:, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment The discarded from the script. The world that can be seen from the escape

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:, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment The discarded from the script. The world that can be seen from the escape

82 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 83 Cacography Project (, ),,,,,,, 2016 Cacography Project Kim Park Project (GIM Jungi, PARK Youngkyun) Paper, note, book, desk, writing tool, Silk-screen printing on T-shirt, Dimensions variable, 2016 (, ) ( )....,.. 1... Text is a symbol system, created to record vocal languages. Both text and vocal language are valuable for their message delivering qualities, but text conveniently saves and delivers information. For this exhibition, the Kim Park Project engraves and prints several texts from the writings of CHUN Taeil. They record text with various printing techniques that have sharing characteristic. Meeting the poor handwriting that is now rare due to the computer printing era, in the neighborhood will be a pleasant and new experience.

84 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 85 Cacography Project

86 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 87 Cacography Project (, ) & Cacography Project Silk Screen Performance Kim Park Project (GIM Jungi, PARK Youngkyun) & KIM Beomjun

88 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 89 Strange Ik Sun Dong,,, 2016 Strange Ik Sun Dong KWON Dooyoung Interactive video installation, poet printed on paper, Dimensions variable, 2016. (automatism) AUMAGASIN DE NOUVEATES....,.,,..... 2.,.,. (point), (line), (area).,,,., (syntax). (collecting), (writing), (printing) 3.. Space becomes poem. LEE Sang, the most avantgarde poet of the time in Korea, completed his book AU MAGASIN DE NOUVEATES, based on automatism. Automatism is a method where the author writes any inspired thoughts, in order to reveal unconsciousness without any editing. No spaces between words and no coherence among the words can be found, but still, they are deliberately written. This exhibition represents Ikseon district, Jongno-gu, Seoul through a computer algorithm in poetry, which follows LEE Sang s style. Context is made following the ways of wandering point in a structured virtual space, and the poetry lines are written by the information of applied location, by analyzing it live. There are three objects revealed in the creation process: collecting, writing, and printing, which will consist the exhibition. And the live performance that will deliver Ikseon-dong into poetry will be shown. This will offer a chance to mediate everyday experiences in Ikseon-dong and to get inspired poetically. Diplayed by SONY

90 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 91 Strange Ik Sun Dong ( ) 153 6 331 321

92 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 93 Strange Ik Sun Dong

94 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 95 Strange Ik Sun Dong

96 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 97 Strange Ik Sun Dong

98 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 99 Kwangkee Script Print Center,,, 2016 Kwangkee Script Print Center LEE Kwangkee Single channel video, sound, mixed media, Dimensions variable, 2016 ' '.... The Kwangkee Script is a script which uses the Pureosseugi Hangul, replacing the Hangul consonants with alphabets. At first glance, this script resembles Arabic, or appears to be illegible. But it becomes legible when its principle of construction is understood. The Kwangkee Script is a mixture of the benefits of Hangul and the generality of the Alphabet. One can imagine that one day the Kwangkee Script will allow tribes or countries without text to selectively accept a universal text to obtain usable text.

100 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 101 Kwangkee Script Print Center

102 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 103 Kwangkee Script Print Center Diplayed by SONY

104 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 105 Paradise 9,,, 244 122cm, 2016 Paradise LEE Changhoon 9 pieces of campaign song, speaker, wood, 244 122cm, 2016 ' '. B 9.... Paradise spells out the word paradise using braille made up of speakers, while realizing the similarity of form between the circular center parts of the speakers and braille. Each speaker plays the B-side of records and cassette tapes from the past. The music is irregular and simultaneously played, causing it to be closer to noise rather than music. The obscure sound and the unreadable braille semantically resemble the paradise, which exists, but at the same time is not real. By locating the work in Nakwon (paradise) Music Mall, it expands its meaning through the times the building has been present throughout modern history.

106 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 107 Paradise,,, 1983,,, 1981,, 1977,, KBS, 1972,, KBS, 1955,,, 1984,, &, 1984,,, 1983,, 1985

108 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 109 Rainbow From Warned Land,,,, 2016 Rainbow From Warned Land JUNG Seung Warning light cover case, morse code device, mixed media, Dimensions variable, 2016.... JUNG Seung focuses on the connoted symbolism of the warning light. The column-like sculptures built with warning light cover cases lean on the interior walls, with a device that enact Morse code through light and sound inside. The participants decipher the Morse code that the artist puts in beforehand. The message in the Morse code is a long for a utopian world, along, and renews the ordinary lives of the audience along with the context of the warning sign.

110 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 111 Rainbow From Warned Land

112 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 113 Celebrate Your Freedom to Read Celebrate Your Freedom to Read Black MT Books, mixed media, Dimensions variable, 2016,,, 2016..,.,. Books have contributed to the advancement of humanity by recording and spreading knowledge and imagination. However, in certain times, books were prohibited because they were considered as a threat to the order and the system. The artist concentrates to the prohibited books, and their loss of the prohibition effect through time, and the books eventually gaining encouragement. Based on the idea of freedom to read anything, anywhere, and that society must guarantee this idea, the artist uses the constitution clause to induce the audience to think about reading freely and the desire to ban.

114 :, Haengnang: Escaping, Experiment 115 Celebrate Your Freedom to Read [ 1998.2.25.] 21..... 22..,,..?,,.,,,.?,,. 19.,,, 2009,,,, 2013,,,, 2012,,, 2010,,,,, 2012 :,,,,,,, 2016 :,,,, 2014,,,, 2013,,, 1985,,, 1988 8 ;,,, 1977,,, 1980 * 1948 12 10 (UN).