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Massive yet responsive turning centers without compromise. The most powerful machines in their class. 02 Powerful, Heavy Duty Turning Center

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PUMA 480 series PUMA 480[L] 1500 r/min 165.5 45 kw PUMA 480D[LD] 1000 r/min 275 [Gear Box] PUMA 480 [L/XL] (1500 r/min) PUMA 480M [LM / XLM] (1500 r/min) PUMA 480D (1000 r/min) PUMA480[L] BF Gear Box PUMA 480M [LM/XLM] 04 Powerful, Heavy Duty Turning Center

PUMA 480 series 0.25 s 10 ea PUMA 480[L / XL] 12 ea PUMA 480M [LM / XLM] Preciflex adapter application Collet application 05

PUMA 480 series 16 m/min 20 m/min 18 m/min PUMA 480 06 Powerful, Heavy Duty Turning Center


Long boring bar 08 Powerful, Heavy Duty Turning Center

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PUMA 480[D/L/LD/XL] 10ea 12ea PUMA 480M[LM] 12ea PUMA 480XLM 12ea 10 Powerful, Heavy Duty Turning Center

PUMA 480[D/L/LD/XL] OD Tool Holder PUMA 480M[LM/XLM] OD Tool Holder Straight milling unit ID Tool holder ID Tool holder Angular milling unit 11

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PUMA 480XL[XLM] 13

Tank Capacity (30min) (rated capacity) X Z X Z X Z X Z r/min ASA deg st s r/min m/min m/min /rev /rev MT# kw kw kw kw kw KVA kg PUMA 480[L] PUMA 480M[LM] PUMA 480XL PUMA 480XLM PUMA 480D[LD] 900 720 380 650 992 [2042] 951 [2001] 3065 165.5 362 [57+305] 362 [37+325] 362 [37+305] 362 [37+325] 1105 [2155] 3100 1500 A1 #15 240 181 10 32 x 32 ø 80 20 [18] 7.0 [6.0] 360 (in 0.001) 12 25 x 25 ø 60 3000 11 53.1 58.1 2170 4335 [5452] 4615 [5732] 2050 [2217] 8600 [10600] 8900 [10900] 10 32 x 32 ø 80 ø 0.25 16 500 500 120 MT#6 120 45 4.0 0.4 53.1 10 6.0 2411 6980 2340 12500 360 (in 0.001) 12 25 x 25 ø 60 3000 11 58.1 992 [2042] 362 [57+305] 1105 [2155] 1000 A2 #20 460 275 10 32 x 32 ø 80 20 [18] 7.0 [6.0] 53.1 2170 [2270] 4335 [5452] 2050 [2217] 9100 [11100] Leveling jack screws & plates Live center (QSetter) Servo (Auto/Manual) Automatic door Air Blower 14 Powerful, Heavy Duty Turning Center

Fanuc 32iA Operation Feed Item Spec. Fanuc 32iA Controlled axes X, Z, C (!) Simultaneously controlled axes Std. 2 axes 3 axes (!) Backlash compensation 0~±9999 pulses Cs contouring controll (!) Followup / Chamfering on / off HRV2 control Least input increment 0.001 / 0.0001" Stored stroke check1 Overtravel control Automatic operation (memory) / Buffer register Handle incremental feed X1, X10, X100 Search function Sequence NO. / Program NO. 1st reference position return Manual, G28 2nd reference position return G30 Reference position return check G27 Circular interpolation G02 Continuous thread cutting Dwell G04 Linear interpolation G01 Multiple threading / Thread cutting retract Polar coordinate interpolation (!) Thread cutting / Synchronous cutting Feed per minute / Feed per revolution Feedrate override 0 200 % (10% unit) Jog feed override 0 2000 /min Rapid traverse override F0 / 25 / 100 % Tangential speed constant control Spindle orientation Constantant surface speed control G96, G97 Mfunction M3 digits Multispindle control (!) Rigid tapping Spindle speed override 0~150% Absolute / Incremental prograing Canned cycle for drilling / Turning Custom macro Decimal point prograing/pocket calculator type decimal point prograing Direct drawing dimension prograing ez Guide i Conversational prograing Setting & Display Other Functions Item Spec. Fanuc 32iA Maximum program dimension ±9 digits Multi repetitive canned cycle G70~G76 Multi repetitive canned cycle 2 Optional block skip (without hardware) Total 9 (Only NC function) Sequence number N8 digits Prograable data input G10 Sub program call 10 folds nested 10 Work coordinate system selection G52~G59 Auto tool offset Tool monitoring system Opt. Direct input of tool offset value measured B Tool geometry / wear compensation Geometry & wear data Tool life management Tool nose radius compensation Tcode function T2+2 digits Tool offset G43, G44, G49 Tool offset pairs ±6 digits 64 Tool offset value counter input Background editting Expanded part program editting Copy, Move, Change of NC program No. of Registered programs 500ea Part program editing / Program protect Part program storage length 640m Display of spindle speed and Tcode at all screen Help function Alarm & Operation display Self diagnostic function Servo setting screen / Spindle setting screen Status display / Lock function Tool path graphic display Opt.(!) External key input / External data input External work number search I/O interface RS232C Memory card input and output Reader puncher control CH1 interface Ethernet function Embedded ethernet function MDI / DISPLAY unit 10.4" color TFT LCD PMC system : Standard OPT : Option (!) : only M type 15 1110ILK