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115. 2.. 3 1 The Inheritance of the Servants of the Lord in Isaiah 40-66 (Ph.D. diss., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2007). 2 (4:2-6; 11:11-16; 19:19-22; 41:17-20; 43:14-21; 48:20-22; 49:8-13; 51:9-11; 52:11-12; 63:7-19). 40-66. 3. B. W. Anderson, Exodus Typology in Second Isaiah, in Israel s Prophetic Heritage, ed. B. W. Anderson and Walter Harrelson (New York: Harper & Row), 177-95; Erich Zenger, The God of Exodus in the Message of the Prophets as Seen in Isaiah, in Exodus-A Lasting Paradigm, ed. Bas an Iersel and Anton Weiler (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1987), 23-33; David W. Pao, Acts and the Isaianic New Exodus, WUNT 2 (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000).

116. (theological framework). 2,..., 40-66?,?, (semantic possibilities)? 40-66 ljn( hljn) vry ( ). (intertextuality).. (Duhm),

117. 4. 20,,. (Textlinguistics) (variation). (thematic progression). 5 ( ). 6. (thematic variation). 4 Cf. Bernhard Duhm, Das Buch Jesaia (5th ed.; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1968), 14-15; J. Vermeylen, L unité du livre d Isaïe, in The Book of Isaiah, ed. Jacques Vermeylen, BETL 81 (Leuven: University Press, 1989), 12-27. 5 František Daneš, Functional Sentence Perspective and the Organization of the Text, in Papers in Functional Sentence Perspective, Janua Linguarum Series Minor 147, ed. František Daneš (Prague: Academia, 1974), 38-42; T. Givón, Topic Continuity in Discourse: An Introduction, in Topic Continuity in Discourse: A Quantitative Cross-Language Study, ed. T. Givón (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1983), 5-41; Hans-Werner Eroms, Funktionale Satzperspektive, Germanistische Arbeitshefte 31 (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1986), 1-8. 6 Robert Bugenhagen, Theme in English Expository Discourse and Its Application to Bible Translation, in Pragmatics and Theme Identification, Research Papers of the Texas SIL at Dallas Vol. 8 (Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1979), 64.

118.. (communicative intention) (thematic coherence). (intertextuality).. 7. (allusion).,,. 8 40-66. 40-66.. 40-66.. 40-66, (physical land),, 7 Patricia K. Tull, Intertextuality and the Hebrew Scriptures, CR:BS 8 (2000): 59-90. 8 Idem, Rhetorical Criticism and Intertextuality, in To Each Its Own Meaning, ed. Steven L. McKenzie and Stephen R. Haynes (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1999), 156-80;, ( :, 2008), 36-38.

119.,, ljn ( hljn) vry. 40-66,,.. 47,... 9 47:6,.. 47:6a: ym[al[ ytpxq // ytljn ytllj // 9 47:6. dyb µntaw( ).

120 ytljn ( ) ym[ ( ) (progression of thought). 10 63:17. 47:6 63:17. 63:7-64:12.. 63:17b. 63:17b. 63:17b ydb[ ˆ[ml // tljn yfbv //.. (Christopher Wright). (nah a lâ) - 10 Cf. Adele Berlin, The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University, 1992). John Goldingay. The Message of Isaiah 40-55: A Literary-Theological Commentary (New York: T&T Clark International, 2005), 327. 19:25 (larcy ytljnw, ).

121 (nah a lâ) ( 34:9; 9:26, 29; 1 8:2-53; 63:17; 2:17). 11 47:6 63:17. 32:9 (intertextuality). 47:9 63:17 32:1-43 32:9. 12 32:9 (nominal clause). wm[ hwhy qlj yk //.wtljn lbj bq[y // 32:1-14. (32:9). 13. (32:15-35). 11 Christopher Wright, ljn, in NIDOTTE 3: 80. 12 47:6 32:9. 13 Earl S. Kalland, Deuteronomy, Expositor s Bible Commentary, vol. 3 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1992), 203. (Kalland).. Eugene H. Merrill, Deuteronomy, NAC (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1994), 413.

122 46:6; 63:17 (intertextuality). 47 49 ( ra). 49. 49:8. ( hljn) (hiphil infinitive constructive). 14 49:8b ra µyqhl //.twmmv twljn lyjnhl // ( ra) ( twmmv twljn). ( 49:19, 20). 49:8b 57:13 14 49:8.twmmv twljn lyjnhl ra µyqhl µ[ tyrbl ntaw ( )..

123. 57:13b 49:8b ljn ra. 57:13b. 57:13b raaljny yb hswjhw //.yvdqarh vryyw // ( ra). (Motyer),,. 15 (Brueggemann), (Polan). 16,. 17 57:13b. 57:13b. 49:8b 58:14 65:9, 10 15 Alec Motyer, The Prophecy of Isaiah (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1993), 475. 16 Gregory J. Polan, In the Ways of Justice toward Salvation: A Rhetorical Analysis of Isaiah 56-59 (New York: Peter Lang, 1986), 146; Walter Brueggmann, The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith, OBT 1; 2d ed. (Philadelphia: Fortress, 2002), 1-13. 17 Calvin, Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah: Isaiah 49-66, vol. 4; trans. William Pringle (Edinburgh: Constable, 1850), 210. (Whybray). Whybray, Isaiah 40-66 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1981), 208.

124. 57:13b ( yvdqarh). 18 58:14 65:9,10. 58:14b hljn ra. 58:14b ra ytwmbal[ ytbkrhw // yba bq[y tljn ytlkahw // 57:13b. 58 (58:1-12) (58:13, 14).. (58:13, 14) (58:1-12). 28:13-15. 19 65:9, 10. 9 18. 56:7. 19 James Muilenburg, Isaiah Chapters 40-66 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1956), 686.

125. (Calvin)... 20 10. 65:10a.. 21...?, 12:1-7; 13:14-18; 15:7-21; 17:1-8, 28:13, 14. 22... 20 Calvin, Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah. vol. IV, 388. Cf. Young, The Book of Isaiah: Chapters 40-66, vol. 3 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972), 507; Muilenburg, Isaiah 40-66, 751. 21 Barry J. Beitzel, The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands (Chicago: Moody, 1985), 5-42; Brueggemann, Isaiah 40-66 (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1998), 241; Childs, Isaiah (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2001), 536; Muilenburg, Isaiah 40-66, 751. 33:9 35:2 ( 27:29). 22 Harry M. Orlinsky, The Biblical Concept of the Land of Israel: Cornerstone of the Covenant between God and Israel, in The Land of Israel: Jewish Perspectives, ed. L. A. Huffman (Notre Dame: Notre Dame University, 1986), 27-64; Brueggemann, Isaiah 40-66, 180., ( 33:53; 35:8; 36:8; 2:31; 4:14, 26; 4:37-40; 5:31, 33; 8:1; 9:6; 10:11; 15:4; 31:13; 32:47).

126. 23,... ( 4:1, 2, 40).,. 24. 25:23.. ( 25:23). (Christopher Wright). - - ( ) - -. 25,,,. 26 23 Koole, Isaiah III: Isaiah 56-66, trans. A. P. Runia (Leuven: Peeters, 2001), 258. 24 David M. Howard, Jr., Joshua (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1998), 300-306. (Howard).. vry ljn. vry in 1:11, 15; 12:1; 13:1; 18:3; 19:47; 21:43; 23:5; 24:4, 8. ljn( hljn) in 11:23; 13:6, 7, 8, 14, 23, 28, 32, 33; 14:1, 2, 3, 9, 13, 14; 15:20; 16:4, 5, 8, 9; 17:4, 6, 14; 18:2, 4, 7, 20, 28; 19:1, 2, 8, 9, 10,16, 23, 31,39, 41, 48, 49, 51; 21:3; 23:4; 24:28, 30, 32. 25:46; 27:11; 36:8; 4:38; 15:4; 19:14; 25:19; 26:1; 13:6; 23:4; 2:6; 36:12; 28:8; Ps 69:36. 25 Wright, Old Testament Ethics for the People of God (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2004), 94. Cf. John E. Hartley, Leviticus, WBC (Dallas: Word Books, 1992), 437. 26 Wright, Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, 95; Moshe Weinfeld, The Promise of the Land (Berkeley: University of California, 1993), 183-221. (Weinfeld).

127. 57, 58, 65. 40-66?? 40-66. 40-66.. 40-66,,. 54. 54:17b hwhy ydb[ tljn taz ( ). 54:17b 54 taz. taz( )? taz. 54., 54:1-3. (54:3).,,,

128. (54:4-10). 27, 54:11-14a. 54:11-14a. 28 ykna hnh ( ytdsyw ytmcw).., 54:14b-17a ( ytarb ykna hnh) ( 40:26; 43:1-12, 25; 44:24; 45:7,12).,.,,,,,,. 29 (54:17b).. 27.,. ( :, 2005), 184-97 ;, : ( :, 2004), 157-61. 28 51:3 :,. 60-62. 29 54:1-10,, 11-17.

129 (49:8) (54:1-10) (51:16; 54:11-17).. 65:17-25. 54:17b tljn taz 12 ( 13:23, 28; 15:20; 16:8; 18:20, 28; 19:8, 16, 23, 31, 39, 48). 30. 57:13b (.yvdqarh vryyw raaljny yb hswjhw).?, 57:3-13. 57:3-13. (7 ), (13 ). 31, 56:1-8. 32 30 Cf. David M. Howard, Jr., Joshua (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1998), 338; E. John Hamlin, The Joshua Tradition Reinterpreted, SEAJT 23 (1982): 103-8. 31 57:6 ( qlj ljnayqljb) 57:13b ( raaljny) ljn (wordplay). 32 56:6, 7 2:2-4. 2:2-4..

130. (Calvin).,. 33,. (Donald E. Gowan).. 34 ( 2:2-4; 4:5; 8:18; 11:9; 18:7; 24:23; 25:6; 27:13; 30:29; 31:4). 57:13b-21. 57:13b. 35.. 57:13b 15:17, 18 (intertextuality). 36 15:17, 18. 33 Calvin, Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah: Isaiah 49-66, 211. 34 Donald E. Gowan, Eschatology in the Old Testament (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000), 15. See also, R. E. Clements, God and Temple (Oxford: Basil Blackwell &Mott, 1965); Y. M.-J. Congar, The Mystery of the Temple (Westminster, Md.: Newman Press, 1962). 35 60:21 ( ra wvryy µlw[l). 54:17 60:21. 36 : tljn rhb ( 15:17) yvdqarh vryyw ( 57:13b).

131 57:13b. 65:17-25. ljn( hljn) vry.. 37, 63:7-64:12..., 63:7-64:12 65 66. 65:8-16. 65:9, 10 65:17-25. 49:8 54:9-17., 65:17-25 (65:9, 10). 19, 22 (ym[) 22 ( yryjb) 23 ( [rz) 9 ( [rz, yryjb) 10 (ym[). 65:9-10 37 (Westermann) 65:17-25 60-62 65:1-16b. Westermann, Isaiah 40-66: A Commentary (London: SCM Press, 1966), 411.

132 65:17-25,,.? 40-48 65:17, 18 ( ). 38., (hlyg) ( cwxm) (wcyc) ( wlyg) (18. 35:10; 61:7). 39, 65:20, 21. (,, ).., (24 cf. 65:1). 63:15, 19; 64:1, 11.,.. 65:25 11:6-9. 38 Cf. Ulrich Mauser, Isaiah 65:17-25, Int 36 (1982):181-86; Smith, Rhetoric and Redaction in Trito-Isaiah: The Structure, Growth and Authorship of Isaiah 56-66 (SupVT 62; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1995), 150. 39 18. A wcyc B wlyg C arwb A arwb B hlyg C cwcm.

133 11:6-9. 40 11:6-9 65:25. 41...,, (65:9). 65:17 (hvdj raw µyvdj µymv) 1. 65:17 21:1-8. 21:7 65:17. 40-66 54, 56-57, 65,,. 40 Schultz, The King in the Book of Isaiah, in The Lord s Anointed: Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Texts, 163; idem, The Search for Quotation: Verbal Parallels in the Prophets, JSOT Sup. 180 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1999), 240-56. Cf. J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, The Intertextual Relationship Between Isaiah 65, 25 and Isaiah 11, 6-9, in The Scriptures and the Scrolls; Fs A. S. van der Woude, ed. F. García Martínez, et al, VTSup. 49 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1992), 31-42. 41 Smith, Rhetoric and Redaction in Trito-Isaiah, 152; Westermann, Isaiah 40-66, 410-11.

134 40-66 40-66. 40-66.... 40-66. ( 47:6; 63:17; 32:9).. ( ).. 49:8 57:13b, 65:9,10. (49:8; 57:13b; 58:14). (58:12, 14). (65:9, 10). 40-66.. (54:9-17), (57:13b),

135. (54:1-17). (56:7; 57:13b; 66:20)...

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139 Inheritance in Isa. 40-66 Many scholars have noticed that the exodus event was employed throughout the book of Isaiah as a paradigm for God s salvation of the exiles in Babylon. However, in announcing God s judgment, restoration, and salvation not only the exodus event but also the inheritance theme is used as another underlying paradigm. Thus, this study explores the theme of the inheritance and its various meanings within Isaiah 40-66 and its intertextual connections with other parts of the Scriptures. As the theme of the inheritance progresses within Isaiah 40-66, it demonstrates several semantic possibilities with its relation to other words, images, and themes. First, the inheritance refers to God s people in Babylon in the context of God s judgment (Isa 47:6; 63:17-18). The theme of the inheritance as the people of Israel has already been mentioned in Deuteronomy 32:9 where the Lord called his people as his inheritance. Second, in the context of the restoration of the exiles the physical land of Israel is promised to the faithful (Isa 49:8; 57:13; 58:12, 14; 65:10). God will restore his people to the restored mountainous land of Canaan and the land will be packed with numerous people. The promise of the land as the inheritance based upon the ancient patriarchal covenant (Gen 12:1-7; 13:14-18; 15:7-21; 17:1-8). Third, the inheritance theme refers to the eschatological vision of the new Jerusalem (Isa 54:1-17; cf. Josh 13:23, 28; 15:20), the holy mountain (Isa 56:7; 57:13; cf. Ex 15:17, 18), the new heavens and the new earth (Isa 65:17-25; cf. Gen 1:1).