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잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은


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<C3D6C1BE2034BFF C0CF2E696E6464>





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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

,,,,,, ),,, (Euripides) 2),, (Seneca, LA) 3), 1) )


6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관





사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은



274 한국문화 73


272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울


498 石 堂 論 叢 50집 이야기의 담론에서 발생하기에 독자의 삶에 깊이 관여한다. 인간은 본 능적으로 재현의 욕구가 있다. 재현된 형상화를 재형상화하면서 독자 는 세계를 이해하고 자신의 삶을 이해한다. 그렇게 삶의 뜻을 다시 풀 어보고 행동을 통해 자기 삶을 새롭게

민속지_이건욱T 최종


INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PRAYER UNIVERSITY MIKE BICKLE 국제기도의집 - 마이크비클 ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES 스가랴서 : 마지막때에대한연구 I. OVERVIEW OF ZECHARIAH 12-14 스가랴 12-14 장의개요 A. Review: In his final message (Zech. 12-14), Zechariah tells of Israel s great victories, horrific suffering, and world leadership. He gives details of how Jesus will save, refine, and transform Israel in the context of a global war (12:2-9; 14:2) and His physical return to earth (12:10; 14:3, 9). 복습 : 스가랴의마지막메세지 ( 슥 12-14) 에서, 그는이스라엘의위대한승리들, 참혹한고난, 그리고세계적지도력에대해말하고있다. 그는예수님께서이스라엘을세계적전쟁의맥락에서어떻게구원하고, 연단하여, 변화시키실지를구체적으로제시하고 (12:2-9; 14:2) 주님의육신이이땅으로재림하심도구체적으로제시한다 ( 12:10; 14;3,9) B. Zechariah 12 gives an overview of the events from a military and spiritual point of view. Zechariah 14 tells the story highlighting geographical changes and plagues on the disobedient. (The events are in chronological order in 12:1-13:6. Then the story is told again in 13:7-14:21). 스가랴 12 장은군사적이고영적인관점에서이사건들에대한개요를제공한다. 스가랴 14 장은불순종으로인한지리학적인변화와재앙이강조되는이야기를말하고있다 ( 이사건들은 12;1-13;6 에서연대순으로되어있다. 그리고나서 13:7-14:21 에서다시그내용을설명하고있다.) C. The complete fulfillment of most of the events in these three chapters will occur at the time of Jesus second coming. In Zechariah 12-14 the phrase in that day occurs 18 times indicating the end of the age (Zech. 12:3, 4, 6, 8 [2x], 9, 11; 13:1, 2, 4; 14:1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 20, 21). 이본문에서일어나는대부분의사건들의완전한성취는예수님의재림때에일어나게될것이다. 스가랴 12-14 장에서 18 번 ( 슥 12:3,4,6,8(2 번 ),9,11; 13:1,2,4; 14:1,4,6,8,9,13,20,21) 이나언급된 그날에 라는구절은마지막때를지칭하고있다. D. Zechariah 14 brings millennial Jerusalem as Jesus world capital into focus (14:6-21). This chapter is difficult for amillennialists to spiritualize. It demands a premillennial interpretation to make sense of the specific details that are given. Most of the details are impossible to spiritualize.

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 2 스가랴 14 장은천년왕국의예루살렘을예수님의세계수도로서초점을맞추고있다 (14:6-21). 이장은무천년주의자들에게는영적으로해석하기에어려움이있다. 이주어진구체적인세부사항들을이해하기위해서는전천년적인해석이요구된다. 대부분의세부사항들은영적인의미로해석하기가불가능하다. II. ISRAEL S SUFFERING: THE REMNANT REFINED IN THE FIRE (13:7-14:2) 이스라엘의고난 : 남은자들의불속의연단 (13:7-14:2) A. The Lord reveals part of His method in awakening Israel to receive salvation. Daniel spoke of persecution as part of God s end-time plan to prepare Israel to rule the earth with Him (Dan. 7:18-27). In this passage (13:8-9), the Lord forewarns Israel that her great destiny will include pain. 주님은이스라엘이구원을받도록일깨우시는그분의방법의일부를드러내신다. 다니엘이말하기를이스라엘이하나님과함께이땅을다스리도록준비케하시는그분의마지막때의계획중의일부가박해라고했다 ( 단 7:18-27). 이구절 (13:8-9) 에서, 주님은이스라엘의위대한운명에고통이포함될것이라고미리경고하신다. B. In this passage, we must recall the principle that Jesus will use the least severe means to bring the greatest number to Jesus at the deepest level of love without violating their free will. 이구절에서, 우리가반드시상기해야할원리는예수님께서최소한의수단을사용하여최다수의사람들이그들의자유의지를위배하지않으면서가장깊은단계의사랑을주께드리게할것이다. C. The remnant of Israel will be refined through the fire unto salvation (13:7-9). This passage gives us insight into the siege of Jerusalem (12:2; 14:2) and into Jacob s trouble (Jer. 30:7). 이스라엘의남은자들은구원에이르기까지불로연단되어질것이다 (13:7-9). 이구절은우리에게예루살렘의포위 (12:2, 14:2) 와야곱의환난 ( 렘 30:7) 에대한통찰력을부여한다. 7 Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd [Jesus], against the Man who is My Companion, says the LORD of hosts. Strike the Shepherd [Jesus], and the sheep will be scattered; then I will turn My hand against the little ones. 8 It shall come to pass in all the land, says the LORD, that two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, but one-third shall be left in it: 9 I will bring the one-third through the fire, will refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, This is My people ; and each one will say, The LORD is my God. (Zech. 13:7-9)

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 3 7 만군의여호와가말하노라칼아깨어서내목자, 내짝된자를치라목자를치면양이흩어지려니와작은자들위에는내가내손을드리우리라. 8 여호와가말하노라이온땅에서삼분의이는멸절하고삼분의일은거기남으리니내가그삼분의일을불가운데던져은같이연단하며금같이시험할것이라 9 그들이내이름을부르리니내가들을것이며나는말하기를이는내백성이라할것이요그들은말하기를여호와는내하나님이시라하리라 ( 슥 13:7-9). D. Zechariah returned to the theme of the shepherd that God sent to Israel, as seen in Zechariah 11. This begins a new section. The Spirit turned Zechariah s attention from the false prophets (13:3-6) to the true prophet (13:7) who was wounded in the house of His friends (Israel). 스가랴는 11 장에서본바있는, 하나님께서이스라엘에게보낸목자의주제로돌아갔다. 여기서새로운부분이시작된다. 성령께서스가랴의관심을거짓선지자들 (13:3-6) 로부터그의친구들의집 ( 이스라엘 ) 에서상함을받은참선지자 (13:7) 로전환시키신다. E. Awake, O sword: The sword is personified, then called to awake from a deep sleep to execute God s justice in killing the Messiah. The Father awakened His sword against His Son at the cross. Jesus is qualified, by His being deeply acquainted with suffering, to oversee Israel s suffering. No one can say that Jesus does not understand suffering. Jesus understands what Israel will go through since He knows what it means to be struck by the Father s sword. 칼아깨어라 : 칼이의인화되어서, 메시야를죽인것에대한하나님의정의를실행하기위해깊은잠에서깨우도록부르고있다. 하나님아버지는자신의칼을일으켜십자가상의자신의아들을찌르게하셨다. 예수님은직접고통에깊이접하심으로써, 이스라엘의고통을감독하는권한을부여받으셨다. 그어느누구도예수님께서고통을이해하지못한다고말할수없다. 예수님은하나님아버지의칼에의해찔림을받는다는것이무엇을의미하는지를아시기때문에, 이스라엘이무엇을겪어야할지를이해하신다. 1. The sword is a common figure of death. Zechariah is not seeking to describe the way in which Jesus died crucifixion. 칼은일반적으로사망의형상화이다. 스가랴가예수님이죽으신방법 - 십자가 - 를묘사하려고시도하는것은아니다. 2. The worthless shepherd (Antichrist) was struck by God (11:17), but here it is the good shepherd who is struck. 우매한목자 ( 적그리스도 ) 를하나님이찌르셨는데 (11:17), 그러나여기에찔림당하신선한목자도있다.

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 4 3. The killing of the Messiah was seen as an act of man (12:10-14), but also as an act of God (13:7) What probably greatly perplexed Zechariah was that God Himself struck the good shepherd (Isa. 53:10; Acts 2:23; Rom. 8:32), and yet Israel pierced Him (12:10). 메시야의죽음이사람이한일로보여져왔지만 (12:10-14), 또한하나님이하신일이기도하다 (13:7). 아마도스가랴를가장당혹하게만들었던것은하나님자신이그선한목자를치셨는데 ( 사 53:10; 행 2:23; 롬 8:32), 그런데도여전히이스라엘도그분을찔렀다는것이다 (12:10). F. Jesus is called my God, My Shepherd, the Man, and My Companion (13:7). In these three descriptions we see the great mystery of the incarnation God in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). Here we see the glorious truth of the dual nature of the Messiah fully God and fully man. 예수님은나의하나님, 나의목자 사람 그리고 내동반자 (13:7) 이라고불리워졌다. 이세가지묘사들을통해우리는성육신의위대한신비 - 육신의하나님 ( 딤전 3;16) 을보게된다. 여기서우리는메시야의이중성 - 완전한하나님이자완전한사람 - 에대한영광스러운진리를목도한다. 1. My Shepherd: The Father called Jesus, My Shepherd because He was the Father s choice to be the Messiah the Shepherd of Israel," and His representative to Israel. The Shepherd whom the sword is to smite is the Messiah. 나의목자 : 하나님아버지께서예수님을 나의목자 라고부르셨던것은그분이야말로메시야 - 이스라엘의목자, 그리고이스라엘의대표자로하나님아버지께서선택하신분이시기때문이다. 칼이강타했던그목자가바로메시야인것이다. 2. The Man who is My Companion: The unique relationship of Jesus to the Father is seen here. Jesus is described as One in close relationship and kinship to Father; the One who shares the divine nature because He is equal to God; the One whom God called My Shepherd. Jesus was accused of blasphemy, of claiming to be equal with God, or Jehovah s very Companion. 내동반자된자 : 예수님의아버지하나님과의특별한관계를여기서보게된다. 예수님은아버지하나님과가족이면서친밀한관계를가진한분으로묘사되고있다 ; 하나님과동등하시기때문에신성한본성을나누는한분 ; 하나님이 나의목자 라고부르신한분이신예수님은 하나님과동등됨, 또는여호와의동반자라고선언하심으로인해신성모독으로참소당하셨다.

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 5 G. The sheep will be scattered: The immediate result of striking the Shepherd is that the sheep of Israel were scattered as Zechariah had predicted earlier (11:6, 9, 10). Jesus also predicted the scattering of the Jews into all the nations until the times of the Gentiles were fulfilled, which will happen when He returns (Lk. 19:41-44; 21:24). Jesus also quoted this verse in relationship to the scattering of His beloved disciples (Mt. 26:31, 56; Mk 14:27, 50) 양이흩어지려니와 : 목자를친즉각적인결과로스가랴가미리예견했던대로 (11:6,9,10) 이스라엘의양들 이흩어졌다 (11:6,9,10). 예수님은또한그의재림때에이루어지게될이방인들의때가차기까지유대인들이모든열방으로흩어지게될것을예견하셨다 ( 눅 19:41-44;21:24). 예수님은또한그의사랑하는제자들의흩어짐과연관하여이구절을인용하셨다 ( 마 26:31, 56; 막 14;27,50). 24 They will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. (Lk. 21:24) 24 저희가칼날에죽임을당하며모든이방에사로잡혀가겠고예루살렘은이방인의때가 차기까지이방인들에게밟히리라 ( 눅 21:24) H. I will turn My hand against the little ones: This can be taken as a positive or a negative depending on how one translates and interprets turn My hand against. Some translate it as I will turn My hand back upon the little ones, indicating His favor, not His displeasure. 작은자들위에는내가내손을드리우리라 : 이것은 내손을드리우리라 를어떻게번역하고해석하는지에따라긍정적일수도있고부정적이될수도있다. 일부는작은자들에게 돌아보아 내손을드리운다로번역하고있는데, 이것은그분의불쾌감이아닌그분의호의를나타낸다. 7 The sheep will be scattered; then I will turn My hand against the little ones. (Zech. 13:7) 7 양이흩어지려니와작은자들위에는내가내손을드리우리라 ( 슥 13:7) I. In using the positive interpretation, the little ones are seen as the humble ones (or those who make themselves little), in a way that is similar to the poor of the flock (11:7, 11), who speak of the godly remnant. These are like the poor of the flock (11: 7), the righteous oppressed from the godless majority. The message here is that God will always have a remnant in Israel that He shows favor to, even in the long dark years of the dispersion. Jesus spoke of the godly remnant when quoting this passage in reference to His disciples (Mt. 26:31-32; Mk. 14:27-28; Jn. 16:32). 긍적적인해석을사용하면, 작은자들 은 겸손한이들 ( 또는자신들을작게만든사람들 ) 로볼수있는데, 이면에서보면경건한남은자들을지칭하는가련한양 (11:7,11) 과근접한의미이다. 이들은 가련한양 (11:7) 처럼, 사악한다수로부터억압당하는정의로운사람들이다. 여기서의메세지는하나님이항상호의를보여주실이스라엘의남은

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 6 자들은비록뿔뿔히흩어져있는길고도암울한시기에도있을것이라는것이다. 예수님은제자들에게이구절을인용하면서경건한남은자들에대해말씀하셨다 ( 마 26:31-32; 막 14:27-28; 요 16:32). 31 Jesus said to them, All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. 32 But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee. (Mt. 26:31-32) 31 때에예수께서제자들에게이르시되오늘밤에너희가다나를버리리라. 기록된바내가목자를치리니양의떼가흩어지리라하였느니라. 32 그러나내가살아난후에너희보다먼저갈릴리로가리라 ( 마 26:31-32) J. One-third: The Lord promised to bring one-third of the nation of Israel through the fire unto salvation. This will be the largest number of Jews coming to Jesus in all history, possibly surpassing six million new believers (based on there being about 18 millions Jews worldwide). Malachi 3:1-6 develops this same theme of Israel being refined like silver in the end times. 삼분의일 : 주님은이스라엘민족의삼분의일을불가운데던져구원에이르게하시겠다고약속하셨다. 이것은모든역사상예수님께로나아오는최다수의유대인들이될것이고, 아마도 600 만명이넘는새로운신자들 ( 전세계적으로 1800 만명의유대인의숫자를감안할때 ) 이된다. 말라기 3:16 에서는이스라엘이마지막때에은같이연단되어질것이라고같은주제를발전시키고있다. 8 It shall come to pass in all the land, says the LORD, that two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, but one-third shall be left in it: 9 I will bring the one-third through the fire, will refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, This is My people ; and each one will say, The LORD is my God. (Zech. 13:8-9) 8 여호와가말하노라이온땅에서삼분의이는멸망하고삼분의일은거기남으리니내가그삼분의일을불가운데에던져은같이연단하며금같이시험할것이라그들이내이름을부르리니내가들을것이며나는말하기를이는내백성이라할것이요그들은말하기를여호와는내하나님이시라하리라 ( 슥 13:8-9). K. Two-thirds will die: In the great tragedy of 70 AD, when Rome destroyed the city of Jerusalem, over one million Jewish people were killed. Sixty years after the destruction of Jerusalem, a similar tragedy occurred: under the leadership of the false Messiah named Bar Kochba over a half a million Jews died. This prophecy will have its ultimate fulfillment in the generation in which the Lord returns, when one-third of the nation will be born-again worshipers of Jesus.

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 7 삼분의이가죽게될것이다 : 주후 70 년의대참사로, 로마가예루살렘성을파괴시킬때 100 만이상의유대인이살해되었다. 예루살렘의몰락 60 년후에, 비슷한비극이일어났다 : 바코크바 (Bar Cochba) 라고불렸던거짓메시야의지도력아래 50 만명이넘는유대인들이죽임을당했다. 이예언은이스라엘민족의삼분의일이거듭난예수님의예배자가될때주님이재림하시는세대에서궁극적으로성취될것이다. L. Jerusalem will be temporarily captured and half its people will be taken captive (Zech. 14:1-2). 예루살렘은일시적으로함락될것이고, 백성의절반은포로로잡혀가게될것이다 ( 슥 14:1-2) 1 Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. 2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; the city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. (Zech. 14:1-2) 1 여호와의날이이르리라그날에네재물이약탈되어네가운데에서나누이리라 2 내가이방나라들을모아예루살렘과싸우게하리니성읍이함락되며가옥이약탈되며부녀가욕을당하며성읍백성이절반이나사로잡혀가려니와남은백성은성읍에서끊어지지아니하리라 ( 슥 14:1-2) 1. The day of the LORD: The long awaited Day has arrived the day set apart to show the nations God s majestic power as He destroys His enemies and saves His people. 여호와의날 : 오래동안고대해왔던그날이다가왔다 - 그날은하나님께서그의적들을멸망시키고그의백성을구함으로써그분의장엄한힘을열방가운데드러내시기위해정해진날이다. 2. Spoil divided in your midst: Israel s spoil will be divided by the Gentiles who are attacking the city, because they do not understand what is about to come. The events of Zechariah 12:4-9 take place after the spoil is taken by the Gentiles. 약탈된재물이너의중에서나누어졌다 : 이스라엘의약탈품은그도시를침략하는이방인들에의해나누어질것인데, 그들은앞으로일어날일이무엇인지이해하지못하게때문이다. 스가랴 12:4-9 의사건들은이방인들에의해전리품들이취해진후에일어나는일들이다.

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 8 3. The city is captured: Jerusalem shall temporarily be captured by the Antichrist s armies. Half of Jerusalem shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. About 600,000 Jews currently live in Jerusalem. The city temporarily being taken creates the context in which Jesus delivers Israel. 성읍은함락되었다 : 예루살렘은일시적으로적그리스도의군대에의해함락될것이다. 예루살렘인구의반이포로로사로잡혀갈것이지만, 남은백성은성읍에서끊어지지않을것이다. 현재 60 만명의유대인들이예루살렘에살고있다. 그도시는예수님이이스라엘을구속하시는정황을만들기위해일시적으로함락되어질것이다. III. JESUS RETURNS AS KING: JERUSALEM IS HIS CAPITAL CITY (14:3-21) 왕으로재림하시는예수님 : 예루살렘은그분의수도이다 (14:3-21) A. Jesus will return as the king of Israel to deliver her from her enemies (Zech. 14:3-5). This is the point were the surprising events prophesied in Zechariah 12:4-10 take place. The mourning will spread from Israel (12:10) to the Gentiles armies camped around Jerusalem. 예수님은이스라엘의적들로부터그들을구원하기위해이스라엘의왕으로서재림하실것이다 ( 슥 14:3-5). 이것이스가랴 12:4-10 에서일어날것으로예언된놀라운사건들의요점이다. 애통함이이스라엘 (12:10) 로부터예루살렘주변에진친이방인의군대로펴져나갈것이다. 3 Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle. 4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south. 5 Then you shall flee through My mountain valley, for the mountain valley shall reach to Azal. Yes, you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah The LORD my God will come, and all the saints with You. (Zech. 14:3-5) 3 그때에여호와께서나가사그이방나라들을치시되이왕의전쟁날에싸운것같이하시리라 4 그날에그의발이예루살렘앞곧동쪽감람산에서실것이요감람산은그한가운데가동서로갈라져매우큰골짜기가되어서산절반은북으로, 절반은남으로옮기고 5 그산골짜기는아셀까지이를지라너희가그의산골짜기로도망하되유다왕웃시야때에지진을피하여도망하던것같이하리라나의하나님여호와께서임하실것이요모든거룩한자들이주와함께하리라 ( 슥 14;3-5) 1. The Lord will fight: He will show Himself as the divine warrior who was seen at the exodus (Ex. 14:13-14; Josh. 10:14; 23:3; Judg. 4:15; 2 Chr. 20:15) 여호와께서싸우실것이다 : 그분은출애굽기에서보여주신신성한전사의모습으로자신을나타내실것이다 ( 출 14:13-14; 수 10:14;23:3; 삿 4:15; 대하 20:15).

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 9 2. You shall flee: The Jews in Jerusalem will escape through this newly created valley. They will flee with panic, as in an earthquake. When Jesus prophesied about mountains moving, He was standing at the Mount of Olives, perhaps pointing at it (Mark 11:1, 23). 너는도망하여야한다 : 예루살렘에있는유대인들은이새로이만들어진골짜기를통해탈출하게될것이다. 그들은지진이난것처럼, 극심한공황상태로도망갈것이다. 예수님이산들이움직이는것에대해예언하셨을때, 어쩌면주님은감람산에서신이것을지적하셨을수도있을것이다 ( 막 11:1,23). 3. My mountain valley: God calls this mountain valley His because He formed it by an act of His power in a way that will be parallel to dividing the Red Sea (Ex. 14:22). The Lord will split this mountain so that half of it moves to the north and the other half to the south, creating a vast east-west valley. The valley will reach as far as Azel some distance east of Jerusalem (it is unknown where Azel is). 나의산골짜기 : 하나님은이산골짜기를자신의것이라고부르셨는데, 이것은그분이홍해를가르신것 ( 출 14:22) 과필적할수있는방법으로그의힘있는행동을취하여그것을지으셨기때문이다. 주님은이산을가르셔서이산의반이북쪽으로, 다른반은남쪽으로움직여거대한동서골짜기를창조하실것이다. 그골짜기는예루살렘의동쪽에서좀 떨어진 아셀까지도달하게될것이다 ( 아셀이어디인지는알려져있지않다 ). B. Jesus kingship will be announced by miracles of darkness, light, and living water (14:6-8). Zechariah describes Jerusalem as the new capital of the world and the epicenter from which garden-of-eden-type blessings will spread progressively to the whole world in the Millennium. He highlights two issues the healing waters and the mysterious light at night (Isa. 4:5; 30:26). 예수님의왕위는흑암, 빛, 생수의기적들에의해알려질것이다 (14:6-8). 스가랴는예루살렘을세계의천년왕국에서세계의새로운수도이자, 에덴동산과같은류의축복 을전세계로점진적으로퍼뜨릴진원지로써묘사하고있다. 그는두가지쟁점 - 생수와신비한밤의빛 - 을강조하고있다 ( 사 4:5; 30:26). 6 It shall come to pass in that day that there will be no light; the lights will diminish. 7 It shall be one [unique] day which is known to the LORD neither day nor night. But at evening time it shall happen that it will be light. 8 In that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea [Dead Sea] and half of them toward the western sea [Mediterranean Sea]; in both summer and winter it shall occur. (Zech. 14:6-8) 6 그날에는빛이없겠고광명한것들이떠날것이라여호와께서아시는한날 [ 독특한 ] 이있으리니낮도아니요밤도아니라어두워갈때에빛이있으리로다그날에생수가예루살렘에서솟아나서절반은동해 [ 사해 ] 로, 절반은서해 [ 지중해 ] 로흐를것이라여름에도겨울에도그러하리라 ( 슥 14;6-8)

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 10 1. No light: It will be a day of gloom with utter darkness. Darkness shall come on the Antichrist s global empire (Rev. 16:10). The light of the sun, moon, and stars will be darkened (Isa. 13:10; Joel 2:10, 31; 3:15; Mt. 24:29; Mk. 13:24; Lk. 21:25; Acts 2:19-20) 빛이없겠고 : 그날은완전한암흑으로암울한날이될것이다. 어둠은적그리스도의전세계적제국에임할것이다 ( 계 16:10). 해, 달, 그리고별들의빛이어두워질것이다 ( 사 13:10; 욜 2:10, 31; 3:15; 마 24:29; 눅 21:25; 행 2:19-10) 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Mt. 24:29) 29 그날환난후에즉시해가어두워지며달이빛을내지아니하며별들이하늘에서 떨어지며하늘의권능들이흔들리리라 ( 마 24:29) 10 the throne of the Beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness (Rev. 16:10) 10 짐승의왕좌에쏟으니그나라가곧어두워지며 ( 계 16:10) 2. One day: Then it will suddenly be illuminated in the evening in a very unique way that only God can understand (14:7). This unique and mysterious light will introduce God s new order for the created order (sun, moon, topography, animals, vegetation, etc.). 한날 : 그런후갑자기어두워져갈때에오직하나님만이이해하실수있는독특한방법에의해서빛이비추어질것이다. 이유일무이하고신비스런빛이창조물의질서 ( 해, 달, 지형, 동물, 식물등 ) 에대한하나님의새로운질서를도입하게될것이다. 3. Living water: A river with supernatural healing properties will flow out of the temple (14:8). Ezekiel saw this same river (Ezek. 47:1-12). Its waters will flow east to the Dead Sea and west into the Mediterranean Sea (Ps. 46:4; 65:9). It will flow from the temple even in the summer when most streams in Israel dry up and in the winter when it is cold. 생수 : 초자연적인치료요소를가진강이성전으로부터흘러넘치게될것이다 (14:8) 에스겔도이동일한강을보았다 ( 겔 47:1-12). 이물결은동쪽으로는사해까지그리고서쪽으로는지중해까지흘러갈것이다 ( 시 46:4; 65:9). 성전으로부터흐르는이물줄기는심지어이스라엘의대부분의수원이마르는여름철에, 그리고추운겨울철에도흘러넘칠것이다.

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 11 C. Jesus will reign from Jerusalem as the King of kings over all the earth (14:9; Rev. 19:16). All the kings of the earth will worship and serve Him (Ps. 72:11; 102:15; 138:4; 148:11; Mal. 1:11). He shall be one, which means that Jesus will be the only one acknowledged as God in the earth. 예수님은천하의왕중의왕으로서예루살렘으로부터통치하실것이다 (14:9; 계 19:16). 이땅의모든왕들이주님을예배하고섬기게될것이다 ( 시 72:11; 102:15; 138:4; 148:11; 말 1;11). 예수님이홀로한분이되리니, 예수님만이오직이땅위에유일한신으로인정받으시게될것이다. 9 The LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be The LORD is one, and His name one. (Zech. 14:9) 9 여호와께서천하의왕이되시리니그날에는여호와께서홀로한분이실것이요그의이름이홀로하나이실것이라 ( 슥 14:9) 17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the LORD, and all the nations shall be gathered to it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem. (Jer. 3:17) 17 그때에예루살렘이그들에게여호와의보좌라일컬음이되며모든백성이그리로 모이리니곧여호와의이름으로말미암아예루살렘에 ( 렘 3:17) IV. THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING (14:10) 위대한왕의도성 (14:10) A. The topography of Jesus global capital city will be drastically changed (14:10-11). The whole region will be greatly altered. It will both be leveled and raised, or elevated, to a height that surpasses all the other mountains. An earthquake will bring these topographical changes. 예수님의세계수도의지형은극적으로변화될것이다 (14:10-11) 전지역이크게변형될것이다. 이곳은평평하게되어높여지던지, 상승되든지하여다른모든산들보다높이가능가하게될것이다. 지진이이러한지형변화를가져올것이다. 10 All the land shall be turned into a plain from Geba [northern Judah] to Rimmon south of Jerusalem [southern Judah]. Jerusalem shall be raised up and inhabited in her place from Benjamin s Gate [north wall] to the place of the First Gate [north-east corner] and the Corner Gate [north-west corner], and from the Tower of Hananeel [north wall] to the king s winepresses [south wall]. 11 The people shall dwell in it; and no longer shall there be utter destruction, but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. (Zech. 14:10-11) 10 온땅이아라바같이 ( 평평하게 역주 ) 되되게바 [ 북유다 ] 에서예루살렘남쪽림몬 [ 남유다 ] 까지이를것이며예루살렘이높이들려그본처에있으리니베냐민문 [ 북쪽벽 ] 에서부터첫문자리 [ 북동모퉁이 ] 와성모퉁이문 [ 북서모퉁이 ] 까지또하나넬망대 [ 북쪽벽 ] 에서부터왕의포도주짜는곳 [ 남쪽벽 ] 까지라 11 사람이그가운데에살며다시는저주가있지아니하리니예루살렘이평안히서리로다 ( 슥 14:10-11)

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 12 1. A plain: Jerusalem and the land around it will become as flat as a plain, while the whole area will be physically elevated to make it the perfect place to establish the world capital. The prophets (Isaiah, Micah, and Ezekiel) prophesied that in last days the Lord s house would be established on the top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills. 평지 : 전지역이세계의수도를설립하기위한완벽한장소로만들어지기위해물리적으로상승되는동안에예루살렘과그주변의땅은평지처럼평평해질것이다. 선지자들 ( 이사야, 미가, 에스겔 ) 이마지막날에여호와의전이산꼭대기에굳게설것이고, 모든작은산위에뛰어나게될것을예언한바있다. 2 In the latter days the mountain of the LORD s house [the temple] shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. (Isa. 2:2) 2 말일에여호와의전의산이모든산꼭대기에굳게설것이요모든작은산위에 뛰어나리니만방이그리로모여들것이라 ( 사 2:2) 2. Baron claims that the sites mentioned were on the east, west, north, and south sides of Jerusalem. The gates and towers named cannot be identified with certainty. Geba was six miles north of Jerusalem, Rimmon was 35 miles southwest of Jerusalem. 바론은이언급된장소들이예루살렘의동, 서, 북, 남에있다고주장한다. 문들과망대들의이름은확실하게식별할수는없다. 게바는예루살렘에서 6 마일북쪽이었고, 림몬은예루살렘의 35 마일남서쪽이었다. 3. No longer destruction: Jerusalem has endured 36 wars and 20 sieges and blockades. No city has suffered more destruction in its history than Jerusalem. It has been invaded over 50 times, conquered 20 times, reduced to rubble 17 times, and rebuilt 18 times. 다시는저주가없으며 : 예루살렘은 36 번의전쟁과 20 번의함락과봉쇄를견뎌내었다. 역사상어떤도시도예루살렘보다많은파괴로고통받은도시는없다. 50 번이상의침략과, 20 번의정복, 17 번이나돌무더기로무너졌으며, 18 번재건축을겪었다. B. The Lord will bring total destruction to Israel s enemies (14:12-15). Zechariah here elaborates on the promise that Jerusalem will be safe (14:11). Jesus is zealous to stop anyone from ever disrupting the peace of Jerusalem. Chronologically, these verses describe what follows verses 3-8. The Lord will destroy the enemy by using four different means: plague (14:12), panic (14:13), fear-crazed Gentiles turning against each other (14:13), and anointed Israeli soldiers (14a).

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 13 주님은이스라엘의적들의완전한파멸을가져오실것이다 (14:12-15). 스가랴는여기서예루살렘이평안하게될것에대한약속을설명하고있다 (14;11). 예수님은예루살렘의평화를방해해왔던어떤사람도멈추게할만한열심이있으시다. 연대기적으로이구절들은 3-8 절에따라서일어나는일들을묘사한다. 여호와는네가지다른방법들을도구로사용하여적들을파멸시키실것이다 ; 재앙 (14:12); 공황 (14:3); 두려움에날뛰며서로를대항하여돌아서는이방인들 (14:13), 그리고기름부음받은이스라엘군인들 (14 절전반 ) 을도구로하여적들을파멸하실것이다. 12 This shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissol ve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths 13 In that day a great panic from the LORD will be among them. Everyone will raise his hand against his neighbor s hand; 14 Judah also will fight at Jerusalem. And the wealth of all the surrounding nations shall be gathered together: gold, silver, and apparel in great abundance. 15 Such also shall be the plague on the horse and the mule, on the camel and the donkey (Zech. 14:12-15) 12 예루살렘을친모든백성에게여호와께서내리실재앙은이러하니곧섰을때에그들의살이썩으며그들의눈동자가눈구멍속에서썩으며그들의혀가입속에서썩을것이요 13 그날에여호와께서그들을크게요란하게하시리니피차손으로붙잡으며피차손을들어칠것이며 14 유다도예루살렘에서싸우리니이때에사방에있는이방나라들의보화곧금은과의복이심히많이모여질것이요 15 또말과노새와낙타와나귀와그진에있는모든가축에게미칠재앙도그재앙과같으리라 ( 슥 14:12-15) 1. All the people: The Lord will pay back each individual person who fought against Jerusalem, stole its goods, raped its women, and took captive its citizens (14:1-2) 모든백성 : 주님은예루살렘을대항하여싸우고, 물건을약탈하고, 여인들을강간하며, 시민들을포로로잡아간모든개개인에게보복하실것이다 (14:1-2) 2. Plague: The flesh, eyes, and tongues of the enemy soldiers will dissolve even as they stand there on their feet (14:12). The plague will kill many of their animals (14:15). 재앙 : 적군들이스스로의발로서있을때조차도그들의살, 눈들, 그리고혀들이썩게될것이다 (14:12). 재앙은그들의많은동물들을죽일것이다 (14:15) 3. Great panic: Great fear will take hold of them and cause them to fight their own soldiers 큰요란 : 거대한공포가그들들사로잡을것이고, 이로인해아군들끼리싸우게만들것이다. 4. Wealth: Israel will reverse the earlier situation by taking the spoil of the Gentiles (14:2).

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 14 보화 : 이스라엘은이방인들의전리품을취함으로써이전의상황을반전시킬것이다 (14:2). C. The Gentiles shall be converted and unified with Israel in worshiping Jesus (14:16-19). Here we see God s zeal for the supremacy and glory of His Son, who will be worshiped by all nations. 이방인들이개종하게되어예수님을경배하면서이스라엘과연합하게된다 (14:16-19). 여기서우리는모든열방에게경배를받으실, 그의아들의최고우월함과영광을향한하나님의열심을보게된다. 16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain. 18 If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. (Zech. 14:16-19) 16 예루살렘을치러왔던이방나라들중에남은자가해마다올라와서그왕만군의여호와께경배하며초막절을지킬것이라 17 땅에있는족속들중에그왕만군의여호와께경배하러예루살렘에올라오지아니하는자들에게는비를내리지아니하실것인즉 1 만일애굽족속이올라오지아니할때에는비내림이있지아니하리니여호와께서초막절을지키러올라오지아니하는이방나라들의사람을치시는재앙을그에게내리실것이라 19 사람이나이방나라사람이나초막절을지키러올라오지아니하는자가받을벌이그러하니라슥 14:6-19) 1. Everyone who is left: The unsaved survivors of the Tribulation (who refused to worship the Antichrist) who stood against Jerusalem will be radically converted to become worshipers of the God of Israel. Scripture refers to those who are left, who receive salvation and populate the millennial earth (Isa. 4:3; 10:20; 11:11; 49:6; 65:8; 66:19; Jer. 31:2; Ezek. 20:38-42; 36:36; Amos 9:9-10; Joel 2:32; Zech. 12:14; 13:8; 14:16). 남은모든자 : 예루살렘을대항하여섰던환난에서살아남은구원받지못한사람들이 ( 적그리스도를경배하기를거부했던 ) 급진적으로개종하여이스라엘의하나님을경배하는자들이될것이다. 성경말씀은 남겨진자들 이구속을받고천년동안이땅에살것을언급한다 ( 사 4:3; 10:10; 11:11; 49:6; 65:8; 66:19; 렘 31;2; 겔 20:38-42;36:36; 암 9:9-10; 욜 2;32; 슥 12:14; 13:8; 14:16). 2. To worship the King: All the Gentile survivors of the Tribulation will annually go up to Jerusalem to worship Jesus as King and to participate in the Feast of Tabernacles (14:16). Earlier, Zechariah prophesied of the nations coming to Jerusalem to pray (2:11; 8:20-23).

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 15 왕께경배 : 환난에서살아남은모든이방인들은매년예수님을왕으로경배하기위해예루살렘으로올라갈것이고, 초막절에참여할것이다 14:16). 미리, 스가랴는열방이기도하기위해예루살렘으로오게될것을예언했었다 (2:11; 8:20-23). 3. The families of the earth: All families are required to go to Jerusalem yearly to worship Jesus. In this they will acknowledge Israel s national supremacy in the millennial earth. 땅에있는족속들 : 모든족속들은예수님께예배하기위해매년예루살렘으로가는것이요구된다. 여기서그들은천년왕국에서이스라엘국가의우월성을인졍게될것이다. 4. Not come up or enter in: The Lord requires all to enter in to worshiping Jesus (14:18). Any family or nation who neglects to do this shall have no rain for their crops (14:17). 올라오지아니하는 : 여호와는모두에게예수님을예배하도록들어올것을요청한다 14:18). 이것을경시하는어떤가족이나국가에게는그들의곡물을위한비가그칠것이다 14:17). 5. Feast of Tabernacles: The one feast that God will require all to participate in will be the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths or Ingathering). This feast celebrates the Lord s provision (food and crops), His redemption from slavery, the ingathering of the harvest of the nations to Jesus, and the fact of His tabernacling among His people. 초막절 : 하나님이모두에게필수로참여하라고명하는절기는초막절이될것이다 ( 부스 / 수캇또는수확 ). 이절기는하나님의공급하심 ( 음식과곡물들 ), 노예생활에서구속하심, 예수님께대한열방의추수의수확, 그리고그의백성들가운데장막을이루신사실을경축한다. 6. No rain: The Lord judged Israel s rebellion and compromise by withholding rain. The Lord will not make any exceptions for this requirement (Deut. 28:23-24) 비를내리지아니하심 : 여호와께서는이스라엘의반역과타협을비를거둬가심으로심판하셨다. 여호와께서는이필수요구사항에대해어떤예외도만들지않을실것이다신 28:23-24). D. Israel will be the first entire nation to walk holy before God in every area of their life (14:20-21). Israel will walk in holiness in their public life (bells of the horses; 14:20), in their religious life (cooking pots in the Lord s house; 14:20), and in their private life (every pot in Judah; 14:21).

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 16 이스라엘은하나님의앞에서온나라백성이그들의모든삶의영역에서거룩한삶을사는첫번째나라가될것다 ( 14:20-21). 이스라엘은그들의공공의삶 ( 말방울들 ; 14:20), 종교생활 ( 여호와의전의모든솥 ;14:20), 그리고그들의개인의삶 ( 유다의모든솥 ; 14:21) 에서거룩을추구하게될것이다. 20 In that day HOLINESS TO THE LORD shall be engraved on the bells of the horses. The pots in the LORD s house shall be like the bowls before the altar. 21 Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the LORD of hosts. Everyone who sacrifices shall come and take them and cook in them. In that day there shall no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. (Zech. 14:20-21) 20 그날에는말방울에까지여호와께성결이라기록될것이라여호와의전에있는모든솥이제단앞주발과다름이없을것이니 21 예루살렘과유다의모든솥이만군의여호와의성물이될것인즉제사드리는자가와서이솥을가져다가그것으로고기를삶으리라그날에는만군의여호와의전에가나안사람이다시있지아니하리라 ( 슥 14:20-21) 1. The bells and pots: The bells on horses represent life on the streets in Jerusalem. The pots throughout Jerusalem and Judah represent private domestic life. Every pot throughout the area will be set apart to the Lord (14:21). The ordinary cooking pots in the temple (14:20) will be as holy as the bowls used to sprinkle the sacrificial blood on the brazen altar. 방울과솥들 : 말방울은예루살렘거리의삶을대표한다. 예루살렘과유다도처의솥들은개인적가정생활을대표한다. 전도시를아우르는모든솥은여호와를위해구별되어질것이다 (14:21) 성전안의일반솥들도 (14;20) 놋제단에희생의피를뿌리기위해사용되어졌던주발처럼거룩하게될것이다. 2. Canaanite: There are no longer any ethnic Canaanites family lines, so this speaks of a type of behavior not a particular bloodline. The Canaanites throughout Israel s history represented those who were ungodly merchants and those rebellious towards God. Never again will a person who rebels against God be allowed to ever enter Jerusalem. 가나안사람 : 더이상의가나안인종의계보가없을것인데, 이것은특정한혈통을말하는것이아니라, 행동양식을말하는것이다. 이스라엘역사상가나안사람은경건치못한 상인들 과하나님께반역하는사람들을대표했었다. 하나님의뜻을거스려반역하는어떤한사람도예루살렘에들어가는것이허락되지않을것이다. 3. God s original purpose for Israel was that they live as a holy nation of priests (Ex. 19:6). The world will see for the first time an entire nation in which every individual is radically dedicated to Jesus. Jerusalem as the world capital will truly be The Holy City. God s zeal has been manifested and the Lord will cause the counsel of His will to come to pass. 이스라엘을향한하나님의근본적인목적은그들이제사장으로서거룩한나라로살아가는것이었다 ( 출 19:6). 이세상은한나라전체의모든개인들이근본적으로철저하게예수님께헌신하는것을처음으로목격하게될것이다. 전세계의수도로서의

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 17 예루살렘은진실로거룩한도시가될것이다. 하나님의열정은현현될것이고, 여호와께서그의뜻을의뢰하게만드실것이다. 2 Iam zealous for Zion with great zeal; with great fervor I am zealous for her 3 I will return to Zion, and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth, The Mountain of the LORD of hosts, The Holy Mountain. (Zech. 8:2-3) 2 만군의여호와가이같이말하노라내가시온을위하여크게질투하며그를위하여크게분노함으로질투하노라여호와가이같이말하노라 3 내가시온에돌아와예루살렘가운데에거하리니예루살렘은진리의성읍이라일컫겠고만군의여호와의산은성산이라일컫게되리라 ( 슥 8:2-3) V. SUMMARY: THE GLORY OF GOD IN JERUSALEM UNDER JESUS LEADERSHIP 요약 : 예수님의지도력하에예루살렘안에있는하나님의영광 A. Jesus kingship will be proclaimed to the nations with dramatic miracles that will establish a new order for His capital Jerusalem (14:6-21). Jesus arrival in Jerusalem will be announced globally by all the lights in sky going dark (14:6). It will be a day of gloom for His enemies as utter darkness comes on the Antichrist s empire. Then, it will suddenly be illuminated in the evening in a very unique way that only God can understand (14:7). This unique and mysterious light will introduce God s new order for the created order (sun, moon, topography, animals, vegetation, etc.). A river with supernatural healing properties will flow out of the temple (14:8). Its waters will flow east to the Dead Sea and west into the Mediterranean Sea. It will flow from the temple, even in the summer when most streams in Israel dry up, and in the winter when it is cold. 예수님의왕위는그의수도예루살렘을위한새로운질서를세우기위해극적인기적들과함께열방에선포될것이다 (14:6-21). 예수님의예루살렘의도착은전세계적으로하늘의모든빛이어두워짐에의해공표될것이다 (14:6). 이날은적그리스도의제국에완전한흑암을가져오심으로서, 그의적들에게암울한날이될것이다. 그런후, 오직하나님만이이해하실수있는매우독특한방법으로어두워져가는시간에갑자기빛이비추어질것이다 (14:7). 이유일무이하고신비스러운빛은모든창조물의질서 ( 해, 달, 지형, 동물, 식물등 ) 에하나님의새로운질서를도입하게될것이다. 초자연적인치료성분을가진강이성전으로부터흘러나오게될것이다 (14:8). 이물들은동쪽으로사해까지서쪽으로지중해까지흘러갈것이다. 이강은심지어이스라엘의모든수원이마르는때인여름철과차디찬겨울에도흘러넘칠것이다. B. Jesus will reign from Jerusalem as the King of kings over all the earth. He will be the only person in the world that is acknowledged as God (14:9). Jesus will be received by all nations as their King. The topography of Jesus global capital city will be drastically changed (14:10-11). The whole region will be greatly altered. It will be both leveled and raised, or elevated, to a height that surpasses all the other mountains. An earthquake will cause these topographical changes, which will make Jerusalem the perfect place to establish the world capital. Jerusalem will be the safest city in all history (14:11).

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 18 예수님은예루살렘에서온천하의왕중의왕으로서다스릴것이다. 그분이야말로이세상가운데하나님으로인정될유일한인간이되실것이다 (14:9). 예수님은모든열방에서그들의왕으로영접되실것이다. 예수님의전세계수도의지형은극적으로변화될것이다 (14:10-11). 전지역이크게변형될것이다. 평평해지고상승되거나, 또는높아져서다른모든산들보다그높이를능가하게될것이다. 지진이이러한지형적인변화를가져와서, 예루살렘이세계의수도로서기에완벽한장소로만들것이다. 예루살렘은온역사상가장안전하고평안한도시가될것이다. C. In the midst of all these topographical changes the Lord will show His zeal for His city and people by destroying their enemies with a terrible plague; this will bring great panic (14:12-13) that will cause Israel s enemies to turn against each other (14:13). The plague will be terrifying, causing the flesh, eyes, and tongues of the enemy soldiers to dissolve, even as they stand on their feet (14:12). The plague will kill many of their animals (14:15). Israel will reverse the earlier situation in verse two by taking all the wealth, or spoil, of the Gentiles (14:14). 이러한모든지형적인변화기일어나는동안여호와께서는그의적들을끔찍한재앙으로멸망시킴으로써그분의도시와백성에대한열정을보이실것이고 : 이것은큰요란을불러일으켜 (14:12-13) 이스라엘의적들이서로를대항하여돌아서게만들것이다 (14:3). 이재앙은무시무시할것이며, 적군들이그들의발을딛고서있는때조차도그들의살, 눈, 그리고혀들을썩어들어가게할것이다 (14:12). 이재앙은그들의많은동물들도죽일것이다 (14:15). 이스라엘은이방인들의모든보화와전리품을취하여역으로그전의상황들을반전시킬것이다 (14:14). D. The Gentiles shall be converted, and unified with Israel in worshiping Jesus (14:16-19). Here we see God s zeal for the supremacy and glory of His Son, who will be worshiped by all nations. The unsaved survivors of the Tribulation who stood against Jerusalem will be radically converted to become worshipers of the God of Israel. They will go up to Jerusalem annually to worship Jesus as King and to participate in the Feast of Tabernacles (14:16). In doing this they will acknowledge Jesus glory and Israel s national supremacy in the millennial earth. The Lord will require everyone to do this (14:18). Any family or nation who neglects to do this shall have no rain for their crops (14:17). Some from Egypt will be tempted to resist. 이방인들은개종하게될것이고, 예수님을경배하면서이스라엘과연합하게될것이다 (14:16-19). 여기서우리는모든열방에서경배받으실하나님의아들의최고권력과영광에대한하나님의열정을보게된다. 예루살렘을대항해서섰던환난을지난구원받지못한생존자들은급진적으로개종하여이스라엘의하나님을경배하게될것이다. 그들은매년왕이신예수님께경배하고, 초막절에참여할것이다 (14:16). 이렇게함으로써, 그들은천년왕국에서예수님의영광과이스라엘국가의우월성을인정하게될것이다. 여호와께서는모든사람들에게이것을요구하신다 (14:18). 이것을경시하는어떤가족이나국가에게는그들의곡물을위한비가멈추어질것이다 (14:17). 이집트의일부가저항하는경향이있을것이다

ZECHARIAH: STUDIES IN THE END TIMES MIKE BICKLE Page 19 E Israel will be the first entire nation to walk holy before God in every area of their life (14:20-21). Israel will walk in holiness in their public life (bells of the horses; 14:20), in their religious life (cooking pots in the Lord s house; 14:20), and in their private life (every pot in Judah; 14:21). God s original purpose for Israel was that they live as a holy nation of priests (Ex. 19:6). Never again will a person who rebels against God be allowed to enter Jerusalem. For the first time, the world will see an entire nation in which every individual is radically dedicated to Jesus. Jerusalem, as the world capital, will truly be The Holy City. God s zeal has been manifested and the Lord will cause the counsel of His will to come to pass 이스라엘은전국가적으로그들의삶의모든영역에서하나님목전에거룩한삶을사는첫민족이될것이다 (14:20-21). 이스라엘은그들의공공의삶 ( 말방울들 ; 14:20), 종교생활 ( 여호와의전의모든솥 ;14:20), 그리고그들의개인생활 ( 유다의모든솥 ; 14:21) 에서거룩을추구하게될것이다. 이스라엘을향한하나님의본래의목적은그들이제사장으로서거룩한나라로서사는것이었다 ( 출 19:6). 하나님께대항하여반역하는어떤사람도다시는예루살렘에들어가는것이허락되지않을것이다. 처음으로, 이세상은전체국가의모든개개인들이예수님께급진적으로철저하게헌신하는것을목도하게될것이다. 세계수도로써, 예루살렘은참으로거룩한성이될것이다. 하나님의열심이현현될것이고, 여호와께서그의뜻을의뢰하게만들것이다.