한국동굴학회지, 2009, 95, 15~21 SOLAR-LED * ** *** 2) Dea-Wha, Soh Sang-Tack, Kang Hyun-Jun, Soh Abstract : Global village warming and carbon dioxide CO2 gas, and the human efforts for their healing and necessary alternative technology would be much more difficult things than that of making necessary funds and efforts to lay to sleep angry nature on the earth. The limited natural resources of fossil fuel would be dried up in several decades, and the intensity of diplomatic negotiations for natural resource guarantee among countries may be showed looking alike an war. The drain of fossil fuel called a new word of alternative policy like an environment-friendly green-growth, and the solar-cell and lighting technology for the solar energy applications were developed still more repeatedly day by day from oil lantern to LED high-tech illumination in great economy. Therefore, it was studied that the low-carbon green-growth illumination technology in cave applications with SOLAR-LED system which was produced and unified in connection with solar-cell and LED from the semiconductor production technology, and it was also clarified in necessary with useful cave lighting in heatless and with no photosynthesis of plant production in underground space. Key Words : SOLAR-LED system, low-carbon green-growth, cave lightings :,.,.,,,. SOLAR-LED. : SOLAR-LED,, 1. 서론
소대화 강상택 소현준 Introduction Typically Commercial LED Structure on Sapphire Sapphire p-type pad electrode Semitransparent electrode p-type GaN InGaN MQW n-type GaN Sapphire substrate n-electrode.a chip of semiconducting material.p-n junction..recombination with photon.wavelength matches with Band-gap Energy
SOLAR-LED 시스템과저탄소녹색동굴조명 White Color LEDs 1: (R+G+B) LED 2: UV LED + (R+G+B)F Extraction efficiency LEDs with photonic crystals 3: B LED +(Y)F 2. 본론 J. Shakya et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 85, 142 (2004) LED Materials AlGaAs-red and infrared GaAlP-green GaAsP-red, orange- red orange and yellow GaN -green, pure green (or emerald green) and blue GaP-red, yellow and green ZnSe-blue InGaN-bluish-green and blue InGaAlP-orange-red, orange yellow, and green SiC-blue Diamond (C) -ultraviolet? Electricity in Korea @2002 : 278 TWh (20B$)? 21% of Electricity for Lighting : 55.6 TWh (4B$)? If Lighting is replaced by LED -Energy saving by LED : 27.8 TWh (2B$) -Energy Saving Effect : 2 Nuclear Power Plants (1GW/day) incandescence : 80% Energy Saving Effect fluorescence : 50% High Oil Prize needs energy saving National Energy Saving 1.4~3.5% Assume: Gradual Penetration of LED for Lighting Application up to 50% in 2020
소대화 강상택 소현준 Environmental Protection Applications Air Pollutions -UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC (Dec. 1997)? Decreasing CO2 (10 k ton/year, 2002 at Korea) Waste Materials & Environmental Hazards -RoHS (Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous Substance): 1, July 2006.? Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, Polybrominated biphenyls(pbb),? Polybrominated diphenyl eters(pbde) -WEEE(Electrical and Electronic Equipment ).? Producer Responsibility 27 July 2005.? Meet collection target 31 Dec 2006.? Meet recycling targets 31 Dec 2006 Only 15 % of Used Fluorescence Lamp Re-Collected in Korea (Each lamp contains 30-35 mg of Hg) red & blue mixed light re d light only Directions of LED Application Applications Solid State Lighting Application of heat pipe technology for power LED Agilent Technologies, Inc. Electronic or opto -electronic packages, EP Patent EP01309409, 2001. Lightlogic, Inc. Dual-enclosure optoelectronic packages, US Patent US389864, 1999. At TO-can package, heat pipe near heat source (associated with heat sink or heat sink) Heat pipes as an Electrode!!
SOLAR-LED 시스템과저탄소녹색동굴조명 Applications 고수동굴조명시설 v 동굴내부 Blue LED fishing lamps on the ocean of Hokkaido (July 28, 2003) 천동동굴조명시설 중국황룡동굴조명시설 v 천동동굴내부 v 중국번계수동내부 태양광분광특성및광합성흡수스팩트럼 중국망천동굴조명시설 v 태양광스팩트럼과식물광합성흡수파장및 LED 발광파장 v 중국천룡동굴
소대화 강상택 소현준 선택파장광원식물성장촉진농산물증산 인류의식량, 에너지고갈 영농식재공장화 - 1차식량 : 식물성농작물 - 2차식량 : 동물성축 / 수산물 농작물 : 광합성생장및결실 광합성 : 물 (H 2 O), 공기 (CO 2 ), 빛 (light) 선택파장흡수 : 청색 (~450nm), 적색 (~650nm) LED 발광파장 : 광합성흡수파장과일치 태양광발전일체형조광체 : SOLAR LED 광합성조건최적제어 : 에너지절감, 증산효과 이동가능한집약식컨테이너영농공장 3. 결론 擬態科學 SOLARLED Applications 이동물체인식가로등순차제어시스템
SOLAR-LED 시스템과저탄소녹색동굴조명 참고문헌