: 59 1 2000 1, * * = A bs tra c t= A cas e of colonic adhes ion caus ed by appendiceal orig in ps eudomy x oma peritonei Sang Ill Lee, M.D., Kwon Choi, M.D., Sang Hoon Kim, M.D., Seung Sae Lee, M.D. and Myung Sook Kim, M.D.* Departments of Internal M edicine and Pathology*, K angbuk Samsung H ospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of M edicine, Seoul, Korea Mucocele of the appendix is an uncommon disorder, usually found incidentally during ultrasonography or radiographic studies. It occurs predominantly in the sixth or seventh decades,and has a distinct female predominance. Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a rare condition resulting from a ruptured mucin- producing lesion of the appendix or ovary. It is not easily diagnosed clinically before operation and only histopathologic finding provides the correct final diagnosis. Treatment should consist of evacuation of the mucinous ascites and removal of the mucocele. Reoperations for correction of intestinal obstruction may be needed. The role of chemotherapy is uncertain, and external radiation is probably of no value. We experienced a case of colonic adhesion caused by pseudomyxoma peritonei that originated from the vermiform appendix. This patient was 75 year old female who had suffered from lower abdominal pain associated with constipation and tenesmus for 5 days. We performed ileocecal resection and ileocecal anastomosis. We report this case with brief review of the literature.(korean J Med 59:64-68, 2000) Key Words : Pseudomyxoma peritonei; Mucocele; Appendix (mucocele). 1842 Rokitansky1-3), 1884 Werth4).,,. 50-60. : 1999 3 8 : 1999 9 22 :, 108, (100-634) E-mail : lsi@medigate.net - 64 -
Sang Ill Lee, et al : A case of colonic adhesion caused by appendiceal origin pseudomyxoma peritonei,,,,... 75,, 1. :, 75 : 5,, : 1 2.4cm 5,,. : 2,,,,. :,. : 140/80 mmhg, 36.5oC, 80 /, 15 /,,.,,,,.,,... : 11.5 g/dl, 34%, 4,300/mm3 ( 55%, 37%, 6%, 2%), 230,000/mm3.,, CEA 1.27 ng/ml, CA 19-9 14.88 U/ml. : air- fluid level (Figure 1), S 3.2x4.2x3.9cm (Figure 2). Figure 1. T he simple abdomen finding shows diffuse stool retained bowel loops and air- fluid level, intestinal obstruction sign. Figure 2. On ultrasonography of lower abdomen, round echogenic solid mass is noted in posterior portion to rectosigmoid colon,3.2 4.2 3.9cm sized. - 65 -
대한내과학회지 : 제 59 권 제 1 호 통권 제 479 호 2000 Fig ure 3. Abdominal CT : T here are cys tic lesion such as mucocele in the Right low er quadrant. Fig ure 4. Pelvic CT : T here is dis tal colonic obstruction at the level of sigmoid by cys t in right low er quadrant. 화 단층 촬영상 S상 결장 부위의 두꺼워진 벽을 갖는 낭 포성 병변 및 장유착 소견과 근위부 대장의 내강의 팽창 됨이 관찰되었고 림프절 크기 증가 소견은 없었다 (Figure 3, 4). 치료 및 경과 : 내원 6일경 환자는 혈압이 90/60 mmhg, 맥박수 분당 90회 소견보여 응급 개복술을 시행 하였다. 수술 소견상 맹장 주위로 투명한 점액 및 낭포 벽으로 여겨지는 막들이 붙어 있었고(Figure 5), 맹장과 S상 결장이 심하게 유착되어 있어서 충수돌기 점액류 파열로 인한 복막위점액종 및 이차적 장유착증으로 진 단되었으며, 낭포와 점액 제거술, 회맹장 절제술 및 유착 박리술을 시행하였다. 이후 항암화학요법과 방사선치료 는 시행하지 않았고 일단 퇴원하여 현재 외래 추적 관찰 Fig ure 5. Gross specimen from cecal area show ing grayish w hite cystic wall admixed with mucinous material. 중에 있으며 아직까지 특별한 이상 소견 없으며 정상 Fig ure 6. T he cystic wall cons is ts of thick fibrocollagenous w all and chronic inflammatory cells (A.H&E, 40).A few cuboidal cells are found within the mucinous material(b.h&e, 400). Figure 6. A Figure 6. B - 66 -
4 : 1. :. PAS D- PAS (Figure 6A & 6B). (mucocele). 5), 6), 1842 Rokitansky1-3), 1884 Werth4). 1901 Frankel3) Corder 7) 0.3%.,,. 1949 Cheng1), 1953 Woolner8). 1973 Higa 9),,, (focal or diffuse mucosal hyperplasia), (mucinous cystadenoma), (mucinous cystadenocarcinoma) 3. Novak Virchow 10) (theory of peritoneal implantation) Shaw4) (theory of serosal metaplasia),,.,,,.. Woodruff McDonald 11) 8:1, 146 136, 10. 50-60 Robert 12) 84% 50 52.,,,,... S,. X-,,. low attenuation,. - 67 -
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