의학연구입문 Introduction to Medical Re-search 조남훈 병리학교실
Re-Search Any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue". It consists of three steps: Pose a question, collect data to answer the question, and present an answer to the question investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation o f facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or pra ctical application of such new or revised theories or laws Formal work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge Establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. Expansion on past work in the field The primary purposes of basic research (opposed to applied research) are d ocumentation, discovery, interpretation, or the research and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge Harnessing of curiosity.
생각나는대로적으세요 1. 기억에남는의과학자와그이유 2. 의학연구에서본인이하고싶은분야 3. 의학연구중타분야와접목하기좋은주제
2012 년연세의과대학생설문조사
Curriculum 기초의학 Anatomy Clinical anatomy Cell biology Developmental biology Molecular biology and Biochemistry Cell metabolism Signal transduction Molecular interaction/cross-talking Microbiology and Immunology Physiology Pharmacology Biomedical engineering Population genetics Environmental medicine Pathology-pathogenesis 임상의학 Medicine Int/Oncol/Rad/Ped/Neuro Anatomy Physiology Pharmacology Immunity Surgery G/N/O/P/C/Uro/ObGyn/ENT/Opthal Anatomy Pathology Immunity Rehab Psycology-behavior Science Dx Radiology Dx Lab
배경 -1 의학연구의 overview Integrated approach Medical professionalism Launching to Medical curriculum Unique to Yonsei Past resume, present trend, and future dream- self-design-evaluation based on creativity
SBO 학생들은의과학자가무엇인지관심을가진다. 향후의과학자로서활동할수있도록기본적인지식 과태도를제공한다. 연구설계부터자료수집방법및수집된자료를읽고 분석할수있는기본연구능력을함양한다. 의과학과직접적으로연관되는학술연구를수행할 수있는능력을함양한다.
강의 schedule 1 분기강의계획 2 분기강의계획 주날짜 강좌명교수명 ( 소속및전공 ) 주날짜 강좌명교수명 ( 소속및전공 ) 1 3/4 1. 학생연구입문강좌개요조남훈 ( 병리학교실 ) 2 3 4 3/1 1 3/1 8 3/2 5 5 4/1 6 4/8 7 4/1 5 2. 분자생물학적연구입문 I 1) 생명연구의분자생물학적접근법 2) 분자생물학적연구방법과적용 3. 분자생물학적연구입문 II 1) 대사질환의분자생물학적연구 ( 예 ) 2) 암의분자생물학적연구 ( 예 ) 4. 생리학연구입문 I 1) 생리학연구의소개 2) 그룹토의 - 생리학연구의기법 5. 생리학연구입문 II 1) 생리학분야의통합연구 2) 생리학연구의임상적용 6. 형태학적연구입문 I 1) Morphological approaches in biomedi cal research 2) Imaging in biomedical research 7. 형태학적연구입문 II 1) Radiological approaches in biomedica l research 김재우 ( 생화학, 분자생물학교실 ) 김재우 ( 생화학, 분자생물학교실 ) 김건홍 ( 생화학, 분자생물학교실 ) 이영호 ( 생리학교실 ) 황기철 ( 의생명과학부 ) 정보영 ( 내과학교실 ) 복진웅 ( 해부학교실 ) 송호택 ( 영상의학교실 ) 1 5/6 1분기말평가후자율학습 ( 휴강 ) 2 5/13 3 5/20 4 5/27 5 6/3 6 6/10 7 6/17 9. 임상의학연구입문 Ⅰ 1) How to develop a new drug and treatment? 2) 윤리적인연구란 (Research integrity)? 10. 임상의학연구입문 Ⅱ 1) Proper endpoint and patient selection for s uccessful drug development 2) Novel targeted agents and biomarker for p ersonalized medicine 11. 임상의학연구입문 Ⅲ 1) 환자를대상으로하는관찰연구 2) 기업체대학연구소 ( 산학연 ) 의공동연구 12. 임상의학연구입문 Ⅳ 1) 일반인구를대상으로하는관찰연구 2) 일반인구를대상으로하는실험연구 13. 임상연구의실재 Ⅰ 1) 임상약제관련임상연구의실제 2) 근거중심의외과적접근 - 외과영역에서진행되는임상연구의이해 14. 임상연구와중개연구 1) 임상연구의실재 Ⅱ: 영상의학분야 2) 중개연구 라선영 ( 내과학교실 ) 정희철 ( 종양내과 ) 장혁재 ( 내과학교실 ) 김현창 ( 예방의학교실 ) 이유미 ( 내분비내과 ) 강창무 ( 외과학교실 ) 박미숙 ( 영상의학교실 ) 강은석 ( 내과학교실 ) 8 6/24 15. 종합토론 (TBL) 조남훈 ( 병리학교실 ) 8 4/2 2 8. 면역학적연구입문 1) 면역학최신연구동향 2) 임상영역에서면역학의의의 김형표 ( 환경의생물학교실 ) 서경율 ( 안과학교실 ) 9 7/01 16. 평가조남훈 ( 병리학교실 ) 10 7/08 1학년 2분기말준비 ( 휴강 )
2013 CDP- 학생연구입문 본과 4 기 간 예과 2 3 분기 예과 2 4 분기 본과 1 1,2 분기 본과 1 3,4 분기 본과 2 1,2 분기 본과 2 3,4 분기 본과 3 36 주 본과 3 2 주 특성화선택과정 8 주 4학년실습 14 주 인턴실습 Ⅱ 4 주 연구실무능력개발기간 연구멘토링프로그램 Case 정규교육과정 OT 연구기초 능력배양 연구기초능력개발기간 ( 필수과목 ) ( 실험실배정 ) 연구멘토선정, 연구계획서작성논문초독회 연구보고서작성 임상실습 Case Discussion ( 의무조항 ) 겨울 방학 2 주 Case Discussion 연구트랙심화과정 ( 선택과정 ) Discussion 필수실습 2개과목 ( 가정의학, 응급의학 ) 을제외하고연구트랙심화 선택과정으로연구트랙심화과정 선택가능
학생연구도우미 연구비지원 연구트랙심화과정평가기준 기초연구학생 1 인당약 1,000 만원 journal 게재 1 편이상 임상연구학생 1 인당약 500 만원 journal 게재 2 편이상
UNIV. RANK (2012)-QS/THE) 2/7 Cambridge (65) 3/4 Harvard (55) 11/14 Columbia (38) 8/10 Chicago (30) 22/9 UC Berkeley (29) 1/5 MIT (27) 5/2 Oxford (25) 60/45 Maxmillian-Munich(25) 34/N Paris (19) 7/11 Yale (18) 10/1 Caltech (17) 16/16 Johns Hopkins (15) 109/69 Gottingen (14) 9/6 Princeton (13) 14/18 Cornell (13) 43/44 NY (12) 13/12 ETH-Zurich (12) 38/20 Madison (11) 23/35 HongKong (4) 25/29 Singapore 30/27 Tokyo (7) 33/62 HongKong Tech 35/54 Kyoto (5) 37/59 SNU 44/46 Peiking 48/52 Tsinghua 63/68 KAIST 97/50 POSTECH 112/183 Yonsei 137/N Korea 179/N Sungkyunkwan 249 Hanyang 270 Kyunghee 341 Ewha 354 HUFS 391 Sogang 95 Purdue (2) 98 Pittsburgh (3) 104 Minesotta (7) 105 Ohio (2) 111 Oslo (4) 113 Dartmouth (3) 121 Basel (5)
WORLD MEDICAL UNIV RANK (QS)-2012 1. Harvard (100-100-96) 2. Oxford (93-93-95) 3. Cambridge (93-94-94) 4. Stanford (90-90-91) 5. Yale (89-86-93) 6. UCLA (87-86-94) 7. MIT (78-88-100) 8. Johns Hopkins (90-73-92) 9. London Imperial (83-84-91) 10. Columbia (81-80-93) 11. UCSF 12. Duke 13. U Penn 14. UC London 15. Melbourne (82-87-86) 16. Mayo 17. Michigan 18. Toronto 19. McGill 21. Singapore (87-88-79) 22. Chicago (73-82-90) 23. UC San Diego 25. Tokyo (90-90-74) 26. Washington 28. Hongkong (80-80-82) 29. Cornell 35. Madison 36. Kyoto (80-85-76) 44. Baylor (68-59-90) 45. NYU (70-76-85) 47. Northwestern (65-73-88) 50. Maxmillian-Munchen (68-68-85) 55. Emory (60-60-87) 61. National Taiwan (76-81-69) 62. Osaka (78-83-73) 63. SNU (72-85-72) 64. Taibei medical college (79-99-60) 72. Texas Univ-MDACC 75. Tufts 85. U BC (67-79-83) 87. Dundee (55-67-90) 98. Upsala (60-74-82) 101. Brown (54-71-84) 103. Georgetown (50-73-80) 104. Keio (60-85-69) 108. Nagoya (65-83-73) 149. Vanderbildt (57-54-86) 151. YUMC (64-65-70) 152. Case Western Reserve 165. Mt Sinai 167 Peiking (69-89-55) 169 Purdue (47-78-72) 200 Utah 학업평판도-고용자평판도-논문인용회수
대학 프로그램 Harvard Medical School University of Pennsylvania Medical School Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Duke University School of Medicine 선택과목개설 Visiting Research Internship Program(VRIP) Summer Research Scholarly Pursuit, Year Out Research Summer Research One-Year Research Research Electives for Credit Summer Internship Program Summer Research Funding Opportunities Medical Student Research Day 학생연구교육과정운영 게이오대학교의학부교토대학교의학부도쿄대학교의학부오사카대학교의학부연세대학교의과대학 Self-directed Learning Program 각종연구기회제공 Clinical Research Training Program Research Project Basic Scientist Program for Medical Students 예과2, 본과1,2학년필수과목및선택과목개설연구멘토링프로그램, 학생연구축제, 학생연구캠프, 학생연구비지원 가천의과학대학교의학전문대학원 논문작성교육과정운영 서울대학교의과대학 포항공과대학교 (POSTECH) 한국과학기술원 (KAIST) 본과 4학년의학연구 (6주) 교과목개설연구참여제도운영연구관련과목최소3학점이상수강 URP( 학부생연구참여 ) 프로그램교과목개설
Harvard Medical School 과목명 Research in Health Sciences and Technology- I This course is intended for HST Year I and II students and consists of research approved for academic credit by the Course Director. 소개 Research in Health Sciences and Technology-II Introduction to Human Investigation Longitudinal Clinical Research Seminar/Yr 1 Bioethics Longitudinal Clinical Research Seminar/Yr 2 This course is intended for HST Year III and IV students and consists of research approved for academic credit by the Course Director. This course provides an introduction for individuals interested in the pursuit of hyphothesis-driven clinical research. This course provides the opportunities for close interaction with faculty as trainees begin to apply and refine the concepts learned in formal cou rses to their ongoing clinical research projects. his course provides the opportunity for close interaction between faculty and trainees from clinical research disciplines to apply and refine the c oncepts that trainees have learned in the formal course work and to complement their ongoing clinical research projects. The mentored clinical research project is an independent study wherein the student works closely with a Harvard Medical School faculty mento Independent Study/ Mentored Clinical Research Yr 1 r in pursuing hypothesis-driven clinical research in the area of translational biomedicine (human physiology/ pathophysiology or genetics), clini cal trials, or clinical pharmacology. The mentor, who is identified upon student's acceptance into the Scholars in Clinical Science Program, super vises the research project at a Harvard teaching hospital with which s/he is affiliated. The mentored clinical research project is an independent study wherein the student works closely with a Harvard Medical School faculty mento Independent Study/ Mentored Clinical Research (Yr 2) Advanced Clinical Ophthalmology Advanced Ophthalmology r in pursuing hypothesis-driven clinical research in the area of translational biomedicine (human physiology/ pathophysiology or genetics), clini cal trials, or clinical pharmacology. The mentor, who is identified upon student's acceptance into the Scholars in Clinical Science Program, super vises the research project at a Harvard teaching hospital with which s/he is affiliated. his advance ophthalmology course is an advanced clinical research elective in the area of vitreoretinal surgery in the Division of Ophthalmology at BIDMC. OP 502M.8 is an advanced elective. Basic Ophthalmology (OP 501) is a prerequisite for OP502M.8 or a similar course taken at another institut ion approved by Harvard Medical School.
연구의응용과진화의사례들 EMT- from developmental biology to biology and further to oncology and going to therapeutics Clock gene in C. sinensis to telomere and cancer immortalization Amphibians evolution to apoptosis Emotional stress to ROS to metabolism
EMT- Cell Junction Mode of cell migration
Translational Study C-MET P-MET C-MET + in Br to LN
한번더생각해서적으세요 1. 가장기억에남는의과학자와그이유 2. 의학연구에서본인이꼭하고싶은분야 3. 의학연구중타분야와접목하면가장좋은주제