감국비누 사람을자연속으로... 자연을사람속으로... Human to Nature, Nature to Human! 자연마음스토리 Story of Nature Mind Baby Soap Series I 유아용비누시리즈 저희회사는자연의소박한마음을담아아픈아이를생각하는엄마의마음

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감국비누 사람을자연속으로... 자연을사람속으로... Human to Nature, Nature to Human! 자연마음스토리 Story of Nature Mind Baby Soap Series I 유아용비누시리즈 저희회사는자연의소박한마음을담아아픈아이를생각하는엄마의마음으로자연소재를이용하여힐링제품을만드는수제전문회사입니다. 현대인은환경오염과각종화학물질범람하는시대에서원인모를질환에건강을위협을받고있습니다. 그래서자연마음에서는구매자분들의증상이완화되고치유받길바라며자연성분을사용한힐링제품들을만들고있습니다. 치자비누 1 Gardenia Soap 2 감국비누 Gamguk Soap Our company is a handmade specialist of soaps and foods that uses natural materials to make healing products with the heart of mother who thinks sick child with simple heart of nature. Modern people are threatened with health problems due to environmental pollution and various kinds of chemicals. So Nature Mind is making healing products using natural ingredients in the hope to reduce and cure those symptoms. 우리아이가쓴다는생각으로인공적인것을최대한배제하고순수자연성분으로각종전문수제비누와먹고바를수있을만큼순수한향초, 탈모를개선시키는순수샴푸바그리고우리나라특유의맛이나는초콜릿까지... 손으로직접만듭니다. 최고의원료로고품질제품을만든다는것이 10 년이상제품을만들어온저의소신이며회사의목표입니다. With the thought that my child is using, excluding artificial ingredients as much as possible, we make natural handmade soaps, pure herb aroma candles safe enough to be eaten, pure shampoo bar that improves hair loss, and unique taste of Korean chocolates. For more than last 10 years, our unchanging policy is to produce best quality natural products using pure natural materials. 외형을키워대량생산을통해큰이익을추구하는회사가아닌소량이라도사람과자연을생각하는유익한제품을생산하는곳, 그곳이 자연마음 입니다. 제회사가아닌우리들의회사로키워나가겠습니다. 감사합니다. It is NATURE MIND who always thinking of people and nature, making beneficial products in small quantities, not the company that pursues big profits through mass production. I will grow the company not for myself but for ourselves. Thank you. 보들보들우리아기피부. 맘놓고, 신나게목욕놀이해요!~ 목욕하고나면피부가건조해져요? 그렇다면순한치자비누를써보세요! 보들보들 ~ 버블버블 ~ Soft and damageable skin of babies. Don t worry, just enjoy bathing! Does the skin dry out after bathing? If so, try using gentle Gardenia Soap! Softly~ Bubble Bubble~ < 효능 > 항원, 항균작용이있어작은염증을개선할때사용됩니다. <Efficacy> Antigen, antibacterial function of Gardenia helps to improve skin inflammation. < 대표성분 > 치자가루, 티트리 E.O, 히아루론산, 글리세린, 천연토코페놀, 증류수 <Representative components> Gardenia Powder, Tea Tree E.O, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, Natural Tocopherol, Distilled Water 우리가족은매년가을이면감국 ( 국화 ) 을따러다닙니다. 들과산에핀천연감국따서뭘할까요? 아이들을위한비누를만들지요. 성난피부에좋으며, 천연보습효과가듬뿍. 민감성아이피부에좋답니다. My family goes after Gamguk(Chrysanthemum Indicum flower) every autumn. You know what we do after harvesting Gamguk? We make Gamguk Soap for kids. Natural moisturizing effect of Gamguk is desirable both for troubled skin of adult and sensitive baby skin. < 효능 > 강원도청청지역에서나오는야생 감국 을이용하여만든천연수제비누 천연보습제가충분히들어있어건조함이덜하며상처에새살이빨리돋아나오도록도와줍니다. 특히트러블을개선함과민감성아기피부에도좋은수제천연비누입니다. <Efficacy> Natural handmade Gamguk soap is made from wild Gamguk collected from clean and eco-friendly area of Gangwon province. Gamguk contains a lot of natural moisturizing agents to help skin dry out less quickly and to grow faster new tissue of skin when it is wounded. Gamguk soap is a handmade natural soap that is especially good for sensitive skin and to improve skin problems. < 대표성분 > 프리미엄비누투명베이스, 호호바오일, 프리미엄비누화이트베이스, 히아루론산, 글리세린, 천연토코페놀, 라벤더, 티트리 E.O, 카렌듈라꽃잎소량, 감국꽃잎기타재료 <Representative components> Premium Soap Transparent Base, Jojoba Oil, Premium Soap White Base, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, Natural Tocopherol, Lavender. Tea Tree E.O, Calendula Flowers, Gamguk(Chrysanthemum Indicum flower) 02 03

비비바세안용 롤링사탕비누 3 Rolling Candy Soap 4 얘들아즐겁게목욕놀이하자 ~ 목욕하며갖고놓는비누, 일명사탕비누입니다. Let s have fun bathing kids~ It is a so-called candy soap, that your kid can play with in bathtub. < 효능 > 속안에사탕모양비누들이보여서아이들이좋아하는비누입니다. 보습력이뛰어나건조한피부에적극추천드리는상품입니다. <Efficacy> It is candy-shaped soaps that children like most. Having excellent moisture retention property, the soap is highly recommended for dry skin. < 대표성분 > 프리미엄비누베이스, 호호바오일, 히아루론산, 글리세린, 천연토코페놀, 치자가루, 코치닐가루, 청대가루, 레몬 E.O, 기타재료 <Representative components> Premium soap base, Jojoba Oil, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, Natural Tocopherol, Gardenia Powder, Cochineal Powder, Green Bamboo Powder, Lemon E.O. 모링가비누 Moringa Soap 아토피가심한아이들에게강추합니다. 모링가천연수제비누! 지구의불모지역에서살고있는생명의나무, 모링가와햄프씨드가만났습니다. 항산화, 항염작용이뛰어나답니다. 각종영양소가듬뿍아이에게도좋겠죠? 아토피가심한아이들을위해만들었습니다. This soap is recommended for children with severe atopyeczema. Natural Moringa Handmade Soap! The tree of sephiroth Moringa living in the most barren regions of the globe met with Hemp Seed that has excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory property and rich of variety nutrients. It is made for children who suffers severe atopy. < 효능 > 세계 10 대슈퍼푸드로선정되었다니모닝가효능이궁굼해집니다. 가장주목되는내용은인간에게필요한 5 대영양소가모두풍부하게들어있다고하네요. 그래서인지미국국립보건원에서발표하기를체내면역력을올려주는꼭필요한필수아미노산이모두들어있다고합니다. 이런제품우리아이들피부에사용하면좋겠죠. 면역력강화, 노화방지, 피부질환개선, 탈모치료, 노폐물제거등 ~ <Efficacy> It was selected as one of the top 10 super foods in the world. The most noteworthy thing is that Moringa has all five nutrients needed by human abundantly. The US National Institutes of Health announced that Moringa contains all the essential amino acids that are essential for boosting the immune system of human body. It goes without saying that Moringa better to be applied to our children. It has good effect such as strengthening of immunity, anti-aging, improvement of skin disease, treatment of hair loss, elimination of waste matter from the body and etc. Cleansing, body soap Series I 세안, 바디비누시리즈 옥비누 1 Jade soap 2 춘천옥가루를이용하여만든천연수제비누 Natural handmade soap made from Chuncheon-Soft Jade powder < 효능 > 연옥은인체에필요한 40 여종의미네랄이풍부하게들어있는광물로써, 원적외선과음이온이다량발생하여자연치유에도움을줍니다. <Efficacy> Soft Jade is rich in 40 kinds of minerals needed for human body, generates large amount of far-infrared rays and anions that boost natural healing. < 대표성분 > 프리미엄비누베이스, 호호바오일, 춘천옥가루, 대나무숯가루, 레몬 E.O <Representative components> Premium Soap Base, Jojoba Oil, Chuncheon Jade Powder, Bamboo Charcoal Powder, Lemon E.O. 비비바비누 BiBi Bar Soap 세상에하나뿐인비비바시리즈. 세안은세안용비비바로, 목욕은바디용비비바로, 머리는샴푸용비비바로하세요. 색다른즐거움을느끼실겁니다. 제 44 회강원도공예품공모전방향제비누 동상 수상제 44 회대한민국공예품공모전 방향제비누 입상 수상 The only BiBi Bar Soap series in the world. Facial cleansing by Facial BiBi Bar, Bath by Body BiBi Bar, Hair cleansing by Shampoo BiBi Bar. You ll feel different pleasures. Bronze Award in The 44th Gangwon-do Craft Competition Awarded in the 44th Korea Crafts Competition Air Freshener and Soap Sector < 제작방법 > 비누틀이없이 100% 손으로빚어서만들기에손의느낌에따라조금씩색감의변화와느낌이다양하게표현할수있는이세상의하나의비누입니다. 아토피피부, 영유아부터남녀노소까지사용가능한비누이며, 공예품에가까운비누이기에작은인테리어방향제로사용하셔도좋습니다. <Manufacturing method> 100% handmade without using the soap frame, your soap is only one soap in the world! Colors, shapes and vidual feeling are differently expressed according to the touch of the hand. It is a soap that can be used from atopy skin, infants to old people. Also, as the soap is close to an artcraft, it can be used as a small interior fragrance. < 대표성분 > 올리브유, 햄프씨드오일, 호호바오일, 포도씨유, 피마자유, 코코넛유, 팜유, 라벤더 E.O, 알란토인, 증류수, 가성소다, 치아씨드분말 <Representative components> Olive Oil, Hampe Seed Oil, Jojoba Jil, Grape Seed Oil, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Lavender E.O, Allantoin, Distilled Water, Caustic Soda, Chia-seed powder 한국화학융합시험연구원 KC 인증마크획득 < 사용감알림 > 아참! 비비바는천연보습제인히아루론산이듬뿍들어가있어요. 히아루론산은천연윤활류이기때문에세안시미끄러운감촉을느끼실수있는데요. 절대덜닦여서그런것이아니에요! 고급에센스처럼히아루론산은내피부의부족한수분을충분히공급하며보호해줍니다. 04 05

비비바샴푸용 대한민국공예품대전입상작 A 세안용 Cleansing BiBi Bar < 대표성분 > 레몬 E.O, 코코아파우더, 치자가루, 코치닐가루, 청대가루, 포도씨추출물, 히아루론산, 글리세린, 천연토코페놀, 알란토인 <Representative components> Lemon E.O, Cocoa Powder, Gardenia Powder, Cochinil Powder, Green Bamboo Powder, Grape Seed Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, Natural Tocopherol, Allantoin B 샴푸용 Shampoo BiBi Bar < 효능 > 천연식물성오일과페퍼민트향을이용하여만든샴푸바이며, 무엇보다화학계면활성제를사용하지않기때문에모발건강을유지하는데좋은건강샴푸바입니다. 가려움과모발이가늘어지거나탈모가있으신분들께강추합니다. <Efficacy> The Shampoo Bar is made from natural vegetable oil and peppermint extract. Free from chemical surfactant, it is very healthy shampoo good for maintaining hair health. It is recommended to those who have itchiness, hair thinning or hair loss. < 대표성분 > 레몬 E.O, 코코아파우더, 치자가루, 청대가루, 포도씨추출물, 히아루론산, 글리세린, 천연토코페놀, 페파민트 E.O, 레몬오일 E.O, 발효복합물 ( 녹차, 감초, 상백피, 홍삼 ), 알란토인 <Representative components> Lemon E.O, Cocoa Powder, Gardenia Powder, Green Bamboo Powder, Grape Seed Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, Natural Tocopherol, Peppermint E.O, Lemon Oil E.O, Fermented Herb Complex(green tea, licorice, mulberry root extract, red ginseng), Allantoin 비비바세안용 비비바샴푸용 4 마운틴비누 Mountain Soap 산비누에요. 싱그럽죠! 대한민국공예품대전입상작품입니다. 비누로는공예대전상이처음이라네요!~^^ 비누로공예품이될수있다는사실모르셨죠? 빚는시간이넘오래걸려한정판매합니다. 머리서부터발끝까지보습을위해태어났습니다. 신성한청량감이듬뿍!~ It s a soap in the shape of mountain. Isn t it looking great? This special soap won the Korea Crafts Competition. It is first time for a soap winning the Craft Award! Not so many people would expect that a soap can be such a luxury handicraft, but it actually is. However, as it takes very long time to make the product, this Mountain Soaps are available only in limited edition. It was born for moisturizing from head to toe. The soap is full of refreshing feeling! ~ < 효능 > 민트계열이첨가되어사용후청량함을더욱느낄수있으며, 가려움이심한분들께추천드리며, 더욱건강한피부를유지해드립니다. <Efficacy> Mint extract is added and provide refreshing feeling after use. It is recommended for those who has severe itching skin. < 대표성분 > 페파민트 E.O, 레몬 E.O, 코코아파우더, 치자가루, 코치닐가루, 청대가루, 포도씨추출물, 히아루론산. 글리세린, 천연토코페놀, 알란토인, 프로폴리스 <Representative components> Peppermint E.O, Lemon E.O, Cocoa Powder, Gardenia Powder, Cochinil Powder, Green Bamboo Powder, Grape Seed Extract, Hyaluronic Acid. Glycerin, Natural Tocopherol, Allantoin, Propolis C 바디용 Body BiBi Bar < 효능 > 민트계열이첨가되어사용후청량함을더욱느낄수있으며, 가려움이심한분들께추천드리며, 더욱건강한피부를유지해드립니다. <Efficacy> Mint extract was added to provide soft and freshness to skin after use, recommendable to those with severe itching and to maintain healthier skin. < 대표성분 > 페파민트 E.O, 레몬 E.O, 코코아파우더, 치자가루, 코치닐가루, 청대가루, 포도씨추출물, 히아루론산, 글리세린, 천연토코페놀, 알란토인, 프로폴리스 <Representative components> Peppermint E.O, Lemon E.O, Cocoa Powder, Gardenia Powder, Cochinil Powder, Green Bamboo Powder, Grape Seed Extract, Hyaluronic Acid. Glycerin, Natural Tocopherol, Allantoin, Propolis 비비바바디용 5 원석보석비누 Gemstone Jewelry Soap 내몸은보석이다. 보석비누. 양이무지무지많습니다. 잘라서사용하세요!~ 아시죠. 화학계면활성제無. 특히건성피부를위해만들었습니다. My body is jewelry. Jewelry Soap! As the size is big, cut and use it as you like! You know. No chemical surfactant used. Especially good for dry skin. 06 07

진주비누 Snow White Princess Soap I 백설공주비누 ( 클렌징전용 Cleansing only) Candle Series I 향초시리즈 향초특허출원번호 10-2017-0028991 ( 접수번호 1-1-2017-0228032-21) 진주비누코코넛수제비누 1 Pearl Soap 2 Coconut Soap 1 화장을깨끗이지우고싶다고요? 그럼세안전용비누를써보세요. 간편하게깔끔하게뽀드득뽀드득 ~ Want to clear your makeup completely? Try this facial washing Pearl Soap. Clean your face with easy and neatly. < 효능 > 나이들어피부가칙칙하다고느끼신다면진주비누. 미백효과와주름개선에도움이됩답니다. <Efficacy> When you feel your skin is dull, try this Pearl Soap! It has whitening effect on your face and helps wrinkle improvement. < 대표성분 > 진주파우더, 올리브유, 해바라기오일, 스윗아몬드오일, 포도씨유, 피마자유, 코코넛유, 팜유, 라벤더 E.O, 알란토인, 증류수, 가성소다 <Representative components> Pearl Powder, Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, lavender E.O, Allantoin, Distilled Water, Caustic Soda 유분이많아모공관리가잘안되세요? 뽀루지, 여드름이문제인분들께강추드려요. Have problem in managing your pores? Coconut Soap is recommendable to those who have acne problems. < 효능 > 자연이선물한천연항생제 항균제인코코넛오일로나의피부를관리해보세요!~ 정돈된분위기로한결좋아집니다. <Efficacy> Treat your skin with coconut oil which is antibacterial, antibiotic presented by nature! Your skin is getting better in a trimmed atmosphere. < 대표성분 > 코코넛오일, 포도씨오일, 알란토인, 증류수, 가성소다, 레몬 E.O, 오렌지 E.O <Representative components> Coconut Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Allantoin, Distilled Water, Caustic Soda, Lemon E.O, Orange E.O 먹을수있는향초 Edible Aroma Candle 천연항생제 항균제라고여기는코코아오일과초코가만나향초가되었습니다. 직접먹을수있을만큼안전한재료로만들었기에인체에무해합니다. Cocoa Butter which is considered as an antimicrobial agent met with chocolate to become an Aroma Candle. It is harmless to the human body because it is made of natural material safe enough be eaten directly. < 용량및사용시간 > 90ml- 약 20 시간연소, 120ml- 25 시간연소, 220ml- 45 시간연소 <Volume and burning time> 90ml - 20 hours, 120ml - 25 hours, 220ml - 45 hours < 유의사항 > 1) 첫연소시표면이녹을때까지태워주셔야터널링현상을예방하며, 오래향을즐길수있습니다. 2) 캔들을켜고주무시지않도록유의해주세요. <Notice> 1) When using the candle first time, to prevent the tunneling phenomenon, Keep the candle burning until the surface fully melts. 2) Be careful not to fall asleep with the candle turned on. 코코넛주방세제 Coconut Kitchen Detergent 우리가족건강을지키는출발점. 화학물질의공포에서해방.( 자연이선물한천연항생제 항균제인코코넛주방세제 ) 천연식물성오일100% 로이용하여만든친환경주방세제입니다. 매일매일사용하는주방용품에화학물질이있으면안되겠죠? ( 화학공포에서우리가족지키미, 주방세제에서부터시작!) 영 유아속옷을세탁할때사용하셔도좋아요!~^^ A starting point to protect the health of your family. Freedom from the fear of chemicals (natural antibiotics presented by nature, antimicrobial coconut kitchen detergent) It is an environmentally friendly kitchen detergent made from 100% natural vegetable oil. You should not be in chemicals for your everyday kitchen utensils. (family guard from chemical fear, start with the kitchen detergent!) You can also use it when washing infant underwear. 2 벌레퇴치연고향초 Mosquito and insect repelling ointment candle 모기, 날파리등벌레퇴치연고향초입니다. 직접피부에바를수있는향초이며. 세포재생의도움을주는식물성오일과벌레퇴치에도움을주는아로마향을이용하여퇴치도하고벌레물린곳에사용하셔도좋은향초입니다. It is an aroma candle that can be applied directly to skin. Using vegetable oil which helps cell regeneration and aroma incense repelling insect, it can be used as mosquito repellent and also is good for the skin bitten by insect. 08 09

3 바를수있는향초 ( 집중력향초 ) Aroma Candle for the skin (candle to boost concentration) 모르셨죠? 향초를피부에바를수있다는거! 직접피부에바를수있는향초이며, 세포재생의도움을주는식물성오일과집중력에도움을주는아로마향을이용하여수험생, 회의실등에사용하면좋은향초입니다. 풋밤, 아토피연고, 바디바로사용하시면좋아요. Did you know that there s a candle for your skin? It is a natural aroma herb candle that can be applied directly to your skin. Containing vegetable oil that helps to regenerate cells with natural aroma to boost concentration, the candle is good to be used for study room, conference room where concentration needed. It is also good to be used for your body as an atopy ointment. < 용량및사용시간 > 90ml- 약 20 시간연소, 120ml- 25 시간연소, 220ml- 45 시간연소 <Volume and burning time> 90ml - 20 hours, 120ml - 25 hours, 220ml - 45 hours 한국화학융합시험연구원위해우려제품안전기준준수테스트인증서 < 유의사항 > 1) 첫연소시표면이녹을때까지태워주셔야터널링현상을예방하며, 오래향을즐길수있습니다. 2) 캔들을켜고주무시지않도록유의해주세요. <Notice> 1) When using the candle first time, to prevent the tunneling phenomenon, Keep the candle burning until the surface fully melts. 2) Be careful not to fall asleep with the candle turned on. 자가검사번호 : F-A09B-H142001-A170 4 바를수있는연옥향초 Soft Jade Candle that can be applied to skin 향초와연고로두마리토끼를잡아라! 사용시미세한연옥파우더가첨가되어있어연옥의효능도동시에보실수있습니다. Catch two bunnies; aroma candle and ointment!~ Using the candle, you can enjoy the efficacy of soft jade same time. < 효능 > 연옥은인체에필요한 40 여종의미네랄이풍부하게들어있는광물로써, 원적외선과음이온이다량발생하여자연치유에도움을줍니다. <Efficacy> Soft Jade is rich in 40 kinds of minerals needed for human body, Soft Jade Candle generates large amount of far-infrared rays and anions and helps natural healing. < 용량및사용시간 > 90ml- 약 20 시간연소, 120ml- 25 시간연소, 220ml- 45 시간연소 <Volume and burning time> 90ml - 20 hours, 120ml - 25 hours, 220ml - 45 hours < 유의사항 > 1) 첫연소시표면이녹을때까지태워주셔야터널링현상을예방하며, 오래향을즐길수있습니다. 2) 캔들을켜고주무시지않도록유의해주세요. <Notice> 1) When using the candle first time, to prevent the tunneling phenomenon, Keep the candle burning until the surface fully melts. 2) Be careful not to fall asleep with the candle turned on. 5 자연을담은소이캔들 Soya candle containing nature 자연의소재인들꽃, 나뭇잎, 허브을이용하여만든향초입니다. 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울사계절의소재에따라제품소재가달라질수있으며, 소이캔들은먹거나, 바를수있는향초는아닙니다. It is an aroma candle using natural wild flowers, leaves and herbs. The ingredients varies by the seasons as we use the natural material available in each spring, summer, autumn and winter. This aroma candle can not be eaten or applied to skin. < 유의사항 > 캔들을켜고주무시지않도록유의해주세요. <Notice> Be careful not to fall asleep with the candle turned on. 10 11

Other products I 기타상품 Homemade snacks I 수제초콜릿 차량용졸음방지디퓨저초코절미 ( 비타민인절미초콜릿 ) 1 Diffuser to prevent drowsiness while driving 1 ChocoZulmi Story 상품출시예정 운전할때졸지마세요. 너무피곤한나머지스르르 ~ 집중을필요로하는공간 시간에걸어두시면발향도솔솔 ~ 인테리어소품으로도굿!~ Don t fall sleep when you are driving. Good for the space that needs concentration. Also good as an interior accessory! 2 석고방향제 Gypsum Fragrance 드라이들꽃, 나뭇잎, 허브를이용한방향제이며, 욕실, 차안, 거실, 수납장, 인테리어소품으로도유용하게사용하실수있습니다. It is a fragrance using dried flowers, leaves and herbs. It is also good as an interior decoration such as in bathroom, living room, storage room, and in the car. 3 천연연옥치약 Natural Soft-jade Toothpaste 국내특허출원번호 10-2017-0022079 ( 접수번호 1-1-2017-0169961-04) Domestic Patent Application No. 10-2017-0022079 (reception number 1-1-2017-0169961-04) 쫄깃쫄깃인절미느낌으로초콜릿이태어났어요. 고소하고부드러운식감을느껴보세요! New type of chocolates are born with pleasant gooey taste. Feel the spicy fragrance and soft texture! 제 18 회강원도관광기념품공모전 - 한국파트 1 등 금상 수상 - 강원도명품인증마크획득제 17 회대한민국관광기념품공모전 장려상 수상 - 한국명품인증마크획득 Awarded Gold Prize for the 18th Gangwon-do Tourist Souvenir Competition -Acquired Gangwon-do Luxury Goods Certification Mark Awarded Encouragement Prize for the 17th Korea Tourism Souvenir Competition -Acquired Korean Luxury Goods Certification Mark < 대표성분 > 원재료명 : 화이트초콜릿 37%, 검은콩가루, 발효액기스, 무염버터, 비타민열매가루, 송화가루 <Representative components> Ingredients: White Chocolate 37%, Black Soy Powder, Fermented Solubles, Unsalted Butter, Vitamin Fruit Powder. Pine Flower Powder 12 13

검은콩홍삼초콜릿 2 Korean Black Soybeans and Red-ginseng Chocolate 3 씨리얼견과류초콜릿 Cereal Nuts Chocolate GMO 가아닌토종검은콩으로선별하여사용하였고면역기능에도움을주는홍삼과초콜릿이만나우리건강을챙길수있는초콜릿을탄생시켰습니다. 콩의고소함과고품질의홍삼액기스의깊은맛이함께어우러진고급초콜릿맛을느낄수있으실겁니다. 다크초콜릿카카오함량은 64% 사용. 수제초콜릿은소비자의건강을위해식품방부제를첨가하지않았습니다. Non-GMO, native Korean black beans met with red ginseng and chocolate. The chocolate is good to improve immune system and helpful to keep health while enjoying chocolate. You will feel the taste of high quality chocolate combined with the spicy fragrance of beans and the deep taste of high quality red ginseng extract. Dark Chocolate: 64% cacao is used. Handmade chocolates do not contain food preservatives for consumer health. < 대표성분 > 원재료명 : 다크초콜릿 64%, 검은콩가루, 발효액기스, 무염버터, 화이트초콜릿 37% <Representative components> Ingredients: Dark Chocolate 64%, Black Soy Powder, Fermented Solubles, Unsalted Butter, White Chocolate 37% 맛도좋고건강도챙길수있는수제초콜릿 ~ 카카오함량의 64% 이며, 식물성오메가 3 가풍부한견과류를이용하여, 성장기아이들에게더욱특별한간식입니다. 카카오에는폴리페놀함량이높아구강내박테리아번식까지막아충치예방에도도움이됩니다, 남녀노소달콤하고고소한맛을함께즐겨보세요. Tasty and Healthy Homemade Chocolate~ It has 64% cacao and contains nuts that are rich in vegetable omega-3, and is especially good for growing children. The high content of polyphenols in cacao prevents bacterial growth in the oral cavity and helps prevent tooth decay. Enjoy the sweet and spicy taste of the Cereal Nuts Chocolate. < 대표성분 > 다크초콜릿 64%, 호두, 아몬드슬라이드, 마카다미아넛, 들깨, 건포도, 건크랜베리, 화이트초콜릿 37%, 현미씨리얼후레이크 <Representative components> Dark Chocolate 64%, Walnut, Sliced Almond, Macadamia Nut, Perilla Seeds, Currants, Dried Cranberries, White Chocolate 37%, Brown Rice Cereal Flake < 유의사항 > 반드시냉동 냉장실에보관하세요.( 유효기간냉동보관시 : 6 개월, 냉장 4 도이하보관시 : 1 개월 ) <Notice> Please keep it in the freezing / refrigerating room (valid period: frozen storage: 6 months, refrigerated less than -4 degrees: 1 month) 아토피로고생하시는분들께특별프로그램 01 02 주방세제 치약 03 비누, 바디바, 샴푸바 04 피부상태에따른맞춤화장품주문제작 14 15