클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 * 1) IT,,,, Salesforce.com SaaS (, ), PaaS ( ), IaaS (, IT ), IT, SW ICT, ICT IT ICT,, ICT, *, (TEL) 02-570-4352 (e-mail) jjoon75@kisdi.re.kr 1
The Monthly Focus. (NIST 2009) 5 On-demand self-service Broad network access Resource pooling Rapid elasticity Measured Service. (thin client, thick client) (,,,, ),, (/ ),,,, 2
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점,,,,., IT IT, 2008 2000,,, ICT,, IT ICT,, 3
The Monthly Focus IT, IT CEO:,. Inforworld: 10 Triumph of Cloud(2008. 9) IT, (Big Switch):. IT,. World Wide Computer, :. Fortune: PC. ICT, (SI), 4
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 (peak), 2008 464 2013 1,500 ( ) (: ) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 CAGR Business Process Service 38.9 46.6 57.0 71.4 91.5 119.3 25.1 Applications 5.0 6.5 9.6 11.4 14.6 20.2 32.0 Application Infrastructure System Infrastructure 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.3 8.3 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.2 6.1 8.4 53.8 Total 46.4 56.3 70.8 88.8 114.2 150.1 26.5 5
The Monthly Focus. SaaS, PaaS, IaaS SaaS (Software as a Service) SW,,,, Calendar SW Google Google Docs Maps Salesforce Salesforce.com SW Microsoft Office Live, IBM Lotus Live, PaaS (Platform as a Service), SW, Amazon DevPay SimplePay Checkout Alexa SQS SW,, 6
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 Google App Engine Calendar API, Python SW, API Microsoft Azure Live/net/SQL Service Salesforce Force.com App-Exchange SW, API SW IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), IT, EC2(Elastic Computing) S3(Simple Storage Service) Amazon CloudFront SimpleDB AMI Microsoft LiveMesh EC2,, API EC2 SW PC PC IT, IT 7
The Monthly Focus,,,,, ICT (NIA 2009) ICT ICT 2010, 2011 (2009. 9) 2009 G-( ), 2015 ICT,, 8
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점., / IT (SO) IT, 2012 4,158 IT HW KT, SK, LG U+ SDS, LG CNS, SK C&C IT,, SW, 9
The Monthly Focus IT,, SW 10
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점, IT IT,, PaaS, 11
The Monthly Focus. ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT ICT PaaS, time-to-market PaaS open API(Application Programming Interface), ICT,,, 12
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점. ICT ICT IT 10 2004 2009 18%, 10 ICT 6 13
The Monthly Focus, SaaS, (: ) 14
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 IT ICT,, ICT, ICT,, ICT,, 15
The Monthly Focus, ICT, ios,, SW,,, IT,, PaaS ICT ICT ICT, (PLM) 16
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 부록방송통신 / 경제통계정보 08 09 10 (: 2005=100, %) 4/4 1/4 2/4 4 5 6 7 3.3 0.02 0.9 0.04% 1.57% 1.0% 2.4% 3.4% 0.2% 10.3 0.5 5.7 10.6% 14.8% 9.7% 17.3% 17.3% 7.6% 4.5 8.3 4.9 13.7% 23.0% 9.5% 29.0% 30.1% 3.4% / 19.8 3.4 6.0 9.3% 11.1% 9.9% 12.2% 11.4% 9.4% 2.5 0.1 0.3 1.2% 0.0% 2.3% 0.6% 1.6% 0.7% 0.2 3.5 3.7 5.6% 1.9% 6.0% 0.6% 1.1% 5.5% 5.3 2.4 1.9 2.1% 1.0% 0.8% 1.1% 1.0% 2.5% 0.2 6.0 8.5 2.8% 3.0% 1.4% 4.2% 6.4% 4.3% (, %, ( ) ) 09. 7 09.8 09. 9 09. 10 09. 11 09. 12 10. 1 10. 2 10. 3 10. 4 10. 5 10. 6 10. 7 20,905 20,750 20,554 20,395 20,241 20,090 19,979 19,884 19,803 19,739 19,693 19,622 19,578 9.0% 9.6% 10.2% 10.8% 11.1% 9.2% 9.2% 9.0% 8.5% 8.1% 7.6% 7.1% 6.3% 16,010 16,041 16,127 16,213 16,316 16,349 16,403 16,473 16,613 16,671 16,718 6.1% 5.4% 5.6% 5.4% 5.6% 5.6% 5.7% 5.6% 5.8% 5.4% 5.3% 47,340 47,528 47,660 47,750 47,846 47,944 48,220 48,577 48,978 49,207 49,465 49,609 49,803 5.2% 5.3% 5.3% 5.2% 5.2% 5.1% 5.3% 5.6% 5.9% 5.8% 5.7% 5.4% 5.1% TV 2,379 (60) IPTV 1,789 (102) 2,434 (55) 1,850 (61) 2,491 (58) 1,988 (138) 2,551 (60) 2,098 (110) 2,620 (69) 2,233 (135) 2,670 (50) 2,372 (139) 2,721 (51) 2,422 (49) 2,778 (57) 2,499 (77) 2,857 (79) 2,577 (78) 2,942 (85) 2,674 (98) 3,017 (75) 2,790 (116) 3,097 (80) 2,910 (120) 3,000 (90) 17
The Monthly Focus 2008 2009 2010 p (:, %) p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 p GDP 2.3 0.2 7.8(2.1) 7.2(1.5) 1) 3.4 0.8 37.0 18.9 22.7 20.1 21.7 17.1 15.5 3.6 2.0 4.4 7.3 5.5 3.8 3.7 4.7 3.4 (FOB, ) 4,220 3,653 308 331 375 394 391 419 414 (CIF, ) 4,353 3,231 315 311 356 355 349 355 357 11.3 10.3 9.7 8.6 7.9 7.1 6.7 1.1 2.6 6.9 13.1 9.9 7.3 3.7 3.8 8.6 2) 103 102 101 101 101 103 102 2) 112 111 111 111 112 112 112 () 2,358 2,351 2,287 2,287 2,338 2,392 2,431 2,428 2,430 () 14.5 7.2 0.5 12.5 26.7 40.1 58.6 31.4 47.3 ( ) 3.2 3.6 5.0 4.9 4.1 3.8 3.2 3.5 3.7 2009 2010 (%) 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 KOSPI 1,682.77 1,692.85 1,741.56 1,641.25 1,698.29 1,759.33 1,742.75 0.9% KOSDAQ 513.57 515.74 523.75 489.42 489.98 481.45 464.71 3.5% KOSDAQ IT 852.69 851.72 879.68 828.95 826.22 809.19 765.84 5.4% 10,428.05 10,856.63 11,008.61 10,136.63 9,774.02 10,465.94 10,014.72 4.3% 2,269.15 2,397.96 2,461.19 2,257.04 2,109.24 2,254.70 2,114.03 6.2% / 1,166.45 1,137.64 1,117.11 1,163.11 1,212.33 1,207.30 1,179.92 2.3% / 1,300.81 1,255.84 1,195.31 1,265.23 1,333.59 1,377.67 1,380.19 0.2% ( 3 ) 4.24 3.94 3.77 3.70 3.75 3.88 3.73 0.15%p (Dubai) 75.5 77.3 83.6 76.8 74.1 72.6 74.1 2.1% 18