한수지 48(5), 739-744, 2015 Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 48(5),739-744,2015 한국근해개복치 (Mola mola) 의성숙과산란 강민주 백혜자 이동우 1 최정화 1 * 부경대학교자원생물학과, 1 국립수산과학원기반연구부 Sexual Maturity and Spawning of Ocean Sunfish Mola mola in Korean Waters Min Joo Kang, Hea Ja Baek, Dong Woo Lee 1 and Jung Hwa Choi 1 * Department of Marine Biology, Pukyung National University, Busan 48513, Korea 1 Fundamental Research Department, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Busan 46083, Korea The sexual maturation and spawning time of female ocean sunfish Mola mola in Korean waters were studied by observing the gonads histologically. Specimens were purchased in a fish market in October 2013 and May, June, and October 2014. Nine females (total length 100-250 cm, gonad weight 31-3,470 g) and one male (total length 131 cm, gonad weight 60 g) were studied. Histologically, the ovaries became active in May and spawning began in July and continued until October. In July, mature oocytes and yolk globule stage oocytes were observed; parts of the gonad showed traces of spawning, while others had degenerated and absorbed any oocytes. By October, many oocytes had degenerated and been absorbed. Therefore, the approximate spawning period of ocean sunfish is from July to October based on histological changes in the gonads. The asynchronous oocyte development suggests that the ocean sunfish is a multiple spawner, as reported previously. The catch distribution data suggest that the waters around Jeju Island are a sunfish spawning area. Key words: Sunfish, Mola mola, Spawning period, Sexual maturation 서론 (Mola mola),,,,,, (Fraser-Brunner, 1943),,. Lee et al. (2013).. (Nakatsubo et al., 2007a, 2007b). 1.5 m 3 (Schmidt, 1921) (Fraser-Brunner, 1951; Martin and Drewry, 1978; Pope et al., 2010). 5 (Mola mola, Mola ramsayi, Masturus lanceolatus, Masturus oxyuropterus, Ranzania laevis) (Fraser- Brunner, 1951),, (Mola mola), (Mola ramsayi) Mola (Mola sp.) (Yoshita et al., 2009; Yamanoue et al., 2010).,. http://dx.doi.org/10.5657/kfas.2015.0739 Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 48(5) 739-744, October 2015 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 22 July 2015; Revised 2 September 2015; Accepted 8 September 2015 *Corresponding author: Tel: +82. 51. 720. 2291 Fax: +82. 51. 720. 2277 E-mail address: choi2291@korea.kr Copyright 2015 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 739 pissn:0374-8111, eissn:2287-8815
740 강민주ㆍ백혜자ㆍ이동우ㆍ최정화,,,,,,. 39 N 재료및방법,,. 10, 9, 1. (TL) 102-250 cm, 131 cm, 31.9-3,470.0 g, 60.0 g (Table 1, Figs. 1 and 2). Bouin's solution 24 4-6 µm Mayer's hematoxylin eosin. (BX-50, Olympus, Japan).,,,,, 124 KOREA 129 E Fig. 1. Sampling location of ocean sunfish used in this study. Numbers are sample number in Table 1..,. 34 29 Table 1. Records of ocean sunfish Mola mola used in this study Sample No. Date Location Total length (cm) Body weight (kg) Sex Gonad weight (g) 1 Oct. 28 2013 2 May 18 2014 3 May 25 2014 4 May 25 2014 5 May 25 2014 6 May 25 2014 7 May 25 2014 8 Jul. 1 2014 9 Jul. 1 2014 10 Oct. 28 2014 125.25 N 34.25 E 128.25 N 34.75 E 126.75 N 126.75 N 33.40 E 33.75 E 200 - Female 384.8 250 - Female 1,287.8 133 Female 113.3 144 - Female 125.5 132 - Female 83.0 102 51.0 Female 72.4 100 46.0 Female 31.9 220 451.9 Female 2,600.0 131 96.3 Male 60.0 250 - Female 3,470.0
개복치성숙과산란 741 Fig. 2. Ocean sunfish Mola mola landed at Busan cooperative fish market in Busan, October 28, 2014. Total length was 250cm and caught by purse seine off Jeju island, Korea (Sample No. 10 in Table 1).. 생식소의조직학적관찰 결과 (Fig. 3), 2014 5 250 cm, 1,287.8 g 15-35 µm, 50 µm, 80-120 µm (Fig. 3A). 80-120 µm,, 280 µm (Fig. 3B). 31-125.5 g 5. 2014 7 1 200 µm (Fig. 3C), (Fig. 3D). 2014 10 250 cm (Fig. 2), 3,470 g 320-400 µm (Fig. 3E), (Fig. 3F). 산란장의형성 (Fig. 4), 5 20, 17-19. 7 25, 22-24. 10 21-23. 11 5 19-20.,,. 2010 2014 20 5 11-4, 5-10 (Fig. 5).,.. 고찰, 5, 7 10, 10 7-10.. (synchronous oocyte development) (asynchronous oocyte development) patch. (Nakatsuobo et al., 2007b) 8-10. 5 100-144 cm, 250 cm 50 µm, 80-120 µm., 144 cm
742 강민주ㆍ백혜자ㆍ이동우ㆍ최정화 Fig. 3. Histological observations of ovary and testis of ocean sunfish Mola mola caught in off Korean waters. A, B: May 2014 (ovary), C: July 2014 (ovary), D: July 2014 (testis), E, F: October 2014 (ovary). N, nucleus; YG, yolk granule; YV, yolk vesicle; SZ, spermatozoa.. Potter and Galuardi (2011) (Pop-up archival tag) 6-30, 16.4-17.9.. Thys et al. (2007), Anderson and Cupka (1973). Lee (1986) 6.8-29.4 10-18. Fulling et al. (2007) 13.8-29.3, 19.5. Dewar et al. (2010). a. (Thys et al., 2015).., 8-10 (Na-
개복치성숙과산란 743 Fig. 4. Composite images of sea surface temperature ( ) in waters off Korea, from May to November 2014. A: late May, B: early July, C: mid August and D: early November. Data source: Satellite ocean information laboratory, National fisheries research and development institute, Korea. 39 39 34 34 Legend : 1 ind : 10 inds : 20 inds : 40 inds : 80 inds Legend : 1 ind : 10 inds : 20 inds : 40 inds : 80 inds 124 129 29 124 129 29 Fig. 5. Catch Density of ocean sunfish Mola mola caught by purse seine in waters off Korea. Data were combined from 2010 to 2014 and compared with two seasons, November-April (left) and May-October (right).
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