2017 VBS Conference Workshop Descriptionc A TUNNEL FOR THE NEXT GENERATION 차세대돌파구를찾자 Sean Choi Associate Pastor/The World Mission Baptist Church, San

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2017 VBS Conference Workshop Descriptionc A TUNNEL FOR THE NEXT GENERATION 차세대돌파구를찾자 Sean Choi Associate Pastor/The World Mission Baptist Church, San Jose, CA 제가사역하고있는북가주의대부분의차세대사역의정체성을느낍니다. 아이들숫자가줄고, 교사가줄고, 러더가줄고. 하지만우리가분명히붙들어야할희망이있고약속이있습니다. 시대적인것도있겠지만어른세대가놓친부분이있습니다. 그리고끝까지교사로서, 리더로서, 부모로서, 교회로서실천해야할것을함께나누길원합니다. ALL NEW GAMES for VBS & Short-term Mission VBS 와단기선교를위한새로운게임 Derek Song Preschool Pastor/The Immanuel Presbyterian Church, San Jose, CA 하나님의말씀과게임을연결하여어린이들이쉽게말씀을배우고기억하는시간을갖고자합니다. 어린이들에게가장쉽게다가갈수있는게임이복음과함께할때에주님께서주시는귀한은혜와기쁨으로넘칠것입니다. 주님께서주신귀한게임툴을사용하여어린이들에게귀한복음을전하며하나님을기쁘시게해드리는우리의모습이되길소망합니다. BUILDING A PERSONAL OR CHURCH PUPPET MINISTRY 교회학교 / 단기선교를위한인형극 Pat Gardenhire Bethany Baptist Church of West Los Angeles, CA In this interactive, high energy workshop, participants will learn how to share God s Word with conviction and levity using puppets as witnessing tools for adults and children. CREATIVE BIBLE STORYTELLING 재미있게전달하는하나님말씀 Grace Yi Bethel Korean Church, Irvine, CA How is storytelling important in teaching the Bible? How do I tell a Bible story that will captivate my students?

We will dissect what a good Bible storytelling looks like and how you can implement simple things to make this a tool to teach God's Word. CREATIVE OBJECT LESSONS from Pastor Carlos 창의적이고재미있는 OBJECT 레슨아이디어 Carlos Chung Mathematics Teacher Sun Valley HS Deacon at Community Church on Holliston When delivering the word of God through storytelling, we must do so in the most vivid way possible so that these stories come to life for the young audience. This workshop sparks your inner creative mind and challenges you to think outside of the box. CHRISTIAN SEXUAL EDUCATION 교회학교어린이성교육의실제 Through 5 weeks of POP program, children will restore God s purpose of men and women and understand the God s value of family. CREATING CHAOS TO TEACH UNFORGETTABLE LESSONS 하나님말씀을다이나믹하게가르치는방법 Mark Schaufler Founder MST Ministries and Finish The Race Use the learning dynamics that work best with kids to teach key scriptural truths. They are modeled and explained here. HABITS OF AN EFFECTIVE CHILDREN S SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER 효과적인교회학교교사의역할 Kimberly Kim CM Pastor/TTOKamsa Home Mission Church, LA, CA Sunday mornings are extremely full from events planned, to leading worship, to busy schedules our Sundays are full. Most of those things are planned for and run extremely smooth. Some things happen that we would never expect. But there are two minutes during the morning that I believe, just might be some of the most important time, each and every week. And WE HAVE TO PLAN FOR THEM. HOW TO TEACH MEDIA 다음세대와스마트폰, 미디어다스리기 Chang Hee Cho

낮은울타리미주본부대표간사 / 한무리교회교육목사 어린이들에게는미디어의영향력이매우강력합니다. 어린이들에게미디어를분별할수있도록 잘가려쳐야합니다. 또한어린이의스마트폰중독, 게임중독, 음란물중독등미디어중독이점점 더심각해지고있습니다. 이강의를통해영화, 드라마, 게임등을기독교세계관으로어떻게분별하고정복할수있는지를 가르칩니다. 특별히이강의는특별히교회학교와가정에서어린이들의미디어중독을어떻게 다루고예방할수있는지를제시합니다. Effect of Media is powerful for children. We have to teach them how to discern the media. Media addiction such as smartphone, game, and porn addiction of children, are becoming serious. This lecture will teach how to discern and rule over the media such as movie, drama, games with Christian worldview. Especially, this lecture will guide how to handle and prevent media addiction of children at homes and Sunday Schools. IT S BIBLE TIME FOR YOUR PRESCHOOLERS 유아유치부를위한재미있는성경말씀 Kathy Vincent Founder of The Scripture Lady When should Bible literacy begin? De we have to wait for our kids to become readers or even older before they are expected to be familiar with the most common Bible stories? We don t think so. Becoming acquainted with the stories of the Bible can and should begin in preschool. The 2 keys to presenting Bible stories to preschoolers are creative forms of teaching and the use of great visuals. Take this workshop to learn how to engage your little ones with God s amazing Word. NEW WAYS TO STUDY THE BIBLE 새롭게생각해볼성경공부방법 Sean Choi Associate Pastor of The World Mission Baptist Church, San Jose, CA 매주일다가오는아이들과의분반공부시간. 분명변하지말아야하는원칙들이 있습니다. 그리고창의롭게계획해야하는부분들도있습니다. 그리고교사로서, 나도모르게 계속해서잘못된것을반복하는교수법의사각지대 (Blind-spot) 가있습니다. 원칙, 창의 ( 재미 ), 그리고실질적인목표에대해나누길원합니다. ORGANIZING THE ZOO: Planning and Preparing for Multiple Age Groups 연령에맞는그룹계획및준비 Michelle Fong First Baptist Church of Downey, Downey, CA

This workshop will explore how to plan, prepare and evaluate when you minister to multi age groups in a classroom. We will discover how to keep the attention of several age groups without losing them in the process. PARTNERING WITH PARENTS IN CHILDREN MINISTRY 부모와함께하는주일학교 Carolyn Kim Johns Creek Korean Church Raising up a generation of world changers requires more than just great programs for kids. Both parents and the church work together effectively to fulfill God's calling in their community, city, country and world. You will explore the responsibilities and calling of both the church and the home and look at practical ways you can work together to raise a godly generation. PLAY & LEARN: BIBLE ACTIVITIES FOR PRE-K 유아유치부를위한놀면서배우는성경말씀 Okhee Lee Child Evangelism Fellowship KOC 전도사 Education Director/Joomaum Church, LA, CA 놀면서배우는유아유치부의재미있는성경활동을만나보세요. 성경말씀을오랫동안기억할 수있고생활에서적용할수있는쉽고재미있고의미있는성경활동입니다. PRACTICLE TEACHING TIPS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS 교회학교교사들을위한실용적인팁 Okhee Lee Child Evangelism Fellowship KOC 전도사 Education Director/Joomaum Church, LA, CA 효과적인어린이들의신앙교육을위해서는어린이들의눈높이에맞는다양한교육방법이절대적으로필요하다. 전도와교육을위한다양한자료와방법들을통해재미있게배우며오랫동안기억에남아즐겁게하나님과동행하는삶을살아가도록이끌어주는효과적인방법들을제공해드릴것입니다. PRINCIPLE & NEW IDEA FOR SMALL GROUP 새롭게생각해보는분반공부방법 Sean Choi Associate Pastor/The World Mission Baptist Church, San Jose, CA

매주일다가오는아이들과의분반공부시간. 분명변하지말아야하는원칙들이있습니다. 그리고창의롭게계획해야하는부분들도있습니다. 그리고교사로서, 나도모르게계속해서잘못된것을반복하는교수법의사각지대 (Blind-spot) 가있습니다. 원칙, 창의 ( 재미 ), 그리고실질적인목표에대해나누길원합니다. SUNDAY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT FOR PRE-K 영유아유치부를위한교육전략 Chang Hee Cho 낮은울타리미주본부대표간사 / 한무리교회교육목사 영유아, 유치부어린이들의하나님과구원에대한인식은몇살부터가능할까요? 몇살부터예수님을영접할수있을까요? 이번강의를통해이질문들에대한답을가지고, 어릴때부터하나님을인식하고, 경험하며복음을받아들일수있는어린이로키우기위한교육전략을나눕니다. 또한 Human Development 관점과커뮤니케이션의관점에서영유아, 유치부어린이의이해및교육전략을나눕니다. 끝으로영유아, 유치부어린이를위한실제적인교육사례 (Case) 및컨텐츠를나누게됩니다. TEACH YOUR KIDS TO PRAY 어린이기도훈련 David Yeo Child Evangelism Fellowship KOC 미국어린이전도협회대표 하나님을가까이하라그리하면너희를가까이하시리라 ( 약 4:8) 하나님아버지께온전히순종하는사람이되기위해서는먼저하나님께가까이나아가야한다. 하나님과친밀함을유지하며하나님의자녀만이누릴수있는특권과하나님의능력을힘입어승리의삶을살아가는길은오직기도뿐이다. 어린이들에게기도의방법과기도의능력, 기도응답의축복을누리며멋진승리자의삶을살아가도록옳바른기도에대해알기쉽게가르치는방법을제공해드릴것이다. TEACHING SUNDAY SCHOOL: A WONDERFUL CALLING 교사로서하나님의부르심 Leaders will learn how to guide teachers to find their calling. Seminar will cover Lesson preparation, creativity in the classroom, building a relationship with children, leading a child to a faith decision, and discipline in the classroom.

TOP 10 RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN MINISTRY 교회학교리더를위한 10 가지자료소개 You can learn and implant those top 10 programs in your ministry. Kids DT, POP, Answer s In Genesis, Christmas Musical, Kids EE, AWANA, See you at the Pole, Bible Memory Contest, PTA involvement, Training for teachers. UTILIZING CHILDREN IN DRAMA 드라마를이용한어린이신앙교육 Mark Schaufler Founder MST Ministries and Finish The Race Helping children to remember the key lessons through drama and involving them in it. VBS HELP WANTED: How to Recruit and Retain Volunteers 확실한봉사팀만들기 Do you have a difficult time finding people to help serve in your ministry? Or do you find that turnover is pretty high and volunteers don't stay as long as you'd like? Or perhaps they are not showing the level of commitment you would like to see? These are but a few of the issues we will tackle in this workshop, as we evaluate the anatomy of a volunteer, how to best recruit them and also retain them for the longterm. 5 TIPS TO CAPTIVATE KID S ATTENTION 아이들이관심을사로잡는 5 가지요령 Kimberly Kim CM Pastor/TTOKamsa Home Mission Church, LA, CA If you're the parent of a child, or teacher of a child, who regularly loses focus during class, or when faced with a challenging task, the following are some tips and strategies that can help increase attention span and improve overall task performance. CREATING CHAOS TO TEACH UNFORGETTABLE LESSONS 하나님말씀을다이나믹하게가르치는방법 Mark Schaufler Founder MST Ministries and Finish The Race Use the learning dynamics that work best with kids to teach key scriptural truths. They are modeled and explained here.