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Physiological Psychology 1 PSY 211 6. 호르몬과행동 Dept. Dept. of of Psychology, Ajou Univ. Ajou Univ. Kyungil Kim E-mail: kyungilkim@ajou.ac.kr URL: http://ajou.ac.kr/~tetross

Physiological Psychology 2 Outline 1. 호르몬 2. 호르몬의종류 3. 호르몬방출 / 활동의조절 4. 호르몬의효과 성차 (Sex differences) 적응과조절

Physiological Psychology 3 1. Hormone 호르몬이란? 혈액으로분비되는화학물질 / 분비후목표기관으로이동되어생리적변화를유발 뉴런 vs. 호르몬 작동 뉴런의정보전달 : 빠르고고정된경로 호르몬의정보전달 : 몸전체로느리게퍼져나감 혈액을타고목표기관에도달후변화를초래 이후빠르게파괴되어해당기관이다른메시지를수신할수있는준비를하도록함. 평형상태 (homeostasis) 와적응

Physiological Psychology 4 1-1. Endocrine & Exocrine glands 내분비선 (Endocrine glands; From the Greek endon, within, and krinetin, to secrete ) 체내로호르몬을방출 ( 혈액을이용 ) 외분비선 (Exocrine glands; From the Greek exo means out ) 관 (ducts; 管 ) 을통해체외로호르몬을방출 소화관 (digestive tract) 으로 ; 효소 (enzymes), 담즙 (bile) 으로혹은 피부표면 ( 땀 ) 눈물선, 타액선 (salivary gland), 땀선 내분비선이없는식물도호르몬에해당하는화학물질을사용

Physiological Psychology 5 1-2. 내분비선 (Endocrine glands) Pineal gland ( 松科腺 ) 성적성숙 / 신체리듬 Pituitary gland ( 腦下垂體腺 ) 뇌하수체전엽 (Anterior pituitary): 성장뇌하수체후엽 (Posterior - ) 수분과염분의균형 Thyroid ( 甲狀腺 ) 성장 / 발달 / 신진대사율 Adrenal gland ( 副腎 ) 부신피질 : 염분과탄수화물의신진대사 / 염증유발반응 Adrenal medulla: 정서적흥분 Pancreas( 膵臟 ) 당 (sugar) 의신진대사 Gonads ( 生殖腺 ; testis / ovary) 신체발달 / 성인의생식기관유지 Hypothalamus Major endocrine glands

1-3. Glands & Hormones Physiological Psychology 6 Gland Hormones Target Organ Functions ACTH & TSH Adrenal Cortex / Thyroid Secretion & Growth of Glands Anterior Pituitary Posterior Pituitary Thyroid Parathyroid FSH & LH Ovaries / Testes Secretion of Hormones Growth of Sex Glands Reproductive Functions Prolactin Mammary Gland Milk Production Growth Hormone Most Tissues Body Growth ADH Kidney Water Retention Oxytocin Mammary Gland Milk Ejection Uterus Childbirth Thyroxine, T3 Most Tissues Raises Metabolic Rate Calcitonin Dept. Kidney of Psychology, Ajou Univ. Erythropoietin Bone Marrow Increases Red Blood Cells Bone Reduces Ca Removal from Bone; Lowers Blood Ca PTH Bone Removes Ca from Bone (Parathormone) Kidney Raises Blood Ca Aldosterone Kidney Na Retention Adrenal Cortex Cortisol Many Tissues Resistance to Stress Androgens Many Tissues Male Sex Characteristics Adrenal Medulla Epinephrine Many Organs Fight or Flight Reaction Pancreas Insulin Muscle fat, Liver Reduces Blood Glucose Glucagon Liver Raises Blood Glucose Activated Vit. D Skin, Liver &Kidney (Calcitrol) Intestines, Bones & Kidney Raises Blood Ca

Physiological Psychology 7 2. 호르몬연구의역사 (1) Aristotle (BC. 4s) 새의거세효과를기술 / 거세된남자의모습을관찰 body fluid 의개념 ( 중세 ) body fluids 와체온 / 정서등간의관계에대해생각 Arnold Adolph Berthold (1849) 최초의내분비선관련실험연구 어린수탉거세후생식및 2 차성징관련행동의현저한감소를관찰

2. 호르몬연구의역사 (2) Physiological Psychology 8 The first experiment in behavioral endocrinology Berthold s 19s experiment demonstrated the importance of hormones for behaviors

Physiological Psychology 9 2. 호르몬연구의역사 (3) Claude Bernard 내분비선연구의본격적시작 regulation of the internal environment 의개념 Walter B. Cannon (1920s): Homeostasis Vincent du Vigneaud (1955) Oxytocin 과 vasopressin 을발견 Rosalyn Yalow (1977) RIA(radioimmunoassay): a technique for measuring small quantities of hormones

Physiological Psychology 10 3. 호르몬의종류 (1) Protein & Peptide Hormones (chains of amino acids) "second messenger" 효과를매개로작동 Steroid Hormones 콜레스테롤로부터발생 E.g., 콜디솔 (cortisol): 스트레스에대한반응으로부신에서분비 지방과단백질의분해를촉진 ( 근육단백질도포함 ) 에너지로사용 Cortisol is a catabolic( 異化 ) steroid : 근육내의단백질을분해하므로 (vs. anabolic steroids: 근육을구축 ). 높은수준의스테로이드는성장을방해 Thyroid Hormones: 갑상선에서생산 / 분비신체의신진대사와에너지수준과관련 Monoamine Hormones NE 와 dopamine 을포함

3. 호르몬의종류 (2) Physiological Psychology 11 Sex Hormones 스테로이드호르몬의한특정형태생식선에서주로분비 ( 부신피질에서도분비 )/ 뇌와해당기관모두에서광범위한효과 지나친분비는탈모등부작용초래 Androgens (testosterone & other male hormones): 여성보다는남성에서상대적으로높은수준 Estrogens (estradiol & other female hormones): vice versa! Progesterone 주로여성에서우세한호르몬 / 임신기간중태아의보호와관련 수정된난자의착상을준비토록자궁에신호 / 임신을촉진 폐경도이호르몬의감소에기인 Anabolic steroid?

Physiological Psychology 12 3. 호르몬의종류 (3) 호르몬은또한그기능의형태로다음과같은구분이가능 Promoting Modulating 작동속도에의한구분도가능 Protein and amine hormones: 빠르게작동 Steroid hormones: 매우느림 ( 일반적으로효과를보기위해몇시간이상이필요 )

3. Type of hormones: Protein vs. Steroid hormones Physiological Psychology 13

Physiological Psychology 14 Two pathways of hormonal action in cells

Physiological Psychology 15 4. 호르몬방출의조절 (1) 시상하부 (Hypothalamus) Pituitary Stalk (blood & axons) Pituitary (Anterior & Posterior) Other glands & organs via bloodstream 뇌하수체 (Pituitary Gland) 다른신체의기관과선들에영향을미치는 master gland 2 개주요요소 Anterior (front) 뇌하수체전엽 Posterior (back) 뇌하수체후엽

4. 호르몬방출의조절 (2) Physiological Psychology 16 뇌하수체전엽 (from the hypothalamus) Gland tissue 시상하부로부터방출된호르몬을받아다시금호르몬을분비하여다른신체기관의활동을조절스트레스 시상하부가코티솔유발호르몬을방출 (corticotropic releasing hormone; CRH) 뇌하수체전엽 여기서 ACTH(adrenocorticotropic hormone; also called corticotropin) 를혈액에방출 부신에서코티솔방출 교감신경계를활성화 뇌하수체후엽 neural tissue 시상하부로부터나온축색이뇌하수체후엽과직접연결되어 2 가지종류의호르몬을방출 : oxytocin & vasopressin.

Physiological Psychology 17

Physiological Psychology 18 5. ( 성 ) 호르몬의효과 구조화 (Organizing) For sexual differentiation 점진적인변화를통해영구적인신체구조차이를초래 태아 / 신생아시기에주로발생 (during "sensitive" periods) 태아초반기에는생식선이동일하나호르몬의구조화과정 ( 임신 3~4 개월차 ) 에성별이결정 활성화 (Activating) For behavior 해당호르몬의활동으로인해 단기간 에해당하는일시적활동과행동을유발

Physiological Psychology 19 5-1. 구조화 : 태아의생식선발달 생식선 (Gonads) 원시생식선 (Primordial gonads) Y 염색체가 H-Y 항원 (antigen ) 생성을유발 내부생식관 (Internal Reproductive Ducts) Wolffian system (male precursor) Mullerian system (female precursor) 외부생식기관 (External Reproductive Organs) Same precursor in males and females 이후임신초 / 중반기에결정 / 안드로젠의여부에의해조절되는듯..

Physiological Psychology 20 5-2. 활성화 (Activating) 남성 여성 손실비율 ( 혹은수준 ) 이매우상이 : 몇주부터몇년까지다양 Testosterone 주입은거세된남성에게도성적관심과행동증가를유발 남성의성적행동과연관된다른호르몬들 Oxytocin: erection 과 ejaculation 의촉진 / social bonding 과도높은관련. Prolactin: 억제효과 / 불응기와관련 난소의제거가성적행동감소와는무관 / 월경주기와도무관한듯하나논쟁의존재 남성과마찬가지로 estrogen 보다는 testosterone 에의해더영향

Physiological Psychology 21 Activating effects of Testosterone in males

Physiological Psychology 22 5-3. 적응과조절 : 학습과기억에대한영향 갑상선기능억제약물 피질전반에걸친시냅스형성감소 전반적인학습능력손상 기타관련호르몬들 ACTH, & oxytocin Main hypothesis 학습상황에서경험하는정서가호르몬분비에영향을주고이러한경험이계속되면서호르몬 - 기억 - 정서의통합적인관계가형성 기쁨, 고통, 스트레스등에관한호르몬분비의패턴에대한기억은이후유사한상황의경험시어떤반응을보여야할것인가에대한결정을돕는다. Learning is based on memory, and memory is based on retrieval.

Physiological Psychology 23 5-3. 행동에미치는극단적영향 (1) 내생병리학 (Endocrine pathology) 많은호르몬장애는정신병리의증상과매우유사 대부분과도한호르몬분비와관련 Example: Cushing s syndrome (= hypercortisolism) 과도한코티솔수준이지속적으로계속됨에따른호르몬장애 증상 : 신체상위부분에대한극도의비만, 둥그런얼굴, 목주위가지나치게굵어짐 심각한피로감, 약한근육, 고혈압, 당뇨 혼란감, 긴장, 우울등이동반

Physiological Psychology 24 5-3. 5-3. 행동에미치는극단적영향 (2) < 호르몬장애는궁극적으로인지, 정서, 정신적장애와연결된다.>

Physiological Psychology 25 Appendix A. Anabolic Steroid Drugs that resemble androgenic hormones (sometimes called male hormones) such as testosterone Psychological Effects Creation of a psychosomatic state characterized by sensations of well being, euphoria, Increased aggressiveness and tolerance to stress, allowing the athlete to train harder. Side effects Hypertrophy of sebaceous glands / increased tallow excretion / hair loss, and alopecia. May affect the immune system, leading to a decreased effectiveness of the defense system. Increase in insulin resistance Diabetes

Physiological Psychology 26 Appendix B. 스트레스와성장 ( 심리사회적소인증 : psychosocial dwarfism) 성장실패의또다른원인은 How? CNS 를통해심리적사회적요인이매개 그리고이는내생호르몬의기능여부와관련 수면방해 성장호르몬 (GH) 방출의감소 / 낮은수준의 somatomedins 스트레스 스테로이드수준을상승

Physiological Psychology 27 Appendix C. 생식계의이상 Androgen insensitivity syndrome XY individual with internal testes lacks androgen receptors and develops female external genitalia but has no uterus due to actions of Mullerian Inhibiting Substance. Guevedoces (exchange of sex at puberty) In the Dominican Republic, a genetic mutation whereby the enzyme 5-alpha reductase is not made. Individuals are born with genitalia with female appearance, and develop male genitalia at puberty. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Excess secretion of androgens during prenatal development masculinizes external genitalia of females.

Physiological Psychology 28 Appendix D. Sexual differentiation The sex of individual is determined early in life For mammals, sex is determined at the time of conception when a sperm penetrates the egg, and contributes either a Y chromosome or an X chromosome Who decides sex? Mammals that receive an X chromosome from the father will become females; those that receive a Y chromosome will become males. The mothers always contribute an X chromosome

Physiological Psychology 29 Appendix E. 기면증 (narcolepsy) 정의일상생활중발작적으로졸음에빠져드는신경계질환이자수면장애 수면과각성주기의조절실패최근원인이밝혀지면서기면병 ( 희귀 난치성질환으로지정 ) 으로불림주로소아 - 청소년과노인층에서높은발병률 원인뇌의시상하부에서히포크레틴 (Hypocretin) 의분비저하 ( 원인은미상 ) 각성을유지하는데필요한호르몬의일종월경, 질병 ( 갑상선이상등 ), 유전적요인 (40 배 ) 등논쟁 입장 1: 불안과무관. 정신장애가아닌신경장애 입장 2: 불안에의한 2 차적결과 정상성인과정상노인의수면패턴 Joo, E., Tae, W., Kim, J., Kim, B., & Hong S. (2004). Glucose hypometabolism of hypothalamus and thalamus in narcolepsy. Annals of Neurology. 437-440

Appendix F. Some more Physiological Psychology 30 미역국과갑상선호르몬 : link #1, #2( 연구원문 ) 호르몬과냄새 비슷한사람을사귀는이유?

References Physiological Psychology 31 Books Rosenzweig, M. R., S. M. Breedlove, et al. (2002). Biological psychology : an introduction to behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neuroscience. Chapter 5. Hormones and the Brain. Sunderland, Mass., Sinauer. Garrett, B. (2003). Brain and behavior. Chapter 6. The biology of sex and gender. Belmont (CA): Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. WWW http://web.lemoyne.edu/~hevern/psy340/lectures/psy340.11.1.sex.ho rmones.html http://homepages.wmich.edu/~bakerl/psy372.html http://hometown.aol.com/bio50/lecnotes/lecnot32.html