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,,,.,,,, (, 2013).,.,, (,, 2011). (, 2007;, 2008), (, 2005;,, 2007).,, (,, 2010;, 2010), (2012),,,.. (, 2011:,, 2012). (2007) 26%., (,,, 2011;, 2006;


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1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 -

요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 -

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상병명 연도 실수진자수 남자 여자 계 입원 외래 계 입원 외래 병적골절 2001 1,486 230 1,256 26,240 2,693 23,547 2002 1,758 249 1,509 29,193 2,742 26,451 을동반한 2003 2,221 383 1,838 32,147 3,262 28,885 골다공증 2004 2,398 429 1,969 33,368 3,492 29,876 (M80) 2005 2,907 550 2,357 36,497 4,255 32,242 병적골절 2001 9,286 260 9,026 254,767 2,224 252,543 2002 10,413 313 10,100 293,735 2,225 291,510 이없는 2003 12,642 348 12,294 313,204 2,186 311,018 골다공증 2004 14,297 382 13,915 324,581 2,198 322,383 (M81) 2005 15,903 385 15,518 323,048 2,123 320,925-12 -

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Analysis on prevalence of osteoporosis in Korean adult males over 50 and its related factors Osteoporosis, a condition susceptible to fracture, appears as a form of fracture and has been recognized in general as a health problem of women. However, recently male osteoporosis tends to increase and it was identified that when a fracture occurred, mortality of male was higher than that of female. Nevertheless, studies on female osteoporosis have been mainly conducted all the while and studies on male osteoporosis were limited in a unit of medical institutes or local community. This study intended to identify prevalence of male osteoporosis in Korean adult men over 50 and its related factors using data from the 4th Korea National and Nutrition Examination Survey, the 2nd year (2008) and the 3rd year (2009). This study was performed against 1,827 men who had received osteoporosis examination, answered questionnaire on osteoporosis, and was able to apply weight for linking analysis among 2,957 men over 50 and the results were as follows. - 50 -

In the model I which analyzed only the relationship between age and osteoporosis, it was found that compared the odds ratio of subjects in 50 s, that of subjects in 60 s and 70 s was 2.67 (95% CI 1.60-4.48) and 6.62 (95% CI 4.18-10.49) respectively. It was found also in the model II which analyzed causal variables of the secondary osteoporosis that the odds ratio in subjects of 60 s and 70 s was increased significantly as 1.89 (95% CI 1.14-3.15) and 3.23 (95% CI 2.04-5.11) respectively, compared with that of subjects in 50 s. It was shown that the prevalence of osteoporosis reduced significantly depending on obesity as 0.32 (95% CI 0.18-0.58) in the normal weight group, 0.12 (95% CI 0.06-0.24) in the overweight group, and 0.07 (95% CI 0.03-0.16) in the obesity group compared with that of the low weight group. In the model III, it was found that the prevalence of osteoporosis increased significantly in 70 s as much as 1.88 (1.01-3.50) compared with that of subjects in 50 s and decreased in the normal weight, overweight, and obesity group as much as 0.35 (95% CI 0.19-0.62), 0.14 (95% CI 0.07-0.29), and 0.07 (95% CI 0.03-0.17) compared with that of low weight group. It was shown that the prevalence of osteoporosis in the activity limited group decreased significantly as much as 1.63 (95% CI 1.04-2.55) compared with that of the activity unlimited group. For iron intake, it was found that the prevalence of the group taking less iron than the average demand was increased as much as 2.14 (95% CI 1.12-4.11) compared with that of the group taking more iron than its average. For thiamine intake, it was shown that the prevalence of the group taking less thiamine than the average demand was increased as much as 1.92 (95% CI 1.16-3.17) compared with that of the group taking more iron than its average. - 51 -

In conclusion, it was suggested that higher age and lower weight in obesity had a relationship with higher prevalence; the group that answered to have activity limitation showed higher prevalence compared with that of the group that answered to have no activity limitation; and for iron intake and thiamine intake, the group taking more than their average demand listed in 2010 KDRIs (Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans) had significant higher prevalence that of the group taking less than the average demand. In addition, it was suggested that higher age, lower obesity and intake amount of iron and thiamine that had been known as risk factors for the prevalence of osteoporosis in studies against women, had some relationship with osteoporosis in this study also. However, it was suggested that the smoking and alcohol drinking that had been known as risk factors of osteoporosis in conventional studies, didn't show significant results. It was considered that it was a reason that Korea National and Nutrition Examination Survey for smoking and alcohol was a cross-sectional study on behavior during last 1 year and it seems that long-term cause analysis through cohort will be needed for accurate analysis. This study found its meaning in a point that escaping from conventional studies in the unit of local and medical institutes, the prevalence and its associated factors of male osteoporosis in adult men over 50 were identified on the basis of nationwide survey data and it was considered that when nationwide cohort would be constructed, analysis on concrete risk factors would be possible also. Key words: adult man, age, fracture, obesity, male osteoporosis - 52 -