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. Oracle on Linux iseminar.. 1544(or 6677)-3355 800x600. iseminar Chat.

Oracle Corporation 9i Series iseminar: Presenters: 2002 9 25

Collaboration Suite Email Platform replace 1 with lesson number Developer Suite Portal Java BI XML Forms Reports

.. Intel Oracle Linux Linux Oracle

Linux Linux has come a long way! Wall Street Embraces Linux CSFB migrates entire trading architecture to Linux F100 Transportation Co. standardizes it s application architecture, estimating a $40m savings per year Disney Shifting to Linux for Film Animation Reuters Supports Adoption of Linux in Financial Services Industry H/W Vendor, ISV s and IHV s Linux solutions

Explosive Linux Growth! 2,000,000 1,500,000 Units 1,000,000 500,000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Linux Source: IDC (October 2001) 2004 2005

Operating System Growth Linux* Windows NT* Non-iA ia 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Source: IDC WW Server Tracker Q401. Y02-04 WW numbers are forecasts

Linux ISV Linux Enterprise Level Workstations Proxy Firewall Cache Directory E-Mail Web, File & Print Servers Database Servers Application Servers Custom Applications Storage Networks Mainframe

Key Linux Milestones Linux is Born 1991 Red Hat SuSE TurboLinux Caldera Oracle DB2 Google Sybase NASA Domino Yahoo 2.4 SAP Compaq Dell HP IBM IA 1999 Kernel Huge Memory 8-way SMP Large Files IA-64, JFS USB, I2O, ACPI Oracle/Dell/Red Hat 9i RAC/Adv Server 2003 SAMBA Apache Veritas Backup & Recovery Kernel 2.2 with SMP released Veritas Polyserve Storage Mgt CSFB DreamWorks E*trade Korean Air Lehman Brothers Morgan Stanley NYSE

Linux Industry Standard Server Clustering $ # cpu s

Oracle Intel Linux 8 Tuning Co-op Oracle9iR2 firsts HP-UX PA and Solaris Version Win2K, Linux-32 Release (32/64) Intel C++ Compiler Oracle Linux Kernel Build 32 bit Xeon 64 bit Itanium

Oracle9i Database Linux database Informix 8.4% Progress 4.1% Other 1.4% Oracle9i 46.4% IBM 17.3% Source: IDC, October 2001 Open Source Ingres/Postgres 22.5% Editor s Choice Award April, 2002

Oracle Firsts on Linux 1999 First Relational Database 2000 First Enterprise Application Suite First Enterprise Application Server First LDAP Directory 2001 First Database Clusters 2002 First Unbreakable Linux Platform First Enterprise Collaboration Suite

We ll be running our whole business on Linux. -Oracle Chairman and CEO Larry Ellison

Oracle Linux Oracle Linux Oracle Linux Linux OS,, Open Source Community Red Hat Advanced Server Oracle 9i RAC Linux

Oracle Linux OS Oracle Linux ( SuSE) Linux ( Red Hat) level Linux Oracle Linux 1 Oracle Linux!

Open-source GPL(General Public License) Opensource Linux Lsraid and watchdog timer enhancements Red Hat Advanced Server open source


(Red Hat Advanced Server) Red Hat AS Red Hat AS OS Dell, HP (Compaq) Red Hat AS

(Other Linux) (Red Hat, SuSE,SCO(Caldera), United Linux)

Red Hat AS? HP / Compaq ( Red Hat AS 2.1 HP / Compaq (Dell) ( ) Red Hat AS 2.1 (Dell) Red Hat AS 2.1

(Performance) (Reliability) (Manageability) (Clustering)

(Performance(1)) IO Async IO IO IO call IO IO throughput IO lock request IO

(Performance (2)) SGA 1.7G -> 62G 4K -> 2MB, 4MB SMP CPU

(Reliability) (Stability) PTE Patch 3 ~ 5 RAC : TCP/IP -> UDP

(Manageability) Lsraid RAID

(Clustering(1)) Unbreakable Linux with RAC 24 DBA RAC Red Hat AS

(Clustering(2)) Oracle9i Cluster Reliability (1,000x ) Clustered Web Caches Clustered Web Servers Clustered J2EE Servers Clustered Database Linux Linux Linux Linux Oracle9iAS Oracle9iAS Oracle9iAS Oracle9iDB Oracle9i RAC

(Clustering(3)) Oracle9i RAC Revolutionizes Enterprise Linux Economics # of Nodes Server Hardware # CPUs Price 2x IBM zseries z900: 2064-116 32 (16 CPUs @ ~750MHz, 64GB) $14.8M 8x IBM zseries z800: 2066-004 004 (4 CPUs @ ~600MHz, 16Gb) 32 $3.6M 8x Dell PowerEdge 6650 (4 CPUs @ 1.6GHz, 16GB) 32 $364K

? Oracle9i Oracle9i Oracle9i Oracle9i (ERP CRM) Red Hat AS 2.1 Oracle9i SuSE SLES 7.0 Oracle9i

(emice Hong Kong) CRM Oracle9i RAC, IBM AIX Oracle8i Oracle9i RAC 9i RAC DB DB Oracle9i RAC Oracle9i RAC 2M Tx/hr = 250K call/hr (2.5 x largest existing customer) : IBM AIX 2-3

(Office State Revenue) (Dell) (3 x 4way ) "OSR need an expandable, high availability solution for our core business databases - but at a reasonable cost. We decided that using standard Intel servers through a supported and certified Dell/Linux/Oracle cluster solution would best meet our needs" Mike Kennedy, CIO, Office of State Revenue - Australia, New South Wales

( ) (POSCO) IT E-Business Suite 11i SuSE 1 IBM x-

(AusRegistry),,, Greenfields Oracle9i RAC 3 x 4cpu SuSE (Xionet) 2002 7 1

64bit IO, IA-64, VLM, 8-way SMP,,, Oracle9i RAC Unbreakable Linux!!! OS Oracle9iR2.

Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S QUIZ 14, 15. 10 23 Oracle Files Online

Linux on Intel Oracle on Intel Intel s Developer Site

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