Read at Home Level 2 : Poor Old Rabbit! 업그레이드된 Read at Home 활용법입니다. 기존에활용법에서보다자세하고구체적으로아이들에게이야기를쉽고재미있게들려주실수있는여러가지예문을추가하였습니다. 기본적인팁들을꼭기억하시고자세한활용법을함께사용해보세요. 책을읽으시기전에북커버에대해서설명, 또는질문을해보세요. : What is the title? : Can you read the title? 아이가못알아들을경우쉬운단어로천천히반복해주시고 Title 이라는단어의뜻과문장의의미를접할수있도록 Full sentence 로 : The title is Poor Old Rabbit. : The title of this book is Poor Old Rabbit. 제목을말한뒤, 이제그림에대해이야기해보세요. What, Where 를응용해서질문을해보세요. Kipper 나 Rabbit 을가리키면서 : Who is this? / This is Kipper 1
: What is this? / This is a rabbit. : What color is the tree? / It s green. 아이가단어로만대답한경우꼭문장으로한번더반복해주세요. 책을열면첫번째페이지에제목, 작가이름, 제목과연관이있는그림이나옵니다. 이페이지에서는이사물이무엇인지, 눈에보이는데로묘사할수있도록지도하시면 됩니다. : What is this? : It s a rabbit. /The rabbit is wearing a ribbon. /What color is the ribbon? /It s red. : The rabbit is dirty. / Why is the rabbit dirty? : Because the rabbit is old. 이런식으로하나의그림에서아이와함께질문하고이야기할내용이무궁무진합니다. 이것외에도사물이름, 색, 장소등여러가지방법으로응용해서질문해보세요. 본격적으로책을읽기전에아이와함께그림들을살펴보세요. < Page 5, 6, 7 > 이야기의발단이되는부분입니다. Floppy saw a toy rabbit. Poor old rabbit, said Floppy. Nobody wants it. 공원에있는모든아이들이재미있게놀고있는모습에대해서이야기해보시고 주인공들의이름을익힐수있도록질문을유도해보세요. : Where are they? / They are in the park. : What are they doing? / They are playing soccer. : What is Kipper doing? / He is playing soccer with Biff, Chip, and Wilma. : What about the girl behind them? / She is flying a kite. 2
배경에보이는사물이나엑스트라를이용하셔서질문을하셔도좋습니다. 그리고주인공인 Floppy 와 Rabbit 에대해서도질문해보세요. : Where is the Rabbit? / It s in the trash can. / It s in the bin. : Does anyone want this rabbit? / No, nobody wants it. : Who wants this rabbit? / Floppy wants this rabbit. < Page 8, 9, 10, 11 > Floppy took it to Kipper. Poor old rabbit, said Kipper. Kipper took it to Mum. 그림에등장하는주인공과장소에대해이야기해보세요. : What is Kipper doing? / He is holding a rabbit. : What is Mum doing? / She is opening the door. : What is Biff holding? / She is holding the ball. < Page 12, 13 > Look at this rabbit, said Kipper. Nobody wants it. 주인공들의이름이나장소등을응용해서줄거리와연관된내용을묻는질문해보세요. : What is Kipper doing? / He is holding a rabbit. : Where are they going? / They are going to Kipper s house. : What is Dad doing? / He is reading a newspaper. 3
< Page 14, 15 > Poor old rabbit, said Mum. Dad cleaned it up. 그림을통해서다음에일어날일을질문해보세요. 또그림에일어나는일들에대해서도질문해보세요. : Where are they? / They are in the kitchen. : What is Dad holding? / He is holding the powdered soap. : What is in Mum holding? / She is holding the old rabbit. : Where is the rabbit? / The rabbit is inside the washing machine. < Page 16, 17 > Kipper brushed it. Chip and Wilma mended it. 새로등장하는물건, 주인공의행동에대해서이야기해보세요. : What is Kipper doing? / He is brushing the rabbit. : What is on Kipper s hair? / A ladybug. : What is Chip doing? / He is sewing the rabbit. : What is Wilma doing? / She is holding the rabbit. 이런식으로같은문장을반복적으로사용하셔서아이들이문장에익숙해지도록하시고 새로운단어들도그림과매치시켜반복해주세요. < Page. 18, 19 > Everybody wanted it now. Oh no! 4
그림을가지고여려가지질문을해보세요. 더러워진토끼가어떻게변했는지, 친구들의반응은어떠한지등을물어보세요. : What is Kipper doing? / He is holding the rabbit. : How is the rabbit? / It s clean. / It looks new. : What happened to the rabbit? / Everyone wanted th rabbit. / They are pulling the rabbit. < Page 20 > Poor old rabbit, said Kipper. 스토리의결말부분입니다. 앞에서일어난일에대해서다시질문해보세요. : What happened? / The rabbit got hurt. : Why? / Because the children pulled the rabbit. Find the ladybird hidden in the picture. 각페이지그림어딘가에숨어있는무당벌레를찾아보세요. Think about the story. Why do you think somebody has put the rabbit in the bin? ( 당신은왜누군가가토끼인형을쓰레기통에버렸다고생각하나요?) ->I think somebody has put the rabbit in the bin because it was old. ( 전인형이낡았기때문에누군가가그것을쓰레기통에버렸다고생각해요.) Why isn t it always safe to take toys out of the bin in the park? ( 왜공원의쓰레기통에서장난감들을꺼내는것이항상안전하진않은걸까요?) ->To take toys out of the bin in the park isn t always safe because usually the toys are dirty. ( 공원의쓰레기통에서장난감들을꺼내는것은주로그장난감들은더럽기때문에항상안 5
전하진않아요.) Why did everybody want the rabbit at the end of the story? ( 왜이야기의끝부분에서모두가토끼인형을가지고싶어했을까요?) ->Everybody wanted the rabbit at end of the story because the rabbit looked new. ( 이야기의끝부분에서모두가토끼인형을가지고싶어한이유는그인형이새것처럼보 였기때문이에요.) What is your favorite toy? What would you do of it got old and torn? ( 당신이좋아하는장난감은무엇인가요? 만약그장난감이낡고찢어졌으면어떻게할건가 요?) -> 예 ) My favorite toy is Barbie doll. If it got old and torn I would try to make it look like a new one. ( 제가좋아하는장난감은바비인형이에요. 만약그장난감이낡고찢어졌으면전그것을새것처럼보이도록만들기위해노력할거에 요.) 6