? 2
- - - (DIKW Pyramid) 3
4 (Public Information) Public Sector Information, (raw data) Public Sector Contents OECD. 2005. Digital Broadband Content: Public Sector Information and Content. DSTI/ICCP/IE(2005) 2/FINAL.
5 1.0 2.0 Tim O'Reilly. 2009. "Do It Ourselves": Tim O'Reilly on Gov 2.0 summit 2009 Tim O'Reilly. 2010. Open Source and Open Data in the Age of the Cloud. DrupalCon, San Francisco. 2012. (e-gov) Locus Focus.. (Gov3.0)
6 @ ---------------------- G ----------------------
Open data 7
UN e-government Development Index 9
10 3.0 :. 2012. (e-gov) Locus Focus.. (Gov3.0)
11 9 Basic Principles for the Data Revolution for sustainable development UN Secretary-General s Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development. 2014. 1. (Quality and Integrity) 2. (Disaggregation) 3. (Timeliness) 4., (Transparency, Openness) 5., (Usability, Curation) 6. (Protection, Privacy) 7., (Governance, Independence) 8., (Resources, Capacity) 9. (Rights)
12 6 International Open Data Charter, September 2015 1. (Open by Default) 2. (Timely and Comprehensive) 3. (Accessible and Useable) 4. (Comparable and Interoperable) 5. (For Improved Governance and Citizen Engagement) 6. (For Inclusive Development and Innovation)
13 5-star Open Data http://5stardata.info
14 5 Star Open Data 5 Star Open Data xml, hwp, xlsx, xlxs csv, txt, xml, URI URI LOD?! <http://www.bloter.net/archives/254926>
15 http://data.gov.uk 1. 2. 3. 4 (data.gov.uk). 5 W3C. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11,. 12. 13. 14.
Open Data Maturity Model 16 <http://www.socrata.com> Scattered spreadsheets and PDFs online Clumsy custom web apps Basic catalog of downloadable files (CSV, XLS, SHP, ZIP, PDF) Expensive custom web apps Manual data publishing Interactive data tables, basic data visualizations (charts & maps), Social sharing, Manual data publishing Consumer-style web experiences Apps, mashups, dashboards, datadriven storytelling Custom APIs and developer docs Automated data publishing, federation and distribution Web and mobile experience design Data for fact-based decisions and performance Embedded data experiences (Yelp, Google) Crowd-sourced data: human sensor network Plug-and-play apps Real-time, data ecosystems and industry exchanges Internal data collaboration hubs Organization s Open Data Maturity Level
17 [, http://newsjel.ly/] https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/ 1cGre8IQZQ7hJV7GFSb 6v80ZO5ged2OGIqG5rr 09d4ZI/edit#gid=0
<http://www.gosi.go.kr/> 19
, 20
The Counted http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database 21
The Migrants Files http://www.themigrantsfiles.com/ 22
Water Point Mapper http://waterpointmapper.org/ 23
24 Village level coverage map Water Point Mapper http://waterpointmapper.org/ Water Quality Map Water Source Type Map
25 Open North http://www.opennorth.ca/ James McKinney
Open North : Represent API http://www.opennorth.ca/ 26
Open North : Citizen Budget http://www.opennorth.ca/ 27
28 Pol.is pol.is Colin Megill
Democracy OS 30
32 Brigade https://www.brigade.com Sean Parker
http://www..net/ 34
the300 36
http://nukeknock.net/ 37
38 Open data /??????
39 Open data???????
40 ",,. ( )., 3.0, 2015.11.9.