과목설명본세미나는구약성경의책을선택하여설교적측면들을이끌어내어강해설교를준비하는일에초점을지닌다. 이세미나는모델을제공하여학생들이연구와설교준비의효과적인평생훈련을확립하기위한목적을가진다. 주해부분은대개구약성서전공교수에의해, 그리고강해설교부분은설교학교수에의해가르쳐진다. 본과목은다른구

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1 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah: BSOT New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Doctor of Ministry Korean Program May 22-25, 2017 Dr. James H. Sexton Adjunct Professor Cell: (706) Home: (706) Dr. Jonggil Lee Assistant Professor of Expository Preaching Director of K. D.Min. Program North Georgia Hub, NOBTS 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd. C-115 Marietta, GA (404) The mission of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is to equip leaders to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandments through the local church. 뉴올리언즈신학교의사명은지역교회와지역교회의사역들을통하여지상대명령과지상대사명을완수하기위하여지도자들을훈련하는것이다. Purpose of the Course Sound exegesis is foundational to persuasive preaching. Working with the Book of Joshua, this course seeks to prepare those in proclamation ministry for the task of expository preaching. As such, the Pastoral Ministries Division and Biblical Studies Division desire to help develop proclamation skills in the area of Old Testament history, word studies, and theological analysis all while remaining sensitive to the task of rightly dividing the Word of God. The work is aimed at providing a model upon which students can establish an effective life-discipline of study and sermon preparation. Core Values, And Curriculum Competencies Addressed This course will provide each student with the opportunity to develop further in the five core values (Doctrinal Integrity, Spiritual Vitality, Mission Focus, Characteristic Excellence, and Servant Leadership) that NOBTS believes are essential for the leadership of healthy Southern Baptist churches. The Core Value Focus for , Characteristic Excellence, is addressed by emphasizing proper interpretation and proclamation of Scripture. The Curriculum Competencies specifically addressed in the course are Biblical Exposition and Worship Leadership. Course Description This seminar centers on preparing expository sermons and deriving homiletical values from a selected Old Testament book. The work is aimed at providing a model upon which students can establish an effective life-discipline of study and sermon preparation. The exegetical component is taught by an Old Testament professor and the expository section by a Preaching professor. This course may be repeated as long as a different Old Testament text is being studied. BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 1

2 과목설명본세미나는구약성경의책을선택하여설교적측면들을이끌어내어강해설교를준비하는일에초점을지닌다. 이세미나는모델을제공하여학생들이연구와설교준비의효과적인평생훈련을확립하기위한목적을가진다. 주해부분은대개구약성서전공교수에의해, 그리고강해설교부분은설교학교수에의해가르쳐진다. 본과목은다른구약성경의책이연구되는한반복될수있다. Learning Objectives 학습목표들 Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 본과목을마치면학생들은 : 1. Demonstrate a mastery of the major interpretive issues and theology of Jeremiah. 예레미야서의주요한해석학적문제들이나신학에대한이해력을보여야한다. 2. Create exegetical information necessary as pre-work for homiletical exegesis. 설교주해를위한사전작업에필요한주해의정보들을발견한다. 3. Organize a series of exegetical-expository sermons/lessons from Jeremiah. 예레미야서에서연속적인주해혹은강해설교나교훈을만든다. 4. Compose a complete sermon (manuscript) that indicates integration and characterization of sound exegetical-homiletical principles. 건강한주해혹은설교학적인원리들을사용하여완전한설교를작성한다. 5. Value the contribution of Jeremiah to the preaching/teaching ministry of the local church. 지역교회의설교나교육사역에대한예레미야서의공헌도의가치를인식한다. Required Textbooks 1. 목회와신학편집부, 예레미야 1 어떻게설교할것인가. 서울 : 두란노아카데미, 예레미야 2 어떻게설교할것인가. 서울 : 두란노아카데미, 로날드클레멘츠. 예레미야. 서울 : 한국장로교출판사, Course Methods 1. The seminar will be primarily a series of directed studies under the supervision of the professors. 세미나는주로담당교수들의지도하에이루어지는연속적인지도학습이될것이다. 2. Lectures by the professors will provide the basis for movement from subject to subject within the seminar. 교수의강의가세미나내에서토의주제를제공하는근거가될것이다. 3. Assigned projects and presentations will sharpen the student s knowledge and skills in important areas of exegetical and homiletical study of Jeremiah. 과제물들의발표는예레미야서에대한학생들의주해나설교적연구와같은중요분야의기술이나지식을날카롭게해줄것이다. Note: Dr. Sexton will lead the discussion of the background and exegesis of Jeremiah. Dr. Lee will deal with the exposition and preaching of Jeremiah. 색스턴교수는예레미야서의배경및주해에대한토론을인도하며이교수는예레미야서의설교에대한토론을인도할것이다. Assignments and Evaluation Criteria 과제물및평가방법 Students are required to do the following assignments: 1. Read the assigned textbooks. 교과서를읽으라. BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 2

3 2. Prepare a Background Paper on a critical issue or major theme from Jeremiah. The Background Paper is to be 8-10 pages in length (double-spaced) [consult Turabian, 6 ed. for format and style]. The Background Paper is due at the beginning of the first day of class (May 22, 2017). Each student will make a verbal presentation of the paper during the seminar. 예레미야서론및배경연구 : 학생들은예레미야서에대한서론및배경연구보고서를작성해야한다. 서론및배경연구에포함되는내용들은저자및저작연대, 예레미야서의문학적특성및구조, 예레미야서에나타난주요신학적개념들, 구약성경혹은신약성경에서예레미야서가차지하는위치등을포함해야한다. 서론및배경연구보고서는 Turabian 스타일에따라더블스페이스로작성하며분량은약 8-10 매로하며 2017 년 5 월 22 일세미나첫날에제출되어야한다. 배경연구보고서에는예레미야서전체에대한아웃트라인을첨부해야한다. 아웃트라인은배경연구보고서의페이지에포함되지않는다. 3. Prepare an Exposition from a selected text in Jeremiah. The passages will be assigned by Dr. Lee. (Students should contact Dr. Lee for assignment. Have a first, second, and third choice.) The Exposition must reflect use of the required texts plus two other texts from the Bibliography. The Exposition is to be pages in length (double-spaced). The Exposition Paper is due the first day of class (May 22, 2017). 주해보고서 : 학생들은여호수아서에서본문을선정하여선정된본문에대한주해보고서를작성해야한다. 주해보고서의본문은이종길교수에의하여결정되며이를위해학생들은예레미야서의주해를원하는본문세가지를선정하여이종길교수에게이메일상으로그세개의본문중에서주해보고서의본문을확정해야한다. 주해보고서는더블스페이스로약 12 매내외의분량으로 2017 년 5 월 22 일세미나첫날까지제출해야한다. 또한다른학생들에게발표자료들을준비하여발표시다른세미나참가학생들에게자료들을배부할수있어야한다 ( 담당교수에게는하드카피를제출해야하며발표시다른학생들에게는이메일파일가능 ). Note from Dr. Lee: Exposition is presenting, explaining, or expounding a text of Scripture, usually involving commentary and interpretation. It involves explanation, argument, application, and illustration of the material at hand. Students are to use the two required texts and two additional commentaries. Any direct quotes must be footnoted. The exposition will include the student s own interpretation of the text. The foundation for the exposition should be the commentaries, but interpretation will include an application of the text to a particular setting. The student may use a verse-by-verse exposition format or an exposition of the text as a whole. Illustrations are permissible, but those illustrations should not be lengthy. The Exposition should be developed to such an extent that someone unfamiliar with the text could understand the meaning and the application. 주해는주석과해석을목적으로성경의본문을제시하여설명하고그의미를드러내는과정이다. 즉성경의해당본문을설명하고논증하고적용하고예화를통해서본문을보여주는것이다. 위에서설명한대로두권의교과서와다른두권의주석을선택하여참고문헌으로사용한다. 직접인용은반드시각주를달아출처를밝혀야한다. 또한주해는본문의해석을포함해야한다. 단순히본문에대하여주석이말하는것만기록하는것이아니라설교에서오늘날본문이청중들에게무엇을말하고또청중들에게어떻게적용해야하는가를보여주어야한다. 창세기는내러티브즉이야기형식으로기록되었음을기억하라. 각이야기들로부터삶의원리나진리그리고적용점들이나와야한다. 제 3 자가주해를읽었을때본문은어떤내용인가, 본문이주는의미가무엇인가, 그리고오늘날그리스도인들에게본문이어떻게적용되어야하는가하는점들을보여주어야한다. BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 3

4 4. Prepare a Sermon Series consisting of five 2-3 page (single-spaced) sermon briefs from Jeremiah. These briefs should illustrate sound exegetical foundations for preaching (e.g., historical background, literary structure, content analysis, and homiletical principles). Each student will submit a first draft of one Sermon Brief to be presented and critiqued in the seminar. An introduction to the Sermon Series should be included stating the purpose of the series and an explanation of why the particular passages were selected. 예레미야서에서싱글스페이스로 2-3 페이지분량으로이루어진다섯편의설교요약문을작성하라. 다섯편의설교요약문중에서한편은세미나시작과동시에제출한다. 나머지는 4 편의설교요약문은세미나가종료됨과동시에제출을마감한다. 5. Prepare a Final Paper of pages in length (double-spaced). The paper will consist of one of the following options: Option 1 - A combination Exegesis and Exposition paper of a passage from Jeremiah. The paper should include a full sermon manuscript of the selected passage. The sermon manuscript portion of the paper should not exceed 7 pages of the document. Option 2 - Select five (5) Theological Concepts from Jeremiah and give a roughly 2-page reflection on each concept. Cite the references from Joshua where the concepts occur. Both the completed Sermon Series and the Final Paper are due on June 30, 학생들은 페이지분량의세미나후과제물을준비하여제출한다. 세미나후과제물은두가지방법중택일하여제출한다. 선택 1: 예레미야서에서세미나시간에발표했던본문을제외하고다른본문을선택하여선택된본문에대하여주해보고서를작성하고그주해내용을바탕으로그본문에대하여설교원고를작성한다. 설교분량은 7 페이지를초과할수없다. 나머지 8-13 페이지는주해의내용으로채워져야한다. 선택 2: 예레미야서에나타난 5 개의신학적주제를선정하여각주제들에대하여약 2 페이지정도의신학보고서를작성하라. 각신학적개념이소개되는예레미야서의본문을밝혀야한다. 완성된주해및설교보고서혹은신학보고서는 2017 년 6 월 30 일까지제출되어야한다. Evaluation 평가방법 All course objectives will be evaluated through the grading of the course assignments and examinations. Student participation and conduct in class and small-group discussions will also be factors in evaluation and grading. The student's final grade will be determined as follows: 1. Seminar Participation 세미나참여도 20% 2. Background Paper 배경연구보고서 20% 4. Exposition 주해보고서및발표 20% 4. Sermon Series 시리즈설교 20% 5. Final Paper 세미나후과제물 20% Course Policies Students should consult the current NOBTS Catalogue for the Seminary policy on class absences. When emergencies exist, the student may petition the Academic Advisor for permission to remain in class with excessive absences. Students also are reminded that being BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 4

5 tardy to class can result in absences being recorded (three times tardy will be recorded as one class period absence) and that students, not the professor, are responsible for having their presence in class recorded on the class roll when they are tardy in attendance. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the day due. Those assignments turned in past the date and time due will incur a late penalty of ten points, which will be deducted from the assignment grade. Assignments will not be accepted more than one week past the date due without permission. BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 5

6 SERMON SUMMARY SHEET Text: M.O.T.: C.I.T.: (Bible passage.) (Major Objective of the Text: a one-or two-word description of the primary purpose of the text; i. e., Evangelistic or Christian Life.) (Central Ideal of the Text: A word past- tense statement interpreting what the text meant then) Proposition: (A word present-tense application of the C. I. T.) Purpose: (A brief statement of what the preacher wants the listeners to know or do in response to the message.) Development: (The approach used to move from proposition to structure.) Outline: (Two or more words, phrases, or sentences which describe the structure of the text and the major divisions of your sermon.) I. II. III Title: (A brief phrase or sentence related to the sermon subject.) BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 6

7 Book Review Author Title Place of publication Publisher Date of publication Page numbers Dates Background/ministry Other books Bibliographical Information of the Book Biographical Information of the Author Purpose of the Book Check the forward, introduction, or first few pages of chapter 1 Arrangement and development Biblical and theological emphasis Summary of contents Clarity, forcefulness, etc. Writing style Readability Accomplishment of purpose Weaknesses Strengths Organization and Content Style Evaluation Application How does the subject matter relate to your call to ministry? to Christian ministry in general? to your practice and/or philosophy of preaching? Be specific. BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 7

8 Selected Bibliography GENERAL WORKS Ben Zvi, Ehud, and Michael H. Floyd, eds. Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, Bewer, Julius A. The Prophets. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, Bright, John. A History of Israel. 4 th ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, Buber, Martin. The Prophetic Faith. Translated by Carlyle Witton-Davies. New York: MacMillan Company, Corbett, J. Elliot. The Prophets of Main Street. Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, Eichrodt, Walther. Theology of the Old Testament. 2 vols. Translated by J. A. Baker. Old Testament Library. Edited by G. Ernest Wright, John Bright, James Barr, and Peter Ackroyd. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, Fohrer, Georg. History of the Israelite Nation. Translated by David E. Green. Nashville: Abingdon Press, Gordon, Robert P. "The Place Is Too Small for Us": The Israelite Prophets in Recent Scholarship. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, Heschel, Abraham J. The Prophets. 2 vols. New York: Harper and Row, Klein, Ralph W. Israel in Exile: A Theological Interpretation. In Overtures to Biblical Theology. Edited by Walter Brueggemann and John R. Donahue. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, Koch, Klaus. The Prophets. Translated by Margaret Kohl. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, Laato, Antti. Josiah and David Redivivus: The Historical Josiah and the Messianic Expectations of Exilic and Postexilic Times. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, Leslie, Elmer A. The Prophets Tell Their Own Story. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, Lindblom, Johannes. Prophecy in Ancient Israel. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 8

9 North, Christopher R. The Message of the Prophets. Translated by D. M. G. Stalker. London: BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 8

10 SCM Press Ltd., The Old Testament Interpretation of History. London: Epworth Press, Noth, Martin. The History of Israel. 2d ed. New York: Harper and Bros., Robinson, H. Wheeler. The Religious Ideas of the Old Testament. London: Duckworth, Rowley, H. H. The Faith of Israel: Aspects of Old Testament Thought. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, Rust, Eric C. Covenant and Hope. Waco, TX: Word Books, Sailhmmer, John H. Introduction to Old Testament Theology: A Canonical Approach. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, Smith, Gary V. The Prophets as Preachers. Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, Snaith, Norman H. The Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament. London: Epworth Press, Sweeney, Marvin. King Josiah: The Lost Messiah of Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, von Rad, Gerhard. Old Testament Theology. 2 vols. Translated by D. M. G. Stalker. New York: Harper and Row, The Message of the Prophets. Translated by D. M. G. Stalker. London: SCM Press Ltd., Vriezen, Theodorus Christiaan. An Outline of Old Testament Theology. Newton Centre, MA: Charles T. Branford Co., Westermann, Claus. A Thousand Years and A Day. Translated by Stanley Rudman. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, Wilson, Robert R. Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, WORKS ON JEREMIAH Ackroyd, P. R. "The Book of Jeremiah--Some Recent Studies." Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28 (1984): Archer, Gleason. "The Relationship between the Septuagint Translation and the Massoretic Text in Jeremiah." Trinity Journal 12 (Fall 1991): BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 9

11 Arnold, Bill T. "Recent Trends in the Study of Jeremiah." Ashland Theological Journal 25 (1993): Auld, A. G. "Prophets and Prophecy in Jeremiah and Kings." Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 94 (1982): Baumgartner, W. Jeremiah's Poems of Lament. Sheffield: Almond Press, Becking, Bob. "Jeremiah's Book of Consolation: A Textual Comparison: Notes on the Masoretic Text and the Old Greek Version of Jeremiah XXX-XXXI." Vetus Testamentum 44 (1994): Ben Zvi, Ehud. "Understanding the Message of the Tripartite Prophetic Books." Restoration Quarterly 35 (1993): Berquist, Jon L. "Prophetic Legitimation in Jeremiah." Vetus Testamentum 39 (April 1989) Blank, Sheldon H. Jeremiah, Man and Prophet. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, Boadt, Lawrence. Jeremiah In Old Testament Message. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice, ed. Le Livre de Jérémie, le prophète et son milieu, les oracles et leur transmission. Leuven: Leuven University, Breckelmans, Christian H. W. Some Considerations on the Prose Sermons in the Book of Jeremiah. Bijdragen: Tijdschrit voor filosofie en theologie 34 (1973): Bright, John. "The Date of the Prose Sermons of Jeremiah." Journal of Biblical Literature 70 (1951): [Reprinted in Perdue and Kovacs - see below]. Jeremiah. In Anchor Bible. New York: Doubleday, Brown, Michael L. Jeremiah. In Expositor s Bible Commentary: Jeremiah-Ezekiel. Revised edition. Edited by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, Brueggemann, Walter. "The 'Baruch Connection': Reflections on Jeremiah 43:1-7." Journal of Biblical Literature 113 (1994): Hopeful Imagination: Prophetic Voices in Exile. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, "Jeremiah: Intense Criticism/Thin Interpretation." Interpretation 42 (July 1988): BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from Jeremiah Page 10

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