식물의이름 지방명 (Local name) : 지역, 국가, 시대 일반명 (Common name) : 표준어 학명 (Scientific name) : 세계공통 생약 ( 약물 ) 명 : 형태, 특성, 한자명의거명명 - 할미꽃 ( 白頭翁 ), 칡 ( 葛根 ), 도라지 ( 桔梗 )
지방명과일반명 지역, 나라마다다름 : 오해와혼란우려 Potato, patata( 스페인 ), kartoffel( 독일 ) Corn, maize, 옥수수, 강냉이, 옥시기, 옥탁촉
일반명과생약명 한자명사용 : 감초 ( 甘草 ), 은행 ( 銀杏 ), 맥문동 ( 麥門冬 ), 오미자 ( 五味子 ), 작약 ( 芍藥 ) 도입종 : 아라비아고무나무 ( 아라비아검 arabic gum), 코카 ( 코카엽, coca), 세네가 ( 세네가근, senega) 서로다른경우 : 마늘 ( 대산大蒜 ), 마 ( 山藥 ), 냉이 ( 齊 ), 살구 ( 杏仁 ), 귤 ( 陳皮 ), 수박 ( 西瓜 ), 음나무 ( 海桐皮 ), 도라지 ( 桔梗 ), 칡 ( 葛根 )
학명표기법 원래는명사뒤여러단어로길게설명 이명법에의한학명린네가쓰기시작, 간단하여여러학자들전폭적인호응과지지 속명첫글자는대문자 (Panax ginseng) 속명은약자로쓸수도있음 (P. ginseng) 학명은밑줄을긋거나이탤릭체로씀 (Panax ginseng, Panax ginseng) 종소명뒤에발견 / 보고자의이름을붙임
학명의의미 속명 명사, 종소명 형용사 속명 : 일반명, 발견자명, 지방명, 학자이름, 식물의특성 Coffea arabica (arabic coffee) Coffea canephora (robusta coffee) Coffea liberica Narcissus (liberica coffee)
종속명 특성, 지역명, 이용, 생육등표현 속명 ( 명사 ) 의성과일치시킴 - 흰 (albus :M, alba :F, album :) - 재배하는 (sativus, sativa, sativum) - 일본의 (japonica, japonica, japonicum) - 보통의 (vulgaris, vulgare) Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean, 강낭콩 ) Viscum album ( 겨우살이 )
약용식물의형태 외부형태학, 식물해부학, 내부형태학 ( 현미경 ) 세포 조직 기관 - - 개체 세포 (Cell) 식물세포와동물세포의다른점 : 세포벽, 공포, 색소체 세포벽 : 일차세포벽 : 원형질에서분비되는당질로만들어지며, cellulose 가주성분. 이차세포벽 : 일차세포벽과원형질막사이에형성 ( 경우에따라서 ), 당질혹은 lignan 목화 : 이차세포벽에 lignan 이침착되어경화된것. 육상식물의골격형성 Cork 화 : 이차세포벽에 suberin 이침착 Cutin 화 : 이차세포벽에 cutin 이침착한것. 유세포 : 이차세포벽이발달하지않은세포. 후각세포 : 부분적으로이차벽이발달한세포. 후막세포 : 전면에이차세포벽이발달한세포 색소체 : 백색체 (leucoplast), 엽록체 (chloroplast), 잡색체 (protoplast) 공포 : 세포벽이각질화되어생긴공간 이차대사산물함유.
조직 (Tissue) 세포가집단으로되어있는기능을가지고있는것 a. 세포의종류에의한분류단조직 : 동일종류의세포만으로형성된조직. 복조직 : 서로다른종류의세포혹은단조직이복합되어있는조직. b. 세포분열하는능력의유무에의한분류 1. 분열조직일차분열조직 : 길이성장을주도이차분열조직 : 부피생장을주도 ( 형성층을중심으로 ) 2. 영구조직 : 분열능력을가지지않는세포조직 c. 기능에의한분류 1. 형성조직 : 세포분열에의하여증식 2. 피부조직 : 표피, 주피, 수피, 모, 기공 3. 기계조직 : 식물체를지지하는골격기능, 후각조직, 후막조직, 석세포, 이형세포 ( 공극 ) 등 4. 흡수조직 : 수분이나무기물흡수, 근, 기근, 근모등 5. 동화조직 : 광합성, 책상조직, 해면조직등 6. 통도조직 : 물질수송, 도관, 가도관, 사관, 유관등 7. 저장조직 : 저장물질축적, 수분축적 8. 통기조직 : 통기또는공기보유, 세포간극등 9. 분비조직 : 선모, 유실, 수공등 10. 운동조직 : 식물체의운동에관여 11. 감각조직 : 자극에대한감각작용 12. 자극전달조직 : 자극을기타의조직에전달
줄기 (Stem) 식물체를지지하는기계적인역할, 수분이나동화물질을전달하는통도조직 ( 통도, 저장, 기계조직 ) 양치류, 피자, 나자식물 번식경 : 줄기가번식하는능력. 저장경 : 물질의저장영양경 : 동화작용 절 : 줄기에잎이생기는부분절간 : 절과절사이 줄기의외부형태초본경 : 1-2년에죽음 ( 초본 ) 목본경 : 다년간살아있음 ( 목본 ) 교목 ( 고목 ), 저목 ( 관목 ) 등본 : 굽어있는목본자립경 : 자력으로서있음출처 : 종합약용식물학 ( 학창사 ) 타립경 ( 蔓 ): 자력으로서있지못함. 덩굴성포복경 : 지표혹은반지하로수평으로뻗어가는줄기. 전요경 : 타식물의줄기를말아올라가는것. 반연경 : 권수, 흡반, 부착근, 구, 가시강모등을이용하여타식물에올라가는것. 근경 : 땅속을수평으로뻗으며성장괴경 : 지하의뿌리의말단이비대. 감자. 돼지감자구경 : 지상경의기부가구상으로비대인경 : 양파, 백합, 참나리등
Primary Metabolism and Secondary Metabolism 1. Primary Metabolism - Metabolic process including photosynthetic processes producing simple and widely distributed low molecular weight carboxylic acids α-amino acids carbohydrates fatty acids proteins - Starting material (precursor) of the secondary metabolites - Similar 2. Secondary metabolism - Hard to define - Secondary metabolism is closely connected with several external factors flavonoid, alkaloid, tannin, lipid, terpenoid 등약용물질
약용식물의성분과화학분류 생합성경로 : acetate-malonate 경로 (C-2) shikimic acid 경로 (C-9) mevalonic acid 경로 (C-5) amino acid 경로 (alkaloid) (C9) CH H H H C C C (N) (C2) (C5)
Building blocks
Flavonoid Flavonoids are most commonly known for their antioxidant activity. However, it is now known that the health benefits they provide against cancer and heart disease are the result of other mechanisms. Flavonoids are also commonly referred to as bioflavonoids in the media the terms are largely equivalent and interchangeable, for most flavonoids are biological in origin. H H H 출처 : wikipedia
Lignan The lignans are a group of chemical compounds found in plants, particularly in flax seed. Lignans are one of the major classes of phytoestrogens, which are estrogen-like chemicals and also act as antioxidants. The other classes of phytoestrogens are the isoflavones. Plant lignans are polyphenolic substances derived from phenylalanine via dimerization of substituted cinnamic alcohols to a dibenzylbutane skeleton 2 2 R 2 R 1 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 H shizandrin: R 1=R2=CH3 gomisin A: --CH 2-- 오미자 (Schizandra chinensis ) CH 3 출처 : wikipedia
Coumarin Coumarin is a chemical compound (benzopyrone); a toxin found in many plants, notably in high concentration in the tonka bean, woodruff, and bison grass. It has a sweet scent, readily recognised as the scent of newly-mown hay, and has been used in perfumes since 1882. It has clinical medical value as the precursor for several anticoagulants, notably warfarin. H warfarin woodruff 애엽 (Artemisiae argi): 약쑥. 여성들의산부인과질환 ( 출혈증상, 속이냉하여생기는복통, 요통등에달이거나뜸으로 ) 이나냄새를없애는목적으로사용. 사철쑥 ( 면인진 =Artemisia capillaris): 전통적으로중국에서유래하여과거에는한방에서많이이용해온쑥, 인진. 더위지기쑥 ( 한인진 =Artemisia iwayomogi): 우리나라에서자생하는쑥. 최근에와서는사철쑥보다한인진이라고하여더많이재배되고이용. 출처 : wikipedia 웜우드 (Artemisia absinthium): 강장, 소화촉진작용. 우울증, 황달. 꽃이나잎을허브차로이용.
탄닌 (tannin) Tannins are astringent, bitter plant polyphenols that either bind and precipitate proteins. The astringency from the tannins is what causes the dry and puckery feeling in the mouth following the consumption of red wine, strong tea, or an unripened fruit. The term tannin refers to the use of tannins in tanning animal hides into leather; however, the term is widely applied to any large polyphenolic compound containing sufficient hydroxyls and other suitable groups (such as carboxyls) to form strong complexes with proteins and other macromolecules. Tannins have molecular weights ranging from 500 to over 3,000. Tannins are incompatible with gelatin, heavy metals, iron, lime water, metallic salts, strong oxidizing agents and zinc sulfate. Medical potential; Tannins have shown potential antiviral, antibacterial, and antiparasitic effects. In the past few years tannins have also been studied for their potential effects against cancer through different mechanisms. Tannins, including gallo and ellagic acid (epigallitannins), are inhibitors of HIV replication. 출처 : wikipedia
식물색소 엽록소외에과피, 잎등에함유, Cartenoid, flavonoid, benzoquinone, anthraquinone 등 Quinone Benzoquinone, or quinone is one of the two isomers of cyclohexadienedione. Anthraquinone (9,10-dioxoanthracene) is an aromatic organic compound. It is a derivative of anthracene. It has the appearance of yellow or light gray to gray-green solid crystalline powder. Anthraquinones naturally occur in some plants (e.g. aloe, senna, rhubarb, and cascara), fungi, lichens, and insects, where they serve as a basic skeleton for their pigments. Natural anthraquinone derivatives tend to have laxative effects. 출처 : wikipedia
지방산 (Fatty acid) acetyl Co A + malonyl Co A 의연속적인축합반응에의하여생성된화합물 (C 16 C 20 ) Stearic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, arachidonic acid CH 3 (CH 2 )nch RCH 지방족 carboxylic acid (CH) chain 의길이가다양함 주로짝수개의탄소수를가지고있다 식물체내에 triglyceride 형태로존재함 일부를제외하고는독성이없다 독성물질의예 : 피마자의 ricinoleic acid CH H H 지질 (Lipid) ricinoleic aicd H 1 6 9 12 6 w 1 gamma-linolenic acid 지방산이 glycerol 과 ester 결합한물질 ( 단순지질, 복합지질, 당지질, 인지질 ) CH 3 (CH2) 14 CH 3 (CH2) 18 C C C (CH 2 ) 16 CH 3 H glycerol H H
Saponin Saponins are a class of chemical compounds, one of many secondary metabolites found in natural sources, with saponins found in particular abundance in various plant species. Specifically, they are amphipathic glycosides by the soap-like foaming they produce when shaken in aqueous solutions, and structurally by their being composed of one or more hydrophilic glycoside moieties combined with a lipophilic triterpene derivative 출처 : 한국민족문화대백과 출처 : 네이버캐스트