중학도역시 중학 전단원무료강의 영어 2 무료강의제공 메인북워크북미니북

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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,





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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

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Being friends with the face in the mirror





2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

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When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no



PART 01 문장의구성요소와문형의이해 G R A M M A R 단어가모여이루어진것을문장 (sentence) 이라고한다. 의미전달을위해반드시필요한주요성분과문장의주요성분을좀더꾸며주는수식어구가함께어우러져 문장을구성하게된다. 01. 문장의구성요소문장의주요성분 : 주어, 술어

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York :

09 ½ÅÇù3¿ùb63»ÁöÃÖÁ¾FFš

오비맥주가 국내 맥주 브랜드 최초로 개최한 EDM(Electronic Dance Music) 페스티벌 카스 블루 플레이그라운드. 지난 8월 14일 잠실종합운동장에 모인 약 3만여 명의 관객들은 새로워진 카스에 열광했다. 카스의 영 타깃 브랜딩을 새롭게 업그레이드한 카스



23 Lesson 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? [개념강의] 24 Lesson 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? [실전강의 A] 25 Lesson 1. What are you going to do


중학도역시 중학 전단원무료강의 영어 2 무료강의제공 메인북워크북미니북

Grammar 2 1 목적격관계대명사 목적격관계대명사는자신이이끄는관계대명사절안에서목적어역할을한다. This is the cup. I bought it yesterday. This is the cup that I bought yesterday. 이것이내가어제산컵이다. 선행사 선행사목적격관계대명사예문 사람 whom who/that 사물, 동물 which that The people whom who/that I work with are really nice. 나와같이일하는사람들은정말친절하다. Do you remember the note which that Jane gave you? 너는 Jane 이너에게준쪽지를기억하니? Grammar Plus 목적격관계대명사는생략하는경우가많으며, 선행사가사람일때목적격관계대명사 whom 대신 who를쓰기도한다. Ms. Park is the teacher (who) I admire most. 박선생님은내가가장존경하는선생님이다. What is the language (which) people in Peru use? 페루사람들이사용하는언어는무엇이니? 2 관계대명사 what 관계대명사 what 은선행사를포함하는관계대명사로, ~ 하는것 (the thing(s) that) 이란뜻으로쓰인다. what 이이끄는 관계대명사절은명사절로서문장에서주어, 목적어, 보어로사용된다. This is the cup that I bought yesterday. 이것이내가어제산컵이다. 선행사관계대명사절 ( 형용사역할 ) This is what I bought yesterday. 이것이내가어제산것이다. 명사절 ( 보어역할 ) What she lost was his love. ( 주어 ) 그녀가잃은것은그의사랑이었다. I know what you did last summer. ( 목적어 ) 나는네가지난여름에한일을알고있다. Rest is what I need most now. ( 보어 ) 휴식은지금내가가장필요로하는것이다. Grammar Plus 의문사 what vs. 관계대명사 what 의문사 What do you want? ( 무엇 ) 너는무엇을원하니? 관계대명사 He gave me what I wanted. (~ 하는것 ) 그는내가원하는것을주었다. 136 중학뉴런영어 2 Main ook

Grammar Practice 2 정답과해설 34 쪽 < 보기 > 와같이한문장을두문장으로바꿔쓰시오. 보기 The boy whom you are interested in is my cousin. = The boy is my cousin. You are interested in the boy. lawyer 변호사 1 The women whom he s talking with are lawyers. = The women are lawyers. 2 How was the movie that you watched? = You. How? 다음문장에서생략할수있는부분에밑줄을치시오. ( 없는경우는 표하시오.) 1 The bus which I was waiting for didn t come. 2 The people whom I met were very nice. 3 Is this the book that you were looking for? 4 She met a boy who had big eyes. look for ~ 을찾다 C 다음괄호안에서알맞은것을고르시오. 1 He didn t like the food (that / what) I cooked. 2 (What / That) makes me happy is music. 3 My mother told a story (which / what) we couldn t believe. 4 This is (what / that) my brother asked for. C ask for ~ 을요청하다 D 우리말과일치하도록밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐쓰시오. 1여기, 내가어제산초콜릿이야. = Here s the chocolate what I bought yesterday. 2이것이그녀가원했던것아니니? = Isn t this that she wanted? 3그가네게준것을내게보여줘. = Let me see who he gave you. UNIT 11 관계대명사 137

Writing 1 정답과해설 35 쪽 우리말과일치하도록빈칸에알맞은관계대명사를쓰시오. 1 이것은내가너를위해그린그림이다. This is the picture I drew for you. 2 나는콘서트로달려가고있는사람들이보인다. I see the people are running to the concert. 3 부모님이늦게까지일하시는내친구는때때로외로워한다. My friend parents work late sometimes gets lonely. 4 이것들은내가구운쿠키이다. These are the cookies I baked. 5 네가지금필요한것은좋은친구이다. you need now is a good friend. 6 나는미국으로이사간내친구가그립다. I miss my friend moved to merica. 우리말과일치하도록주어진단어들을바르게배열하여문장을완성하시오. 1 나는내가직접만든원피스를판다. (make, that, I, myself ) I sell dresses. 2 내옆에앉아있는소녀는내여동생이다. (is, next, me, who, sitting, to) The girl is my sister. 3 빈센트반고흐에의해그려진그그림은아주귀중하다. (was, by, Vincent van Gogh, which, painted) The picture is priceless. 4 그남자는유명한디자이너가만든모자를쓰고있다. (made, a, famous, that, designer) The man is wearing a hat. 5 내가필요한것은휴식할시간이다. (need, I, what) is time to relax. 6 생일이오늘인소녀가누구니? (today, whose, is, birthday) Who is the girl? 138 중학뉴런영어 2 Main ook

Writing 2 정답과해설 35 쪽 < 보기 > 와같이관계대명사를이용하여영화광고문을완성하시오. People want to see this movie. 1 Its director is John Davis. 2 Michael Holly starred in this movie. 3 People can enjoy fantastic special effects in this movie. 보기 Skyline is a movie which people want to see. 1 Skyline is a movie. 2 Skyline is a movie. 3 Skyline is a movie. 어느날실종된배우 Tom 의용의자에대한경찰의다음과같은메모내용을보고, < 보기 > 와같이관계대명사를 이용한문장을쓰시오. George aker, movie director, He had an argument with Tom. 보기 George aker is the movie director who that had an argument with Tom. Felix Goldman, reporter, He knew Tom at school. 1 ill Wang, farmer, Tom bought his land. 2 Sonia Carter, house guest, Her fingerprints were on the door handle. 3 UNIT 11 관계대명사 139

Reading 정답과해설 36 쪽 Have you ever wondered why women in famous paintings look like men? study of the women in the paintings of the Sistine Chapel by the great artist Michelangelo found many features are unique to the male body. ll the women in the paintings have well-developed muscles. They also have long thighs are typical of the male body. Maybe it was difficult to find female models during the Renaissance. So, Michelangelo could have drawn male models first and painted women s clothing on top of them. 1 미켈란젤로의여성그림에서찾아볼수있는남성신체의특징은무엇인가? 1 small face 2 thick neck 3 hairy chest 4 long thighs 5 broad shoulders 2 윗글의빈칸에공통으로들어갈알맞은말을쓰시오. Words and Phrases wonder 궁금해하다 look like ~ 처럼보이다 chapel 예배당 feature 특색, 특징 unique 독특한, 독자적인 male 남성의 well-developed 잘발달된 muscle 근육 thigh 허벅지 typical 전형적인, 대표적인 female 여성의 Renaissance 르네상스 thick 굵은 hairy 털이많은 chest 가슴 broad 폭이넓은 140 중학뉴런영어 2 Main ook

Reading 정답과해설 36 쪽 In North merica and Europe, most women want to be slim. ( 1 ) In those places, a slim woman is considered a beautiful and healthy woman. ( 2 ) To help girls and women look healthy and beautiful, people in Central frica send them to a fattening room. ( 3 ) The fattening room is usually near the family s house. In the fattening room, a girl lives, sleeps, and eats food that helps her get fat. ( 4 ) The only visitors are women who teach her how to sit, walk and talk. ( 5 ) They also give her advice about cleaning, sewing and cooking. 1 윗글에서다음문장이들어갈위치로알맞은곳은? ut, in many parts of frica, a fat woman is considered beautiful and healthy. 1 2 3 4 5 2 윗글의밑줄친 that과쓰임이같은것은? 1 Look at that car. 2 That s what I want to buy. 3 I think that you re wrong. 4 I know a cafe that has good coffee. 5 Do you remember that he works at the theater? Words and Phrases slim 날씬한 be considered ~ 로여겨지다 healthy 건강한 central 중앙의 fattening 살을찌우는 usually 보통, 대개 near ~ 의가까이에 visitor 방문객 advice 충고 sewing 바느질 UNIT 11 관계대명사 141

Vocabulary 1 부사를만드는 -ly sad 슬픈 나에게슬픈날 : a day for me sadly 슬프게 슬프게울다 : cry serious 심각한, 진지한 심각한부상 : injury seriously ( 나쁘거나위험한정도가 ) 심하게, 진지하게 심하게다치다 : be hurt terrible 끔찍한, 형편없는 terribly 대단히, 지독히 끔찍한꿈 : a dream 정말미안해요.: I m sorry. regular 규칙적인 regularly 규칙적으로 규칙적인박동 : a beat 규칙적으로운동하다 : work out poor 가난한, 좋지못한 poorly 형편없이 좋지못한대답 : a answer 형편없이디자인된 : designed rapid 빠른 rapidly 빠르게 급속한변화 : a change 빠르게성장하다 : grow usual 보통의, 흔한 usually 보통, 대개 늘하던방식으로 : in the way 보통차로가다 : go by car clear 맑은, 분명한 clearly 분명히, 또렷하게 맑은하늘 : a sky 명확하게말하다 : speak common 흔한, 공통의 commonly 흔히, 보통 흔한이름 : a name 흔히발생하다 : happen equal 동일한 equally 동일하게 균등한기회 : an opportunity 동등하게대우하다 : treat 142 중학뉴런영어 2 Main ook

exact 정확한 exactly 정확히 정확한위치 : an location 정확히 12 시에 : at 12 o clock safe 안전한 safely 안전하게 안전한피난처 : a shelter 안전하게운전하다 : drive wide 넓은 widely 폭넓게, 널리 넓은지역 : a area 널리사용되다 : be used rare 드문, 희귀한 희귀한동물 : a animal rarely 드물게, 좀처럼 ~ 하지않는거의왕래하지않다 : come and go heavy 무거운, ( 정도가 ) 심한 폭설 snow heavily ( 양 정도가 ) 심하게, 아주많이 비가아주많이내리다 : rain Voca Checkup 다음영어는우리말로, 우리말은영어로쓰시오. 1 sadly 2 poorly 3 usually 4 equally 5 widely 6 대단히, 지독히 7 빠르게 8 분명히, 또렷하게 9 안전하게 10 심하게, 아주많이 다음빈칸에알맞은말을넣어어구를완성하시오. 1 ill ( 심하게아픈 ) 2 attend the meeting ( 그회의에규칙적으로참가하다 ) 3 known as street basketball ( 흔히길거리농구로알려진 ) 4 a year ago ( 정확히일년전에 ) 5 a - performed play ( 거의공연되지않은연극 ) 정답 1 슬프게 2 형편없이 3 보통, 대개 4 동일하게 5 폭넓게, 널리 6 terribly 7 rapidly 8 clearly 9 safely 10 heavily 1 seriously 2 regularly 3 commonly 4 exactly 5 rarely UNIT 11 관계대명사 143