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보도자료 http://www.msip.go.kr 한 중 ICT 장관, 전략적정책공조본격시동 - 사이버보안, SW, 5G 등핵심 ICT 분야협력합의 - - 1 -

- 2 -

- 3 -

- 4 -

붙임 1 제 2 차한 중 ICT 협력장관급전략대화개요 < 회의체개요 > 1. 회의개요 2. 의제목록 1 2 3 4 5 6-5 -

3. 의제별개요 협력현황보고 ( 제1차전략대화후속조치등협력현황 ) 제1차한중 ICT 전략대화개요 - 6 -

사이버보안협력 (MOU, 우리측제안 ) ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ - ㅇ - - ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ - 7 -

소프트웨어 (SW) 산업협력 (MOU, 우리측제안 ) - 8 -

5G 기술개발협력 ( 중국측제안 ) ㅇ ㅇ 기술교류회개최 차 월 차 월 차 월 차 월 ㅇ - ㅇ 등표준화기구에서한국과중국이사전의견을공유하고협력추진 ㅇ ㅇ R&D ( 15 ) - 9 -

브로드밴드협력 ( 중국측제안 ) ㅇ ICT - ICT * ( 예 ) 100Mbps : IPTV, VoIP 서비스발달 1Gbps : UHDTV, 홀로그램서비스발달 - 2 GDP 0.3%, 10% GDP 1% ( 11, 에릭슨 ) ㅇ 브로드밴드관련국제지표현황 인터넷이용률 : 82.1%( 13) 가구당인터넷보급률 : 98.1% ( 13) 평균인터넷속도 : 24.6Mbps('14) 휴대전화가입률 : 110.4 ( 13) 가구당 PC 보급률 : 80.6% ( 13) 스마트폰보급률 : 71% ( 13) ㅇ < 기술방식별가입자현황 ( 14) > ( 단위 : 명 ) xdsl HFC LAN Fiber 합계 1,703,971 4,611,900 7,199,160 5,545,763 19,060,794 * 인구100명당광인터넷 (Fiber/LAN) 가입률 : 24.2 ( 세계 1위 ) ㅇ - (1Mbit/s) OECD 29%, OECD 1.7 ( 13, KISDI) * 단위속도 (1Mbit/s) 당요금 : 한국 $0.21, OECD 평균 $0.79-10 -

ㅇ * 기가인터넷커버리지목표 : (14) 25% ( 15) 40% ( 16) 70% ( 17) 90% ㅇ * 주요과제 : NG-PON2, Carrier Ethernet, 가상화관리시스템등 ㅇ * 13 년말까지 50 세대미만농어촌마을의 56.4% 에 100Mbps 급광대역망구축 * 취약계층에연 12,000 여대의 PC 보급및연 200,000 여명의정보화교육제공 ㅇ 차기전략대화 : 15-11 -

붙임 2 공동합의록 Minutes of Meeting The 2 nd Korea-ChinaMinisterialStrategicDialogue on ICT Cooperation October 28, 2014 Seoul, Republic of Korea As one of the major outcomes of the Korea-China Summit held in June 2013 and in July 2014, the 2nd Korea-China Ministerial Strategic Dialogue on ICT Cooperation between the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) of the Republic of Korea and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of the People s Republic of China was held on October 28, 2014 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Mr. Choi Yanghee, Minister of MSIP of the Republic of Korea and Mr. MIAO Wei, Minister of MIIT of the People s Republic of China led their respective government delegations to participate in the Dialogue (the 1ist of delegations are attached as Annex1). At the Dialogue, the two sides introduced their major policies on the following subjects and discussed cooperative measures, with the mutual understanding that ICT is a major driving force for social and economic development. 1. Review on current state of bilateral cooperation (follow-up actions after the 1 st Dialogue) 2. Cooperation on cyber security (Signing of the MoU) 3. Cooperation on software industry (Signing of the MoU) 4. Cooperation on 5G technology development 5. Cooperation on broadband development 6. Schedule for the next Dialogue - 12 -

The discussions are summarized as follows. 1. Review on current state of bilateral cooperation Both sides reviewed the cooperative activities since the 1st Dialogue, which include activities such as the organization of Korea-China 5G Technology Exchange Meeting twice (April 2014/Hangzhou, August 2014/Xian), opening/participation of the Korean Pavilion in 2014 China IT Expo (April 2014/Shenzhen) and 2014 China International Software Expo (May 2014/Beijing), collaboration and coordination on cyber security incidents as well as issues relating to ITU PP-14. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the progress of cooperation achieved jointly. 2. Cooperation on cyber security (Signing of the MoU) Both sides shared views on policies and best practice in addressing cyber security and agreed that bilateral and international collaboration is becoming increasingly important due to the openness of cyber space. In order to strengthen cooperation between MSIP and MIIT in this area, the two sides signed the MoU on cooperation in the field of cyber security, which not only includes cooperation on response to cross border cyber security incidents through sharing information and undertaking joint research or investigation, but also includes encouraging joint R&D and exchange of relevant experts. Also, under the MoU, the two sides agreed to hold different levels of meetings to discuss and share cyber security policies and best practices. 3. Cooperation on software industry (Signing of the MoU) Both sides shared views on policies in the development of software and agreed that software industry is becoming all the more important in - 13 -

promoting trade and technical exchanges as well as the sustainable economic and social development of each country in the 21st century. In order to strengthen cooperation between MSIP and MIIT in this area, the two sides signed the MoU on cooperation in the field of software, which includes (but not limited to) software technology, industry, application, capacity building and policy making. As a part of the cooperative measures in software industry, MSIP invited MIIT to participate in the K-Tech China, which will be hosted by MSIP and held on Dec 18 in Beijing, and MIIT express its willingness to participate in the event. Both sides agree to discuss the details of participation through follow-up discussion. 4. Cooperation on 5G technology development Both sides discussed the latest 5G views and proposed cooperation on ITU 5G vision. Both sides discussed ways to enhance cooperation on 5G development and agreed to encourage the 5G Promotion Association and 5G Forum to jointly organize and select R&D projects in the field of 5G technology from the end of 2014 and embark on international joint research and development from 2015, and collaborate on issues that require close global cooperation such as standard of 5G core technology, candidate frequency range, etc. The two sides welcomes efforts to continue bilateral cooperation on 5G technology and to cooperate closely for the commercialization of the technology in 2020. 5. Cooperation on broadband development Both sides shared the current status and policies of broadband - 14 -

development. With the common understanding that the development of broadband network contributes to sustainable growth and economic prosperity in both countries, both sides agreed to further strengthen mutual cooperation in this important area. 6. Schedule for the next Dialogue Both sides are of the view that Korea-China Ministerial Strategic Dialogue on ICT Cooperation have greatly enhanced the mutual understanding and cooperation on ICT policies and technology development between the two countries, and agreed to hold the 3 rd Korea-China Ministerial Strategic Dialogue on ICT Cooperation in China in he second half of 2015 and will decide on the detailed arrangements through follow-up discussions. Signed on October 28, 2014 in Seoul, the Minutes of Meeting will be done in duplicate in English. For the Korea side, For the China side, Choi Yanghee Minister Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Republic of Korea MIAO Wei Minister Ministry of Industry and Information Technology People's Republic of China - 15 -

[Annex 1] Korean Delegation Republic of Korea NO. Name Organization Post 1 Choi Yanghee 2 Lee Jaehong 3 Jang Seokyoung 4 Kang Seongju 5 Paek Kihun 6 Seo Seokjin 7 Jung Hankeun 8 Lee Jaebum 9 Kang Changwon 10 Lee Jihyung 11 Lee Sangkug MSIP Minister Director General International Cooperation Bureau Director General Policy Planning Bureau Director General IT Strategy Bureau Director General ICT Convergence Policy Bureau Director-General Software Policy Bureau Director General Internet Policy Bureau Director Americas & Asia Cooperation Division Deputy Director Americas & Asia Cooperation Division Deputy Director Cyber Security Policy Division Deputy Director ICT and Broadcasting Technology Policy Division 12 Choi Woosuk Deputy Director, Software Industry Division 13 Sang Eunhye Deputy Director, Network Policy Division 14 Ha Joonhong Deputy Director, Assistant to Minister 15 Sim Jaechung 16 Kim Sungchil MOFA Assistant Director Americas & Asia Cooperation Division Counsellor for science technology and information communication 17 Kim Heungnam ERTI President 18 Kim Deukjung List of Participants Vice President for Global Business 19 Shin Sungwoo Head of Global Business Team 20 Kwak Jeongho NIPA Principal Researcher Global Development Cooperation Team 21 Choi Boyoung Managing Researcher, Global Business Team - 16 -

Chinese Delegation CHINA No. Name Organization Post 1 MIAO Wei 2 TU Senlin 3 CHEN Yin 4 DING Wenwu 5 CHEN Wei 6 WEN Ku 7 CAO Shumin MIIT Minister Director General, Department of International Cooperation Director General, DepartmentofScienceandTechnology, Director General, Department of Information Technology Industry Director General, Department of Software and Information Service Director General, Department of Telecommunication Development President, China Academy of Telecommunication Research 8 QU Guochun Deputy Director General, General Office, 9 CHANG Guowu Director, Department of Raw materials Industry, 10 YUAN Chunyang Deputy Director, Bureau of Telecommunication Enablement 11 LIU Ziping Director, Department of International Cooperation, 12 LI Zhi Officer, Department of International Cooperation, 13 ZHANG Shanshan Senior Engineer, China Academy of Telecommunication Research 14 FU Gui Chinese Counsellor for Science and Technology Embassy in 15 Song Weigang Korea Third Secretary - 17 -