ㅅ Yoon s BEFL Note 윤선생중학영어 1학년 5권의 BEFL NOTE 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL NOTE 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. 윤선생중학영어 1

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~


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Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 10 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.




55호 1면

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Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Go Go Reading의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon


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Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.


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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior


E F G H Contents The Elephant and the Eskimo The Flamingo and the Frog The Greyhound and the Grasshopper The Horse and the Hippo Review EFGH

Yoon s BEFL Note The Science Fair (YEE 6) Book 1 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1

_KF_Bulletin webcopy

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

Just Grammar Starter Level 3-º»¹®.PDF


2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628



1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and


ㅅ Yoon s BEFL Note 윤선생중학영어 1학년 5권의 BEFL NOTE 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL NOTE 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. 윤선생중학영어 1 학년 Book 5 Dictation 은 스마트베플리 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1

Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표명령문을말할수있고, 여러사물을비교하여말할수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을 자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2

윤선생중학영어 1 학년 Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 동물원 zoo 가까이에 nearby 한구획 block 돌다 turn 1A 오른쪽으로 계속하다 right keep 왼쪽으로 left 똑바로 straight 앞쪽에 ahead ~ 할때까지 until 도착하다 reach 옳은 correct 언급하다 mention 광장 plaza 1B 다리 버스정류장 bridge bus stop 내리다 get off 병원 hospital 시청 City Hall 기차 train 3

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 귀여운 cute 원숭이 monkey 우리 cage 표지판 sign 2A 놀라게하다 먹이다 scare feed 단것 sweets 비스킷 자동판매기 쓰레기 biscuit vending machine litter 코끼리 elephant 가까운 close 만지다 touch 위험한 dangerous 2B 염소 새끼양 goat lamb 규칙 rule 주의깊은 careful 횡단보도 crosswalk 쓰레기 garbage 4

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 더많은 more ~ 보다 than 백만 million 3A 더큰 반면에 더작은 bigger on the other hand smaller 곤충 insect 개미 ant 지구 earth ~ 없이 without 현미경 microscope 더빠른 faster 더쉬운 easier 더무거운 heavier 3B 더두꺼운 더더운 thicker hotter 내것 mine 과일 fruit 백 hundred 더좋은 better 5

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 기린 giraffe 넓은 wide 평원 plain 아프리카 Africa 4A 아카시아 닿다 acacia reach 부드러운 soft ~ 의위에 on top of 튼튼한 tough 혀 tongue 가시 thorn 청력 hearing 소음 noise 멀리 far away 4B 보호하다 적 protect enemy 비누 soap 퍼즐 puzzle 시험해보다 give it a try 십자말풀이 crossword 6

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 빵 bread 주스 juice 5A 앉다핫초콜릿씻다달걀 have a seat hot chocolate wash egg 생각 idea 노란색의 yellow 창문 window 바닥 floor 열쇠 key 주머니 pocket 남편 husband 딸 daughter 5B 나이 부엌 age kitchen 거실 living room 목마른 thirsty 베개 pillow 그네 swing 7

Book 5 Unit 1 How Do I Get to the Zoo? 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 zoo 동물원 11 똑바로 straight 2 nearby 가까이에 12 오른쪽으로 right 3 block 한구획 13 동물원 zoo 4 turn 돌다 14 가까이에 nearby 5 right 오른쪽으로 15 왼쪽으로 left 6 keep 계속하다 16 ~ 할때까지 until 7 left 왼쪽으로 17 앞쪽에 ahead 8 straight 똑바로 18 돌다 turn 9 ahead 앞쪽에 19 계속하다 keep 10 until ~ 할때까지 20 한구획 block 20 개중 개정답 8

Key Points 1. 명령문명령문은 ~ 해라 라는의미로, 명령을할때사용한다. 문장은동사원형으로시작하고주어를사용하지않는다. please를사용하면조금더공손한의미가된다. please는주로문장맨앞이나뒤에온다. Study hard. ( 열심히공부해라.) Please go with me. = Go with me, please. ( 나와함께가세요.) 2. 부정명령문부정명령문은 ~ 하지말아라 라는뜻으로, Don t + 동사원형 의형태로나타낸다. Don t be late. ( 늦지말아라.) Don t touch the wall, please. ( 벽을만지지마세요.) Let s Practice < 보기 > 와같이, 부정문은긍정문으로, 긍정문은부정문으로고쳐쓰세요. < 보기 1> Turn left, please. Don t turn left, please. < 보기 2> Don t turn right. Turn right. 1 Eat some snacks between meals. Don't eat some snacks between meals. 2 Please start right now. Please don't start right now. 3 Don t go further. Go further. 4 Keep working on the project. Don't keep working on the project. 5 Don t sleep here, please. Sleep here, please. 6 Don t read the book. Read the book. 9

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 거기에어떻게가나요?. How do I get there? 2. 당신은놓치지않을거에요. Don't forget your homework. You can t miss it. 3. 정확합니다. Are you That s correct. 4. 정말고맙습니다. The movie starts at two o'clock. Thank you very much. 5. 실례합니다, 선생님. Where is my umbrella? Excuse me, sir. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Is there a zoo nearby? 2. First, walk down this street for two blocks and turn right. 3. Then keep walking, and you will see a park. 4. Turn left and keep walking. 5. You will see the zoo straight ahead. 선생님확인 10

Book 5 Unit 1 How Do I Get to the Zoo? 1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 get off 내리다 11 도착하다 reach 2 City Hall 시청 12 옳은 correct 3 bridge 다리 13 언급하다 mention 4 train 기차 14 광장 plaza 5 reach 도착하다 15 다리 bridge 6 hospital 병원 16 버스정류장 bus stop 7 bus stop 버스정류장 17 내리다 get off 8 plaza 광장 18 병원 hospital 9 mention 언급하다 19 시청 City Hall 10 correct 옳은 20 기차 train 20 개중 개정답 11

Key Points 1. 명령문, and ~ 명령문, and ~ 는 ~ 해라, 그러면 ~ 할것이다. 라는의미이다. If you + 명령문부분, and 이후부분. 으로고쳐쓸수있다. Study hard, and you ll get a good score. = If you study hard, you ll get a good score. ( 열심히공부해라, 그러면좋은점수를받을것이다.) 2. 명령문, or ~ 명령문, or ~ 는 ~ 해라, 그렇지않으면 ~ 할것이다. 라는의미이다. If you don t + 명령문부분, or 이후부분. 으로고쳐쓸수있다. Get up early, or you will be late. = If you don t get up early, you will be late. ( 일찍일어나라, 그렇지않으면너는늦을것이다.) Let s Practice 다음빈칸에 and 나 or 를넣어문장을완성하고, 아래에는우리말뜻을써보세요. 1. Keep walking, and you will see a park. 계속걸어라, 그러면너는공원을볼것이다. 2. Go straight ahead, and you ll find it on your left. 앞으로쭉가라, 그러면그곳은너의왼편에있을것이다. 3. Start right now, or you ll miss the bus. 지금출발해라, 그렇지않으면너는버스를노칠것이다. 4. Study hard, or you ll fail the test. 열심히공부해라, 그렇지않으면시험에실패할것이다. 12

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 왼쪽으로돌아서계속걸어가라. Where are my pants? Turn left and keep walking. 2. 근처에동물원이있니? between the beds. Is there a zoo nearby? 3. 이길을두블록걸어내려가서오른쪽으로돌아라. Where is my backpack? Walk down this street for two blocks and turn right. 4. 버스정류장은어디에있나요? It's on the desk. Where is the bus stop? 5. 너는동물원을바로앞쪽에서보게될것이다. It looks like rain. You will see the zoo straight ahead. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. How can I get to the library? 2. Go straight ahead, and you'll find it on your left. 3. Get up early or you'll miss the first train. 4. Tony kept reading all day long. 5. She reached Busan at 8:35. 선생님확인 13

Book 5 Unit 2 At the Zoo 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cute 귀여운 11 먹이다 feed 2 monkey 원숭이 12 단것 sweets 3 cage 우리 13 쓰레기 litter 4 sign 표지판 14 자동판매기 vending machine 5 scare 놀라게하다 15 비스킷 biscuit 6 feed 먹이다 16 우리 cage 7 sweets 단것 17 귀여운 cute 8 biscuit 비스킷 18 표지판 sign 9 vending machine 자동판매기 19 원숭이 monkey 10 litter 쓰레기 20 놀라게하다 scare 20 개중 개정답 14

Key Points 수여동사 give( 주다 ), send( 보내다 ), make( 만들어주다 ), buy( 사주다 ), lend( 빌려주다 ), write( 써주다 ), teach( 가르쳐주다 ) 등의동사와같이 ~ 에게 ~ 을해주다 라는의미를내포하고있는동사들을수여동사라한다. 수여동사는 ~ 에게 에해당하는간접목적어와 ~ 을 에해당하는직접목적어를필요로한다. Children give their parents flowers. ( 아이들은그들의부모에게꽃을드린다.) 수여동사 + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어 She brought me a cup of tea. ( 그녀는나에게차를한잔가져다주었다.) Let s Practice 괄호안의단어를문장순서에알맞게배열하고, 아래에는우리말뜻을써보세요. 1. (She, give, will, the book, me) She will give me the book. 우리말 : 그녀는나에게그책을줄것이다. 2. (made, My aunt, delicious food, us) My aunt made us delicious food. 우리말 : 숙모는우리에게맛있는음식을만들어주셨다. 3. (should, I, send, my friends, an e-mail) I should send my friends an e-mail. 우리말 : 나는내친구들에게전자우편을보내야한다. 4. (teaches, well, He, English, us) He teaches us English well. 우리말 : 그는우리에게영어를잘가르쳐준다. 15

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 저기에동물비스킷자동판매기가있어.. There is an animal biscuit vending machine over there. 2. 조심해! Let's share my dictionary. Be careful. 3. 너무가까이가지말아라! -. Don't get too close! 4. 나는그것들을만지고싶어.. I want to touch them. 5. 우리는여전히동물들과즐거운시간을보낼수있다.. We can still have fun with the animals. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Oh, look at those cute monkeys! 2. Don't bang on the cage, Jina. 3. You will scare the monkeys. 4. Let's give them some cookies. 5. Don't feed sweets to the animals. 선생님확인 16

Book 5 Unit 2 At the Zoo 2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 rule 규칙 11 코끼리 elephant 2 careful 주의깊은 12 가까운 close 3 crosswalk 횡단보도 13 만지다 touch 4 garbage 쓰레기 14 위험한 dangerous 5 lamb 새끼양 15 염소 goat 6 elephant 코끼리 16 새끼양 lamb 7 dangerous 위험한 17 규칙 rule 8 touch 만지다 18 주의깊은 careful 9 goat 염소 19 횡단보도 crosswalk 10 close 가까운 20 쓰레기 garbage 20 개중 개정답 17

Key Points 인칭대명사명사가문장안에서주어, 목적어역할을하는것과마찬가지로, 대명사도주어와목적어역할을한다. 명사는주어와목적어로쓰일때모양이같지만, 대명사는주어로쓰이는지목적어로쓰이는지에따라, 모양이달라진다. 구분 1 인칭 2 인칭 3 인칭 주격 I we you he she it they 목적격 me us you him her it them 주로주격은 ~ 은 / 는 / 이 / 가, 목적격은 ~ 을 / 를 을붙여우리말로해석한다. 주격 : We are leaving tomorrow. ( 우리는내일떠날거야.) 목적격 : The cook will help you. ( 그요리사가너를도와줄거야.) Let s Practice 다음빈칸에가장알맞은대명사를고르세요. 1. Our daughter wants to be a teacher. can be a good teacher. a We b He c She d They 2. I am very strong. However, the cloud can cover. a I b me c he d him 3. The dogs bark at people. also dig in the ground. a I b You c He d They 4. You are very strong. Will marry our daughter? a you b he c she d it 5. The tigers are strong. Choose one of. a us b you c it d them 18

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 동물들에게단것을먹이지말아라. I moved here two days ago. Don't feed sweets to the animals. 2. 저귀여운원숭이들을봐! Where are you from Look at those cute monkeys! 3. 우리는여기에쓰레기를버리면안된다. I'm from Mexico. We must not litter here. 4. 너는원숭이들을놀라게할것이다. When did you come here? You will scare the monkeys. 5. 그녀는그에게약간의돈을주었다. I came here three years ago. She gave him some money. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. There is an animal biscuit vending machine over there. 2. Don't get too close! 3. We must not camp here. 4. Let's sit on the grass. 5. We have to follow the rules. 선생님확인 19

Book 5 Unit 3 There Are Many Kinds of Animals 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 more 더많은 11 곤충 insect 2 than ~ 보다 12 더많은 more 3 million 백만 13 더작은 smaller 4 bigger 더큰 14 개미 ant 5 on the other hand 반면에 15 ~ 없이 without 6 smaller 더작은 16 지구 earth 7 insect 곤충 17 백만 million 8 ant 개미 18 반면에 on the other hand 9 earth 지구 19 더큰 bigger 10 without ~ 없이 20 ~ 보다 than 20 개중 개정답 20

Key Points 1. 형용사의비교급 : 두대상을비교할때, 비교급을사용할수있다. 비교급을만드는 방법은아래와같다. 비교급다음에는 than + 비교대상 이온다. 구분 비교급만드는방법 예 1음절단어 -er을붙임 tall taller 단모음 + 단자음 으로끝나는끝자음을한번더쓰고 1음절단어 -er을붙임 hot hotter -y로끝나는단어 y를 i로바꾸고 -er을붙임 easy easier 2음절이상의단어 단어앞에 more를사용 famous more famous A calculator is faster than an abacus. ( 계산기는주판보다빠르다.) English is easier than Math to me. ( 나에게는영어가수학보다쉽다.) 2. 비교급의강조 : 비교급을강조할때는 훨씬 이라는의미의 much, a lot, far 등을, 약간 이라는의미의 a little bit 등을쓴다. very는사용하지않는다. A tiger is much stronger than a mouse. ( 호랑이가쥐보다훨씬더강하다.) Let s Practice 밑줄친부분중틀린것을찾아, 알맞게고치세요. 1. My father ais boldder cthan dmy teacher. older 2. athe doll is bprettier cthen dthe teddy bear. than 3. The boy ais bmore clazier dthan a cow. 삭제 4. This flower ais ba little bit cexpensiver than dthat plant. more expensive 5. athe United States is bvery cbigger dthan France. much, far, even, still, a lot 중하나로 21

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 지구상에는많은다른종류의곤충들이있다. What grade are you in? There are many different kinds of insects on earth. 2. 코끼리는곰보다더크다. I'm in the sixth grade. An elephant is bigger than a bear. 3. 우리는현미경없이그것들을볼수없어. What grade is Jenny in? We can t see them without a microscope. 4. 어떤동물들은매우크다. She is in the sixth grade. Some animals are very big. 5. 맞아. Here comes the bus. That s right. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. James, how many different kinds of animals are there? 2. Well, there are more than a million. 3. On the other hand, some animals are smaller than ants. 4. Insects are also animals. 5. Many of them are very small. 선생님확인 22

Book 5 Unit 3 There Are Many Kinds of Animals 3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 hundred 백 11 현미경 microscope 2 better 더좋은 12 더빠른 faster 3 thicker 더두꺼운 13 더쉬운 easier 4 faster 더빠른 14 더무거운 heavier 5 heavier 더무거운 15 더두꺼운 thicker 6 easier 더쉬운 16 더더운 hotter 7 microscope 현미경 17 내것 mine 8 mine 내것 18 과일 fruit 9 fruit 과일 19 백 hundred 10 hotter 더더운 20 더좋은 better 20 개중 개정답 23

Key Points 불특정다수를가리키는 some과 other - some( 몇몇, 어떤 ) 과 other( 다른 ) 뒤에는복수명사를쓴다. Some animals are smaller than ants. ( 어떤동물들은개미보다작다.) Other animals are similar to ants. ( 다른동물들은개미와비슷하다.) - other는주로앞부분에서 some이먼저사용된경우짝을이루어사용된다. Some animals use shapes for camouflage, and other animals use colors. ( 어떤동물들은위장을위해형태를사용하고, 다른동물들은색을사용한다.) - the other는 some에해당하는부분을제외한나머지모두를가리킬때사용한다. Some students in my class walk to school. The other students go to school by bus. ( 우리반에서어떤학생들은걸어서학교에간다. 나머지다른학생들은 Let s Practice 다음빈칸에 some, other, the other 중알맞은하나를써넣으세요. 1. I learn many kinds of subjects at school. Some subjects are interesting. 2. There are four colors in the Korean flag. One is white. The other colors are black, red, and blue. 3. Some countries are in Europe. Other countries lie in Asia. 4. Some animals have four legs. Other animals have two legs. 5. There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two. The other seasons are fall and winter. 6. Some people eat breakfast. The other people don t eat breakfast. 24

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 얼마나많은다른종류의동물들이있니? You're on time. How many different kinds of animals are there? 2. 이상자는무겁다. I'm not late today. This box is heavy. 3. 어떤동물들은개미보다더작다. Why were you absent? Some animals are smaller than ants. 4. 백만이상이있다.. There are more than a million. 5. 나는백권이상의책을가지고있다. Why was Da- late? I have more than a hundred books. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I think that your apple is bigger than mine. 2. You can't enter the theater without a ticket. 3. There are many different kinds of fruit in the world. 4. I have more than a hundred books. 5. Which is easier for Inho, Korean or English? 선생님확인 25

Book 5 Unit 4 Giraffes Are the Tallest Animals 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 giraffe 기린 11 ~ 의위에 on top of 2 wide 넓은 12 아카시아 acacia 3 plain 평원 13 닿다 reach 4 Africa 아프리카 14 부드러운 soft 5 acacia 아카시아 15 튼튼한 tough 6 reach 닿다 16 기린 giraffe 7 soft 부드러운 17 평원 plain 8 on top of ~ 의위에 18 넓은 wide 9 tough 튼튼한 19 혀 tongue 10 tongue 혀 20 아프리카 Africa 26 20 개중 개정답

Key Points 형용사의최상급 ( 규칙 ) 최상급은셋이상의사람이나사물을비교할때사용하고, 보통최상급앞에 the 가 붙는다. 가장 ~ 한 이라는의미를가진다. 최상급만드는방법은아래와같다. 구분최상급만드는방법예 1 음절단어 -est 를붙임 tall tallest 단모음 + 단자음 으로끝나는 1 음절단어 끝자음을한번더쓰고 -est 를붙임 hot hottest -y로끝나는단어 y를 i로바꾸고 -est를붙임 easy easiest 2음절이상의단어 단어앞에 most를사용 famous most famous He is the tallest person in my family. ( 그는우리가족중에서가장키가크다.) 형용사의최상급뒤에명사가나올때, 명사가앞에서제시되어있어언급하지 않아도서로알고있는경우생략하기도한다. He is the tallest in my family. ( 그는우리가족중에서가장키가크다.) Let s Practice 다음빈칸에 the + 최상급 표현을써서문장을완성하세요. 1. What an old house! It s the oldest house in this town. 2. Dave is a careful driver. He is the most careful driver I ve seen. 3. Jupiter is a very big planet. It is the biggest in our solar system. 4. The Nile is a very long river. It is the longest river in Africa. 5. Giraffes are very tall animals. They are the tallest animals on earth. 6. The girl was very pretty. She was the prettiest girl in my class. 27

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 그들은스스로를그들의적으로부터보호하기위해조심해야한다. We have a new friend here. They must be careful to protect themselves from their enemies. 2. 그들은멀리떨어진곳의가장작은소리를들을수있다. Where did you live in Canada? They can hear the softest noises from far away. 3. 기린들은매우좋은청력을가지고있다. Where did you live in America? Giraffes have very good hearing. 4. 아카시아의가시가그들을다치게하지않는다. I lived in San Francisco. The thorns of acacias don t hurt them. 5. 기린들은튼튼한혀와입술을가지고있다. Isn't London in the north? Giraffes have tough tongues and lips. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Giraffes live in the wide plains of Africa. 2. They are the tallest animals on earth. 3. They also have the longest necks. 4. They are almost 2 meters long. 5. Giraffes eat leaves from trees such as acacias. 선생님확인 28

Book 5 Unit 4 Giraffes Are the Tallest Animals 4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 crossword 십자말풀이 11 가시 thorn 2 puzzle 퍼즐 12 청력 hearing 3 give it a try 시험해보다 13 소음 noise 4 soap 비누 14 멀리 far away 5 far away 멀리 15 보호하다 protect 6 noise 소음 16 적 enemy 7 hearing 청력 17 비누 soap 8 protect 보호하다 18 퍼즐 puzzle 9 thorn 가시 19 시험해보다 give it a try 10 enemy 적 20 십자말풀이 crossword 20 개중 개정답 29

Key Points 일반명사의분류 1. 일반명사는사람이나사물의이름을말하고보통명사, 고유명사등이있다. - 보통명사 : 가장일반적인형태로사물의이름을말한다. Giraffes eat leaves from trees. ( 기린은나무의잎들을먹는다.) - 고유명사 : 사람이나지명이름과같이고유한명사를말한다. 고유명사의첫글자는항상대문자로쓴다 Giraffes live in the wide plains of Africa. ( 기린은아프리카넓은평원에서산다.) 2. 보통명사는다시셀수있는명사와셀수없는명사 ( 물질명사, 추상명사 ) 로나뉜다. 셀수없는명사는복수형을쓸수없다. - 물질명사 : 액체, 기체, 고체나자연현상과같이셀수없는명사이다. I need some water. ( 나는약간의물이필요하다.) - 추상명사 : 눈에보이거나손으로만져지지않는추상적인개념을말한다. I have a lot of information. ( 나는많은정보를가지고있다.) Let s Practice 다음문장에서일반명사를찾아밑줄을긋고, 명사가고유명사이면고, 물질명사이면물, 추상명사이면추라고표시하세요. ( 한문장에여러개의명사가있을수있습니다.) 1. Ann has a lot of homework. 고추 2. I live in Busan, Korea. 고고 3. The air is clean here. 물 4. He teaches history and mathematics. 추추 30

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 그들은또한가장긴목을가지고있다. Math is difficult. They also have the longest necks. 2. 기린들은아프리카의넓은평원에산다. I'm not good at calculating. Giraffes live in the wide plains of Africa. 3. 기린들은아카시아와같은나무로부터잎을먹는다. Who's your favorite scientist? Giraffes eat leaves from trees such as acacias. 4. 너는내가십자말퍼즐푸는것을도와줄수있니? My favorite scientist is Thomas Edison. Can you help me with this crossword puzzle? 5. 그들은지구에서가장큰동물들이다. Who's your favorite artist? They are the tallest animals on earth. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Giraffes have very good hearing. 2. They can hear the softest noises from far away. 3. She wears sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun. 4. They must take care of themselves. 5. Russia is the biggest country in the world. 선생님확인 31

Book 5 Review 5A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 bread 빵 11 창문 window 2 juice 주스 12 생각 idea 3 have a seat 앉다 13 바닥 floor 4 hot chocolate 핫초콜릿 14 달걀 egg 5 wash 씻다 15 노란색의 yellow 6 egg 달걀 16 주스 juice 7 idea 생각 17 빵 bread 8 yellow 노란색의 18 핫초콜릿 hot chocolate 9 window 창문 19 앉다 have a seat 10 floor 바닥 20 씻다 wash 20 개중 개정답 32

Key Points 1. Can you ~ 도움을요청하는표현으로 Can you + 동사원형 ~? 이있다. 여기서의 can은가능의의미가아니라 ~ 해줄수있니? 라는뜻이다. Can you help me with my homework? ( 내숙제좀도와줄수있니?) 더공손한표현으로 Could/Would you + 동사원형 ~? 등이있다. 여기서 could와 would는 can과 will의과거형이아니다. Could you open the door, please? ( 문좀열어주실래요?) Would you pass me the salt? ( 소금좀건네주실수있나요?) 2. 요청에대한응답제안을수락하는응답으로는 No problem.( 좋아요.), Sure.( 좋아.), OK.( 좋아.) 등이있고, 거절할때는 I m afraid, but I can t.( 유감스럽지만, 안되겠어.), I m sorry, but I can t.( 미안하지만, 안되겠어.) 등을사용할수있다. Let s Practice 다음문장을주어진단어를사용한문장으로바꾸고, 우리말뜻을써보세요. 1. Can you turn off the radio? Would you turn off the radio? 우리말 : 라디오좀꺼주실래요? 2. Can you wait a moment, please? Could you wait a moment, please? 우리말 : 잠시만기다려주실래요? 33

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 나는공원에도착할때까지계속쭉걸어요. We have a new friend here. I keep going straight until I reach the park. 2. 저기코끼리들을봐. Where did you live in Canada? Look at the elephants over there. 3. 고래한마리는코끼리 30 마리보다더클수도있다. Where did you live in America? A whale can be bigger than 30 elephants. 4. 그들은키가약 5.5 미터까지될수있다. I lived in San Francisco. They can be about 5.5 meters tall. 5. 넌염소, 새끼양, 그리고토끼를만질수있어. Isn't London in the north? You can touch the goats, the lambs, and the rabbits. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Put your hands in your pockets. 2. Work hard, and you will pass the test. 3. She showed us magic tricks. 4. Harry is younger than Alice. 5. A rocket is the fastest of all. 선생님확인 34

Book 5 Review 5B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 kitchen 부엌 11 열쇠 key 2 age 나이 12 주머니 pocket 3 swing 그네 13 남편 husband 4 thirsty 목마른 14 딸 daughter 5 pillow 베개 15 나이 age 6 pocket 주머니 16 부엌 kitchen 7 husband 남편 17 거실 living room 8 key 열쇠 18 목마른 thirsty 9 daughter 딸 19 베개 pillow 10 living room 거실 20 그네 swing 35 20 개중 개정답

Key Points 1. every, all every와 all은 모든 이라는의미로뜻이같다. 그러나 every + 단수명사, all + 복수명사 로사용법은다르다. Every student in my class likes English. ( 우리반모든학생은영어를좋아한다.) = All the students in my class like English. 2. every day, all day every day는 모든날 이라는의미로여러날을가리키고, all day는 하루종일 이라는의미로하루를가리킨다. I watched TV every day. ( 나는매일 TV를봤다.) I watched TV all day. ( 나는하루종일 TV를봤다.) * everyone은 모든사람 이란의미이지만, 단수로사용한다. Everyone is a part of the economy. ( 모든사람은경제의한부분이다.) Let s Practice 다음괄호안에서알맞은것을고르세요. 1. It was raining yesterday, so I wrote letters (every, all) day. 2. Everyone (are, is) friendly here. 3. I have been to (every, all) the libraries in this area. 4. Everyone (need, needs) friends. 36

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 너의손을너의주머니에넣어라. Math is difficult. Put your hands in your pockets. 2. 그녀는우리에게마술속임수를보여주었다. I'm not good at calculating. She showed us magic tricks. 3. 해리 (Harry) 는앨리스 (Alice) 보다더어리다. Who's your favorite scientist? Harry is younger than Alice. 4. 로켓은모든것중에서가장빠르다. My favorite scientist is Thomas Edison. A rocket is the fastest of all. 5. 열심히공부해라, 그러면시험에붙을것이다. Who's your favorite artist? Work hard, and you will pass the test. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am looking for the museum. 2. Oh, no! You have to go the other way. 3. Don't pour too much pancake mix. 4. Will you do me a favor? 5. How many classes do you have on Friday? 선생님확인 37

BEFLY Speaking 유형 발표하기 출처 p. 49 힌트 fastest of the three 모범답안 Susan is the fastest of the three. Bob is faster than Tim. Tim is the slowest of the three. 38

BEFLY Writing 유형 그림의세부묘사완성하기 출처 p. 18 힌트 Don't ~ (1) 'Don't stand against the doors.' 모범답안 (2) 'It's for disabled people.' (3) 'Don't take pictures here.' 39

Yoon s BEFL Note 윤선생중학영어 1 학년 Book 5 40

Book 5 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표명령문을말할수있고, 여러사물을비교하여말할수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을 자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 41

윤선생중학영어 1 학년 Book 5 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 동물원 zoo 가까이에 nearby 한구획 block 돌다 turn 1A 오른쪽으로 계속하다 right keep 왼쪽으로 left 똑바로 straight 앞쪽에 ahead ~ 할때까지 until 도착하다 reach 옳은 correct 언급하다 mention 광장 plaza 1B 다리 버스정류장 bridge bus stop 내리다 get off 병원 hospital 시청 City Hall 기차 train 42

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 귀여운 cute 원숭이 monkey 우리 cage 표지판 sign 2A 놀라게하다 먹이다 scare feed 단것 sweets 비스킷 자동판매기 쓰레기 biscuit vending machine litter 코끼리 elephant 가까운 close 만지다 touch 위험한 dangerous 2B 염소 새끼양 goat lamb 규칙 rule 주의깊은 careful 횡단보도 crosswalk 쓰레기 garbage 43

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 더많은 more ~ 보다 than 백만 million 3A 더큰 반면에 더작은 bigger on the other hand smaller 곤충 insect 개미 ant 지구 earth ~ 없이 without 현미경 microscope 더빠른 faster 더쉬운 easier 더무거운 heavier 3B 더두꺼운 더더운 thicker hotter 내것 mine 과일 fruit 백 hundred 더좋은 better 44

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 기린 giraffe 넓은 wide 평원 plain 아프리카 Africa 4A 아카시아 닿다 acacia reach 부드러운 soft ~ 의위에 on top of 튼튼한 tough 혀 tongue 가시 thorn 청력 hearing 소음 noise 멀리 far away 4B 보호하다 적 protect enemy 비누 soap 퍼즐 puzzle 시험해보다 give it a try 십자말풀이 crossword 45

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 빵 bread 주스 juice 5A 앉다핫초콜릿씻다달걀 have a seat hot chocolate wash egg 생각 idea 노란색의 yellow 창문 window 바닥 floor 열쇠 key 주머니 pocket 남편 husband 딸 daughter 5B 나이 부엌 age kitchen 거실 living room 목마른 thirsty 베개 pillow 그네 swing 46

Book 5 Unit 1 How Do I Get to the Zoo? 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 zoo 동물원 11 똑바로 straight 2 nearby 가까이에 12 오른쪽으로 right 3 block 한구획 13 동물원 zoo 4 turn 돌다 14 가까이에 nearby 5 right 오른쪽으로 15 왼쪽으로 left 6 keep 계속하다 16 ~ 할때까지 until 7 left 왼쪽으로 17 앞쪽에 ahead 8 straight 똑바로 18 돌다 turn 9 ahead 앞쪽에 19 계속하다 keep 10 until ~ 할때까지 20 한구획 block 20 개중 개정답 47

Key Points 1. 명령문명령문은 ~ 해라 라는의미로, 명령을할때사용한다. 문장은동사원형으로시작하고주어를사용하지않는다. please를사용하면조금더공손한의미가된다. please는주로문장맨앞이나뒤에온다. Study hard. ( 열심히공부해라.) Please go with me. = Go with me, please. ( 나와함께가세요.) 2. 부정명령문부정명령문은 ~ 하지말아라 라는뜻으로, Don t + 동사원형 의형태로나타낸다. Don t be late. ( 늦지말아라.) Don t touch the wall, please. ( 벽을만지지마세요.) Let s Practice < 보기 > 와같이긍정명령문은부정명령문으로, 부정명령문은긍정명령문으로바꿔쓰세요. < 보기 > Turn left, please. Don t turn left, please. Don t turn right. Turn right. 1 Eat some snacks between meals. Don't eat some snacks between meals. 2 Please start right now. Please don't start right now. 3 Don t go further. Go further. 4 Keep working on the project. Don't keep working on the project. 5 Don t sleep here, please. Sleep here, please. 6 Don t read the book. Read the book. 48

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 내가거기에어떻게가나요?. How do I get there? 2. 당신은그것을놓칠수없습니다 [ 꼭찾을거예요 ]. Don't forget your homework. You can t miss it. 3. 맞습니다. Are you That s correct. 4. 정말고맙습니다. The movie starts at two o'clock. Thank you very much. 5. 실례합니다, 선생님. Where is my umbrella? Excuse me, sir. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Is there a zoo nearby? 2. First, walk down this street for two blocks and turn right. 3. Then keep walking, and you will see a park. 4. Turn left and keep walking. 5. You will see the zoo straight ahead. 선생님확인 49

Book 5 Unit 1 How Do I Get to the Zoo? 1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 get off 내리다 11 도착하다 reach 2 City Hall 시청 12 옳은 correct 3 bridge 다리 13 언급하다 mention 4 train 기차 14 광장 plaza 5 reach 도착하다 15 다리 bridge 6 hospital 병원 16 버스정류장 bus stop 7 bus stop 버스정류장 17 내리다 get off 8 plaza 광장 18 병원 hospital 9 mention 언급하다 19 시청 City Hall 10 correct 옳은 20 기차 train 20 개중 개정답 50

Key Points 1. 명령문, and ~ 명령문, and ~ 는 해라, 그러면 ~ 할것이다. 라는의미이다. If you + 명령문부분, and 이후부분. 으로고쳐쓸수있다. Study hard, and you ll get a good score. = If you study hard, you ll get a good score. ( 열심히공부해라, 그러면좋은점수를받을것이다.) 2. 명령문, or ~ 명령문, or ~ 는 해라, 그렇지않으면 ~ 할것이다. 라는의미이다. If you don t + 명령문부분, or 이후부분. 으로고쳐쓸수있다. Get up early, or you will be late. = If you don t get up early, you will be late. ( 일찍일어나라, 그렇지않으면너는늦을것이다.) Let s Practice 다음빈칸에 and 나 or 를넣어문장을완성하고, 아래에는우리말뜻을써보세요. 1. Keep walking, and you will see a park. 계속걸어라, 그러면너는공원을보게될것이다. 2. Go straight ahead, and you ll find it on your left. 앞으로곧장가라, 그러면너는네왼편에서그것을발견할것이다. 3. Start right now, or you ll miss the bus. 바로지금출발해라, 그렇지않으면너는버스를놓칠것이다. 4. Study hard, or you ll fail the test. 열심히공부해라, 그렇지않으면너는시험에떨어질것이다. 51

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 왼쪽으로돌아서계속걸어가라. Where are my pants? Turn left and keep walking. 2. 근처에동물원이있니? between the beds. Is there a zoo nearby? 3. 이길을두블록걸어내려가서오른쪽으로돌아라. Where is my backpack? Walk down this street for two blocks and turn right. 4. 버스정류장은어디에있나요? It's on the desk. Where is the bus stop? 5. 너는동물원을바로앞쪽에서보게될것이다. It looks like rain. You will see the zoo straight ahead. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. How can I get to the library? 2. Go straight ahead, and you'll find it on your left. 3. Get up early or you'll miss the first train. 4. Tony kept reading all day long. 5. She reached Busan at 8:35. 선생님확인 52

Book 5 Unit 2 At the Zoo 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cute 귀여운 11 먹이다 feed 2 monkey 원숭이 12 단것 sweets 3 cage 우리 13 쓰레기 litter 4 sign 표지판 14 자동판매기 vending machine 5 scare 놀라게하다 15 비스킷 biscuit 6 feed 먹이다 16 우리 cage 7 sweets 단것 17 귀여운 cute 8 biscuit 비스킷 18 표지판 sign 9 vending machine 자동판매기 19 원숭이 monkey 10 litter 쓰레기 20 놀라게하다 scare 20 개중 개정답 53

Key Points 수여동사 give( 주다 ), send( 보내다 ), make( 만들어주다 ), buy( 사주다 ), lend( 빌려주다 ), write( 써주다 ), teach( 가르쳐주다 ) 등의동사와같이 ~ 에게 ~ 을해주다 라는의미를내포하고있는동사들을수여동사라한다. 수여동사는 ~ 에게 에해당하는간접목적어와 ~ 을 에해당하는직접목적어를필요로한다. Children give their parents flowers. ( 아이들은그들의부모님께꽃을드린다.) 수여동사 + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어 She brought me a cup of tea. ( 그녀는나에게차를한잔가져다주었다.) Let s Practice 괄호안의단어를문장순서에알맞게배열하고, 아래에는우리말뜻을써보세요. 1. (She, give, will, the book, me) She will give me the book. 우리말 : 그녀는나에게그책을줄것이다. 2. (made, My aunt, delicious food, us) My aunt made us delicious food. 우리말 : 숙모는우리에게맛있는음식을만들어주셨다. 3. (should, I, send, my friends, an e-mail) I should send my friends an e-mail. 우리말 : 나는내친구들에게전자우편을보내야한다. 4. (teaches, well, He, English, us) He teaches us English well. 우리말 : 그는우리에게영어를잘가르쳐주신다. 54

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 저기에동물비스킷자동판매기가있어.. There is an animal biscuit vending machine over there. 2. 조심해! Let's share my dictionary. Be careful! 3. 너무가까이가지말아라! -. Don't get too close! 4. 나는그것들을만지고싶어.. I want to touch them. 5. 우리는여전히동물들과즐거운시간을보낼수있다.. We can still have fun with the animals. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Oh, look at those cute monkeys! 2. Don't bang on the cage, Jina. 3. You will scare the monkeys. 4. Let's give them some cookies. 5. Don't feed sweets to the animals. 선생님확인 55

Book 5 Unit 2 At the Zoo 2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 rule 규칙 11 코끼리 elephant 2 careful 주의깊은 12 가까운 close 3 crosswalk 횡단보도 13 만지다 touch 4 garbage 쓰레기 14 위험한 dangerous 5 lamb 새끼양 15 염소 goat 6 elephant 코끼리 16 새끼양 lamb 7 dangerous 위험한 17 규칙 rule 8 touch 만지다 18 주의깊은 careful 9 goat 염소 19 횡단보도 crosswalk 10 close 가까운 20 쓰레기 garbage 20 개중 개정답 56

Key Points 인칭대명사명사가문장안에서주어, 목적어역할을하는것과마찬가지로, 대명사도주어와목적어역할을한다. 명사는주어와목적어로쓰일때모양이같지만, 대명사는주어로쓰이는지목적어로쓰이는지에따라, 모양이달라진다. 구분 1 인칭 2 인칭 3 인칭 주격 I we you he she it they 목적격 me us you him her it them 주로주격은 ~ 은 / 는 / 이 / 가, 목적격은 ~ 을 / 를 을붙여우리말로해석한다. 주격 : We are leaving tomorrow. ( 우리는내일떠날거야.) 목적격 : The cook will help you. ( 그요리사가너를도와줄거야.) Let s Practice 다음빈칸에가장알맞은대명사를고르세요. 1. Our daughter wants to be a teacher. can be a good teacher. a We b He c She d They 2. I am very strong. However, the cloud can cover. a I b me c he d him 3. The dogs bark at people. also dig in the ground. a I b You c He d They 4. You are very strong. Will marry our daughter? a you b he c she d it 5. The tigers are strong. Choose one of. a us b you c it d them 57

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 동물들에게단것을먹이지말아라. I moved here two days ago. Don't feed sweets to the animals. 2. 저귀여운원숭이들을봐! Where are you from Look at those cute monkeys! 3. 우리는여기에쓰레기를버리면안된다. I'm from Mexico. We must not litter here. 4. 너는원숭이들을놀라게할것이다. When did you come here? You will scare the monkeys. 5. 그녀는그에게약간의돈을주었다. I came here three years ago. She gave him some money. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. There is an animal biscuit vending machine over there. 2. Don't get too close! 3. We must not camp here. 4. Let's sit on the grass. 5. We have to follow the rules. 선생님확인 58

Book 5 Unit 3 There Are Many Kinds of Animals 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 more 더많은 11 곤충 insect 2 than ~ 보다 12 더많은 more 3 million 백만 13 더작은 smaller 4 bigger 더큰 14 개미 ant 5 on the other hand 반면에 15 ~ 없이 without 6 smaller 더작은 16 지구 earth 7 insect 곤충 17 백만 million 8 ant 개미 18 반면에 on the other hand 9 earth 지구 19 더큰 bigger 10 without ~ 없이 20 ~ 보다 than 20 개중 개정답 59

Key Points 1. 형용사의비교급 : 두대상을비교할때, 비교급을사용할수있다. 비교급을만드는 방법은아래와같다. 비교급다음에는 than + 비교대상 이온다. 구분비교급만드는방법예 1음절단어 -er을붙임 tall taller 단모음 + 단자음 으로끝나는끝자음을한번더쓰고 hot hotter 1음절단어 -er을붙임 -y로끝나는단어 y를 i로바꾸고 -er을붙임 easy easier ful, less, ous 등으로끝나는 2 음절단어, 3 음절이상의긴단어 단어앞에 more 를사용 famous more famous expensive more expensive A calculator is faster than an abacus. ( 계산기는주판보다빠르다.) English is easier than Math to me. ( 나에게는영어가수학보다쉽다.) 2. 비교급의강조 : 비교급을강조할때는 훨씬 이라는의미의 much, far, even, still, a lot을, 약간 이라는의미의 a little bit 등을쓴다. very는사용하지않는다. A tiger is much stronger than a mouse. ( 호랑이가쥐보다훨씬더강하다.) Let s Practice 밑줄친부분중틀린것을찾아, 알맞게고치세요. 1. My father ais boldder cthan dmy teacher. older 2. athe doll is bprettier cthen dthe teddy bear. than 3. The boy ais bmore clazier dthan a cow. 삭제 4. This flower ais ba little bit cexpensiver than dthat plant. more expensive 5. athe United States is bvery cbigger dthan France. much, far, even, still, a lot 중하나로 60

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 지구상에는많은다른종류의곤충들이있다. What grade are you in? There are many different kinds of insects on earth. 2. 코끼리는곰보다더크다. I'm in the sixth grade. An elephant is bigger than a bear. 3. 우리는현미경없이그것들을볼수없어. What grade is Jenny in? We can t see them without a microscope. 4. 어떤동물들은매우크다. She is in the sixth grade. Some animals are very big. 5. 맞아. Here comes the bus. That s right. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. James, how many different kinds of animals are there? 2. Well, there are more than a million. 3. On the other hand, some animals are smaller than ants. 4. Insects are also animals. 5. Many of them are very small. 선생님확인 61

Book 5 Unit 3 There Are Many Kinds of Animals 3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 hundred 백 11 현미경 microscope 2 better 더좋은 12 더빠른 faster 3 thicker 더두꺼운 13 더쉬운 easier 4 faster 더빠른 14 더무거운 heavier 5 heavier 더무거운 15 더두꺼운 thicker 6 easier 더쉬운 16 더더운 hotter 7 microscope 현미경 17 내것 mine 8 mine 내것 18 과일 fruit 9 fruit 과일 19 백 hundred 10 hotter 더더운 20 더좋은 better 20 개중 개정답 62

Key Points 불특정다수를가리키는 some과 other 1. some( 몇몇, 어떤 ) 과 other( 다른 ) 뒤에는복수명사를쓴다. Some animals are smaller than ants. ( 어떤동물들은개미보다작다.) Other animals are similar to ants. ( 다른동물들은개미와비슷하다.) 2. other는주로앞부분에서 some이먼저사용된경우짝을이루어사용된다. Some animals use shapes for camouflage, and other animals use colors. ( 어떤동물들은위장을위해형태를사용하고, 다른동물들은색을사용한다.) 3. the other는 some에해당하는부분을제외한나머지모두를가리킬때사용한다. Some students in my class walk to school. The other students go to school by bus. ( 우리반에서어떤학생들은걸어서학교에간다. 나머지다른학생들은 Let s Practice 다음빈칸에 some, other, the other 중알맞은하나를써넣으세요. 1. I learn many kinds of subjects at school. Some subjects are interesting. 2. Some countries are in Europe. Other countries lie in Asia. 3. Some animals have four legs. Other animals have two legs. 4. There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two. The other seasons are fall and winter. 5. Some people eat breakfast. The other people don t eat breakfast. 63

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 얼마나많은다른종류의동물들이있니? You're on time. How many different kinds of animals are there? 2. 이상자는무겁다. I'm not late today. This box is heavy. 3. 어떤동물들은개미들보다더작다. Why were you absent? Some animals are smaller than ants. 4. 백만이상이있다.. There are more than a million. 5. 저상자가이것보다더좋다. Why was Da- late? That box is better than this one. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I think that your apple is bigger than mine. 2. You can't enter the theater without a ticket. 3. There are many different kinds of fruit in the world. 4. I have more than a hundred books. 5. Which is easier for Inho, Korean or English? 선생님확인 64

Book 5 Unit 4 Giraffes Are the Tallest Animals 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 giraffe 기린 11 ~ 의위에 on top of 2 wide 넓은 12 아카시아 acacia 3 plain 평원 13 닿다 reach 4 Africa 아프리카 14 부드러운 soft 5 acacia 아카시아 15 튼튼한 tough 6 reach 닿다 16 기린 giraffe 7 soft 부드러운 17 평원 plain 8 on top of ~ 의위에 18 넓은 wide 9 tough 튼튼한 19 혀 tongue 10 tongue 혀 20 아프리카 Africa 65 20 개중 개정답

Key Points 형용사의최상급 ( 규칙 ) 최상급은셋이상의사람이나사물을비교할때사용하고, 보통최상급앞에 the 가 붙는다. 가장 ~ 한 이라는의미를가진다. 최상급만드는방법은아래와같다. 구분최상급만드는방법예 1음절단어 -est를붙임 tall tallest 단모음 + 단자음 으로끝나는끝자음을한번더쓰고 hot hottest 1음절단어 -est를붙임 -y로끝나는단어 y를 i로바꾸고 -est를붙임 easy easiest ful, less, ous 등으로끝나는 2 음절단어, 3 음절이상의긴단어 단어앞에 most 를사용 famous most famous expensive most expensive He is the tallest person in my family. ( 그는우리가족중에서가장키가크다.) 형용사의최상급뒤에명사가나올때, 명사가앞에서제시되어있어언급하지않아도서로알고있는경우생략하기도한다. He is the tallest in my family. ( 그는우리가족중에서가장키가크다.) Let s Practice 다음빈칸에 the + 최상급 표현을써서문장을완성하세요. 1. What an old house! It s the oldest house in this town. 2. Dave is a careful driver. He is the most careful driver I ve seen. 3. Jupiter is a very big planet. It is the biggest in our solar system. 4. The Nile is a very long river. It is the longest river in Africa. 5. Giraffes are very tall animals. They are the tallest animals on earth. 6. The girl was very pretty. She was the prettiest girl in my class. 66

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 그들은스스로를그들의적들로부터보호하기위해조심해야한다. We have a new friend here. They must be careful to protect themselves from their enemies. 2. 그들은멀리떨어진곳으로부터의가장작은소리들을들을수있다. Where did you live in Canada? They can hear the softest noises from far away. 3. 기린들은매우좋은청력을가지고있다. Where did you live in America? Giraffes have very good hearing. 4. 아카시아의가시들은그들을다치게하지않는다. I lived in San Francisco. The thorns of acacias don t hurt them. 5. 기린들은튼튼한혀와입술을가지고있다. Isn't London in the north? Giraffes have tough tongues and lips. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Giraffes live in the wide plains of Africa. 2. They are the tallest animals on earth. 3. They also have the longest necks. 4. They are almost 2 meters long. 5. Giraffes eat leaves from trees such as acacias. 선생님확인 67

Book 5 Unit 4 Giraffes Are the Tallest Animals 4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 crossword 십자말풀이 11 가시 thorn 2 puzzle 퍼즐 12 청력 hearing 3 give it a try 시험해보다 13 소음 noise 4 soap 비누 14 멀리 far away 5 far away 멀리 15 보호하다 protect 6 noise 소음 16 적 enemy 7 hearing 청력 17 비누 soap 8 protect 보호하다 18 퍼즐 puzzle 9 thorn 가시 19 시험해보다 give it a try 10 enemy 적 20 십자말풀이 crossword 20 개중 개정답 68

Key Points 명사의종류 1. 명사는사람이나사물의이름을나타내는말로보통명사, 고유명사등이있다. 1) 보통명사 : 가장일반적인형태로같은종류의사람, 동물, 사물의이름을말한다. Giraffes eat leaves from trees. ( 기린은나무로부터잎을먹는다.) 2) 고유명사 : 사람이나지명이름과같이고유한이름을말한다. 고유명사의첫글자는항상대문자로쓴다 Giraffes live in the wide plains of Africa. ( 기린은아프리카의넓은평원에서산다.) 2. 보통명사는다시셀수있는명사와셀수없는명사 ( 물질명사, 추상명사 ) 로나뉜다. 셀수없는명사는복수형을쓸수없다. 1) 물질명사 : 액체, 기체, 고체나자연현상과같이셀수없는명사이다. I need some water. ( 나는약간의물이필요하다.) 2) 추상명사 : 눈에보이거나손으로만져지지않는추상적인개념을말한다. I have a lot of information. ( 나는많은정보를가지고있다.) Let s Practice 다음문장에서명사를찾아밑줄을긋고, 명사가고유명사이면고, 물질명사이면물, 추상명사이면추라고표시하세요. ( 한문장에여러개의명사가있을수있습니다.) 1. Ann has a lot of homework. 고추 2. I live in Busan, Korea. 고고 3. The air is clean here. 물 4. He teaches history and mathematics. 추추 69

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 그들은또한가장긴목을가지고있다. Math is difficult. They also have the longest necks. 2. 기린들은아프리카의넓은평원에서산다. I'm not good at calculating. Giraffes live in the wide plains of Africa. 3. 기린들은아카시아와같은나무로부터잎을먹는다. Who's your favorite scientist? Giraffes eat leaves from trees such as acacias. 4. 너는내가이십자말풀이퍼즐푸는것을도와줄수있니? My favorite scientist is Thomas Edison. Can you help me with this crossword puzzle? 5. 그들은지구상에서가장큰동물들이다. Who's your favorite artist? They are the tallest animals on earth. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Giraffes have very good hearing. 2. They can hear the softest noises from far away. 3. She wears sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun. 4. They must take care of themselves. 5. Russia is the biggest country in the world. 선생님확인 70

Book 5 Review 5A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 bread 빵 11 창문 window 2 juice 주스 12 생각 idea 3 have a seat 앉다 13 바닥 floor 4 hot chocolate 핫초콜릿 14 달걀 egg 5 wash 씻다 15 노란색의 yellow 6 egg 달걀 16 주스 juice 7 idea 생각 17 빵 bread 8 yellow 노란색의 18 핫초콜릿 hot chocolate 9 window 창문 19 앉다 have a seat 10 floor 바닥 20 씻다 wash 71 20 개중 개정답

Key Points 1. Can you ~? 도움을요청하는표현으로 Can you + 동사원형 ~? 이있다. 여기서의 can은가능의의미가아니라 ~ 해줄수있니? 라는뜻이다. Can you help me with my homework? ( 내숙제좀도와줄수있니?) 더공손한표현으로 Could[Would] you + 동사원형 ~? 등이있다. 여기서 could와 would는 can과 will의과거형이아니다. Could you open the door, please? ( 문좀열어주실수있나요?) Would you pass me the salt? ( 소금좀건네주실래요?) 2. 요청에대한응답제안을수락하는응답으로는 No problem.( 좋아요.), Sure.( 좋아.), OK.( 좋아.) 등이있고, 거절할때는 I m afraid, but I can t.( 유감스럽지만, 안되겠어.), I m sorry, but I can t.( 미안하지만, 안되겠어.) 등을사용할수있다. Let s Practice 다음문장을주어진단어를사용한문장으로바꾸고, 우리말뜻을써보세요. 1. Can you turn off the radio? Would you turn off the radio? 우리말 : 라디오좀꺼주실래요? 2. Can you wait a moment, please? Could you wait a moment, please? 우리말 : 잠시만기다려주실수있나요? 72

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 나는공원에도착할때까지계속쭉걸어요. We have a new friend here. I keep going straight until I reach the park. 2. 저기코끼리들을봐. Where did you live in Canada? Look at the elephants over there. 3. 고래한마리는코끼리 30 마리보다더클수도있다. Where did you live in America? A whale can be bigger than 30 elephants. 4. 그들은키가약 5.5 미터까지될수있다. I lived in San Francisco. They can be about 5.5 meters tall. 5. 너는염소들, 새끼양들, 그리고토끼들을만질수있어. Isn't London in the north? You can touch the goats, the lambs, and the rabbits. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Put your hands in your pockets. 2. Work hard, and you will pass the test. 3. She showed us magic tricks. 4. Harry is younger than Alice. 5. A rocket is the fastest of all. 선생님확인 73

Book 5 Review 5B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 kitchen 부엌 11 열쇠 key 2 age 나이 12 주머니 pocket 3 swing 그네 13 남편 husband 4 thirsty 목마른 14 딸 daughter 5 pillow 베개 15 나이 age 6 pocket 주머니 16 부엌 kitchen 7 husband 남편 17 거실 living room 8 key 열쇠 18 목마른 thirsty 9 daughter 딸 19 베개 pillow 10 living room 거실 20 그네 swing 74 20 개중 개정답

Key Points 1. every, all every와 all은 모든 이라는의미로뜻이같다. 그러나 every + 단수명사, all + 복수명사 로사용법은다르다. Every student in my class likes English. ( 우리반모든학생은영어를좋아한다.) = All the students in my class like English. 2. every day, all day every day는 매일 이라는의미로여러날을가리키고, all day는 하루종일 이라는의미로하루를가리킨다. I watched TV every day. ( 나는매일 TV를봤다.) I watched TV all day. ( 나는하루종일 TV를봤다.) * everyone은 모든사람 이란의미이지만, 단수로사용한다. Everyone is a part of the economy. ( 모든사람은경제의한부분이다.) Let s Practice 다음괄호안에서알맞은것을고르세요. 1. It was raining yesterday, so I wrote letters (every, all) day. 2. Everyone (are, is) friendly here. 3. I have been to (every, all) the libraries in this area. 4. Everyone (need, needs) friends. 75

Sentence Master 아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 너의손을네주머니안에넣어라. Math is difficult. Put your hands in your pockets. 2. 그녀는우리에게마술속임수들을보여주었다. I'm not good at calculating. She showed us magic tricks. 3. 해리 (Harry) 는앨리스 (Alice) 보다더어리다. Who's your favorite scientist? Harry is younger than Alice. 4. 로켓은모든것중에서가장빠르다. My favorite scientist is Thomas Edison. A rocket is the fastest of all. 5. 열심히공부해라, 그러면너는시험에합격할것이다. Who's your favorite artist? Work hard, and you will pass the test. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am looking for the museum. 2. Oh, no! You have to go the other way. 3. Don't pour too much pancake mix. 4. Will you do me a favor? 5. How many classes do you have on Friday? 선생님확인 76

BEFLY Speaking 유형 발표하기 출처 p. 49 힌트 fastest of the three 모범답안 Susan is the fastest of the three. Bob is faster than Tim. Tim is the slowest of the three. 77

BEFLY Writing 유형 그림의세부묘사완성하기 출처 p. 18 힌트 Don't ~ (1) 'Don't stand against the doors.' 모범답안 (2) 'It's for disabled people.' (3) 'Don't take pictures here.' 78