2012-07 2012. 2. 22 EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) EU ( 유럽연합 ) 독일 프랑스 네덜란드 작성백성진책임연구원, EU 기술협력거점 bryan100@kiat.or.kr +49-692-7401-5221 감수조영희팀장, 국제협력기획팀 yhcho@kiat.or,kr 02-6009-3180
목 차 I. EU ( 유럽연합 ) 1 1. 2012년 EU R&D 예산, 전년대비 11.4% 증가 1 2. 2012년 EU FP7 예산, 10,213백만유로확정 2 3. CORDIS의 EU FP 프로젝트정보전달을위한새로운서비스 4 4. 유럽에너지연구연합 6개신규프로젝트 5 II. 독일 6 1. 독일연구재단, 7개분야연구그룹신규설립 6 2. 2012년예산심의완료-교육및 R&D 관련예산특징 7 3. 독일, 새로운 5개첨단클러스터선정 8 4. 연방정부, 2차 시민안전연구 프레임워크채택 9 5. 남아공 ( 에너지 ), 브라질 ( 바이오 ) 과의기술협력 10 6. 독일제6차 IT 정상회의개최 11 III. 프랑스 12 1. 차세대통신용인공위성개발지원 12 2. 해양풍력발전기술개발지원경쟁 13 3. 미래기술투자프로그램착수 14 4. 인도와의공동협력을위한부서창설협의 14 IV. 네덜란드 15 1. 재화란한인과학기술자협회창립 15 2. 네덜란드자동차산업활성화를위한 AutomotiveNL 출범 16 3. 네덜란드우주산업 TROPOMI 장치건설추진 16
I EU ( 유럽연합 ) 1. 2012 년 EU R&D 예산, 전년대비 11.4% 증가 * EU : 147,232 ( 3.5% ) * ITER (650 ) EU ( 11.12.05), EU ( 11.12.13) ( :, ) 2011 2012 (%) EU FP7 ( 7 ) 1) 8,609 10,213 18.6 CIP ( ) 2) 569 614 8.0 EIT ( ) 3) 62 79 26.3 4) 7,537 8,280 9.9 4) 4,853 4,913 1.2 21,631 24,099 11.4 1) EU FP : EU Framework Programme 2) CIP : Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 3) EIT : European Institute of Innovation and Technology 4) (Structural Funds), (Rural Development),, R&D ( 20%, 33.7%) 12 년도 EU R&D 프로그램별예산 * ERDF(European Regional Development Fund) 12 : 29,611 ** CF(Cohesion Fund) 12 : 11,789 * 12 : 14,589-1 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) 2. 2012 년 EU FP7 예산, 10,213 백만유로확정 * (CA : Commitment Appropriations) ( :, ) 2011 2012 (%) (Cooperation) 4,605 5,220 13.4 (Ideas) 1,299 1565 20.5 (People) 765 907 18.5 (Capacities) 686 509-25.7 (EURATOM) 448 1,183 264.0 ITER 650 (Management) 438 447 2.0 (JRC) 369 381 3.5 8,609 10,212 18.6 * (264% ), ITER (650 ), 20.0% 세부사업별예산 - 2 -
(Unit : ) 2011 (A) 2012 (B) (B-A) (%) Health, Food, Agriculture and 1,098,681,000 Fisheries, and Biotechnology 1,252,318,150 153,637,150 13.98% Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production 452,444,000 510,906,344 58,462,344 12.92% technologies Energy 349,565,000 382,020,978 32,455,978 9.28% Environment (including Climate Change) 252,505,000 285,273,359 32,768,359 12.98% Cooperation Transport (including aeronautics) 475,911,000 545,064,270 69,153,270 14.53% (A) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities 84,366,000 92,395,240 8,029,240 9.52% RSFF* 200,000,000 198,004,478-1,995,522-1.00% ICT 1,170,285,000 1,354,972,225 184,687,225 15.78% Space 295,586,000 356,567,503 60,981,503 20.63% Security 225,698,000 242,951,017 17,253,017 7.64% 4,605,041,000 5,220,473,564 615,432,564 13.36% Idea (B) - European Research Council 1,298,731,000 1,564,948,330 266,217,330 20.50% People (C) - Marie Curie Actions 765,407,000 906,662,068 141,255,068 18.45% Capacities (D) Research Infrastructures 156,304,000 50,228,387-106,075,613-67.86% Research for the benefit of SMEs 223,099,000 251,176,486 28,077,486 12.59% Regions of Knowledge 18,856,000 20,078,078 1,222,078 6.48% Research Potential 63,802,000 66,609,035 2,807,035 4.40% Science in Society 44,798,000 44,828,259 30,259 0.07% Activities of International Co-operation 28,265,000 32,102,471 3,837,471 13.58% RSFF 50,000,000 - Coherent development research policies of 9,804,000 13,101,602 3,297,602 33.64% IT 90,970,000 31,349,262-59,620,738-65.54% 685,898,000 509,473,580-176,424,420-25.72% (E) 364,998,000 372,481,000 7,483,000 2.05% (Ⅰ=A+B+C+D+E) 7,720,075,000 8,574,038,542 853,963,542 11.06% 84.00% - (F) 44,330,000 61,374,000 17,044,000 38.45% -ITER (G) 351,760,000 1,067,900,000 716,140,000 203.59% - (H) 52,000,000 54,105,000 2,105,000 4.05% (I) 72,794,000 74,054,000 1,260,000 1.73% (Ⅱ=F+G+H+I) 520,884,000 1,257,433,000 736,549,000 141.40% 12.30% (J) 327,938,000 340,064,100 12,126,100 3.70% (K) 31,226,000 31,531,064 305,064 0.98% ( ) (L) 9,544,000 9,894,900 350,900 3.68% (Ⅲ=J+K+L) 368,708,000 381,490,064 12,782,064 3.47% 3.70% (Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) 8,609,667,000 10,212,961,606 1,603,294,606 18.62% 100.00% * RSFF : Risk Sharing Finance Facility - 3 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) 3. CORDIS 의 EU FP 프로젝트정보전달을위한새로운서비스 Source : http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?caller=en_news&action=d&rcn=34222 <http://cordis.europa.eu/home_en.html> - 4 -
4. 유럽에너지연구연합 6 개신규프로젝트 Source : http://www.ecn.nl/newsletter/english/2011/december/six-european-energy-programmes-launched/ - 5 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) II 독일 1. 독일연구재단, 7 개분야연구그룹신규설립 Source : http://www.research-in-germany.de/90908/2011-12-27-dfg-to-establish-seven-new-research-units,sourcepageid=8240.html - 6 -
2. 독일, 2012 년예산심의완료 - 교육및 R&D 관련예산특징 Source : http://www.bmbf.de/en/96.php - 7 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) 3. 독일, 새로운 5 개첨단클러스터선정 Source : http://www.bmbf.de/press/3224.php - 8 -
4. 연방정부, 2 차 시민안전연구 프레임워크채택 Source : http://www.bmbf.de/archiv/newsletter/de/6293.php - 9 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) 5. 남아공 ( 에너지 ), 브라질 ( 바이오 ) 과의기술협력 Source : http://www.erneuerbare-energien.de/inhalt/48142/44790/ Source : http://www.bmbf.de/press/3226.php - 10 -
6. 독일제 6 차 IT 정상회의개최 Source : http://www.bmwi.de/bmwi/navigation/presse/pressemitteilungen,did=460560.html - 11 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) III 프랑스 1. 차세대통신용인공위성개발지원 Source : http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid59060/satellites-du-futur-signature-du-premier-contrat-pour- 42-5-millions-d-euros.html - 12 -
2. 해양풍력발전기술개발지원경쟁 Source : http://www.enerzine.com/3/13279+eolien-offshore---3-consortiums-ont-depose-10-candidatures+.html - 13 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) 3. 미래기술투자프로그램착수 Source : http://www.economie.gouv.fr/programme-investissements-davenir * ADEME :,, 4. 인도와의공동협력을위한부서창설협의 Source : http://www2.cnrs.fr/en/1955.htm - 14 -
IV 네덜란드 1. 재화란한인과학기술자협회창립 Source : http://www.kosea.nl/ - 15 -
EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) 2. 네덜란드자동차산업활성화를위한 AutomotiveNL 출범 Source : http://www.autokompas.nl/2012/01/automotivenl-officieel-van-start/ 3. 네덜란드우주산업 TROPOMI 장치건설추진 Source : http://www.tno.nl/content.cfm?context=overtno&content=nieuwsbericht&laag1=37&laag2=2&item_id=2011-12-27%2013:09:30.0-16 -
- 17 -
KIAT 산업기술정책브리프 [2012-07 호 ] EU 권역기술정책동향보고 (Vol.02-No.05) 발행일 : 2012 년 2 월 발행처 : 한국산업기술진흥원 가 격 : 비매품 135-513 서울시강남구테헤란로 305 번지 www.kiat.or.k KIAT 산업기술정책브리프는한국산업기술진흥원홈페이지 (www.kiat.or.kr) 를 통해서도보실수있습니다. 본브리프의내용은저자개인의의견으로우리원의공식입장과는무관합니다.