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- 마대중 외 : 양안에 발생한 코우츠병 1예 - C D Figure 1. Initial examination findings. () Total bullous exudative retinal detatchment with retinal vascular telangiectasia in the right eye. () Fundus photograph showing characteristic features of Coats disease with localized exudative retinal detachment with vascular telangiectasia at the inferior periphery in the left eye. (C) Ocular ultrasonography showing no mass-like lesion. (D) Orbit CT showing no mass-like lesion. Figure 2. Fluorescein angiogram of the left eye before the laser photocoagulation. () Retinal telangiectatic vessels and avascular area. () Fluorescein leakeage from telangiectatic vessels. 좌안 망막은 망막하액 감소한 소견이 관찰되었다(Fig. 3). 이후 지속적으로 우안 내사시 소견 보여 수술 34개월 후 우안 내직근후전술 및 외직근절제술 시행하였다. 수술 후 44개월 째 추적관찰에서 최대교정시력 우안 광 각무, 좌안 0.4이었으며 양안 망막은 편평하였다(Fig. 4). 녹내장 및 망막박리의 재발, 통증 등의 합병증은 발생하지 113

- 대한안과학회지 2011 년제 52 권제 1 호 - Figure 3. Fundus photograph taken 2 months after operation. () Right eye, flat. () Left eye, subretinal fluid decreased a great deal. Figure 4. Fundus photograph taken 33 months after operation. () Right eye. () Left eye. oth fundi are flat and stable. 않았다. 고찰 코우츠병은특발성망막실핏줄확장증, 혈관삼출, 이로인한삼출망막박리를보이는질환으로유리체망막견인을포함한다른원인질환이동반되지않는경우이며, 대부분단안에발생한다고알려져있다. 1-3 1908년 Coats 1 가단안의삼출망막박리 6예를보고한이후로코우츠병에대한다수의증례보고및임상양상분석이수행되었다. 1967년 Green, 4 1987년 McGettrick and Loeffler, 5 2002년 lexandridou and Stavrou 6 가각각양안에발생한코우츠병증례를 1예씩보고한바있으며, 다수의코우츠병의임상양상보고에서양안에발생한코우츠병 의비율이전체코우츠병증례의 0% 에서 26% 까지보고된바있으나, 2001년 Shields et al 12 은이전에보고된양안에발생한코우츠병증례중다수에서코우츠병의진단기준에부합하지않은것을보고한바있다. 7-17 실제로 1967년 Green 4 이보고한증례는좌안은하이측변연부에망막실핏줄확장과동반된삼출망막박리가관찰된반면, 우안은망막종괴소견이동반되어양안에발생한코우츠병의진단기준에부합하지않는다고할수있다. 코우츠병에서인종간에발생빈도및임상양상의차이는없는것으로알려져있으나, 한국인을포함한동양인에대한보고는많지않다. 15 2007년 Lai et al 18 은대만인 30명 32안에대하여코우츠병의임상양상을보고하였고, 이중 2예에서양안에발생하였다. 국내에서는 1969년에 Kim et al 19 이최초로코우츠병증 114

- 마대중외 : 양안에발생한코우츠병 1 예 - 례를보고한이후, 수차례증례보고가있었다. 1999년에 Choi and Yu 20 는코우츠병으로진단받은 30명 30안, 2006 년에 Han et al 21 은 67명 67안의임상양상및치료결과에대하여보고한바있으나, 국내에는아직양안에발생한코우츠병증례가보고된바없다. 2001년 Shields et al 7 이보고한 150명, 158안중양안에발생한 8명 16안, 1987년 McGettrick and Loeffler 5 및 2002년 lexandridou and Stavrou 6 의증례보고, 그리고본증례모두에서양안에발생한코우츠병에서양안질병의진행정도가차이가있었다. 2001년 Shields et al 7 은질병의진행정도가경한편안의경우대부분증상없이망막변연부에경미한망막실핏줄확장증소견만관찰됨을보고한반면, 2002년 lexandridou and Stavrou 6 의증례보고에서는망막실핏줄확장증과동반된중심와바깥쪽의삼출물, 본증례에서는망막실핏줄확장증과동반된부분삼출망막박리소견이관찰되어이전보고와는차이가있었다. 2001년 Shields et al 7 의보고에따르면코우츠병에서초진시의주소는시력저하 (43%), 사시 (23%), 백색동공 (20%) 순이었으며초진시에전망막박리가관찰되는빈도는 48% 였다. 반면, 1987년 McGettrick and Loeffler 5 및 2002년 lexandridou and Stavrou 6 의증례보고의주소는백색동공이었으며, 본증례는내사시였다. 또한진행정도가심한편안에서모두전망막박리가관찰되어양안에서발생한코우츠병의경우단안에서발생한경우보다질병의진행정도가더심한경향이있음을유추할수있다. 또한 2002년 lexandridou and Stavrou 6 의증례에서는진행정도가경한편안의망막실핏줄확장증과동반된중심와바깥쪽의삼출물에대하여치료하지않고경과관찰하였을때, 17년경과후병변이진행함을보고한바있어양안에발생한코우츠병에서는진행정도가경한편안에대해서도적절한치료및장기적인경과관찰이필요함을알수있다. 따라서코우츠병은양안에발생이가능하고, 양안질병의진행이비대칭일수있으며, 진행정도가단안에발생한경우보다더심한경향이있어초기에정확한진단및치료가필수적이다. 또한진행정도가심한편안은단안에서발생한코우츠병보다예후가좋지않은경향이있어시력및안구보존을위해서는진행정도가경한편안에대해서도장기간의세밀한경과관찰이필요하다. 결론적으로, 본증례는양안에발생한코우츠병에대하여치료및장기경과관찰한국내최초의증례보고로, 적절한치료를통하여편안의시력보존이가능하였고, 합병증의병발을예방하여양안을보존할수있었다. 참고문헌 1) Coats G. Forms of retinal diseases with massive exudation. Roy Lond Ophthalmol Hosp Rep 1908;17:440-525. 2) Leber T. Ueber eine durch Vorkommen multipler Miliaraneurysmen charakterisierte Form von Retinaldegeneration. lbrecht von Graefes rch Ophthalmol 1912;81:1-14. 3) Reese. Telangiectasis of the retina and Coats' disease. m J Ophthalmol 1956;42:1-8. 4) Green WR. ilateral Coats' disease. Massive gliosis of the retina. rch Ophthalmol 1967;77:378-83. 5) McGettrick PM, Loeffler KU. ilateral Coats' disease in an infant (a clinical, angiographic, light and electron microscopic study). Eye 1987;1:136-45. 6) lexandridou, Stavrou P. ilateral Coats' disease: long-term follow up. cta Ophthalmol Scand 2002;80:98-100. 7) Shields J, Shields CL, Honavar S, Demirci H. Coats disease. Clinical variations and complications of Coats disease in 150 cases. The 2000 Sanford Gifford Memorial Lecture. m J Ophthalmol 2001;131:561-71. 8) Woods C, Duke JR. Coats's disease. I. Review of the literature diagnostic criteria, clinical findings, and plasma lipid studies. r J Ophthalmol 1963;47:385-412. 9) Gomez Morales. Coats' disease. Natural history and results of treatment. m J Ophthalmol 1965;60:855-65. 10) Egerer I, Tasman W, Tomer TT. Coats disease. rch Ophthalmol 1974;92:109-12. 11) Tarkkanen, Laatikainen L. Coat's disease: clinical, angiographic, histopathological findings and clinical management. r J Ophthalmol 1983;67:766-76. 12) Chang MM, McLean IW, Merritt JC. Coats' disease: a study of 62 histologically confirmed cases. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 1984;21:163-8. 13) Silodor SW, ugsburger JJ, Shields J, Tasman W. Natural history and management of advanced Coats' disease. Ophthalmic Surg 1988;19:89-93. 14) Shields J, Shields CL, Honavar SG, et al. Classification and management of Coats disease. The 2000 Proctor Lecture. m J Ophthalmol 2001;131:572-83. 15) Shields J, Shields CL. Review: Coats disease: the 2001 LuEsther T. Mertz lecture. Retina 2002;22:80-91. 16) Shienbaum G, Tasman WS. Coats disease: a lifetime disease. Retina 2006;26:422-4. 17) Rishi P, Rishi E, Uparkar M, et al. Coats' disease: an Indian perspective. Indian J Ophthalmol 2010;58:119-24. 18) Lai CH, Kuo HK, Wu PC, et al. Manifestation of Coats' disease by age in Taiwan. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2007;35:361-5. 19) Kim WS, Jung J, Kim JW, et al. Case of Coats' disease. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 1969;10:37-9. 20) Choi SY, Yu YS. Treatment and clinical results of coats' disease. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 1999;40:2190-7. 21) Han ES, Choung HK, Heo JW, et al. The Clinical analysis and treatment results of Coats' disease in children. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2006;47:423-30. 115

- 대한안과학회지 2011 년제 52 권제 1 호 - =STRCT= ilateral Coats' Disease: Case Report Dae Joong Ma, MD 1, Jin Choi, MD 1, Ji Woong Jang, MD 1, Jeong Hun Kim, MD 1,2, Seong Joon Kim, MD 1,2, Young Suk Yu, MD, PhD 1,2 Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University College of Medicine 1, Seoul, Korea Seoul rtificial Eye Center, Seoul National University Hospital Clinical Research Institute 2, Seoul, Korea Purpose: To report a case of bilateral Coats' disease. Case summary: 19-month-old boy presented with esodeviation of his eyes, which started 5 months prior. fundus exam showed total bullous exudative retinal detachment with retinal vascular telangiectasia in the right eye and localized exudative retinal detachment with vascular telangiectasia at the inferior periphery in the right eye. Fluorescein angiogram of the left eye showed retinal telangiectatic vessels, avascular area and fluorescein leakeage from telangiectatic vessels. The patient received external drainage of subretinal fluid and intravitreal air injection of the right eye and rgon LSER photocoagulation and cryotheraphy of the left eye. cytologic exam of the subretinal fluid drained from the right eye showed no malignant cells. Forty-four months after the operation, his best corrected visual acuity was no light perception in the right eye and 0.4 in the left eye. oth fundi were flat and stable. No complications, such as glaucoma, recurred retinal detachment, or pain, occurred. Conclusions: Coats' disease rarely occurs bilaterally and can be involved asymmetrically. The disease presents more severely when bilateral and can progress after long-term observation. Proper treatment and long-term follow-up of both eyes are necessary to prevent visual loss and preserve eyes. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2011;52(1):112-116 Key Words: Coats' disease, Exudative retinal detachement, Retinal telangiectasia ddress reprint requests to Young Suk Yu, MD, PhD Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University Hospital #28 Yongon-dong, Chongno-gu, Seoul 110-744, Korea Tel: 82-2-2072-2438, Fax: 82-2-741-3187, E-mail: ysyu@snu.ac.kr 116