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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck



1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

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300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름

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아니라 일본 지리지, 수로지 5, 지도 6 등을 함께 검토해야 하지만 여기서는 근대기 일본이 편찬한 조선 지리지와 부속지도만으로 연구대상을 한정하 기로 한다. Ⅱ. 1876~1905년 울릉도 독도 서술의 추이 1. 울릉도 독도 호칭의 혼란과 지도상의 불일치 일본이 조선



2015 년국가수준학업성취도평가 3 교시 ( ) 반 ( ) 번이름 ( ) 1. 문제지는 8면이모두있는지확인하시오. 2. 선다형문항의답안은컴퓨터용수성사인펜을사용하여 OMR 답안지에바르게표기하시오. 3. 서답형문항의답안은 OMR 답안지뒷면의서답형답란에쓰시오. 서답형문항의답안은연필이나펜으로작성해도됩니다. 4. 다음을듣고, 음식점에관한내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 음식이맛있다. 2 음식값이비싸다. 3 음식점이청결하다. 4 직원이친절하다. 5 공간이협소하다. 선다형 1번~15번과서답형 1번~3번문제는듣고푸는문제입니다. 녹음내용을잘듣고물음에답하기바랍니다. 내용은한번만들려줍니다. 1. 대화를듣고, 여자가그린그림을고르시오. 1 2 3 5. 다음을듣고, 무엇에관한내용인지고르시오. 1 동아리행사홍보 2 쿠키만드는절차 3 새친구환영파티 4 구내식당이용방법 5 시험일정안내 4 5 6. 대화를듣고, 남자가서두르는이유로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 어머니가기다리고계셔서 2 택배도착시간이다가와서 3 부산에가는버스를타야해서 4 우체국문닫을시간이다가와서 5 좋아하는 TV 프로그램을보기위해서 7. 대화를듣고, 여자가찾아가려는곳을고르시오. 2. 대화를듣고, 두사람이대화하고있는장소로가장적절한곳을 고르시오. 1 수영장 2 수족관 3 옷가게 4 운동장 5 스케이트장 3. 대화를듣고, 남자의심정으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 bored 2 excited 3 relieved 4 worried 5 disappointed 8-1

8. 대화를듣고, 남자의조언으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 친구에게서배워라. 2 항상메모를해두어라. 3 교과서를반복해서읽어라. 4 암기하는방식을바꾸어라. 5 선생님의설명을잘들어라. 12. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에이어질남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Can you recommend your best dish? 2 No, thank you. We ve already reserved. 3 Would you like to wait or take it away? 4 Yes, 7:00 p.m. at a window table, please. 5 Sorry, I d like to go to the Stonegrill Restaurant. 9. 대화를듣고, 여자가전화를건목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 딸이결석한이유를말하려고 2 딸의병원진료를예약하려고 3 학교의행사일정을확인하려고 4 선생님과의상담시간을정하려고 5 딸이학교에늦는다는것을알리려고 13. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에이어질여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 10. 다음을듣고, 남자에게일어난일을순서대로배열한것을고르시오. 1 No, he can t decide now. 2 He never likes baseball games. 3 Yes, how about going to a movie instead? 4 I might not be able to join your birthday party. 5 Yeah, he might like to see that new action movie. (A) 꽃차를마셨다. (B) 꽃사진을찍었다. (C) 열쇠고리를만들었다. 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B) - (C) - (A) 5 (C) - (B) - (A) 2 (B) - (A) - (C) 4 (C) - (A) - (B) 14. 다음을듣고, 주어진상황에서할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 You never disappoint me. 2 Thank you for saying that. 3 Excuse me, this is my floor. 4 This elevator is not working. 5 I m afraid I can t help you now. 11. 다음을듣고, 방송의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 안전수칙안내 2 주말의일기예보 3 새로운공연홍보 4 쇼일정취소안내 5 개장시간변경공지 15. 다음을듣고, 여자가주장하는내용으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Get a sense of what looks good on you. 2 Exercise everyday to stay healthy. 3 Listen to other people s opinions. 4 Study the latest fashion trends. 5 Follow a fashion leader. 8-2

서답형 1 대화를듣고, 빈칸에적절한말을한단어로쓰시오. 16. 다음글에서 red wolf 에대한내용으로언급되지않은것은? There are at least two species of wolves. The wolf we usually see in the zoo is a gray wolf. There is another kind of wolf, a red wolf. It has a brownish coat with black on its back. It gets its name because the backs of its ears, head, and legs often have reddish fur. Having a small body, the red wolf weighs around 20 kilograms on average. It hunts small animals such as rabbits and small deer. 1 털의색깔 2 이름의유래 3 몸무게 4 서식지 5 먹이 서답형 2 다음을듣고, 질문에대한답이되도록빈칸에적절한말을주어진철자로시작하여한단어로쓰시오. Question : What will people do for the community center s event? 17. 다음광고의내용과일치하지않는것은? They will p pictures on walls. 서답형 3 대화를듣고, 빈칸에적절한말을주어진철자로시작하여한단어로쓰시오. Sarah is worried because she was c to be the first performer in the school talent show. 이제듣기문제가모두끝났습니다. 선다형 16번부터는문제지의지시에따라답하기바랍니다. 1 섬의동식물사진을출품할수있다. 2 참가비를내야한다. 3 1등을하면 $ 500의상금을받는다. 4 7월 31일까지출품할수있다. 5 수상작품은박물관에전시될예정이다. 8-3

18. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? When you speak, sing, or shout, the sound of your voice moves through the air. The sound goes to other people, and they hear it. Sound moves very fast. How does sound move through the air? The air is made of billions of molecules. The molecules are very small, so you cannot see them. Your voice pushes the molecules. The molecules move like waves in the ocean. And the movements of the molecules are called sound waves. The sound waves from loud sounds go far. The sound waves from quiet sounds do not. 20. 댓글을쓴다섯사람중 James의의견에동의하는사람을모두고른것은? *molecule: 분자 1 What Is a Wave? 2 How Sound Moves 3 What Is Air Made of? 4 Why the Ocean Is Noisy 5 How to Control Your Voice 1 Chris, Ken 2 Chris, Sera 3 Ken, Edward 4 Chris, Sera, Tom 5 Ken, Edward, Tom 19. 다음글의내용에따라 (A) (C) 를일어난순서대로배열한것은? It was my first day in Seoul. In the morning, I visited a beautiful palace, Changdeokgung. I had booked the tour because the palace was accessible only on a guided tour. In the afternoon, I took a trip to Namdaemun Market. I visited a gift shop and bought some traditional Korean fans for my family. After dinner, I went to Cheonggyecheon for a walk. I enjoyed the amazing views of the city at night. (A) 청계천에서산책을했다. (B) 한국의전통부채를샀다. (C) 예약해두었던궁궐탐방을했다. 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 2 (B) - (A) - (C) 3 (B) - (C) - (A) 4 (C) - (A) - (B) 5 (C) - (B) - (A) 21. 다음글에서밑줄친말의의미로가장적절한것은? What are the differences between report and story, and how can a writer use them to his or her advantage? A writer needs to know the differences because readers read for two reasons : information and experience. Reports communicate information. Stories create experience. Reports transfer knowledge. Stories transport the reader, crossing boundaries of time, space, and imagination. The report points us there. The story puts us there. By combining story and report, a writer can speak to both our hearts and our heads. 1 지식을전달한다. 2 최신정보를제공한다. 3 간접경험을하게한다. 4 독서에흥미를갖게한다. 5 자신의장점을알게해준다. 8-4

22. 다음편지를쓴목적으로가장적절한것은? 24. 다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Dear Mayor, I am writing about a problem in this community. My dog Rocky is overweight. I live in an apartment. There is a park nearby, but dogs are not allowed. There is no field for Rocky to exercise in. Many dog owners in my community have the same problem. My goal is to help all dogs in this community. I believe a dog park would be a great way to keep dogs healthy. It would be a beautiful addition to our town, too. Thank you for your consideration on this important issue. I hope that you will be able to help. Kite making competitions are held every year around the world. People bring their own kites to be judged. Kites are evaluated on four characteristics. The highest score in each category is ten points. Flight measures how well the kite flies. The Visual category is a measure of how good the kite looks. Construction refers to how neatly and carefully the kite was made, and Structure is a measure of how strong the kite is. The table below shows the results of a 2014 competition. In this competition, the kite, Sea Horses won first prize. Top 3 Winners in the 2014 Kite Making Competition 1 주택부족문제를호소하기위해 2 친절한동물병원을소개하기위해 3 개를위한공원조성을제안하기위해 4 마을주변의환경파괴를신고하기위해 5 아파트주민간갈등해결을요구하기위해 Sincerely, Joy North Joy North Kite Category Sea Horses Night Train Penguin DJ Flight 7.1 6.9 4.3 Visual 7.2 6.6 5.2 Construction 7.1 6.3 5.9 Structure 7.0 6.4 6.0 Total 28.4 26.2 21.4 *kite: 연 1 연만들기대회는매년열린다. 2 네가지항목을평가한다. 3 각항목의만점은 10점이다. 4 Visual은연의견고성을평가하는항목이다. 5 Sea Horses 는모든항목에서최고점수를받았다. 23. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 25. 다음글에나타난글쓴이의주장으로가장적절한것은? Off the coast of Dubai, there are 300 man-made islands. Since the islands were arranged to look like a map, they were named The World. At one time, they were a success of engineering. Today, they can only be called a(n). The islands were designed for expensive homes and hotels. Millionaires were invited to buy islands named after countries. When they were first built, sand in the Gulf of Oman was moved to build the islands. Today, the islands are sinking into the sea. The builders did not expect the islands to slide into the sea. They are now disappearing. 1 plan 2 failure 3 empire 4 victory 5 universe We say we want our lives to be better. We wish and pray for change. But nothing changes. What are we doing wrong? Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about what is wrong with our lives. And then we wait for someone to give us the answer. Or we hope something outside of ourselves will magically happen in order for us to be happy and life to be good. We keep doing what we have always done, hoping for change. But, without action, nothing can ever change. If you want your life to be better, it s quite simple : Take action. 1 다른사람을배려해야한다. 2 남의조언을받아들여야한다. 3 자신의문제점을인정해야한다. 4 실행하기전에깊이생각해야한다. 5 변화를원한다면행동을취해야한다. 8-5

26. 다음 Chocolate Egg 만들기의내용과일치하지않는것은? How to Make a Chocolate Egg What you need : a balloon a piece of chocolate some string glue a pin a ribbon 28. 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? Items that have been stored in your house for more than a year are merely taking up space. They only make it more difficult to find the things you need. So what can you do with all those way too good to throw away items? There are many wonderful non-profit organizations that can provide a way to put those annoying items to good use. This will allow you the pleasure of knowing your unused items are going to be used. And that is pretty awesome. What to do : 1. Insert the chocolate into the balloon. 2. Blow the balloon up until it gets as big as an egg. 3. Mix the glue with water. Dip the string into the mixture. 4. Wrap the string around the balloon until the balloon is evenly covered. 5. Wait until the string is completely dry. 6. Remove the balloon using a pin. 7. Tie the ribbon around your chocolate egg. 1 쓰지않는물건은기부하는것이좋다. 2 집안공간을효율적으로활용해야한다. 3 물건을사기전에신중히고려해야한다. 4 비영리단체에서봉사하는것이필요하다. 5 물건을사용한후에는제자리에두어야한다. 1 풍선을불기전에초콜릿을넣는다. 2 풍선을달걀크기로분다. 3 물과풀을섞은후실을담근다. 4 풍선을실로고르게감싼다. 5 실이완전히마르기전에풍선을제거한다. 27. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? When an earthquake occurs under the ocean, it often moves a huge amount of water above it. This creates a fast-moving wave called a tsunami. Out at sea, the wave may be only a meter high., as it reaches shore, the wave can grow into a horrible giant. In 1960, Earth s largest recorded earthquake struck Chile. It produced tsunami waves up to 25 meters high along the coast. The 2011 Japan earthquake produced tsunami waves more than 10 meters high. The waves swept away buildings, cars, and roads. * earthquake : 지진 ** tsunami : 해일 1 However 2 Likewise 3 In addition 4 As a result 5 For example 29. 다음글의교훈으로가장적절한것은? There once was a king who was defeated in a battle. While he was taking shelter in a cave from his enemy, he saw a spider. It was trying to make a spider web. As it climbed up, a thread in its web broke and it fell down. But it did not give up. It tried to climb again and again. Finally, the spider successfully completed the web. The king thought, If a small spider can face failure so bravely, why should I give up? Then, he collected his soldiers and fought against his enemy again and again. Finally, he regained his kingdom. *spider web : 거미줄 1 겸손은최고의미덕이다. 2 상대방입장에서생각해야한다. 3 포기하지않고계속도전해야한다. 4 작은일에도감사하며살아야한다. 5 노력하는자는즐기는자를이길수없다. 8-6

30. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? Farming began a very long time ago. Before farming, people had to search for food to eat. They ate wild animals and plants. (A) So, people learned to farm. Animals and plants were kept on farms. People no longer had to move to find food. This allowed them to stay in one place. (B) In that place, they built villages. The towns were built close to rivers because the animals and plants needed water to keep growing. 32. 글의흐름으로보아전체내용과관계없는문장은? I suggest we put automatic hand dryers in our school bathrooms in order to save the earth. First, automatic hand dryers will help save the forest. 1By using automatic hand dryers, we can reduce the number of trees being cut down to make paper towels. 2Second, it will reduce the amount of waste at our school. 3When you recycle cans and bottles, make sure they are emptied. 4The less paper towels we throw out, the better it is for the environment. 5So let s put automatic hand dryers in our school and save the earth! (C) But, it was hard to find enough food. They had to travel a lot to find more food. This meant a lot of moving around. 1 (A) (C) (B) 3 (B) (C) (A) 5 (C) (B) (A) 2 (B) (A) (C) 4 (C) (A) (B) 31. 다음글에서 Morning Glory Pool이오염된이유로가장적절한것은? The Morning Glory Pool is a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park. It was named for its beautiful blue color which was similar to the color of the morning glory flower. This popular tourist attraction, however, has been polluted by visitors who threw coins into the pool. Each coin has blocked the small holes in the ground which give the pool its heat. The temperature of the hot spring dropped and different kinds of bacteria began working. It has created a red and yellow ring around the blue center. Good luck coins thrown into the hot spring have ruined one of nature s wonders. 1 강수량의감소로수위가낮아져서 2 주변에서날아온꽃가루가물에섞여서 3 봄철공원관광객의수가급격히늘어나서 4 관광객들이던진동전으로바닥의구멍이막혀서 5 이상고온으로인해박테리아수가갑자기증가해서 33. 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? This graph shows the result of a survey that asked students what color makes them feel happy. 1Blue makes the most students feel happy. 2 Yellow makes fewer students feel happy than purple. 3Green makes more students feel happy than red. 4Red doesn t make as many students feel happy as purple. 5Orange makes the fewest students feel happy. 8-7

34. 다음사진을묘사한블로그글에서밑줄친단어의쓰임이옳지않은것은? 서답형 5 다음글을읽고, 내용과일치하도록빈칸 (1) 과 (2) 에적절한말을본문에서찾아주어진철자로시작하여각각한단어로쓰시오. Reducing the amount of water and energy used in your house is the first step you can take for the environment. Little things can make a difference. Do not run water while brushing your teeth. Shorten your shower times. Replace old lights with energy-saving ones. Another simple way to reduce the use of energy is to turn off lights when you leave a room. Some houses even get their electricity from sun or wind power. These are all great ways to save the environment. I took this photo yesterday at the baseball stadium. A guard was talking to a girl with a 1 cap. He was showing her the way. He was wearing a uniform with 2 glasses. He looked gentle and nice. An interesting thing was that he was 3 sitting on a vehicle. It could go forward and backward. It had 4 two wheels. He was 5 holding the handle bar with one hand. Doesn t he look so cool? You can protect the (1) e by trying to (2) r the use of water and energy in your house. 서답형 6 다음은민지의일기이다. < 조건 > 에맞게일기의마지막문장을완성하시오. <조건> 그림의상황에맞게 doctor 라는단어를포함하여문장을완성할것 4 6 개의단어로문장을완성할것 서답형 4 다음글을읽고, 질문에대한답이되도록빈칸 (1) 과 (2) 에적절한말을본문에서찾아각각한단어로쓰시오. Tim just arrived on a flight from Chicago and he found that his baggage was missing. He needed to claim his lost baggage. He went to the Baggage Service Center to fill out a claim form. He was very upset because all of his clothes for a meeting that afternoon were in the lost bag. The Baggage Service Center apologized and arranged for him to get a new suit. That afternoon, he was able to go to his meeting wearing his new suit. Question : What did Tim do after finding that his baggage was lost? I went to a beach this afternoon with my friends, Nathan and Janet. The weather was so great that we swam a lot. But then I felt like I had a fever, so. He filled out the (1) to claim his lost baggage and he was able to go to his (2) in his new suit. 끝 8-8