KISEP 40 8 1997 Streptozotocin 으로유발된당뇨병흰쥐에서 Abstract 와우유모세포의형태학적변화 * 정대건 박용수 김상후 김춘일 Morphological Changes of Cochlear Hair Cells in the Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rat Dae Gun Jung, M.D., Yong Su Park, M.D., Sang Hu Kim, M.D., Chun Il Kim, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, College of Medicine, Catholic University, Seoul, Korea BackgroundDiabetes Mellitus has been known as a multisystemic disorder for a long time. An association between diabetes and hearing loss was first postulated in the one case report published by Jordao in 1857. The typical hearing loss from diabetes is a progressive and bilateral sensorineural deficit that predominantly occurs in the high frequency and in the elderly patients. ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to investigate the morphological changes of cochlear hair cells in the insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus induced by Streptozotocin. Materials and MethodsThirty two rats were used for this study and divided into control and diabetic group. Furthermore each group was subdivided into 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks group. All experimental animal were put in the same environmental condition. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was induced by intravenous injection of Streptozotocin65mgkg of body weight. Hair cell loss and their ultrastructural changes were observed with phase contrast light microscope and transmission electron microscope. ConclusionThe results of this study suggest that metabolic change of diabetes mellitus may affect the cochlear hair cells. Korean J Otolaryngol 408, 1997 KEY WORDSStreptozotocin Diabetes Rat Morphology Cochlea hair cell. 서 론 1162
재료및방법 1. 재료 2. 방법 1) 정상군 Korean J Otolaryngol 408, August 1997 2) 당뇨병모형군 3) 측두골적출및생체고정 1163
40 8 1997 4) 위상차현미경관찰 5) 투과전자현미경적관찰 6) 통계적분석 결과 1. 체중의변화 2. 혈당치의변화 Table 1. Change of body weightgm in each group 4 weeks 8 wreeks 12 weeks 16 weeks Controln16 263.732.5 294 27.9 32025 346 7.5 STZ n16 244 23* 260.818.3* 27817.5* 283.812.5* MeanStandard Deviation STZStreptozotocin-induced diabetic group *p0.05,compared with control group 1164
Korean J Otolaryngol 408, August 1997 Table 2. Change of blood glucose levelmg100ml in each group 4 weeks 8 wreeks 12 weeks 16 weeks Controln16 76.1 18.9 79.3 21 87.9 13 82.2 88 STZ n16 476.5 200* 500 170* 512 139* 538 61* MeanStandard Deviation STZStreptozotocin-induced diabetic group *p0.05,compared with control group Table 3. Hair cell loss% in different portions of the cochlea of control and STZ groups Outer hair cell Inner hair cell Hook 1st Turn 2nd Turn 3rd Turn 4 weeks Control 0.150.01 1.010.5 2.070.36 1.910.49 1.010.01 STZ 0.210.04 1.210.34 2.240.57 1.980.39 1.170.02 8 weeks Control 0.180.02 0.780.16 2.540.39 1.520.42 1.120.07 STZ 0.210.03 1.220.26 2.260.57 2.990.27 1.160.02 12 weeks Control 0.180.02 1.440.05 3.280.59 2.820.09 1.360.06 STZ 0.220.03 1.470.17 3.191.12** 3.720.74 1.470.19 12 weeks Control 0.190.05 1.540.16 3.610.59 2.520.52 1.270.21 STZ 0.220.02 2.250.37* 5.141.72** 3.581.38 1.880.72 MeanStandard Deviation STZStreptozotocin-induced diabetic group *p0.05, compared with the diabetic groups of the other weeks in the hook portion **p0.05, compared with the diabetic groups of the other weeks in the 1st turn 3. 와우유모세포의손실 1) 정상군과당뇨병모형군의비교 2) 당뇨병모형군간의비교 Fig. 1. Phase contrast micrograph of outer hair cellsoh and inner hair cellsih in the first turn of the cochlea at the control group of the 16th week. Three rows of outer hair cellsarrow and one row of inner hair cellsarrow head are well preserved1% Toluidine blue stain, 600. 1165
한이인지 제 4 0 권 제 8 호 1997 세포의 손실률은 12주군을 제외하고는 모두 기저회전 4. 와우유모세포의 형태학적 변화(전자현 미경적 소견) 에서 가장 크게 나타났으며 다음으로 중회전, 갈고리 부위, 첨단회전의 순서이었다. 투과전자현미경으로 관찰한 와우외유모세포의 주된 변화는 핵이 손실된 와우외유모세포의 관찰 및 지지 세포에 의한 와우외유모세포의 치환이었다. 이외에 모 (cilia)의 탈락과 같은 변화를 관찰할 수 있었고 세포 막의 부분적 파괴, 세포질(cytoplasm)의 공포화(vacuolization) 및 소기관(organell)의 종창 등 와우유 모세포의 변성을 관찰할 수 있었다(Fig. 3 Fig. 5). Fig. 2. Phase contrast micrographs of outer hair cell loss (arrow) in the first turn of cochlea at the diabetic group of the 16th week(1% Toluidine blue stain, 400). Fig. 4. Transmission electron micrograph of the first turn of the cochlea at the diabetic group of the 16th week. Note displacement of outer phalangeal cell(thin arrow) and irregular contours and cytoplasmic vacuolization of outer hair cells(thicker arrow)( 1,200). Fig. 3. Transmission electron micrograph of the outer hair cell in the first turn of the cochlea at the control group of the 16th week. Cuticular plate(c), stereocilia(h), mitochodria(m), nucleus(n)( 4,000). Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrograph of outer hair cells of the first turn of the cochlea at the diabetic group of the 16th week. Note irregular outlines (thicker arrow) of outer hair cells showing vesicular cytoplasm(asterisk) with swollen mitochondria(thin arrow)( 2,500). 1166
고찰 Korean J Otolaryngol 408, August 1997 1167
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