로해산하고 1945 년 11 월재결성하여초대회장에도봉섭, 부회장에조복성을선출하였다. 1946 년총회및연구발표회는서울약대에서, 1947~1949 년에는모두국립과학관에서개최되었으며, 2 대 (1946) ~ 5 대 (1949) 회장은정태현, 부회장은조복성이선출되었다. 조선생물학회시절에는학회지를낸적이없고, 대한생물학회도 1956 년 12 월비로소기관지 생물회보 ( 편집위원장, 이민재 ) 제 1 권제 1 호가출간되었다. 대한생물학회는 1957 년 11 월 30 일한국식물학회와한국동물학회로분리되어이두학회를산하에두는 한국생물과학협회 가창립되었다. 1,2,3 회연구발표회는자료가남지않았고, 자료가남아있는것중에가장오래된제 4 회는국립과학관에서개최, 14 편의논문이발표되었는데, 발표자는남태경외 13 명이었다. 2) 대한생물학회 1951 년조선생물학회는대한생물학회로개칭하여재발족하고, 제 5 대회장에우장춘, 부회장에정문기가선출되었다. 1952 년정기총회및연구발표회는서울사대 ( 부산 ) 에서개최되었고김호직 ( 물질대사에대한 ATP 의작용 ), 윤일선 ( 세포의기능과암종의발생 ) 의강연과 7 편의논문발표가있었으며, 회장에김호직, 부회장에조복성과이민재가선출되었다. 한국생물학회의발전과정은초창기에인재양성에노력하면서연구잠재력을키우는데전력하였다. 연구여건이호전되면서생물학에대한인식이점차높아져서 1957 년 한국미생물학회 가창립되고, 뒤이은 한국육수학회, 한국생물교육학회, 한국생태학회, 한국동물분류학회 그리고 한국유전학회 까지협회에가입하여한국생물과학협회는 1996 년협회 50 주년기념사업회때까지 8 개학회를두는커다란기구로발전하였다. 한국생물과학협회가발간한간행물로는 1947 년조선생물학회간행물제 1 집과생물학용어집 1 을출간하고, 이어 1949 년제 2 집조선식물명집 Ⅰ 초본편, 제 3 집조선식물명집 Ⅱ 목본편, 제 4 집조선동물명 Ⅰ 을발간하였다. 1950-52 년연구발표회는 6.25 동란으로개최하지못하고, 1953 년환도후부터는서울대문리대에서개최하고특별강연으로조백현선생의 각국의자연보존현황 과 6 편의논문이발표되었다. 1953 년총회에서회장에김호직, 부회장에조복성과정태현선생이선출되어학회의체제가갖추어지게되었다. 1954 년 11 월 28 일제 9 회대한생물학회연구발표회가서울대강당에서열렸으며한구동선생의 항생물질의항균작용기전 에관한특별강연과 22 편의논문이발표되었다. 초록에실린회원명단총수는 245 명, 그중대학재학생이 89 명이었다. 1954 총회에서선출된임원은명예회장정태현, 회장에김호직, 부회장은조복성과최기철이었다. 1955 년 11 월 12 ~13 일고려대에서개최된제 10 회대한생물학회정기총회에서는연구발표논문 27 건. 선출된임원은명예회장에정태현, 회장은김호직, 부회장은조복성, 강영선이선출되었다. 대한생물학회제 11 회정기총회는 1956 년 12 월 8-9 서울대강당에서 32 편의논문이발표되었으며회원수는 1956 년 11 월현재 132 명으로등록되었다. 회원수가감소한것은대학재학생의회원자격을조정하였기때문이다. 협회주관의첫특별강연은 1958 년이기녕선생의 제 2 회원자력평화이용회의참석 이었다. 제 1 회심포지움은 1967 년서울대문과대에서생태학주제로개최되고, 그후협회주도의토론회는생태학 (1966), 공해와생태학적환경 (1971), 유전공학 (1980), 유전자발현의조절 (1991), 21 세기를향 023 73 초록편집.indd 23 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference 한과학기술발전전략 (1996), 분화와발생 (1995) 주제로개최되었다. 그리고특별강연회 (1958~1995) 50 회와심포지움 (1966~1995) 6 회가개최되었다. 협회주관의특별간행물로는 1 생물학총서 8 권, 2 한국동식물명집 6 권, 3 생물용어집 1 권, 4 그외정기간행물 4 권 5 학술회람 2 권 6 생물학사전등이발간되었다. 이와같이한국생물과학협회는우리나라생물과학의태동에서부터학문발전과인재양성및교육과연구에끼친영향이지대하며, 오늘날한국이세계바이오 10 위권에오르게한견인차역할을 70 여년간해온원동력이다. 024 73 초록편집.indd 24 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

P2 Dynamic Sporophytic Genomes, Inheritance of Acquired Soma Genetic Variation into Germ Line, and Rapid Adaptive Evolution in Higher Organisms Bikram S Gill d1, Dal-Hoe Koo 1, Mithila Jugulam 2, Bernd Friebe 1 1 Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA; 2 Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA Barbara McClintock put forward the concept of dynamic sporophytic genomes and rapid adaptive evolution from her work on ring chromosomes and transposable elements in maize. The ring chromosomes in the sporophytic cell divisions undergo chromosome breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles resulting in numerous chromosomal structural changes that can be transmitted to the germline. Another genome response to drug treatment documented in mammalian cell lines is gene amplification. In this case, amplified genes that detoxify the drug are found in extra-chromosomal circular DNA (eccdna) molecules. We have studied BFB cycles in wheat sporophytic tissues and recovered reconstituted chromosomes including Robertsonian translocations. Recently we have documented several types of chromosomal aneuploidy including ring chromosomes (Koo et al. 2018; Plant Physiology 176: 1932; see also commentary by Yu Y (2018) Plant Physiology doi/10.1104/ pp.18.00083) and eccdna-mediated (Koo et al. 2018. PNAS doi/10.1073/pnas.1719354115) target gene amplification events in response to herbicide (e.g. glyphosate) selection in weed species. A fascinating information is emerging from these studies that there are innate mechanisms that can generate soma cell genetic variation, which in turn in response to selection pressure can be transmitted to germ line and lead to rapid adaptive evolution in higher organisms. Although the underlying mechanisms of such response are not known, these reports support McClintock s proposed concept of sporophytes rapid genome adaptive response to stress. 025 73 초록편집.indd 25 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference P3 Origin and Early Evolution of Animals: Genomic and Cellular Insights Bernard Degnan School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia Understanding how multicellular animals evolved from their single-cell ancestors is considered one of the great challenges in biology. The evolution of animal multicellularity must have involved the emergence of genomic regulatory capacities to allow for dynamic spatiotemporal and cell-type specific gene. To a great extent, these capacities rely on the interplay between available transcription and other regulatory factors with each other, and with non-coding regulatory DNA and RNA sequences. This regulatory system includes a diversified set of transcription factors, distal enhancers, promoters and noncoding RNAs, and signaling pathways to enable cell-cell communication. Recent analyses of the genomes and life cycles of unicellular holozoan relatives of animals have revealed that some of the regulatory repertoire present in multicellular animals evolved much earlier in a unicellular ancestor. In this talk, I will track the early evolution of the regulatory architecture underlying cell differentiation in multicellular animals from its humble unicellular origin. From this analysis emerges a new view of the origin of the animal kingdom in which the first animal cell type could exist in multiple cell states and had the regulatory capacity to transition between these states in a manner similar to transdifferentiating and stem cells in modern animals. 026 73 초록편집.indd 26 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

P4 Life 3.0 시대와노화혁명 박상철전남대학교연구석좌교수, 광주 61186 인류가초고령사회로접어들면서여러가지대책이통합적으로이루어져야만하며그중에서노화연구의방향도새롭게달라질수밖에없다. 인류수명의증가와더불어생체기능을최대한최고조로유지시켜야함이가장큰목표가되고있다. 실제로인류의역사는불로장생을추구해온역사로요약할수있다. 인간이다른어떠한동물과도차별화되는본질은시신을매장함에있다. 따라서선사시대부터인류는죽음을특별하게생각하였고죽음을피하고수명을보다더오래유지하기위한노력을진지하게추구하여왔다. 그래서연단술, 연금술등의수명연장을위한약제개발은물론달생술, 양생술등의특별한생활및행동패턴기술을개발하여왔다. 그러함에도불구하고인간의수명증가노력은 20 세기직전까지큰개선이이루어지지못하였다. 그러나 20 세기들어인류의수명은 50 대에서 80 대로급속히 30 세이상증가되었다. 이러한인류의수명증가는의술의발달과생활환경의개선에기인한바가매우크다. 그러나 21 세기로들어서면서인류의수명증가는계속되면서전혀새로운패턴을맞게되었다. 과학기술의발달에따른생명현상자체를개선할뿐아니라생체의기능을혁신적으로그장기와조직을보조, 증강, 회복, 대체및치환하는방안을개발함으로써전통적인의료기술과는전혀다른차원의새로운의료기술의도래를예고하고있다. 특히최근 MIT 의맥스테그마크박사가제안힌 Life 1.0, Life 2.0 그리고 Life 3.0 version 의개념은새로운생명의료기술의정립을요구하고있다. 즉 Life 1.0 은생체의하드웨어와소프트웨어모두진화적으로발전하여결정되어있는생명체로서대부분의동물과식물이이에해당한다. 그래서 Life 1.0 생명체는운명적으로그때그때환경의변화에순응하여살아가고있다. Life 2.0 은생체의하드웨어는진화에의하여결정되었지만소프트웨어는임의의설계에의하여변형할수있는생명체를이루고있다. 인류가이에해당하는데인간의경우기획과훈련및학습에의하여소프트웨어를개선할수있는것이다. 따라서비록신체는진화에의하여결정되었다하더라도그생체기능은얼마든지개선하여환경을극복하고오히려적극활용할수있는능력을갖출수있는것이다. 그러나앞으로초래되는 Life 3.0 시대는생명체의하드웨어와소프트웨어를모두진화에종속하여의존하지않고, 적극적인인위적설계에의하여변형을가하고효율을증대할수있는방안을개발하여낼수있다는점에서혁신적일수밖에없다. 종래에는상상도못하였던생체의하드웨어를직접설계에따라개혁하는방안에는합성생물학의발전이있다. 원래의휴먼게놈프로젝트 (Human Genome Project 1.0) 에서는인체의유전자분석이주목적이었다면근래에추진되고있는휴먼게놈프로젝트 2.0 은인체의유전체중에서문제가되는부위들을모두수선하고유전자들의기능을증강할수있도록직접조작하는시도이다. 이러한생물학적유전적방안이외에도생체의장기및조직의기능을대체하거나보조하는다양한기계적방안의개발은이미현실화되어임상적으로활용되고있다. 비근한예가임플란트를통한치아대체, 인공관절에의한관절대체, 이밖에도팔과다리, 심장, 신장등을인공물로대체하는시술은널리이용되고있다. 이와같은상태의인간을 Transhuman 이라고총칭하고있으며이미인류는자연적상태가아닌트랜스휴면의상태에진입하여있다. 더욱나아가서인체의총괄적기능을제어할수있는인공뇌가적용되면인간은 Posthuman 의상태로진입하게된다. 그런데이와같은포스트휴먼의상황이 AI(Artificial Intelligence), big data 등의보편화와발전에따라이미예측되고가시화되고있다. 이러한과학기술이인체에적용되는임상의료기술로보편화하게되면인간의수명문제는전혀다른양상으로발전할수밖에없다. 즉지금까지 Life 2.0 시대에서맞아온인간의노화및고령화에따른고령사회의문제와는전혀다른패턴이예측되고있다. 즉 Life 3.0 시대가되면인간의수명증가는더욱가속될것이며, 노화에따른생체기능의장애나저해에따른노쇠및질병이환패턴도크게달라지게될수밖에없다. 027 73 초록편집.indd 27 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference P5 Genomes of Marine Organisms: What do they Tell us for our Future Studies? Noriyuki Satoh Marine Genomics Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan A genome contains all of the genetic information of a given organism. Recent advance in genome sequencing technologies as well as bioinformatic methods has facilitated our understanding of genome-based mechanisms in various fields of biology. My research unit, the Marine Genomics Unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), has been conducting research in three major areas, based on genome decoding: (1) developmental and evolutionary genomics on the origin and evolution of chordates and spiralians as well; (2) environmental genomics toward understanding biology of coral reefs, especially focusing on genomes of corals, symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium), and crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS); (3) functional genomics of various, specialized functions that metazoans and brown algae evolutionarily developed. This lecture includes recent studies of my research group on these three topics. The genome of special interest is that of COTS, since this genome gives us an opportunity to think about various basic questions of biology. 028 73 초록편집.indd 28 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

S1-1 Reprogrammed Cells for Understanding and Therapy of Neurological Diseases Sunghoi Hong Laboratory of Stem Cell and NeuroRegeneration, School of Biosystem and Biomedical Science, Korea University, Seoul 02855, Korea The generation of reprogrammed cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (ipscs) or direct converted cells, from somatic cells using defined factors provides new avenues for basic research and cell therapies for various neurological diseases, such as Parkinson s disease, Huntington s disease, and spinal cord injuries. However, the transcription factors used for reprogramming have the potential to cause unexpected genetic and epigenetic defects, which may limit their clinical applications. We showed that generation of ipscs with Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cmyc (OSKM) in the presence of small molecules preserved the genomic stability of ipscs by inhibiting DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and activating Zscan4 gene. Surprisingly, the small molecules protected normal karyotype by facilitating repair of the DSBs that occurred during the early reprogramming process and long-term culture of ipscs. The stemness and cell growth of ipscs(+) were normally sustained with high expression of pluripotency genes compared that of ipscs(-). The small molecules also maintained the differentiation potential of ipscs(+) for the three germ layers, whereas it was lost in ipscs(-). Our results demonstrate that the defined small molecules are potent factors for generation of high quality ipscs with preservation of genomic integrity by facilitating the reprogramming process. Interestingly, we also directly converted a single mouse fibroblast to functional astrocytes showing glutamate uptake ability and electrophysiological activity by nano-injection technology with OSKM under a specific cell culture condition containing small molecules. A potential mechanism whereby fibroblast was directly converted into astrocyte at a single-cell level was achieved by activating BMP2 pathway through direct binding of Sox2 protein to BMP2 gene. Based on these results, we succeeded to convert fibroblasts into induced neural stem cells (inscs) without any chromosomal abnormalities by only small molecules, but could not ipscs. Taken together, these studies suggest that small molecules and nanotechnology could address genomic instability in reprogrammed cells, as a potent model cell for pathogenesis study, that may occur during reprogramming process and would lead to greater success in stem cell-based patient specific therapies for the neurological diseases in the future. 029 73 초록편집.indd 29 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference S1-2 Longevity Regulation by RNA Quality Control through Nonsense-mediated mrna Decay in Caenorhabditis elegans Seung-Jae V. Lee Department of Life Sciences, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 37673, Korea Appropriate protein and DNA quality control is crucial for organismal longevity. However, the role of RNA quality control in aging remained unexplored. Here, we show that nonsense-mediated mrna decay (NMD), which degrades abnormal transcripts, promotes longevity by enhancing RNA surveillance in C. elegans. We first found that the activity of NMD decreased during aging, implying age-dependent declines in RNA quality control. We then showed that smg-2/upf1, a key NMD factor, was required for the longevity of various long-lived mutants, including daf-2/insulin/igf-1 receptor mutants. We found that daf-2 mutants displayed enhanced NMD activity and reduced levels of potentially aberrant transcripts. Among various NMD target transcripts, an isoform of yars-2/tyrosyl trna synthetase was down-regulated in daf-2 mutants and this contributed to longevity. Further, we showed that NMD in the nervous system of the animals was particularly important for RNA quality control to promote longevity. Overall, our data suggest that NMD-mediated RNA quality control plays a crucial role in delaying aging and organismal longevity, similar to DNA repair system and protein homeostasis. 030 73 초록편집.indd 30 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

S1-3 Semaphorin-1a-mediated Forward and Reverse Signaling in Motor Axon Guidance Sangyun Jeong Department of Molecular Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Korea The transmembrane semaphorin Sema-1a can mediate forward and reverse signaling during Drosophila neural development. However, little is known about how these signaling pathways are coordinated to induce local cytoskeletal changes that are required for discreet steering of growth cones. We have identified two direct regulators of Rho family small GTPases, Pebble (a Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor and RhoGAPp190 (a GTPase activating protein), that show robust interactions with the cytoplasmic domain of the Sema-1a protein. Opposing pebble and RhoGAPp190 functions mediate Sema-1a reverse signaling through the regulation of Rho1 GTPase activity, resulting in cytoskeletal reorganization. In addition, we uncover two additional Semaphorin-1a interacting proteins, Varicose and Cheerio, each with neuronal functions required for motor axon pathfinding. Varicose is a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family of proteins, members of which can serve as scaffolds to organize signaling complexes. Cheerio is related to actin filament cross-linking proteins that regulate actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Genetic analyses suggest that scaffolding functions of Varicose and Cheerio play an important role in Pebble-mediated Sema-1a reverse signaling. The well known Sema-1a receptor Plexin A (PlexA), which contains a conserved RasGAP domain in its intracellular region, was shown to regulate axon-axon repulsion at specific choice points during embryonic neural development. Here, we demonstrate that PlexA-mediated motor axon guidance is dependent on the presence of the PlexA RasGAP domain, but not on its GAP activity toward Ras family small GTPases and also find that the Sema-1a/PlexA-mediated repulsive guidance function is regulated positively by Rap1, a member of the Ras family GTPases. These results define intracellular components critical for signal transduction from the Sema-1a receptor to the cytoskeleton and provide insight into mechanisms underlying semaphorin-induced localized changes in cytoskeletal organization. 031 73 초록편집.indd 31 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference S1-4 Functional Role of PPARGC1A (PGC1a) in Lung Cancer Metastasis Ji-Hong Lim Department of Biomedical Chemistry, Konkuk University, Chungju 27478, Korea Despite major advances, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been considered the major cause of cancer-related death. Metastasis and chemo resistance are the main risk factors contributing to relapse and death. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a complex molecular and cellular process involved in tissue remodelling that was extensively studied as an actor of tumor progression, metastasis and chemoresistance in many cancer types and in lung cancers. PGC1α is a transcriptional coactivator that promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and energy expenditure in multiple types of peripheral tissues. Although the functional role of PGC1α as oncogene or tumor suppressor in tumor biology have been reported in several cancer types such as malignant melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and breast cancer, it is not understood how PGC1α acts in lung cancer. Here, we provide data indicating that PGC1α loss promotes tumorigenesis, metastasis and chemoresistance in lung cancer. RNA sequencing and Gene Set Enrichment Assay (GSEA) show that suppressed PGC1a expression closely correlated with EMT. Consistently, rapid tumor growth and bone metastasis were observed in intrapulmonary transplanted mouse models with PGC1α knock-down lung cancer cells. Mechanistically, PGC1α directly increases transcription of ID1, which block physical interaction between TCF4 and TWIST1. Altered TCF4 expression regulates EMT-related genes, including CDH1, CDH2, and vimentin which are known to influence invasion and metastasis. Together, our findings reveal that PGC1α loss promotes EMT in lung cancer through transcriptional programs depends on ID1-TCF4-TWIST1. Consequently, components of these circuits define new therapeutic opportunities that may help to curb lung cancer progression. 032 73 초록편집.indd 32 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

S1-5 USP39, a New Poly (ADP-ribose)-binding Deubiquitinase, Drives Non-homologous Endjoining Repair by Liquid Demixing Ho Chul Kang Department of Physiology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon 16499, Korea Mutual crosstalk between poly(adp-ribose) (PAR), activated PAR polymerase 1 (PARP1) metabolites, and DNA repair machinery has emerged as a key regulatory mechanism of the DNA damage response (DDR). However, there is yet no firm evidence of how PAR precisely controls the DDR. Herein, six deubiquitinating enzymes (Dubs) associated with PARcoupled DDR were identified, and the role of USP39, an inactive Dub involved with the spliceosome assembly in cells, was characterized. USP39 rapidly localizes to DNA lesions in a PAR-dependent manner where it regulates non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) via its tripartite RG motif located in the N-terminus comprising 46 amino acids (N46). USP39 acts as a molecular trigger for liquid demixing in a PAR-coupled N46-dependent manner, thereby directly interacting with the XRCC4/LIG4 complex during NHEJ. In parallel, USP39-associated spliceosome complex controls homologous recombination repair in a PAR-independent manner. These findings provide mechanistic insights into how PAR-chains precisely control DNA repair processes in the DDR. Keywords: poly(adp-ribose), deubiquitinating enzymes, DNA damage response, non- homologous end-joining, Liquiddemixing 033 73 초록편집.indd 33 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference S2-1 Comparative Phylogeography in the Northwestern Pacific: Achievement and Challenges Gang Ni Division of Eco Science Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Korea Phylogeography is a vigorous and integrative field of study that uses genetic information to reveal the history and evolution of populations. Rapidly accumulating literature enables the comparison of phylogeographical patterns among co-distributed species, a powerful means to highlight regional evolutionary process. The vast region of the northwestern Pacific (NWP), characterized by unique tectonic and hydrological settings, however, is still underrepresented in global marine phylogeography. Here we talk about the achievement and challenges of phylogeographic studies in this region by a comprehensive review of studies in recent 20 years. At first, we present a numerical synthesis of the retrieved studies sorted by published years, taxonomic groups and genetic markers successively, to have an overall view on the development. We then summarized several common genetic patterns discovered within and among the marginal seas, and argued the effects of both historical and contemporary factors (e.g. tectonic processes, ocean currents, and species life-history) on each of them. The barrier effect of the Yangtze River outflow on coastal species is discussed on emphasis. Considering the evolutionary process in the NWP is still incompletely understood, more research effort, integrating multiple species and multilocus data, is needed to fill the gap. At last, challenges and prospects are given from a personal view to accelerate further work. 034 73 초록편집.indd 34 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

S2-2 More Genes or more Species? Insights for Cost-effective Molecular Studies on Biodiversity Evolution in Moths and Butterflies (Lepidoptera) Jae-Cheon Sohn Institute of Littoral Environment, Mokpo National University, Muan 58554, Korea Lepidoptera are one of the most diverse phytophagous insect groups (Scoble, 1992). It is generally accepted that the extant high diversity of Lepidoptera is related to evolution of their associations with flowering plants. However critical phylogenetic tests of this hypothesis had been hampered by our poor knowledge of the systematics and biology of the major lepidopteran groups. Recent years, such limitations has been greatly overcome due to an NSF-funded Assembling the Lepidoptera Tree of Life, also known as LepTree. This project yielded an enormous amount of genetic data for nearly all lepidopteran superfamilies that were precedently unavailable. This advantage was sought for the phylogeny of Yponomeutoidea (Sohn et al., 2013). My pilot study was based on eight nuclear genes (109fin, 265fin, 268fin, 3007fin, acc, CAD, DDC and Enolase) totaling 8,096 bp and resulted in very low resolution for nearly all backbone relationships of yponomeutoids. This situation was greatly improved when deliberately incomplete matrix approach (DIMA) was adopted for my study. Under the DIMA, my yponomeutoid dataset included an 11 additional gene sample for 28 of total 93 ingroups. This procedure yielded the most robust phylogeny of Yponomeutoidea. Using the resulting phylogeny, the evolution of host associations in Yponomeutoidea was explored. This revealed notable conservatism in yponomeutoid larval host plant use that possibly affected their extant biodiversity. Species augmentation has been considered another approach to improve phylogenetic resolution. This possibility was tested for butterflies, one of the extensively-studied insect groups (Chazot et al., in press). For this, we built a dataset comprising nine nuclear genes for 994 taxa that represent nearly all papilionoid genera. Our BEAST analyses yielded a dated molecular phylogeny of Papilionoidea that suggested an origin of butterflies at 107.6 million years ago. Our study utilized an unprecedented set of calibrations including host plant ages. We discussed relative importance of our prior information compared to the molecular dataset on the age estimates. Our results suggested a strong influence of the set of priors on the root age and significant divergence time information in the molecular dataset. 035 73 초록편집.indd 35 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48

제73회 한국생물과학협회정기학술대회 The 73 rd KAOBS Annual Meeting 2018 International Conference S2-3 Effect of Past and Current Gene Flow within and among Species on Metapopulation Structure and High Genetic Diversity of Abies koreana (Pinaceae) Myounghai Kwak Plant Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Korea Abies koreana, Pinaceae is an endemic to Korea and is distributed in sub-alpine area (1,000 to 1,900m altitude) on the southern Korean Peninsular and Jeju Island. While natural forests of A. koreana exist at high elevations on Mr. Jirisan and Mr. Hallasan, all other populations consist of patches containing small numbers of individuals. This species has been designated as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature due to a continuous decline in its range and population fragmentation. We genotyped 176 individuals from seven natural populations and two afforested populations on the Korean Peninsula using 19 microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE analysis revealed two genetic clusters in natural populations (Fst = 0.040 and Rst = 0.040) despite low differentiation. We did not detect a significant reduction in genetic diversity or the signature of a genetic bottleneck despite population fragmentation and small population size. We deduced that this species exhibits a metapopulation structure, with the population on Jirisan Mountain acting as a source of genetic diversity for other local small populations on the Korean Peninsula, through contemporary asymmetric gene flow. To investigate genetic characteristics of A. koreana, its closely relative species, A. nephrolepis, A. veitchii and A. sachalinensis were genotyped, analyzed and compared with A. koreana using microsatellite markers, mitochondrial and chloroplast markers. The current and past gene flow among species was identified and this frequent gene flow among might contribute on high genetic diversity of A. koreana. 036 73 초록편집.indd 36 2018. 8. 20. 오전 10:48