HW 501 Elementary Hebrew I Central Baptist Theological Seminary M.Div Course. Spring, 2015 Hwagu Kang, Instructor Contact: 224-343-7073 FEB 16-19 Email: hgk90@hotmail.com 1. Course Description This course is an introduction to grammar and syntax of biblical Hebrew, in which the most of the Old Testament was written. By obtaining basics of biblical language, students will be encouraging to be familiar with the ancient language of the Bible and to be prepared for the further study on the Hebrew Language. 본히브리어수업은대부분의구약성경이기록된성경히브리어의기본적인문법과구문을배우는과정이다. 구약히브리어의기본을습득함으로서구약성경을히브리어로연구하는일에첫걸음을떼는것이고, 좀더성경히브리어에친숙해짐으로앞으로의목회, 설교, 연구사역에귀한초석이되도록한다. 2. Objectives After the class is completed, each student should be able to: 1) Read Hebrew texts chosen in the classes 수업시간에지정된몇몇히브리어본문을소리내어읽을수있다. 2) Memorize basic Hebrew vocabularies. 가장기초가되는단어들을암기한다. 3) Translate selected texts. 몇몇히브리어본문을문법에맞춰서해석한다. 4) Explain some grammatical and syntactical aspects of the Hebrew. 히브리어의문법적, 구문론적특징을설명할수있다. 5) Understand how we can use devices for the study on the biblical language and learn how to use them. 히브리어성경을연구하는데필요한기본적인지식이나도구들을이해하고, 사용하는것을배운다. 3. Course Requirements and Evaluation a. Class Attendance i. Attendance to lectures is crucial part and most basically expected. Students are responsible for knowing all the announcements and changes by the instructor in the class. This course is intensive so only four full days for the class time. If students miss any of them, it means that you may fail this class. 히브리어수업의경우다른어떤수업보다도수업참여자체가매우중요하다. 수업 1
시간에되는모든이야기, 알림등에대해서학생들은반드시숙지하고지도에따라야할책임이있다. 4 일간의집중수업이기때문에하루라도빠지면 % 에상관없이학점을얻지못한다. ii. 10 % of Total Grade b. Assignments i. The first day: There will be a test at the very first class time. Students will be asking whether or not each student memorizes Hebrew letters (Consonants and vowels). You can consult from Internet. Useful websites for the study on Hebrew alphabet. 시간안배를위해학생들은수업이시작하는시점에히브리어의자음과모음을미리숙지해와서첫시간에시험을치르게된다. 인터넷정보들을참고할것. 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiflf_ffdyw 2) or you can use other websites as well. ii. Student has to submit Hebrew practice papers at the beginning of each class. It will show how each student studies personally for the review and preparation for the classes. No limits. 20% of Total Grade. 학생들은매일매일그전날수업을마친이후혹은수업도중에연습한연습지를그다음날아침에교수에게제출해야한다. 수업외에습득한히브리어를개인적으로얼마나성실하게공부했는지를보여주는지표가된다. iii. Exercise: Students should complete and submit each chapter s exercise in Kelley s Biblical Hebrew. However, students should finish this assignment by themselves. Handbook is only for 220% of Total Grade. 항목 ii 와함께제출해야하는데특별히전날배운과의연습문제를풀어오는것이다. 핸드북에있는답안은오직도움을위한것이지그것을그대로배껴와서는안된다. 이작업은학생들이평생하나님의말씀을직접연구하는삶을살아야하는입장에서매우중요한출발점이된다. iv. Students should submit Strong Verb Conjugation Chart of qtl Qal stem (see the attached) 20 % of Total Grade. 학생들은수업후 2 주일안에교수에게강동사변화표 ( 카탈동사 ) 를연습해서제출해야한다. c. Quizzes i. The quiz will be two times a day. When the class begins, the first quiz especially will cover the previous day and vocabularies. ii. Total 8 quizzes including Hebrew letters check. 50% of Total Grade iii. 퀴즈는하루에두번총 8 번에걸쳐서진행된다. 위에서언급한대로첫시험은알파벳시험이다. 퀴즈에는배운문법적사항들, 각과에서나온매우중요한단어들, 연습문제등이출제대상이다. 총학점의 50% 2
d. For Extra Points i. If you need or want extra points, you can submit a reading paper of Hebrew text on the Book of Jonah. It will be notified at the class. 10% Bonus points. 혹시보너스점수가필요한사람의경우수업이마친후에요나서를히브리어로발음해서적어서제출하면보너스포인트 10 점을받을수있다. 4. Course Textbooks a. Required Kelley, Page H. Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1992. 페이지켈리, 성경히브리어, 크리스천출판사 Kelley, Burden, Crawford. A Handbook to Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1994. ( 한글본없음. 없어도되지만, 연습문제해답이필요하신분들은구입을권합니다 ) http://www.amazon.com/handbook-biblical-hebrew-introductory- Grammar/dp/080280828X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417018037&sr=8-1&keywords=handbook+to+biblical+hebrew&pebp=1417018040143 가격이싼 used 혹은이전버전으로보이는책도괜찮습니다. Mitchel, Larry A. Student s Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic. Zondervan. 1984. 성경히브리어아람어단어집 ( 크리스찬출판사 ). 이책이한글번역본이있기때문에선택한것인데만일영어로구입할마음이시라면더좋은책이있습니다. 개인적으로는아래의단어집을더추천합니다. Or Van Pelt, Miles V. and Pratico, Gary D. The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew, Zondervan. 2003. b. Recommended Hebrew Bible: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Hebrew Dictionary: The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon: With an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramaic c. For Further Study (Advanced Grammar and Syntax) Gary D. Pratico, Basics of Biblical Hebrew. 베이직비블리칼히브리어 ( 대서출판사 ) Gesenius, Gesenius Hebrew Grammar. 게제니우스히브리어문법 ( 비블리카아카데미아 ) Paul Jouon, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. 주옹 - 무라오까성서히브리어문법 ( 기혼출판사 ) 3
John C. Beckman, Williams Hebrew Syntax, Third Edition. 윌리엄스히브리어구문론 ( 그리심출판사 ) Bill T. Arnold and John H. Choi, A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. 5. Class Outline a. Overview: Each class will cover a couple of chapters in Kelley s Biblical Hebrew. Students should be well prepared for each class (Studying Hebrew is a kind of filing up upon what you have learned. So if you miss first part, you will also miss the followings). However, remember that to study Hebrew is the most certain way to access the endless treasure of the Hebrew Bible. This class will help you to understand the Old Testament more properly. 각각의수업시간은켈리의문법책에서몇과씩습득하게된다. 학생들은수업시간에잘따라가기위해최선을다해준비되어있어야한다. 히브리어수업은전날배운것위에하나씩하나씩쌓아가는과정이기때문에처음에빠지거나미뤄지게되면계속해서좋은점수를얻기어렵게된다. 그러나기억해야할것은히브리어를공부하는것은하나님의말씀의끝없는보화를캐낼수있는가장확실한방법이며, 이수업이여러분이구약성경을더잘이해하는데분명도움을줄것이라는사실이다. b. Sessions ( 수업의진도는매일매일상황에따라달라질수있으며그날그날공지하는대로따른다 ) May 11 Hebrew Alphabet Quiz Vowels, Pronunciation Syllables, Definite Article Prepositions Nouns Quiz May 12 Review Quiz Pronouns Suffix, Construct Verb Qal Perfect Quiz And others May 13 Review Quiz Verb Qal Imperfect And others IMP, INF, PT etc. Quiz May 14 Review Quiz Weak Verb 4
Review Quiz Korean Program Grading Policy 한국부성적평가안내 Description Letter Points % Criteria 평가기준 Superior 탁월 A A- 4.0 3.7 100-94 93-90 1. 출석기준 (*1) 및수업참여도 (*2) 충족 2. 필수및추천도서정독 3. 기간내과제완료 4. 토론적극참석 5. 수업과과제를통한성취도탁월 Above Average 평균이상 B+ 3.3 89-87 B 3.0 86-83 B- 2.7 82-80 1. 1%-5% 결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 기간내과제완료 4. 필수교재정독 Average 평균 C+ 2.3 79-77 1.5% 이상결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 C 2.0 76-73 3. 늦은과제완료 4. 필수교재읽음 Below Average 평균이하 Failure 낙제 C- 1.7 72-70 D+ 1.3 69-67 D 1.0 66-63 D- 0.7 62-60 F 0.0 59-0 1.10% 이상결석 2. 수업참여자세 (*2) 가부적절한경우 3. 늦은과제제출 1.20% 이상결석 2. 과제미제출하거나, 혹은 3. 수업참여도 (*2) 가부적절한뿐아니라다른학생의수업권을방해할경우 * 1. Attendance & Punctuality 출석기준 1) Attend every class. 모든수업에참석한다 2) Get to class on time and stay for the entire class period. 정시에출석하고, 수업시간이종료될때까지수업에충실한다. 3) Listen to the professor and take good notes. 수업에경청하며노트필기를충실히한다. 5) Do not bring children to class. 자녀를수업에동반하지않는다. 6) Failing to participate in more than 20% of a course's contact hours will result in automatic failure. 수업시간의 20% 이상결석할경우자동적으로과목낙제가된다. 5
* 2. Participation & Behaviors 수업참여도및자세 1) Do not have private conversations. 개인적인대화를하지않는다. 2) All cell phones, smartphones, and other electronic devices (e.g., ipods) must be turned off. In emergency case, you can set on vibrate. 셀폰, 스마트폰, 아이팟과같은전기전자제품은전원을정지시켜놓아야한다. 비상사태가예상될경우전화기를진동으로해놓아야한다. 3) Laptop and tablet computers are allowed for quiet note taking only. Other activities such as checking personal e-mail or browsing the Internet are prohibited. 노트북은강의필기를위해서만사용되어야한다. 수업시간에이메일확인이나인터넷사용은금지된다. 4) Do not dominate other student's opportunities to learn by asking too many questions. 다른학생들이수업에참여를방해할정도로수업시간을독점해서는안된다. 5) Respect your professor and be polite towards other students. 교수님과동료학생들을예의를가지고대한다. 6) Students should address faculty as "Professor, "Dr.", or "Reverend" 교수를호칭할때, " 교수님, 박사님, 혹은목사님 " 으로칭한다. 7) Participate in class discussions and show much effort towards academic success. 토론에적극적으로참여하고, 배움에대한진지한열정이있어야한다. *3. If a student's GPA drops below 2.0, they will be placed on Academic Probation. 평점이 2.0 미만일경우 " 학사경고 " 처분을받는다. 6
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