Koren J. Soil Si. Fert. Vol.51, No.3, pp.159-168, 218 Koren Journl of Soil Siene nd Fertilizer rtile https://doi.org/1.7745/kjssf. pissn : 367-6315 eissn : 2288-2162 Growth-inhiition Ptterns nd ioonentrtion Profiles in Cdmium-stressed Oilseed Rpe (rssi npus L.) H-il Jung, Myung-Suk Kong, Eun-Jin Lee, Goo-ok Jung, nd Yoo-Hk Kim* Division of Soil nd Fertilizer, Ntionl Institute of griulturl Siene, RD, Wnju 55365, Kore *Corresponding uthor: kim.yoohk@kore.kr S T R C T Reeived: pril 1, 218 Revised: July 15, 218 epted: July 31, 218 Cdmium (Cd) uptke nd umultion from soil to plnt vry depending on the environment onditions. Here, we studied the hemil properties of Cd-treted soils, the growth-inhiition rtes of Cd-exposed oilseed rpe plnts, the hnges in Cd ontent of soil, nd the reltionship etween Cd ioonentrtion ftor nd Cd umultion from the soil to oilseed rpe orgns. Oilseed rpe plnts were ultivted in greenhouse under four Cd tretments: (ontrol), 4, 8, nd 12 mg kg -1. signifint positive orreltion ws found etween Cd onentrtion nd ville P 2 O 5 or exhngele K. The Cd onentrtion for 25% shoot growth inhiition (GR 75 ) ws 8 mg kg -1. Cd ontent in the root nd shoot ws positively orrelted in the flowering stge of oilseed rpe. ioonentrtion ftor (CF) root/soil deresed with Cd onentrtion nd Cd umultion in the 8 mg kg -1 tretment ws higher t flowering stge. Cd umultion ws relted to plnt iomss nd soil Cd onentrtion. We found tht Cd umultion would e muh greter in Cd onentrtions tht llowed plnt growth nd development. Thus, speies-speifi threshold onentrtion must e determined sed on Cd phytotoxiity for phytoremedition of Cd-ontminted soils. Keywords: Cdmium ioonentrtion ftor, Growth inhiition, Oilseed rpe (rssi npus L.), Phosphorus (P), Potssium (K) Cd ioonentrtion ftor (plnt tissue/soil rtio) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.. 1.1-1.2.3-.5 4 Cd 8 Cd 12 Cd Cd umultion (µg plnt tissue -1 ) 6 5 4 3 2 1. Plnt tissue Plnt tissue Cd ioonentrtion ftors etween soil nd root or shoot () nd Cd umultions in roots nd shoots of oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge (), nd omprison of the ioonentrtion ftors etween root nd shoot tissues (figures t top of the olumns). C The Koren Soiety of Soil Siene nd Fertilizer. This is n Open ess rtile distriuted under the terms of the Cretive Commons ttriution Non- Commeril Liense (http://retiveommons.org/lienses/y-n/4.) whih permits unrestrited non-ommeril use, distriution, nd reprodution in ny medium, provided the originl work is properly ited.
16 Koren Journl of Soil Siene nd Fertilizer Vol. 51, No. 3, 218 Introdution 카드뮴오염은산업화와도시화로인하여급격히증가하고있고, 이와비례적으로농경지및농업용수를오염시킴으로서안전농산물생산에심각한악영향을야기하고있다. 또한카드뮴은토양내에서이동성이높아저농도의오염토양에서도재배하는작물에쉽게흡수 이행되어농산물을오염시킴으로서먹이사슬의최정상에위치한인간의생명보전을위협하는하나의요인으로인식되고있다 (Gliulin et l., 21; Hong et l., 213; Jung et l., 216; Kim et l., 28). 카드뮴오염원의출처는 1차적으로자연적으로존재하는양에따라그분포가결정되지만, 2차적으로인간의사회활동과산업활동을통하여오염범위가무분별하게확대되고있다. 그러므로카드뮴오염은인간의생존권에막대한피해를끼치기때문에세계적인중대한관심사로다루어지고있다 (Jn et l., 215; Kirkhm, 26; Ngjyoti et l., 21). 카드뮴은생체내에서대사작용에중요한기능을담당하는효소또는단백질의황화수소기 (sulfhydryl group, -SH) 의친화력을약화또는교란시킴으로서식물뿐만아니라인축에도치명적인생체기능장애를야기하고있다 (Jung et l., 215; Jung et l., 216; Mengel nd Kirky, 1978; Meuwly nd Ruser, 1992). 카드뮴독성은식물체내에과잉의활성산소종 (retive oxygen speies, ROS) 을유발 축적하여생명유지의기본물질인탄수화물, 단백질, 지방및핵산의생합성을감소시키고광합성, 호흡, 이온흡수및산화 환원 (redox) 항상성유지등에도악영향을끼치므로정상적인생체기능을크게저해한다 (Gyom et l., 213; Jung et l., 215; Jung et l., 216; Petrov et l., 215; Singh nd grwl, 21). 식물체내로의카드뮴흡수 축적량은토양내에존재하는카드뮴함량에비례적으로증가되고, 흡수 이행된카드뮴에의해유발되는식물독성을최소화하기위하여다양한생리 생화학적무독화기전을가동하여독성을극복한다 (Jeoung et l., 213; Kim et l., 28; Rven nd Loeppert, 1997; Slt et l., 1995). 식물체내로의카드뮴흡수, 전이및축적은식물종및토양내의 ph, 유기물, 산화 환원, 토양유형등토양환경조건에따라달라진다는많은연구사례들이보고되었다 (Hong et l., 213; Kim et l., 28; Lee et l., 218; Prk et l., 29; Yn et l., 21; Yn et l., 21). 그렇지만카드뮴오염도에따른수치화된생육저해수준과토양으로부터식물체의각조직부위로의카드뮴전이율및축적양은잘정형화되어있지않았을뿐만아니라카드뮴농도와생물농축계수 (ioonentrtion trnsfer, CF) 간의연관성을비교한연구도미흡한상태이다. 그러므로카드뮴오염도에따른유채의생육저해율산출과식물부위별생물농축계수의비교 분석은카드뮴의식물축적량예측을가능하게할것이고, 카드뮴오염농경지의안전농산물생산관리및제공에기여할것으로판단된다. 따라서본연구는 1) 카드뮴농도에따른수치화된유채의생육저해수준산출과 2) 토양내의카드뮴농도와인산및칼륨간의상관성을파악하고 3) 카드뮴농도에따라토양으로부터식물체각부위별로의카드뮴생물농축계수및축적량간의연관성을평가하고자수행하였다. Mterils nd methods 토양시료및시험식물본연구에이용된토양은국립농업과학원내시험포장에서채취하여처리구별토양을조제한후사용하였다. 인위적인고농도의카드뮴오염토양은식양토를채취하여풍건세토후 2 mm 체로걸러진토양에충분한양의물로용해시킨염화카드뮴 (CdCl 2 ; Sigm-ldrih, In.) 을첨가하여조제하였고, 이오염토양은 2년이상의안정화과정을거친후인위적카드뮴오염토양으로이용하였다. 카드뮴의토양혼화처리는 55 mg kg -1 농도
Growth-inhiition Ptterns nd ioonentrtion Profiles in Cdmium-stressed Oilseed Rpe (rssi npus L.) 161 의인위적카드뮴오염토양을식양토에희석하여 4수준의카드뮴처리구 (, 4, 8, 12 mg kg -1 ) 를조제하였고, 질소, 인산그리고칼리질비료는국립농업과학원작물별시비처방기준에의거하여각기 1, 8, 그리고 8 kg h -1 으로토양에혼화처리하였다. 시험식물인탐미유채를온실조건하에서원예용상토로충진된규격육묘상 (5 1 try) 에파종하고균일하게생장한 5엽기의유묘를선별하여각처리구별 Wgner 포트 (.2 m 2 표면적, 평균용적밀도 1.2 g m -3, 3.5 kg 처리토양충진 ) 에 1주씩을이식하고, 자연광에서주야간 3/2 C 평균온도를유지하였다. 또한양호한토양수분조건 ( 포장용수량수준 ) 을유지하기위하여무처리의유채생육과토양수분상태에따라 2 3일을주기로모든처리포트에동일한양의수돗물을공급하면서이식기 (3월 2일 ) 부터개화기 (4월 2일 ) 까지 49일동안실험을수행하였다. 토양화학성및카드뮴전함량분석토양화학성은국립농업과학원토양화학분석법에준하여실시하였다 (NIS, 21). 토양화학성과카드뮴의전함량분석을위하여, 음지에서풍건한각처리별약 2 g 토양시료를고무망치로잘게부수어 2 mm 표준체로거른시료들은토양화학성분석에사용되었다. 토양카드뮴전함량분석을위해 1차걸러진토양시료를다시막자사발로곱게마쇄한후.15 mm 체를통과한시료가최종적으로카드뮴분석에이용되었다. 토양카드뮴분석은시료를왕수 (on. HCl + HNO 3 ) 로 15 C에서 2시간분해한다음, 유도결합프라즈마원자방출분광기 (ICP-ES, U/CINTR 6, GC Sientifi, ustrli) 로측정하였다 (Jung et l., 217). 본시험에사용한카드뮴처리구토양의화학성과카드뮴함량은 Tle 1에나타내었다. 식물생장반응및분석카드뮴독성에대한생장반응을분석하기위하여, 개화기에지상부생체중및건물중, 뿌 리건물중, 그리고지상부수분함량을조사하였다. 식물체내양이온과카드뮴함량분석식물체분석은국립농업과학원토양및식물체분석법에의거하여실시하였다 (NIS, 2). 개화기에채취한식물체시료는뿌리와지상부로나누고, 각기시료들을수돗물로부착된먼지또는미세토양입자를완전히제거한후다시증류수로수회세척하였다. 이세척된시료들은 8 C에서완전히건조시킨후분쇄하여분석에이용하였다. 식물체의양이온 (K, Fe) 과카드뮴함량분석을위하여, 시료분해는 Grphite lok id Digestion System (ODL Co., Ltd. Seoul, Kore) 을이용하였고, 건조된분말시료 2 mg에 14 ml 질산을넣고산분해한분해액을여과지 (No. 4, Whtmn, ukinghmshire, UK) 에서불순물을제거한후, 유도결합플라즈마질량분석기 (ICP-MS, gilent 79, gilent Tehnologies In., Snt Clr, C, US) 에서양이온및카드뮴함량을측정하였다 (Jung et l., 217). 데이터분석과통계처리카드뮴농도와유효인산 (ville P 2 O 5 ) 및치환성칼륨 (exhngele K) 간의상호연관성분석은선형회귀분석으로평가되었다. 카드뮴처리농도에따른생장저해를평가하기위하여, 무처리에대한평균생장량을백분율로표준화하여나타냈다. 식물생장저해는선형회귀를이용하여분석되었고, 25% 지상부건물중 (GR 75 ) 을감소시키는토양중카드뮴함량은회귀방정식을통하여산출하였다. 지하부 ( 뿌리 ) 와지상부간의카드뮴전이관계는 4 수준의카드뮴처리에서얻어진뿌리와지상부카드뮴함량을사용하여선형회귀로분석하였다.
162 Koren Journl of Soil Siene nd Fertilizer Vol. 51, No. 3, 218 토양에서뿌리또는지상부로의카드뮴생물농축계수 (ioonentrtion ftor, CF) 는아래의수식으로계산되었다. CF = C/C 이고, C는뿌리또는지상부의카드뮴농도이며 C는토양의카드뮴농도를나타낸다. 본연구는완전임의배치 3반복으로온실에서수행하였고, 모든데이터의통계처리는 Sttistil nlysis Softwre (SS ver. 9.2) 프로그램을사용하여처리간분산분석 (NOV) 을실시하였다. 처리의효과는 Fisher 최소유의차검정 (p=.5) 을통하여유의성유무를판단하였고, 데이터는평균값 ± 표준편차로표현하였다. Results nd Disussion 카드뮴수준별토양화학성변화카드뮴을, 4, 8, 또는 12 mg Cd kg -1 로처리된토양의화학적특성은이식전 ( 시험전 ) 과개화기 ( 시험후 ) 에토양시료를채취하여분석하였다. 이들시료로부터분석된토양화학성중에서유효인산과치환성칼륨을제외하고, 시험전과시험후에는화학적특성에변화를확인할수없었다. 비록시험전의유효인산과치환성칼륨은처리간에통계적인차이가없었음에도불구하고, 시험후에는이들모두에서유의적인차이를나타냈다 (Tle 1). 토양중카드뮴농도가증가함에따라비례적으로유효인산과치환성칼륨의잔존량증가가관찰되었고, 카드뮴농도와유효인산 (Fig. 1) 및치환성칼륨 (Fig. 1) 간에정의상관관계를확인하였다. 이결과와매우유사하게 rshed et l. (216) 은수경재배조건에서밀 (Tritium estivum L.) 의지상부와뿌리모두에서카드뮴처리에따른칼륨과인산농도의유의적인감소를보고했다. 또한 Jlil et l. (1994) 은카드뮴이칼륨의식물흡수를경쟁적으로저해한다고보고하였다. 인산은토양입자의카드뮴흡 탈착에영향을미칠수있고, 카드뮴의용해도및생체이용률을저하시킬수있기때문에카드뮴은식물체내로의인산흡수를방해하는요인중의하나가될수있다 (Cui et l., 217; Hong et l., 213; Kim et l., 28; Lee nd Hong, 216; Lee et l., 218; Yin et l., 216). 이상의결과는인산과칼리질비료가비교적낮은카드뮴오염도를나타내는농경지에서경작시작물생육에중요한제한요소로작용할수있을것이다. Tle 1. Chemil properties of the soil nlyzed efore the trnsplnttion of oilseed rpe seedlings nd fter hrvesting oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge. Cd (mg kg -1 ) ph (1:5) EC (ds m -1 ) OM (g kg -1 ) v. P 2 O 5 Exhngele tions (mol kg -1 ) (mg kg -1 ) K C Mg N efore trnsplnting 7.4.26 9.8 91.3.26 8.57 2.91.17 4 7.37.27 9.19 86.6.26 9.38 3.16.19 8 7.41.25 9.88 92..27 9.14 3.1.18 12 7.33.3 9.77 94.5.25 9.4 3.5.19 fter hrvesting 7.46.52 8.85 66.9d.18 9.32 3.26.2 4 7.45.55 9.54 71.9.2 9.6 3.33.21 8 7.38.6 9.77 79.8.22 1. 3.44.23 12 7.41.58 9.88 83.6.22 1.18 3.48.23 Mens within olumn followed y the sme letters re not signifintly different t the 5% level ording to Fisher s lest signifint differene (LSD) test.
Growth-inhiition Ptterns nd ioonentrtion Profiles in Cdmium-stressed Oilseed Rpe (rssi npus L.) 163 9.24 ville P 2 O 5 (mg kg -1 ) 85 8 75 7 65 Y = 1.4525X + 66.817 R 2 =.9828 Exhngele K (mol kg -1 ).22.2.18 Y =.33X +.1817 R 2 =.977 6 4 8 12.16 4 8 12 Cd tretment (mg kg -1 ) Cd tretment (mg kg -1 ) Fig. 1. Reltionship etween Cd onentrtions nd ville P 2 O 5 () nd exhngele K () ontent in the soil t flowering stge of oilseed rpe. Vertil rs represent stndrd devitions of the men. 카드뮴수준별카드뮴함량및생장저해양상변화카드뮴은금속이온을함유한단백질의이온을치환함으로서, 이단백질들의기능장애를일으키고활성산소종을유발시켜세포내에서지질과산화를야기한다. 이로인한세포막파괴는엽록소함량을감소시키고광합성효율을약화시킴으로서전반적인생육저해에따른생물체량감소를초래하고, 결국에는식물체를고사하게한다 (Gyom et l., 213; Jung et l., 215; Jung et l., 216; Jung et l., 217; Petrov et l., 215). 카드뮴수준별시험전 후카드뮴잔존량변화는고농도로처리된 8 및 12 mg kg -1 에서 9 1% 감소를나타냈지만, 저농도로처리된 4 mg kg -1 에서는유의적인차이가없었다 (Fig. 2). 2 125 Cd ontent (mg kg -1 soil) 16 12 8 4 efore fter 1% 9% 1% dry weight (% of untreted) 1 75 5 Y = -3.941X + 16.4527 R 2 =.8974 GR 75 = 8 4 8 12 25 4 8 12 Cd tretment (mg kg -1 ) Cd tretment (mg kg -1 ) Fig. 2. Chnges in Cd ontent of the soil efore trnsplnting oilseed rpe seedlings (efore) nd fter hrvesting oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge (fter), nd the redution rtes (figures t top of the olumns) of Cd ontent (), nd effet of Cd tretments on shoot dry weight of oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge (). GR 75 vlue is the Cd onentrtion tht redued shoot dry weight y 25%. Eh dt point is the men ± stndrd devitions of three replitions. Mens denoted y the sme letter re not signifintly different t the 5% level, ording to Fisher s lest signifint differene (LSD) test.
164 Koren Journl of Soil Siene nd Fertilizer Vol. 51, No. 3, 218 Tle 2. Effet of Cd tretments on shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, nd shoot wter ontent of oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge. Cd (mg kg -1 ) fresh weight (g) dry weight (g) dry weight (g) wter ontent (%) 7.94 1.65.45 79.2 4 7.16 1.63.42 77.2 8 6.37 1.28.37 79.8 12 75.8 Mens within olumn followed y the sme letters re not signifintly different t the 5% level ording to Fisher s lest signifint differene (LSD) test. 유채개화기의생육조사에서카드뮴농도의증가에따라지상부수분함량을제외한지상부생체중및건물중, 그리고뿌리건물중에서점진적인감소를확인하였다 (Tle 2). 본연구결과에서카드뮴농도에의존적인생체량감소를관찰할수있었고, 카드뮴수준증가에따른정량적인생장저해를산출하기위하여, 카드뮴농도에비례적으로생장저해를나타낸지상부건물중을매개변수로이용한회귀분석을실시하였다. 유채생장은카드뮴농도가증가함에따라직선적으로감소하였고, 카드뮴에의한식물독성으로 25% 생장저해 (GR 75 ) 를나타내는카드뮴농도가대략 8 mg kg -1 수준이라는것을도출하였다 (Fig. 2). 식물체부위별카드뮴및양이온함량변화유채개화기에조사된뿌리와지상부의카드뮴함량은처리수준에비례하여증가하였고, 식물체의카드뮴함량은지상부보다뿌리에서더높게나타났다 (Fig. 3). 뿌리와지상부의카드뮴함량간에는정의상관관계를보였고, 카드뮴의 root/shoot 비율은 3으로나타났다 (Fig. 3). 이는토양으로부터뿌리로흡수 축적된카드뮴의 3% 이상이지상부로전이되는것으로다른중금속에비해상대적으로많은양이이행됨을보여주는결과이다 (Jung et l., 217). 따라서카드뮴은다른중금속에비해토양에서뿌리그리고지상부로의 18 6 Cd ontent (mg kg -1 ) 15 12 9 6 3 4 Cd 8 Cd 12 Cd Cd ontent (mg kg -1 ) 5 4 3 2 1 Y =.328X +.3831 R 2 =.9641 / rtio = 3 4 8 12 16 Plnt tissue Cd ontent (mg kg -1 ) Fig. 3. Effet of Cd tretments on Cd ontent in the roots nd shoots () nd reltionship etween root- nd shoot-cd ontent of oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge (). Eh dt point is the men ± stndrd devitions of three replitions. Mens denoted y the sme letter re not signifintly different t the 5% level, ording to Fisher s lest signifint differene (LSD) test.
Growth-inhiition Ptterns nd ioonentrtion Profiles in Cdmium-stressed Oilseed Rpe (rssi npus L.) 165 고이행성을지니기때문에저농도의토양오염수준에서도오염토양관리가필요하다는것을시사한다 (Hong et l., 213). 식물체내에서칼륨은기공개폐, 광합성및항산화제생합성등에필수적으로요구되는양분이고 (Wng et l., 213), 철은활성산소종소거에관여하는항산화효소의보조인자로쓰일뿐만아니라산화 환원조절등의중요한역할을담당하는필수금속이온이다 (Gyom et l., 213). 이양분들의항상성이교란된다면식물체는급격한광합성감소, 산화 환원의항상성불균형과더불어활성산소종소거에지장을초래할것이므로, 이양분들의식물부위별변화는생체내의생리 생화학적대사작용과식물독성경감연구에중요한정보를제공할것이다 (Jung et l., 215; Jung et l., 216; Jung et l., 217; Siddiqui et l., 212). 이러한취지에따라카드뮴처리수준별칼륨과철의항상성변화를분석하였다. 식물체내칼륨함량은뿌리보다지상부에 2배이상많이존재했던반면철은오히려지상부보다뿌리에다량이잔존하고있었다 (Fig. 4, ). 카드뮴처리수준의증가에따라식물체내의칼륨함량은뿌리와지상부모두에서일정한경향성을나타내며감소하였다 (Fig. 4). 위칼륨의결과와비슷한경향으로지상부의철함량또한카드뮴농도의증가에따라순차적인감소를나타냈지만, 뿌리는특정한경향성을보이지않고 4와 8 mg kg -1 카드뮴처리에서유의적으로높게나타났다 (Fig. 4). 이상의결과는카드뮴처리수준별토양내에잔존하는치환성칼륨함량 (Fig. 1) 과매우높은경향성을나타내고있을뿐만아니라식물체내의칼륨과철항상성교란은카드뮴농도에의존적으로가중됨을확인할수있었다 (Fig. 4). 이는원천적으로카드뮴과화학적특성이비슷한원자가에기인한길항작용의결과로생각되고, 더불어그원소들의흡수를담당하는이온운반체들의활성을경쟁적으로저해함으로서항상성변화에영향을미치는것으로판단된다 (Wng et l., 214; Yin et l., 216). 25 2.4 K ontent (mg kg -1 ) 2 15 1 5 Cd 4 Cd 8 Cd 12 Cd d Fe ontent (mg kg -1 ) 2. 1.6 d d. Plnt tissue Plnt tissue Fig. 4. Effet of Cd tretments on the K () nd Fe () ontent in roots nd shoots of oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge. Eh dt point is the men ± stndrd devitions of three replitions. Mens denoted y the sme letter re not signifintly different t the 5% level, ording to Fisher s lest signifint differene (LSD) test. 카드뮴수준별카드뮴전이계수및축적카드뮴처리수준이증가함에따라토양-식물체의생물농축계수 (CF plnt tissue/soil ) 는뿌리와지상부모두에서유의적으로감소를나타냈다 (Fig. 5). 토양-뿌리의생물농축계수 (CF root/soil ) 는 1.1 1.2 값을나타냈지만, 토양-지상부의생물농축계수 (CF shoot/soil ) 는.3.5 값을보였다. 카드뮴의식물체축적평가는생물체량을기반으로하였기때문에카드뮴축적량은 3 수준의카드뮴처리에서저농도 (4 mg
166 Koren Journl of Soil Siene nd Fertilizer Vol. 51, No. 3, 218 kg -1 ) 와고농도 (12 mg kg -1 ) 보다중간농도 (8 mg kg -1 ) 에서가장높은축적량을나타냈다 (Fig. 5). 이상의결과는카드뮴축적이토양내카드뮴오염수준보다오히려생물체량에크게의존하고있기때문이라판단된다. 따라서유채의카드뮴축적은식물생육저해가최소화된허용오염농도에서더효율적으로카드뮴을축적할수있다는결론을내릴수있다. Cd ioonentrtion ftor (plnt tissue/soil rtio) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.. 1.1-1.2.3-.5 4 Cd 8 Cd 12 Cd Cd umultion (µg plnt tissue -1 ) 6 5 4 3 2 1. Plnt tissue Plnt tissue Fig. 5. Effet of Cd tretments on Cd ioonentrtion ftors etween soil nd root or shoot () nd Cd umultions in roots nd shoots of oilseed rpe plnts t flowering stge (), nd omprison of the ioonentrtion ftors etween root nd shoot tissues (figures t top of the olumns). Eh dt point is the men ± stndrd devitions of three replitions. Mens denoted y the sme letter re not signifintly different t the 5% level, ording to Fisher s lest signifint differene (LSD) test. Conlusion 유채의생육은카드뮴농도에따라직선적으로감소되었고, 이러한총체적인생장저해는식물생육에필수적인양분인인산, 칼륨및철의흡수를억제하였다. 그러므로카드뮴오염지에서인산, 칼륨그리고철의시비관리를통하여카드뮴에의해야기되는식물독성을완화시킬수있는하나의방안이될수있을것으로생각된다. 토양에서식물체내로의카드뮴전이는처리농도의증가에따라감소하였고, 카드뮴축적은식물생육과밀접한연관성을지니고있어식물생장이가능한농도범위에서최고치의축적량을나타냈다. 따라서카드뮴농도가식물생장에반해임계농도를초과하면오히려생육감소에따른축적량이동반하여감소됨으로식물을이용한카드뮴오염토양의정화시, 식물종별생육한계농도결정이우선되어야할것이다. 또한, 카드뮴은식물체내로의이행성과축적효율이매우높기때문에저농도의카드뮴오염농경지에서도안전한농산물생산을위한관리대책이필요할것으로판단된다. knowledgement This work ws supported y the Coopertive Reserh Progrm for griulture Siene & Tehnology Development (Projet No. PJ11953), Rurl Development dministrtion, Repuli of Kore. We thnk Mrs.
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